LOCAL IMPLEMENTATION FUNDING STATUS UPDATE Briefing date: 12/4/20 7 jurisdictions $4,999,720 in total FY2019 Local funding The majority of local government implementation funding went to the Chesapeake Bay Implementation grants (CBIG), with the exception of Maryland and Virginia. Maryland evenly split their local funding between two agencies (Department of Natural Resources and Department of the Environment); and VA applied a large chunk of their local funding ($905,000) to their Chesapeake Bay Regulatory and Accountability Program (CBRAP) grant with the remaining going towards the Virginia CBIG grant. Funding for local government implementation in Pennsylvania was distributed through subawards with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF). The breakout is as follows: CBIG total: $2,288,541 CBRAP total: $1,520,635 NFWF total: $1,190,544 All jurisdictions either subawarded or contracted their funds out to various localities for projects such as, outreach and education, parking lot construction designed to reduce nutrient and sediment pollution to the Chesapeake Bay, green roof and bioretention unit construction, and providing farmers and landowners’ assistance with BMP (best management practices) installations. Attachments 1 shows how local funds (FY14 – FY19) have been spent and whether the projects have been completed. Attachment 2 shows how much local funding each jurisdiction has received annually since 2014. Below provides a summary of how the FY19 funds were used. State by State Summary of how CBPO’s FY 2019 Local Funding was spent District of Columbia: $322,784 The District Department of the Environment (DDOE) received $322,784 in FY2019 towards local funding through their CBIG grant.
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