JB2007_englisch.qxd 04.06.2008 10:44 Uhr Seite 17 Annual Report 2007 short version english JB2007_englisch.qxd 04.06.2008 10:43 Uhr Seite 2 Dr. h.c. mult. Hans Zehetmair Chairman Hanns Seidel Foundation, Munich, Germany Minister of State (ret.) Dr. Peter Witterauf General Manager Hanns Seidel Foundation, Munich, Germany Hanns Seidel Foundation Simplified organigram Chairman Dr.h.c.mult. Hans Zehetmair, Minister of State (ret.) General Manager Office for Foreign Relations Dr. Peter Witterauf Liaison Bureaus Academy for Politics and Institute for Adult Civic Scholarship Organization Institute for international Current Affairs Education Contact and Cooperation Hanns Seidel Foundation · Lazarettstr. 33 · D-80636 Munich · Germany Phone: ++49 (89) 12 58-0 · Fax: ++49 (89) 12 58-356 Internet: www.hss.de · E-Mail:
[email protected] V.i.S.d.P.: H. Klingsbögl · Translation: Karin Weidlich · Layout: Adacon GmbH JB2007_englisch.qxd 04.06.2008 10:43 Uhr Seite 3 MISSION AND SCOPE MISSIONOF ACTIVITIES AND SCOPE OF The Hanns Seidel Foundation currently fulfilsACTIVITIES its mission in a true Christian spirit in no less than 58 countries the world over. In all, 269 employees work for the Hanns Seidel Foundation in The Hanns Seidel Foundation is a registered association dedi- Germany and abroad. They are spread out among the cated exclusively and directly to public interests. The mission Headquarters in Munich, 90 joint development projects, the and commitment of the Association is Banz Monastery and Wildbad Kreuth Training Centres, the ➧ to promote the democratic and civic education of the German Munich Conference Centre, Berlin Office, and our Liaison population on the basis of Christian values, Bureaus in Brussels, Moscow, and Washington.