League of Legends CYOA Jumpchain Compliant

You will be here for the next 10 years and have 1000 CP to spend on abilities and equipment to help you survive.


Location Roll 1d8 to decide location.

[1] Demacia - One of the largest nations on Valoran, Demacia considers itself the shining paragon of virtue amongst all of Valoran. Demacian law is notoriously draconian and inflexible. Military service is mandatory for all citizens of Demacia, and Demacians troops are forbidden from making excuses, fleeing, or surrendering.

[2] Noxus - Located in eastern Valoran, Noxus is considered the moral antithesis of Demacia. Whereas Demacians hold justice above all else, Noxians believe the only virtue is power and regard benevolence as a sign of weakness. And whereas Demacia has a strict hierarchy of power based on birth, anyone can rise in Noxus if they're strong enough. This attitude has served the Noxians well, and Noxus is the most prosperous nation in Valoran.

[3] Piltover - Called the city of progress, Piltover is a technological mecca on a continent that all too often wallows in the bloody past. The city's great academies and their contributions to science are known across the land, rivaled only by the eccentric colleges of its great rival Zaun. It is a peaceful refuge for those that value the beauty of rational thought. Though there has been a significant rise in crime recently...

[4] Ionia - The island nation of Ionia is a haven for beings who seek spiritual evolution and enlightenment. It has a strange form of governance wherein each city send their finest adepts to compete for the right to become Elders, the leaders of their government. Ionia is a place visually marked by numerous gardens and temples. A serene aesthetic dominates the landscape. Ionia has excellent diplomatic relations with other nation with the exceptions of Noxus and Bilgewater.

[5] The Freljord - A harsh and unforgiving region in the far north of Valoran, the Freljord is a frigid mountainous nation embroiled in civil war between three queens. Each queen has been consolidating her power and securing alliances from the region’s native tribes. The Freljord is heavily isolationist and distrustful at best of almost every other nation on Valoran.

[6] The Bilgewater Union - An island nation founded by pirates as a place they could spend their hard won gold in peace, the Bilgewater Union is united under the self proclaimed pirate king Gangplank. Bilgewater has made enemies out of just about every other civilized group in the world at one point or another, but somehow this country seems to preserve through even the most trying circumstances. [7] The Shadow Isles - Little is known about the mysterious Shadow Isles. An eternally thick, unnatural fog blankets the islands from the view of outsiders. It is thought that the islands are home to countless forms of undead, though no one seems eager to perform the exploration necessary to find out the truth.

[8] Free Pick - Choose any of the above places or any other location on the Valoran main continent.



Choose your age and gender as you wish. Identity is affected by location, Noxian Soldiers are very different from Demacian ones. Identity determines what noncombat perks you get discounts on and what canon companions have a reduced cost.

Drop In [Free]: You are alone in this brand new world. You have no obligations to anyone but no friends either. Good luck.

Soldier [100]: You are an experienced warrior, well-known in certain circles for your participation in many battles across Valoran. You are an agent of your location's largest military faction, and in turn are expected to fight for their interests.

Scholar [100]: The pursuit of discovery has defined your entire life. Whether you are an innovative techmaturgical scientist or a wizened arcane researcher, you have spent years on academic pursuits. Despite a lifetime of studying, you are no weakling. Knowledge is power, after all. Adventurer [100]: The thrill of discovery has taken you to faraway lands and brought with it no small amount of danger. Ever the intrepid explorer, you have survived so far on tenacity, cunning, and prodigious luck.

Noble [200]: You are a member of one of the noble houses of your starting location. You were born with an inborn charisma and the ambition to rise, you have been given command of a loyal platoon of your nation's soldiers. These fighters follow your commands but are loyal to your home first and you second. This option will vary depending on your starting location and your race.


Archetypes An archetype will determine what combat related perks, species, and items you get discounts on.

Fighter - Fighters are close range combatants that possess a mix of offensive and defensive capabilities. Fighters are the best all-around fighters and excel in single combat. A fighter of equal strength with defeat any other archetype in a stand up fight.

Mage - A master of magic, the mage is characterized by some combination of long-range, area-effect or high-damage spells to get the job done. Magi have the most versatile powers of any archetype but their powers are heavily dependent on mana and are much more mana intensive.

Marksman - A marksman is a ranged attacker that focuses on all out bombardment over anything else. This hyper offensive style of combat sacrifices defensive, mobility, and utility for the ability to destroy almost anything.

Assassin - An assassin is an agile fighter that specializes in killing or disabling high value targets. Focused on infiltration, deception, and mobility, assassins are opportunistic hunters who find favorable moments within a fight before jumping into the fray.

Tank - Tanks are durable, front-line warriors that are usually found leading the charge. The humble tank prefers to outlast most foes through sheer stubborn refusal to die. They lack offensive power but have many ways to disable enemies.

Support - A support specializes in helping their allies weakening their enemies. Though their abilities lack offensive power compared to other skill sets, supportive powers are often greater at turning the tide of battle than individual strength.



Human [Free]: The most common and adventurous race on Valoran, humans have the most settlements and the largest armies. Despite this there are many, many places in Valoran that man fears to tread. Humans have no outstanding physical or mental characteristics. Humans from Valoran are still much stronger, faster, and tougher than you might expect.

Yordle [Free]: A small and social race of mammalian bipeds that have managed to establish a small nation for themselves. Though small in stature, Yordles are equals to humans in all respects. Yordles can choose to start in Bandle City. Bandle City is a relatively small city that might be called quaint but is much beloved by her citizens and possesses a surprisingly fierce military.

Ursine [Free]: A race of Freljordian bears who are strong, honorable, and notably stand upright. The Ursine are powerful and fierce warriors accustomed to the harsh winters of their homeland. Their leader is Volibear, a massive Ursine with command over thunder and lightning. Ursine can choose to start in the Freljord.

Marai [100 Free Mage]: The Marai are water dwellers residing in the Guardian's Sea. A sentient species resembling a mix between humans and fish, the Marai are capable of withstanding enormous pressures of the Great Deep and being able to live in salt and fresh waters. They also have a natural talent for water magic and regenerate mana while in water.

Brackern [100 Free Tank]: A race of crystalline scorpions that were forced to hibernate underground during the Rune Wars, the Brackern have only recently begun to crawl out from underneath a village called Kalamanda. Brackern have an innate ability to cover themselves in crystals. This can be used for both defence and offence. Brackern can choose to start in Kalamanda. Kalamanda was a sleepy non-descript village until a mining dispute between Demacia and Noxus. This escalated into a full scale war until the League of Legends and the Chronomancer Zilean stepped in, temporarily freezing it in time. It has since been evacuated due to magical contamination.

Minotaur [100 Free Support]: Enormous humanoid bovines, that live in great tribes within the Great Barrier and are quite noble and valorous in their ways. The Minotaurs have suffered greatly from the cruelty of the Noxian war machine, with many of them having been enslaved and forced to fight as gladiators in the brutal Noxian event known as the Fleshing. Minotaurs are incredibly strong and resilient. Minotaurs can choose to start in Noxus.

Troll [100 Free Fighter]: Grotesque, dim witted creatures that inhabit the Freljord. Trolls are famous for their strength and ability to regenerate, and equally infamous for their brutality and idiocy. Their culture values strength above all else, and the strongest trolls become warchiefs. The many Freljordian troll tribes have recently been brought to heel by the so- called Troll King Trundle. Trolls can choose to start in the Freljord.

Plague Rat [100 Free Marksman] Oh my. Underneath the city of Zaun the sewers glow green with chemical and magical runoff. This vile fluid usually kills whatever rodents are unfortunate enough to be exposed to it, but particularly tough and unlucky rats might instead transform into a larger, bipedal form. These creatures carry horrific diseases and seem to enjoy devouring rotting food. Strangely enough, they have excellent aim and a powerful sense of smell for beings that live in sewers. There is only one other plague rat in existence, a demented little monster called Twitch. Plague Rats can choose to start in Zaun, one of the techmaturgical capitals of Valoran and sworn ally of Noxus.

Bestial Hunter [100 Discount Assassin] Through some strange trick of magic some otherwise ordinary humans transform themselves into the shape of a ferocious beast. While in this form the hunter has enhanced senses, is exceptionally stealthy, and their every strike is magically empowered. This animal form can be any mundane carnivorous mammal, such as a cougar or a fox. Bestial Hunters can choose to start in the Kumungu Jungle, an untamed and wild location with few civilized settlements.

Half-Dragon [200]: The spawn of a human and a dragon, half-dragons are incredibly rare due to how dragons despise humans and consider the blood of a dragon to be sacrosanct. Despite the dragon beliefs about blood impurity, half-dragons possess much of the power of full dragons. Half- Dragons come in four elemental variations (fire, water, earth, and air) and can create and manipulate their element. They are much stronger than humans and are covered in incredibly durable scales. When overcome with rage they can temporarily turn into a full dragon, enhancing their other abilities.

Experiment [200] The Zaun Amorphous Combatant is an artificial lifeform created in a laboratory with only the most advanced techmaturgy. The body of an experiment is a gooey organic substance that can withstand extreme conditions, spontaneously alter its biological structure, and generate tremendous amounts of kinetic force. Even when ripped into shreds the experiment can reform itself given enough time. Experiments can choose to start in Zaun, one of the techmaturgical capitals of Valoran and sworn ally of Noxus.

Darkin [200]: A demon-like race of winged humanoids. They have tremendous powers over the mental psyches of mortals, capable of inspiring vastly outnumbered armies to slaughter their enemies. They are empowered by fighting and become stronger the longer they do battle. Darkin can also revive themselves if they suffer mortal wounds, however there are a few limitations to this ability. They can only return death once a day and the revival weakens them greatly.

Dragon [400]: Winged, fire-breathing reptiles that can reach near-giant sizes over their long, long lifespans, they are the indisputable ruler of the skies. In years past lone dragons have laid waste to entire armies. Dragons belong to one of five subspecies, fire, water, earth, air, and elder. The elemental dragons can breathe, create, and manipulate their element. Elder dragons are much tougher than their elemental brethren, and instead produce and control pure refined mana itself. These ancient beasts have a society that revolves around strength and might and because of their egoistic and narcissistic pride.

Voidborn [400]: Hideous alien entities who, for reasons beyond human understanding, have the desire to gain entrance to and vitiate the worlds outside their realm. They live in the Void, an alien realm of darkness. Their primary purpose is to consume, while the reason behind this varies from Voidborn to Voidborn. There are many different species of Voidborn can choose one Void based power set for free.


Combat Skills and Abilities Discounts only apply to first purchases.

Adonis [100 Free Fighter] Anyone would envy your physique. You are at the peak strength, agility, and endurance of a normal member of your race.

Roar of the Slayer [200 Discount Fighter] Now your words are concussive weapons. With a shout you can scatter the weak, or knock down doors. The power and mana cost of this ability scales with how loud your voice is. A loud enough voice can destroy mountains at the cost of your entire mana pool.

Unbreakable Will [300 Discount Fighter - Free Minotaur] Never give up, never surrender! Your willpower is almost insurmountable, and no amount of adversity or pain will ever deter you from your goals. Wuju Style [300 Discount Fighter] You are now a master of Wuju style, a mystical martial art renowned throughout Ionia. This almost extinct art focuses on grace and speed over raw power. The masters of this style are able to seemingly disappear for a moment and reappear elsewhere, having already cut their foes to shreds in the intervening time.

Way of the Wanderer [400 Discount Fighter] You have inherited an ancient Ionian sword style with the legendary ability to control the wind. A master of this discipline can create gusts of wind with each strike, building up to large tempests. These winds can deflect projectiles or slice a foe to ribbons as the user desires. The techniques of this style do not require mana. Comes with an enchanted katana that compliments this style perfectly.

Path of the Exile [400 Discount Fighter] A self taught sword style created by a famous Noxian soldier. You are now the only other person in the world to master this sword style. The techniques of this school require a mastery of ki, the energy of life that all beings possess. Ki can be used to reinforce your body, shield yourself from harm, or projected outward for a variety of effects. The techniques of this style do not require mana. Comes with a massive black stone rune blade that compliments this style perfectly.

Unrivaled Under the Sun [600 Discount Fighter] You have achieved near mastery of physical combat. You are the epitome of skill, a prodigy of martial technique. Every strike is perfectly measured, every movement flawless. Fighting is more natural than breathing, and your control of your body is absolute. Furthermore, you possess a perfect understanding of tactics. You can’t guarantee victory, but if it is possible you’ll be the one to find it. Comes with a lantern that you could theoretically use as a weapon if you wanted to give yourself a challenge. Arcane Mastery [100 Free Mage] The most basic of mystical powers required to be a mage. Simple and direct mana manipulation like weak mana bolts that most anyone can learn if they have the time and inclination. Maybe after a lifetime of study these powers could prove to be a credible threat on their own, but your time is probably better spent learning better magics. As a side effect of learning this you have a larger mana pool.

Explosives! [200 Discount Mage] The secret mystical power of gunpowder. You can create mana infused bombs that can blow apart even the most solid constructions. These hexplosives come in a variety of different types, including proximity mines, bouncing bombs, and satchel charges.

Pyromania [200 Discount Mage] The primal fury of fire in the palm of your hands. With this you can create and manipulate fire with a wave of your hands. Strangely enough this power allows you to dominate weak willed magical beasts and keep them spellbound as stuffed dolls. These pets can be returned to their original forms at any time and wreathed in fire to maul your foes.

Legacy of the Iceborn [200 Discount Mage] The gift of the Frozen Watchers, you have learned the ancient frost magic of the Iceborn. Launching ice spears, traveling on moving spires of ice and encasing your enemies in frozen tombs are all within your power. As an added bonus this power can be applied to enchant weapons and armor, though the process is extremely time intensive.

Stone Weaving [300 Discount Mage] This magic allows you to bend the earth itself to your will. Fling stone shards at your enemies, create massive walls, or bury them in the ground. At the highest level this magic can even cause earthquakes.

Luminosity Magic [300 Discount Mage] This highly versatile and deadly magic is an extremely rare gift. These spells will let you bend light to illuminate your enemies or turn yourself invisible, create prismatic barriers to protect your enemies, bind your foes with spheres of light or obliterate them with massive lasers.

Crystal Summoning [300 Discount Mage - Free Brackern] A primal form of earth magic, Crystal Summoning allows you to create and manipulate crystals. You can cover yourself in crystal to protect yourself or impale your foes with crystal spikes. For a short while you can even summon crystal spires that will fire powerful arcane bolts at your enemies

Crimson Pact [400 Discount Mage] You practice the ancient and forbidden art of blood magic. Shape the vital fluid into daggers to attack or rip it out of your enemies to replace your own. You can even momentarily shift your body entirely into moving blood, though this is extremely draining. Comes with the ability to make terrible blood puns. These abilities cost no mana to use and instead are powered by your lifeforce.

Transcendent Magic [600 Discount Mage] Raw arcane might on a level most mages can only envy. Magic surges through your body, and with only a gesture you can unleash it. This power specializes in simple magical constructs and raw kinetic force. While it starts relatively weak, with enough practice you could lift a town into the air with just your force of will. Transcendent magic strengthens with your magical proficiency, and any simple and purely destructive magic you master will become more powerful in some way. Ranger [100 Free Marksman] You have received marksmanship training and have mastered the use of a wide variety of ranged weapons. This includes but is not limited to bows, crossbows, rifles, shotguns, handheld cannons, and even thrown javelins.

Frost Shot [200 Discount Marksman] Any projectiles that you fire can be spontaneously enchanted with ice magic. This enhancement will harm enemies of course but it also has other effects. Anything hit will be covered in magical ice that will impede and gradually freeze the target.

Headshot [300 Discount Marksman - Free Bestial Hunter] Boom. You have an almost unnatural precision and accuracy with ranged weapons. More than just good aim, you have a supernatural ability to always hit anything that you attack within a certain range. Projectiles will follow enemies an unlimited distance even if they leave your range. The range extends based on the actual range of your weapon but is never more than ten meters.

Blighted Quiver [400 Discount Marksman] You are host to a malignant creature of unknowable origin, a spirit or demon of corruption. This creature inhabits your body and gives you strange powers. You can choose to infuse your ranged weapons and projectiles with a vile corruption that will poison and sicken the target. This blight impedes all healing effects and will gradually spread from the point of contact. You can instantly halt the spread of this corruption at any time and it will eventually disappear on its own if it doesn’t encounter life to feed on. If you need it you can form a bow out of the corruption itself. This power requires a strong will to maintain control, otherwise the corruption will spread over your body and eventually take control of your mind.

Vengeance of the Wrathful Dead [600 Discount Marksman] Are you sure? There won’t be any turning back if you follow this path. Very well. You are now the Oathsworn of Kalista, the Spear of Vengeance. Kalista will grant you great power provided you dedicate your life to vengeance and follow her rules. Kalista despises traitors, oathbreakers, and turncoats. She will insist that you kill any such people guilty of those crimes. Refusing to punish the guilty will result in the loss of these powers until you agree to do so again. Actually committing one of those acts will result in Kalista tearing your body apart and enslaving your soul until the end of the jump where you will be returned home. However, the rewards for working with this avenging spirit are numerous. You can spontaneously create soul spears that will linger in any target they pierce and can be ripped out to further injure the victim. These spears linger for hours and the more that have pierced the target the more damage rending them out will do. At will you can turn into an insubstantial form that prevents mundane weapons from harming you. You can command the souls of those that previously swore their lives to Kalista, though death has left them feeble and they are best suited for scouting missions. Kalista herself exists as a ghostly figure that will follow you around, giving advice and occasionally manifesting to save your life.

Hired Killer [100 Free Assassin] Exactly what you would expect from the assassin archetype. You know how blend into the night with ease, create and counteract several poisons, and are an all around expert infiltrator, saboteur, and murderer.

Dagger Mastery [200 Discount Assassin] The path of the blade, paved in blood. With two dagger in your hands you become a whirlwind of death, effortlessly slicing, dicing, and stabbing anything that gets close to you. Strangely enough, no matter how many daggers you throw you never seem to run out. Illusionist [300 Discount Assassin - Free Plague Rat] An assassin needs more than just the strength to kill their target. You also need a way to get close and means to escape. The magic from this school is based around deception and misdirection. Your target will never know you're there until it's too late when you can turn invisible, and escape is easy when you can take on the appearance of another. Unfortunately especially intelligent people can see through your illusions and they are quite fragile as well.

Lunari Killer [400 Discount Assassin] Embrace the Night! You are one of the chosen of the moon, empowered with Celestial power. You have inherited the power of the Lunari, an ancient cult of moon worshipers. You can create and manipulate the silver fire of the moon for a variety of effects. Fling it at your foes to burn them away, shield your body with rotating orbs of moonlight, launch yourself forward at great speeds, or pull everything in a small radius towards you. These spells are empowered in the moonlight.

Master of Shadows [600 Discount Assassin] The art of shadow manipulation as perfected by the most ruthless clan of ninja in the history of Ionia. The shrouded path offers forbidden techniques that will let you create living shadows that can perfectly mimic your actions, weapons, and abilities. At first you will only be able to create one at a time, but with years of training you might one day be able to control as many as ten living shadows at once.

Stone Skin [100 Free Tank] When you are in the thick of battle your skin will become strong as stone. Requires that you are near at least three enemies to activate.

Runic Sentinel [200 Discount Tank] From head to toe you are covered in runic tattoos. These mystic markings make your skin stronger than iron and provide exceptional protection from magic.

Warmog’s Blessing [300 Discount Tank - Free Troll] A spear stuck in your gut is nothing to worry about anymore. Just yank it out and go on your way. With this your body is constantly regenerating from damage. You can even regrow limbs in a few short minutes.

Primal Spirit [300 Discount Tank] More than a man, you are now the vessel of primal animal spirits. At any time you can harness the power of one of four different specters. Access the strength of the bear, the endurance of the turtle, the ferocity of the tiger, or the eternal flame of the phoenix. These abilities become much more powerful if you are enraged or if you are completely calm.

Sadomasochism [400 Discount Tank] NO PAIN NO GAIN! Whenever you suffer incredible pain you turn into a monster. When enduring physical torment you gain tremendous regenerative powers that can bring you back from near death in seconds and the ability to transform into a massive, heavily muscled, hideous, and purple version of yourself. In this form you are far stronger and gain further strength from inflicting and receiving pain.

Curse of the Sad Mummy [600 Discount Tank] Is this power worth the years of solitude? Manipulate any and all cloth that is touching your body with a high degree of control. Any cloth you manipulate is as strong as steel and is extremely good at tripping and locking down enemies. At will you can wrap yourself in burial linens that work extremely well with this power. But it isn’t all good news. The withering touch of a mummy will rot the flesh of anyone you touch. You cannot turn this power off and even a light touch will spread very quickly. I suppose if you have no one you care about then this is a pure advantage, but loneliness is a curse all its own, isn’t it?

Gift of the Fae [100 Free Support] You have learned a few Fae cantrips to help your friends. Nothing incredibly powerful by themselves, these are simple spells that will shield your allies and alter their size as you desire. You can even transform others into woodland creatures or animated cupcakes, though it has a very short duration and does not victims must be weak of will for it to take effect.

Child of the Wind [200 Discount Support] The elemental might of the deadly breeze! Unfortunately, wind spells sadly lacks the offensive punch of fire or ice spells. What you get in return is the power to knock over your enemies and redirect them wherever you please. This magic is excellent for battlefield control and effects much larger areas for much less mana. These spells are greatly empowered outdoors in wide open spaces.

Tidecaller [300 Discount Support - Free Marai] Channel the primal energies of the ocean, harnessing its mystical restorative properties and commanding the raw power of the tides themselves. Heal your allies and batter your enemies with jets of water or knock down any that stand against you with massive waves. Allows Marai to survive on land and allows anyone to breathe underwater. These spells are empowered near a preexisting source of water.

Solari Defender [400 Discount Support] Praise the Sun! You are a warrior of the Solari, an ancient order of sun worshiping warriors. You are one of three people in your order's history able to call down the raw might of the sun to fight. With this power you can sheath yourself in radiance to armor yourself or enhance your weapons with light, or even call down a solar flare to smite your enemies from above. These spells are empowered in the sunlight. Time Mage [600 Discount Support] Chronomancy, the magic of manipulating time. In a small area around yourself you can alter time however you wish. Slow it down, accelerate it, even stop it. Halting time (which is impossible for this magic under normal circumstances) is accomplished by creating a bomb infused with chrono magic, then altering time so that bomb occupies the same space. You can even undo death by placing a Chronoshift Rune on someone. When anyone marked with the Rune dies their personal time will rewind until ten seconds before they died. Only one Chronoshift Rune can be placed at a time.

Void Bane [400 - Restricted Voidborn and other Void Abilities] A power granted to those that gaze upon the Void and turn away from the madness. Those with strong willpower that expose themselves to the corruption of the Void but maintain control will be granted tremendous power. You are able to channel the empty energy of the Void to assault your foes from afar or create a nether blade to slice them with nothingness. You will also gain the power of Riftwalking, which will allow you to teleport short distances rapidly.

Visions of the Void [400] The foul empty magic granted to those that gaze upon the Void and are consumed. This hideous power works by creating portals to the void and unleashing what lies within. Pull out raw negative energy to poison your foes, or small void monsters to devour them. With practice you will even be able to bring forth nightmares to infect your enemy’s minds.

Void Abilities Powers that draw on the Void. Voidborn get one power set for free and master these abilities much faster than normal. Taking any of these abilities restricts you from learning Void Bane. The body of the Voidborn are determined by their choice of free power.

Voidreaver [600] Kill. Consume. Adapt. You can devour your enemies to gain a weakened version of their powers and alter and improve your body. For example, killing and eating a dragon might let you breathe flames or cover you in scales. Who knows how strong you might become? This void form alters itself with each kill but is always vaguely insectoid in appearance.

Acid Devourer [600] You can spew forth a constant stream of disgusting and incredibly acidic vomit at will. This emesis is infused with Void energy and enough of it will erode all but the strongest of barriers. This void form is a short two legged worm-like creature with small vestigial arms and a massive toothy mouth. However, you might grow larger with time...

Abyssal Deconstructor [600] Your eyes are now windows through which the limitless energy of the Void can pour forth. This foul light disintegrates anything it touches, and obliterates biological organisms especially fast. You can manipulate this energy mid flight, letting it turn around corners or split in two directions. This void form is a large floating monster with three tentacles that make up most of your body and four eyes. One eye is massive and the others are three are set slightly above it on the head.


Noncombat Skills and Abilities Discounts only apply to first purchases.

Poro Wrangler [100 Free Drop In] Small animals seem to love you, especially the furry little creatures called Poros. Strangely, Poros seem to show up to play with you no matter where you go, even in places that clearly cannot support such life.

Style! [200 Free Drop In Discount All] Because everybody wants to look pretty. You can create a theme that all of your powers, items, and companions are altered cosmetically to fit. The theme can be any cohesive design you can think imagine. This can be purchased multiple times, each giving you a new theme.

Runecraft [400 Discount Drop In] The creation of runes is an almost lost art, and even the greatest of modern runes are nothing compared to the ones used during the Rune Wars or the ones that created Runeterra. Still, humble runecraft can create many interesting effects and powerful items.

Athletic [100 Free Fighter] You are an excellent gymnast and have much better than average agility and coordination. Nothing supernatural but you can jump around like a ninja.

Bravado [200 Discount Fighter] Putting on a brave face is easy for you. You can walk unflinchingly into the depths of hell itself. This doesn't actually make you any braver but no one will ever be able to tell that you're afraid by any means, including magical ones.

Balanced [300 Discount Fighter] Even the best fall down sometimes. Except for you of course. You now have an absolute perfect sense of equilibrium. Walking across a tightrope backwards in a fight is trivial, and even if someone knocks you head over heels you will instinctively know how to right yourself instantly.

Education [200 Free Scholar] All the knowledge of an expert in one of the following fields: Magical Theory, Techmaturgical Engineering, or Applied Hextechnology. Can be purchased multiple times. Researcher [200 Discount Scholar] You're just better at learning than other people. Whether it's out of a book or at a lecture or even just innovating it on your own you will figure things out much faster than normal people do.

Explorer [100 Free Adventurer] Your years of wandering have made you pretty good at surviving in dangerous places. From the burning deserts to the treacherous mountains, you know how to endure the environmental dangers of Runeterra.

Sense of Adventure [200 Discount Adventurer] Whenever there is adventure to be had, you’ll be the first to know. You now have the ability to detect exciting escapades well before they happen. If you come to a crossroad you’ll be able to smell which way will lead you to incredible exploits or disappointing drudgery.

Treasure Hunter [300 Discount Adventurer] Somehow you always seem to find the best loot. Any time you find treasure it is always higher quality than it would normally be. Magical artefacts will be more potent and gold caches will be larger when you’re the one to find them.

Taunt [100 Free Noble] You are extremely gifted at angering people with only a few short words. Most people will fly into a rage when you insult them. Ineffective against those with a strong will and those that can’t understand you.

Fear [200 Discount Noble] With a glance you can terrify your enemies, forcing them to flee from your presence. Ineffective against those with a strong will and those that aren’t afraid to die. Charm [300 Discount Noble] Honeyed words can topple empires. You have a strange knack for charming both friends and foes. Ineffective against those with a strong will, those that can’t understand you, and those that are in love.

Alchemist [200] You are now a master alchemist, able to create magical potions, poisons, and tinctures from common herbs and regents. These creations can cause all sorts of effects from the obvious to the bizarre. This is also one of the easiest ways to negate mana costs as potions that restore mana are easily made by any journeyman alchemist.



Gold [50] 475 gold coins. The equivalent of ten years of wages for the average citizen of Valoran, enough to buy a small home in the city. Can be purchased multiple times. Each purchase after the first is worth 1375 gold coins.

Refillable Potion [50] This flask contains a weak elixir that will restore your health. Enough for two drinks, refills every five minutes. Tastes like kiwis.

Oracle's Extract [50] A vial of glowing pink liquid that grant's true sight for five minutes when consumed. True sight allows you to see the invisible and the hidden in a short radius around you. The vial has five doses and refills daily. Tastes like strawberries.

Trinity Force [100 Free Fighter] The famous shapeshifting weapon can assume three different forms. A mighty hammer, a elegant longsword, or a wicked pair of shortsword, all of which do tons of damage. Aside from the ability to seamlessly change shape this weapon makes you slightly better at all aspects of combat just by owning it.

Wit's End [200 Discount Fighter] This scimitar is a deadly weapon with a strange and unique property. Anyone sliced by this weapon will briefly have their natural ability to resist hostile magic leeched from them. With enough blows even foes that are normally immune to magic can be made vulnerable.

Ruyi Bang [200 Discount Fighter] This incredible staff can alter its size at the owner's discretion, growing twenty feet in an instant or shrinking down to the size of a toothpick just as fast.

Infinity Edge [400 Discount Fighter] Hidden in the Shuriman desert is a mystical pool of shimmering water. Any edge dipped into this pool will stay sharper and strike truer than any other sword. The Infinity Edge was already a runic blade of the highest quality before it was submerged in those mystical waters. Now it is one of the most deadly blades in Valoran, known for its fearsome quality of autonomously seeking its victim's weak points.

Zhonya's Hourglass [100 Free Mage] This unassuming hourglass is actually a powerful magical artifact. On command this timepiece will freeze its owner in golden light for two and a half seconds. During this time the user is completely invulnerable but cannot act in any way. It requires a minute to recharge power after use.

Abyssal Scepter [200 Discount Mage] A powerful mystical implement made from the corpse of some long extinct magical creature, this scepter protects the user from hostile magics while simultaneously reducing the magical resistance of nearby enemies. Rylai's Crystal Scepter [300 Discount Mage] This beautiful staff was once used by a frost mage of a different world to defend an ancient tower. Any frost magic channelled by this staff is enhanced tremendously and any kind of magic that is projected from it will slowly freeze the targets. Yes, even fire magic.

Statikk Shiv [100 Free Assassin] A small dagger wreathed in lightning. Whenever this magical dagger pieces flesh it sends out arcs of electricity to shock any enemy foolish enough to stand close to the victim.

Duskblade of Draktharr [200 Discount Assassin] This wicked blade inflicts a curse on any that it cuts. This curse is a delayed effect that will cause the victim to rupture massive amounts of blood from the wound. This process is incredibly painful and impedes the effects of healing magics.

Youmuu’s Ghostblade [300 Discount Assassin] A spectral katana that ignores armor to cut the victim's flesh directly. It can also kill purely spiritual beings, something normally impossible. This blade was made famous by a half phantom swordswoman.

Sunfire Cape [100 Free Tank] This ancient Shuriman artifact is said to be woven from sunbeams. This cape literally cloaks you in flames that burns your enemies if they dare to step close to you. It also provides some protection from the elements of fire and ice.

Sterak’s Gage [200 Discount Tank] This massive gauntlet is nigh indestructible and can shield the wearer from harm if they receive too much damage in a short amount of time. This effect is temporary but very potent, to the point that even a normal man could survive impalement. The power of this effect scales with the wielder's durability. Frozen Heart [300 Discount Tank] A massive and nigh indestructible shield empowered with True Ice. Bitter cold emanates from the Frozen Heart, though this effect only impedes your enemies.

Runaan’s Hurricane [100 Free Marksmen] Whenever an is fired from this bright red bow two spectral arrows will be fired as well. These arrows fire with only one fourth the force of the original, but they retain any special properties or magic the fired arrow possesses.

Lord Dominik’s Regards [200 Discount Marksmen] This bow was created by a vassal of Lord Dominik, a Noxian noble who was killed during a skirmish with a nomadic giant tribe. The weapon was designed to take revenge on the late lord’s murderers and inflicts more damage on targets larger than the wielder.

Mortal Reminder [300 Discount Marksmen] A grim bow designed to kill the unkillable. Anything struck by arrows fired from this bow will suffer a curse, temporarily halving their ability to regenerate.

Rapid Firecannon [400 Discount Marksmen] One of the famous Bandle Gunner cannon. This weapon is a masterpiece of destruction, capable of rapid firing cannonballs and systematically destroying anything that gets in your way. This weapon has incredible explosive potential and never needs to reload.

Shuriman Talismen [600 Discount Marksmen] This massive amulet is a powerful mystical artifact that allows the user to shape and control magical energy. Fire mystical bolts, teleport short distances, and create a massive barrage of arcane power that will travel for miles and bisect anything in its path. Sightstone [100 Free Support] A strange blue rock with a single glowing eye embedded in the surface. This stone allows you to create invisible wards that let you see everything in a small radius around them. A maximum of three wards can exist at once.

Righteous Glory [200 Discount Support] This beautifully crafted winged helm significantly increases the speed of the wearer whenever they advance toward enemies. It can also emit a shockwave on command that will disable the speed boost but slows nearby foes to a crawl

Banner of Command [300 Discount Support] An ancient flag bearing an emblem of your choice, this standard bestows great strength upon a chosen lackey. Whoever carries this banner and serves your cause will become much stronger, much tougher, and extremely resistant to magic. Will only work on creatures that are completely loyal to you.

Staff of Flowing Water [200] A beautiful staff that sparkles with the power of rivers. This staff is an incredible tool for channeling water magic, and physically empowers its wielder while they are in water.

Pox Arcana [200] A mystical tome with the power to spread pestilence. Anyone whose name is written in this book shall suffer a terrible blight. Victims will bear a terrible disease for twenty four hours. While not lethal, the pox is unbearably painful and will cover their skin in hideous lesions for the duration.

Blade of the Ruined King [200] The accursed longsword of the king of the Shadow Isles, this blade was once a blessed weapon. When its wielder's grief overcame his reason this sword was corrupted. It is now a fell blade that devours the victim's spirit as it slices them, healing its owner in the process. It will cause greater damage to uninjured enemies.

Flesheater [200] This large meat cleaver is cursed to devour the flesh of those it slices. It will heal its wielder even as it carves away its victims. Whenever anyone is killed with this cursed weapon it will devour their flesh entirely, leaving no corpse and growing one foot in length.

Turrets [400] These immobile towers are incredible defensive fortifications, capable of obliterating all but the most durable with their powerful magic rays. They are never fooled by illusions or deceptions and will attack anyone you deem a foe. They require no sustenance or power but cannot be fixed when they break. You can create one tower a day up to a maximum of eleven. Turrets are vulnerable to swarms of enemies, certain deconstructive magics, and foes that attack from far away.


Minions are totally loyal creatures of above average animal intellect that follow orders extremely well. However, they are ill suited to tasks that require precision or restraint. You can control them telepathically, and can see what they see at all times. Minions can be spawned every thirty seconds in waves of six at a time and there can be a maximum of thirty out at once.

Creeps [200] The most versatile but weakest type of minion, creeps are classed as either melee, caster, or siege minions. Melee are plucky little fighters that are more durable than they look. Casters are more fragile but fire painful stinging bolts of mana at their foes. Siege creeps ride around on small mobile cannons and are more powerful and durable than either melee or caster types. Siege minions only spawn every other wave but do not count towards the maximum amount of minions. Ironbacks [300] The toughest and strongest of the minions, Ironbacks are large bipedal blue turtle monsters that excel at destroying structures and are durable enough to block many powerful blows before succumbing to their wounds.

Razorfins [300] These agile and ferocious jackal-like creatures can devour a man in seconds. Razorfins are unique among minions in that they double the wave limit, having twelve minions in each wave and a maximum of sixty Razorfins at each time.

Plundercrabs [300] These large crabs have scrounged up small cannons that they have attached to their heads. The cannon can fire rapidly and the cannonballs explode on impact to fire bolts in every direction around him.

Ocklepods [300] These small helmeted floating creatures can shield their allies from magic for a short time and are naturally resistant to magic themselves. Ocklepods are incredible scouts and can magically scry nearby locations.


New Faces [200] There are all kinds of people to meet in this world. This perk does not automatically give you an ally, but it does guarantee that you will meet this person sometime in the next ten years. If you can can convince them to leave Runeterra they will become a companion and follow you on future adventures. Refer to the companion supplement for pricing options. The 200 CP cost will be waived if the companion is from your background.

Old Friends [200] Selflessness is the heart of friendship. You can import up to eight companions into this world with 500 CP to spend on backgrounds, species, archetypes, perks, and items. Additional CP can be granted to companions at a one to one ratio.


Drawbacks Choose up to two drawbacks. Drawbacks negate any skills, abilities, or items. Max +600 CP.

Clash of Fates [+0] Something is terribly wrong. The very history of Runeterra is in flux. The past is being rewritten as even we speak. Thank goodness we can count on the Institute of War to help us out in this dire time, right summoner?

Kappa [+100] What in the void are these people on about? Bromacia? Kappa? Raise your WHAT? Everyone in the world seems to be speaking rapid-fire nonsense. For ten years. And no matter where you run, you can't seem to escape it. In fact, it seems like they've gotten you to start doing it as well...

I am evil! Stop laughing! [+100] Nobody gives you any respect. While they still treat you the same in combat, outside of a fight you are the laughingstock of Valoran. Everywhere you go, people continue to make fun of you no matter what you do. Stalked [+100] Darkness. In your dreams it haunts you, a black wraith of indeterminate origin that whispers promises of death and worse in your ears. And somehow this nightmare seems to be leaking through to the real world as well. Beware the shadows, stay awake, and above all pray for daylight. Not that it will save you... Mana Starved [+200] INCREDIBLE COSMIC POWER itty bitty battery. All of your powers share one mana pool, and the cost of any given ability scales with the power of that ability. So incredibly powerful abilities will almost instantly deplete your mana pool. And those passive powers that are always on? They will constantly drain your mana, and the more of them you have the faster it will go.

Nerfed [+200] Oh dear. It seems you shouldn’t have been showing off those fancy abilities of yours. Now the riotous monsters that spawned Valoran have altered your powers to better suit your environment. You still have all of your powers, but whenever you use them in a productive or useful way they are immediately weakened in some way. This applies to you, your companions, and any items you may have, including ones from Valoran.

Let Me In [+200] Come closer, child. I can offer absolutions for your monetary troubles. And the price is a minuscule thing. Help sate my culinary needs and I will sate your hunger for power. Of course, no true hunger can be abated, but as long as you can provide me with the things I crave then this should be the easiest bargain of your life.

Oblivion Awaits [+300] The prophesy has come to pass. From the darkness of the Void untold trillions of hideous creatures are crawling forth, threatening to overrun Runeterra. It's up to you and Kassadin to unite the world against the Void menace, or face the entirety of the void legions by yourself.

The Glorious Evolution [+300] Abhor the weakness of the flesh. Embrace the perfection of steel. Adapt or be removed. These are the new laws brought forth by the Machine Herald. With an unprecedented steel army at his back and the ability to convert anyone and everyone into more powerful battlecast versions of themselves, Runeterra seems doomed to be remade into iron, and every casualty is another soldier for Viktor’s army. If you are already some kind of machine then Viktor will fixate on you specifically and attempt to disassemble you to try and reverse engineer your technology.


Victory Play Again Stay Here Go Home



Any species option becomes an alternate form you can assume at will after the ten years are over with the exception of Bestial Hunter, whose animal form can be assumed at will to grant those animal characteristics to any alternate forms.

Style! example options: Prehistoric beasts Elegant Gentlemen Scary Demons Void Monsters Arcade Heroes

The rune blade from Path of the Exile is a weaker version of the Infinity Edge. Flesheater has no upper limits but will reset in size after every jump.

Void Reavers technically don’t have upper limits but it can only improve if you eat something that is in some way better. Eating a turtle won’t do much for you if you’ve already devoured a dragon and developed their scales.

Even if you take Ekko as a companion the Z-Drive cannot be rebuilt to how it was, nor will you be able to make it yourself.

The withering touch from Curse of the Sad Mummy will come under your control after ten years are over.

If you take Vengeance of the Wrathful Dead then Kalista will ease up after ten years are over. She will still heavily disapprove of betrayers, oathbreakers, and turncoats but she will no longer retract her powers for allowing such people to live. She will also no longer have the ability to kill you for committing such acts.

The Acid Devourer void form will eventually grow to be fifty feet tall and resemble a Tyrannosaurus Rex in shape.

Purchasing Lunari Killer and Solari Defender can have unpredictable, powerful effects. Together the Sun and the Moon offer more ray power than any other option available, but at a cost. These abilities build on each other and feed off of each other, but using them too much can tear your body apart.

If you take Let Me In Tahm Kench is going to eat everything you own and like unless you stop him. He will never kill you unless you completely run out of items and companions. He himself is immortal and can go anywhere in the world instantly. He's also got his sights set on your warehouse.

Companions cannot buy companions.

If you take Oblivion Awaits and you manage to preserve at least half of Valoran's sentient population then Kassadin will join you as a companion with the Scholar background, the Mage archetype, and 600 CP.

If you take The Glorious Evolution and you preserve the normal biology of at least half of Valoran’s population then Jayce will join you as a companion with the Scholar background, the Fighter archetype, and 600 CP.

Complete list of Noble options: Demacians can be a member of House Crownguard, House Laurent, House Vayne, or House Buvelle.

Noxians can be a member of House Du Couteau or a member of The Black Rose.

Citizens of Piltover can elect to be an officer of Piltover’s police force or one of the statesmen, an elected representative of the people.

Ionians can choose to be either one of the resistance leaders that repelled the Noxian invasion or one of the honored Elders that govern Ionia.

The Freljord is a diverse place, with many varied tribes, clans, and villages. You can choose to lead one of those or be a member of the Avarosan tribe or the Winter’s Claw tribe. Bilgewater is a dangerous place, and doesn’t care much for tradition or nobility. Instead you have the option to captain a ship yourself or be a member of the Jagged Hooks, Gangplank’s trusted minions.

Any race with a species exclusive location can lead a force of their own species if they choose to start in that location.

Bestial Hunters that start in the Kumungu Jungle can lead a pack of their chosen animal.

Plague Rats that start in Zaun can instead have Twitch join them as companion with the Marksman archetype, the Drop In background and 200 CP.

Experiments that start in Zaun can either have a group of hextech scientists or have Zac join them as a companion with the Tank archetype, the Drop In background and 400 CP

From Lovecraft Anon with love to my darling /jc/. Dedicating this one to my mom, happy mothers day.