
Chapter 6

Riemannian and Connections

6.1 Riemannian Metrics

Fortunately, the rich theory of vector spaces endowed with aEuclideaninnerproductcan,toagreatextent,belifted to various bundles associated with a .

The notion of local (and global) frame plays an important technical role. Definition 6.1.1 Let M be an n-dimensional smooth manifold. For any open subset, U M,ann-tuple of ⊆ vector fields, (X1,...,Xn), over U is called a frame over U iff(X1(p),...,Xn(p)) is a of the tangent , T M,foreveryp U.IfU = M,thentheX are global p ∈ i sections and (X1,...,Xn)iscalledaframe (of M).


The notion of a frame is due to Elie´ Cartan who (after Darboux) made extensive use of them under the name of (and the moving frame method).

Cartan’s terminology is intuitively clear: As a point, p, moves in U,theframe,(X1(p),...,Xn(p)), moves from fibre to fibre. Physicists refer to a frame as a choice of local gauge.

If dim(M)=n,thenforeverychart,(U,ϕ), since 1 n dϕ− : R T M is a bijection for every p U,the ϕ(p) → p ∈ n-tuple of vector fields, (X1,...,Xn), with 1 Xi(p)=dϕϕ−(p)(ei), is a frame of TM over U,where n (e1,...,en)isthecanonicalbasisofR .

The following proposition tells us when the tangent bun- dle is trivial (that is, isomorphic to the product, M Rn): × 6.1. RIEMANNIAN METRICS 457 Proposition 6.1.2 The , TM,ofa smooth n-dimensional manifold, M,istrivialiffit possesses a frame of global sections (vector fields de- fined on M).

As an illustration of Proposition 6.1.2 we can prove that the tangent bundle, TS1,ofthecircle,istrivial.

Indeed, we can find a that is everywhere nonzero, i.e. anon-vanishingvectorfield,namely X(cos θ,sin θ)=( sin θ, cos θ). − The reader should try proving that TS3 is also trivial (use the quaternions).

However, TS2 is nontrivial, although this not so easy to prove.

More generally, it can be shown that TSn is nontrivial for all even n 2. It can even be shown that S1, S3 and S7 are the only≥ whose tangent bundle is trivial. This is a rather deep theorem and its proof is hard. 458 CHAPTER 6. RIEMANNIAN MANIFOLDS AND CONNECTIONS Remark: Amanifold,M,suchthatitstangentbundle, TM,istrivialiscalledparallelizable.

We now define Riemannian metrics and Riemannian man- ifolds.

Definition 6.1.3 Given a smooth n-dimensional man- ifold, M,aRiemannian on M (or TM) is a family, ( , p)p M ,ofinnerproductsoneachtangent '− −( ∈ space, TpM,suchthat , p depends smoothly on p, which means that for every'− chart,−( ϕ : U Rn,forevery α α → frame, (X1,...,Xn), on Uα,themaps p X (p),X (p) ,pU , 1 i, j n )→ ' i j (p ∈ α ≤ ≤ are smooth. A smooth manifold, M,withaRiemannian metric is called a . 6.1. RIEMANNIAN METRICS 459 If dim(M)=n,thenforeverychart,(U,ϕ), we have the 1 frame, (X1,...,Xn), over U,withXi(p)=dϕϕ−(p)(ei), n where (e1,...,en)isthecanonicalbasisofR .Sinceev- n ery vector field over U is a linear combination, i=1 fiXi, for some smooth functions, fi: U R,theconditionof Definition 6.1.3 is equivalent to the→ fact that the! maps, 1 1 p dϕ− (e ),dϕ− (e ) ,pU, 1 i, j n, )→ ' ϕ(p) i ϕ(p) j (p ∈ ≤ ≤ are smooth. If we let x = ϕ(p), the above condition says that the maps, 1 1 x dϕ− (ei),dϕ− (ej) 1 ,x ϕ(U), 1 i, j n, )→ ' x x (ϕ− (x) ∈ ≤ ≤ are smooth.

If M is a Riemannian manifold, the metric on TM is often denoted g =(gp)p M .Inachart,usinglocalcoordinates, we often use the notation∈ g = g dx dx or simply ij ij i ⊗ j g = gijdxidxj,where ij ! ! ∂ ∂ gij(p)= , . ∂xi ∂xj "# $p # $p%p 460 CHAPTER 6. RIEMANNIAN MANIFOLDS AND CONNECTIONS

For every p U,thematrix,(gij(p)), is symmetric, pos- itive definite.∈

The standard Euclidean metric on Rn,namely, g = dx2 + + dx2, 1 ··· n makes Rn into a Riemannian manifold.

Then, every , M,ofRn inherits a metric by restricting the Euclidean metric to M.

n 1 For example, the , S − ,inheritsametricthat n 1 makes S − into a Riemannian manifold. It is a good exercise to find the local expression of this metric for S2 in polar coordinates.

AnontrivialexampleofaRiemannianmanifoldisthe Poincar´eupper half-space,namely,theset H = (x, y) R2 y>0 equipped with the metric { ∈ | } dx2 + dy2 g = . y2 6.1. RIEMANNIAN METRICS 461 Awaytoobtainametriconamanifold,N,istopull- back the metric, g,onanothermanifold,M,alongalocal diffeomorphism, ϕ: N M. → Recall that ϕ is a local diffeomorphism iff dϕ : T N T M p p → ϕ(p) is a bijective for every p N. ∈ Given any metric g on M,ifϕ is a local diffeomorphism, we define the pull-back metric, ϕ∗g,onN induced by g as follows: For all p N,forallu, v T N, ∈ ∈ p (ϕ∗g)p(u, v)=gϕ(p)(dϕp(u),dϕp(v)).

We need to check that (ϕ∗g)p is an inner product, which is very easy since dϕp is a linear isomorphism.

Our map, ϕ,betweenthetwoRiemannianmanifolds (N,ϕ∗g)and(M,g)isalocalisometry,asdefinedbe- low. 462 CHAPTER 6. RIEMANNIAN MANIFOLDS AND CONNECTIONS Definition 6.1.4 Given two Riemannian manifolds, (M1,g1)and(M2,g2), a local is a smooth map, ϕ: M M ,suchthatdϕ : T M T M is an 1 → 2 p p 1 → ϕ(p) 2 isometry between the Euclidean spaces (TpM1, (g1)p)and (T M , (g ) ), for every p M ,thatis, ϕ(p) 2 2 ϕ(p) ∈ 1 (g1)p(u, v)=(g2)ϕ(p)(dϕp(u),dϕp(v)), for all u, v TpM1 or, equivalently, ϕ∗g2 = g1.More- over, ϕ is an∈ isometry iffit is a local isometry and a diffeomorphism.

The of a Riemannian manifold, (M,g), form a group, Isom(M,g), called the isometry group of (M,g).

An important theorem of Myers and Steenrod asserts that the isometry group, Isom(M,g), is a . 6.1. RIEMANNIAN METRICS 463 Given a map, ϕ: M M ,andametricg on M ,in 1 → 2 1 1 general, ϕ does not induce any metric on M2.

However, if ϕ has some extra properties, it does induce ametriconM2.ThisisthecasewhenM2 arises from M1 as a quotient induced by some group of isometries of M1. For more on this, see Gallot, Hulin and Lafontaine [?], Chapter 2, Section 2.A.

Now, because a manifold is paracompact (see Section 4.6), a Riemannian metric always exists on M.Thisis aconsequenceoftheexistenceofpartitionsofunity(see Theorem 4.6.5).

Theorem 6.1.5 Every smooth manifold admits a Rie- mannian metric. 464 CHAPTER 6. RIEMANNIAN MANIFOLDS AND CONNECTIONS 6.2 Connections on Manifolds

Given a manifold, M,ingeneral,foranytwopoints, p, q M,thereisno“natural”isomorphismbetween ∈ the tangent spaces TpM and TqM.

Given a , c:[0, 1] M,onM as c(t)moveson → M,howdoesthetangentspace,Tc(t)M change as c(t) moves?

n n If M = R ,thenthespaces,Tc(t)R ,arecanonically n n n isomorphic to R and any vector, v Tc(0)R ∼= R ,is simply moved along c by ∈ ,thatis,at n c(t), the tangent vector, v,alsobelongstoTc(t)R .

However, if M is curved, for example, a sphere, then it is not obvious how to “parallel transport” a tangent vector at c(0) along a curve c. 6.2. CONNECTIONS ON MANIFOLDS 465 Awaytoachievethisistodefinethenotionofparallel vector field along a curve and this, in turn, can be defined in terms of the notion of covariant of a vector field.

Assume for simplicity that M is a in R3. Given any two vector fields, X and Y defined on some open sub- set, U R3,foreveryp U,thedirectional derivative, ⊆ ∈ DXY (p),ofY with respect to X is defined by Y (p + tX(p)) Y (p) DXY (p)=lim − . t 0 → t

If f: U R is a differentiable function on U,forevery p U,the→ , X[f](p) (or X(f)(p)), of∈f with respect to X is defined by f(p + tX(p)) f(p) X[f](p)=lim − . t 0 → t


It is easily shown that DXY (p)isR-bilinear in X and Y , is C∞(U)-linear in X and satisfies the Leibnitz derivation rule with respect to Y ,thatis:

Proposition 6.2.1 The directional derivative of vec- tor fields satisfies the following properties:

DX1+X2Y (p)=DX1Y (p)+DX2Y (p) DfXY (p)=fDXY (p) DX(Y1 + Y2)(p)=DXY1(p)+DXY2(p) DX(fY)(p)=X[f](p)Y (p)+f(p)DXY (p), for all X, X ,X ,Y,Y ,Y X(U) and all f C∞(U). 1 2 1 2 ∈ ∈

Now, if p U where U M is an open subset of M,for ∈ ⊆ any vector field, Y ,definedonU (Y (p) TpM,forall p U), for every X T M,thedirectionalderivative,∈ ∈ ∈ p DXY (p), makes sense and it has an orthogonal decom- position, D Y (p)= Y (p)+(D ) Y (p), X ∇X n X where its horizontal (or tangential) component is Y (p) T M and its normal component is (D ) Y (p). ∇X ∈ p n X 6.2. CONNECTIONS ON MANIFOLDS 467 The component, Y (p), is the of ∇X Y with respect to X TpM and it allows us to define the covariant derivative∈ of a vector field, Y X(U), with respect to a vector field, X X(M), on M∈. ∈

We easily check that XY satisfies the four equations of Proposition 6.2.1. ∇

In particular, Y ,maybeavectorfieldassociatedwitha curve, c:[0, 1] M. → A vector field along a curve, c, is a vector field, Y ,such that Y (c(t)) Tc(t)M,forallt [0, 1]. We also write Y (t)forY (c(∈t)). ∈

Then, we say that Y is parallel along c iff ∂/∂tY =0 along c. ∇ 468 CHAPTER 6. RIEMANNIAN MANIFOLDS AND CONNECTIONS The notion of parallel transport on a surface can be de- fined using parallel vector fields along . Let p, q be any two points on the surface M and assume there is a curve, c:[0, 1] M,joiningp = c(0) to q = c(1). → Then, using the uniqueness and existence theorem for ordinary differential equations, it can be shown that for any initial tangent vector, Y T M,thereisaunique 0 ∈ p parallel vector field, Y ,alongc,withY (0) = Y0.

If we set Y = Y (1), we obtain a linear map, Y Y , 1 0 )→ 1 from TpM to TqM which is also an isometry.

As a summary, given a surface, M,ifwecandefineano- tion of covariant derivative, : X(M) X(M) X(M), satisfying the properties of Proposition∇ × 6.2.1, then→ we can define the notion of parallel vector field along a curve and the notion of parallel transport, which yields a natural way of relating two tangent spaces, TpM and TqM,using curves joining p and q. 6.2. CONNECTIONS ON MANIFOLDS 469 This can be generalized to manifolds using the notion of . We will see that the notion of connection induces the notion of . Moreover, if M has a Riemannian metric, we will see that this metric induces auniqueconnectionwithtwoextraproperties(theLevi- Civita connection).

Definition 6.2.2 Let M be a smooth manifold. A connection on M is a R-bilinear map, : X(M) X(M) X(M), ∇ × → where we write XY for (X, Y ), such that the follow- ing two conditions∇ hold: ∇ Y = f Y ∇fX ∇X (fY)=X[f]Y + f Y, ∇X ∇X for all X, Y X(M)andallf C∞(M). The vector ∈ ∈ field, XY ,iscalledthecovariant derivative of Y with respect∇ to X.

AconnectiononM is also known as an affine connection on M. 470 CHAPTER 6. RIEMANNIAN MANIFOLDS AND CONNECTIONS Abasicpropertyof is that it is a local operator. ∇

Proposition 6.2.3 Let M be a smooth manifold and let be a connection on M.Foreveryopensubset, U ∇M,foreveryvectorfield,Y X(M),if ⊆ ∈ Y 0 on U,then XY 0 on U for all X X(M), that≡ is, is a local∇ operator.≡ ∈ ∇

Proposition 6.2.3 implies that a connection, ,onM, restricts to a connection, ! U,oneveryopensubset,∇ U M. ∇ ⊆

It can also be shown that ( XY )(p)onlydependson X(p), that is, for any two vector∇ fields, X, Y X(M), if X(p)=Y (p)forsomep M,then ∈ ∈ ( Z)(p)=( Z)(p)foreveryZ X(M). ∇X ∇Y ∈

Consequently, for any p M,thecovariantderivative, ( Y )(p), is well defined∈ for any tangent vector, ∇u u TpM,andanyvectorfield,Y ,definedonsomeopen subset,∈ U M,withp U. ⊆ ∈ 6.2. CONNECTIONS ON MANIFOLDS 471 Observe that on U,then-tuple of vector fields, ∂ ,..., ∂ ,isalocalframe. ∂x1 ∂xn & ' We can write n ∂ k ∂ ∂ = Γij , ∇∂xi ∂xj ∂xk # $ (k=1 k for some unique smooth functions, Γij,definedonU, called the Christoffel symbols.

We say that a connection, ,isflat on U iff ∇ ∂ =0, for all X X(U), 1 i n. ∇X ∂x ∈ ≤ ≤ # i$ 472 CHAPTER 6. RIEMANNIAN MANIFOLDS AND CONNECTIONS Proposition 6.2.4 Every smooth manifold, M,pos- sesses a connection.

Proof .Wecanfindafamilyofcharts,(Uα,ϕα), such that U is a locally finite open cover of M.If(f )is { α}α α apartitionofunitysubordinatetothecover Uα α and α { } if is the flat connection on Uα,thenitisimmediately verified∇ that = f α ∇ α∇ α ( is a connection on M.

Remark: AconnectiononTM can be viewed as a lin- ear map, : X(M) Hom (X(M), (X(M)), ∇ −→ C∞(M) such that, for any fixed Y (M), the map, ∈X Y : X XY ,isC∞(M)-linear, which implies that ∇Y is a)→ (1, ∇1) . ∇ 6.3. PARALLEL TRANSPORT 473 6.3 Parallel Transport

The notion of connection yields the notion of parallel transport. First, we need to define the covariant deriva- tive of a vector field along a curve.

Definition 6.3.1 Let M be a smooth manifold and let γ:[a, b] M be a smooth curve in M.Asmooth vector field along→ the curve γ is a smooth map, X:[a, b] TM,suchthatπ(X(t)) = γ(t), for all t [a, b](→X(t) T M). ∈ ∈ γ(t)

Recall that the curve, γ:[a, b] M,issmoothiffγ is the restriction to [a, b]ofasmoothcurveonsomeopen→ interval containing [a, b]. 474 CHAPTER 6. RIEMANNIAN MANIFOLDS AND CONNECTIONS Proposition 6.3.2 Let M be a smooth manifold, let be a connection on M and γ:[a, b] M be a smooth curve∇ in M.ThereisaR-linear map,→ D/dt,defined on the of smooth vector fields, X,along γ,whichsatisfiesthefollowingconditions: (1) For any smooth function, f:[a, b] R, → D(fX) df DX = X + f dt dt dt (2) If X is induced by a vector field, Z X(M), ∈ that is, X(t0)=Z(γ(t0)) for all t0 [a, b],then DX ∈ (t )=( Z) . dt 0 ∇γ1(t0) γ(t0) 6.3. PARALLEL TRANSPORT 475 Proof .Sinceγ([a, b]) is compact, it can be covered by a finite number of open subsets, Uα,suchthat(Uα,ϕα)isa chart. Thus, we may assume that γ:[a, b] U for some chart, (U,ϕ). As ϕ γ:[a, b] Rn,wecanwrite→ ◦ → ϕ γ(t)=(u (t),...,u (t)), ◦ 1 n where each ui = pri ϕ γ is smooth. Now, it is easy to see that ◦ ◦ n dui ∂ γ1(t0)= . dt ∂xi i=1 γ(t0) ( # $ If (s1,...,sn)isaframeoverU,wecanwrite n

X(t)= Xi(t)si(γ(t)), i=1 ( for some smooth functions, Xi. 476 CHAPTER 6. RIEMANNIAN MANIFOLDS AND CONNECTIONS Then, conditions (1) and (2) imply that DX n dX = j s (γ(t)) + X (t) (s (γ(t))) dt dt j j ∇γ1(t) j j=1 ( # $ and since n dui ∂ γ1(t)= , dt ∂x i=1 # i$γ(t) ( k there exist some smooth functions, Γij,sothat n dui ∂ γ1(t)(sj(γ(t))) = (sj(γ(t))) ∇ dt ∇∂xi i=1 ( du = i Γk s (γ(t)). dt ij k (i,k It follows that

DX n dX du = k + Γk i X s (γ(t)). dt  dt ij dt j k ij (k=1 (   Conversely, the above expression defines a linear operator, D/dt,anditiseasytocheckthatitsatisfies(1)and(2). 6.3. PARALLEL TRANSPORT 477 The operator, D/dt is often called covariant derivative along γ and it is also denoted by or simply . ∇γ1(t) ∇γ1

Definition 6.3.3 Let M be a smooth manifold and let be a connection on M.Foreverycurve,γ:[a, b] M, ∇in M,avectorfield,X,alongγ is parallel (along →γ) iff DX =0. dt

If M was embedded in Rd,forsomed,thentosaythat X is parallel along γ would mean that the directional derivative, (Dγ1X)(γ(t)), is normal to Tγ(t)M.

The following proposition can be shown using the exis- tence and uniqueness of solutions of ODE’s (in our case, linear ODE’s) and its proof is omitted: 478 CHAPTER 6. RIEMANNIAN MANIFOLDS AND CONNECTIONS Proposition 6.3.4 Let M be a smooth manifold and let be a connection on M.ForeveryC1 curve, γ:[a,∇ b] M,inM,foreveryt [a, b] and every → ∈ v Tγ(t)M,thereisauniqueparallelvectorfield,X, along∈ γ such that X(t)=v.

For the proof of Proposition 6.3.4 it is sufficient to con- sider the portions of the curve γ contained in some chart. In such a chart, (U,ϕ), as in the proof of Proposition 6.3.2, using a local frame, (s1,...,sn), over U,wehave

DX n dX du = k + Γk i X s (γ(t)), dt  dt ij dt j k ij (k=1 (   with ui = pri ϕ γ.Consequently,X is parallel along our portion of◦γ i◦ffthe system of linear ODE’s in the unknowns, Xk, dX du k + Γk i X =0,k=1,...,n, dt ij dt j ij ( is satisfied. 6.3. PARALLEL TRANSPORT 479 Remark: Proposition 6.3.4 can be extended to piece- wise C1 curves.

Definition 6.3.5 Let M be a smooth manifold and let be a connection on M.Foreverycurve, γ∇:[a, b] M,inM,foreveryt [a, b], the paral- lel transport→ from γ(a) to γ(t) along∈ γ is the linear map from Tγ(a)M to Tγ(t)M,whichassociatestoany v T M the vector, X (t) T M,whereX is ∈ γ(a) v ∈ γ(t) v the unique parallel vector field along γ with Xv(a)=v.

The following proposition is an immediate consequence of properties of linear ODE’s:

Proposition 6.3.6 Let M be a smooth manifold and let be a connection on M.ForeveryC1 curve, γ:[a,∇ b] M,inM,theparalleltransportalongγ defines for→ every t [a, b] alinearisomorphism, P : T M T M∈,betweenthetangentspaces, γ γ(a) → γ(t) Tγ(a)M and Tγ(t)M. 480 CHAPTER 6. RIEMANNIAN MANIFOLDS AND CONNECTIONS In particular, if γ is a closed curve, that is, if γ(a)=γ(b)=p,weobtainalinearisomorphism,Pγ,of the , TpM,calledtheholonomy of γ.The group of based at p,denotedHolp( ), is the subgroup of GL(V,∇R)givenby ∇ Hol ( )= P GL(V,R) p ∇ { γ ∈ | γ is a closed curve based at p . }

If M is connected, then Holp( )dependsonthebase- point p M up to conjugation∇ and so Hol ( )and ∈ p ∇ Holq( )areisomorphicforallp, q M.Inthiscase,it makes∇ sense to talk about the holonomy∈ group of .By ∇ abuse of language, we call Holp( )theholonomy group of M. ∇ 6.4. CONNECTIONS COMPATIBLE WITH A METRIC 481 6.4 Connections Compatible with a Metric; Levi-Civita Connections

If a Riemannian manifold, M,hasametric,thenitisnat- ural to define when a connection, ,onM is compatible with the metric. ∇

Given any two vector fields, Y,Z X(M), the smooth function, Y,Z ,is defined by ∈ ' ( Y,Z (p)= Y ,Z , ' ( ' p p(p for all p M. ∈

Definition 6.4.1 Given any metric, , ,onasmooth manifold, M,aconnection, ,onM '−is compatible−( with the metric,forshort,ametric∇ connection iff X( Y,Z )= Y,Z + Y, Z , ' ( '∇X ( ' ∇X ( for all vector fields, X, Y, Z X(M). ∈ 482 CHAPTER 6. RIEMANNIAN MANIFOLDS AND CONNECTIONS Proposition 6.4.2 Let M be a Riemannian manifold with a metric, , .Then,M,possessesmetric connections. '− −(

Proof .Foreverychart,(Uα,ϕα), we use the Gram-Schmidt procedure to obtain an orthonormal frame over Uα and α we let be the trivial connection over Uα.Bycon- struction,∇ α is compatible with the metric. We finish the argumemt∇ by using a partition of unity, leaving the details to the reader.

We know from Proposition 6.4.2 that metric connections on TM exist. However, there are many metric connec- tions on TM and none of them seems more relevant than the others.

It is remarkable that if we require a certain kind of sym- metry on a , then it is uniquely deter- mined. 6.4. CONNECTIONS COMPATIBLE WITH A METRIC 483 Such a connection is known as the Levi-Civita connec- tion. The Levi-Civita connection can be characterized in several equivalent ways, a rather simple way involving the notion of torsion of a connection.

There are two error terms associated with a connection. The first one is the curvature, R(X, Y )= + . ∇[X,Y ] ∇Y ∇X −∇X∇Y The second natural error term is the torsion, T (X, Y ), of the connection, ,givenby ∇ T (X, Y )= Y X [X, Y ], ∇X −∇Y − which measures the failure of the connection to behave like the Lie bracket. 484 CHAPTER 6. RIEMANNIAN MANIFOLDS AND CONNECTIONS Proposition 6.4.3 (Levi-Civita, Version 1) Let M be any Riemannian manifold. There is a unique, met- ric, torsion-free connection, ,onM,thatis,acon- nection satisfying the conditions∇ X( Y,Z )= Y,Z + Y, Z ' ( '∇X ( ' ∇X ( Y X =[X, Y ], ∇X −∇Y for all vector fields, X, Y, Z X(M).Thisconnec- tion is called the Levi-Civita∈ connection (or canoni- cal connection)onM.Furthermore,thisconnection is determined by the Koszul formula 2 Y,Z = X( Y,Z )+Y ( X, Z ) Z( X, Y ) '∇X ( ' ( ' ( − ' ( Y,[X, Z] X, [Y,Z] Z, [Y,X] . −' (−' (−' ( 6.4. CONNECTIONS COMPATIBLE WITH A METRIC 485 Proof .First,weproveuniqueness.Sinceourmetricis anon-degeneratebilinearform,itsufficestoprovethe Koszul formula. As our connection is compatible with the metric, we have X( Y,Z )= Y,Z + Y, Z ' ( '∇X ( ' ∇X ( Y ( X, Z )= X, Z + X, Z ' ( '∇Y ( ' ∇Y ( Z( X, Y )= X, Y X, Y − ' ( −'∇Z (−' ∇Z ( and by adding up the above equations, we get X( Y,Z )+Y ( X, Z) Z( X, Y )= ' ( ' (− ' ( Y, Z X ' ∇X −∇Z ( + X, Z Y ' ∇Y −∇Z ( + Z, Y + X . ' ∇X ∇Y ( Then, using the fact that the torsion is zero, we get X( Y,Z )+Y ( X, Z ) Z( X, Y )= ' ( ' ( − ' ( Y,[X, Z] + X, [Y,Z] ' ( ' ( + Z, [Y,X] +2 Z, Y ' ( ' ∇X ( which yields the Koszul formula.

We will not prove existence here. The reader should con- sult the standard texts for a proof. 486 CHAPTER 6. RIEMANNIAN MANIFOLDS AND CONNECTIONS Remark: In a chart, (U,ϕ), if we set

∂ ∂kgij = (gij) ∂xk then it can be shown that the Christoffel symbols are given by 1 n Γk = gkl(∂ g + ∂ g ∂ g ), ij 2 i jl j il − l ij (l=1 kl where (g )istheinverseofthematrix(gkl).

It can be shown that a connection is torsion-free iff k k Γij =Γji, for all i, j, k.

We conclude this section with various useful facts about torsion-free or metric connections.

First, there is a nice characterization for the Levi-Civita connection induced by a Riemannian manifold over a sub- manifold. 6.4. CONNECTIONS COMPATIBLE WITH A METRIC 487 Proposition 6.4.4 Let M be any Riemannian mani- fold and let N be any submanifold of M equipped with the induced metric. If M and N are the Levi-Civita connections on M and∇N,respectively,inducedbythe∇ metric on M,thenforanytwovectorfields,X and Y in X(M) with X(p),Y(p) TpN,forallp N,we have ∈ ∈ N M Y =( Y )3, ∇X ∇X M where ( X Y )3(p) is the orthogonal projection of M Y (p∇) onto T N,foreveryp N. ∇X p ∈

In particular, if γ is a curve on a surface, M R3,then ⊆ avectorfield,X(t), along γ is parallel iff X1(t)isnormal to the tangent plane, Tγ(t)M.

If is a metric connection, then we can say more about the∇ parallel transport along a curve. Recall from Section 6.3, Definition 6.3.3, that a vector field, X,alongacurve, γ,isparalleliff DX =0. dt 488 CHAPTER 6. RIEMANNIAN MANIFOLDS AND CONNECTIONS Proposition 6.4.5 Given any Riemannian manifold, M,andanymetricconnection, ,onM,forevery curve, γ:[a, b] M,onM,ifX and∇ Y are two vector fields along γ,then→ d DX DY X(t),Y(t) = ,Y + X, . dt ' ( dt dt - . - .

Using Proposition 6.4.5 we get

Proposition 6.4.6 Given any Riemannian manifold, M,andanymetricconnection, ,onM,forevery curve, γ:[a, b] M,onM,ifX and∇ Y are two vector fields along γ →that are parallel, then X, Y = C, ' ( for some constant, C.Inparticular, X(t) is con- stant. Furthermore, the linear isomorphism,3 3 P : T T ,isanisometry. γ γ(a) → γ(b)

In particular, Proposition 6.4.6 shows that the holonomy group, Hol ( ), based at p,isasubgroupofO(n). p ∇