Ank Egister •• 'Volume Lxvix, Nq
ANK EGISTER •• 'VOLUME LXVIX, NQ. 4V RED BANK, K. J., THURSDAY, JULY 18,1946. SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 14 Guest Preachers Woman's Club Harry Van Note Is Will be Heard Bail For Osterstock Plans Benefit Petition FQr School During August, when Rev. The-annual summer card party Roger J, Squire, pastor of Firat of the Red Bank Woman's club New Police Chief Methodist church, will be on vaca- Is Set At $15,000 [-will be held Tuesday, July 30, at Sent To State Board tion, guest preachers will occupy the clubhouse at 1:30 p. m. Pro- the pulpit at both morning and ceeds will be used to finance the evening services. new beating plant recently installed Veteran Of 33 Years Has Rev. Dr. Albert L. Baner of Syra- Held For Grand Jury In Connection at the clubhouse. Must Determine If Need Exists cuse, New York, a former pastor of Besides table prizes there will be the Red Bank church, will preacb With Sea Bright Yacht Club Raid special awards. Miss Flora W1U- For County Vocational School Come Up Through The Ranks August 4., Rev. Harry VanCleaf of guss, chairman, will be assisted by 4 Toms River, a former^&stor of the Mrs. Joseph E. Carroll, Mrs. Wil- Harry T. VanNote of 59 Rector Eatontown church, will be preacher Joan Os%rstook, arrested In Dar- When Prosecutor J. Victor, Car- liam P. Strode, Mrs. Jessie N. Beers, The board of freeholders Monday1! place, a veteran of 33 years on tbe August 11. Rev. Raymond D. ien, Connecticut, Monday afternoon ton and county detectives raided Mrs.
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