11/10/14: Becky Downie, Claudia Fragapane and Courtney Tulloch led the way for Great Britain on the first day of the World Championship apparatus finals in Nanning, China with notable performances.

European and Commonwealth Champion Becky Downie recorded her best ever World Championship placing by finishing 5th in a high quality bars final. Becky demonstrated her high difficulty in her third well executed routine of the week scoring 15.166 and was proud to have ended her tremendous year on a high saying: “Of course it’s a bit disappointing not to be in the medals but overall to have competed three great routines, I couldn’t ask for much more than that. This year has been brilliant for me and this result again is massively encouraging going forward.”

Commonwealth champion Claudia Fragapane in her World Championship debut produced two superb vaults to also place 5th in another high calibre final, she scored a total of 14.716 and was delighted with her performances saying “I’m really happy, it’s an amazing experience competing with the World’s best gymnast’s and to learn from them. I still have the final to come on Sunday and will just go out and enjoy myself like I always do”

Another debutant, Courtney Tulloch also had a superb day in the rings final. Courtney demonstrating his immense strength and also his incredible composure as he calmly went about his routine scoring 15.400 for 6th place, he said after : “ I’m really, really pleased, in my first World Championship to make the final is incredible this whole experience has been brilliant and I’ve learnt so much. Today I also put my own move in to the routine which I’m hoping will get named after me “The Tulloch” that would be so special.”

Daniel Keatings was disappointed not to claim a medal place in the pommel final knowing that he has a routine capable of contesting. Unfortunately he lost his form mid routine after his and slipped slightly and so he had to fight hard to stay on which limited his score to 15.133 and place 8th. Similarly having completed her sensational, difficult and unique bars skills had trouble in her pirouettes on the low bar and fell for 13.366 and also 8th place, both gymnasts frustrated but pleased overall with their championships.