E966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 3, 2018 RECOGNIZING THE 2018 PRINCE wrongs despite negative public scrutiny or are making invaluable contributions to our WILLIAM CHAMBER OF COM- damage to their reputations or even their liveli- Northern Virginia community. Founded in MERCE INVESTIGATIVE MERIT hoods. I stand with all who promote safe envi- 1927, Northern Virginia Family Service (NVFS) AWARD RECIPIENTS ronments free of discrimination, harassment, has provided assistance to tens of thousands or fear. I ask my colleagues to join me in rec- of individuals who otherwise might have HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY ognizing the 2018 Prince William Chamber of without the most basic of needs. NVFS does Commerce Investigative Merit Award recipi- this through a variety of services, including OF VIRGINIA ents of the Criminal Investigative Division of homelessness prevention & housing, early IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Marine Corps Installations National Capital childhood development, health & nutrition, Tuesday, July 3, 2018 Region located at Marine Corps Base mental health, foster care, and youth initiatives Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to com- Quantico. services. mend the Naval Criminal Investigative Service f One program that deserves special recogni- (NCIS) and the Criminal Investigation Division tion is the Training Futures program. Training PERSONAL EXPLANATION of the Marine Corps Installations National Futures works with motivated, talented unem- Capital Region located at Marine Corps Base ployed or under-employed individuals who Quantico (MCINCR/MCBQ), and congratulate HON. DIANE BLACK have been largely overlooked in our commu- the 2018 Prince William Chamber of Com- OF TENNESSEE nities, and who lack the skills needed to obtain merce Investigative Merit Award recipients. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES better paying jobs offering real futures. Over the course of the six-month program, clients The mission of the MCINCR/MCBQ Com- Tuesday, July 3, 2018 mand Inspector General is to promote combat attend classes and programs designed to de- support readiness and program efficiency of Mrs. BLACK. Mr. Speaker, I am not re- velop tactical office skills, including a Microsoft subordinate commands and tenant activities, corded for roll call votes on Thursday, June Office certificate that will better prepare them as required, in accordance with the Marine 29, 2018 because I was unavoidably detained. for a full-time, office-support position. Corps Inspector General Program. This in- Had I been present, I would have voted Aye Through this training, graduates gain the cludes, but is not limited to, effectiveness, effi- on final passage for H. Res. 970, a resolution skills, confidence, and cultural know-how to ciency, discipline, morale, economy, ethics, to compel the Department of Justice to comply excel in professional, office support positions and integrity. with the request of the House investigators across industries. This creates a powerful and On February 22, 2017, the U.S. Marine and turn over the remaining documents re- diverse talent pipeline for local businesses. Corps was notified of gender discrimination garding the FBI’s investigation of Russian in- Over the last twenty years, Training Futures and harassment occurring on social media fluence over the 2016 election. The accusa- has graduated over 2,200 individuals, with 75 sites, as illustrated by Marines United, a pri- tions of FBI abuse of the Foreign Intelligence percent of those individuals obtaining employ- vate Facebook group. Within days of notifica- Surveillance Act have serious consequences ment in office careers within six months of tion, the Marine Corps and NCIS took action for our Fourth Amendment and the American graduation. These jobs not only pay 60–65 to investigate the defamatory matter and pro- people deserve nothing less than complete percent more on average than what these vide support services for all impacted by the transparency. graduates previously earned, but they also online misconduct. The subsequent investiga- f provide regular schedules and real opportuni- ties for professional growth and promotion. tion, entitled ‘‘Operations Purple Harbor,’’ ana- A TRIBUTE TO BERNADINE AND lyzed the countless degrading images, com- JOE SOBOTKA I meet often with Fortune 500 companies in ments, and videos to identify more than 100 my district, and a constant refrain among lead- victims and locate those responsible for post- ership is the difficulty in finding qualified appli- ing the explicit material online. HON. DAVID YOUNG cants to fill their vacancies. This program and Through the collection of evidence, inter- OF IOWA others like it help fill that gap, and put skilled views of witnesses, interrogations of subjects, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES professionals in positions throughout Northern and coordination with various law enforcement Tuesday, July 3, 2018 Virginia. This provides economic benefits not agencies (both federal and civilian), the Ma- only to our community, but to the Common- Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise rines and civilians were able to assist victims wealth of Virginia as a whole. today to recognize and congratulate Bernadine in obtaining justice for their images being cir- and Joe Sobotka of Diagonal, Iowa, on the It is my honor to include in the RECORD the culated without their knowledge or consent, very special occasion of their 65th wedding names of the 2018 Training Futures grad- and subsequently change the way the Marine anniversary on June 27, 2018. uates: Corps views social media misconduct. Bernadine and Joe’s lifelong commitment to Bahtiye Top, Beatriz Silva Aldana, Caroline It is my honor to include in the Record the each other and their family truly embodies our Thai, Catalin Enamorado, Chiharu Adams, following names as the 2018 Prince William Iowa values. As they reflect on their 65th anni- Edith Chistelle Toukam, Elias Abebe, Eliza- Chamber of Commerce-Investigative Merit versary, may their commitment grow even beth Degeffa, Ester Lopez, Eyob Award recipients for their extraordinary dedica- stronger, as they continue to love, cherish, Gebremariam, Fannie Ndemou, Fatima tion and outstanding performance in initiating, and honor one another for many years to Khachab, Fatma Saeed, Feyzan Hajiesmailoo, investigating, and consequently resolving ‘‘Op- come. Geraldine Sierra Parrado, Jonathan Angles, eration Purple Harbor’’: Mr. Speaker, I commend this great couple Koshan Jelani, Kyung Wha Hong, Manal Warrant Officer Nicholas Van Effen. on their many years together. I ask that my Abdelmalak, Mieraf Demissie, Muna Addus, Master Gunnery Sergeant Christopher colleagues in the United States House of Rep- Nasser El Kekli, Neelad Haidari, Nibret Bates. resentatives join me in congratulating them on Kebede, Roxana Saravia Ortiz, Salome Gunnery Sergeant Paul Lawless. this momentous occasion and in wishing them Messa, Seung Hee Lee, Sophia Hassen, Ste- Staff Sergeant Ryan Martin. both nothing but continued happiness. ven Smaw, Tariq Habib, Tsering Choedon, Staff Sergeant Daniel Walker. Victoria Slaughter, Wendy Medrano, Zabiullah f Sergeant Shawn Foley. Nekzad, Zarema Dugrichilova. Sergeant Cody Smith. RECOGNIZING THE 2018 NORTHERN Mr. Speaker, programs like Training Futures Sergeant Andrew Timms. VIRGINIA FAMILY SERVICE provide invaluable experiences for their grad- Sergeant Mica Hamons. TRAINING FUTURES GRADUATES uates, while also helping them to create a bet- Sergeant Sean Lyon. ter life for themselves and their families. I con- Mrs. Estrella Carpenter. HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY gratulate all of the graduates of this year’s Ms. Liane Best. OF VIRGINIA Training Futures program, as well as the Sergeant Logan McEachern. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Board of Directors and staff of Northern Vir- Mr. Speaker, sexual harassment and gender ginia Family Service for all they do to make discrimination must never be tolerated in any Tuesday, July 3, 2018 our community a better place. I ask my col- arena. We have all seen the courage of those Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- leagues to please join me in wishing them who have dared to speak out against these ognize a remarkable group of individuals who great success in all their future endeavors.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:19 Jul 04, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A03JY8.030 E03JYPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS July 3, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E967 RECOGNIZING THE 150TH ANNIVER- relationship between a community and its RECOGNIZING THE 2018 LORDS AND SARY OF THE CITY OF CONCORD newspaper. To many, he embodied the spirit LADIES FAIRFAX of everything the News-Gazette stands for. HON. MARK DeSAULNIER John was widely-respected in his career as HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY OF CALIFORNIA an established journalist and a fierce advocate OF VIRGINIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for the freedom of the press. He dedicated his IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, July 3, 2018 professional life to protecting this First Amend- Tuesday, July 3, 2018 ment right and held several leadership roles in Mr. DESAULNIER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- organizations like the Illinois Press Associa- recognize the 150th anniversary of the found- ognize a dedicated group of men and women tion, the Illinois Associated Press Editors, Mid- ing of the City of Concord, California. in Northern Virginia. Every year, each member America Press Institute and many more. He The history of Concord begins with the of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors se- Miwok people, Californian Native Americans was the first recipient of the James C. Craven lects two people from his or her district who who inhabited areas of North-Central Cali- Award for Freedom of the Press from the Illi- have demonstrated outstanding volunteer fornia. Originally founded as the community of nois Press Association and he was also service, heroism, or other exceptional commit- Todos Santos by Salvio Pacheco, the name named Illinois Journalist of the Year in 2006. ments and contributions to our community. was soon changed to Concord by the city’s He was both a mentor and friend to us, and Since the program’s inception in 1984, ap- residents. During its early years, Concord many at the News-Gazette, and his absence proximately 600 individuals have earned the thrived as an agricultural community, first hav- will not go unnoticed. honor of being named a Lord or Lady Fairfax ing many vineyards which gave way to walnut by his or her representative on the Board of We extend our deepest condolences to his orchards as a result of prohibition. Supervisors. One of Concord’s most significant drivers wife Sharon, his News-Gazette family and all This year, the Fairfax County Board of Su- has been the Concord Naval Weapons Station those who knew John. He was a valued mem- pervisors will recognize those individuals who (CNWS), a military base established in 1942. ber of the Champaign-Urbana community and have made tremendous impacts through their The station functioned as a World War II ar- will be truly missed. support of our public schools, parks, youth mament storage depot, supplying ships at Port sports leagues, arts community, public safety, Chicago. CNWS continued to support war ef- f and human service programs. It is nearly im- forts during the Korean War, the Vietnam War possible to fully describe the diversity of ac- and the Gulf War, processing and shipping A TRIBUTE TO LOIS FIGGINS complishments of the honorees. Their efforts thousands of tons of materiel out across the contribute greatly to the quality of life for the Pacific Ocean. residents of Fairfax County, and are worthy of A portion of CNWS has since been closed HON. DAVID YOUNG our praise and sincere appreciation. and is scheduled to be transferred to the City OF IOWA It is my honor to include in the RECORD the for a residential and commercial development names of the 2018 Lords and Ladies Fairfax: IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES while reserving approximately two-thirds for At-Large: Lady Gretchen Bulova and Lord open-space and parks projects. The site is Tuesday, July 3, 2018 Edward L. Long, Jr. also home to the GoMentum Station proving Braddock District: Lady Meena Bhinge and groups, which is used to test self-driving cars. Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise Lord Tom Kennedy CNWS is helping to keep Concord evolving today to recognize and congratulate Lois Dranesville District: Lady Carole L. Herrick and an attractive location for Bay Area resi- Figgins of Atlantic, Iowa who recently retired and Lord Jeff Fairfield dents. after 50 years of service within the banking in- Hunter Mill District: Lady Carmen L. Powell Today, Concord’s classic old downtown has dustry. Lois began her banking career in 1964. and Lord Ronald Copeland a multi-story skyline and it is now the largest She started working at First Whitney Bank and Lee District: Lady Annetta Sheriff and Lord city in Contra Costa County. completed her career at TS Bank in Atlantic. Robert Kohm As a longtime resident of Concord and She had a from work at the bank when Mason District: Lady Sarah Shannon and someone who has represented it in the city, she lived overseas when her husband was Lord Melvin L. Cotner county, state, and federal government, I am serving in the military. Mount Vernon District: Lady Catherine C. grateful to represent such a diverse city and Ledec and Lord Colonel Marion ‘‘Barney’’ L. extend my congratulations on its 150th anni- Lois said she has seen many changes at Barnwell versary. the bank over the years. When she started Providence District: Lady Fran Wallingford working, everything was done on paper; there f and Lord Tom Fleury were no computers. Lois has worked in many Springfield District: Lady Lori Stillman and TRIBUTE TO MR. JOHN FOREMAN different aspects of the banking industry, in- Lord Harold Y. Pyon cluding bookkeeper, teller, assistant cashier, Sully District: Lady Alice Foltz and Lord Ste- HON. RODNEY DAVIS secretary of the installment loan department ven Vandivere OF ILLINOIS and most recently as the Credit Administrative In addition, several students will be recog- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Assistant for TS Bank in Atlantic. Lois said her nized as Celebrate Fairfax Community Spirit favorite part of her job was waiting on the cus- Scholars and Emerging Artist Scholars. I con- Tuesday, July 3, 2018 tomers and greeting them as they came in the gratulate the following honorees on receiving Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speak- door. She said she is, ‘‘grateful for the time these awards: er, I rise along with my colleague Rep. SHIM- she has spent in the banking industry, espe- Community Spirit Scholars: Kyle Gatesman, KUS, to honor John Foreman, longtime editor cially the last few years at TS Bank.’’ Lois is Sohale Hessavi, Cooper Rapp, Vandana of the News-Gazette who tragically passed active at Zion Lutheran Church, Relay for Life Subramanian, Charisma Henry, Samantha away over the weekend. and a sewing group called, ‘‘The Knotty La- Lane, Jonathan Daniel, Justin Laiti, Christine John graduated from Atwood-Hammond dies.’’ Shan, Sherry Xie High School in 1970 and first joined the news- Emerging Artist Scholars: Cameron Hobbs, paper after graduating from the University of Mr. Speaker, Lois Figgins has made a dif- Sun Ahn Illinois in 1977. He was a part-time weekend ference by helping and serving others. It is Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me reporter, and eventually made his way to edi- with great honor that I recognize her today. I in commending and expressing our gratitude tor-in-chief by 1986. In 2003, John was made know that my colleagues in the House of Rep- to these men and women who volunteer their publisher of his hometown newspaper. resentatives join me in applauding her accom- time and energy on behalf of our community. John loved everything about working at the plishments. I thank her for her service to TS Their efforts provide immeasurable benefits to News-Gazette. He loved local journalism and Bank and Southwest Iowa, and wish her con- their fellow residents and serve to strengthen knew better than anyone the importance of the tinued success in the future. and enrich the Fairfax County community.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:19 Jul 04, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A03JY8.034 E03JYPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS