Independent Schools Inspectorate
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INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS INSPECTORATE INTEGRATED INSPECTION THE ELMS NURSERY AND JUNIOR SCHOOL TO TRENT COLLEGE © Independent Schools Inspectorate 2015 INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS INSPECTORATE The Elms Nursery and Junior School to Trent College Full Name of School The Elms Nursery and Junior School to Trent College DfE Number 830/6000 EYFS Number EY434603 Registered Charity Number 527180 Address The Elms Nursery and Junior School to Trent College Derby Road Long Eaton Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG10 4AD Telephone Number 0115 849 4942 Fax Number 0115 849 4943 Email Address [email protected] Head Master Mr Keith Morrow Chair of Governors Mr Paul M T Macildowie Age Range 0 to 11 Total Number of Pupils 371 Gender of Pupils Mixed (220 boys; 151 girls) Numbers by Age 0-2 (EYFS): 30 5-11: 265 3-5 (EYFS): 76 Number of Day Pupils Total: 371 Head of EYFS Setting Mrs Lizzie Sanderson EYFS Gender Mixed Inspection Dates 10 to 13 February 2015 © Independent Schools Inspectorate 2015 PREFACE This inspection report follows the ISI schedule, which occupies a period of four continuous days in the school. The previous ISI inspection was in June 2010. The Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) is the body approved by the Secretary of State for the purpose of inspecting schools belonging to the Independent Schools Council (ISC) Associations and reporting on compliance with the Education (Independent School Standards) Regulations 2014. The range of these Regulations can be viewed on the website Additionally, inspections will consider the school’s accessibility plan under Schedule 10 of the Equality Act 2010 and the ban on corporal punishment introduced by the School Standards and Framework Act 1998. The inspection was also carried out under the arrangements of the ISC Associations for the maintenance and improvement of the quality of their membership. ISI is also approved to inspect the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), which was introduced in September 2008 and applies to all children in England from birth to 31 August following their fifth birthday. This report evaluates the extent to which the setting fulfils the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework published by the Department for Education (DfE) and follows the requirements of the Childcare Act 2006 as subsequently amended. The inspection of the school is from an educational perspective and provides limited inspection of other aspects, although inspectors comment on any significant hazards or problems they encounter which have an adverse impact on children. The inspection does not include: (i) an exhaustive health and safety audit (ii) an in-depth examination of the structural condition of the school, its services or other physical features (iii) an investigation of the financial viability of the school or its accounting procedures (iv) an in-depth investigation of the school’s compliance with employment law. Inspectors may be aware of individual safeguarding concerns, allegations and complaints as part of the inspection process. Such matters will not usually be referred to in the published report but will have been considered by the team in reaching their judgements. Both Ofsted and ISI inspect and report on the Independent School Standards Regulations. However, they apply different frameworks and have different criteria for judging school quality that are suited to the different types of schools they inspect. Both use a four point scale when making judgements of quality but, whilst the ISI terminology reflects quality judgements that are at least equivalent to those used by Ofsted, they also reflect the differences in approach. ISI reports do not provide a single overarching judgement for the school but instead give a clear judgement on each aspect of the school’s work at the beginning of each section. These headline statements must include one of the ISI descriptors ‘excellent’, ‘good’, ‘sound’ or ‘unsatisfactory’, and where Achievement is ‘exceptional’ that term may be used for the top grade. Elsewhere in the report, inspectors may use a range of different adjectives to make judgements. For EYFS registered provision (for pupils aged under three), reports are required to use the same terminology (‘outstanding’, ‘good’, ‘requires improvement’ and ‘inadequate’) as Ofsted reports. © Independent Schools Inspectorate 2015 INSPECTION EVIDENCE The inspectors observed lessons, conducted formal interviews with pupils and examined samples of pupils’ work. They held discussions with senior members of staff and with the chair of governors and representative governors, observed a sample of the extra-curricular activities that occurred during the inspection period and attended registration sessions and assemblies. The responses of parents and pupils to pre-inspection questionnaires were analysed, and the inspectors examined regulatory documentation made available by the school. Inspectors Mrs Pat Preedy Reporting Inspector Mrs Annabelle Hancock Assistant Reporting Inspector Mr Adrian Boyer Team Inspector (Junior School Head, HMC and SHMIS school) Mr Larry Fairclough Team Inspector (Former Head, IAPS school) Mrs Jane Merriman Team Inspector (Head, IAPS school) Mrs Susan Rix Co-ordinating Inspector for Early Years © Independent Schools Inspectorate 2015 CONTENTS Page 1 THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SCHOOL 1 2 THE SUCCESS OF THE SCHOOL 2 (a) Main findings 2 (b) Action points 3 (i) Compliance with regulatory requirements 3 (ii) Recommendations for further improvement 3 3 THE QUALITY OF ACADEMIC AND OTHER ACHIEVEMENTS 4 (a) The quality of the pupils’ achievements and learning 4 (b) The contribution of curricular and extra-curricular provision (including community links of benefit to pupils) 5 (c) The contribution of teaching 6 4 THE QUALITY OF THE PUPILS’ PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT 8 (a) The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of the pupils 8 (b) The contribution of arrangements for pastoral care 9 (c) The contribution of arrangements for welfare, health and safety 9 5 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF GOVERNANCE, LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT 11 (a) The quality of governance 11 (b) The quality of leadership and management, including links with parents, carers and guardians 11 6 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE EARLY YEARS FOUNDATION STAGE 14 (a) How well the early years provision meets the needs of the range of children who attend 14 (b) The contribution of the early years provision to children’s well-being 14 (c) The leadership and management of the early years provision 15 (d) The overall quality and standards of the early years provision 16 © Independent Schools Inspectorate 2015 The Elms Nursery and Junior School to Trent College 1 1. THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SCHOOL 1.1 The Elms is the Nursery and Junior School to Trent College. It opened in 1999 and is located on the same campus as the college, in Long Eaton on the outskirts of Nottingham. Since the previous inspection, the school has extended its registration for nursery children, and now caters for day pupils from birth to the age of 11 years. The school is part of the Trent College charitable trust, overseen by a single board of governors. 1.2 The original extended building, known as the Lower Elms, provides teaching rooms from Reception to Year 3 and the David Wigglesworth Hall, which is used for gymnastics and assemblies. A separate building known as Upper Elms is used for pupils in Years 4 to 6 and for teaching information and communication technology (ICT) and modern foreign languages. There is a dedicated music school, rooms for learning support, a science lab and specialist rooms for teaching design technology (DT) and art. Adjacent to the Lower Elms is the Pre-School and Nursery, which provides places for up to 60 children. 1.3 Pupils are drawn from professional families from the local Long Eaton community and surrounding area. The school currently has 371 pupils on roll with 265 pupils in Years 1 to 6. The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) has 96 children, of whom 67 attend part-time. A pupil is offered a place if it is considered that he or she is likely to benefit from being educated at the school. Interviews, reports from previous schools and entrance tests from Year 3 are taken into consideration as part of the admissions process. 1.4 Pupils are not entered for National Curriculum tests, but instead take standardised tests in English, reading and mathematics from Year 1. The ability of pupils is tested in Years 4 and 5 using quantitative, verbal, non-verbal and spatial standardised tests. Results in these tests indicate that the ability profile of the school is wide, but overall is above average, with most pupils having an ability that is at least above average. Fifty-seven pupils have been identified as having special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), including two pupils who have statements or educational, health and care plans. One pupil has been identified as needing support for English as an additional language (EAL). 1.5 The school aims to create a culture of high achievement by providing a safe and stimulating environment that encourages endeavour, achievement and enjoyment amongst pupils and staff. Staff seek to meet the needs of each individual within a strong and cohesive community based on family and Christian values. Preparing pupils for transfer to Trent College and providing them with the necessary skills for the world beyond is a strong underpinning aim, combined with sustaining the future development and ambitions of Trent College and The Elms. 1.6 National Curriculum (NC) nomenclature is used throughout this report to refer to year groups in the school. © Independent Schools Inspectorate 2015 The Elms Nursery and Junior School to Trent College 2 2. THE SUCCESS OF THE SCHOOL 2.(a) Main findings 2.1 The school aims to create a culture of high achievement by providing a safe and stimulating environment that encourages endeavour, achievement and enjoyment amongst pupils and staff. Pupils of all abilities and in all year groups, including the EYFS, thrive in a positive, inclusive atmosphere where there is a clear focus on teaching and learning with high expectations.