Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 5-1-1997 The BG News May 1, 1997 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News May 1, 1997" (1997). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6176. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/6176 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. TODAY Directory SPORTS OPINION Switchboard 372-2601 Classified Ads 372-6977 University's Display Ads 372-2605 Falcon tennis top student- Aaron: Editorial 372-6966 teams put wraps Sports 372-2602 athletes Losing sight of the big Entertainment 372-2603 on respective honored at picture can lead to some Slory Idea? Give us a call seasons weekdays from I p.m. to 5 pm., or banquet serious problems e-mail: "[email protected]" High: 56 THURSDAY May 1,1997 Volume 83, Issue 146 The BG News Bowling Green, Ohio "Serving the Bowling Green community for over 75years" # Police find weapons in Batchelder room Ribeau □ University student Campus police confiscated an no criminal charges would be vated menacing and possession taken through the judicial pro- violates student code AR-15 rifle, 49 rounds of ammun- filed against him because it is not of a deadly weapon for pos- cess," Ribeau said. "That's ition, two eight-round magazine against state laws to possess session of a .22 caliber revolver clearly a violation to have an as- details after campus police clips, a 30-round magazine clip, a firearms or weapons, Waddell and 85 bullets. sault rifle on state property." seize weapons from his box of .223 caliber ammunition said. However, she said it is Jill Carr, associate dean of stu- The weapons will be held in the that is compatible with the rifle against the code of student con- dents, said no charges of a viola- campus police station until the reforms room in Batchelder and a "Rambo-style" knife from duct to possess any kind of tion of the Student Code have student leaves school at the end the student's room March 13, ac- weapon on campus. been brought against the student. of the year. □ University Presi- By VINCE GUERRIERI and cording to public information The student was told he would She also said no report has been According to Erica Whelan, in- dent Sidney Ribeau BRANDON WRAY officer Barbara Waddell. be held accountable for the viola- filed with the Office of Student spector for the Bureau of Alco- The BG News The action was initiated by a tion of the student code, Waddell Life. hol, Tobacco and Firearms, announces the first complaint filed March 8 by the said. University President Sidney AR-15 rifles are classified as as- of a series of Campus police confiscated student's roommate's parents. So far, the student has received Ribeau said he couldn't under- sault rifles by the Crime Bill of several weapons, including a se- Wayne Colvin, associate director no disciplinary sanctions. stand why no action has been 1994, and manufacturing of these changes to create a mi-automatic rifle, from a stu- of student housing, was also in- In a similar incident in 1994, a taken. weapons is illegal. Whelan noted more streamlined dent's room in Batchelder before volved in the seizure. resident of Compton Hall was ar- "I'm surprised that there has administration. spring break. The student was informed that rested and charged with aggra- not been any disciplinary action • See GUN, page three. ByDARLAWARNOCK The BG News University racing car runs solely on electricity A more streamlined ad- ministration and a com- ucation major and Electronic bined effort through par- □ The Electric Falcon, ticular divisions will be the Falcon team member. built for the University The Electric Falcon is driven result of re-organizational changes in the area of Uni- by Lincoln Electric, is by Larry Crosser, a professional versity Operations. maintained and modi- driver, and the pit crew is com- prised of members of the Elec- University President fied by BGSU students. tric Falcon Race and Design Sidney Ribeau announced Team. the first series of changes By JAMIE BUDZICK "We change 1SO0 pounds of in the area last week. The BG News batteries in 20 seconds," Perkins Ribeau said he hopes the said. changes will aid the com- As auto racing's popularity Along with the Electric Falcon, munication between each expands around the world, names the race and design team is work- division. like Wallace and Petty have be- "We're trying to stream- ing on several other projects in- line the administration and come familiar to many. Here at cluding another race car. They trying to get areas which the University, there is a new are currently in conjunction with racing icon that is beginning to were formerly in Opera- NASA Lewis Research Center, tions put in places to work soar. Teledine Line and Cleveland In swoops the Electric Falcon. more closely with people RTA, in developing a 40-foot doing similiar types of A formula lightning race car, transit bus run solely on electric- the Electric Falcon is becoming things," Ribeau said. "It ity. In addition, they are working gets them closer." one of the elite cars of its kind. on an electric-powered Jeep, golf Unlike the traditional Indy cars, Bob Martin, the previous cart and even a bicycle. vice president of Opera- it runs purely on electricity. "The advantage of an electric Reaching speeds of up to 120 tions, left the position to car is there is zero percent emis- become the director of the miles per hour, the Electric Fal- sions, as with a gas car the best con runs on 336 volts of direct aerotechnology department emissions is something like 90 last month. current and uses 28 car batteries percent," Brewster said. to power it around the track. The idea of having an electri- The duties previously The car was built four years cally-run society sounds appeal- under Martin's direction ago for the University by Lincoln ing to most, but the costs of pro- are being divided under the Electric, and is maintained and duction and capabilities of the remaining vice presidents. modified by students involved car itself need great improve- According to Charles with the "Electric Falcon Race ment. The average electric car Middleton, provost and vice and Design Team." can run for about 30 minutes, president of academic af- "When this program was start- while taking 90 minutes to re- fairs, interviews are cur- ed, it was meant to be a research charge the batteries, while the rently being conducted and design project so that we cost is out of the average finan- through the entire area of could implement what we've cial range. Operations. learned through the race car into "It's supply and demand," As interviews continue to the automotive project," said Brewster said. "Once they start be completed, recom- Dennis Brewster, a sophomore building more the price is gonna mendations will be made electronic technologies major go down." for re-organization. and second-year member of the As technology inevitably rolls "We are a good way along Electric Falcon team. forward, the search for alterna- in that process," Middleton The Electric Falcon, which re- tive forms of energy will contin- said. "We're right on track cently finished second at a race ue Perhaps on the wings of the to have all of this completed in Phoenix, Ariz., is hailed as one Electric Falcon, the world will by the end of the fiscal of the top electric racers In the make a transition to electric ve- year." nation. It competes against about hicles. 16 other universities which are Ribeau is requiring the also Involved with electric cars. "This is the evolution of elec- completion of the re- "This car is consistently in the tric vehicles and what we're organization by June 30, top three in the country," said learning will benefit future elec- which is the end of the fis- Steve Perkins, a Junior music ed- tric vehicles," Perkins said. cal year. BG Newi Pkot* by Jeremy Martin He explained the changes are based on developing strategies to improve cus- tomer service. Mcveigh's attorney discredits, implicates witness Ribeau said when mul- tiple departments are try- The Associated Press all you had to do to prevent the more than a "Walter Mitty" - did she start saying McVeigh di- after McVeigh's arrest, in which ing to work on the same deaths of 168 people was pick up someone who merely fantasizes vulged detailed plans for the Mrs. Fortier says that McVeigh thing, they sometimes ne- DENVER - The woman who a telephone?" Jones asked. about grand deeds. bombing. Michael Fortier was "crucified" by the media and glect to talk to each other. testified Timothy McVeigh con- "Yes," Mrs. Fortier responded. The 24-year-old wife of one of pleaded guilty to lesser charges that there's "no way that he was Once combined, commu- fided his plans to blow up the Ok- "And you did not do that, did McVeigh's Army buddies ac- in exchange for his testimony responsible for this crime." nication and service is en- lahoma City federal building was you?" knowledged in a soft voice that and could get up to 23 years In "You were not distancing hanced.
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