Guidelines for Inventories of Tropical Peatlands to Facilitate Their Designation As Ramsar Sites: Background Notes

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Guidelines for Inventories of Tropical Peatlands to Facilitate Their Designation As Ramsar Sites: Background Notes Guidelines for inventories of tropical peatlands to facilitate their designation as Ramsar Sites: Background notes I. Key sources of information Spatially explicit soil information of various spatial resolutions is available in the following open access online archives: Source Website International Soil Reference and Information Centre (ISRIC World Soil Information) European Union Joint Research Centre FAO Corporate Document Repository Institute de Recherche pour le Développent : Base de données Sphaera du service Cartographie World Soil Survey Archive and Catalogue (WOSSAC) Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection, University of Texas at Austin Ghent University Laboratory of Soil Science Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization: Land Research Surveys International Peatland Society: Publications International Mire Conservation Group: Publications Greifswald Mire Centre Wetlands International: Peatland Treasures approach/peatland-treasures/. Ramsar Recommendation 7.1: A global action plan for the wise use and ation-71-a-global-action-plan-for-the-wise-use- management of peatlands and-management-of-peatlands. Directory of Soil Institutions and soil experts in Africa ftb221.htm. Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR ) and the United States Forest Service: Sustainable Wetlands Adaptation and Mitigation Program (SWAMP) Global Wetlands Map Other sources: Comprehensive scientific information on various topics and research related with Tropical peatlands (focus on Peat Swamp forests of SE Asia): • Osaki, M. & Tsuji, N. (eds.) (2016). Tropical peatland ecosystems. Springer: Japan. Information and tools for conservation, rehabilitation and sustainable use of peatlands: • Joosten H., Tapio-Biström M.-L. & S. Tol (eds.) (2012). Peatlands - guidance for climate change mitigation through conservation, rehabilitation and sustainable use. Mitigation of Climate Change in Agriculture Series No. 5 (2nd edition). Rome, Italy: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, Mitigation of Climate Change in Agriculture Programme, University of Greifswald and Wetlands International. Available at: • Vegetation map for South America: GIS dataset to Identify areas in tropical lowlands with permanent high water levels (cf. Gumbricht et al. 2017); downloadable GIS-data at: Please note, that this dataset gives only an approximation of peat distribution in tropical lowlands (not coverage of mountain peatlands) and needs further field data for verification and validation. The Sustainable Wetlands for Mitigation and Adaptation Program (SWAMP) Toolbox enables users understand the key role of wetlands in storing carbon and contributing to climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies. Available at: World Database of Key Biodiversity Areas: provides information on internationally significant Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs), including global KBAs, regional KBAs and those which global/regional status is not yet determined.. Available at: Additional anecdotal data More anecdotal supplementary data can be obtained from a wide range of sources, including publications and grey literature on wetland, peatland and organic soil research and protection, palaeo-ecological, pedological, geological and botanical research, as well as expedition reports, technical reports from private companies and environmental organisations, and incidental descriptions. To locate data (including proxy data) on the occurrence of peatland and organic soil, relevant research institutes, government ministries or agencies can be contacted. Data on organic soil are generally elaborated by and stored at various national government levels. Relevant national authorities may include those dealing with agriculture, forestry, resource extraction, geology or environment. Considering the local terms used for peatlands and organic soils, it is important to get familiar with such terminology and concepts before contacting local authorities and researchers. If direct data on the distribution of peatlands and organic soils are lacking, indirect information can indicate the presence of wet conditions and possibly peat. This include data on particular soil conditions (e.g., ‘hydromorphic soil’ or ‘wetland soil’), bedrock (for example, ‘young alluvium’, ‘lacustrine sediments’), relief (e.g. ‘inundated depression’), vegetation (e.g., ‘Peat Swamp Forest’, ‘Raphia palms’, ‘Papyrus reeds’), or land use and land cover (‘poorly drained’, ‘inundation’; cf. Barthelmes et al. 2015). 2 List of relevant tropical peatland countries and regions with references to key sources of information Latin America Amazon region • The Amazon Waters Initiative of the Wildlife Conservation Society. Argentina • Sources of information on the Iberá Wetlands (Esteros del Iberá): o Ecoregion Iberá. o Ojo del Condor Journal (2nd issue, April 2012). o Iberá Park. o The Conservation’s Land Trust Iberá Project. Brazil • Dias, C. Solo brasileiro agora tem mapeamento digital. (17 September 2014). In Embrapa. Retrieved from: brasileiro-agora-tem-mapeamento-digital. • Franchi, J.G., Motta, J.F.M., Uosukainen, H. & Sígolo, J.B. (2004). Peat in Brazil: geology, reserves, production and use. In Paivainen, J. (ed). Wise Use of Peatlands. Proceedings of the 12th International Peat Congress, Tampere, Finland. Saarijärvi, Finland: International Peatland Society, 1: 627-632. • Mattar, H. & Delazaro, W. (1980). Peat as an energy alternative in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Symposium Papers: Peat as an energy alternative, Arlington, Virginia 1980, 741-772. • National Soil Maps (EUDASM). European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC), Joint Research Centre. . • Suszczynski, E.F. (1984). Peat resources of Brazil. Proceedings: 7th International Peat Congress Dublin, Ireland, 18-23 June 1984. Vol. 1: 468-492.Dublin, Ireland: Irish National Peat Committee. Colombia • ARcGIS Map of Colombian soils (‘Mapa de suelos de Colombia’), Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi (IGAC): depicts ‘Histosols,’ mainly aggregated with other soil types. o Dataset available at: (updated 17 November 2017). o Map viewer available at the IGAC Geoportal at: • López Hoyos, A. & Corteś Lombana, A. (1978). Los suelos orgánicos de Colombia: su origen, constitucioń y clasificacioń . Bogota,́ D.E., Colombia: Ministerio de Hacienda y Creditó Público and Instituto Geograficó Agustıń Codazzi, Subdirección Agrológica. • Rangel-Churio, J.O. (ed.) (n.d.). Colombia, biotic diversity (Diversidad Biótica). Vols. 9, 10 and 13. Bogota,́ D.E., Colombia: Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Facultad de Ciencias Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Available at: 3 (including research on high mountain peat environments and lowland marsh environments). • Rangel-Churio., J.O. & Pinto-Zárate, J.H. (2012). Colombian Páramo Vegetation Database (CPVD) - the database on high Andean páramo vegetation in Colombia. Biodiversity & Ecology, 4: 275-286. French Guyana • Chaneac, L. & Legrand, C. (2009). Bibliographic synthesis on wetlands in the Guyana (Synthèse bibliographique sur les zones humides de Guyane). Final report. Report Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (BRGM) RP-57709-FR. BRGM. : France. Available at: • Cubizolle, H., Mayindza Mouandza, M. & F. Muller (2013). Mires and Histosols in French Guiana (South America): new data relating to location and area. Mires & Peat, 12: 1-10. • Lowland soil map Guisanbourg-Ouanary. Institute de Recherche pour le Développent : Base de données Sphaera du service Cartographie. Accessed 24 May 2018. • Lowland soil map Regina-Cayenne. Institute de Recherche pour le Développent : Base de données Sphaera du service Cartographie. Accessed 24 May 2018. • SEPANGUY (Société d'Etude, de Protection & d'Aménagement de la Nature en Guyane). Accessed 24 May 2018. • Soil map Cayenne (N.O.). Institute de Recherche pour le Développent : Base de données Sphaera du service Cartographie.
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