“Social innovation in an era of socio-spatial transformations. Choosing between responsibility and solidarity” Triantafyllopoulou Eleni *, Poulios Dimitris **, Sayas John*** © by the author(s) (*), Humboldt University of Berlin, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) Address: Ionon 33-35 Athens, 11851, E - Mail:
[email protected] (**)National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Department of Geography and Regional Planning Address: Pavsaniou 8 Athens, 11635, E- Mail:
[email protected] (***) National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Department of Geography and Regional Planning Address: Iroon Polytechneiou 9 Zografou, 15780 E- Mail:
[email protected] Paper presented at the RC21 International Conference on “The Ideal City: between myth and reality. Representations, policies, contradictions and challenges for tomorrow's urban life” Urbino (Italy) 27-29 August 2015. http://www.rc21.org/en/conferences/urbino2015/ 1 Abstract The aim of the paper is to identify the impacts of the collapsing welfare state provisions in Athens, after five years of all-embracing socioeconomic and spatial measures. The rapidly increasing numbers of the unemployed and of persons under poverty level have altered Athens’ social landscape, while the austerity policies promoted have intensified economic inequality, social exclusion and socio-spatial segregation. During this period many local initiatives emerged in the neighbourhoods of the Greek capital in order to find a collective path of dealing with the social repercussions of the crisis. Adopting the slogan ‘no one alone facing crisis’, several grassroot neighbourhood movements, public assemblies and other local initiatives have tried to establish solidarity networks in an attempt to address the on-going survival problems that the majority of the society faces.