OF METROPOLITAN DISTRICT COUNCIL (WAITING LOADING AND PARKING) (CONSOLIDATION) (AMENDMENT NO. 10) ORDER 2017 AND CITY OF BRADFORD METROPOLITAN DISTRICT COUNCIL (MOVING TRAFFIC) (CONSOLIDATION) (AMENDMENT NO. 2) ORDER 2017 CORBAN STREET AND STICKER LANE (A6177) BRADFORD NOTICE is hereby given that City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council made the above Orders on 6th April 2017 under its powers contained in the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which will be to introduce the following restrictions:- 1. “No Waiting At Any Time” on lengths of Corban Street and Sticker Lane (A6177), Dudley Hill, Bradford; 2. “Parking Places for Residents Only” on a length of Corban Street, Dudley Hill, Bradford; and 3. “A No Entry” traffic movement from the care home access road into Sticker Lane (A6177), Dudley Hill, Bradford. The Orders come into force on 18th April 2017 and copies of the Orders together with a map showing the affected roads may be examined during normal office hours at the Customer Services Reception, Ground Floor, City Hall, Bradford. If you wish to question the validity of the Orders, or of any provision contained therein on the grounds that it is not within the powers conferred by the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, or on the grounds that any requirements of that Act or of any Instrument made under it, have not been complied with in relation to the Orders, you may, within six weeks from the date upon which the Orders were made (i.e. 6th April 2017) apply to the High Court for this purpose. Dated: 14th April 2017. City Solicitor, Legal and Democratic Services, City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council, City Hall, Bradford, West BD1 1HY