Pigments, Microbial Laurent Dufossé, University of Reunion Island, Indian Ocean, France
☆ Pigments, Microbial Laurent Dufossé, University of Reunion Island, Indian Ocean, France Abbreviations GMP Good manufacturing practices ACNFP Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and GRAS Generally recognized as safe Processes HDL High-density lipoprotein ADI Acceptable daily intake JECFA Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food CWD Cold water dispersible Additives DDGS Distiller’s dry grains with solubles LDL Low-density lipoprotein DXP Deoxyxylulose phosphate OTC Over-the-counter EFSA European Food Safety Authority SCF Scientific Committee on Food Glossary Color The sensation resulting from stimulation of the Astaxanthin A reddish carotenoid pigment found in retina of the eye by light waves of certain lengths. salmon, crustacean shells, and bird feathers (e.g., pink Melanins High molecular weight polymeric indole flamingos). quinine pigments having brown or black colors. Bacteriochlorophyll A form of chlorophyll present in Phenazines Compounds based on the tricyclic phenazine photosynthetic bacteria. ring system, some of which are colored, and are secreted by Carotenoids A group of yellow, orange, or red polyene some species of bacteria. pigments produced in plants and certain microorganisms. Pigment Any coloring matter in microbial, plant, or Divided into carotenes (hydrocarbons) and xanthophylls animal cells. (oxygenated carotenes). Defining Statement Microorganisms have been used for a long time for production of molecules as diverse as antibiotics, enzymes, vitamins, texturizing agents, and so on. In nature, pigmented bacteria, yeasts, or fungi are quite common, and the main functions of pigments in these living organisms are related to light. The industry is now able to produce some microbial pigments for applications in food, cosmetics, or textile. Introduction Nature is rich in colors (minerals, plants, microalgae, etc.), and pigment-producing microorganisms (fungi, yeasts, and bacteria) are quite common (Fig.
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