
The “Advertiser” Stands for the Best Interests of Belmar





Vol. XVI., No. 30; Whole No. 2136. BELMAR, N. J., FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1918. Single Copy Three Cents PERSIAN LECTURE COMING A. W. Moyer After LOCAL RED CROSS WORK FIRE IN ELEVATOR SHAFT BELMAR TO STAGE SOME BIG EVENTS Great Missionary Back From the Many Patriotic Women Busy at Red Levinsohn Building Damaged by lurk War Zone the Unlicensed Dogs Cross Headquarters Blaze Last Friday Night Social and Athletic Events of Unusual Brilliancy to Occur, Bev. Yonan 11. Shahbaz, a Persian At a meeting of the Executive The Levinsohn building, corner missionary, has been secured 'by AVERS THAT DOG NUISANCE Committee of Belmar branch of the of F street and Tenth avenue, was World’s Champion Swimmers tn be in Belmar. .hev. r. s>. berggren to come and IS MENACE TO BELMAR American Red Cross Monday after threatened with destruction last .speak at me Jb a p u st churcli Sunday noon a committee for civilian relief Friday evening when an elevator The arrival of sizzling hot days Club was held last Monday evening. morning and evening. Tells Council That He Will Be One was formed, a number of demands shaft on the southerly side of the has brought a big crowd to Belmar The program proved to be a very Bev. shaiioaz is a graduate of Col­ for aid having come to the branch building was burned- Upon the dis­ of Three to Capture Unlicensed and hotel men are anticipating a interesting one. \ gate University, and a noted mission­ within the past two weeks. The covery of the blaze at 9.15 o’clock, reputation of last year’s record The selections by the hotel orches­ ary and traveler. For years he has Canines if Dog Officer Cannot Be committee consists of Rev. Ledden an alarm was turned in from Box crowd and are preparing to take tra were, as usual, up t J its h ig h been our missionary in Persia, and S ecured of Belmar, Bev. Arthur of Avon 19 and the entire department re­ care of it: Surely everything this sta n d a rd . lias just returned to America after auxiliary and Mrs. E. G. Pyle of sponded, but when the firemen year is combining to bring Belmar Miss Dorothy Valarie Haverstick, having been held in a six months Albert W. Moyer of Fifth avenue Glenilola auxiliary to whom appli­ reached the building the elevator into the place where she rightfully a guest of the hotel, rendered twTo captivity by tne Turks and Kurds, says that he will be one of three cation should be made according to shaft was a roaring mass of flames belongs, the leading resort on the very pretty solos which were re­ llis own son a large number of persons to go around in a wagoii locality. Arrangements were which were shooting high into the New Jersey coast. Her natural ceived with hearty applause. Miss converts were oy the and capture unlicensed canines if made for a considerable sum to be air. Union hose company got the beauty and her popular hotels have Haverstick’s winter home is in Tren­ Kurils The story he ie^j o, Turk­ Belmar is unable to secure a dog set aside to be called upon for civi­ first stream and as soon as the water always been factors which attracted ton, N. J. The guests of the Hotel ish atrocities in Armenia and Persia, officer. This service was volun­ lian relief as needed. was turned on the flames died people, but this year the numerous Columbia have a “code” of honor, one ot the most horrible in history, teered to council at its meeting It was decided to institute a down quickly. The fire was, how­ social functions and events of im- so to speak, in the way of the guests is from personal knowledge, gained Tuesday night when Mr. Moyer ap­ house to house canvass for funds ever. a stubborn one to fight. The through much suffering and sorrow. peared before that body and called to carry on Bed Cross work in Bel­ small streamer attached to a hydrant Mr. Shahbaz has delivered this attention to the dog menace. Coun­ mar and Miss Katherine Sherwood on Tenth avenue, and the firemen address in many large churches and cil a few months ago passed an or­ was appointed chairman of this carrying a line of hose to the roof of has spoken before Masonic dinance relative to the licensing of canvass committee. the building played a stream from Lodges and other orders and Clubs. dogs and up 1o this time, according A large allotment of refugee gar­ this onto the fire. The building is ihe subject of Mr. Shahbaz’ lec­ to the statement of Borough Clerk ments and knitting has been asked a fine one of brick structure. The ture is “Back from the W ar Zone, or W. E. Allen, licenses have been paid necessity for raising money to cov­ | ground floor is occupietl-by Levin- Held Captive by the Turks.” This on about seventy dogs. The dog er the cost of these materials. The sohn’s store, the second contains is the iirst time Belmar has had the population of Belmar is probably output for the week of July 15th living apartments and the opportunity to hear a real Persian, around 300, anyway the mayor and was 5,201 surgical dressings. factory of the Perfect Under- schooled in America, who can de­ council are going to have' ' The Belmar Branch American Bed a vast amount of cloth on hand and ■ v 'M scribe iirst hand the Turkish atro­ a dog census taken and Chief of Cross wishes to acknowledge the places its damage by .water and •. t: cities and German intrigue. Police George M. Bearmore has been following donations: Miss Ham­ smoke at 66,000 or 87,000 covered by Mr. Berggren of the Baptist church instructed to get the figures before burg’s club, 83.50; New' Hotel Co­ insurance. No damage wras done to was quite intimately acquainted Witti another voucher for his salary is lumbia Hotel guests, 34.07, results Mr. Levinsohn’s stock in the store, .Mr. Shahbaz ten years ago and drawn. It is not likely that of collection taken atyter an evening but goods in the store-room were knows his work is legitmate and the chief will make a house-to-house of m usic. damaged to some extent. There that he is a brilliant talker. All canvass for there are people who re­ The number of workers at head­ was insurance on the building. denominations and peoples should fuse to claim ownership of a dog quarters has materially increased ANNA CASE RECITAL h e a r him . when the matter of a license fee of during the past two weeks, but This is really a great feature. An *2 is involved, but inquires of dif­ there is still room and plenty of ferent ones in each block in the bor­ offering will be taken for general work for many more. For her second annual recital in ough will result in a pretty accurate Ocean Grove Auditorium Saturday Persian and Armenian relief. Ser­ The number of surgical dressings count. Then, when this is done, evening, August 3rd, Anna Case, the vices are at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. made during the week ending July someone is going after the unlicens­ lovely lyric soprano of the Metro­ You will want to hear Mr. Shahbaz 13, w a s 6,150. ed ones. At the meeting Tuesday politan Opera company, will give a both times. The knitting machine is in daily night, Mayor VanNote said to Coun­ use and socks are being made very program of rare charm and beauty. cilman Housel of the police commit­ It follows herewith: F. R. LEFFERTS DIES SUDDENLY rapidly and satisfactorily. One tee: "It is' up to you, the chief and hundred eighty-five comfort kits “Caro mio ben .... Giordani. myself to eliminate unlicensed dogs My Lovely Celia Old English. F. B. Lefferts, dropped dead for the army were delivered at Bed and if is going to be done.” Skogen Sover (The Woods Sleep) shortly before noon Thursday at Bank one day recently, the first Mr. Moyer also called attention to Hugo Alven. Carpenter’s pavilion where he was installment of the Belmar allotment the continued parking of automo­ Robin, Robin, Sing Me a Song with his grandson. Mr. Lefferts’ of 300. The new allotment of one PROF. L. L. MacINTYRE biles on Ocean avenue, between Charles Gilbert Spross. home was in Flushing but he had hundred for .the navy has been re­ Director of Activities, New Columbia Hotel Fifth and Sixth avenues, in viola­ Aria from “Lucia” (the mad been for many years a-summer resi­ ceived and materials ordered. tion of the recent resoultion passed, scen e) ...... Donizetti portance, combined with the best being represented on the program. dent of Belmar living at Ocean and and averred that many cars were MOTOR CORPS IN REVIEW Angelus... Mme. Ohstrom-Renard. fishing and crabbing known in years It is needless to say, that the guests Eighth avenue. is proving a drawing card for peo­ ! were well represented by Miss Hav­ withuot lights is in violation of a “I Feel Thy Breath Blow Round in other sections of the borough. He M e” ...... B u b e n ste in ple who delight in society affairs e rs tick. GUESTS AT NEW COLUMBIA New Belmar Organization Takes and to those who enjoy truly health­ Master Walter Epp, New York’s said that in company with Officer Part in Governor’s Review at Sea Serenade Francaise. .Leoncavallo Buckalew one night the past week Synnoves Song. . Halfdan Kjerulf. ful recreation—in short, Belmar is boy soprano, gave three very strong The following are among the G irt he counted nine automobiles stand­ Dans ropte felen..Aug. Soderman. the Mecca for all classes of desirable numbers, dressed as a Junior Uncle guests registered at the New Colum­ ing in this restricted section with­ (Descriptive song over a Norwegian people. There is something doing Sam. There is no prettier voice than b ia h o te l: The Belmar unit of the Motor out lights and that the officer took folk dance) at all the hotels every day to add en­ Master Epp’s. His knowledge as a New York—Mr. and Mrs. H. Hal- Transport Corps of the American the license plate numbers. In a Aria from “Louise”. . Charpentier. joyment to the guests’ stay. Several singer showed itself prominentlyi lenbeck, Miss Margery Beider, L. B. Bed Cross had the honor of taking ride over other streets in Belmar Remembrance. . ..Will C. Mafara- of the houses have their own or­ Mjss Claire Lillian Peteler of New Handley, A. C. Buell, Thos. J. Tun- part in the Governor's review at in company with Councilman Ly­ lane. chestras and among the guests are York City, made her first appearance ney, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Henry, Mr. Sea Girt Thursday afternoon. man fifteen cars were counted with­ Charley is My Darlin’...... O ld talented musicians and vocalists in Belmar. Miss Peteler, who has a and Mrs. Stephen Conger, Peggie The corps has been receiving out lights. Parking cars in a street Scotch. who cheerfully play and sing for soprano voice, has appeared with Conger, Mrs. Geo. Epp and son, Mrs. military instruction from Major Wm. without lights is in violation to a D a w n ...... P e a rl G. C u rra n the enjoyment of others. several of the Metropolitan Opera I. R. Koverman, Miss Claire Galli­ B. Bamford. The fundamental pur- state law and the officials of each As in the past, Mr. Charles Gilbert Besides informal affairs such as House artists. She sang a group of gan, Miss Charlotte Boyle, Miss pse of their military training has municipality are expected to en­ Spross, the eminent composer and musicals and dances a number of songs that were most enthusiastical­ Charlotte Epstem, Denton Vaur, L. been to instill into the members a force the law. This matter was pianist, will accompany Miss Case. the hotels have given or are plan­ ly received. Miss Peteler truly is a L utz, M rs. G. L ehlield, M. F. S ch w in d knowledge and appreciation of the referred to the police committee. Tickets are now on sale at the ing to give functions of a more for­ great singer. Her powerful, splen­ Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Worteltey, Mr. value of discipline as a necessary Council received notice of a hear­ Auditorium, Ocean Grove, N. J. mal nature. The New Columbia didly toned voice was immediately and Mrs. C. Behreus, E. Spinetti, G. asset to their wrork. This has been ing to be given the Atlantic Coast hotel is the leading hotel in enter­ appreciated by the audience who Floyd, M. L. Lewis, Miss DeLamater, done by the use of the foot drills of Electric Light company on its peti­ THE CHARLOTTE WINS tainments but it is not alone in this are lovers of high-class singing. Miss O. Weise, Miss A. Weise, Elston the infantry soldier. These drills tion asking for increase of rates at line. She is a guest of the Hotel Columbia. M. French, Mr. and Mrs. E. Davis. are now recognized as the best for Trenton, July 24. The notice was The Charlotte, owned by Clifford The Carleton has begun its regular Miss Claire Galligan, world’s lady Washington, D. C.—Mr. and Mrs. such purpose and are a part of the ordered placed on file. No one at­ Miller, won the race between boats Saturday night dances. This hotel champion swimmer at 500 yards and C. F. Nesbit, Frank Nesbit, Lieut. D. required training of every one who tended the hearing, council being of the Belmar Yacht club sailed on has its own orchestra and a good Miss Charolotte Boyle, America’s B. R en tse lle r, U. S. A. is serving “over there” including satisfied to leave the matter in the Shark river last Saturday afternoon. one, too. sprint swimming champion, who are Columbus, O.—Miss Shields, Miss chaplains and doctors. hands of the Public Utility Commis­ The order in which the others finish­ There will be an entertainment at the Columbia, made personal ap­ B elden. For the purpose of instruction in ed was: “Wiljuan” owned by W. and masquerade ball at Hotel Colo­ pearance before an appreciative sion. A former petition made by the handling of cars, the unit was Baltimore, Md.—Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Siemon; “Ledyard, Jr.,” Ledyard rado Saturday evening, July 27, audience. Both of these ladies have E. Scott. - - < the company for increase in rates given certain review formations. It was rejected. Avery’s boat; the “Jackie” owned by for the benefit of the Beth David commenced training for the world's Bloomfield—Mr. and Mrs. Wm. was this work which qualified them In another endeavor to get the Samuel E. Hunter and the “Camille” hospital. There are a number of swimming meet which will be held T re tg u r. to take a prominent part in the Gov­ Atlantic Coast Electric Light com­ belonging to A. W. Moyer, The boats excellent musicians and vocalists at the Inlet Terrace Lagoon August Anchorage—Mr. and Mrs. C. ernor’s review. pany to put on summer lights, May­ sailed in a medium breeze and the stopping at this hotel and a very 16th and 17th. Brown, Miss Caroline Brown, Cecil After the military review, the or VanNote on Tuesday telephoned race was a good one. pleasing program has been arrang­ Tlie recreation activities of the Brow’n. corps was brought into line facing the company and was told that the ed. Hotel Columbia-Inlet Terrace clubs Montclair—Dr. and Mrs. A. R. the Governor’s cottage and had a company would at once place the Reignskin Cloth Lace Boots with The hotels are not umindful of for the future, will be very heavy. B enedict. special review by Governor Walter light at Seventh and Ocean avenues. Louis Heels, $5 grade for $3.50. J. patriotic work and the lady guests On Monday evening, July 29th, a big Weehauken—Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Edge of New Jersey. Major Bam­ L ew is & Son, F street and 6th ave­ The company claims that it has not at the Brunswick are to conduct a masquerade ball will be held in the Richter, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Moore. ford formally notified the Governor nue, Belmar.—Adv. had men enough to do its work and Red Cross sale for the benefit of Bel­ ball room of the Hotel Columbia. Norristown—Mr. and Mrs. Henry that the corps was ready to respond has been unable to put on the ex­ mar branch to-day and Saturday at There will be prizes offered for the Candy and children. to any call that would be made upon For this w'eek only. With every tra lights in Belmar. If it is not the tea house, Fifth and Ocean ave­ best costumes. Plainfield—L. W. Diplock. them by the Governor or military 35 cent purchase of Aubry Sisters’ done promptly council will refer famous beautifiers, a large trial size nues. A variety of fancy and use­ Among entertainment numbers East Orange—Mrs. D. W. Floyd, authorities at Camp Edge. The the matter to the Public Utility com­ of our beautifier, tint, cold cream or ful articles will be on sale, also ice there will be Greek dancers from Chas. Schutte, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Governor in a very graceful speech greaseless cream given away free cream and cake, and there will be New York and Mexican singing dan ­ P o rte r. mission and see if anything can be thanked the corps tfor its prompt at Seaside Pharmacy.—Adv. done about it. a “room of mystery.” Good music cers from the Bussian school of Elizabeth—Edith M. Shearer, Mr. offer of service and congratulated dancing, New York. Councilman Hassler, reporting will be provided. and Mrs. L. Plumb and children, J. them on the noble work which they for the special committee appointed The guests at Hotel Colorado are On Wednesday evening, July 31st, B. Clifford, Mr. and Mrs. J. Clifford, were so seriously and energetically also doing their share for the Red at 8.30 the mid-week dance w'ill be Master J. D. Clifford. to investigate complaints that oil undertaking. held in the large ballroom of the was run into the sewers, said that Cross and next Wednesday after­ Summit—Mr. and Mrs. John D. On Wednesday evening the corps Cent a Word Column noon will give a whist party for the hotel. Music by Howland’s orches­ Mills, L. H. Morrison. it came from the various garages wTent over to Sea Girt for a motor No Advertisement less than 25c. tra from the Inlet Terrace club. where automobiles were washed benefit of that organization. Play New Brunswick—A. J. Jones. drill on the field. Brig. Genrl. Fred­ All guests of the hotel and mem­ and that the only way to eliminate starts at 3 o’clock and will continue Newark-~Mr. and Mrs. ,T. W. erick Gilkyson, the Adjutant General Can you fly a Service Flag? For bers of the New Columbia Hotel u n til 6 o’clock. Rauh, Dr. and Mrs. Manus, Miss it would be to place sand filters in of Newr Jersey, learning of their sale at Conover’s. Athletic association and members of the traps. The committee was con­ Mrs. G. W. Leonard gave a card Ruth Manus, Mr. and Mrs. Spicon, presence there suggested to Major Inlet Terrace club are cordially in­ tinued. Dr. Hassler also reported party in the parlors of the Buena Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Squire, C. T. Bamford that he be permitted to re­ Breyer’s Ice Cream, made in Phil­ vited to attend. Vista Friday afternoon. Five tables Hawk, Geo. Prochazka, Dr. Geo. A. that the sewer and sanitary commit­ view them, so an imnromntu review adelphia, sold all winter by plate or Saturday afternoon, August 3rd, a tee has failed to stop the offensive quart, at Conover’s. were occupied at “500” and there Prochazka, J. O. Prochazka. was held. Accomnaning Genrl. Gil­ was a prize for each table. The local swimming meet will be held odor from the underground pipe k y so n w a s L ieut. Col. Jo h n M. winners were: Mrs. E. C. Ingalls, on the lagoon for the ladies and drain between F street and Silver Rodgers, Major John L. Broderick Lost—Pearl brooch, between 606 Ladies’ Nubuck Sport Oxfords, 6th avenue and Casino. Beward. Mrs. Ernest Dreher, Miss Louise Mc­ Special S3.50. J. Lewis & Son, F lake by having it flushed out. and numerous other officers. Genrl. Mrs. Emanuel. Hugh and Mrs. T. Erdman. Mrs. (Continued on page 6) stre e t, (5th av enue, B elm ar— Adv. Charles Goff, president of the Board Gilkyson made a very impressive Leonard made high score at the of Health, was present and recom­ speech and expressed himself as 1 Lost—Black patent leather pocket- fifth table. The season is open for bathing. Lace Sport Slfces of white canvas mended that vents be installed at highly pleased and surprised at the book with sum of money and Bam- A full line of bathing caps at Sea­ with kid trimmmgs, welt soles, very The second weekly entertainment work which the corps had perform­ 1 berger and Plant coins. Finder side Pharmacy, 25 cents and up. special at $2.95. J. Lewis & Son, F will be awarded by returning' same of the New Columbia Hotel Athletic —Adv. 'street and 6th avenue, Belmar.—Adv. (Continced on page 4) ed. to Advertiser office. PAGE TWO THE COAST ADVERTISER, BELMAR, N. J. FRIDAY, JULY 2fir 1918 Newark—Herman Ringel, B elm ar In n Belmar Hotel Arrivals New York—Mrs. Denio, C. Cod- dington, Rev. Mr. Delaney Scovil, Among the registrants at Relmar’s Mrs. Conners, Miss MeKnight, Le Net Contents 15 Fluid Drach leading hotels are: Bron Kinchley, Miss M. Haupt, Miss Advertiser's Buena Vista Haupt, Michael O'Brien, Mathew CASTORIA O ’B rien. New York—Mr. and Mrs. John For Infants and Children. F. Collins, B. Clark, Mrs. George Newark—Mr. and Mrs. William 1 Keboboan, George S. Kebobian, Mil­ Wallace, Robert Wallace, Miss Nata­ dred O’Keefe, Mr. and Mrs. George lie Wallace. Business Melrose Inn L. Thompson, Mrs. E. Egler and Mothers Know That New York—R. Bozcourt, Alice d a u g h te r. D en is R. B lake, M rs. M... r> * t Windsor J. B. Belden, Evelyn Hig-1 M?cGillway Mrs. Wdham Retsfert, Reliable Business Houses enbotham, M. J. McEvoy, Dorothy i Miss: Jessie Dillon, Mr. and Mrs Har- Genuine Castoria ranged Alphabetically for your | ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT. Morgan, Charles J. Egler, H. F. I ^ Lipson. Gertrude Mansfield. Guide ,,r. , Johnstown, Pa.—Mr. and Mrs. N. convenience. We recommend Winshusen. r, TT -n n, P. - Bergman, Harry Bergman, Mr. tesssstt*! Always Westfield- -Mrs. Charles C. How- this Ouide of Trades People for and Mrs. John Edwards. ard. general use. Brooklyn—Helen R. Koran. IvFAKTS/CHILDREN Bears the Newark—Mrs. Raymond Dreher, The Belmont Mr. and Mrs. 0. Barton, Mr. and Mrs. T hereby Promotin£Di£esli°n Irvington—John Lake Clemence, Signature H. Phaltz, Harry Phaltz. Cheerfulness and RestCofltains Mrs. John Berlenbach. Elmhurst, L. I.—Mr. and Mrs. neither Opium,Morphine no Bronx—Mr. and Mrs. W. Brierling Charles T. Zeltner. A. & H. Auto Company llin e ra l. N o t N a r c o t i c of Brooklyn—Mr. and Mrs. John D. Groceries and Vegetables Verona—Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Wild- Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Han­ shuser. Headquarters for son. MAX MICHELSOHN Brooklyn—Frank Evans, A. II. Automobile Supplies and Accessories lw j Ux S e n n a , ^ V, Rochelle Salts Clifton—Elsie Steele. of aii A n is e S e td Cunningham. Dealer in Groceries and Vegetables .'Ed « is Newark—Margurite Eble. At Reduced Rates V\~ San Francisco, Cal.—Mrs. J. V. P. Butter and Eggs a specialty Warm S eed In Fuller, Mrs. W. A. Macdonald, Wm. Tel. 499 1004 F Street C larified Sugar A. M acdonald. W nk r y m n Fla v o r JOKE WAS ON SALOON MAN Belmar, N. J. Sixteenth Av. and F. St. Belmar,. N. J. The Llanymor AhelpfulRemedyfor 0 -» ' c Constipation and Diarrhoea Use Brooklyn—Mrs. William Fish- Wet Goods Dealer Found That Bundle i and Fcvcrlshness and baugli, Florence Fishbaugh, Mrs. C. He So Obljgingiy Kept for Cus­ Belmar Auto Company Inc. Mi L o s s OF SLEEP Simpson, Mary Sfmpson, Mrs. Hill, tomer Had Its Uses. Hudson, Overland anl 5 * c resulting ihercfroffl^gfiy^ M iss H ill. Distributors of HI?*# C fi .. New York—Mrs. M. Powers, Miss Aren’t the master workmen of the .sn' ‘ 2 For Over VIM COMMERCIAL TRUCK Briscoe Cars ,C (j'p facsimile Signatareo* C. P o w e rs, Jo se p h MacRae, P. E. wet floods establishments easy marks? OlT e.0 Agents for = Burn,. Mr. Miller, Mary Beglan, « £ their wits are asking each other. They Mitchell, Chevrelet and Velie Cars. O. H. NEWMAN, Agent r e^ = The CentauhCohpask Margaret Hallman, B. Sanville, « 35 J Cr Thirty Years know that the proprietor of a wet New and Second-Hand Automobiles s, 4 »«•*'..Cy- James Siegel. '70& F Street, Belmar, N. J. N E W Y 0 HK«— goods establishment loses his mental Machine Shop Bogate—Josephine McGuire. K s H t I A* 6 m onths old balance and is completely disarmed 804 F Street, Belmar, N. J. Telephone 513 i?.«£= | Newark—Mr. and Mrs. J. Smiley, iwhen he is invited to have a drink. Re- ‘3 5 d<>ses-35^£^- Mr. and Mrs. Stewart C. Coey. cently two husky-looking individuals T he C ed ars entered a Forty-second street suds em Ghas. Beermann CASTORIA Brooklyn—Stanley W. Todd, Hen- porium. One of the party carried an Your Car "Exact Copy of Vv rapper. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YOflK CITY. ry E. Wers, Mrs. H. A. Turner, Miss enormous bundle, which he placed on PRIME MEATS AND POULTRY R. A. T u rn e r. the top of the mahogany, They both called for a drink. Looks shabby with' those curtain Trenton—Mrs. W. H. Gavely. Butter and . Eggs “Well, it is hopeful that my wife lights out. Have, them put in at East Orange—Mr. and Mrs. F, F. will stop her nagging about the cold W elter. weather and being cold when I carry Open all the year HYER,''S- Newark—F. E. Mason. this home,” said the man who carried N ew W indsor the bundle. Avon, New Jersey 701 Seventh Ave. New York—Mrs. E. A. Maguire, At the end of the bar stood the pro­ H. A. R. R upp. prietor of the wet goods establishment. He seemed curious, so the two men In­ 0 1 1 Newark—Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Kern Miss M. H. Kern, E. W. Carson, C. vited him to have a drink, which was Bicycles T. S. Lokerson P. Gulick and family. accepted. One of them explained that he had the finest pair of wool blankets REPAIRING AND SUPPLIES Cabinet Work in all Branches. Clifton—Mr. and Mrs. Robert We have a fully equipt bank and can ren­ that was ever sheared from the backs New and Second-hand Wheels der the best service in banking. F ow les. of sheep in the package. Second Hand Furniture Bought and Brooklyn—Mrs. F. Hagadorn, “Feel for yourself,” he said, as he J. C. STEWARD Sold. You are invited to open an account with us. Dorothy Hagadorn, L. C. Tissox unfastened one end of the bundle. 1106 F Street, Belmar, N. J. and wife, Everette and Louis Tissox. The proprietor felt and acknowl­ 801 F street ■: Behnar, N. J. Safe Deposit Department. W heeling. W. V.—M rs. M. R. Mi I- edged that they were the simon pure (Opposite School Building) | ler, Ralph Miller, Sylvia Miller. wool article. Interest paid on time deposits. Newburg, N. Y.—Mr. and Mrs. F. ‘Tm taking them home to my wife,” said the owner. “She has been kicking E. Whitney, Miss Anne.Clarks. about being cold.'’ B. Busch E. L. MIX East Orange—Mrs. Anna I. Wid- Then they had another round of li­ PHOTOGRAPHER j lake. quids. The Brooklyn Ladies’ and Gents’ Ocean and 11th Ave. Belmar, N. J. Jersey City—Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Resources $3,500,000.00 “Well, I must be on my way,” said; Tailor. Cleaning, Dyeing, Press­ j R ick erich . the man, as he picked up the bundle. When Your Boy Goes Into Camp ing and Repairing at Lowest See That He Takes With Him HENRY C. WINSOR, Pres. H. A. WATSON, Cashier. C ary Lodge “Why don’t you leave them here un­ Prices. Opposite School House, YOUR PORTRAIT C. C. CLAYTON, Vice-Pres. F. M. M ILLER, A sst. C ashier. New York—G. Byrnes, C. Hillig, til you start for home?” interposed his Belmar, N. J. Work called for He w'ill treasure it above all gold on Esther R. Mahan, Adeline Mahan companion. and delivered free of charge. ea rth . j Mrs. W. J. Mahan, Lilian McTeague, “Good idea," he said. And turning Marion Ryan, Ella D. McTeague, to the owner of the cafe he asked If he could leave the bundle. We have a decided BARGAIN in a furnished house G’rayce McLeague, Josefyne Speck, “Sure,” said the proprietor, “but you Shoe Repairing Cathryn Regan. had better write your name on lt to Central Market Stanford. Conn.—Minnie McClurg, avoid any mistake.” TONY GUALEMI near the Ocean that is always a good Renter. Brooklyn—Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Twelve o’clock came around and the HERMAN P. LAZARUS, Proprietor. Sm ith. man hadn’t called for his bundle. “I City Dressed Beef, Lamb, Veal and Shoe Repairing, Shoes made to or­ Flatbush—Mrs. E. W. Smith. can see that fellow getting more h—1 Pork. Fresh dressed poultry a der. Open all the year. Satis­ The Brunswick when he goes home tonight,” said the specialty. Phone 527 J. faction guaranteed. Cor. F St. HONCE & DuBOIS Maplewood—Mr. and Mrs. R. L. proprietor as he turned the key in the door. D ’G roff, A rth u r D ’GrofT. and ltth Ave., Belmar. The next day the owner of the cafe 905 F Street. Belmar, N. J. Tenth Avenue, Opposite Depot, Belmar, N. J. N e w a rk — R. B. W o o ster, A lb ert was the first on the job. He took a Richhemier, Mrs. George Dorrance, 6urvey of the wet goods and then went Mr. and Mrs. Schanighausen. to the rear of the store, where the safe Varney’s Dairy Thomasville, N. C.—Mrs. L. Stray- was. Here was a surprise for him. Coal and Wood h o rn . He found the door of his burglar-proof S u p e rio r INSURANCE MORTGAGES REAL ESTATE Albany, S. Y.—Miss Florence Me- safe neatly reposing on the pair of W. NEWMAN & SONS FRESH MILK and CREAM downy blankets, which had been used K en ach er. Hay and Feed, Lime, Cement and Delivered daily. Before Breakfast NEIL H. MILLER N ew Y ork Jam es S. S m ith, Miss to muffle the sound of the explosion.— Also Strickly fresh eggs direct from New York Times. Plaster. Sewer Pipe and Flue 708 NINTH AVENUE BELMAR, N. J. Kate Smith. Thompson’s Farm, Glendola, when Linings. Yard and office, 13th The Business Which Fair Dealings Built Morrisville, Pa.—Mr. and Mrs. C. 709 Tenth Ave. Belmar, N. J. Kihn, Ethel C. Kuhn, Miss Judith E. But Hardly to an Ounce. Ave. and Railroad, Belmar, N. .1. Formerly, Allenwood, N. J. A GOOD HOME is the Best Legacy ever left One’s Family. Why K uhn. Pat had applied for a job as bntler, not own your own home? The Carleton so the man of the house, after many We can help you to secure a home. E a st O ran g e— M rs. M. B. S tan fo rd , questions, asked him: “Do you know The Craft Shop Is your property properly protected with good Insurance? Katherine Stanford. yonr way to announce?” Pat, thinking Hand Wrought Jewelry novelties in We can give you valuable information on the subject. Newark—Jos. H. Slater, H. G. he asked, "Do you know your weight ^ to an ounce?” replied: “Begorra, Gold and Silver. Commissioner of Deeds Conveyancing Notary Public Butterfield. don’t sir, but I know It to a pound or Arlington—Mr. and Mrs. F. Koch, Speeial Hammered Silverware. Ex­ two.” Edith and Calvin Koch, Clifford C. pert Craftsmen. Designs and Es­ Cassidy and son, Miss Miriam Cas- j timates on Request. Knitting Bags Embroideries sidy, Miss’ Florence Cassidy. Keep Cheerful. Fine Jewelry New York—Lewis Ziegler, Edwin Tou find yourself refreshed by the THE CRAFT SHOP SUMMER COTTAGES COUNTRY HOMES 125 E. 17th St., New York Gleason, Dr. W. H. Spinks, 0. Eulon, presence of cheerful people; why not You are invited to inspect make ernest efforts to confer that Mrs. M. L. Eulon, Mr. and Mrs. D. my fine and extensive line of pleasure on others? You will find Schooler, Sallie Lee, Emma Lee. watches, diamonds, jewelry, FERDINAND KIENLE half the battle is gained If you will Telephone 569. The Sagamor never allow yourself to say anything silverwear, cut glass, optical East Orange—John McKenzie, D. gloomy. goods, e\c. McKenzie, John E. McKenzie, Mary Dillon's Express Real Estate and Farm Specialist I Make a Specialty of A. M cK enzie. CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED 1211 River Road, Belmar, New Jersey Brooklyn—D. Buckheim and fam­ with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as Baggage and Express Transfer ily, Benjamin Morris and family. they cannot reach the seat of the di­ sease. Catarrh is a local disease, Agent American Railway Ex. Co. REPAIRING East Orange—Anna I. Widlake. greatly influenced by constitutional Work guaranteed. Your pat­ The Atlantic conditions, and in order to cure it Office R. R. Depot Belmar, N. J 1 New York—Charles S. Beekmaner, you must take an internal remedy. ronage solicited. J, Sackheim, S. Dernbitz, A. Hyman, Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internal­ ly and acts thru the blood on the O. Tead, M. R. Harkavy, Morris REAL ESTATE mucous surfaces of the system. Hall’s L. J. LEADER INSURANCE BONDS Rothenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Miller, Catarrh Cure was prescribed by one Employment Bureau Louis Cohen, I. Sarkin, S. Finhman, of the best physicians in this country 912 F Street, Belm ar, N. J. List your Cottages and Bungalows for rent for years. It is composed of some First-class Help Furnished on Short Next Joor to A. & P. Tea Store Louis Kolm, Julius L. Klein. of the best tonics known, combined with me: I will secure the renters Newark—Joseph A gal, Mary with some of the best blood puri­ Notice—Hotel Help a Specialty Simowitz. , fiers. The perfect combination of Brooklyn—Leo Ratner, Harry the ingredients in Hall’s Catarrh Restaurant—Dining Room Cure is what produces such wonder­ CHAS. J. McCONNELL Deutsch, J. H. Gortz and family. ful results in catarrhal conditions. Mrs. E. C. Bright 504 F St., Belmar DON’T FORGET The Colorado Send for testimonials, free. 315 F Street, Belmar N ew Y ork— D r. S. M. B uch an d F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, family, Harry Abberbock, S. Palitz, Ohio. All Druggists, 75c. OS------Hall’s Family Pills for constipation. Phone 592-W B. Bager, Emma and Rose H. Kent, J. H. Rosenburg, L. Schoefield, Mrs. When you need any­ A. Offenbach, Mrs. E. Getz and John Guinco daughter, Mrs. M. GTeenspan, Miss thing in die Irae of CASTORIA Dealers in Fruits and Vegetables; M. H. Albach, Mrs. E. Kopelman For Infants and Children neat and attractive The Advertiser $1.50 a Year Confectionery, Soft Drinks, Cigars and son, Mrs. G. Bruckner, Mrs. S. In Use For Over 30 Years Printing. Liebman, Mr. and Mrs. I. Evans, Mrs. and Tobacco. Kohn, Mrs. Shapino, L. Goldfarb. Always bears the All the Local News Brooklyn—A. D. Koch. 915 F Street Belmar, N. J. Signature of FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1918 THE COAST ADVERTISER, BELMAR, N. J. PAGE THREE Vicinity News in New Th e Fi r s t N a t i o n a l D a n k Condensed Form E I_^ JVY .A- FsL , isr.jr. Every known modern Many Things Happening About Us Tha1 Columbia convenience; running are Worth Mentioning Hot and Cold water in Keeping Business on a Level every room; Private Train for War Workers Would it be any satisfaction to you in these times if A train for war workers has been Hotel Baths, Cuisine and put on the N. Y. and L. B. R. R. you could put some of your money into the graet national Service the best; Clean, which runs daily to Morgan. Many fund held by the Federal Reserve Banking System which “ ON THE OCEAN FRONT” of the workers at Morgan are housed Cool, Comfortable. in Asbury Park. is standing back of and steadying the business interests of h. B. CHURCHILL. Mgr. the country Big Catches of Blues Y ou can do it by depositing your money with us, as we Belmar, N. J. Big catches of bluefish have been made along the coast. At Seabright! in turn keep part of it on deposit with our Federal reserve one day recently, three fishermen j bank, where it will be ready for you when needed. In this caught 750 pounds of blues and 100 ' pounds of mackerel. Another fisher- j way, without cost, you can strengthen the system and secure man got 865 pounds of blues. The, for yourself its protection. men received thirty cents a pound Buena Vista Hotel for their fish. Two and Three Rooms en suite With Bath Gassed by Germans Edmund Dowd of Atlantic High­ The only hotel In Belmar that lands, a member of the Red Bank can discriminate In Its patronage Ambulance corps, has recovered LEGAL NOTICES OPEN JUNE TO OCTOBER from the effects of German gas. When the alarm was sounded the Eleven seasons under my own management i SHERIFF’S SALE.—By virtue of a soldier donned his mask but thinks w rit of fi. fa. to m e d ire c te d , Q. W. LEONARD, Prop. it slipped for he does not remember issued out of the Court of Chancery GAS of the State of New Jersey, will be GAS anything from that time until he “came .to” in an ambulance. exposed to sale at public vendue, on TUESDAY, THE 6th DAY OF AU­ GUST, 1918, between the hours of The fuel with the trouble taken out The Garfield Monument 12 o’clock and 5 o’clock (at 2 A statue in memory of the late o clock), in the afternoon of said MELROSE ININT President Garfield will be unveiled day, at the Real Estate Office of Mrs. J. ROMA IN, Prop. William C. Burroughs, Mattison ave­ at Long Branch on Labor Day, Sept. nue, in the City of Asbury Park, COR. TENTH AND OCEAN AVENUES, BELMAR, N. J. 2. The Garfield Monument associa­ county Monmouth. New Jersey. Are you cooking with Gas or using a Phone 628 Belmar tion was recently re-organized and All that certain tract or parcel of steps immediately taken to complete land and premises hereinafter par­ Gas Water Heater? ROOMS AND TABLE RESERVATION ticularly described, situate, lying I the monument. The base was I-v- BY LETTER OR PHONE ---- and being in the Borough of Bel­ 1 finished in 1909 and the bronzed mar, in the county of Monmouth If not, why not? figure of the president was cast but and State of New Jersey, known and OPEN FOR THE SEASON never mounted. designated as lot No. 1546, as shown Let us put one of these Ranges or Water SPECIAL RATES TO FAMILIES FOR TABLE BOARD % & on a map or plan of lots of the Ocean Beach Association, duly filed Heaters in your home on the easy payment Bear Mascot Missing in the Monmouth County Clerk’s A big black bear, a mascot of the ‘office, and more particularly de­ plan, or a liberal discount allowed for cash. scribed as follows: Beginning at a 22d infantry at Sandy Hook, got point in the southerly side of loose a few days ago and has since Eighth Avenue, distant one hundred been in the woods on Sandy Hook. and fifty (150) feet easterly from CALL, WRITE OR PHONE 1 THE LLANYMOR ! The bear is amicable at times but the southeast corner of Eighth Ave- uue and E Street; thence running at other times he is very ugly and I Third Ave. and A St. Belmar, N. J. easterly, along the southerly side of Sc for that reason the soldiers fear to Eighth Avenue fifty (50) feet; One of Belmar’s First-Class Family Hotels -ij; hunt him as they do not want to thence southerly, at right angles to I kill him and are afraid to encounter Eighth Avenue one hundred and THE COAST GAS COMPANY One Block from Beach—Social Center of Belmar—Music ijj; fifty (150) feet; thence westerly Dancing—Exclusive Patronage—Rates Moderate him when he is ugly. again parallel with Eighth Avenue »# 709 Ninth Avenue Phone 534 Beimar Belmar, N. J. fifty (oO) feet, th e n c e n o rth e rly a t 50 Main Ave:; Ocean Grove. Arnold Ave., Point Pleasant 1 Only Hotel with Tennis Court for FREE use of Guests right angles to Eighth avenue one i Candy Business Sold Phone 234-W Asbury Phone 128 Pt. Pleasant Exclusively. t The Laug candy business at Red J hundred and fifty (150) feet to the place of beginning. % J. & E. HILLIG, Ownership Management jj? Bank has been taken over by John And being part of the same Laug and Benjamin Alperin and is premises described in a deed from being conducted by them. The Carrie J. Megronigle to Ella J. H — m — » m h « h h w m ; business was started in 1862 by Gibbs, dated November 30th. 1906, recorded in the Monmouth County Charles Laug who opened a candy i Clerk’s office, in Book 841 of Deeds, making and candy selling place in at pages 178, &c. | R elmar Meat Market Overlook House that town. The business has alwrays Seized as the property of Thor- wald B. Jensen, etals, taken in exe- j i been in the Laug family and the ON SHARK RIVER, BELMAR, N. J. j cution at the suit of John G. Breese I present senior member of the firm and Eliza C. Breese, and to be sold J. C. WISSEMANN, Propr. is a son of the founder. by OPEN for SEASON ELMER H. OF RAN, Sheriff. Durand, Ivins & Carton, Sol’r. PRIME MEATS W eekly Rates §17 a n d u p . Regular and Shore Dinners. Dated July 10, 1918. $13.60 Boating —Fishing— Crabbing Tourists’ Lunch Mrs. Griffin Welsh AND POULTRY J. O. VIEMEISTER, Proprietor VOCAL CULTURE Wm. E. Hefter will give lessons af a i Fish, Oysters and Clams 2 reduced rate during s u m m e r Phone 666 809 F Street Belmar, N. J. 2 Apply il MRS. GRIFFIN WELSH NINTH AVENUE BELMAR, N. J :eseeeeee®@®eeee#eee®es®eee Ninth Av. Belmar, N. J. Hotel Llanymor, Belmar 150 feet from Ocean (Next to Bank.) Modern in every respect Open for season June 15 «KHKHKHKHKH>9HKH30 ! « *♦<>♦♦♦♦♦ * • • - • • » « ♦♦♦♦♦< *♦♦< For Booklet and further gEST SHOE CO. details address ♦ WHERE DO YOU BUY YOUR Men’s and W omen’s High Grade W. H. Stoyle, Manager. I BUILDING MATERIAL? Shoes, in all the latest shades and ♦ When in want do not forget novelties. » that the Buchanon & Smock Ladies’ and Gents' Lumber Co. of Asbury Park 627 Cookman Av Asbury Park can supply you. Write or see ATLANTIC HOTEL TAILOR Buchanon & Smock GEORGE PEARCE, M a n a g e r ASBURY PARK, N. J. REMODELED AND ENLARGED § KING BUILDING •♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦••♦♦♦♦♦♦♦« BELM AR, N. J. N O . 8 0 3 Vt F S T R E E T BELMAR, N. J. Sum m er Furn Attractive Seashore Front. All conveniences. RIDGEMERE Pt :t, -v~> v' >, J/- _>u - r -5 t. j t o .V- 5 i b e l m a r NEW JERSEY w 3£ Ocean view from all rooms Boulevard. Convenient to all points of interest. Rooms comfortably fur­ nished and well lighted, many of them having fine ocean view. Table plen­ 1918 £ JI Table supplied with Fruit and I 18,7 F. P. Philbrick Drug Co. Open May to November £ Vegetables from nearby farms tifully supplied with the best the market affords. # Fish right from ocean Rates Moderate. I PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS W. J. WALSH, Prop. | „ k e v e ry d a y Phone 653, Belmar C. W. FOURL, Ownership-Management I Corner F Street and 9th Avenue, Belmar, N. J. f PAGE FO U R THE COAST ADVERTISER, BELMAR, N. J. FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1918

we have no heart to labor. Our and Barnegat Inlets,'24 miles, 175 i more direct lines, a boulevard along THE COAST ADVERTISER boys in France and in camp are not | vessels were wrecked within forty the terrace bordering the salt (Incorporated with the Coast Echo) asking us to mourn for them. Many years or more than 7 per mile, and marshes, the canal from Cape May a Belmar mother has received let­ many others were not recorded. to the Manasquan, to be extended to F. S. Berggren H. C. Higgins ters from the boy “over there” in In 1778 Cranberry Inlet, on Long Pleasure Bay, and the creation of Now is ttie Time BERGGREN & HIGGINS which was written: “Don’t worry; Beach nearly opposite Tom’s River, safe channels across the outer bars Editors and Publishers I’m all right.” We have seen scores was one of the least f)n the coast. It of the several inlets to secure har­ and this the Place to get your of letters from soldiers and have probably broke through about 1750 bors of refuge, the New Jersey Publication Office and Plant Summer Furniture, the Iittlearti= 704 Ninth Avenue, Belmar, N. J. j talked with many of the boys in it is shown on the charts of 1750 coast will be unparalled in its rapid ’Phone 580-M j khaki and almost invariably they as “New Inlet.” It finally closed in developement ad become a most pro­ cles that you overlooked, come in .say: “Everything is fine.” Their 1812 after several years of deter- fitable asset to the state at large. and let us go over them with you L/Uered as second class matter letters are filledYvvith cheer and hope mination. During the war it was V oila! f-ebruary 2a, 1908, at the post ofhce , , ., .. A » . . , at Belmar, N. J., under the Act of antl encouragement and if they on the rendezvous for privateers, whose PROGBESS Congress of March 3, 1879. the very firing line are cheerful why base was at Toni’s River. Its Porch Furniture of All Kinds. are we, safe and sound and comfor­ closure occasioned so much incon­ Subscription Rate table at home, called upon to go venience that Michael Ortley and (Strictly in Advance) about in mental' depression. Of others attempted to open another A. W. Moyor After Porch Rockers, Porch Sets, Porch O ne Y e a r ...... $1.50! ,, , , . Single C o p y ...... 3 cents I course they are our boys, but our inlet near it on which they worked attitude and our cheer has to do for several years and it was finally the Unlicensed Dogs Rugs, Tables, etc. Mission Porch Advertising Rates on Application. with their success. cut through one evening with the (Continued from page 1) When proud fathers and loving expectation that it would enlarge All commnuications, advertise­ Swings, Couch Hammocks, Lawn ments, or other matter to be guaran­ mothers write a long letter of cheer itself by the ebb tide but the next points where the pipe bends and it teed proper insertion, MUST be to their boy “over there” they have morning it was found that the flood was decided to submit the plan to handed in not later than noon on figuratively killed a German. If tide had closed it by a bulkhead of the State Board of Health and also Settees and Swings. Wednesday of each week however, they write one of gloom sand and it was abandoned. A new All notices of entertainments by get the opinion of that board regard­ churches, societies, etc., at which an and discouragement they have newed effort was then made by sev­ ing the cause and a remedy. admission fee is charged, for regolu- crushed the heart of their boy and eral hundred men to reopen the one The installing of a telephone in LAWN TENNIS GOODS lions of organizations in cases of virtually killed an American soldier.1 at Cranberry and the work *was the residence of Chief of Police Nets, Balls, Rackets and everything needed for death of members, or similar read­ When we spend our time weeping' completed July 4, 1847, but it again ing matter which is not in the form Bearmore was sanctioned. The the game. of general news will be charged for instead of working we have deprived filled up overnight. number of the phone is 630-M. The at the i ate of five cents r er line for the country and the boys of the Shrewsbury furnishes another telephone company will connect with each insertion. things they are entitled to have. type of the vargaries of the inlets, for this number for any inquiries made Legal Notices—The Coast Adver­ in 1778 the river cut a channel across REFRIGERATORS tiser is a legal newspaper, and as This is no time for inactivity. In- at night for the chief. John Henry, such, is the proper medium for all dustry is patriotism as truly as is the Sandy Hook peninsula, convert­ fire driver for Union company, Full line and very low prices. legal notices. Someadvertisements : service in the trench. Bright eyes, ing it into an island, and until 1810 has also been instructed to notify belong to us by law, while with ; filled with cheer, are patriotism as the channel was navigable for light Officer Estell, directly across E. party in tested SasPto°nw h^itJaJe? | lruly“ beatinS the drum in of draught vessels It then closed up street, of any inquiries at night for Oil and Gas Cooking STOVES shall publish them. j march. Behind the gun with our until July 8, 1848 since then it has an officer. Two officers will be kept The very best that we can buy, the kind that ------■ every endeavor is patriotism as much remainded closed and is defended by on the boardwalk after 10 o’clock News Items of Loca! and Personal \ as with the gun in hand. We who j the bulkheads built by the railroad each day. always gives satisfaction. Call and see us for Interest Invited ; are at home are as much called to to Atlantic Highlands. The tides Through Dr. Hassler, the recently whatever you need. FRIDAY JULY 26 1918------the colors as they 'vho are in France however still surmount these bar- organized Motor corps volunteered ______Service, bright eyed, clear visioned r*ers and bury the track under the its services to the council in any - I cheerful and. hopeful, that is our sand cast up by storms. Prior to case of an emergency. Tlie corps I part in the war. It is such service; 1878 jetties were built to maintain has a membership of twenty-seven PAUL C. TAYLOR in pleasure and at work that we g i v e ! the traffic but then as now it was and has seventeen automobiles at its 808 F Street = Belmar, N. J. ^ it is a sign of patriotism, our part interrupted by sand and the outer- command. The corps can be reach­ to win the war. beach has practically disappeared. ed during the. dav bv telephone No. At the site of the Ocean House, burn­ 290. iS Q O Q O O S M T H E ADVERTISER CALENDAR. ed in 1803, the beach is said to have j been three-quarters of a mile wide THE HENVILLE—BLOODGOOD July 26—Sun rises at 4.49, sets a t!in 1838’ and the beaches are still NUPTIALS 7.22. Length of day 14h., 33m.' I retreating. Last quarter on 30th. Venus and The Deterioration is General Miss Marion Bloodgood, a well The Greatest Department Store on the Coast Jupiter are morning stars; Mars I These are but a few illustrations | known young lady of Belmar and and Saturn are evening stars. of the shifting nature of the inlets Mr. Charles Henville of Como, were' which formerly existed but most of united in marriage at the Baptist which are now closed. Some are “I pledge allcgiance to my r.a~ Tide Table fo r th e W eek. parsonage by Bev. F. S. Berggren, opened by the adjacent Boroughs to Cook's Bee Hive and to the republic for which it High Water.' Low Water on Friday evening, July 19. Mrs. n av . D ate. A M. P.M. preserve the saltine waters and ma­ EVERYTHING YOU NEED IN stands; one nation indivisible, A.M. P.M Marie Denton Bradley and Edward I Fri. 26—p ft/)9 ( 0.25 3,07 I 3.21 rine life while others are perman­ THE LINE OF SUMMER GOODS with liberty and justice to all.” Sat. 27— 1 9.59 110.15 Kleinkauf jr. were witnesses of the 3.18 | 4.14 ently closed and have become fresh Sun. 28—'10(50 111.07 4.41 i 51,10 I ceremony. Mrs. Henville is Dress Goods, Notions and Fancy Goods, Under­ I Mon. 29— 111.46 | 5.32 I 6.11 '',dter *a^es- I* *s notable that the daughter of Contractor Willis H IS GIRL j Wed. 31—1 1.08 I 1.48 H8 ! i V along shore is the cause of j Bloodgood of Thirteenth avenue( wear, Hosiery and Corsets, Millinery, Ladies’ ! Thu. 1—! 2.15 | 2.48 This tihle is furnished The Ad 1 len’ ('losur£ and that this move. ■ an j Henville i s a son of Mr .and Suits, Coats, Dresses and Waists. The day you went away to France, .table T. ,sr. turmsned The , Ad- . i ------ment ls to the — — northward...... from Bav|Mrs. charles Henville. The groom I came back through the streets vertiser by L. S. Coast and Geodetic Head to Sandv Hook and south- j ;s nn j,:.- wnv overs™* . i , . JSu,r"eV- „ ward to Cape May, due chiefly to1 ' Men’s Furnishing Goods, Men’s, Youths’ and Boys’ With burning eyes and feet that' *- 1 . _ _ J Clothing, Hats and Caps. d ragged, | Saving” time ad^onT hourTo^bove ‘he ‘,00(l tk,e and angular waves and 1 Trv an adv. in The Advertiser. And for my happy heart a stone— figures.) hence these are the dominant fac- \ Folk passed me smiling, so I smiled tors, to be controlled, in. all efforts i Shoes for Men, Women and Children. To see how dark the world had The Week in History. to improve the inlets or protect the j g ro w n . July 26—King Roderick, “the last beaches from erosion. Bathing Suits and all accessorie8. JI T present there is in Belmar at I came home to my father’s house j of the G'oths,” defeated and slain by Their applications should be left 406 Sixth Avenue a group of And stood beside the empty stair j the Moors in Spain, 711. to the physicists who may be fami- Trunks, Bags and Suit Cases. Where you had stood, and where we I _ _ (iiar with the local requirments of able teachers who have returned from Europe where they themselves Our'blind soodbves—the tw ilight1 Jul>' 27—Turenne, famous French each site, for example it is reported studied with the world’s greatest House Furnishing Goods. air ‘ marshal, killed in Alsace, 1675. that about 1775 Squan Inlet opened masters Th&y are giving lessons in Was full of you—I had not known ! j into the Atlantic Ocean near where -7------Voice placement, singing, diction, I hat life would be so hard to bear. J u ly 28—Earthquake in Naples, the Beach House now (1778) stands, French, Spanish, elocution, dramatic And yet—God hears! no dusk nor I at Sea Girt aml one arul a ha,f niiles art. gesture and pantomime. COOK’S REE HIVE d aw n north of its present position. Could bring me peace, had you not July 29—Treaty with Japan, 1858. Vet in 1882 an effort was made 406 Sixth Ave. Avenue and Main Street Asbury Park, IN. J. gone. | to open this entrance by two jetties —Fannie Heaslip Lea : July 30—W illiam Penn, died 1718. w ithin (lie shore line to concentrate a8i>iKHKHK' The grocery store to-day is a ( nel by a sand dune which buried the NOR. pretty good place in which to study Aug. 1—Tiberius Claudius Drusus, inner end of the works and deflected Phone 9 Roman emperor, born B. C. 11. j the channel some 300 feet, with less State of New Jersey. patriotism, and whenever we have Execut ive Departmen t. had occasion to go into one of the ------\ depth than formerly. Other efforts Whereas,...... WILLIAM...... HUGHES...... was local stores of late we have watched THE INLETS OF THE NEW JER- to control and improve these en- at a joint meeting of the Legislature people who were making purchases, ^EY COAST tiances have likewise failed to se- of the State of New Jersey, held on j and found it mighty easy to tell _ j Cllre ihf anticipated results after [he e°hSdred ami i GEO. Q. TITUS those who were reallv loyal to the ( e Bard °f Avon has wTell said > ears of fexpense and labor, yet the (thirteen, declared elected a Member Government from those who are not “For there’s a tide in the affairs of problem is not undeterminate for it | 0f the United States Senate from the willingly making sacrifices that our'men’ which, taken at the flood, leads lias been satisfactorily solved under j State of New Jersey, and subse- H Y Q E J A NATURAL soldiers may be fed. When we see on 'to fortune.” This aphorism ap- much less favorable conditions 3nd WJP M ember ‘o^'the ^ ’Si'ted^States ICE a person working every scheme Plies especially to those who go at a fraction of the cost. There is ^enate and after such election and possible in order to get an extra'down to the sea in s,liPs and do therefore no reason for discourage- cnialification, to wit, on the thirtieth amount of sugar, or one protesting business in great waters. This can j ment and since the jurisdiction is | day of January, A. D„ One thousand COAL AND WOOD because he lias to purchase substi-1 onl>’ be done b>' those skilled in ! now placed in the hands of the Com- ™ne /•£ldtue^ HAY, STRAW AND FEED tutes with flour, we cannot but feel navigation and familiar with the missioners of Commerce and Navi- t0 exjst ’jn the representation of this that the loyalty of such a one is! fic^le forces of Nature, especially j gation it is only necessary for the, state in the Senate of the United questionable. A few days ago a ! at inlets on sandy c°asts, which are Legislature to provide the means for States. 12th Ave. and Railroad, Belmar woman for at least a period of five I ever changing and where the risks i the restoration of these vital, navi- r Zprnor°of’ihi’ St^e'ofN ew J through ignorance j to greatly enhance the value and election be held according to law in without the purchase of substitutes. J °f these agencies or from adverse utility of the Coastwise Inland Ca- n^xt^on- The big majority of the American j circumstances, which shroud the nal as an asset to the state. This su;ng the date hereof, for the pur- people, however, are loyal and they landmarker or lighthouses in fogs,1 waterway is now completed fr6m pose of electing a member of the Ranfim n’s icecream accept conditions as they are and do and drive the ships upon the strand, Cape May to the head of Barnegat United States Senatej to fill_ the vac; ancv caused bv the death of the said so cheerfully. They do not go because of the absence of deep, per- j Bay, whence it is being extended WILLIAM HUGHES. The Delicious Kind around growling and neither do manent channels and safe harbors of* to the Manasquan River but the bar Given under my hand and the they put on a long face and solemn refuge. j at the inlet is still unopened and Great Seal of the State of New Jer­ countenance. Men and women who Prior to the revolution, Little (thus compels vessels to make the sey, at Trenton, this sixteenth day AND ICES sey. at Trenton, this sixteenth day spend their time in tears over the Egg Harbor entrance was the best j detour of over twenty miles to the of July, in the year of our Lord One are made from the purest fruits and cream on the coast and Tuckerton was a \ treacherous crossing at Barnegat In­ war and who mentally wear the Thousand Nine Hundred and Eigh­ and are never touched by hand. garb of mourning are the defeated business center. There were many let, recently blocked by another teen and of the Independence of the ones even in the face of success. Such shipyards and a large trade existed wreck. United States the one hundred and Sanitary, water-proof wrapped Brick Cream people are not “keeping the home with the West Indies. The southern As long ago at Feb. 1, 1833 the fortv-third. [L. S.] WALTER E. EDGE, Gov­ our specialty. fires burning,” but are pouring on and eastern markets were supplied state legislature authorized a com­ ernor. Bv the Governor. Special Fancy Forms for All Occasions. ✓ water and by their talk and actions with lumber and iron castings. Mer­ pany to build a canal to connect Bay THOMAS F. MARTIN, Secretary are putting out the fires that burn chants from New York and Phila­ Head with Manasquan Inlet. Had it of State. Endorsed: Phone us when an emergency arises. for victory. Patriotism is evidenced delphia frequently overcrowded the been done then, much time and dis­ “Filed Julv 16. 1918. Telephone 106 BELM/4R, N. J. boarding houses. In winter when tance would have been saved to THOMAS F. MARTIN, Secretary by willingly accepting conditions as of State. they are and keeping cheerful in the the Delaware was closed by ice, the vessels bound to New York but the County of Monmouth 1 face of deadly combat. vessels entered Egg Harbor and sold capital proposed wTas only 15,000 State of New .Jersey S ‘ Cheer tends to labor and economy their cargoes to the traders from which was wholly inadequate and I, Joseph McDermott, Clerk of said County, do hereby certify that New York and Philadelphia who the charter expired by limitation be­ BORTON BROS. and sacrifice and success. Gloom the foregoing is a full and true copy breeds listlessness and defeat. They carried them overland. After the fore work could be begun. of a Proclamation, as it remains on T H E VERY BEST IN breathe out German domination that war its commercial importance was In 1812 the only communication file in my office as of the twenty- may contaminate others. They are d estro y ed . between Wall township and the second day of July, A. P., Nineteen Grocers Staple and Fancy Groceries Hundred and Eighteen. unconscious enemies of the nation A good idea of the extent of the outside world was by vessel out of In Witness Whereof, I have here­ ALL KINDS OF TABLE DELICACIES CARRIED IN STOCK and ought to be in a guard house tonnage and the frequency of the Squan Biver to New York except unto set my hand and affixed the casualties is furnished by the H is­ occasionally by teams through the seal of said County this twrenty- for the good of their associates. — PROMPT We at home are not expected to torical Atlas of N. J of 1878, p. 51, country. Thus it was bottled up seeond day of July, A. D., Nineteen Strictly Fresh Eggs and Butter D etivey Service ostracise, ourselves from all plea- where Rev. Mr. Brown of Pt. Plea­ for about 150 years. hundred and eighteen. [L. S.] JOSEPH McDERMOTT. b e l m a r n j sure for without some pleasure sant states that between Manasquan With better railroad service on C lerk. Ninth Avenue & F Street, , , . FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1918 THE COAST ADVERTISER, BELMAR. N. J. PAGE FIVE

St. Rose’s Catholic Church. mine saith Lord of hosts to give St. Rose’s Catholic—Seventh ave­ gospel of peace over whole world. ONE WHOLE NATION REACHED nue and E street, Rev. William J. WITH WORD OF GOD,—Chas E. BELMAR McConnell, LL. D., pastor. Masses: Cayman, Tokyo, Japan. China, Sundays at 6.15, 7, 8, 9 and 10.30 a. Korea, Japan, 500,000,000 people m. First Fridays 6 and 7.30 a. m. leader for world’s peace. Bishop. HOME Evangelization of Japan. Five Week days at 7.30 a. m. Benedic­ years ago, believing that “the com­ tion Sundays, Holy Days, First Fri­ ing of the Lord draweth nigh” and N E W S days, 7.30 p. m.«. Confessions, Satur­ knowing that the 60 million Japan­ S' days, eves of Holy Days and First ese'were practically untouched we INLET TERRACE CLUB were led to undertake the great vil­ A daughter has been born to Mr. COMING SONG RECITAL Fridays, 4 to 6 and 7.30 to 8.30 p. m. lage campaign which was' to reach :and Mrs. Leslie Thompson of Twelfth week days before 7.30 mass. every individual home in the entire Bulletin-Week July 27 to Aug. 3 The next recital of the series Empire. We want you all to praise av en u e. ______God with us that the work has been being given in the Belmar Methodist First Baptist Church. First Baptist church, Ninth aveniie completed. 161,000 square^ miles Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Cooper and church will be Tuesday evening, has been gone over by our work­ son, Harrison, are passing a few July 30th, at 8.13 o’clock. between C and D streets, Rev. P. T. ers; almost every road and foot­ SATURDAY, JULY 27th, 8.30 P. M REGULAR SATURDAY Morris, D.D., pastor. Morning wor- EVENING DANCE. days at Mountain Lakes. Constance Muriel Hope, the charm ­ path traversed in reaching the 60 ship begins at 11 o’clock, Sunday, million souls. Korea to begin a All Members and their house guests are cordially invited to ing little daughter of Mr. Eugene atten d . A son was born last week Wed­ school at 2.30 p.m. and evening ser­ similar campaign there in that land Bernstein, who so delighted her “on the run after God.” Korea is nesday to Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Bal­ vice at 8 o’clock. Young people’s WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 2.30 P. M. PROGRESSIVE TENNIS audience last summer with her the land of almost continuous revi­ TOURNAMENT. meeting each Friday night at 8 lard of Eighteenth avenue. grace and vdcal skill, will give two vals and wronderful workings of o ’clock. Holy Ghost which naturally results WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 8.30 P. M. DANCE. N E W COLUM - groups of children’s songs and piano- BIA H O TEL. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Wiedenmayer in hundreds of young men and wo­ lougues. Miss Lillian Krauss, so­ men being called of God to preach Wilson’s Tabernacle. The mid-week Dance will be held at the New Columbia Ho­ of Irvington are occupying their prano, will sing two groups of well Gospel. Way of Faith, John M. Pike tel Wednesday Evening, July 31st, at 8.30 P. M. Rev. Charles Wilson-* -pastor. Ser­ cottage at 312 Twelfth avenue. selected songs. Mr. Eugene Bern­ Editor, Columbia, S. C. Music by Howland’s Orchestra. vices every Sunday afternoon at 3 America World Gamp Meeting, stein will be at the piano, an an­ All Members of Inlet Terrace Club are cordially invited to Mrs. William Johnson of 512 o’clock, song service at 7.30 and Atlantic Ocean. Coast road, 135 nouncement which is sufficient to miles. Autos, jitneys, trolleys, 18th attend. Club Membership Cards should be presented for iden­ Twelfth avenue is visiting her evening worship at 8 o’clock. Meet­ tification. crowd the church auditorium. avenue, Belmar, New Jersey. 45 mother in Osceola Mills, Pa. ing every Thursday night at 8 At the last recital, Mine. Elizabeth lots reserved for room. 25,000 THURSDAY, AUGUST 1st, 2.30 P. M. LADIES’ KNITTING o’clock. people. Beautiful grove of trees, MEETING FOR RED CROSS. Rica was heard for the first time in Miss Catherine Miller, of German­ ocean front lots and Lake Como Belmar, but instantly sang herself THURSDAY, AUGUST 1st, 7.15 P. M. ROUND TABLE DINNER. town, is a guest of her sister, Mrs. Como M. E. C hurch also camp lots, 8100 up. Hundred ALL MEMBERS AND THEIR FRIENDS ARE CORDIALLY into the hearts of her many hearers. fold gospel lands, houses, brethren, Paul C. Taylor, 510 Sixth avenue. The service at Como church next INVITED TO PARTICIPATE. With her wonderful presence and sisters and eternal life hid in Sunday will be Of special interes*. Christ is God—Apostle Paul. SATURDAY, AUGUST 3rd, 3.00 P. M. LOCAL SWIMMING MEET her big, glorious voice, Madame Mrs. Jacob W. Naylor of 1304 F The pastor’s morning subject will MIGHTIEST PEACE MOVE­ INLET TERRACE LAGOON. Rica stirred the.audience to tremen­ street has been in Newark this week be “Moved With Compassion” and MENT. S. Earl Taylor, in World’s SATURDAY, AUGUST 3rd, 8.30 P. M. REGULAR SATURDAY dous enthusiasm. The beauty of the Outlook, strikes keynote of coming with her sister who is seriously ill. 1 is evening subject, “Heroes of the EVENING DANCE. songs were wonderfully enhanced permanent and universal peace Cross.” Song service of the old- movement. We have all assented to PROGRESSIVE TENNIS TOURNAMENT Young ladies under the direction by the piano accompaniments of fashioned kind at 7.30, every body these sentiments in our inmost souls EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 2.30 P. M. NO ENTRANCE of Mrs. Heroy will conduct tag that great artist, Mr. Eugene Bern­ sings. We have a book for all who but have very seldom seen them stein. so concisely and distinctly stated.' FEE. day to morrow for the benefit of the com e. He says: “Greatest events, as they All Members and their guests are cordially invited to parti- pate. R ed C ross. affect future of human race, are not FLAG DEDICATION ON SUNDAY Avon First Baptist Church. taking place on battlefields of Eu­ Prizes and Tennis Balls awarded to the w'inners. Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Rilley of W il­ The progressive Tennis Toiarnanients are particularly in­ First Baptist church, Rev. S. J. rope. Most powerful movement mington are spending the week with structive to beginners, affording them the opportunity to play A very handsome silk pulpit flag Arthur, pastor—Morning worship at for universal peace is not emanating from White House, nor from capi­ with more experienced players. They also enable new Mem­ Mrs. Rilley’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. will be placed in the pulpit of the 10.45, Bible school at 11.45, Christian bers to become quickly acquainted. Alexander A. McKay, River road. tals of warring nations. Strongest Methodist church next Sunday Endeavor meeting at 6.30 'p.m. and undergirding of democracy will not , Twenty-four players participate, four on each court—mixed morning at 11 o’clock. doubles. Four games are played and the winners of each match evening service at 7.30 o’clock. come from-revolutions or any poli­ progress to the court above and change partners. Play con­ Mr. Edward England of Elmhurst, The flag is made of heaviest ban­ tical changes made as an immediate tinues until 4.00 P. M. The players winning most games receive L. I. visited Mrs. C. S. Conklin of ner silk, has hand sewed stripes and •fleet of this war. Most significant the prizes. Avon M. P. Church event of our time is almost unnotic­ West Belmar and Mrs. Charles C. hand embroidered silk stars. It is Sunday morning worship at 10.45. ed by secular press. SATURDAY EVENING DANCES Wood of Asbury Park last week. bound with a heavy gold fringe, and Preaching by the pastor, Rev. C- B. I Establishment of church in fields is ornamented with gold cord and lilades. Sabbath School at 9.45 a.m. of world. Most powerful force on The Saturday Evening Dances will be held regularly at the A thimble party of the Home Mis lassie. The flag is mounted on a earth today is resurrection power of Club House every Saturday evening at 8.30 P. M. Music by Evening service at 7.30. Mid-week Howland’s Orchestra. Five pieces, personally conducted. sionary society of the Methodist nine foot pole surmounted by a solid Jesus Christ, which is transforming entire social, domestic, intellectual At 9.30 P. M. a Paul Jones will be led by the Committee, church was held at the home of Mrs. brass eagle. physical and religious life of world. comprising many amusing and interesting features. Paul C. Taylor Tuesday afternoon. The beautiful banner will be ded­ America World Camp-Meeting God is still in heavens that He con­ At 10.30 P. M. a “Keno” contest will be held, with 10 prizes icated at the morning service, and trols affairs of men and destinies of to the winners. Mrs. Richard O’Keefe and daugh­ will be kept in the pulpit for the America World News, Vol. 40, nations, even as in days of old, an l At 11.30 P. M. Lucky Number Contest with prizes to the Ju ly , 19f8. R u ler R ev elatio n s 19. that it was not Caesar upon his w in n ers. ter of New York are visiting Mrs. duration of the war. Lieut. Booth Our King eternal, invisible, only tl tone th: f had most In oo with af­ INLET TERRACE CLUB O’Keefe’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. and others of the Belmar Radio wise God, Lord Jesus Christ, Saviour fairs of Roman Empire and all sub­ George Gibbs, of 919 Curtis avenue. station will take part in the dedica­ of World, made higher than kings sequent civilization, but a prisoner tion exercises. Mrs. Howard Kain, and heavens.—Hebrews 7-26. God in chains who was sent with mem­ orandum from governor that here Miss Katherine Conover, a stenog­ made world and all nations of one soprano, and Miss Carrie Hudson, blood, redeemed by blood of Lamb v">s man insane upon subject of rapher in the government service contralto, will be the soloists of the of God which taketh away sins. of Christ—a petty trouble maker—man at New York, was an over Sunday service. world. John 1-6-17 World-wide who brought Christianity to Rome, visitor with her parents at 608 F proihbition, state, nation and and through Rome to Europe and England and America, and who is ftelitbacfi tow panij stre e t. World meeting, August, 1918. New CHILDREN’S PARADE prohibition bill, agreed upon Wash­ still making glad waste places of Mrs. G'riffin Welsh is arranging Mr. De Deur of the Metropolitan ington, July 8, 1918, legislation to earth. Still humble ambassadors A sbury Park New Jersey* for a children’s parade on Friday prohibit all liquors, wines and beer of Jesus Christ, unrecognized for Opera company and his daughter are afternoon, August 16, starting from after January 1, 1919. Bishop's 25 most part by rulers of world. Con­ spending the season at the home of year prayer answered. Bight price ferences are still crowded off front the Llanvmor hotel at 4 p. m. The Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bernstein, 40 lots on ocean and lake front, page of newspapers, sold out for event is open to all the little folks River road. Como, N. J. Room for 25,000 peo­ money,but foundations are being of Belmar under 15 years of age ple. Trolley Eighteenth avenue, laid, and when Prince of Peace be­ and mothers are urged to interest Belmar, New Jersey. Coast road. comes "nthroned in hearts of indi­ Andrew Vola and William Allen, viduals world over, then will world Sea Suits 135 miles, autos, jitneys. World’s the last of the Belmar men in Class themselves in it. Tlie children ,will tower Holy Ghost commandment. neace he a reality. Let us spend our be dressed in crepe paper and with 1 of the army draft, were called to —Acts. 1. billions if need be to give our people Whoever speaketh against the a fair living chance, hut let us also the colors Tuesday. They were decorated w'agons, carriages and go- Sea suits which can be worn carts it is hoped to make the parade Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven make those permanent investments sent to Camp Dix. in character building which endure a very pretty one. A small entrance him neither in this world, neither as beach suits, for they are as in world to come—Matthew 12:32. forever in peace. Oh, for more pa­ fee will be charged and several good looking as they are useful. Street Superintendent John Glea One law giver who is able to save tient pleading and persistent prayer! prizes will be awarded for children and to destroy—James 4-11. Field, Amen. Editor, C. W- Sherman, Van­ son has had his force at work this MOHAIR SUITS—These suits from six months to 15 years. En­ World, seventeen hundred million guard. week cutting the extension of D America World Camp-Meeting, are made, of excellent quality tries should be made to Mrs. Welsh people. World war must be bot­ street through the Bennett tract tomless pit, lake of fire, brimstone; great revival, church, 11th avenue, mohair, thoroughly shrunk, at­ at the Llanvmor. from Thirteenth avenues. second death tormented day and Pastor Wilson. Belmar, N. J. New night for ever and'ever. Revela­ church on ocean coast, 18th avenue, tractively trimmed with black CARPETS CLEANED CLEAN. tions xx; June 17, 1918. Bishop L. Belmar, N. J. and white polka dots on collar James Smith, assistant cashier of Shafto’s Carpet Cleaning Works, B. Heller. Seventeen hundred mil­ Autos, Church building to be and pockets, belted. Priced at the Englishtown bank, and his fam­ Second Ave. and Langford St.. As­ lion people rule world. Glory to largest church in world, room 25,- ily are spending a two weeks’ vaca­ bury Park. Established 1893. Rugs God, on earth, peace, good will to­ 000 people, on N. J. ocean coast $3.95. fro n t. tion with Mrs. Smith’s mother, Mrs. made from old carpets. Oldest, larg­ ward men. Bishop L. B. Heller’s WORSTED SUITS—Smart est. most modern. Called for and prayer for evangelization world. July 25, 1918, Bishop L. B. Hel­ Addie Hoppock of 806 F street. -etnrned Phnnp rnnn 90-tf Word was God’s, in Christ made ler settled Kaiser’s world war four one-piece suits of all worsted flesh, blood, life of world—John 1:6 years, by excommunication and bot­ material in plain black, also Charles Shibla and Mrs. Shibla of 17. Sharper than a two-edged sword tomless pit, lake of fire and brim­ 412 13th avenue have just received Last words Jesus said, “Ye shall re­ stone, and with 1,500,000.000 people plain colors striped trimmed, V ceive power after Holy Ghost is over world against Kaiser rule in neck. All sizes, $6.95. very handsome souvenir handker­ 1 Among the Churches | come upon you.”—-Acts 1-8. Prayer world. Peace in Christ only real chiefs from Mr. Shibla’s brother, of faith of Son of Living God for one peace proposal. Edward, who is in service in France. ■ million dollars. Silver and Gold is BISHOP Church of the Holy Apostles Carpenter’s pavilion on Shark The Church of the Holy Apostles river did a big business at the end of (Protestant Episcopal), Fifth ave­ Caps—Shoes-Capes- the week. Many parties were out nue and B street, opens Sunday, June Finish the Summer after the elusive crab and some big 9. Services: Morning prayer and Hosiery--etc. catches W'ere made. Crabbing is sermon every Sunday at 10.30 a.m. especially good at this time. loly communion first Sunday of each Season with a Brand month at 10.30 o’clockand every Sun­ About twenty members of United day in August at 7.30 a.m., except the lodge, I. 0. O. F.. attended an Odd first Sunday. New Summer Suit Fellows’ rally at Keyport Tuesday The country' being at war, this, night which was held under the au­ church will be open for prayer and The prices are so low Carpenter’s Pavilion spices of the Keyport lodge. The meditation from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. FORMERLY BUHLER'S trip was made in automobiles. every day of the week. you can afford to buy

Union Fire company turned out F irst Presbyterian C hurch an Extra Suit now— Crabbing, Sailing, Canoeing, Everything. on a still alarm Sunday afternoon First Presbyterian church, Rev. wear it till Fall then for a blaze started in the dump al Charles Everett, D. D., pastor—Sun­ Foot of Tenth Avenue, opp. R. R. Depot Fourteenth avenue and H street, day school at 10 a. m. Morning lock it up till Spring BELMAR, N. J. which at one time threatened the sirvice at 11 o’clock. The Christion cottages adjoining. The fire was Endeavor service is at 6.45 p. m. and comes. Telephone 547 W. H. CARPENTER, Prop. soon extinguished. evening orship at 7.30. Ensure its lasting style by getting All of W. II. Carpenter’s new bun­ Twelfth Avenue Baptist Church galows are occupied. During the Special important features Sun­ it made from our NEW FALL week the one at 806 Tenth avenue day at the Twelfth Avenue Baptist MODELS all of which are NOW Once again we would call attention to our line of was taken possession of by Ira church are addresses by Rev. Y. H. Stricklin and family of Asbury Park Shahbaz, a Turkish missionary just on display. DEPENDABLE SUMMER MERCHANDISE that at 812 Tenth avenue by George returned from Persia where he was All the popular styles in shoes, dainty waists W. McKenzie of Philadelphia and held captive by Turks six months Ask For The International the one at 912 River road by Fred and where his. son and many other and underwear, hosiery and in fact everything Castle and family of Newark. Christians were massacred by the for the whole family. N Kurds. Service hours 11 a. m. and We have a good line of Natty Bathing Suits and Caps. In the report recently published 7.30 -p. m. Look over our line of White Canvas Shoes. for the Second Federal reserve dis­ Our prices are reasonable. trict, Belmar stood second on the First Methortist Church list for subscriptions to the third The First Methodist Episcopal Liberty loan. The Woman’s com­ church, at the head of Silver Lake, mittee of which Mrs. A. W. Moyer Wm. H. Hurley i Seventh avenue and D street, Rev. W. B. LEWIN was chairman, played an active part Earl Ledden, A.M., B.D., minister. in this campaign and much of the The hours of sendee are: 10 a.m., F St ., near 16th Ave., Belmar, N. J. credit is due to it for such a suc­ Bible School; 11 a.m., morning wor­ cessful termination. ship; 8 p.m., vesper service. 907-909 F Street, Bal* Belmar, N. J. I PAGE SIX THE COAST ADVERTISER, BELMAR, N. J. FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1918


LADIES! If you have a Tailored Coat or Suit made—

you are measured for it. In the making of a sweater the same principle should be used. Itis just as necessary to make your sweater to your measurement and have it fit as it is for your tailor or dressmaker to measure you for a coat or suit. It costs you no more to make your sweater properly atid by correct methods than it does by guess work. Should you feel that you do not care to knit a sweater for yourself because you have a soldier’s sweater to knit, then do not hesitate for we can show you how to knit your own sweater no matter what size, color or kind of yarn or style desired, together with a soldier or sailor sweater at the same time and on the same needles. Also two socks at the same time and on the same needles. These ideas are our own and you can not find any other shop that can teach you how to do this. Instructions are absolutely Free when yarn is purchased from us. We are the direct agents of M IN E R V A Y A R N S and carry the entire line exclusively. We have found this to be the best yarn on the market The Emma Louise Art Shop is known the world over and we have customers in every city in the country. This large business has been built up by personal service. This is the shop where you must be satisfied in every detail or we rather you would not purchase. W e are now doing the largest business of our career. Our shop is daily crowded with satisfied customers. Will you not call and be convinced. Please remember, you are always welcome whether you purchase or not.

OPEN EVENINGS NO SHOP TO EQUAL IT ANYWHERE EMMA LOUISE ART SHOP On the Main Street, bet. 7th and 8th Aves., Belmar, N. J. t h e : h o u s e ; o f exclusiveness 709 Main St. Lakewood, N. J., Shop, Main Street, 585 Broad St,, Belmar, N. J. Next door to the Lakewood Trust Co. Newark, N. J. WE CARRY THE MINERVA YARNS EXCLUSIVELY. THEY ARE THE BEST.


Overlook House large baskets of apples around. make the meeting a success. Belmar to Stage New York—E. \V. Britton, Wil­ It is safe to fall into the hands of This is not only an opportunity to m liam Fahey, James Hoey, Mrs. E. B. Belmar women. If the corporal emphasize and honor woman’s work w- Whitfield, Mr. and Airs. Theodore H. had been overcome out in the water in many departments of patriotic Builders and Contractors Some Big Events Bauer, Mr. and Mr>. A. Kater, Miss he w'ould have had a more heroic activity but also to stimulate and in­ || Reliable Dealers in Builders’ Supplies, Plumbers, Blectricisns, Etc. i t Ruth Whitfield, Virginia Connelly, deed to record, for Mrs. Helm, and spire other women who havei not & & (Continued from page 1) Lieut. Tuneellee, Mr. and Mrs. Mel­ possible others of the ladies, is a been fully awake to the opportunity ville C. Decker. proficient swimmer, and without for service. Stapleton, S. I.—Mr. and Mrs. Kal- hesitancy he would have been res­ This will also give an opportunity gentlemen of Belmar only. The termeyer, Mr. Dryfcors, Mr. and Mrs. cued if need be by a woman. for the members of each order to following events will be held for Jacob Schmeiser, Albert Fake. familiarize themselves with the both ladies and gentlemen: For Repairing Leaky Roofs Tottenville, S. I.—John Voss. stupendous work which women are 50 yard swim, girls 12 years old WINNERS OF SCHOLARSHIPS Brooklyn—N. T. Newman, Mr. and doing and it will be a chivalrous and a n d u n d e r. REPAIR YOUR OWN ROOF Mrs, Emil Belan. beautiful thing for men to show 100 yard swim, girls 15 years old Rev. W. J. McConnell Announces USE Ridgefield—Mr. and Mrs. W. 6. their interest and appreciation in an d u n d e r. Names of Successful Contestants Brooks, Margaret and Evelyn Brooks such an obvious manner. 440 yard swim open to all young Hetzel’s Rub-on Paint Richmond Terrace—Victor Cheir- in Parish Schools Organizations are asked to notify lad ies. Hetzel’s Roof and Bridge Paint ron. Rev. Dr. McDuffie, Columbia Hotel, The winners of the 440 yard lady New Brighton—William J. Ru­ When the parish schools of the Ocean Grove, who is chairman, if Hetzel’s Superior Roof Coating and men events will be chosen to d o lp h . diocese of Trenton completed their they will take part in this meeting represent Belmar in the big meet in Hetzel’s Elastic Rubber Roof Cement Newark—Mr. and Mrs. B. U. year’s work, the graduates had the and if the organization will come in the “novice 440.” These swimmers Deixel, Mr. and Mr. P. E. Mandel, satisfaction of knowing that they regalia so that seats may be reserv­ Hetzel’s Plastic Compound will be trained in the lagoon by Miss Charles Dale. had successfully concluded a course ed for them. Galligan and Miss Boyle. Entry fee of study as good as the best in the For Sale at all the Leading Shore Hardware and Paint Stores is twenty-five cents and should be State, and that apart from their sent to Prof. MacIntyre, Hotel Co­ CORPORAL COOPER OVERCOME ESTATE O F). G. HETZEL, 67 Main St., Newark, N. J. Latin, history, physics, etc., they Make the Advertiser your silent lumbia A. C. had been taught the saving truths partner. Have it carry your story Andrew H. Driver, President of the Our Ladies Prove Themselves “Jen­ of religion. So well have they done, every week. Hotel club, is holding a committee nies on the Spot” that to them have been awarded sev­ meeting this week to arrange for the eral prizes, ranging in value as high !uiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmmiiiiiiiiifiitmiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii>iiiiin£ second athletic meet which will be Corporal Cooper of the U. S. Ra­ £ as sixteen hundred dollars each, Established 1905 Telephone Connection ' £ held the latter part of August. This dio School, Camp Vail, New Jersey, and the Superintendent, Rev. Wm. J. meet promises to be larger than the was taken suddenly ill while bath­ McConnell, LL. D., of Belmar, to­ July 4th affair and many good ath­ ing at Gordon’s pavilion Friday day announces the winners. The WILLIAM ALLSPACH letes are being listed. Among the morning. He was one of a party champions are listed in the order of events there will be a patriotic re­ of one hundred and one (a Lieu­ excellence as follows: lay—that is four boys will represent tenant, four file closers, and twrelve Francis Dailey, St. Mary’s School, Sanitary Plumber I some branch of the U. S. military squads) who were on an all-day Gloucester, scholarship to St. Gas Stoves | service. The distance will be half hike from Camp Vail to Belmar. Joseph’s College, Philadelphia. 1004 F Street, bet. 10th and 11th Aves. mile relay, each boy running 220 The Corporal with many of the Joseph Bower, St. Mary’s School, yards. Aviation, infantry, artillery', boys went in bathing, and was rest­ Gloucester, scholarship to La Salle BELMAR, N. J. | signal corps, engineers, etc., will be ing on the beach wThen he was tak- College, Philadelphia. represented. It is not necessary >en violently ill. First aid was' Edward D. Connors, Star of the iiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiifijl for competitors to be in the service. administered by Jack Smith and Sea School, Long Branch, scholar­ All that is necessary is for four boys Mrs. Helm until Dr. Hassler arrived. ship to St. Benedict’s College, New­ “Oh, Boys! It’s a to get together and represent some He was rolled in blankets until he ark . 1 branch of the service and enter at regained consciousness when Ser­ Rose McNeal, St. Mary’s School, Grand and Glori­ T el. 620-R once, that there may not be two of geant F. D. Fager took charge. He South Amboy, scholarship to Mt. St, one branch offered. was carried from the beach up into Mary’s College, Plainfield. These events along with the big the bathing office wThere Hie was Mary McNeal, St. Mary’s School, ous Feeling Jos. C. Steward j swimming meets will be a strong made comfortable on a cot until Camden, scholarship to St. Eliza­ When, after the day’s work is card for Belmar. Miss Emma Volz of 103 Eighth ave­ beth’s College, Madison. done, you sit in your favorite chair PLUMBING AND HEATING J The Monday evening entertain- nue accompanied by Miss Millie Volz, Elizabeth Halbeisen, SS. Peter and enjoying the cool breeze of an oments will be heavy ones in the fu­ Miss Alice Allan, Mrs. Helm and the Paul’s School, Camden, scholarship Electric Fan. Pneumatic Water Supply Systems tu re . Sergeant took him back to Camp to Notre Dame of Maryland, Balti­ And during the day *he family y. Prof. MacIntyre, Director of Ac: in the Volz machine. The partv m ore. is kept comfortable and happy as 1106 F Street Belmar, N. J. tivities of the New Hotel Columbia, j; was met by the Officer of the Day Lillian McClain, Immaculate Con they should be. % certainly is putting Belmar on the who escorted them through the ception School, Trenton, scholarship There is no cheaper comfort map. There is not the least doubt Camp. Every courtesy was extend­ to Mt. St. Joseph’s, Chestnut Hill, Pa. than an Electric Fan. but that Belmar will be the leading ed the ladies and Lieutenant Stan­ See our stock. sekct summer resort of the entire ton, in appreciation, did some spec­ IN HONOR OF WOMAN’S WORK coast by next year. Prof. MacIn­ tacular flying in his plane. tyre, in conjunction with Paul T. On the return trip the Volz car All Monmouth County organiza­ Zizinia, President of the Inlet Ter­ ATLANTIC COAST N. JACOBSON met the “hikers” and were enthu­ tions are cordially invited to parti­ % race dub and H. B. Churchill mana­ siastically cheered. The boys cer­ cipate officially in a great mass meet­ ger of the Columbia, are a team that tainly appreciate a good turn done ing in honor of woman’s work in SANITARY PLUMBER win give us the most healthy, ELECTRIC LIGHT CO. for they related the kindness of the the war which will be held in the interesting and exciting recreation Mayor of Bradley Beach where they Auditorium at Ocean Grove on Au­ 726 Cookman Ave., STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING that ever was staged in a select sum­ had a half hour’s rest. He treated gust 2. Already over fifty organiza­ mer resort. Asbury Park, N. J. them all to soda, one of the women tions of men and women have ac­ 1110 F Street Belmar, N. J. residents gave each a pack of cigar- cepted this invitation to participate Phone 2000 Subscribe for the Advertiser. etts, and still another passed two and are doing all in their power to FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1918 THE COAST ADVERTISER, BELMAR, N. J. PAGE SEVEN BELMAR’S MEN IN THE U. S. SERVICE

The following is a list of the Belmar men, both permanent and summer residents, who are in active service in some branch of the national force It is the intention of The Advertiser to publish a revised list each week during the war. In order that we may keep this list correct we appeal to our friends to inform us of any change in rank, regiment or fate of the soldier. The summer residents have been indicated thus (N. Y. City):— BUNGALOW PARK ARMY—SOMEWHERE IN FRANCE Officers—Miscellaneous I Warren E. Stephens, Corpl. Co. E. Fred W. Sladen (U. S. A.) Brig. 114th Inf. (3rd N. J.) • Gen. i Peter Morris, Co. E, 114th Inf. (3d Henry Slocum Wagner (U. S. A.; : n . j .) Lieut.-Col. Inf. I 42d Div. (Rainbow) National Guard. William A. Newbold, Major. Med. Charles Measure lcl. Hosp. pvt. R. C., 305th Engrs., 80th Div. BUILDINGC A I T William F. Philbrick, lst Lieut- 117th Supply Train Hq. Wilbur II. Simpson, 165th Amb. Co. II., 35th Engrs. Co. (lst N. J.) 117th Sanitary Train. Paul Coster, Jr., (N. Y. City) Edward Shibla (W. Belmar) 165th 2nd L ieut. Inf. U. S. A. Ambulance Co., 117th Sanitary Train Jay Sterner, lst Lieut. Inf. O. R. C. LOTS O A L t 310 Machine Gun Batt. 78th Div. (Lightning) National Armv E. Donald Sterner, lst Lieut. Co. Arthur C. Tipton (U. S. A.) Major, A. 5th Pro. Labor Batt. Q. M. C. Adj. Genl. Murwyn K. Allebach ^ (Philadel­ Henry C. Thorne, Jr. Sgt. 303d phia) lst Lieut. Cav. R. C. E ngns. Karl Hardigan (Newark) 2nd Francesco Casaburi, 303rd Engr. Located on F St., BELMAR, N. J. Lieut. Eng. 0. R. C. Vernon Shibla, Sig. Corps. lst Army Corps Hdqrs. Albert Bearmore, 310th M. G. Batt. It includes the New Streets to be Known as C A C. Jay C. Pridham, Corpl. Co. C. Ar­ Etiielbert Haberstick, 310th Inft. my Hq. Regt. (lst N. H. Inf.) . Edward S. Kain (Philadelphia) Ellsworth Lutz (Wall Twp) 310th 21st Avenue 22nd Avenue Inf. Hq. Regt. (lst N. H. Inf.) Henry Curtis (Wall Twp) 310th 27th Div. (Empire) National Guard. Inf. and Margerum Ave. Courtney Stone (N. Y. City) 107th Robert Worthington (Wall Twp) Inf. (7th N. Y.) 310 Inf. Alfred Hoehn (N. Y. City) Corpl Jacob Haberstick, 310th Inft Co. E. 107th Inf. (7th N. Y.) Peter Smith, 303rd Motor Supply., The Asbury Park to Spring Lake Ennis B. Pierce, Corpl. Co. 7, 102d Lindley Morris. Ammunition Train (lst N. Y. Barnet Bernstein BUY A LOT Percival Hopwood (N. Y. City) American Ambulance 102d Ammunition Train (lst N. Y.) Trolley Passing the Tract Raymond Hunter (Brooklyn) Am­ Harry W. Crawford (N. Y. City) Erect a Bungalow bulance Corps. ASK THE CONDUCTOR HE KNOWS Corpl. 104th FA. (lst N. Y.) (French—Croix de Guerre Mar. ’18) This is a 29th Div. (Blue and Gray) Nat. Guard Lefferts Brown (N. Y. C.) A m bu­ Increase James D. Tremble (Jersey City) lance Corps. Dandy Little lst Lieut. 113th Inf. (4th N. J.) Nelson Whitney (East Orange) your summer pleasures. Harold ltothchild (Newark) Hq. Ambulance Corps. PRICES TERMS: A viation Home Robert G. Thickstun (Plainfield) Joseph Borden, ’st Lieut. Aviation !$10 H q. T ro o p . Thomas Bryce (Newark) Hq. C orps. First Payment and Inexpensive Melville L. Anderson, (Jersey $65.00 tro o p . Then Gerald Thickstun (Plainfield) Hq. City) Mechanic, Aviation Corps. tro o p ...... Burr Cook (Newark) Cadet, Avia Bruce Estell, Troop A 104th Mili­ 'tion Corps. to $5 tary Police (lst N. J. Cav.) Enlisted Men—Miscellaneous Monthly Francis M. Porch, Corpl. Battery Warner I. Cubberly, Corpl. Ord. Lots E„ 112th H. F. A. (lst N. J.) D ept. $199 Until Paid For Joseph W. Redmond, 112th H. F. A. Edward Algor, (W. Belmar) (lst N. J.) D ru m m er. Frank B. White, 112th H. F. A. (June 1918, cited for gallantry and Easy to Buy—Easy to Pay—Easy to Own (1st N. J.) untiring activity under fire.) J. Davis Scudder, Sgt.—Chauffeur, H o w a rd O. H ousel, 109th M. G. A house like the above will Buy Your Lot Now, Occupy it While You Are Co. C. 104th Field Sig. Batt. (lst N. B att. _ decrease summerexpenses Paying—SAVE RENT J.) Ed. Hermann, Bat’ry G, 7th Reg’t., Albert Gifford, Co. E. 114th Inf. Lees Hough (Brooklyn) lst Div. Come to These Sales or Our Office, (3rd N. J.) (165th N. Y.) Don’t Delay G. Edwin Sherman^ Co. E. 114th Warren Harrison (Wall Twp) Let Us Tell You How Inf. (3rd N. J.) Stevedore Regt. Any Longer ARMY—IN AMERICA Officers—Miscellaneous Irvine Gitler, (Wall Twp) Augustus P. Blocksom, (U. S. A.) Arthur Lawrence. (Wall Twp.) Brig. Gen. Dept. Hawaii. Elmer H. Cuttrell. (Wall Twp.) SEE US Auten Miller (Baltimore) Lt. Col. Robert A. Pearce. (Wall T w p .) 4 Grand Sale Days 4 O rd. A viation Edward Glass, (U. S. A.) Major Cav. James J. Ferris (Jersey City) Lieut. Ripley Quinby (E. Orange) Capt. Aviation corps. Beginning Wednesday, July 31st C. A. O. R. C. Harold Hoffman, 12th Balloon Co. Roy M. MeCutcheon (Plainfield) ' Harry S. Strong, Corpl. 11th Capt. Engrs, U. S. A. Balloon Co. Tl1 DayVFor Balance of That Week David B. Thickstun (Plainfield) lst Sylvester A. Murphy (N. Y. City). Lieut. Dental R. C. Areo Squadron 236, Own 2 . 1 C P IVf On The Property Theo. W. Vandeveer lst Lieut. F. Theodore B. Thompson, Jr. (N. Y. • * 1 • i I* Rain or Shine A. R. C. 77th D iv. City) 225th Areo Squad. A. M. C. A zoy, J r., (E. O ran g e) 2nd Woodruf Crane, Aviation Corps. Your Own L ieu t. C. A. O. R. C. George Bryce (Newark) Aviation Claude C. Newberry, 2nd Lieut. C orps. F. A. O. R. C. Robert N. Williams, (N. Y. City) Henry Darcy Scudder, Jr. 2d Lieut. Cadet, Aviation corps. Summer Own a Bossert House Do It Co. B, 10th Batt. U. S. Guards. Frank Borden (Germantown) Ca­ John Borden (Germantown) Lieut- det, Aviation corps. The plans for these houses can be obtained by Today O rd. Enlisted Men—Miscellaneous Home writing to Louis Bossert & Sons, Inc., 1318 Grand —th Div. National Army John J. Manning, Sergt. Q. M. Street, Brooklyn, N . Y . D e p t Camp Dix, Wrightstown, N. J. Robert A. Higgins, Jr., (Jersey We will be glad to give you information and show Joseph L. Hoppock. City) Motor Truck Squad, No. 410, L eslie A. B rice. Q. M. C. you catalog. Daniel W. Jones, Jr. Edward Eilert (N. Y. City) Q. M. BEAT Milton Schneider. C orps. Joseph T. Burger. Earl Conklin, Q. M. Corps. BUNGALOW Alfred Feldman. Herbert A. Hoehn (N. Y. City) the high wartime costs of Real Money Boxes Gustav A Markroitz. 326th Batt. Tank service. D aniel A. A ker. Lawrence T. McCormick, 472d renting at summer resorts Gold, Silver and Free Each Day of Frederick Vowels Engr Mapping Dept. James H. Taylor Joseph Clayton, Engr. Greenbacks On the Grounds Fresh Candy Ezekias Steelman. Ira Conover, Coast Art. PARK Andrew Vola Vernon Morris (Wall twp.) Bat’ry Given Away During the Sale Free Isador Brauer E. 19th F. A. (U. S. A.) is just the place for a F ra n k C. C arlson Daniel Conover, Ammunition Stephen White (W. Belmar/ T rain . START dandy little Bungalow Louis Algor (W. B elm ar) Arthur Riemuller, Officers Train- among the pine tree* Roy Fowler (W. Belmar) School. Come Get All These Good Things Ralph R. Conklin. (W. Belmar) George J. Lehman, 8th Cav. where it is cool and com­ Robert L. Steward. (W. Belmar) Franklin Morris, Cav. Arthur Gifford, (W. Belmar). Raymond P. Jones, Co. L. lst Inf., fortable with the“’trolley Morris Sharpen (W. Belmar). (U. S. A.) NOW Bert M. Pope. (W. Belmar) Nat. Silverstein, Inf. Free " fjSLv

i t e r , ^ i *

DUKE KAHANAMOKU CLARENCE LANE HAROLD KRUGER The Three International World Champions from Honolulu will compete and give an exhibition of aquatic performances. Every national man and woman champion record holder in the country to compete, most of whom are also holders of world’s champion records. This meet will bring together for the first time, the largest aggregation of world champion swimmers ever assembled. AMONG THE CONTESTANTS: DUKE KAHANAMOKU OF HONOLULU. MISS ELIZABETH BECKER World’s greatest Swimmer and breaker of world’s re­ Philadelphia Gymnastic Society—Middle Atlantic Spring cords. Board Champion Diver and Swimmer. CLARENCE LANE OF HONOLULU. MISS HELEN PENNYPACKER World’s record holder. Philadelphia Gymnastic Society—Middle Atlantic Out­ HAROLD KRUGER OF HONOLULU. door Diving Champion and Crack Swimmer. World’s record holder. MISS ELIZABETH RYAN PERRY McGILLVRAY OF THE GREAT LAKES NAV- - 1st Regiment Club—Middle Atlantic Champion. AL TRAINING STATION, CHICAGO. MISS CLAIRE GALLIGAN National and World Record Holder. Women’s Swimming Association of New York. Nation­ NORMAN ROSS OF THE ROCKWELL AVIATION al Champion at 220 yards, 500 yards, one-half mile and one mile. American record holder at every distance FIELDS, SAN DIEGO, CAL. from 220 yards up. National and World’s Record Holder. MISS CHARLOTTE BOYLE LEO GIEBEL, N. Y. A. C. "Women’s, Swimming Association of New York. Nation­ Junior National Champion and Record Holder al Champion Swimmer. World’s.- record holder for TOGETHER WITH ALL THE BEST MEN SWIMMERS IN THE COUNTRY" plunge for distance. Junior World’s record holder at 100 metres. MISS LUCY FREEMAN AMONG THE WOMEN CONTESTANTS: Women’s Swimming Association of New York. Nation­ al Long Distance Swimmer. MISS DOROTHY BURNS MISS JOSEPHINE BARTLETT Los Angeles Athletic Club, Cal. National Back Stroke Women’s Swimming Association of New York. Metro­ Champion. Open Water American Recoi’d Holder and politan Diving Champion. World’s Outdoor Record Holder. MISS HELEN WAIN WRIGHT MISS OLGA DORFNER Women’s Swimming Association of New York. 12 years Philadelphia Gymnastic Society—National and World’s old. Weight, 75 pounds. Diving and swimming cham­ Champion and Record Holder. pion. MISS GERTRUDE ARTELT MISS EILEEN RIGGIN. Philadelphia Gymnastic Society—Open Water National Women’s Swimming Association of New York. 12 years Champion. old. Weight, 70 pounds. Swimming Prodigy at all MISS MABEL ARKLIE distances. Philadelphia Gymnastic Society. American Breast TOGETHER WITH ALL THE AMERICAN SWIMMING Stroke Champion. CHAMPIONS

INLET TERRACE LAGOON Inlet Terrace Lagoon is the World’s Largest Swimming Pool—200 feet wide and 2000 feet long—depth 15 feet. ■■ TIDAL SALT WATER SWIMMING POOL. No other swimming pool has afforded the facilities of holding so many different events and bringing together such a galaxy of stars. In addition to the contestants a number of world’s aquatic performers will also exhibit. Reserved Seats will be provided in an Enclosed Grand Stand—capacity, 2500. Meet will be held rain or shine. The Swimming Meet will be held under the auspices of NEW COLUMBIA HOTEL and INLET TERRACE CLUBS The Proceeds of the Meet will be Donated to the BELMAR BRANCH OF THE AMERICAN RED CROSS