PLANNING COMMITTEE 23rd October 2008

Reference: Site: 08/00902/TTG Shell Haven The Manorway Corringham REM Proposal: Date Provision of internal highways and drainage infrastructure works with Received: associated landscaping to support the first phase of development. 08.09.2008 Plan Number Local Planning Authority Received Ward: Stanford Le Hope West Applicant: D P World and Shell UK Ltd


The application is to be determined by the Development Corporation (TTGDC). The purpose of this report is to provide a recommendation for a consultation response on the application to the TTGDC.

The Thurrock Thames Gateway Development Corporation (Planning Functions) Order 2005 gives the role of the local planning authority to TTGDC in relation to certain kinds of development. The application falls to the TTGDC to determine because the development proposed by these reserved matters relates to Part 3 Section (b) development which comprises or includes the provision of 2500 or more square metres of floorspace for a use falling within (v) Class B1 (Business); (vii) Class B2 (general industrial) and (viii) Class B8 (storage and distribution) and part 3 Section (d) development which occupies 1 hectare or more of land; and Part 3 Section (e) development which comprises or includes the provision of building which are more than 15 metres in height.

The nature of the application is fully encompassed within the description.

Relevant History

02/00084/OUT: Outline planning permission for the redevelopment of the former Shell Haven oil refinery and associated refinery expansion land to provide a major road and rail linked logistics and commercial centre. Approved by the Secretary of State 30 May 2007.


Application for a Harbour Empowerment Order under the Harbours Act 1964 for a new port to accommodate traffic freight, general cargo, aggregates and bulk liquids adjacent to the planning application site. Secretary of State for Transport letter 30 May 2007 advising of his decision to make the Order. Order made 2 May 2008 and came into force 16 May 2008.

Application for an Order under Section 1 of the Transport and Works Act 1992 in respect of the construction and operation of various railways and other works on land adjacent to the former Shell Haven Oil Refinery Site. Accompanied by request for deemed planning permission for the works provided for in the Order. Secretary 1 RECOMMENDED CONSULTATION RESPONSE

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of State for Transport letter 30 May 2007 advising of his decision to make the Order. Order made 7 September 2007 and came into force 28 September 2007.

08/00684/TTGCND: Removal of condition 68 imposed on outline permission reference 02/00084/OUT for redevelopment of the former Shell Haven oil refinery and associated refinery expansion land to provide a major road and rail linked logistics and commercial centre. The condition requires submission of control of pollution notices under section 61 as part of every reserved matters application. Variation of condition 69 to require the construction management strategy to include provision for the management of noise. Approved by the TTGDC.


Environment Agency – To be reported

Highways Agency – To be reported

Southern Gas Networks Ltd (Transco) – To be reported

EDF Energy – To be reported

Strategic Planning and Transportation – To be reported.

Strategic Environmental Trees and Lands – To be reported.

Essex County Council Archaeological Section – To be reported.

Neighbours and Site Notice The application has been advertised by ways of site and newspaper notices. The consultation period has yet to elapse. No responses have been received at present. Members are advised to view the ‘letters book’ for any responses received.


Background The Outline Planning Application (02/00084/OUT) considered means of access in detail; siting, design, external appearance and landscaping were all to be dealt with as reserved matters. The exact wording of condition 1 is:

No part of the development hereby permitted shall be commenced until details of siting, design, external appearance of the proposed buildings, and landscaping (herein called the Reserved Matters) in respect of that part of the development have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, and the development shall not be carried out otherwise than in complete accordance with the details so approved. Application for the approval of the reserved matters for the first stage of development shall be made to the Local Planning Authority before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. 2 RECOMMENDED CONSULTATION RESPONSE

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The Outline application was accompanied by an illustrative masterplan which has been further developed since this time although the principles approved within the outline permission have been maintained throughout.

The site is on the northern bank of the and is generally flat, lying between the settlements of Stanford-le-Hope and Corringham to the west and north west and the Petrolplus refinery to the east.

The developers anticipate that the approved development will be phased to roll out over an 8 to 12 year period. Although the exact layout of the development is not known at present this proposal is the first stage in establishing the basic infrastructure within the site which will facilitate further development proposals. The works proposed provide a framework to support the subsequent development of individual plots. Further reserved matters applications will be made in the future to facilitate development on a plot by plot basis. The initial phases of the development are proposed to be located within the western central area of the approved site with subsequent phases expanding to the south and east.

The works comprise internal access roads and roundabouts, an alternative emergency access, associated re-grading and landscaping of the site, installation of lighting and drainage, which includes a surface water pumping station.

Layout The primary access road includes a large distribution roundabout at its centre and smaller roundabout to the north of the site which links to the temporary access road.

The primary access road runs east to west with secondary and tertiary roads running north and south from this road. Each type of road; primary, secondary and tertiary would make provision for a cycle/footway to one side and a verge of the opposite side. The roadways and area of hardsurfacing would be provided with Sustainable Drainage Systems whilst drainage systems for individual plots would follow on subsequent applications.

The interlinked swales for the drainage system would run alongside the primary infrastructure corridors. The proposed drainage channels and ponds will be designed to contain water at all times in order to support aquatic wildlife and vegetation.

These swales will be linked to a single storey pumping station (the only building proposed as part of this application) facilitating the discharge of surface water into the Thames. The pumping station is located within ‘Tongue’ land to the west of the development. Development within this area is limited by condition 4 of the outline application however it allows for the provision or diversion of services and therefore the pumping station is permitted in this area.


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This pumping station (and another which will be provided to the east) would discharge surface water into the Thames. Each station would have the capacity to pump out more water than the maximum for the whole site; therefore, if one fails there will be no problems of inundation. Additionally the pumps would be designed to pump against tide pressures.

The application does not include any foul drainage works or discharge.

Access This part of the development would use the temporary access road known as ‘Gate 2’ which accesses the Manorway. It is proposed that this temporary access arrangement will cease once the primary access route is achieved via the new access road and the gate would be removed.

An alternative emergency access is proposed to the south of the existing Shell Bitumen Part and the ‘Gate 1’ entrance is proposed to be used for emergency vehicles. This entrance serves the Shell Bitumen Plant, however the operation of the Shell plant would not be affected by the proposed development.

The details of the temporary emergency access were dealt with by condition 45 of the outline application and were submitted to the Local Planning Authority and approved on 7 May 2008.

Landscaping The primary roads within the site would be identified by avenue trees with highlighted planting at junctions and entrances. Secondary routes would be planted with a different character to identify the sense of place within the site. Roundabouts would also be planted to create distinctive landmarks.

Soft planting would comprise tree planting, native and ornamental species shrub and hedge planting. The tree stock would range in size from young trees to semi mature size and would include a range of species. Prior to planting an ecological assessment would be made of the soil to ensure the correct planting scheme.

Planting would take place in linear belts parallel to the road infrastructure or in specific areas such as roundabouts or plot entrances. In the long term it is anticipated that a tree canopy should establish throughout the park. Along the central reservations trees and other planting would take place to create a sense of rhythm and divide the extensive lengths of road corridor.

Roundabouts would be planted and each would have a different theme represented by different types of planting. Colour themes would be carried between roundabouts and the central reservations to assist with visitor orientation.

The drainage swales alongside the road would contain planting including wild flora and aquatic species.


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A management strategy would be produced for the whole site for the ongoing upkeep of the landscape. The Strategy would respond to natural and manmade changes to the park environment.

Other Matter Condition 25 requires details of the site levels and associated land raised to be submitted within reserved matters application. The ground levels fall throughout the park from north to south with an additional fall from the central spine to both the east and west. This effectively splits the site in 2 to allow for approximately equal catchment areas, each draining to one pumping station.

Condition 74 of the outline permission also requires detailed Ecological Mitigation and Management Plans to be submitted with each Reserved Matters application.

Comments At present, without the consultation responses it is not possible to provide any substantive analysis of the application. However, insofar as the application is reserved matters application which relates to an already approved application there is no in principle objection to any of the works.

An Environmental Impact Assessment was supplied with the original approved application and the Thurrock Thames Gateway Development Corporation indicate that they are satisfied that this is acceptable in relation to this reserved matters application.

A Transport Assessment was also submitted as part of the outline application.

The only building proposed as part of this application is the pumping station to the west of the site. This building would be 10m in height, however it would be partly screened by landscaping. Furthermore, once the site has been completely developed the pumping station would be read against a background of much larger development. Even on its own, it is not considered that this element of the proposal would warrant refusal in its own right.


There are a number of outstanding consultation responses. A detailed recommendation will, therefore, be made in a supplemental report.

Background Documents.

File number C206 available from Development Control, , Civic Offices, New Road, Grays, , RM17 6SL