Demographic Changes, Housing Policies and Urban Planning Examples of Situations and Strategies in Nordic Municipalities

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Demographic Changes, Housing Policies and Urban Planning Examples of Situations and Strategies in Nordic Municipalities Demographic changes, housing policies and urban planning Examples of situations and strategies in Nordic municipalities Lukas Smas with contributions by Christian Fredricsson and Haukur Claessen NORDREGIO WORKING PAPER 2013:4 Demographic changes, housing policies and urban planning Examples of situations and strategies in Nordic municipalities Demographic changes, housing policies and urban planning Examples of situations and strategies in Nordic municipalities Lukas Smas with contributions by Christian Fredricsson and Haukur Claessen Demographic changes, housing policies and urban planning Examples of situations and strategies in Nordic municipalities Nordregio Report 2013:4 ISBN 978-91-87295-12-6 ISSN 1403-2511 © Nordregio 2013 Nordregio P.O. Box 1658 SE-111 86 Stockholm, Sweden [email protected] Analyses and text: Lukas Smas with contributions by Christian Fredricsson and Haukur Claessen Cover photo: Magnus Fröderberg / Nordic co-operation Nordic co-operation is one of the world’s most extensive forms of regional collaboration, involving Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, and the Faroe Islands, Greenland, and Åland. Nordic co-operation has fi rm traditions in politics, the economy, and culture. It plays an important role in European and inter- national collaboration, and aims at creating a strong Nordic community in a strong Europe. Nordic co-operation seeks to safeguard Nordic and regional interests and principles in the global community. Common Nordic values help the region solidify its position as one of the world’s most innovative and competitive. The Nordic Council is a forum for co-operation between the Nordic parliaments and governments. The Council consists of 87 parliamentarians from the Nordic countries. The Nordic Council takes policy initiatives and monitors Nordic co-operation. Founded in 1952. The Nordic Council of Ministers is a forum of co-operation between the Nordic governments. The Nordic Council of Ministers implements Nordic co-operation. The prime ministers have the overall responsibility. Its activities are co-ordinated by the Nordic ministers for co-operation, the Nordic Committee for co-operation and portfolio ministers. Founded in 1971. Nordregio – Nordic Centre for Spatial Development conducts strategic research in the fi elds of planning and regional policy. Nordregio is active in research and dissemina- tion and provides policy relevant knowledge, particularly with a Nordic and European comparative perspective. Nordregio was established in 1997 by the Nordic Council of Ministers, and is built on over 40 years of collaboration. Stockholm, Sweden, 2013 Contents Preface .............................................................................................................................................................................. 9 Abstract .......................................................................................................................................................................... 11 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 13 Demography and housing policy ................................................................................................................................... 15 Shifts in Nordic planning ............................................................................................................................................... 16 2. Nordic trends and municipal contexts............................................................................................................... 19 Nordic demographic trends and challenges .................................................................................................................. 19 The Nordic municipalities .............................................................................................................................................. 19 3. Local situations and scenarios ............................................................................................................................ 25 Population development and composition .................................................................................................................... 25 Housing stock and future development ......................................................................................................................... 31 4. Municipal plans and strategies ............................................................................................................................ 35 Urban policies and comprehensive plans ..................................................................................................................... 35 Housing strategies and targeted interventions .............................................................................................................. 38 5. Concluding comments ........................................................................................................................................... 41 Challenges for planning for the future ........................................................................................................................... 41 Potential for collaborative planning ............................................................................................................................... 41 References ..................................................................................................................................................................... 43 Sources ......................................................................................................................................................................... 43 Literature ....................................................................................................................................................................... 45 List of maps and tables Maps: Map 1: Demographic vulnerabilities in 2011 ................................................................................................................14 Map 2: A typology of Nordic local labour markets in 2012...........................................................................................21 Map 3: Population change by main components 2006–2010 .....................................................................................26 Map 4: Migration by main components 2006–2010.....................................................................................................28 Map 5: Old-age dependency ratio in 2012 ..................................................................................................................30 Map 6: Gender balance in 2012 ..................................................................................................................................32 Tables: Table 1: Population change and density in the Nordic municipalities studied ...............................................................20 Table 2: Overview of the Nordic municipalities studied .................................................................................................20 Preface Th is report was initiated by the Nordic working group a qualitative investigation into how a number of mu- for the exchange of experience and knowledge develop- nicipalities are planning for the future with regard to ment (urban policies), appointed by the Nordic Com- housing provision published in this working paper. mittee of Senior Offi cials for Regional Policy under the Nordic Council of Ministers. Th e Nordic working Th e specifi c question linked to the theme of demo- group’ mandate is to contribute to the creation of graphic challenges in this working paper is how dra- knowledge about new trends in urban and regional de- matic demographic changes, such as migration and ag- velopment. ing, impact planning for housing in diff erent types of One issue that has gained political recognition over municipalities. How do municipalities adapt to or the latest years is the consequences and challenges for counteract the current and future expected trends? regions marked by signifi cant demographic changes. And how does that impact the long term consumption Th us, one theme for the activities of the Nordic work- of land for new urban development? ing group has been ‘Regions and the demographic Th is report was written by Lukas Smas with the as- challenge’ sistance of Christian Fredricsso n and Haukur Claes- Th e work carried out within this theme consists of sen. two parts: Many thanks also to Ole Damsgaard, Lisa Hörn- ström, and Lisbeth Greve Harbro, who reviewed a draft a quantitative analysis of the functional labour mar- manuscript of this working paper. Th anks also to all kets in all fi ve Nordic countries – published as a Nor- the representatives from the seven municipalities who dregio Workning Paper with the title: Demographic shared their local knowledge and experience through trends in the Nordic local labour markets telephone interviews and email correspondence. NORDREGIO WORKING PAPER 2013:4 9 10 NORDREGIO WORKING PAPER 2013:4 Abstract Demographic changes, such as urbanization, ageing be a preference for attracting younger people rather populations, and international migration, have signifi - than accommodating elderly populations, and a focus cant eff ects on local development. Th is study examines on development strategies
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