Riverdale CW Revised Draft.Fdx
5,9(5'$/(UG5HYLVHG1HWZRUN'UDIW :ULWWHQE\5REHUWR$JXLUUH6DFDVD Chapter One: "The River's Edge" written by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa Based on characters appearing in Archie Comics Publications BERLANTI PRODUCTIONS WARNER BROS. TELEVISION :DUQHU%URV(QWHUWDLQPHQW,QF 7KLVVFULSWLVWKHSURSHUW\RI:DUQHU%URV(QWHUWDLQPHQW,QF1RSRUWLRQRIWKLVVFULSWPD\EHSHUIRUPHGUHSURGXFHGRUXVHGE\ DQ\PHDQVRUGLVFORVHGWRTXRWHGRUSXEOLVKHGLQDQ\PHGLXPZLWKRXWWKHSULRUZULWWHQFRQVHQWRI:DUQHU%URV(QWHUWDLQPHQW,QF ACT ONE ICONIC SHOTS of an American SMALL TOWN. Beginning with: A “Welcome to Riverdale” sign. Its faded motto: “The Town with Pep!” A Male Teenager’s VOICE-OVER narrates: UNSEEN MALE TEEN (V.O.) There is an idea of Riverdale... WE SEE: Nondescript SUBURBAN STREETS, anonymous, mysterious. UNSEEN MALE TEEN (V.O.) ...of what kind of town it is, what sort of families live there... WE SEE: Riverdale’s MAIN DRAG. Store-fronts, local businesses. People, different ages, sizes, races, walking... UNSEEN MALE TEEN (V.O.) ...a notion that it exists unchanged and unchanging, as if frozen in a time-capsule... WE CYCLE THROUGH IMAGES OF: City Hall, Pickins Park, the Bijou Movie Theatre, the Fire Station, the 24-hour Diner, POP’S... UNSEEN MALE TEEN (V.O.) ...that it must be exactly how it presents itself to the outside world. Safe. Decent. Innocent. So that if you were looking at it from the window of a train, rushing by, you might wish you lived there... WE SEE: A DERELICT BUILDING, with boarded-up windows, brick walls covered in graffiti; a couple of skinny, possibly methed-out KIDS stumbling into the building’s dark DOORWAY... UNSEEN MALE TEEN (V.O.) ...but that’s only one aspect of it, and only on the surface..
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