1. Footsteps of the Parson A circular walk exploring both sides of the Rheidol Valley, with steep sections passing the historic Parsons Bridge Walk Details Time : 5 hours Distance : 7 miles Start Grid Reference : SN 745, 806

Points of Interest A. Dedicated to St. John, this is a 19th century replacement of an earlier church. Ysbyty is derived from the Latin hospitium (hospice) and it is said that this was the site of a medieval Knights Hospitillar’s hospice for gorge by chains and sixpence a day pilgrims travelling down to St. David’s in danger money was paid to the man who D. In Welsh Ponterwyd means “pont y ddwy Pembrokeshire. Take a moment or two to maintained it. Upstream are the remains of rhyd” meaning, “the bridge at two fords”. read the heritage panel in front of the church the disused Temple Mine, one of northern The village stands at the confluence of the and to explore the grave yard. ’s many lead mines which were operational until the early 1900’s. Rheidol and Castell rivers at the foot of B Parsons Bridge Pumlumon mountain (2,467 feet). The village hotel takes its name from the mid Deep in the Rheidol gorge is Parsons Bridge, C. Coed Rheidol eighteenth century traveller George Borrow reputedly so-named because it provided This is a National Nature Reserve of 107 who stayed there in 1854 and described the a short-cut for the parson walking from acres managed by the Countryside Council village in his book “Wild ”. He walked from Llanbadarn Fawr (near ) to the for Wales. Sessile oak trees can be found Machynlleth to Ponterwyd, stayed a night at little church of Ysbyty Cynfyn, east of the here on the steep sides of the gorge, which the hotel in the village before continuing on Rheidol Gorge. Until 1951 the bridge was differ from English oak trees in that their to Devil’s Bridge. a single plank hung from the sides of the acorns have no stalks.

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© Hawlfraint y Goron. Cedwir pob hawl Cyngor Sir Ceredigion, 100024419, 2011.

© Crown copyright. All rights reserved Ceredigion County Council, 100024419, 2011.

1. From the centre of the village of Ponterwyd Straight in front of you up on the skyline, 13. Climb your way back up this steep gorge. take the A4120 towards Devil’s Bridge. you will see the OS 463 trig point. Bear right, follow the fence line, and through 2. After the Maes yr Awel housing estate turn 7. The path bears right slightly downhill a gate. Cross the stile out of the Coed Rheidol left onto the bridle path and at the first gate following the line of the forestry fence. About Nature Reserve woodland and keep climbing turn immediately right, uphill, along the tree 300 meters further on, the path peters ahead. line to the minor road at Parc Gwyn. out, climb to the left to find a stile which is 14. Cross over two stiles and continue your 3. Cross the road and follow the footpath concealed along the forest edge. climb ahead over another stile, following the sign to your left, uphill to a break in the sky 8. On a clear day, take in the views all the way path to the right. line. Look back and see a panoramic view of down to Aberystwyth. Cross this stile into the 15. When you reach a stile and a sign post, Ponterwyd with the Rheidol Gorge on your forest and follow the path through the trees. do not go over the stile but keep right, to left and Pumlumon to your right. 9. The path descends to meet a forestry road. cross a stream and then take the next stile. 4. Keep climbing, following the fence line on Follow it down to the right. Shortly the road Continue towards Ponterwyd in line with the your right until you cross two adjacent stiles. splits into two, take the right hand smaller river, which is down below on your right. Continue whilst keeping the fence line close track, continuing up the hill and out of the 16. Shortly you will descend and see Bryn to your left. Beyond this fence there is a forest. Bras farm down in the valley to your right. distant view of the A44 and the Dyffryn 10. At the edge of the forest follow the 17. Following the way-markers, cross Castell. bridleway on your right, down to Ty Mawr over the stile and stream and through the 5. Keep climbing using the fence line as farm. Again there are some beautiful views farm yard, bearing right behind the farm a guide, through a gate, in the direction of towards Aberystwyth. In the foreground you buildings. Follow the track all the way down a third rocky outcrop. Follow a faint old can see Ysbyty Cynfyn, the Rheidol wind farm over the footbridge back to Ponterwyd. cart track in the hillside. This leads you to and . another stile. Continue along the track 11. At the main road turn left towards Ysbyty across the hillside and over the ridge. Cynfyn church. 6. The path becomes fainter so keep parallel 12. At Ysbyty Cynfyn turn to the right around to the fence on your right. Follow it over the the church yard wall. Carry on through the ridge and over another stile. Continue along gates and follow the path down to Parsons the barely visible path avoiding the bog. Bridge. You will hear the river churning down below.