
Phe Journal of Clinical Investigation Vol. 46, No. 11, 1967

The Effects of and on Plasma Levels of and -Binding Globulins and on and Cortisol Rates in *

FRED H. KATZ AND ATTALLAH KAPPAS 4 (From the Department of Medicine and the Argonne Research Hospital,§ The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois)

Summary. The effects of estriol and estradiol on the plasma levels of corti- sol- and thyroxine-binding globulin activity, and on the secretion rates of aldosterone and cortisol were studied in man. The estriol had no consistent or significant influence on plasma levels of the hormone-binding globulin activities; the hormone estradiol increased these binding capacities significantly, as expected. Cortisol secretion rate rose slightly after estriol but was unchanged after estradiol. Both compounds induced substantial increases in the aldosterone secretion- rate of most treated subjects. The mechanism of this apparently paradoxical effect of is not clear; it is suggested that the "salt-retaining" action of estrogens is mediated in part by the rapid enhancement of aldosterone output which follows their ad- ministration in man. Balance experiments in four subjects suggest that both estradiol and estriol may induce a transient early natriuresis in man; but other mechanisms for stimulation of aldosterone secretion may be opera- tive as well.

Introduction normal human gestation (2, 3). These amounts exceed daily production of this compound in the Estriol is quantitatively the most important me- nongravid state by a factor of 1000 or more, thus tabolite of estradiol, being derived from this hor- raising the possibility that this metabolite mone and related precursors such as , via might contribute to certain of the physiological a chemical transformation which is not reversible and chemical alterations known to accompany in vivo (1). Its production is known to increase , or participate in certain biological ef- extraordinarily in pregnancy, reaching levels of fec1es generally attributed to its- precursor hormone, 60 mg/day or more during the last trimester of a estradiol. Recent studies from this laboratory have in fact * Received for publication 15 May 1967 and in revised form 10 July 1967. demonstrated that estriol, like estradiol, was ana- Supported in part by U. S. Public Health Service bolic and significantly diminished spontaneous and Training Grant TI AM 5445-03. certain secondary or experimentally induced hy- Presented in part at the Forty-seventh Annual Meet- droxyprolinurias in man (4), substantially re- ing of the Endocrine Society, New York, N. Y., 17-19 June 1965. duced the incidence and severity of experimental t Present address: The Rockefeller University Hos- immune arthritis in the rat (5), and in appropri- pital, New York, N. Y. 10021. ate amounts regularly impaired function with § Operated by the University of Chicago for the respect to dye disposal in both man and the experi- United States Atomic Energy Commission. mental (6, 7). Address request for reprints to Dr. Fred H. Katz, Department of Medicine, Loyola University Stritch In the present study the effects of estriol on School of Medicine, Hines, Ill. 60141. certain endocrine factors known to be altered dur- 1768 EFFECT OF ESTRIOL ON ALDOSTERONE SECRETION 1769 ing pregnancy were examined and compared with plasma and two samples at the end of the steroid those effects induced by the natural hormone es- treatment period was obtained at least 2 days apart tradiol. The endocrine parameters chosen for from each patient (except for one treated for only study were the levels of the plasma-binding pro- 3 days, and studied twice before treatment and on tein activities for thyroid hormone and for corti- the morning after the last injection). All samples sol, and the secretory rate of aldosterone, all which from each subject were tested in duplicate at the are known to be elevated in late pregnancy (8-10) same time. Estriol did not consistently or signifi- or during estrogen treatment (11-13). The se- cantly alter the mean T3 resin uptake in the treated cretory rate of cortisol was also measured during subjects whereas all patients treated with equiva- estriol and estradiol treatment and one possible lent or substantially lesser amounts of estradiol mechanism of estrogen-induced demonstrated the expected increase in the T3 bind- was tentatively explored. ing activity of plasma (i.e., decreased T3 resin up- take). Fig. 1 shows the difference between the Methods estradiol and estriol effects graphically. Estrogen effects on cortisol-binding globulin Patients under study were housed on a metabolic ward, 12 and, when indicated for this or concurrent investigations, (CBG). patients received estriol, 8-40 mg/ were given constant diets or maintained on fixed intakes day for 5-10 days; 1 1 patients received estradiol, of and . The short control periods 5-100 mg/day for 4-16 days. Table I shows the shown on the charts depicting the balance studies repre- results of treatment with these on plasma sent the a 7-10 on the con- last several days of day period CBG capacity, expressed as micrograms of corti- stant diet prior to the initiation of steroid treatment. The majority of the patients studied had musculo-skeletal dis- sol capacity per 100 ml of plasma for each patient. eases; none had detectable renal, hepatic, or endocrine Fig. 2 compares these effects on CBG in each ster- abnormalities, except as noted. Steroids were prepared as described in an earlier study (6). The steroid solvent ESTRADIOL E STRIOL vehicle alone was shown to be inert, with respect to the endocrine indices studied. Analysis of sodium and potassium was performed +4 0o by flame photometry or atomic absorption spectrometry; urine creatinine was measured by a minor modification (without heating) of the method of Bonsnes and Taussky' +310 (14). Thyroid hormone-binding globulin was measured indirectly using the (Ts) resin uptake +2 method of Sterling and Tabachnik (15), or the com- 10 Park, mercial Triosorb (Abbott Laboratories, Franklin +1 Ill.) technique. Cortisol-binding globulin was estimated by fractionation of 1 ml of plasma containing 0.1 ,uc (1.6 /hg) % CHANGE IN 0~~~~~~ T3 RESIN of cortisol-4-'4C on Sephadex G 50 columns (16), a slight 10~~~~~ variation of the method of De Moor, Heirwegh, Here- UPTAKE 0~~~~ mans, and Declerck-Raskin (17). All plasma was he- -1 parinized and stored frozen until performance of the tests. Specific activities of urinary and tetra- *B0 (18) and "tetrahydroaldosterone" (19) -2 after injections of radioactive cortisol and aldosterone 0B were used to measure aldosterone and cortisol secretion -3 rates concurrently by double isotope derivative methods 10 as previously described (20). Routine statistical methods -4 were utilized (21). I

Results P<0.0O1 Estrogen effects on thyroid hormone-binding FIG. 1. ESTROGEN EFFECTS ON T8 RESIN UPTAKE. 13 globulin (TBG). 13 patients received estriol in patients received estriol, 5-40 mg/day for 3-10 days; 9 patients received estradiol, 5-50 mg/day for 5-14 days. amounts of 5-40 mg/day for 3-10 days; 9 patients Patients given estradiol had a diminution of their mean received estradiol in amounts of 5-50 mg/day for Ts resin uptake while those receiving estriol had no 5-14 days. A minimum of two control samples of change. 1770 FRED H. KATZ AND ATTALLAH KAPPAS

TABLE I CBG capacity. It is of interest that 5 mug of this Treatment schedule and CBG capacity hormone was able to evoke practically as much of in 22 subjects an increase in plasma CBG capacity as was 50-100 CBG cortisol mg (Table II), suggesting that the amount of this capacity hormone excreted in pregnancy (which may ex- Con- Estro- Patient Treatment trol gen ceed 5 mg/day) probably already provides the mg/day Xdays pg/l0o ml maximal estrogenic stimulus for CBG production. plasma E.G. Estriol 8 X 6 27 21 Evidence that CBG production is actually in- A.R. 10 X 7 28 31 J.Z. 10 X 10 22 25 creased after estrogen has been reported by others E.O. 20 X 5 22 27 J.W. 20 X 6 23 23 (22). R.A. 20 X 7 25 25 J.F. 40 X 7 29 23 Estrogen effects on the secretion rate of cortisol E.W. 40 X 7 31 28 L.W. 40 X 8 29 32 (CSR). The CSR was studied before and after S.B. 40 X 10 31 34 M.H. 40 X 10 27 31 steroid treatment in 12 subjects, 7 of whom re- L.M. Estradiol 5 X 6 29 40 M.M. 5 X 7 19 37 ceived estriol 10-40 mg/day for 5-10 days, and 5 R.B. 5 X 10 28 48 E.M. 7.5 X 12 24 52 of whom received estradiol 5-20 mg/day for 3-10 E.C. 10 X 8 35 49 E.K. 10 X 8 31 50 days (Table II). Estradiol did not consistently A.P. 20 X 4 28 47 J.F. 20 X 7 29 49 or significantly alter the CSR in either direction; E.W. 20 X 7 31 59 L.S. 50 X 4 25 46 M.P. 100 X 16 26 58 TABLE II Treatment schedule and cortisol secretion rate in 12 subjects oid-treated group with the range of CBG values Cortisol secre- observed in the same patients during a control pe- tion rate riod. Estriol administration did not significantly Patient Treatment Control Estrogen influence plasma CBG capacity, even when in- mg/day Xdays mg/day in the large amounts which are produced A.R. Estriol 10 X 6 16.5 18.0 jected F.C. 20 X 5 15.0 16.0 during late pregnancy; estradiol, as expected, pro- S.B. 40 X 5 10.3 18.3 J.F. 40 X 7 16.0 21.5 duced consistent and striking increases in plasma E.W. 40 X 7 9.3 15.1 N.M. 40 X 8 13.5 15.5 M.H. 40 X 10 16.4 21.4 M.M. Estradiol 5 X 7 13.7 12.6 ESTRADIOL ESTRIOL E.K. 10 X 3 8.8 9.4 CONTROL S.B. 20 X 5 10.3 13.1 E.W. 20 X 7 9.3 7.5 0 J.F. 20 X 10 16.0 14.4

0 50F 0 S that the CSR in none of the estriol- 0 it is of interest 0 treated subjects decreased and that the increases 0 40 noted in two subjects during steroid treatment PLASMA CBG 0 (S.B. and E.W.) exceed 50%. The mean CSR CAPACITY 1G CORTISOL - increased only by 4.1 mg/day after estriol, al- PER 100 ML 3OF I 0 though this increase was highly significant (P < OD I 0.001). However, the CSR values in all periods 0~~~~~~~~ *1 0 remained within the normal range. 20F 0 Estrogen effects on the secretory rate of aldos- terone (ASR). The ASR was studied before and after steroid treatment in 19 subjects, 11 of whom 10- received estriol 10-40 mg/day for 5-11 days, and 8 of whom received estradiol 5-40 mg/day for 3-10 days. In six subjects the ASR was deter- mined twice during the control period; and in FIG. 2. ESTROGEN EFFECTS ON CORTISOL-BINDING GLOBU- two or times the LIN (CBG). Subjects receiving estradiol had an in- three subjects three during pe- crease in CBG capacity while those given estriol had no riod of steroid treatment. The upper limit of nor- change. mal for the ASR on a diet containing 120 mEq of EFFECT OF ESTRIOL ON ALDOSTERONE SECRETION 1771

TABLE III Treatment schedule and aldosterone secretion rate in 19 subjects

Aldosterone secretion rate % Change with Patient Treatment Control Estrogen estrogen mg/day Xdays pg/day M.T. Estriol 10 X 10 260, 271 250 F.C. I 20 X 5 90 262 +326 P.D. " 20 X 5 317, 346 260 - 23 A.R. " 20 X 7 150 165 S.B. 40 X 5 70 145 +107 A.P. 40 X 6 152 380 +150 J.F. 40 X 7 179 488 +173 N.M. 40 X 8 67 194 +190 J.N. 40 X 9 194,189 141, 111 - 32 M.H. 40 X 10 90 900 +900 V.C. 40 X 11 630, 438 2478 +383 E.M. Estradiol 5 X 7 87 145 + 67 E.K. 10OX 3 433 617 + 42 S.M. " 10 X 10 360, 364 547 + 51 S.B. " 20 X 5 70 177 +153 K.R. " 20 X 6 262, 246 262, 246 V.M. 20 X 7 90, 90 150, 235, 190 +172 J.F. 20 X 10 179 189 R.G. 40 X 8 432, 415 2300 +445 sodium in this laboratory is in the range of 200 lead to the urinary of be- ,ug/24 hr. The results of the treatment on the having chromatographically like tetrahydroaldos- ASR in the 19 subjects are shown in Table III. terone, thus excluding the possibility of artifact One patient in this series (E.K.) was being in- in the ASR determination after estriol treatment. vestigated for the presence of an aldosterone-pro- Estradiol treatment resulted in an increase rang- ducing tumor. S.M. had ing from about 40 to 450%o in the ASR, in six of with depressed plasma activity due to bi- the eight patients studied. The effect could be lateral nodular adrenocortical . One observed with as little as 5 mg/day (subject patient had hyperparathyroidism due to metastatic E.M.) and was apparent at higher doses as quickly parathyroid cancer (J.F.). K.R. was a 54 yr old as 2 days after injection of the steroid (subject man with active acromegaly; four subjects (M.T., V.M.). It is of interest that the patients with P.D., V.C., R.G.) were on 20 mEq/day sodium proven and suspected primary aldosteronism (S.M. diets and subject V.C. had severe congestive and E.K.), and subject R.G. (who was on a 20 failure. A.R. and V.M. were men and F.C., S.B., mEq/day sodium diet) responded to estradiol and A.P. had undergone hysterectomy. with significant increases in ASR; the patient The administration of estriol increased the ASR with hyperparathyroidism, shown to respond to significantly (in excess of 20%o) in 7 out of 11 estriol, did not increase her ASR on estradiol patients; these increases ranged from approxi- treatment. The possibility that the estradiol ef- mately 100 to 900%o above control levels and oc- fect on the ASR is mediated in part through con- curred within the shortest time period studied (5 version to its active metabolite estriol cannot be days) after initiation of steroid treatment. The excluded; the converse is not possible, however, least amount of estriol which appeared to be ef- since the transformation estriol -> estradiol does fective in increasing ASR was about 20 mg/day not occur in vivo (1). The acromegalic subject (one subject out of three responded) ; while (K.R.) also did not increase his ASR during amounts of estriol in the higher ranges of those estradiol administration. produced in pregnancy (40 mg/day) induced con- Urinary excretion of sodium and potassium af- sistent and pronounced elevation in the ASR in ter estradiol and estriol treatment. The acute ef- all but one subject (J.N.). The administration fects of these steroids on the urinary excretion of 40 mg/day of estriol for 6 days to an adrenalec- of sodium and potassium were studied in four tomized subject, maintained on cortisol, did not patients, in a tentative exploration of the possible 1772 FRED H. KATZ AND ATTALLAH KAPPAS




100 - MEQ/ DAY Na 90 - K---- 80- __F __ _ ------______-'Ir---i-!- INTAKE**' i

E DO_ ~~~II_- L-_l 5 iCI . _ A 3 2 \J4°L00 ' 5 10


47 - WEIGHT 46:- KG 45 2 4 6 8 10 12 DAY FIG. 3. URINARY EXCRETION OF SODIUM AND POTASSIUM. Uri- nary sodium loss was seen on the 1st day of estradiol administra- tion. ways in which estrogens might evoke increases in 1 and 3 of estriol treatment (the urine of the 2nd ASR in man. The effect of estradiol on the uri- day of estriol treatment was lost) the urine sodium nary excretion of these is depicted in rose to 32 and 20, respectively, with suggestive re- Figs. 3 and 4. Subject L.R. (Fig. 3), a patient ciprocal changes in potassium excretion. Subse- with emphysema, had a marked increase in sodium quently during the remainder of the estriol treat- excretion in the first 24 hr after estradiol adminis- ment period, the urinary sodium returned to its tration, followed by a prolonged period of sodium previous low levels, in keeping with the measured retention, due presumably to the increase in ASR increase in ASR. induced by estradiol. There was little if any po- tassium retention in the first 2 days of estrogen Discussion treatment. Subject S.S. (Fig. 4) also appeared Estriol is, under normal circumstances, i.e. in to have a transient sodium diuresis in the first 48 from the in vivo bio- hr after estradiol administration. the nongravid state, derived transformation of estrone and estradiol in man. The injection of estriol in two patients also in, how- appeared to be associated a very early and Studies of estrogen pregnancy, with have a considerable amount of transient natriuresis, as shown in Figs. 5 and 6. ever, indicated that The effect was marked in subject V.C. (Fig. 6) estriol excreted in urine may arise from other who was a patient with congestive heart failure ex- chemical pathways (23) in which 16a-hydroxy- hibiting a significantly positive sodium balance (24) and dehy- on an intake of 27 mEq/day. Although she had droepiandrosterone sulfate (25) are important been excreting less than 5 of the 27 mEq of sodium steroid precursors of estriol, and that the intake per day during the control period, on days is a major site of this (26). tPFECT OF ESTRIOL ON ALDOSTIROQt SECtTION71773 The activity of estriol in "classical" tests of estro- that the sustained increase in CI3G and TBG dur- genic function is strikingly less than that of es- ing pregnancy may result primarily from biological tradiol, and estrone (27); nevertheless, its ex- actions of the latter hormone, or perhaps deriva- traordinary production rate during gestation raises tives which are structurally distinct from estriol, the possibility that any biological properties which or which undergo different pathways of metabo- it might be shown to possess could contribute to lism in vivo. The latter is an important consider- certain of the physiological alterations which ac- ation, since one reason why estriol did not produce company normal human pregnancy. an increase in the level of plasma-binding The present studies show that with respect to activity in this study may relate to the markedly elevation of the plasma levels of cortisol and thy- higher rate of renal -disposal of this compound, roid hormone-binding globulin activity in man the compared with estradiol (28). metabolite estriol does not possess more than a Estradiol did not consistently affect the rate small fraction of the activity of its ovarian pre- of cortisol secretion in this study. As noted, two cursor hormone estradiol. With due considera- of the estriol-treated subjects increased their CSR tion of the fact that this conclusion is drawn on by 50%o or more during treatment with this ster- the basis of only short-term studies, this difference oid and there was a small but highly significant in potency between estriol and estradiol indicates increase in the mean CSR of the entire estriol-




CREATININE 1.0 G/DAY 0.5 - WEIGHT 58- KG 57 - 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 DAY FIG. 4. URINARY EXCRETION OF SODIUM AND POTASSIUM. This sub- ject had excretion of sodium greater than intake on the first 2 days of estradiol. 1774 FRED H. IATZ AND ATTALLAI AtPPIAS J. N. ? 42 DUOD. ULCER


I i m- 140

MEQ/DAY 20 INTAIIKE No -oo 80 WKE 60 II L_ : 40 20 --5-t ------


G/DAY 0- 2 4 6 8 lo 12 14 16 18 20 DAY FIG. 5. URINARY EXCRETION OF SODIUM AND POTASSIUM. Estriol in- jections resulted in increased sodium excretion for 1 day followed by transient sodium retention. treated group. Since both subjects with marked since the ASR is known to increase substantially increases in CSR after estriol had a low CSR dur- at this time. ing the control period, it is conceivable that estriol The mechanism of the increased aldosterone treatment facilitated, or possibly coincided with, production which occurs during pregnancy is not a spontaneous increase of adrenal activity in these clearly understood. An important stimulant to otherwise chronically ill patients. However, this the ASR at this time is the large amount of pro- did not occur in the two estradiol-treated subjects gesterone which is produced during gestation. with low control rates of cortisol secretion; in any This steroid has been shown to competitively in- case, the CSR did not exceed the normal range hibit aldosterone action at the renal tubular level in any subject despite relatively intense, short- (30), an effect which, as would be expected, re- term, estrogen treatment. The results are con- sults in a compensatory increase in aldosterone sistent with other observations on the CSR after secretion (31). the administration of synthetic estrogens (29, 13). It is clear from the present study that the strik- The most noteworthy findings in this study re- ing increase in estradiol and estriol production late to the ability of estradiol and estriol to in- which occurs in pregnancy may also contribute to crease, sometimes to strikingly high levels, the rate the elevated ASR which characterizes the gravid of secretion of aldosterone in man. The effect state. The mechanism(s) of this apparently para- could be demonstrated at low or high levels of doxical effect is not clear although it could be ex- salt intake (high and low base line ASR control plained if it could be shown that these steroids, like values, respectively) and in at least one patient , were natriuretic substances. The with primary aldosteronism as well. The stimu- preliminary observations reported here suggest latory action of estriol and estradiol on the ASR this possibility although their tentative nature is is of special relevance to the situation in pregnancy emphasized. Layne and associates (13), who EFFECT OF ESTRIOL ON ALDOSTERONE SECRETION 1775 also demonstrated increased aldosterone secretion V.C. ? 70 ASCVD c CHF as a result of treatment with synthetic estrogens, ESTRIOL 40 MG/ DAY suggested that these are sodium-retain- ing substances, citing the detailed study of Preedy and Aitken (32). The latter report, however, 40- r-i MEQ/DAY INTAKE shows a small transient net average sodium chlo- No 3 -:I- - ride loss on day 1 in the estrogen-treated group, K- 30 - _ INTAKE although data for individual subjects are not given. -!I 1Ir II II r-i r-n l The patients reported here (Figs. 3-6) also had a i II 20 V r-J L-- r.- transient negative sodium balance in the initial L.- L...1 -i

L period of estradiol or estriol treatment. This was II0 _ . generally followed by sustained sodium retention, and in one subject (J.N., Fig. 5) by a clear "es- II' cape" phenomenon like that seen in the Preedy and Aitken study (32) and similar to that which is observed when aldosterone is administered to CREATININE 0-o- normal subjects (33). The results strongly sug- G/DAY 05-5* gest that the apparent "salt-retaining" activity of 2000 - these estrogens may in fact be attributed to the in- ALDOSTERONE 000- 1 creased aldosterone secretion which they stimulate. S-R. EG/DAY * * Lack of consistent and marked reciprocal changes in potassium balance are not at all unusual, even 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 when large amounts of aldosterone are adminis- DAY tered (33). FIG. 6. URINARY EXCRETION OF SODIUM AND POTAS- If a transient natriuretic response consistently SIUM. Estriol caused a transient increase in the very follows estrogen administration, the resultant stim- low sodium excretion in this with congestive heart ulation of failure. The aldosterone secretion rate rose from its aldosterone secretion could ensue via already elevated levels of 630 and 438 to 2478 stimulation of renal renin production. Indeed /Lg/day. is known to be elevated in human gestation (34) and has recently been found class of natural hormones and one which, like pro- to increase after estrogen administration (35). gesterone, would have particular relevance to the In addition to its usual renal source, however, alterations in ASR seen in pregnant women. the increased plasma renin during pregnancy may Mechanisms other than natriuresis for estrogen be largely derived from uterine stores (36). The stimulation of aldosterone secretion are of course can be found in amniotic fluid (37) and entirely possible and may for example include di- will form II (38), but apparently does rect actions on the , direct stimula- not respond to the same physiologic stimuli, i.e., tion of renal renin production (and of uterine renin salt loading and hypervolemia, that suppress renal production as well in pregnancy), and alterations renin production (39, 40). This could provide an- in the metabolism of relevant substances such as other possible sustained stimulus to aldosterone renin, renin substrate (44), angiotensin, proges- production in pregnancy. terone, etc. Whatever this mechanism(s) proves It is of interest that , like progesterone, to be, it is likely that this class of steroids, and have also been shown to compete with aldosterone particularly estriol, plays a significant role among at the renal tubular level (41, 42). Indeed older the factors that evoke and sustain the striking hy- studies by Kenyon and his coworkers (43) dem- peraldosteronism which characterizes the gravid onstrate a renal "escape" from -in- state. duced sodium retention which could well be medi- ated by aldosterone. More conclusive evidence of Acknowledgments a similar property for estrogens would extend the Technical assistance during various phases of this spectrum of aldosterone antagonism to another study was rendered by Miss Evelyn Damgaard, Miss 17761776FRED H. KATZ AND ATTALLAH KAPPAS

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