TAMU-G-96-004 C2 lOANCOPY ONLY Sea Grant Program The Texas ARM University Sea Grant College Program is a partnershipof university.government and Industry,focusirig on marine research,education and advisoryservice. Nationally, Sea Grant beganin 1966 with the passaqeof the Sea Grant Program andCollege Act. Patterned after the Iwnd GrantAct of the 1860s, the Sea Grant conceptis a practical, broad-based scientific effort to better the world for all those Irving in and out of the sea.

Marine Research From Iayinq the seedsfor a new aquaculture industry in Texas to measuringthe influx of freshwater intothe estuaries,Texas Sea Grarit strivesto increaseknowledge across a broadspectrurri of marine-related fields.Resear< h is the largestof TexasSea Grant's components,accouriting for approximately50 percentof the annualbudqet. The researchprogram areas inhelp peopledeal more effectivelywith the marine environmentwithout harmingit. The MarineAdvisory Service is a cooperativeeffort of Sea Grant, the TexasAgricultural Extensi<>n Service and comrnissioriers' courts in participatingc<>unties.

Texas A&M University In 1968 TexasA8

TAMU-SG-96 503 5M June 1996 NA56RG0388 A/I-1

Cc>1996Texas A%.M University Sea Grant College Program Reproduction in part or whole of the contents withoutwrit tert permissionof the publisheris prohibited. Writers. Phillip Sulak, Anessa Heatherinqton Design. Amy Broussard 1900 Storm Photos courtesy Rosenberq Librany, Galveston

Sinqle copies free; order from Sea Grant Program Texas AfkM University 1716 Briarcrest,Suite 603 Bryan, Texas 77802 The Issue

Carla. beulah, Allen, Alicia, Jerry. They may not sound like,.-' killers, but they were. They were hurricanes that caused death and destruction along the Texas coast. These names have little meaning for newcomers to Texas and the years since a major storm along Texas'coast make even long-time resid e nts cornpl a cent, Where memories of Texas' worst fade, however, it is easier to recall televised scenes of Hugo ... or, mor e recently, Andrew. It.'s hard to f'orget pictures of the aftermath of these storms, and not to wonder,just for a moment, what if'P This publication is designed to makeyou think and plan before the threat occurs.It includesstep-by-step instructions for hurricanepreparation and evacuationplans, a tracking chart, and suggestions for recovery after a storm.

westernAfrica and upper larly destr uctive storm. inside the eye and over- level wind conditions that The letters Q, U, X, Y, and cast rainy skies give way nave wor ked to inhibit Z are not used due to lack ta samet.imes nearly hurricane formation. He of names, cioud-free conditions. also believes that the Hurricanes are coun- The official hurricane circulatian pattern will terclockwise-r otating, sea son for t h e Atl a n tie speedup in the future, tightly coiled storms of Basin is from June 1 to leading to mare hurricane such immensity and Nov. 30. There have been a ctivity. magnitude t,hat it may storms form as early as Sucha sceneof affect thousands of May none have struck the What exactly is squaremiles of ocean Texas coast before June!, desolation as met the a hurricane? area and extend above but most storms for m 50,000 feet into the from July through October. eyes of the people of A hurricane is a member lowerstratospnere, plus of' the Galvestonwhen day several hundred feet inta Storm surge family that also includes the oceandepths. They When viewed an a world- dawned Sunday, typhoons,tropical storms may nat be the largest. wide s ale, most hurricane and tropical depressions, sto r msystem s, o r the deaths came fram the sea September 9, has Cyclones with sustained most violent, in our in the form of stor m surge, winasexceeding 73 mph rarrelybeen witnessed hemisphere,but they which claims nine out of 10 are called hurricanes in the combinethose qualities victims. Atlantic, Ca ribbea n Sea as no other phenamenor, on earth. Rfteen While over water and and Gulf o~ Mexico and in does, as if they were away from land, wind- the eastern and central designed solely ta be hundredacres of the driven waves in a hurricane Pacific Ocea n. messengers af death and may reach heights of 50 city had beenswept Thos e sam etypes of destruction. feet or higher, As the storms would be called a Thestorms are tropical star m leavesthe open clear of eoery typhoon in the western chilaren, born aver the ocean and crosses the Pacific and a cyclone in the ocean,powered by heat continental shelf, moving habitation.Euery Indian Ocea n. from the seas and the closer to the coast, Tropical cyc lanes with s un, stee red by th e average water levels may street was chocked sustainedwind speeds af easterly trade winds and 39 through 73 mphare increase 15 feet or more. with ruins, while the temperate westerlies,a nd The advancing storm surge calledtropica I star ms, their own fierce energy. combines wit.h the normal Whena tropical storm Aroundtheir tranquil sea, not content with astronomical tide to reaches sustained winds of c ores, wi nd s bi o wwith c.reate the hurricane 39 mph it is givena name. lethal velocity, the ocean tearing away a gnmt storm tide. In addition, The rirst letter af the developsa ninund a ting wind waves to 10 feet high st along the beach namewill correspondwith surge, and, as they move or moreare superimposed what number storm it is onshore, tornadoes may on the storm tide. This front, had piled the for the year. The fir st descend fram the advanc- storm of the year will begin buildupof' water levelcan ing spiral bandsof cumu- wreckage in one great with the letter A, the ca use severe flooding in lonimbus clouds, coasta I area s, partic ularly scca nd with I et ter P a n d At th e center of' th e when the storm surge long massfrom city so on, storm is the "eye,"which is coincides with normal high There are only six sets uniqueto the hurricane. end to city end. tides. of names for Atlantic No other atmospheric Because much of the storms. The list for 1996 phenomenonhas this calm is the same as tl.e list, U nited State s' densely core, Eye diameters populatedcoastline along that was used in 1990 and average about 15 miles, the Atlantic and Gulf 1997 storms will follow the although diameters of 24 coasts lies less than 15 same list as used in 1991, miles are not unusual. feet above mean sea level, A name can be retired fram Winds diminish ta some- the danger from storm the list if it was a particu- thing less than 15 mph

Texassea Grant , 3 Beneaththese masses of brokenbuttdfngs, tn the streets,tn the The hurricanemoves ashore. A 15-foot surgeadded to the normal 2-foot tide createsa stormtide yank, in fence of 17 feet. This moundof water,topped bv batteringwaves, moves ashore along an areaof the coastline as much as 100 miles wide. The combination of the storm surge, battering waves and high corner3, tn cfsterns, fn winds is deadly. the bay,far out acrtoss surge is great. The more Wind object is added at a the ueters on the tha n 6,000 lives cia irned disproportionaterate. Hurricane winds within in th e Ga Iveston hurri ca n e I'ressure mounts with the matntand shores, 50 miles of the storm of 1900 mostly came from squareof windvelocity. A center may reachspeeds drowning as the storm 10-fold increase in wind eoeryaheretn fact, of 200 mphor moreand surgeswept across the speedadds a 100-fold should be considered by isla nd, ta king buildings increasein pressure,That oem corpses.Galen ca asta I communities a nd wit.h it. can meantata I collapse residents when determin- mrs a verltabre Estimates of the storm for some buildings. Most of ing building codes, or how surge in the damage caused in the strong ta build a struc- in 1970 were as high as 25 CorpusChristi area during ture, Most of the damage feet above mean sea level. 1971's Hurricane Celia was in southern The storm surge can also ca used by high winds. associated with Hurr icane extend more than SO miles Andrew was wind-related. inlanddepending on the Rain and floods Evidence indicates that a rea's topogr ap hy, the wind may have become Once a hurricane moves Wave a nd cur r e nt acti on the major threat to life in over land, it is removed a ssoci ated with sur g ea soI a hurricane, Hurricane from its energy source cause extensive damage. winds can carry a barrage the warm waters of the Water weighs nearly a ton of debris that can be acean,It quicklyloses its per c ubicyard. Extensive quite dangerous.Glass structure, but not its and repeatedpounding by fram shattered high-rise destructive potential. waves can demolish any windows, or metal from Floodsproduced by structure not specifically signs and roofs, can hurricane rainfall are often designed to withstand become lethal flying more devastating than the such force. missiles, as was the case wind and storm surge, A Currents set up along with in typica! hurricane brings six the coast by the gradient in 1953. Tall to 12 inches of rain to the in storm surge height and st.ructures such as radio, area it crosses, wind combine with the tel evis io n or h igh-vo lt age Tropica I Storm waves to severely erode towers can be made to Claudettedropped three beaches and coasta I oscillate until str uctura I and a half feet of rain to highways and gouge cuts failure occ urs. the Alvin area in 1979. In th r ou gh barrier islands. As winds increase, air 1975 the remnant.s of pressureagainst- an TropicalStorm Amelia

Arttvork courtesy Nattorial Weather Setvtce dropped4 feet of water on state of Texas. The Emergency Manage- the Hill Country northwest division originated in 1951, rnent Co or din a to rs in ea c h of Sa n Antonio. T he when Dr. Carlton puch county along the coast resulting flash floods killed sr r ived,tr a nsferri n gf'rom are issued a "Hurricane 26 people,many along the the Texas ARM University Contingency I I arming n or ma Ilysedate M edin a Center for Strategic. G u ide" s n d a "Sto rm and Guadaluperivers. Tech no Iogy. Atlas" specificallyde- Livestock snd wildlife were Dr, Vuch, whose back- signed far their region, swept awayby the raging ground is as a regional Thecontingen cy p lan- charee-hhouS.TO bury . ivers by the thousands. pls nne r,bees m ein vol ved ningguide provides infor- with hurricane research in mation on evacuatio~ the deadups a physical Tornadoes the 1970s, when the Sea areas and "vulnerability Grant I rogram funded his studies," and is loaded impossibility.Added Alt.hough the tornadoes proposaI for a psychologi- with acronyms that are spawnedby hurricanes are to the horror of so cal study of what actually important tools in not as strong or as long- p or mpted peo ple to hurricane situations, lssting as the twisters many corpseswas the evacuate ar stay including SLOSH, ESTED- spawnedon the plainsof during a hurricane. TX, DEPC, K!SY the IJnited States, they presenceof carcasses Since1979, Puch has What s rea s sh oui d be do their share af' damage. worked with the Governor' s evacuated, and when, is of thousandsof Hurricane-related torna- Divisionof Emergency deter mined by using does tend to form just Managementcreating snd SLOSH, Sea, Lake and horses,cattle, dogs ahead of' the storm's updatingemergency Overland Surges from landfall and csn even occur evacuationplans for the Hurricanes a computer and other domestic hundreds of miles away Texas coast. progr amr unby the fr om the storm's center, animals. For hurricsne planning National Hur r icane Center, spawned ourposes, the coast is SLOSH simulates a 116 tornadoes ir. 1967, divided into five zones: variety of hurr icanes and including a national record 8 Ares 1 covers the Lake predicts the surgecondi- of 67 in one day, 5a bine area, including tions of s real hurricane to Chambers, Hardin, a part.icularpart of the How coastal Jas per,Jeff e son,r coast. SLOSHpredicts counties prepare Newton and 0~ange storm surge height, the for hurricanes counties; distance the surge can penetrate inlandand the "Fayattention to what your ~ Area 2 covers the timing of the surge, EmergencyManagement Houston-Galveston Theplanning guide Coordinator,mayor or iudge area, including 5razoria, co nta in s e vsc u ati a n says regarding evacuation Galvestor and Hsr ris counties; planningtools, basedon recommends f ions, because estimated evacuation they havethe information. ~ Ares 5 covers the times for each ares. Times Theyknow when if s time fo Matagarda area, are determined by the evacuate!. including Calhoun, numberaf peopleat-risk, Dr. Carlton Kuch, Texas Jackson, Matagorda the estimated number of ASM research scientist, and Victoria countie~; on fhe mosf important ~ Area 4 covers the vehicles that will be employedin an evacuation thing fo do when a hurri- CorpusChristi area, and available roadway caneis approachingthe includingAransas, capacities, area whereyou live. K.enedy,kleberg, Nueces, Fefugio and San A beha vio ra I stu dy is The Research Division af Patricio counties; and done periodica lly to the Collegeof Architecture ~ Area 5 covers the predict the numberof at Texas ARM University i's I3rownsville area and peoplewho will act.uslly .he primarysource of Cameran and Willacy leave during a hurricane hurricaneplanning for t,he counties. snd how many vehicles will

TexasSea Grant ... 5 be taken. Surveying Theprogran; takes a emergencyofficials how to indicates that newcomers sTorm's forward rnove- figure in the e fects of to the coast are more ment speed,wind speed tides, rainfall and waves on likely to evacuate than the and location and calcu- the MEOWprediction. "old-timers" who have beer lates A! the amount Gf Charts in the Storm t.hr oughhurricanes before, time until landfall and ! Atlas showwhich impor- Dr. Kuch said.! the time needed for all tanT fa -ilit:es schools, Theplanning guide vehicles to evacuate power plants and substa- Thecalamity came recommends which road~ before routes are blocked. tions potential environ- be used for Tne evacuation The difference between A! rnental problems could suddenly. Galveston and the appropriate a nd l3! d etermin e s .he be a fectes by a hurricane, coastal roadways are amount of safe time The cnart also indicat s was not aware of its marked with 'Hurricane remaining before it wil' be wi-at strengtl the:orm Evacuation Route" sign~. too ate to recommend must reach and at what impendingfate. News Thereare evenvideo tapes e vac u at'o n, position 't wouldhave .o of an approaching distr:buted to local tele- Emergencyofficials make landfall .o endanger vision stations, to be alar g the coast have Tneir these acil'ties. cycloneproduced no shown in the event of an owncopy of the ESTED--TX evacuation, showing the programand run it each Making the call advised evacuation r outee, time new i~formation is alarm. Suddenly With these tooleat Another computer pro- i~~ued by the National their fingert.ips,en ergency word was sent that gram, Damage EsTimate Weather Se rvi ce, off'c.i,ale mayor s in Ranges ana Casualties, or Th e Sto rm At l a s incorporatedareas, and the hurricane was contains mapsof the DEKC, h eI psa ssess poten- c un:y 'udges in the tial I-urr icane damage. specificcoastal region unincorporatedparts ol a bendingfrom its th at it was designed for. DEKCpredicts the county, have t!e tinal number of damaged nomes Themaps indicate maxi- usual course and authority'.r Texas have and buildings, the cost of mum storm-surge pen- all they need to p!an an the damages both to etration, MEOWs Maxi- might strike.the city. evacuation, Under Texas agriculture and to build- mumEnvelope Ot Water! law, no one can be forced ings! and estimates the and windmaps for eachof Even then there was to leave home. the f'ive hurricane catego- numbero~ people who will The '0 ficial s Manual," . ies, be homeless and for what as t he De i sionMak! r g periodof tirr',e, It ever The sto. m surge pene- guide is -eferred to, estimates the number of tration n.apeshow how can. aine a secT. or, tit ed far the storm surge can employeesthat will be "Consiaeraticns ror pe expected to peretrate, unemployedin an area Decision Makir g,' It a fter the hurricane. given the contours of tne st,resses tl at officials Closely related to DET'C land ar d the strength of face levaI liability. is the Risk of Inhabitants the storm. I.e MEOW "I' lives a-e lost because Staying in homes being shows the level or the of a fa,'lure tc recornrreno storm surge over mean Killed RISK.!.RISK pre- evacuation, lia bil'.ty I'tiga-- dicts the numberof people sea level. Winds can push tion may ar ise," the sec- that would be killed if no the storm surgeup hill, so t.icn sta.es.'When consid- one evacuates, MEOW levels can reach ering 'iability in;hese almost 40 feet above sea Anot.hercomputer pro- circumstance . the courts g ram,ESTE D- TX Esti- level. Subtracting how high may cons!acr the way in mated Safe Time remain- your home is above sea which decision-makers ing before Evacuation levelf'rom tl-e MEOWpr e- used the avai'lab:e informa- Decisions f' or the TeXas d!ct!on will show how high tion .o ensurepublic coast. must be made- you are above the sto. m safety and welfare. Gut surge or how deep your helpeofficials makethe ~eelin gs, intu it i ons a nd home will be in the surge, decision on when to past experiencewi I noTbe recommend evacuation, The maps alee tell

6 ... HMrrkanes no suddenfear, no

hurrying to escape, no thought of swift

destruction. In a

moment, in the

a sufficient defense that it would come ashore Carla, which struck the against possibleliability on the upperTexas coast Texas coast in 1961, She liti gaT.ion." as a powerful,full-blown, came ashore near 1'ort While it is necessary to CaTegory5 hurricane. Lavaca and caused give 30 hours notice before Evacuation was recom- damage all the way into 'sndfall of s category four mended and about s half the Dakotas, Carla is Ias to be engulfed by or five storn. to evacuate millionpeople in Texasand probablythe largest storm all of Galveston isla r,d, L oui si a na heed ed the ca II, to st r ike Texa s in re co rd ed a tidal blaue,and the hardest parT-of the Allen eventually can.e h stoi ry, with reco rd ed peak coast to evacuate because ashore around F'ort. gusts of more than 175 buried in the flood of of its proximity to Hous- Mansfield, between mph.Only a mass evacua- ton, which is difficult 5rownsvilleand Corpus tion kept the death toll at ueters, enough to drive tnrough Christi. a relatively low 34, without a ma'or sTor m While 5outh Texas Dr. Puch uses two at 24 hours before landfall suf ered 22 deaths,12 analogies to indicate why weather forecasters have tornadoes and uo To15 peopleshould evacuate only about s 35 to 50 inchesof' rain, manypeople when told To do so. percentaccuracy rate cf livingin the primary "If you were told that predictingwhere a hurri- evacuationarea, the upper the swimmingpool yo u cane will come ashore. coast, didn't receive so were about to jump into Which, of course, makes muchas a sprinkle. had a one in six chance of it hard to decide to After Allen fizzled, having water in it, would evacuate. manycomplained about youjumpF," Puch said in an Ruch admits that the evacuation recomrnen- analogy he credits to recommending an evacua- dation, which caused former NHC director Dr. tion is a guessing game. A traffic pile-upsin the Neil Frank, who is now a csee in point was Hurri- Galveston area. Houston meteor o logi st. cane Allen. But Kuc h says th a T. "Doyou play I2ussian Thousands evacuated Allen wasn't a case of roulette, knowingthat only the coast in August, 1950, "crying wolf,' st least not one of the six chambers in anticipation of Allen, in the traditional sense. has s bullet in it'7," he called "the storm of the 'There was a wolf," he asked ag~in. "That's why century," because at its said, "We werejust you shouldn't take strongest, its spiral clouds fortunate that the wolf chances and should evac- filled most of the Gulf of didn't come to our door," uate if recommended Mexico. All indications were Consider Hurricane

Photo C Robert Milhovil Texm Sar&en' ... 7 Saffi~Simpson Hurricane Scale

Category 1: sustained Foliagetom from trees; cut by rising water 3 to 5 windspeeds of 74 to 95 large trees blowndawn, hours before hurricane mph;storm surge5 to 5 I'ractically all paarly ce nte r a r rive s. Major feet constr ucted s ign s biown erosion of beaches, Mas- Damage prima r ilyto down, Some damage to sive evacuation of all shrubbery, trees, foliage roofingmater ials of residences within 500 Thecity rose from its and unanchored homes. No buildings; some wind and yards of shorepossibly real damage to other door damage. Some required,and of s ingie- ruins as if by magic. st.r uctures, Some da m age st ruetu r a! d ama g eto story residences within 2 to poorly const ructed small buildings, Mobile miles af shore. Street after street boas signs, Low-lyingcoasta I homes destr oyed, Ser iol s Example~:A ndre w882!; roads inundated, minor flooding at coast and Hugo 858! cleared of debris. A pierdamage, some small smaller structures near Cat egory 5: su sta in ed craft in exposedanchor- coast destroyed; la rger wind speeds of morethan small army of men ages tom from moorings. struct u res n ea r coa st. 155mph; storm surgeof damaged by battering irked from early Examples:Florence more than 18 feet 855!; Charley 855! waves and floating debr is. Shrubs and trees blown morn until the Category2: sustained Low-ly in g escape ro utes dawn; considerable damage wind speeds of 96 to110 inland cut by rising water to roofs of buildings, all shadowsof night mph;storm surge6 to 8 3 to 5 hours before signs dawn, Very severe ard h ur rica ne ce nte r a r rive s. feet extensive damage to Flat ter rain 5 feet or less descended, to lift the Considerable damage t.o windows and doors. Com- shrubbery and tree foliage; above sea level flooded olete failure of roofs on cityfrom its burden inland 5 miles or more, some trees blown down. many residences and Major damageto exposed Evacuation of. Iow-lying industrial buildings. of tureckage.Then, residences with in severa I mobile homes, Extensive Extensive shatterir g of damageto poorlycon- blocks of shoreline possi- glass in windowsand +hen danger-of bly respired. structed signs. Some ! ndustr ia I buildings. Examples: 1800 Storrr.; epidemic seemed damage to roofing materi- Extensive shattering af Alicia 853!; Emily als of buildings; some g lass ir, windows a nd passed, attention auas window and door damage, 883! doors.Some complete No major damage to Category4: sustained building failures. Small turned to commerce. buildings. Coast roads and windspeeds of 151to 155 buildings overturned ar low-lying escape routes mph;storm surge13to blown away. Cample.e inland cut by rising water 18 feet destruction af mob:le 2 ta 4 hours before arr ival Shrubs and trees blown home~.Major d~~age to af hur r ica n e ce nter. down; all signs down, lower floors of all st:ruc- Considerable damage to Extensive damage to tures less thar. 15 feet. piers,Marinas flooded. roofing materia Is, windows ~bove sea level within 500 Smallcraft in unprotected and doors. Complete yards of shore. Low-lying anchorages tom form failures of roof's and small escape routes inland cut moorings.Evacuation of residences.Complete by rising wa,er 3 to 5 some shoreline residences destruction of mobile hours before hurricane and low-lying areas homes, Flat t.er rain 10 center arrives, Massive required, feet or less above sea level evacuation af res~der tia', Examples:I3eulah 867! flooded inland as far as 6 areas on Iaw ground within Kate 855!; Bob 881! miles. Major damage to 5-10 milesof share possi- bly required, Category3: sustained lower floors of structures windspeeds of 111to 150 near share due to flooding Examales:Carla 861!; Camille ;868!; Labor mph;storm surge9 to 12 a nd bat te ring by waves and floating debris. Law- 8ay Hur rica ne 835! 'in feet lyingescape routes inland Florida Keys

8 ... Hurrkmnes Price Gouging

As unscrupuious as it. maysound, some peop e taxe advantage af tl"e misfortune of a hurricane, ot ten times in the form o' pricegouging. Far example, immediately following lt divasa godsend, the Hurricane Alicia in 1983, it was discovered tnat one placing of the city Houston-Galveston area bus;ness was charging $1 under martial laud. per poundtor ice.As if that weren't bad enough,a The criminal element 92-yea r- o Id ma n wa s began looting the charged $5,000 to have one tree ren oved. dead, and the cold Ward Tisdaie, with the Terms you should know Attorney Genera",sPress blooded commerclaf- Office,admits price 5ulletin: A public Gale Warning: A gouginghappens frequently release from a Weather warning of sustained winds element began following a natural disas- Service H ur rica ne War ning within the range of 39 t-o ter, such as a hurricane ar Office Issued at times 54 mph 4 to 47 knots!. looting the living. the southeast Texas flood other t.nan those when Hurricane:A tropical of 1994. advisories are required,A cyclone with sustained Looters and vandals Tisdale also warns of bulletin is similar in form windsof 74-mph 4 have ignored moral "fly- by-nig h t o per ator s' to an advisory but in- knots! or greater. cludes additional ger eral Hurricane Advisorles: wnapromise to da great. restraints; gunpowder work, take your money t,p newsworthy information. Messages issued sirnulta- ~rant ana then never return Coastal Flood Watch; neously by the Hurricane has had to be used to to cto this gr eat work,":f it. An alert. that significant Warning Offices and the sounds too goad to be wind-forced flooding is to Nat ion a I Hur ri cane Center subdue the savagery true, call t.he Better be expectedalong law- in Miami every six hours Business Bureau to find lying coastal areas if desc r ibing the st.or m, its being practiced. out if it is, weatherpatterns develop position,anticipated P.ice gougingis punish- as forecast, movementand prospective aole~y law,with penalties Coastal Flood Warning: threat. of up to $2,OGOper A warning that significant Hurricane Watch: The occurrence with a maxi- wind-forced flooding is first alert when a hurri- mum$10,000 fine per imminent.along low-lying cane posesa possible,but individual, Businesses may coastal areas. as yet uncertain, threat also be requiredto pay Cyclone: A closed to a certain coastai area, restitution and damages system of' cyclonic coun- or whena tro pica I st.orm to consumers. terclockwise direction! t hr eaten s th e watc h a r ea lf you feel you have been circulation characterized and has a 50-50 chance victimized by price gaugers, by Iowpressure and of intensifying inta a call the Attorney General's inclement weather. hurricane. Small craft office at 1-800-621-0508 Eye: The relat,ive calm advisories are issued as o r wr ite to: Ca n su mer area in the center of a part of' a hurricanewatch I'rotection l3ivisian, Office storm. Winds are light in advisory, of the Attorney General, this area and the sky Hurricane Warning: I'.0. Box 1254-6, Austin, TX often is only partly Notice that within 24 78711-2548. covered by clouds. Continuedan page13!

Satellite photo courtesyDepartment of Meteorology.Texas A8cM Urtiversity TexasSea Grant ... 9 Keys to Hurricane Safety

BEFORE A HURRICANE Inventory Your Property s urge fl a oding. lf cansidering moving to THREATENS: A completeinventory af a shelter, make arrange- Know Elevation of Your personaI propertywiil n elp ir, obtaining insurance ment., for all pe:s. ~ets are Home Above Gea Level settlements and/ar tax r at allowed in shelters. This inrormation is deductions for losses, Re-"illneeded orescr ip- available f'rom local Emer- lrventory checklists can tions. Probabilitystatements gencyyManagement; offi- be obtained from many l~ evacuat!on nas not cials. Your nearest. Weather a'ready been recon mended, As tropical storms Station officecan supply sources, including your cans.'der leaving the a rea flood-stage data for area insura n cere pr esentat ive. or hurricanes move Do nat trust your memory early to ava.id arg hours streams and bayous. List descriptionsand take on lim ted evacuation Learn Potential Maximum closer to the U.S. pictures.Store these and routes. Storm Gurge other important Insurance Check 6 up plice coastline, the Find out if your home is papersin waterproof subject to storm surge Transistor Radio with containers or in your National Hurricane Fresh Satteries tidal! flooding.Informa- saf'ety deposit box. tion about t;he potentia'=, A radio will be your most Check Insurance Coverage Center mi11begin to for inland flooding and useful source af inforrna- storm surge is available F eview your insurance tion, Have enough batter- issue probability through the nearest policiesand your coverage ies .c last seveca I days. to avoid misunder stand- lhere may be no elec.ricity. We at h er Stat i on office, statements along mith ings later. Takeadvantage How Safe is Your Home? Flashlights, Candles or of f'loadinsurance. Sepa- Lamps,and Matches more fami liar I'lan to relocate dur!ng rate policiesare needed Store matches ir a a hurricane emergency if for protection against. hurricane match and yau livenear the seashore. wate r p~oofco nta ine r.H ave wind and flood damage, Alwaysplan to relocateif enough lantern fue' for whichpeople frequently do ma ming announce- you live in a mobile l.arne, several days, and know haw nat realize until too late, t-o use it safely. Know Location of Nearest Po nat wait until a hurri- Full Tank of Gasoline ments. Probability Shelter cane is in the Gulf by Never let your vehicle statements are used Emergency Manage- then, it is too late. When a ment ar PedCross person- gas tank be iess than half- storm is heading to shore, fuil during hurr i ane nel can give you the insurance offices are too to predict the chances seasan, Fil! the tank as location of the shelter busy preparing for the of a specific storm nearest your home and soon as a hurricane watch emergencyand won't be is posted, Remember explainwhat you should ableto respondto indi- striking a given area bring with you. when t.here is nc electricity, vidu aI re quests,a nd gas pumpswon't work. Plan far your family' s insurance cannot be of the coastline. Using Canned Goods and Non- safety, Know how to obtained. contact family members perishableFoods past forecast error should the need arise, WHEN A WATCH IS Stare packagedfoods Plan Route to Safety If ISSUED: that can be prepared statistics and a without coaxing and need You Must Leave Make Pl a ns Ear y no refr igeration, There may hurricane's forecasted I'lan your escape route Listen Constantly to be no elect;ricity or gas. early, Checkwith Emergency Radio or TV Ivlanagement.per sonnel for Mani to r sto r m repa rts Containers for Prinking Iowpoints and floodir!g and keepa log of hurricane Water history of your route. Check position,Remember Have clean, air-tight containers to store the number of hours it vacuation routes some- could take you to evacuate times can be closedup to sufficient dr inking wa ter far several days, The city to a safearea during peak ZO hours before landfall by evacuation traffic. wind g usting o r sto rm supplywill probably be

10 ... Hurricanes interrupted or c ontami- and close doors to IF YOU STAY AT HOME: n ated. protect against flying Stay Indoors Materials to Protect glass if shattering does I'lease stay in an inside Glass Openings occur, room away from doors and Have shutters or lumber Move Boats on Trailers windows,even if they are ta protect largewindows Close to House covered. Take refuge in a and doors and masking PilI boats with water to small interior room, closet movement, the tape far use on small weight them dawn. Lash or hallway. Don't go windows. securely to trailer and use outside in the brief calm National Hurricane Materials for Emergency tie-downs to anchor the during passageaf the eye Center assesses the Repairs trailer to the ground or of the storm, The lull Yourinsurance policy house. sometimes ends suddenly probability of a given may cover the cost of Check Mooring Lines of as winds return from the materials used in tempo- Boats in Water Then appositedirection. Winds hurricane affectinga rary repairsso keepall leave them. can increase in seconds to receipts.These also will be Store Valuables and 76 m ph or rnor e. particular location. helpfulfar any tax deduc- PersonaI Papers Take Precautions tions, I'ut irreplaceable Turn refrigerator to As the forecastperiod documentsin waterproof maximumcold and open WHEN A WARNING IS shortens,the accuracy containers and store in only when necessary. Turn ISSUED: the highest possiblespat, off ut.ilities if told to do so of the prediction Continue Listening to If you evacuate, be sure to by authorities, Turn off Radio or W t.ake them with you. propanetanks. Unplug increases. Predictions Continue ta monitor Preparefor Storm Surge, small appliances.Fill hurricane position, inten- Tornadoes and Floods bathtub and large contain- are expressedin sity and expectedlandfall, Storm surge, torna- ers with water for sanitary If You Live in a Mobile does and flash floods are pur poses. percentages.During Home the worst killers associ- Protect Property Check t.ie-downs and ated with a hur r icane. Without taking any the movement of an leave immediately for a unnecessaryrisks, protect During a tornado warning, actual storm, you safer place,Mobile homes seek shelter inside, below your propertyfrom dam- are nat safe in hur ricane groundlevel if passible,or age.Temporary repairs csn may hear television f o r ce winds. in an interior hallway, reduce your losses. Preparefor High Winds closet or bathroom on Stay Away from Windows or radio announcers Brace your garage door. ground level. If outside, and Glass Doors Lower antennas, Be move away at right angles Move furniture away say there is a "10 preparedto makerepairs, from the tornado; if fram exposeddoors snd Anchor Outside Objects escapeis impossible,lie windows. percent or "30 Gar bage cane, awnings, flat in a ditch or lawspot, Stay Tuned to Media percent" chancethat loose garde~ tools, toys The surge of ocean water Broadcasts plus flash floodingof and other ioose objects Y,eeps radio or televi- the storm tvill affect a can becomedeadly mis- streams and river s due to sion tuned for information siles, Anchor them se- t or r entia I ra in s co mbin e from official sources. specificcoastal area. curely. to make drowning the Unexpectedchange~ can Protect Windows and greatest cause of hurri- sometimes call for last Other Glass cane deaths, minute relocations. Boardup or shutter Check Your Survival If Winds BecomeStrong: large windows secure ly, Supplies Again Close all interior doors, Tape exposed g Isss to Secure and brace external reduce shattering, Draw door s. dr'apcs a cr oss win dows If you are in a two-story

TexasSea Grant , 11 t.hreaten'.ng emergencies insuranceagent or brokerof a ssume yo ur sett l e m ent only, any losses and leaveword will be the same as your Take Extra Precautions to whereyou can becontacted. neighbor's.I olicy forms Prevent Fire 'TakeSteps to Protect diiffer and storm damage Avoid using candles and Property often erratic. In a major other openflames indoors Maketemporary repairs catastr ophe,the insur- becauseof possiblegas to protect.property from ance industry will have leaks, Use a flashlight to f urth e rd amage or looting, emerg ency offices a nd inspect damage,Keep in Useonly reputablecon- extr a ma n powe r to expe- with it anything it can mind, too, lowered water tra cto r s so metim es in dite claim settlements pressurein city mainsand the chaotic days following and to speedrecovery. grasp. Often boats, the interruption of other Everyonecannot be first. a disaster, unscrupulous and even ships,as services may m ake f ire operators will preyon the It Takes a 'Team Effort f'ighting extremely difficult unsuspecting!.If possible Pesponsibilityfor the well as houses and after a hurricane, check contractors through clean-upfalls to numerous THE RECOVERY: the Setter business local, state and federal other buildingsare agencies.A local Emergency insurance Bureau.keep receipts for Management coordinator insurancer epresentatives mater isis used, carried miles from will be on the scene immedi- Be Patient the mayor,county judge or a designatedrepresenta- their original places. ately followinga major Hardshipcases will be settled first by insurance tive! willbe on handto help disasterto speedup the Tornadoes,the fingers nandlingof claims,Notify your representatives,Don' t residents in this effort. of a hurricane,reach Terms out of the sky and Continuedfrom page9! preparedby a Weather hurricaneor tropical hoursor less a specified Service Office in or near a storm, destroyanything they co a st a I a rea may be threatened ares giving 'Tornado: A violently s ubject t o a! s usta ined specificdetails for its rotating column of air, touch. They claw the windsof'74 mph4 area of responsibilityon nearly always observsble knots! or higher a nd/or b! weather conditions, as a funnel cloud. ground, plucking up dangerously high water or evacuation notices and Tornado Watch: Indi- a combination of danger- other precautionsneces- cates that weather cars and leveling ously high water and sary to protect life and conditions are r ight for a exceptionallyhigh waves, property. tornado to developsnd whole apartment eventhough expected Severe Thunderstorm the sky should be watched, winds msy be less than Watch: Indicates that. Tornado Warning: buildings. While conditions sre right for Indicates a to r na do h as hurricane force, tornadoesare very Land Subsidence: The lightning, damaging winds been sighted or is indi- cated on radar, sinking of the land, caused greater than 55 mph, hail common in mainly by the withdrawal of a nd/or h eavy r ain. TropicalPisturbance: A und ergr oundwat e rfr o m Severe Thunderstorm moving area of thunder- hurricanes,we never wellssupplying cities and Warning; Indicates that storms of tropical origin industries,This phenorn- severe thundersto r ms that maintains it-s iden- know where they will enon m ayca u seco a staI have been sighted or tity for Z4 hours or more. areas to become more indicated on radar; 'TropicalDepression; A strike. vulnerableto tropical Storm Warning: A tropics I cyclonewith storm flooding. warning of sustained sustained winds of 39 to Landfall: Theposition at. winds in the range of 55 73 mph4 to 63 knots!, a seacoast where the to 73 mph8 to 63 TropicalStorm: A center of a hurricane knots! inclusive, tr opi caI cyclonewith passesfrom sea to land, Storm Surge: An sustained winds of 39 to Loca I Action State- abnormal rise in the level 73 mph4 to 63 knots!, ment: A publicrelease of the sea producedby s

TexasSea Grant ... 13 Names to remember Thenames of tropicalstorms and hurricanes inthe Atlantic8asin come from or'e of six lists. Storm namesused in 1996 will be usedagain in the year 2002. A nameis retiredif'a storm is particularlydestructive, The names Luis, Marilyn, Opal andRoxanne were retired from the199512003 list andreplaced with ' orenzo,Michelle, Olga a nd Rebekah.

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Hurricanes are not 1996 Arthur Ana Alex Arl en e Alber.o A lison the largest storms on [bert ha Bonnie t5r et Seryl Cesar C laudette Charley Cindy Chr! s Chant.el the planet, nor are Dolly Danny Dani elle Dennis Debby Dean Earl Emily Ernesto Erin they the most violent. Edouard Erika Fran Fa bier. Frances Fioyd Florence Felix Yet their size coupled Gustav Crace Georges Gert Gordon Gabrielle Hortense Henri Her mine Harvey Helene Humberto with their violence lsid ore isa bel Ivan Irene lssac makes them the most Josephine Juan Jeanne Jose Joyce Jerry Kyle Karl Katrina Keith Karen awesome weather Lili Lar ry Lisa Lenny Leslie Lorenzo Michael Michelle system in nature. As Marco Mindy Mitch Maria Nana Nicholas Nicole Nate Nadine Noel more people settle on Orna r Odette Otto Ophe lie Oscar Olga Paloma Reter philippe I'atty Ra bio the coast, the need Rene Rose Richard Rite Ra feel Rebekah for early warning Sa lly S hery Stan Bandy Bebastien Teddy Ter esa Thomas Tammy Tony Tanya grows. Steps taken Vicky Vict-or Vir ginie Vince Va ler ie Van Wilma Willie m Wendy early to protect your Wilfred Wanda Walter Thereare no storms beginningwith the letters Q,iJ, X orZ dueto a lacko~ names, In family and belongings addition to the four f'rom1995, namesthat havebeen retired and the year tl.at they are always the best were retired are: ~ Audrey957!, Agnes972!, Anita 977!, Allen980!, Alicia963! anoAndrew protection against a 992!; ~ Setsy965!, 8eulah967! and 5ob991!; visitation from this ~ Connie955!, CarIa 861!, Cleo964!, Carol865!, Camille969!, Celia970!, and Carmen 974!; mighty predator. ~ Diane955!, Donna960!, Dora964!, David979! andDiana 990! ~ Edna968!, Eloise975! andElena 965!; ~ Flora 963!, Fifi 974! and Frederic979!; ~ Gracie959!, Gloria985! andGilbert 968!; ~ Hazel954!, Hattie 961!, Hilda964! andHugo 989!; ~ lone955! and inez966!; Janet955! andJoan 986!; ~ Klaus 990!. ~ Luis,Marilyn, Opal and Roxanne 995!

14 ... Hurrtcarres Sea Grani file photo TexvsSea Grant ... 15 la 'ba



Sea Grant de Texas a Universitano Sea Grant de la Universidad Texas a asociacion entre universidades.el qobierno y la ue se enfoca en la investigacronmarina, educacion y servicio de consulta. A nivel nacronal, Sea Grant ernpezo en 1966 con la aprobacionde la Leydel ProgramaUniversitario Sea Grant. Basado en la Ley de Subsidio Terrestre de 1860. el concepioSea Grant es un esfuerzocientifico prar rico y amplio paramejorar al mundopara todosaquellos que viven dentro y fuera del mar. investigacion Marina Desde colocar las semillas para una r>uevaindustria en acuaculturaen Texas, hasta rnedir la afluencrade aqua en los nuevos estuarios. el Dorrativo Sea Grant se en uerza en aurnentar el c<>nocimientoa travde campos rclacionados con el mar EI componerrte mas importante del donativo Sea Grant de Texas es Ia investigacion, que rrnde cuentasde aproximadamente50 por cientodel presupur.sto anual. I as areas del programa de investigacion incluyen acuacultura, estudiosambier

Servicio Consuitivo Marino Fl Servicio Consultivo Marino de Texas es la clave para Ilevar la informacion a los qrupos de usuarrosen el estado La investigacionmarina de la comunidadacarlemica se transrruteal publicopor estemedio. Ya seamediante cursrllos, publicaciones o simplementecara a caraen los muelles,la metaesta en ayudar a la gentea enfrentarsemas efeciivamente al medioarnbiente marino sin danarlo. El Servicio Consultivo Marir>oes un esfuerzo cooperativoentre Sea Grant, el Servicrode F.xtensionAgricola de Texas v las cortes de comisionados en condados participantes.

La Universidad Texas A&M En 1968 la Universidad Texas AkM recibio la distincir>nde ser nombradauna de las primerasseis instituciorres receptoras del prernio.Tres anos mas tarde, la escuelafue designadacorno Universidad de Subsidio Marino lSea Grant!. La universidadtie

Africa, hasta la regi6npolar iistas de nombres para lss En el centra de Ia dondese en~resy ertcnces to. rnentas del Atlsntico, torments esta "el oja". baja a los nivelesinferiores, La lists para'I996 es igual Ningunotro fenomeno antes de valveral sur. 5ray s!s lists quese usoen el atmosferica tiene esf e creeque e' pat r6nde 1990 y en 1997 las nucleo tranquil o. El circulaci6n ha disminuida su Toerne nts s seguirs n la diametro de I ajopr omedia ve ocidad en los ultimas 2i3 misma lists de 1991. Jn unss15 millas, a undueun aROs,!O cEue ha cresdo nombrepuede retirarse de diametra de 24 rnillas no candicionesde secEuiaen e! la lists si fue una torments esta fuera de lo comun, Los Una escenade occidente de Africa y partic ularm ente vientasdisminuyen a poco cordicicnes de vienta a destructivs. Lss letr'as CI, menosde 15mph dentro del desolaci6n corno la niveles s uper i ores,que ha n U,X, YyZnaseusan ojo y el cielo,con nubesy funcio nado para inhibirla debido s is fs Its de lluvia fuera de este, casi no que encontraron los 'ormacion de hurscares. nombres. tiene nubes dentro. Tambiencr e queel pavran Loshura canes son La temporadaoficisl de ojos de la gente de ae circulacion sumentsrs de tormentas con v.'entos hura canes para la C uen ca velacidsd er el futuro, v.'olentose impetuosasque, del Atlantica es del 1 de Galveston cuando conducier.do s mas s modo de torbellino,girsn junio al 30 de noviembre. sctividad de huracanes, en grandes c!rculos en Hanhabida tor mentss que amaneci6 el domingo, ser tido contrar io a las se formanen mayoIninguna

TexasSea Gront ... 3 Banjolas pilas de edificiosdestruidos,

en las calles, en los jardfnes,en los alto a rnas, se juntan can la carriente asociada con vi ento. rincones de las la corrient.e de la el olesje tarnbi en La evidenciaindica que torments. Esta ocasionan graves danos, el viento puedellegar a ser cercas,en los aljibes, acumulaci6nprogresiva del EI agua pesa la amenaza mss grande s nivelde agua puede aproximadamenteuna la vida, durante un en la bahfa, en las ocasionar inundsciones tonelad a porya r dac u6 ca.i huracan. I os vientos sever a s e n a rea s coster a s, El golpeteorepet.ido y producidospar un huracsn aguas lejos de la particularmentecuanda el extensode las olas puede puedentrear consigoun costa, en todoslados oleajeproducido por una demole r cualquier bambardeo de escambros torments coincide can estructura que na este que puedeser bastante de hecho, habfan mar eas altas normales, diseRadaespecificamente peligroso,I os cristales Ya quegran parte de la para resistir tal fuerza. destrozados de ventanss caddveres. Galveston casts de los Estados Las corrientes a la altas a el meta I de letreros Unidos a lo largo del largo de la costa y tejadas puedenllegsr a era una verdadera Atlsntico y del Golfo causadss por el oleaje ser proyectilesvoladores denssmentepoblada- intensa y el viento, se rnartales, camo fue el caso esta a menasde 15pies combinanpara producir de! Huracsn Alicia en sabre el nivel de msr, el una severs erasi6n en Houston en 1955. Las peligrodel aleajeproducido p layasy carretera s estr uctu r as a Its s, ca m o por una torments es costeras y escsva las Ias torres de television o qrande, Las mss de 6.000 barreras en las islss, de a ltovoltaje, pu ed en vids sque cob r6 el h uracsn oscilsr hasta que se romps El vlento de Ga I vesta n d e 1900 Ia estructura, Los vientos fueron causadas rnayor- Al aurnentar los vientos, huracanadas a 50 millas mente por ahogamiento,a la presiondel airecontra un del centro de I a torments medidsque Ias olas abjeta aumenta puedenalcanzar barrieron con la isla desproporcionsdamente, La velacidadesde 200 mpha l leva ndase los edificios prestonaumenta con la rnasy deberfsnser velocidad del vienta al consigo. consideradospor los El oleajeproducida por cuadrado. Un aumento de 10 residentes y comunidades veces en Ia velocidad del ls torments en el Huracan costeras cuando viento, aumenta 100 veces Camille en 1970 se estim6 determinen I os cad iq os de en unas25 pies sabreel la presion,Esto puede constr uccian, o que tan ocasianarel desplametotal nivel del mar. El aleaje resistente se debe de algunos ediAcias.La puedeextenderse a mas construir una estructura. mayor a del dana en el area de 50 millas tierra dentro, Ls mayor a del dano en el de CorpusChristi en1971, dependiendade la durante el Huracan Celia, topagrafi'adel area. sur de is Florida asociado con el Hurscsn Andrew, fue ocasionadopor fuertes La accion de las olss y estuvo relacionsdo con el vie ntos, La lluvla y las Cornose preparanlos Paraprapositos de lnundaclones condados costeros planeaciondurante Unavez que el huracarha para los huraoanes huracanes, la costa se entrado a tier ra, se elirnina "Presteatencion a io que divide en cinco zonas: su fuente de energfa-las diga ei coordinator de 8 El Area 1 cubre el Area dei Lake 5abine que aguas calidas del oceano. Manegeo de Emergencias,ei PApidamentepierde su a!caine o eljuez, con incluye a las condados estructura, pero no su respectoa ias Chambers, Hardin, potencia I destructivo, Las recornendaciones de Jasper,Jefferson, funeraria. Sepultar a inundacionesproducidas por evacuaci6n,porque eiios Newton y Orange; la p.ecipitaci6n del huracan trenen Ia inforrnaci6n. Eiios ~ El Area 2 cubre el area 1os muertos era son frecuentemente mAs saben cuando es ei de Houston y devastadorasoIue el oleajey momento para evacuar!". Galveston, incluyendo a ffsfcamen te imposfbile. el vienta,Un huracAn tipica Ei Dr. Carlton Puch, los condados de trae de 6 a 12pulgadas de cient fico i nvestigadorde 5r azoria, Ga lvest an y Sumado al horror de lluvia cuando cruza un Area. Texas ASM, sabre io mAs Harr is; tantos caddueres La TormentsTropical importanteque debe hacer ~ El Area 3 cubre el Area Claudette trajo 3 1/2 ft, de cuando un huracan se de Matagorda, estaba la presencia de lluvia al Area de Alvin en acerca ai area donde vive, incluyendo a los 1979, En 1976 los La Division de c.ondados de Calhoun, caddveres de mffes de remanentes de la Tormenta lnvestigaciondel Colegio de Jackson, Matagorda y TropicalAmelia traje ron4 Arquitecturaen la Victoria; cabal/os, ganado, piesde lluviaal noroestede Univer sidad Texas M M es 5 El Area 4- cubre el Area 5an Antonio. Las la principalfuente de de CarpusChristi, perros y otros inundacianesrepentinas planeac i6n, durante incluyendo a los matarona 26 personas, huracanes,para el estado condados de Aransas, ani males domhsticos. muchosa lo largode los rfos de Texas, La division se kenedy, ICleberg,Nueces, Medinay Guadalupeque origin6en1961, cuando Pefugio y 5an Patricio; y nor malmente son muy llego el Dr. Carlton P.uch, ~ El Area5 quecubre el tranquilos.' os rfos quienfue transferidodel Area de 5r ownsvilley los barrieron con el ganado y la Centrode Tecnalogfa condados Cameron y fauna salvaje. Estrategica de la Willacy. Universidad Texas ARM, A los coordinadores del Los tornados El Dr, Puch,cuya lvlanejode Emergenciade Aunquelos tornados experienciaes corno causadospor huracanesno proyectista regiona I, cada condado a lo largo de san tan fuertes o tan empezoa trabajaren la la costa se le da una 'Gufa duraderoscorno los que investigacionde huracanes de I'laneacion en Caso de ocurrenen las planiciesde en los anos 70, cuando el HuracAn" y un "Atlas de ios Estados Unidos, I'rograma de 5ubsidio Tor mentas" ta mbien ocas iona n dan os, Marftimo ea Grant! especfficamentedisenado Lostornados causados por respaldosu propuestapara para su region, huracanes tienden a llevar a caba un estudio La gufade planeacion formar se justo delante de la psicologicode lo que proveeinfarmaci6n sabre recalada de la tormenta y impulsaa Iagente a areas de puedenocurrir a cientosde evacua r o a per ma necer en evacuaciony 'estudios millas del centro de la su casa, durante un de vulnerabilidad" y estA tarmenta. El Huracan huracAn, Ilenade siglas queson las beulahprodujo 115 tornados Desde 1979, Puch ha herramientas rea Imente en 1967, inc luyendo67 t rabaja docon la Divisi a n tarn~dosen un dfa,lo que importa ntes en las d elMa nejo de E merg en ci as s it u aci ones de hur a cA n, fue un record nacianal, del Gabernador creanda y incluyendo 5LO5H, actualizandopianos de E5TED-TX, DEPC, PI56, evacuaci6nde emergencia Que Areas deben para Ia costa de Texas. evacuarse y cuando, es

TexasSea Grant ... 5 determinsdopor el uso de 'Puts de Evscuscion de diferercis e1tre sI y ,'b'! SLOSH, Olesje en el Mar, Hurscsn". Tarnbien se dete mina Is Lsgos y Tierra Dentro distrubuyer videos a ss Ca lt ldsd Ge tlelTIOO ocasionado rror un esta icnes locales de SegurCque eXIS.eS1t,eS que hurscsn- un programs de televis',on, dO1de Se ses aerra iaao ts ae pars computadoradirigi'do po. muestran las rutss de r comendar la evacuaci6r. el Cent.r o Nsc.'ona I de evscuse io1 scO1Sejabies, Losen a gacrosdel plan pars que se tran. mits1 er de emergencisa o largo de Huracanes. caso de una evacuacion ls costs .ienen Su prapla La calamidad vino SLOSHfirge una variedad de huraCanes y Ort.oprog sma de copisd I programs E'-TED-TX y o utilizar cada repen tfnarnente. pred ice las condi i ones de cOmpitadors, Alcs1ce vezque el &e.vic'o oleajede un huracsn Est:maao de Daiios y Galveston no estaba verdaderoen uns parte V'cti 1aS,O DEKC,ayuds s Meteorol6gicoNaci nsl especificsde ls costa, evsluar el posibledaRo eml e nueva Ui r, sc16I'1. consciente de su BLOTCHpredice ia alturs del ocssion adO par un hu.scan. E At aS ae I'orrnentss co1tie1emapas d~ a ~eqi6n oleajeproducidc por uns DEPCpredice e nurre o destino inminente. La torments, la distancia gee de edificios y hogares cos e. 3 eSpec I"Ca pa a s quefue diser'adc.I os el olesje puede penetrar afectsdos, el costo de los mspss inaican Is maxima noticia de Un cici6n tierra dentro y el periododel daRos ,'s la ag icultura y ecri'icios!y est;:ms e peret.rscion del oies'e olesje, pr6ximo no produjo ' s guliaae pianeaCi6n 1I'meroae gert ~ geeSe Calrsadcpo u1stcl ments, c. MEO'." contiene herrsmientas para quedarssin l.ogsry alarrna.Repentinamente planearla evacuacior,con durante santo t,i em oo. I Vlaxl S COb"I Ir S Pe Hasta estiea el numero d Agua! y los ma,rss d.. vient:o se inform6 que el base en,a., horss de evacus c:'or estimadas pars oersonss que queda sn sin pars cada uns de as. nc, en pleoen el areadespues cat eg r las de haraCa r es. hwracdn habia cada area. ss I orss son determinadaspor el num ro de I I . ursea n. Lcs ITlspasd . penet;aci'n deoles'e de gente en riesgo,el E stree ha ment., cambiado su curso y re i aci on ado s DE V. esca producidoOor u1s t'rmenta nurnero estimsd o de PI&%, kiesgo de Muer.e muestrana pre d'stsncis podrfa go/pear la vehiculosque sersr empleadosen uns de los l-.abtsntes qi.e se espersque penetren Ias Ver msnec,r en sus o,ss, dado e conte no d ciudad. A in entonces evscusciony los camincs disponibles. Hogare=!.Kl&Y, prentice el tier~a y la fuels de ls n rmerode gerte que torments. L os MEOW no habia miedo sobito, LIn estudio del WOrIra Si 1adie eVS ua. muestrsn e r ive'del olesje cornporta mie nto se hace periodicamentepara Otro programsoe soc re el nivel dei mar, Los predecirel numerode gente corn out ado ra, E & E? - X, v entO.=:Ol.eden empuIar al quesaldrs reslmente ,'Tierrpcbeguro Est;imsdo o eajeSobrr as cclinss, sSI quelos nivelesde MEOW durante un hurscan y pirecoeds snteS Rue se, tome ls Decision de puedensicanzar CaSI 40 cuantOS vehloulOs se EvaCusr e1 a coSts ae piessos e el1iv..l del mar. util iza ra r'Los e studios indicsnque los nuevos TeXas!ayuda s los avestan.ocrqu .an s ts e- ta furciO1aciOs a tornar ls su casa scare el nivel del resident;es en,s costa tienenmss probsbilidades decision soir r e c us n do mar del peon6sticoME OUV. de evacusrclue los que recon endar la evaolrscior. most.ara cuan arribs cstars solrre el olesje c llevan viviendo sll.' mas El programstoms ls ve ocidsd del rnovim'ento de uanprof'u1da cstars su tiempoy ys han experimetsdoalgun la torments hscia adelsnte, casa er' el olesle. huracsn,dijo el Dr,V,ucl . la ubicsciony a velocioacr os n aps=tsmvien le Lagulis de planeaCiOn de vientOy calculs s,l is indi Car s los e1ga rgsdo S c6mo desclt'rsr los e=e tos recomiendslos ca minos~tue cantidaad tiempo hast:a de aS COrrelnteS, IS se deben utilizsr pars is ls recaladay',b' ,el tiempo evacuaci6ny los csminos n ecessrio que tc ma p ecipitaci6ny las clss e1 ls costeros apropiaaos se evscuar s todos los predic iona eMEOW. Los mapaser el Atlas de marcan con seRales de vehiculos,antes quelas rutas se bloqueen,La Tcrmentas mu strar que

6 ... Hurrkones las insta lac iones Mientras que es siquiera uns llovizna, import-antes corno necessriodar svisopars Despuesde Allen, escuelas y subestacionesy evacusr Cslveston 30 muchosse queisronde la plantss deelectricidsd, horas antes de ls recslsda recomendacion de podrfan ser afectsdss por de uns torments de evacuaci6n, que ocasio no ur huracsn.E' maps cstegoris cuatro o cinco embotellamiento de trafico tsmbien in@les ls fuerza s parte ae la costa mss en el ares de Galveston. quedebe a learzar la dificil de evacuar, debido a I ero Kuch dice no fue un tormer ta y en donde su proximidada Houston, casodel 'nina y el lobo",por ningun intento deberfa ub:carse la recalada, donde ya es lo Io menos no en el sent.ido pars queesa s! n stala c i ocrs suf'icientemente dih'cil tradicions I, apresurandopor estenen peligro, cond' cir sin to r me nta "Hsb[sun lobo',dijo, 24 horas antes de ls "I'ero fuimos muy escapar,ningCin Ernitiendo el llantado recs lads los afortunadosque el Con estss terran ientas pro nosti cado r esd elti empo lobo no Ilsmo s nuest,rs pensamientode en sus rnsnos, los s6lo tienen un 35 a un 50 puerta . funcionsr ios de oor ciento de exactit.ud al Hablernos del Hura can rdpida destrucci6n. emergene iss 'os pred eci. d6nae en t rara a Carla,que golpe6 ls costa s csldes er areas t.ierra un hu.scan. Lo que, de Texas en 1961. Toc6 En un momento, en incorporadas y losjueces de por supuesto,hace mss ti rra c.erca del I uerto los condados en las partes d;ircil a decision ae evscusr, Lavscs y ocasiono daRos un abrir y cerrar de n ' incorpo.adss de un Kuch adn ite que hasta los estsdos de cor.dado, .ienen ls reco mendsr un s evacuscior Dakota. Car la es ojos, la ciudad auto.'.dad fir sl en Texas; es unjuego de adivinos. Un probs bi ement;e la to r menta tienen:odo lo oue necesitsn ejemploes el HuracanAllen. mss grandeque hs despert6 al hecho oars planearuna Milesd epersona s golpeadoa Texas,desde que pQUorosode evaCuaoi6r.5sjO las leyesde evscusron la costa en existe el registro, con .exas,no se puedeobligsr s rsfagasde mss de 175mph. sg esto de 1980, que iba a ser cubferta radie a sa ir de su casa. anticiosndo la Ilegsaa de 56lo una evacuacion E "Ms nua I Ofic is i', corn o Allen, lla mads "la torments mssivs msntuvo el numero por una ola se lla na a gua parston ar aei siglo', porqueen su de victimas relativa mente deci siones, cont.'ene uns punto mss fuerte, s us bajo en 34, gigantesca y secc or llsmads 'Consid- r ubesespirales llenaron la El Dr. Puch utiliza dos e-acionespars Ton..sruns mayorparte del Golfode a nalog as par sindies r por sepulfadaen agua. [!ecisi6n".Acent,ia que los Mexico.Todos indicaba que quela gentedebe evacuar fun c.onar ios t.i:enen tocar[a .ierra en la costa cuandose lo indiquen. .esponsabili dadI egaI. superiorde Texascorno un "Si le dijeranque la "Si se pierdenvidas a pode roso h ursca r d e piscinaa la queesta a causade un;. scaso para cst;egor.s 5. puntode echsrseun r eco mends r un s eva c us cion, 5e recowendo a clavsdo tiene ur,s en seis puedeiaoer un pleito egal", evscuaciony mss de un pcobaoilidsdesde tener declsra el manual. mill6ny mediode personas agua,esaltarfaP', Kuch dijo "C us nd o ex i ste sr Texas y Loui si a ns aue acredits ests analogy'a responsabilidadlegal en escucha ron el llsmado, al I r, Neil Frank, exdirector estas c'rcunstsncias, las Al en eventualmente toco de NHC,quien es ahora autoridadespueder tierra ceres del I'uerto rneteor6logoen Houston, cors.'derar ls marera er,que Mansfield, entre 5rownsville " 'ugsrfsa la ruleta Puss, losque tomaron la decisi6n y CorpusChristi. ssbiendoque solo uns de usa ron la infor mac I6n Mientrasque en el sur las seis disponible,para asegurar el de exss hubieron 22 csmarasde la pistols bienestar y ia seguridsd muertos, 12 torr ad os y tiene balaP', pregunto publica. Las intuiciones y ls hasta 15pulgsdas de lluvis, nuevsmente, "I'or esta experiencispssada, no muchade ls genteque vive razon no deberis ser s n det enss s ufici ente en el areaprincipal de sr r iesgsrsey deberes contra urs pos'.ble evacuscion, en ls ccst;s evacusr si ssi lo it,igac ion '. superior,no recioioni r ecomiends n'. n

TexasSea Grarrt , 7 Esca!a Saffir-Simpson

Category 1:Velocidad rotas; tira arboles Putas de escape sostenida del viento de grandee. P'racticamente inundadas de 0 a 5 horas 74 a 95 m ph;t or m entas todas las senales mal antes que llegueel centra que producenolas de 3 a construidas destruidas, del huracan, Erosion 5 pies Algunos danos a techos importante de playas. Dananprincipalmente a en edificios; daRos a I'osiblerequerimiento de La cfudad surgi6 de la maleza, arboles, puertas y ventanas.Algun evacuacion masiva de arbustos y casas sin da no estr uctu ra I a toda s la s res iden c ia s las ruinas cornopor anclaje. Vealmente no edificios pequenos, ha~ta 500 yardas de la danan atras estructuras. Destrucci6n de casas costa y de las residencias encanto. Las calles, Danan a algunas senales rnaviles, Seria inundacion cluese encuentrashasta a que no estan bien en la costa y destruccion 2 millas de la costa. Upas tras otras, constr ui'd as, F'osi bie de las estr ucturas Categorfa5: Velocidad deterioro de caminos menores cerca de la estaban lfmpfas. Un sostenida del viento de costeros, de muel les costa; dano a estructuras mas de 155 mph; mas grandes cerca de la eJ&citopequeno de pequenosy de algunas tormenta con olas de barcas pequenascon costa debidoa Igal peteo mas de 18 pies de las olas y a escombros hombrestrabaj6 a nclajeexp uesto. De st.r u cc i on d e Category 2: Velocidad f iota ntes. Kutas de ar bustos y ar bole~;dana desde tern pradopor sostenida del viento de escapeinundadas de 5 a considerable a techos de 96 a 110mph; tormentas 5 horas antes queel edificios, destruccion de la mahatmahasta que queproducen olas de 6 a centro d elhura can llegue. tadas las senales. Dana 8 pies Inundaciones en terreno severo y extenso a cay6 la noche, para Dana considerable a piano,hasta 5 piesarriba ventanasy puertas,Techos arbustos y ramas en los del nivel del mar y hast.a 5 caidos en muchas casas y' levantar de la cfudad millas adentra. I'osible arboles; tira algunos edificios de industr ias, requerimientode esa carga de- arboles, Dana grave a Extenso destrozo de casas moviles expuestas, evacuaci6n de residencias vi dri os d e vent a n as y bajo el nivel del mar, a despo>os. Entonces, Dana mayor a seRales mal ed ific ios de in du stri as. construidas, Algunos varias calles de la playa. Extenso destrozo de cuando pas6 el danos a techos en C atesor a 4: Velocid a d vidrias en ventanas y edificios; algunas danos a sostenida del viento de puertas. Algunosedificios peligro de una puertas y ventanas. 131a 155 mph; tormentas cornpletamente Ningun dana importante a con o las de 13 a 18 pies destruidos. Los edificias epfdemia, la atenci6n edificios. Alg un os ca minos Destruccion de pequenasarrancados del costeros cerrados por arbustas y arboles; de pisoy voladas.Destruccion se Uolvf6 al cornercfo. inundacianes, 2 a 4 horas tadas las senales. Dano completade casas moviles, antes de la Ilegada del extenso a techas, Dano importa nte a ias cent r o de! h ura ca n. Da n o ventanas y puertas. pisos bajosde todas las con sider a ble a rnuelles. Destruccion de tejados y estructuras a menos de 15 Marinas inundadas, r esid enc i aspeq uenas. piessabre el niveldel mary 8arcas pequeRasancladas Destr ucci6n tata I de las a 500 yardas de la costa, sin proteccion,arrancadas casas m6viles. Inundacion Kutas de escape del arnarradero. de Ios terrenos pianosde inundadas 5 haras antes Evacuacion de algunas hasta 10 piesarriba del que llegueel centro del residencias en la costa y nivel de mar y hasta 6 huracan, I osible evacuacior. en terrenos bajos, millas adentro. Dana rnasiva de areas Categorfa3: Velocidad importante a los bajosde residenciales que se sostenida del viento de I as estr uctu ra s ce r ca d e encuentranbajo el niveldel 111a 130 mph; tormentas Ia costa, debido al mary de 5 a 10 millas de la con olas de 9 a 12 pies golpeteode las olas y a costa, R.amas de los arboles escombr os f iota ntes. Estafa

Aunque suene inmorsI, slgunsspersonas se sprovechsndel percsnce de un hur scan, f. ec uentemente estafando s otros. Por ejemplo, inm ediata mente despuesdel hurscsnAlicia, Por fortuna, la ciudad en1953, se descuori6que un negociodei Ares de estaba bajo ley Houston-Cslvestor co bra bs $1 dolar >or una libra de marcial. Los hielo. Corno si esto no fuera suficientemente ma lo, le delincuentes cobrsron $5,000 dolsres s uns oersons de 92 snos oar empezaron a saquear Ilevsrse un srbol, Ward Tisdsle, con is Terminos qtce Deberia Saber a los muertos y los O~icins de I renss de Is Fiscslis C~enersl de Is 5oletfn: Un comunicsdo Ojo.El Aresde relativa comerciantes sin Vepublics,semite clue publicade ls Oficinsde cairns en el centra de uns frecuentemente,despues de Advertencis de Hurscanes torments. Los vientos son alma a los vivos. Los un desastre natural orna del &ervicioMeteorol6gico suaves en esta area y el saqueadores y los un hurscAn o a inundacion que se emit.iecuando na se c i cia fr ec u entern en te est A del sureste de Texas en ~equierenlas advertenciss, medio nublado. destructores 1994, hsy quienesestafsn a Un boletin es similar a la Advertencla de Vendaval: otros, advertencis,pero inc luye Uns advertencia de vientos ignoraron las Tisdsle tsmbien sdvierte inform sciongener s I sostenidos dentro de Is sobresctue'los tecnicos que sdicionslde interespublica. gamade 39 s 54 mph4 restriccionesmorales; prorneten hscer un Alerta de Inundaclon a 47 nudos!. excelentetrsbajo, el cual se Costera:Un aierta clue Huracan: Un cicl6n se tuvo que recurrir a debepsgsr poradelantsdo anuncia que se espers una tropical con vientas y que nunca mas regresan. inundacioncausads por sostenidosde 74 mph4 las armas para 5i suens den".asisdo bueno paraser cierto,liame al fuertes vientos a lo largo de nudos! o msyores, Iss zonas baja el niveldel Advertencia de Huracan: someter el salvajipmo Better business bureau y msr, si Ios n.odelos del Mensajesemitidos a ver!g uel o. que se estaba Ls estsfa es ilegsl,con clima se dessrrolIsn corno simultanesmente cads seis multss de hasta $2.000 hansido pronasticadas. horas oor la Oficina de desatando. dolares por cads vez cluese Advertencia de Advertencia de Huracsnesy hace, con un mAximo de Inundacibn Costera: Una por eI CentroN aciona I de $10,000 en rr.ultaspor sdvertencisque informs Huracsnesen Miami,que : naividu o, Es posible que a clueuns inundscion descr iben Is torments, su los negaciosse les obliquea caussdspor fuertes posicion,movimiento psqsr restituciony daRosa vientos es inminente s lo s ntie i pado y supuests los con sumidores. largo de las zonas bajo el amenaza. 9i s!enteque lo han n'vel del mar, Alerts de Hunacan: La estafado, liame!s oncins de Is Ciclon: Un sistema de primersalerts sobrela Fiscslisgeneral de Is Vepub- circulscion ciclonics en posible,pero hasta shora lics sl1-600-&1- O,F08 o sentido contrsria s Iss incierts, srnenszs de escriba a!?ivisi6n de I ro- manecilla s del reloj! nurscAn en cierta area teccion al Consumidor,ORcina csrscterizsdo porqueairs costera, o cuando uns de a Fiscs'fa Ceneral de Ia sir dedor de un centro de Torments T.ropica I am enazs Dpubl'ca,I'0 50X12548, baja presiony ocasions mal el Areao1ue estA baja Aust:n, TX7R7",-2~M5. .iempo, Cantinusrsabre Is pAqins 14!

Tems Sea Grant ... 9 Consejor para Su Segurl'dad Durante un Huracan

ANTE& QUE LLEGUE EL escape can ti empo. . espondena pedidas HURACAN: Averigue cua les son los individuales,par lo que no se puedeobtener el seguro, Averiguela Elevacionde puntos bajosy la historia de inundaciones en su Declaraciones de su Casa Bobre el Nivel del CUANPO BE EMITE nuts. Verifiqueel numero Mar de horasque podri'a tomar UNA ALERTA: Ests informacion ests probabilidad~uando Hara Bus Planes con disponiblea traves de para evacuar s un area segura durante el maxima Anticipacion los huracanes o las funcionarios locales de Msnejode Ernergenciss,La trafico de evacuacion. Escuche Constantemente tormentas tropicalesse estacian de meteorologi'a Tome Inventario de su la Radio o la Television Mantengase :.r.formado mss cercanapuede Propi eda d acerquenmas a Ias sobre el desarrollo de la praveerleinformscian Un inventario completo sobreposibles de su propiedadIo torments y lieve un costasde Ios Estados registra de la posiciondel nundaciones en csnales y ayudara si tiene cIue recirrir a la companiade huracsn. Pe uerdlequ Unfdos,el Centro arroyos en el area, seguros y/a hacer rutas de evacuacian s Conozca el Oleaje Maxim o deducciones de impuestos vecesse puedencerrar Nacfonal de Huracanes Durante una Torrnenta hasta ZO horas antes de Averigiie si su hogar es porsus perdidas.Las lists la recalada par viento o comenzard a emftfr suceptiblea inundsc.'ones de invent.ariose puede obtener, entre otros, del inundsciones. &i esta por el oleajedurante uns considerando ir refugio, declaracfonesde torments la mares!. I a re p resentsnte de segur os. No confi'e en su memoria. plannelo ctuevs a hacer informacian sobre la probabflfdad can los animales. No se posibilidadde inunda c i ones Anote las descripciones de su propiedaden ls lists permitenanimales en las conjuntamente con las tierra adentro esta refugios.Bi esta tomando disponibleen la estscionde y saquefotografias. Cuardeestos y las polizas una med;cinaque solo sse alertasde huracon y rneteorologia m ascer cans, de seguras en recipientes ver,de con receta, asegurese >Cuan Beguro es Bu impermeablesa en una de tener suficiente en caso anuncios de Hola r? caja de seguridsd. de em rgencis. Tengaun plan para Bi no se ha reccmendado advertencia mas Veriflquela Coberturadel reubica. se en casa de la evacuacion en su area, emergencia durante un Beg uro conocidos. Las Revisesus polizasde considere evscusr con huracsn si vive ceres de la seguro y su cobertura snticipacion, para evitar costa. Bi vive n uns casa declaraciones de paraevit.sr malentedidos. largss noras en las rutas movil ssegurese de tener lirnitadas re evacus cion. un plan para reub!Icarse Aoroveche los seguros por probabilidadse usan inundacion. Be necesitsr VeriRquesu durante el huracan. poliza s sepa rada s para Abastecimiento parapriedecir Ias AverigUe Donde se proteccioncontra el dana Pongale Baterias Nuevas Encuentra e'I Refuglo Mas por inundacionesy viento, a su Radio posibilidadesque tiene Cerrano la gente frecuentemente Una radio seri su La Cruz Poj s puede una tormenta no se da cuents hasta fuente de informacian mes daric la ubicscion del que es demasiadotarde. util. Comore baterias refugio rnss cercano a su especificade golpear No esperehasta que un suficientespars varios hogsr y explicarleclue debe hurscsn este en el ~olfo, dias, F'uedecIue se cort.eel traer. Averigue corno un drea determinada es demasiado tarde, servicio de luz. contactar a sus familiares Cuando una torments se Linternas Electrics s, de Ia costa. AI usar rnas cercanos en casa de dirige a la costs, las Velas, Fosforos y necesidad. oficinas de seguros estan Lamparas estadfstfcasde error Planee Varias Rutas de demasiadoocupadas Alrracene los f6sforos Escapeen Caso de anteriores de prepsrandosepars en envasesa pruebade Emergencia cualquieremergencia y no agua,Compre suficiente I lance sus rutas de

10 . Hurricanes combustiblepa ra varios Continue Escuchando la Guarde s us Pertenencias dias y sprenda s usarlo. Radio o la TV de Valory Papeles Lleneel Tanctuede Sigs la pasicionde' lmporta ntes Gasolina huracsn, la in.ensidad y el I onga documentos Nunca deje el tanque de momento en que se espers importantes en recipientes gssolins de su cache con llegue a tierra. impermeablesy colaquelos pron6sticoy el menosde mediotsnctue Si Vive en una Casa Movll en el lugsr mes alta durante ls temporadade Ver.'fiquelss anclas y posible.Si evacua, movimiento huracanes.' Ieneel tsnclue vsysse inmediatamente a asegurese de llevsrselos. tan pronto corr o se emits un lugar mss seguro. Las Preparesepara las pronosticadodel casss moviles na san Tormentas con Olas, el aviso de huracan. huracdn,el Centro Pecuerde, cuando no hay seguras en v'.entas Tornados e Inundaciones iuz, las bambas de gasolina h urace na dos. Ls torments con olas, Nacional de Huracanes no fur ciar an, Preparesepara Vientos los tor nsdas e Alimentos Enlatados y no Fuertes inundacionesrepentinos eval

12 ... Hurrfcanes atra identificacion las puertas no se abiertas puede comunicarse con Las polizasde seguros despuesque se ha ido la usted, El inventario de su luz, pero no vuelvaa Tome Medidas Para propiedad congelarlos, unavez clue ProtegerSu Propiedad Informacion medica se hayan empezado a Haga reparaciones especial Mapas haciasu destino descan gelar, ternpora I espara p otegerr No Use el Agua Hasta su propiedad de saqueoso TraigaRopa Protectora y que Sea Segura daRo adicional. Use Caliente Use agua de su unicamente contratistas todo lo que puede. Unde cambiode ropay abastecimiento de honrados a veces en Ios zapatos por persona Frecuentemente emergencia o hierva el dfascaoticos que siguen a agua antes de beberla un d esa str e; los contra- DESPUES DEL barcos e inclusive HURACAN: hasta quesea oficial clue tistas sin escrupulosse el agua es segura,Reporte aprovechande aquellos Si Evacuo buques, askcorno alcantar illados o tuberfas que no sospechan.Bi es Por favor demore su regresohasta que sea de agua rotas a las posible,verifique a sus casasy edificiosson a utori dades a pr op i adas. contratistas en el fretter recomendado o autorizado por las autor idades lnspeccioneDent ro Business bureau. Cuarde llevados a millas de los recibos de los loca les. Inspeccioneel gas, las materiales clue uso, distancia de sus Cufdesede Peligroe tuberfas de agua,las lineas electr icas y los Sea Paciente Extern os Los representantes de 1ugaresorigina les. Las carr ientes de agua aparatos.&6lo utilice el de s6lo 6 pulgadasde telefono para reportar las companfasde seguros Los tornados, Ios etenderanprimero los profundidadpueden emergencias que pongan alguna vida en peligro. casos mas graves, No crea arrastrarlo o hacerlo caer. dedosde un huracdn, quesu arreglosera igualal El agua estancada puede Tome Precauciones de su vecino.Las polizas tener esta r el ectrif'icada Extras para Prevenir salen del cielo y difiereny los danos por debido a cables de luz Incendios una tormenta destruyencualquier rotos o cafdos.Reporte los Evite usar velas u otras llamas, dent.ro, debido a frecuentemente son cables rot.os o sueltos a cosa que tocan. las autoridadesapropiadas posiblesf'ugas de gas. Use irregulares, En una cata str of e, la s inmediatamente, Muchas una linterna electrics para aseguradoras tendran Aranan el terreno, gente muereelectrocutada. inspeccionardanos, Recuerdeque nay baja oficinas de emergenciay Ca mine o Conduzca arrancando presi6nde agua en Ia personalextra para Cuidadosamente ciudady la interr upcionde a celera r los tr a mites y autom6vilesy Las calles llenas de para a pres ur ar la escombrosson peligrosas. otros serviciospuede hacer sumamente dif'feil el recuperacion.No todos edificiosenteros de Las serpientes e insectos puedenser los primeros. venenosos representan un apagar un incendio Se Requiereun Esfuerzo apartamentos. peligro.Las corrientes de despuesde un huracan. agua puedendevilitar las LA RECUPERACIBN: en Equipo La responsabilidadde la Aunque los tornados estructuras de los puentes Los Seguros limp ezai recaeen y caminos, los cuales se son muy comunes Los representantesde numerosas agencias puedenderrumbar baja el las companiasde seguros pesode uncoche, fed era les,estata les y cuando hay estaran en la escena locales. Jn coordinador Tenga Cuidado con inmediatamentedespues local del Manejo de Alimentos Estropeados huracanes,nunca de un desastre Ernergencias el alcalde, el Los alimentosse puede importante para juez del condado o un sabemos ddnde estropear si el refrigerador apresurarel procesode representante desig n ado! se apaga por mas de unas las reclamaciones. est a ra dis ponib le par a golpeardn. cuantas horas, Los Notificluea su agentede ayudar a los residentes en congelad ores guar da ran seguros de cualquier este esfuerzo. los alimentos varios dfas si perdiday dejedicho donde

Texassea Grant ... 13 Los huracanes ne ~

las tormentas mds grandessobre Ia tierra, ni tampoco las

mhs vr'oIentas. Sin

embargosu tamaho Terms acopladocon su Desee I apa g ina 9j partormen:as tropica les. sost.enidos en la gama de uioIencialos hace el alerta y tieneei 30 por Reealada: EI santo de 55 a 73 mph5 a 63 cientode probabiiidadesde la cost;a donde el centra nudasj. sistemaclimatogl~co in ensifica r sey volverse de! huracanpass del mar Oleaje:Un alza anormal huracan. Se emiten a la viei'i a en el n'veldel ma produc'.do mds imponentede Ia advertenciaspara las Dec la rao ion Local de pai ul peau enas n aveg ac i ones Aeoion: Un comunicado 'ii.ra an o ura torments naturaleza. A medkb c;omoparte de 'a alerta. o,iplica pr epa ra dopor la tro oi ca I. Gficina del .rervicio Tornado: V'ento via lento que mhsgente radica Amenaza de Huraean: Notificacionque en 24- Meteorologico, er. o ceres, a modo de torire lir o. Alerta de Tornado: cerca de la costa, crece horas o menos un area d eI ar ea bajo a n;enaza, costera s pec'fi ca p ued e queo-'rece aetalles Indicaque las condiciores la necesidad de las estar sujeta a: 1.vientos especVlicospara su area del c'ima son favorables sostenidosde 74mph4 de responsab',lidadsabre paraque se desarrol'e un ad Uertencias nudosj o rnasaltos y/o 2. condiciones del tiempa, tornadoy quese debe agi a peligrosament;ea'ta o avisos de e~racuacion y observar el ciela. tempranas. Las una combinaci 'n de agua otras precau-icnes Adverteneia de Tornado: peligrosamentalta y ola necesarias clara pcoteger Indica aue se ha vista un medidasde proteccibn excepcioralmente altas, si su ~riday sus propiedades. to nadoo queel ..adarla ha bienIas vientos esperados Aierta de Tormenta detectado. que se toman con puedenser menaresde Ias Severa:Ind:ca que las PerturbaeionTropica I: candiciones existen para Un area movi' de ma de antelact6n, son de un huracar, Depresibn:El hundi- la presenciade vientos una tormert,a de o rigen tro picai oue siempre Io mejor para n iento del ter reno, mayoresde 08 mph,cor ocasi onado pr incipa lrnente relampagas,granizo y/a man.iere sii identioad por protegera sUfamilia y porel alejamientodel agua fuertes Iluvias. 24 I oras o mas. subterra n eade I ospozos Adverten cia de DepresionTropical: Un sospertenencias de queabasiecen a ciudades Tormenta Severa: In di ca icl6n iroa'cal con vientos e industrias. Este quese ha vista una sosten.dos de 39 a 73 este potente fenomenapuede ocasionar tormenta severaa queel mpn,'34-a 63 r,udos,'. ctueIas areas costeras radar la ha detectadc. TorrnentaTropicai: Un depredador. Ileguer a ser mas Adverten cia de cic on t,ropicalcan vientos vulnerables a Tormenta. Una sastenidos de 39 a 73 ir.undaciones causadas ad ve rtenc ia d e vi ento s mpl-4 a 63 nudosj.

14 ... Hurricanes Lista de Nombres Losnombres de los huracanesy tormentastropicales en la Cuencadel Atlantico vienende una de seis listas. Los nombres de las tormentas usados en '1996 se usaran nuevamente en el ano 2002. Unnombre se retira de la lista si unatormenta es especialamentedestr uctiva. f' or ejemplo,los nombres Luis, Marilyn, Opal y Roxanneseretirarorl de la lista1995/2003 y sereernplazaron con Lorenzo, Michelle, Olga y Rebekah. La s l is ta s so n: 1986 1887 1988 1999 2000 2001 Artnur Ana Alex Arlene A lberto A lison Bertha Bill Bor.nie Bret Beryl Barry Cesar C laudette Char!ey Cindy Chris C hanta I Dolly Donny Daniele Dennis Debby Dear Edouard Erika Earl Emily Frn esto Erin Fran Fabian Frances Floyd .=I oren ce Felix Gustav Grace Georges Gert Gordor Ga vriell e Hortense Henri Her mine Harvey Helene Hurnber to ls!dore sabel Ivan Irene lssac Iris Josephine Juan Jeanne Jose Joyce Jerry Kyle Kate Karl Katrina Keith Karen Larry Lisa Ler ny Lorenzo Marco M;ndy Ivlitc h Maria Michel! e Nana Nicholas Nicole Nate Noel Omar Odette Otto Ophe',ia Olga I alorna F'etc r I aula I hilippe F'abio Rer e Rose Richard Rita Rebekah Sally Sa rr Shary Stan Sebasti en Teddy Teresa Thomas Tarnrny Tanya Vicky Victor Virgin!e V! nce Var Wilfred Wanda Walter Wilrn a Werdy Nohay tormentas que empiecen can las letras9, U,X, Y oZ debidoa lafalta de nombr es. Losnornbres que se haneliminado y elaRo que ellos fueron eliminados son; Audrey957!, Agnes972!, Anita 977!, Allen950!, Alicia 953! y Andrew992!; betsy 965!, beulah 967! y lob 991!; Connie955!, Carla961!, Cleo964!, Carol965!, Camille 969!, Celia970!, y Carmen974!; Diane955!, Donna960!, Dora964!, David979! y Diana990!; Edna965!, Eloise975! y Elena955!; Flora963!, Fifi 974! y Frederic979!; Gracie959!, Gloria 955! y Gilbert 955!; Hazel954!, Hattie 961!, Hilda 964! y Hugo959!; lone955! e lnez966!; Janet 955! y Joan 955!; Klaus '1990!; Luis995!; Mar ilyn 995!; QpaI 995!; y Roxanne995!.

TexasSea &ent ... 15 LU E ~-.e 0 c o.'~ c Pa rao~~o