
Geological evolution of the southeastern margin, Republic of

IAN DAVISON Department of Geology, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey, United Kingdom TW20 OEX MOHAMED AL-KADASI Department of Geology, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey, United Kingdom TW20 OEX, and Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Sana'a University, P.O. Box 1247, Republic of Yemen SALAH AL-KHIRBASH Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Sana'a University, P.O. Box 1247, Republic of Yemen ABDUL K. AL-SUBBARY Department of Geology, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey, United Kingdom TW20 OEX, and Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Sana'a University, P.O. Box 1247, Republic of Yemen JOEL BAKER \ SUZANNE BLAKEY I DAN BOSENCE I department of Geology, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey, United Kingdom TW20 OEX CHRIS DART J RICHARD HEATON Cairn Energy, Caim House, 61 Dublin Street, Edinburgh, United Kingdom EH3 6NL MARTIKEN McCLAN MENZIEY S GARY NICHOLS 1 Department of Geology, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey, United Kingdom TW20 OEX LEWIS OWEN ANDREW YELLAND

ABSTRACT tension has taken place across a 75-km-wide and is estimated to have 5-6-m.y.-old ocean zone (P = 1.7) in 6-8 m.y. crust along its axis (see, for example, Izzel- The tectonic evolution of the southeast- The relative timing of volcanism followed din, 1987; Sultan and others, 1992; Fig. 1). ern margin of the Red Sea Rift in western by extension and uplift does not fit conven- Many different models of passive (McGuire Yemen has been investigated using a multi- tional models of passive or active rifting. We and Bohannon, 1989), active (White and disciplinary field study of an east-west suggest that the proto-Red Sea Rift was McKenzie, 1989), pull-apart (Makris and transect between A1 Hudaydah and Sana'a. caused by regional plate stresses that ex- Rihm, 1991), and asymmetric rifting (Dixon Slow subsidence of up to 1 km occurred over ploited lithospheric weakening caused by and others, 1989), as well as low-angle de- the area during a 100 m.y. period before rift- the Afar plume. Appreciable doming only tachments (Voggenreiter and others, 1988), ing. There was a major episode of flood vol- occurred after the main episode of volcan- have been suggested for this region. canism between ca. 30 and 20 Ma, and im- ism, which suggests that magmas extruded With the exception of Menzies and others portant extensional faulting began after the before maximum thermal expansion of the (1991,1992) and Huchon and others (1992), eruption of the volcanic rocks and ceased lithosphere took place. most previous work has focused on either before middle to late Miocene sediments the western side of the Red Sea or the east- and volcanic rocks were deposited uncon- INTRODUCTION ern side in Saudi Arabia. Little systematic formably on top of rotated fault blocks on integrated geologic work had been carried the coastal Tihama Plain. Surface uplift has Usually older continental margins cannot out in northern and western Yemen, except produced the Yemen highlands, whose high- provide clear evidence of the early stages of for reconnaissance maps based on remote est peak reaches an elevation of 3660 m. rifting, because they are either uplifted and sensing images (Grolier and Overstreet, This is attributed to plume heating and completely eroded to basement or are bur- 1978; Kruck, 1983; Kruck and others, 1984; eruption of >3000 m of volcanic rocks. Apa- ied beneath large thicknesses of postrift sed- Ministry of Oil and Mineral Resources, tite fission-track ages indicate early to mid- iments. This paper summarizes the results of 1992). Many papers have focused on the dle Miocene exhumational cooling ages, a study of an east-west transect of the south- magmatism of the Yemen highlands (for ex- postdating the major volcanic phase and eastern margin of the Red Sea, which pro- ample, Moseley, 1969; Civetta and others, contemporaneous with rifting. vides a rare opportunity to study extensive, 1978,1980; Chiesa and others, 1983a, 1983b; Volcanism was accompanied by emplace- well-preserved, onshore exposures of the Capaldi and others, 1987; Manetti and oth- ment of subvertical swarms, which gen- early stages of rifting. Emphasis is placed on ers, 1991; Mohr, 1991; Chazot and others, erally strike north-northwest to northwest, the nature and relative timing of crustal ex- 1991; and Chazot and Bertrand, 1993), but broadly parallel to the Red Sea coastline. tension, magmatism, sedimentary deposi- there is a need to integrate these studies Major faults indicate northeast-southwest- tion, uplift, and erosion, and we assess the more fully with the tectonic and sedimentary directed extension. Large granitic sheets applicability of current rifting models. history. Theoretical considerations indicate and plutons (up to 25 km wide) intruded the The Red Sea area is a nascent oceanic that large flood volcanic provinces, like the volcanic rocks. Approximately 30 km of ex- basin, which began rifting in late Oligocene Afar-Yemen region, may be explained by

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 106, p. 1474-1493, 16 figs., November 1994.


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Pliocene - Recent Cenozoic volcanic Mesozoic sedimentary Archean Basement • rocks rocks ' reworked in Late • Proterozoic Tertiary Pre-rift Late Proterozoic Major faults / Tertiary granite sedimentary Basement structural trends rocks Figure 1. Geologic map of western Yemen showing main rock types and structures. Adapted from Ministry of Oil and Mineral Resources (1992) and our own data.

the action of mantle plumes (White and The spectacular landscape of the transect bia, is the most striking topographic fea- McKenzie, 1989), but this model has still not is divided into several regions on the basis ture of the Red Sea margin, rising abruptly been rigorously tested against geologic field of topography and structure (Fig. 3). (1) from an altitude of -200 m to >1000 m evidence in Yemen. The Tihama Plain, which is a 40-km-wide above sea level. (3) The northwestern Western Yemen is still seismically active, coastal plain trending north-south, rises Yemen highlands, which form a broad pla- and historic volcanic eruptions have been gently from the Red Sea shores to an teau, reach an altitude of 3660 m at Jabal recorded (McDonald, 1972; Pflaker and altitude of ~200 m in the east, where it Nabi Shuyab (Fig. 4), the highest point on others, 1987; Ambraseys and Melville, 1983; is bounded by the Great Escarpment the Arabian Peninsula. The highest areas Fig. 2). It has undergone late Miocene to (Fig. 3). (2) The Great Escarpment, which correlate closely with the present outcrop of Holocene uplift in an arid climate, which has trends north-northwest-south-southeast the Tertiary volcanic rocks on unextended produced up to 3.6 km of vertical surface and can be traced from southern Yemen crust (Fig. 2), which suggests that the high relief (Fig. 3). northward for >1000 km into Saudi Ara- ground is related to the piling up of thick

Geological Society of America Bulletin, November 1994 1475

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Figure 2. Topographic map of Yemen showing that the highest elevations (>2000 m) closely correlate with main flood basalt field. Peaks reach up to 3660 m. Data from topographic maps at 1:250 000 published by the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence in 1986. Hot spring locations from El Shatoury and others (1979) and earthquake epicenters from Ambraseys and Melville (1983).

volcanic flows coupled with enhanced heat drains into the Red Sea. The maximum the central area of the transect have an av- flow. The Sana'a Basin has an ephemeral thickness of Quaternary clastic sediments erage elevation of —1500 m. This area is centripetal drainage pattern that is centered and volcanic ash that accumulated within dominated by rotational fault blocks expos- on Sana'a at an altitude of 2200 m, with an this depression is only —80 m. Several kilo- ing the prerift Mesozoic sedimentary and vol- outlet into a major wadi system in the south- meters to the west of the unextended vol- canic rocks. Some of the extended areas are west part of the basin, which eventually canic plateau, deeply dissected mountains of internally drained, the deepest part of these

1476 Geological Society of America Bulletin, November 1994

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i) Granitic mountains ii) Central rotated fault iii) Eastern high mountain plateau blocks terrain Alluvial fans forming - Bajada - Dendritic - -Trellis Drainage • —Dendritic >•< Centripetal Drainage Superposed Drainage Drainage Jabal Nabi Antecedent Drainage > Height/m Shuyab 3660m

Figure 3. Schematic section from Sana'a to A1 Salif showing main geomorphological regions and drainage types constituting the landscape of northwestern Yemen.

basins corresponding with the greatest down- granite intruded by Precambrian granite and coarse-grained quartz sandstone with thin throw on the faulted blocks. Mesozoic mafic and felsic dikes. The main (decimeter) quartz clast conglomerate. The The absence of sedimentary rocks within basement structures trend approximately Kohlan Sandstone may be interpreted as a most of the major valleys and the thin rego- north-south to northeast-southwest in the transgressive unit consisting of a lower con- lith cover suggests that denudation rates are northern part of the transect area and do not tinental clastic sequence passing through to probably low and that relatively little sedi- appear to influence the orientation of the shallow marine sandstone, and eventually to ment is stored within the transect area, be- north-northwest-south-southeast-trending marine limestones of the Amran Group. cause it is rapidly transported to the Tihama Red Sea margin (Fig. 1). Carpentier and Lamare (quoted in El- Plain. Such styles of sedimentation support Nakhal, 1987) recorded plant fossils of Li- the view that little syn-Red Sea Rift sedi- Akbra Shale assic age from the Kohlan Sandstone of mentation took place within the mountains Wadi La'ah. during the whole extensional history of this This unit is present throughout the margin. The absence of postrift sedimentary transect area except in the Jabal A1 Dhamir Amran Group fill in the highlands allows direct observation area. It unconformably overlies the base- of the rift floor structure. ment, and the equivalent strata in Saudi This group is composed of massive ma- Arabia have been dated as Permian using rine limestone and thin shale interbeds STRATIGRAPHY OF NORTHWESTERN pollen (Kruck and Thiele, 1983). The unit (Fig. 7). Limestone consists of dark skeletal YEMEN reaches up to 130 m thick, but the average micrite with skeletal wackestone and pack- thickness is —40-80 m. The main rocks are stone. The skeletal allochems, together with Strata exposed in Yemen span the Ar- light gray siltstone and laminated dark gray muddy textures, indicate a shelf environ- chean to the Cenozoic (Fig. 5). These rocks shale, and we interpret them to be fluvio- ment of moderate depth during deposition are described below with reference to lith- glacial in origin (Fig. 6A). of the Amran Group. Ismail (1993) and El- ologic logs compiled at representative Anbaawy (1984) determined a Bajocian to points along the transect. The whole strati- Kohlan Sandstone Kimmeridgian age for the Amran in north- graphic succession is described in detail, be- ern Yemen, whereas Al-Thour (1992) re- cause it provides an important record of the This unit was studied in the transect area ported late Callovian to Tithonian forami- tectonic setting and events leading up to in Wadi La'ah north of A1 Mahwit (Fig. 4), nifera. Major vertical or areal variations Red Sea rifting. where 150 m of medium-grained sandstone were not recognized in the Amran Group in and siltstone, interbedded with dark purple the 100-km-long east-west transect. Precambrian Basement and gray shale, lies directly on granitic rocks The Amran Group records a consistent of the basement (Fig. 6B). Toward the top of water depth during deposition of the whole Basement rocks are generally believed to the section, the sandstones show evidence of sequence, implying the subsidence rate be Late Proterozoic in age, although older bipolar cross-bedding, probably indicating a more or less equaled the sediment accumu- Late Archean ages have recently been ob- tidal influence close to the main contact with lation rate (8 m/m.y.) for some 50 m.y. The tained from gneisses south of the transect, the limestone of the overlying Amran transect area became emergent following a east of Rada (Fig. 1, Whitehouse and others, Group (Fig. 6B). relative sea-level fall, leading to vadose dis- 1994). Rock types include metasedimentary Farther west in Wadi Siham, the lowest solution and cementation before the depo- schist, amphibolite, migmatite, gneiss, and units of the Kohlan are cross-bedded, very sition of the Tawilah Group.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, November 1994 1477

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Figure 4. Simplified geologic map of the transect area, indicating major structures and rock types. The two areas mapped in Fig- ures 12 and 13 are shown, and the locality of the seismic line used in Figure 11 is marked. Ak, location of Akbra log in Figure 6A; Kh, location of Kohlan log in Figure 6B; Am, position of Amran log in Figure 7; Ta, position of Tawilah log in Figure 8. Based partly on Kruck and others (1984).

Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/gsabulletin/article-pdf/106/11/1474/3382029/i0016-7606-106-11-1474.pdf by guest on 28 September 2021 LITHOLOGICAL AGE /Ma PERIOD LITHO- LITHOL OGY THICK ENVIRONMENT TECTONIC EVENTS STRAT DESCRIPTION (m) o- VvV®5; Carbonate/clastic rocks Volcanic j k A "pliocene ~ 1000 Baid Alkali basalt, Plateau Magmatism /iL L L salt, organic 10- Formation Subsiding rich shale and Miocene ."•LjL^ 4000 Sabkha Extension t silst.one. 1 Jv 20- v v Yemen Alkali basalt,rhyolite, Volcanic £< Volcanic ' 1 Oligocene v ignimbrite, tuff <2000 Plateau 30- Group and A-type granite Shallow lakes Magmatism fc Oiachronous 40- conformable contact. Ferricrete Eocene concentrated at top 50- i k

— — — 60- Paleocene Buff-colored, medium 70- to very coarse- Slowly grained, trough cross- subsiding bedded sandstone fluvial plain 80- (quartz arenite). Upper Tawilah 200- & shelf below Conglomerate and sea level Group ;.*.;.'•; very few fine sandstone 400 90- to and siltstone with nodular iron. 100- UJ o fi UJ 110- OC Ü 120- Lower


140- Disconformity with <{•: .<> :•: .i?V. karst. Sandstone Slow sag 150- and Limestone basin 1 1 , Lst. fossiliferous Tithonian - Slowly A mran 1 1 1 Dolomite and shale 300- subsiding 160- Group inter-beds dark gray Callovìan. 1 1 500 shelf below skeletal micrita, sea level O 1 1 1 skeletalwackestone 170- 55 ^^^ and packstone. C

200- wwv 210-

220- TRIASSIC 230-

240" Shale, dark-gray green Glaciogenic 250- Akbra <130 Shale Siltstone, diamictite Shallow water f shale. 260- PERMIAN 270- X 280-

BREAK W TIM ESCALE Archean gneiss terrains Multiple LATE >570 Ma PROTERO- Granitoid,Migmatite, and late ZOIC Schist, Amphibolite Proterozoic ARCHAEAN $ island arcs and ophiolites

Figure 5. Lithostratigraphy and tectonic events along northwestern Yemen transect.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, November 1994 1479

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DIAMICTITE, blocky, green sSi.ltstorie matrix with granitic boulders up to 50 cm diameter Glacial (possibly Dmm with edge rounded, striated and polished surfaces sub-glacial Sm Meter-sized lenses of coarse sand are present or englacial meltout Dmm till)

SHALE - dark gray, planar cm scale bedding with carbonate Fid rich SILTSTONE with cm sized ripple cross laminations

40- Prominent slumped shale horizon.

SHALE, fine-grained parallel-planar laminated rhythmite, dark gray Fid DROPSTONE of small edge-rounded pebbles of granite and coarse sandstone

Starved ripples of fine sandstone Proximal Glaciomarine/ 20- glacio-lacustrine SHALE with coarse SANDSTONE layers containing mm-cm size rip-up clasts Sub-glacial Fl+s GLACIAL STRIATED SURFACE Deformed till SILTSTONE - light-gray green blocky matrix with edge-rounded with syn- Dmms 10- bullet-shaped granitic boulders up to 1 m diameter sedimentary shears Fl SHALE - dark gray Fl SILTSTONE - light gray-green with basement pebbles Subaqueous SHALE - dark gray-green shale, blocky glaciomarine or s.'J CONGLOMERATE with basement pebbles glaciolacustrine Precambrian basement

Figure 6. (A) Lithologie log of Akbra Shale at lat. 15°44'26"N, long. 43°39'41"E. Location marked on Figure 4. (B) Lithologie log of the Kohlan Sandstone from Wadi La'ah 5 km north of A1 Mahwit. Location marked on Figure 4.

Tawilah Group and siltstone make up <20% of the se- marine sediments recorded in southern quence, and shale is uncommon (Fig. 8). A Yemen (Al-Subbary, 1990; Beydoun, 1964). The overlying Tawilah Group is a silici- prominent purple ferruginous sandstone ho- The bulk of the Tawilah Group is inter- clastic-dominated sequence that crops out rizon up to 10 m thick is present in the Shi- preted as a sequence of braided, fluvial- over a large area of northern and central bam area (Shibam Member; El-Anbaawy, channel deposits interbedded in its upper Yemen. Age determinations range from 1985) and can be laterally correlated >100 sections with ferruginous paleosol (ferri- Late Cretaceous to Eocene (Al-Subbary, km along the study transect. The upper crete) horizons (Al-Subbary, 1990; Al- 1990; Al-Subbary and others, 1994). The Medj-Zir Formation contains shallow ma- Subbary and Nichols, 1991; Menzies and group is —400 m thick in the eastern part of rine sandstone with agglutinated marine others, 1992). the transect between Tawilah and Sana'a foraminifera in the lower part, with some Major angular unconformities were not (Fig. 4) but thins westward of Tawilah to nodular beds (Fig. 8; Al-Subbary, 1990). observed within the Tawilah Group despite —150-200 m in the Jabal A1 Dhamir area. Distinct multicolored horizons indicate that its estimated 100 m.y. duration (latest Ju- The group has been divided into two forma- pedogenic processes were responsible for rassic to Eocene). Subsidence was very slow, tions (Fig. 8). The lower Ghiras Formation important hematite concentrations. Conti- but probably sporadic, as suggested by the consists of medium- to very coarse-grained, nental fluvial sandstone and paleosols dom- long periods of nondeposition represented trough cross-bedded sandstone that occurs inate in the uppermost part of the Medj-Zir by the very mature paleosol and ferricrete in decimeter- to meter-thick beds, amalga- Formation, with the latter clearly represent- deposits. mated into units tens of meters thick ing periods of nondeposition and soil devel- The Lahima Member is a distinct unit at (Fig. 8). They are generally mature quartz opment in a semiarid environment. the top of the Tawilah Group in Wadi La- arenites. Conglomerate beds of well- Paleocurrent data, collected from fluvial hima, south of A1 Mahwit (Fig. 9). It consists rounded vein quartz and quartzite clasts are channel deposits in the transect area and of calcareous siltstone with concretions, in- common, mainly at the base of sandstone south of it, suggest flow to the northeast and tercalated with micrite containing gastro- units that reach up to several meters in east-northeast (Fig. 8), consistent with the pods and bivalves; it is interpreted as depos- thickness. Thinner beds of fine sandstone observed eastward facies change to more its of a low-relief continental environment

1480 Geological Society of America Bulletin, November 1994

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lenses are within the volcanic pile and are DEPOSITIONAL HEIGHT LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION composed of calcareous sandstone, mud- ENVIRONMENT CLAY SILT SAND stone, and reworked mafic and silicic vol- j—^