Initiatives Master Spreadsheet Prelim Final 061813.Xlsx

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Initiatives Master Spreadsheet Prelim Final 061813.Xlsx Summary of Lebanon County Clean Water Initiatives Land use where BMP applied (crop, pasture, pervious Implementation related Subwatershed where Organization responsible General recommendations Document Name Document Date Prepared For BMP/Project Amount of BMP Watershed(HUC10) Municipality of Proposed BMP Developed land, impervious Priority Ranking Watershed Threats to:Outreach, Public Education, Notes BMP implemented for implementation for action Developed land, Policy ag/suburban/urban) Lancaster Dauphin and Lebanon Counties. Majority of focus is Provides a list of restoration increased res. And non‐res. Chiques and East within Lancaster County. Headwaters of these streams located within Lebanon Chiques and East $75000 to develop restoration plan for the Chiques/Susquehanna Tri‐County Conewago protection initiatives and development/ stormwater, 2003 1 Restoration Plan Conewago Creek (State Municipalities within the Co. They are attaining their designated uses. Conewago Creek WRAS Conewago Creek River Creek Association (TCCCA funding when the report was increase water demand Water Plan Subbasin 07G) watersheds in Lebanon are South Provides TMDL info written (2003). affecting stream baseflow Londonderry, West Cornwall and Cornwall stream restoration ‐ all other Chiques Creek Chiques Creek Watershed stream restoration (identified in report as 2002 1200 Chiques Chiques West Cornwall forested reaches identified were in geomorphic and habitat assessments performed Watershed Assessment Association reach C11) Lancaster County Soil conservation farming practices, Riparian Practices, Most recommendations are for vegetative 6 projects in Little Conewago Creek; 6 Lebanon Co. ‐ primarily South Pastureland management Implement restoration Conewago Creek Tri County Conewago Creek buffer strip, fencing, stabilization, some projects in the headwaters; and 11 projects Conewago Creek TCCCA, CBF, Conservation Outreach, water quality, public models the load reductions resulting from BMP 2006 Susquehanna River Londonderry Twp, Small area of practices, projects identified in order of Restoration Plan Association nutrient management, terraces, grazing in subbasin A (some may be out of Lebanon Watershed Districts, NRCS education, policy, recreation implementation South Annville and West Cornwall Nutrient management the priority identified. management, ect. Co.). practices Conewago Creek Watershed Non‐Point Conewago Creek 1988 Susquehanna River Source Pollution Watershed Assessment Conewago A Baseline Water Quality Conewago Creek Assessment of Conewago Susquehanna River Watershed Watershed Fall 2002‐ 2003 Deny Heidelberg Township's Request to fischarge A Baseline Water Quality wastewater effluent into Prepared by Honors Assessment of the Prepared by Honors Biology Furnance Run, Segloch Sites assessed were Furnace Run. Plant trees to 2001‐2002 Watershed assessment N/A N/A Lebanon/Lancaster Counties Biology class, Lebanon Assessment Furnace Run Watershed class, Lebanon High School Run ag/forested stabilize banks and prevent High School Fall 2001‐2002 erosion. Plant buffers and increase aerial coverage. Fence out livestock. Furnace Run ‐ CV High School Control road pull‐offs, maintain horseshoe Coldwater Conservation Furnach Run/Segloch Run trail, landowner education, habitat Plan ‐ Furnace 2004 Specific tracts referenced in report Cocalico Creek Furnace and Segloch Run Heidelburg Twp Segloch Run is EV Furnace Run is HQ Watershed Alliance improvements, redirect spring flow directly Run/Segloch Run to stream, Undeveloped forestland, ag fields and farms, Watershed drains 571 mi2 in both Lebanon Hammer Creek and residential/urban and Lancaster Counties Heidelberg, South Lebanon, Speedwell Forge 30 sites in Lebanon Co. Cocalico Creek Hammer Multiple Cornwall Borough Watershed Assessment (Ag is the dominant land use but urban is rapidly increasing) agricultural BMPS (including waste storage Reduce nutrient/sediment Speedwell Forge Lake facilities on all active livestock operations) Heidelberg, South Lebanon, Lebanon County non‐point source pollution 319 Watershed 2003 PAFBC, PADEP no specific BMP amounts/locations Cocalico Creek Hammer Agricultural/Rural stream fencing and crossings, buffers, Cornwall Borough Conservation District that is affecting water quality Assessment Study nutrient management plans in Speedwell Forge Lake Speedwell Forge Lake Heidelberg, South Lebanon, 319 Watershed 2003 PAFBC, PADEP stream stabilization, no specific BMP amounts/locations Cocalico Creek Hammer urban/suburban/rural Cornwall Borough Assessment Study Speedwell Forge Lake Heidelberg, South Lebanon, Lebanon County 319 Watershed 2003 PAFBC, PADEP dirt and gravel road program, no specific BMP amounts/locations Cocalico Creek Hammer rural Cornwall Borough Conservation District Assessment Study Speedwell Forge Lake constructed wetlands, stormwater Heidelberg, South Lebanon, 319 Watershed 2003 PAFBC, PADEP management facilities that address WQ, LID no specific BMP amounts/locations Cocalico Creek Hammer urban/suburban Cornwall Borough Assessment Study techniques, Speedwell Forge Lake Heidelberg, South Lebanon, 319 Watershed 2003 PAFBC, PADEP Update Act 537 plans N/A Cocalico Creek Hammer urban/suburban/rural Municipal Governments Cornwall Borough Assessment Study Speedwell Forge Lake Update Township Ordinances (LID, riparian Unknown number of ordinances that may Heidelberg, South Lebanon, 319 Watershed 2003 PAFBC, PADEP buffer ordinance, open space provisions, Cocalico Creek Hammer urban/suburban/rural Municipal Governments require updates Cornwall Borough Assessment Study ect.) Lebanon County Clean Water Alliance Summary of Lebanon County Clean Water Initiatives Land use where BMP applied (crop, pasture, pervious Implementation related Subwatershed where Organization responsible General recommendations Document Name Document Date Prepared For BMP/Project Amount of BMP Watershed(HUC10) Municipality of Proposed BMP Developed land, impervious Priority Ranking Watershed Threats to:Outreach, Public Education, Notes BMP implemented for implementation for action Developed land, Policy ag/suburban/urban) Additional watershed investigations to Speedwell Forge Lake identify stream instability and other non‐ Heidelberg, South Lebanon, 319 Watershed 2003 PAFBC, PADEP point sources; also develop and inventory of N/A Cocalico Creek Hammer urban/suburban/rural Various/undetermined Cornwall Borough Assessment Study all drainage facilites along state and federal highways and their condition Speedwell Forge Lake Heidelberg, South Lebanon, develop a comprehensive watershed develop educational material for diverse 319 Watershed 2003 PAFBC, PADEP Cocalico Creek Hammer Cornwall Borough, coordinate urban/suburban/rural Various/undetermined education program stakeholder groups Assessment Study with Lancaster Co. municipalities Enforce protection zones, Heidelberg Township Encouragement to landowners to Hammer Creek, encourage farmer Wellhead Protection Heidelberg Township and Development of wellfield/wellhead area Nutrient runoff, participate in developing nutrient 2004 3 protection zones Tulpehocken Creek, Mill Lebanon County Mixed Heidelberg Township participation in development Program and Heidelberg Municipal Authority protection zones contamination management plans. Public Creek, Middle Creek of nutrient management Management Plan educatin, policy plans Cold Spring, Bethel, Swatara, Very high level ‐ amounts not provided. Union, East Hanover, North Ag conservation practices (crop rotation, includes inventory of avg precip, NWI, impaired Resource concerns addressed called out in Annville, South Annville, North Lower Susquehanna‐ contour farming, nutrient management, Lower Swatara, Upper Outreach/Education ‐ report is a streams (2006), abandoned mine land, EV streams, the plan include erosion, cropland organic Londonderry, South Londonderry, Swatara Rapid buffers, diversions, waterways, field Swatara, Little Swatara, Agriculture foundation for watershed studies trout waters, TMDL, WQ testing points, water matter and productivity, sedimentation, Palmyra, Anneville, Cleona, west Watershed Assessment borders, cons tillage, residue mgmt, Quittapahilla, or area planning withdrawals, discharges, ect., heritage inventory degradation of stream quality, conversion Lebanon, Lebanon, North stripcropping, terraces, prescribed grazing) sites, bird atlas, soils, of non‐urban land to urban, Lebanon, North Cornwall, West Cornwall, Cornwall, Jackson, subwatersheds draining to South Anneville, Annville, North the city of Lebanon ranked all ‐ prioritized in report. Quittapahilla Creek Anville, North Londonderry, suggests conservation the highest priority for urban evaluated various BMP implementation Upper Killinger Creek top Watershed Assessment Quittapahilla Watershed Londonderry, Palmyra, Cleona, district and NRCS work BMP implementation, 2006 Agriculture scenarios using AVGWLF and predict models Quittapahilla for nutrients and ag outreach and education Vol. 2 Restoration and Association West Lebanon, Lebanon, North with farmers to prioritized watersheds for Ag by subwatershed sediment and Gingrich run Management Plan Cornwall, Cornwall, South implement BMPs BMP implementation based for sediment Lebanon, North Lebanon, on the results of AVGWLF and Predict modeling Quittapahilla Creek 9 Urban BMP sites (all wet ponds) identified Watershed Assessment Quittapahilla Watershed Lebanon, North Lebanon, South regional approach, lots of detailed cost info, concept 2006 in and adjacent to Lebanon ‐ detail info various
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