2 President’s Report 4 Minutes 7 Treasurer’s Report 9 Improvements 10 Crime Watch News 11 Great Ideas for Your Home upcoming events upcoming 13 Life in the Neighborhood 14 Neighborhood Notes


MONTHLY BOARD MEETING PLEASE BRING THE FOLLOWING SIDE ITEM Wednesday, September 12th (determined by the first letter of your last name) at 7pm at the home of Ron Taylor (6432 Brokenhurst) A-F: Sides G-P: Salads Q-Z: Desserts SAFETY BY DESIGN BURGLARY PREVENTION PROGRAM Tuesday, September 18th 7pm at the Church of the Saviour SAFETY BY DESIGN BURGLARY (6205 Rucker Road) PREVENTION PROGRAM STRESS FREE BOOK CLUB TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18TH Wednesday, September 19th 7pm at the Church of the Saviour (6205 Rucker Road) 7pm at the home of Carol Holzman (6348 Graham Road) See page 10 for more information. “Midnight in Siberia: A Train Journey into the Heart of Russia” by David Greene

FALL PICNIC Sunday, September 23rd 3K/5K WALK-RUN 4:30 - 6:30pm SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20TH AT 10AM. Sponsored by Liv-Rite Fitness Center. President’s Report RON TAYLOR Devonshire III & VI President SEPTEMBER 2018 [email protected]

Hello Neighbors

This has been one of the busiest months I have had in all of MEMBERSHIP DUES my years on the Board. At our July meeting, several residents approached the board about the rise of speeding in the Speaking of dues, we are now into our second mailing of neighborhood. While the board researched the long-term membership dues notices. If you haven’t had a chance to pay feasibility of solutions, we initiated an aggressive Public your dues yet, please do so. Your dues help to make all of our Awareness campaign that began with placing 100 “Please programming and ongoing work possible. Slow Down!” along our streets. For two weeks we had the attention of the media, and they’ve since taken up our cause and they continue to assist us with following up on our next NATIONAL NIGHT OUT steps. We requested additional police patrols and hosted several National Night Out events to get residents together to Thanks to those who participated in our National Night Out talk about the issue. The campaign has been an overwhelm- events this year. There were mini-block parties and residents ing success. While it didn’t stop all of the speeding in the getting together to watch outdoor movies. It was a great neighborhood, it certainly has raised awareness and caused night to get out in the neighborhood and engage with drivers to take a second look at their speedometers as they neighbors. Next year, we plan to have even more events drive through the neighborhood. We have identified a six- happening in the neighborhood for the National Night Out. point strategy for moving forward towards longer-term, permanent solutions to the problem (see story later in this issue of the Crier). We will also continue to raise awareness FALL PICNIC of speed on our streets through the ongoing requests for additional speed patrols through IMPD, the Marion County Our annual Fall neighborhood picnic is quickly approaching. Prosecutor’s office, and our City Councilwoman. This year promises to be another fun event for residents and a chance to neighbors get together and share quality time. IN THE MEANTIME, I ASK RESIDENTS TO PLEASE I hope you will join us! DO THE FOLLOWING:

• Be part of the Solution…not the problem! THANKS… Slow down as you drive our streets. Many residents continue to speed. Please stop! Finally, I want to express my thanks to Tara Rager who has • Pay your Dues! agreed to join as social chair on the board on an interim basis Please pay your Civic Association dues and contribute to for the remainder of this term to assist with ongoing activities. the resources that are going to be necessary to fund any I sincerely appreciate Tara’s willingness to step up and long-term solutions. help out! • Be ready to help! Many of the strategies we have defined are going to require letters, signatures, phone calls, or Get out and enjoy to remaining warm days…Fall is on the other volunteer assistance. Please be prepared to help and way! If you are out and about, please stop by and say hello! to respond to requests quickly. • Stay engaged! Watch the Crier, Facebook page, and email blasts for updates Ron Taylor, President

Solving this problem isn’t going to be quick or easy, but please be patient as we work through the strategies and required processes to address the situation. Please help us as we try to address this pressing issue. 2 MULTI-YEAR WINNER OF THE SUSAN R. NEMETH DEVONSHIRE III & VI RESIDENT MONTHLY 5-STAR MORTGAGE PROFESSIONAL Senior Mortgage Advisor, NMLS#223350 AWARD Phone/E-Fax 317.375.7744 I [email protected] I

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Church of the Saviour

A United Methodist Fellowship Rev. Dr. Richard Moman Pastor Sunday Worship—10am SAFETY BY DESIGN First Sunday of the month Communion Devonshire III & IV are hosting a night On Sunday September 9th of safety on September 18th we will be celebrating OUR MSSION grandparents: At 7pm in the Sanctuary Come and join us for a Making God’s All neighbors are welcome pasta luncheon at 11:30am Love Believable Hope to see you there! YOGA Mondays, 10am Parlor. Thursdays, 1:15pm : Parlor $8.50 a session OR Church of the Saviour The Tree of Life Gardens 8 week session may be done at any time for $56 is located just east of Is becoming a scenic & serene spot Yoga mat required for stability Binford Boulevard and for meditation/prayer. Work at own level north of 62nd Street, Come and check out the changes! off Rucker Road.

6205 Rucker Road · Indianapolis, IN 46220 · (317)251-6187 · · [email protected]

3 SHERYL HOLKO Devonshire III & VI Secretary Meeting Minutes AUGUST 2018 [email protected]

Devonshire III & VI Meeting Minutes

The August 2018 meeting was held at the home of Doria Lynch at 6408 Bramshaw Road on August 20, 2018 at 7pm. In attendance were Ron Taylor, Peter Mohr, Barbara Mohr, Nicole Todd, Fred Shirley, Doria Lynch, and Sally Roscetti. Sheryl Holko showed up just as the meeting was closing (she was at “Back-to-School Night” for her son).

The July minutes were approved.

Nicole Todd let us know that we have received 247 out of 424 dues payments thus far, bringing our checking balance to about $28,500. We’ll really need this money for the winter snow/ice removal PLUS possible traffic and speeding abatements.

Doria Lynch has invited the police and firefighters to our Fall Picnic. She also reminded us of the “Safety by Design Burglary Prevention Program” being held on September 18th at 7pm (see info in the Crier). She is also going to investigate paying to have an off-duty IMPD officer patrol our streets and issue tickets.

Sally Roscetti finished reviewing bids and has signed a contract with a new provider to handle our streets for winter snow removal and ice remediation with no increase in pricing.

Significant time was spent on final details and coordination of the Fall picnic being held on September 23, 2018 from 4:30pm to 6:30pm. Steve Sergi is again generously providing the fried chicken and there will also be hot dogs as an entrée. Sides, salads, and desserts are coming from the rest of us.

Neighbor Jimmy Cain has agreed to provide music at the picnic.

Ron Taylor updated us that National Night Out held early in August got a great response, especially on Brokenhurst and Green Leaves. He guided us to a decision to make sure the next dues requests go out before Labor Day. Ron then led a lengthy discussion on the speeding and cut-through traffic that has seemed to grow in recent months and possible solutions. After much deliberation the Board is going to start with an action plan that includes a traffic study, having the speed limit in our neighborhood lowered, obtaining approval for signage like “no commercial traffic” or “Not a through street.” (See Ron’s President’s Report in the September Crier).

Tara Rager has agreed to step into the Social Chair position on the Board on an interim basis. Thank you, Tara!

There being no further business and no new business the meeting was adjourned.

The next neighborhood meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 12th at 7pm at Ron Taylor’s home at 6432 Brokenhurst. All board members and ALL neighbors are invited AND ENCOURAGED to attend.

Respectfully submitted based on EXCELLENT notes taken by Sally Roscetti and Ron Taylor.

Sheryl L. Holko, Secretary


As you know, last month we initiated a Public Awareness campaign to raise awareness of the speeding issue with motorists in our neighborhood. We placed 100 temporary “Please Slow Down!” signs along Brokenhurst and Graham Roads, requested additional police patrols, and held several gatherings for the National Night Out. The initial results have been successful. Before a single sign was placed, we gained the attention of several media outlets who ran our story and continue to follow up with us about next steps. By all accounts, drivers have taken note of the signs and overall (not all) traffic has significantly slowed on these two streets. Dialogue on the neighborhood Facebook page has never been so high. The campaign has helped achieve many of the goals we set be the first step towards applying to the City for permanent for this effort. infrastructure improvements.

After the first week, we initiated a second phase of the Public 2. Initiate a letter-writing campaign for the Awareness Campaign and moved the signs to Knyghton and I-69/I465 Interchange project. Green Leaves, with similar results. We have since moved the We believe that much of our neighborhood’s cut-through traffic signs a third time to help keep up the visibility of the campaign. is due to the fact that there is no current entrance ramp from Last week the signs were removed and will be stored as we Binford Boulevard North to I-465 E/S. This interchange is prepare for an upcoming traffic study, traffic counts, and currently under design and going through the Federal NEPA speed recording. The signs will likely resurface once those process which weighs alternatives in light of their impacts to are completed. adjoining properties and neighborhoods. Currently, the new design DOES NOT include a 465 E/S on ramp. We will be Thanks to all of the neighbors and board members who have engaging with the design firm and INDOT to request that the invested so much time in this campaign. design of an on-ramp be included in the work and will be initiating a letter campaign from all residents this Fall in an attempt to get INDOT to consider adding this ramp. NEXT STEPS: LONG-TERM SOLUTIONS 3. Hire an off-duty police officer to patrol the neighborhood. The Civic Association Board met on August 20 to review all of The Board is researching the possibility of hiring an off-duty the information the Board had gathered and review all of the police officer to patrol the neighborhood and assist with comments received from residents. The discussion at the monitoring speed and writing tickets. This type of program meeting tried to seek balance between the speed and safety exists and is permissible with IMPD. The Board is putting issue, as well as considerations on the quality of life in the together a proposal to submit to see if we can find an officer to neighborhood, potential impacts to property values, as well hire to help us control the speeding issue in the neighborhood. as an honest assessment of financial feasibility. In the end, the Board outlined a six-point strategy for moving forward: 4. Work to lower the speed limit in the neighborhood. Our current speed limit is 30 mph and is simply unsafe to 1. Initiate a Traffic Study of the neighborhood. pedestrians. The Board will be lobbying the City, through the Any permanent solutions such as speed bumps will require City Council as wells as the Department of Public Works, to get traffic counts and a traffic study. The Board met with an the speed limit lowered in the neighborhood. We aren’t sure engineering firm for initial consultation and we have now exactly what this will entail, but think it is a critical part of our contracted with them to complete traffic counts on Brokenhurst overall strategy. and Graham and an assessment of data needed for the other streets. This study is anticipated to begin in September and will continued on next page

5 5. Add additional speed limit signs. Currently, we have very few permanent speed limit signs, and How Can You Help? the streets that do have signs only have them at the ends. We are working to understand, get approval, and purchase additional speed limit signs to continue to heighten the Implementing these measures is going to require time and awareness of the speeding issue in the neighborhood. resources. We need your help if we are going to make any progress towards solving this issue: 6. Work to get our neighborhood streets removed from GPS traffi c apps. • Pay your membership dues! All of these eff orts will require We plan to research and see what it would take to make our resources. Paying your dues is the easiest thing you can do to roads designated as no-thru roads so we could potentially contribute to the success of these eff orts! petition apps like WAZE and Google maps to remove our roads from their algorithms. It won’t stop people that already know • Volunteer! Volunteer to help get signatures, to write a letter, about our roads from cutting through, but may stop further to call our councilwoman, to help research potential solutions. cut-through traffi c. • Stay informed! Watch the Crier, email blasts or neighborhood Facebook page for “calls to action” and respond quickly.

• Engage! Engage with your neighbors and the Board and off er to provide your help, connections, or expertise.

• Be part of the solution…not the problem! Slow down as you drive through the neighborhood.

Devonshire III & VI Neighborhood Market Real Estate Report (July 1, 2017—July 30, 2018)

FACT: 4 Homes on the market, 4 Homes Sale Pending, 25 Homes Sold

FACT: Highest Price Sold $398,000, Average Price Sold $278,161, Lowest Price Sold $265,000

FACT: Average Days on Market: 34

317-507-5883 [email protected] Steve Sergi Broker and Devonshire Resident

6 NICOLE TODD Devonshire III & VI Treasurer Treasurer’s Report AUGUST 2018 [email protected]

August 2018 Summary Beginning Cash (July 31) $28,477.55 Revenues

2018/19 Dues (42) $ 1,890.00 L&L Donations (10) $ 115.00

SUBTOTAL $ 2,005.00 Disbursements

Crier Printing (PIP) $ 76.21 Kidzone Party rental (Picnic items/entertainment) $ 1,101.15 Please slow down signs $ 486.80

SUBTOTAL $ 1,664.16

August Net Cash $ 340.84

Ending Cash (August 29) $28,818.39

Nicole Todd // Devonshire III & VI Treasurer // 6350 Brokenhurst Rd


Residents have received their 2018-19 Membership Dues Invoices and Packets. Included in your packets are information about the neighborhood, home safety tips, and a volunteer sign-up form. Please take a minute to review all of these materials. Your membership dues help us with improvements, maintenance, and improving the quality of life in the neighborhood.




REGISTER FOR NEW SCHOOL YEAR CLASSES NOW!!! (CLASSES BEGIN WEEK OF Aug. 18)  State-of-the-art digital keyboards. Kids Individualhave great computer time lear nstationsing abo forut mreinforcingusic and p musicallaying t hconcepts.e piano  One-hour weekly classes for students in kindergarten . One-hour weekly clathroughsses for shightude nschool.ts in kindergarten through  Fun interactivehigh sc htheoryool. games.  Grouped according. Fun in ttoer aagectiv ande the ability.ory gam eSmalls. class size. . GroupConvenientlyed according tlocatedo age an din a Devonshirebility. Small area.class size. . ConvenienLimitedtly locat eenrollment.d in Devonshire area.

ForFor more more information,information,For mo callre iDevonshiren leaveforma ati oresidentsmessagen, call JohnD eforv andon Devonshires Dianehire rHaineseside nat residentst (317)s 432-6291 John Johorn aemailnd D usi aatn [email protected] Haines at 257-0406. and Diane Haines at 971-2643 (Voice Mail).

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8 SALLY ROSCETTI From your Devonshire III & VI, Improvements Improvements Coordinator.... [email protected]

Hello Devonshire Neighbors,

Thanks to the neighbors that joined my family for “The takes a while. That time of 3:00 is just a guess as the rental Greatest Showman” in my backyard on National Night Out. company sometimes doesn’t let us know actual delivery time Thanks especially to our neighbors, the Mahoneys for their until day of. If you show up, we’ll fi nd something for you technical help. We enjoyed a lovely summer evening to do! complete with popcorn, good company, and cool beverages. As fall rolls around, it is a nice time to remind everyone that Thanks too, to the neighbors who have stopped and asked it is also a good time to plant trees. We, unfortunately, had about our “Please Slow Down” signs. We think they have been to take out three mature trees recently that were diseased or at least somewhat eff ective. I had a few neighbors who did falling over. We have tentative plans to put at least two back not seem to know anything about our campaign. My in before winter. They won’t be as big as my 100 year old oak suspicion is that at least some have not paid their dues and and maple in my old Brixton Lane house, but some day, a do not get our Crier. I am not too shy about reminding future homeowner will appreciate that we planted them. everyone of the great things our board takes care of to Please consider planting trees in your own yard. The National improve our neighborhood and some of that takes money. Arbor Society and Keep Indianapolis Beautiful both have Please do not be shy about asking your neighbors if they programs for low cost trees and native plants. have paid their dues. A little peer pressure can go a long way. I hope to see many of you out and about as the summer I hope many of you will join us for our annual picnic at Victory weather turns to fall. As usual, keep an eye out for school Baptist Church on September 23rd. We would love to see a buses and kiddos waiting for the bus! handful of neighbors arrive a little early to help with setting up the tables and chairs. They are usually delivered at least an hour before the picnic, so if you can swing over around See you around the ‘hood, 3:00 to help with set up, it would be greatly appreciated. We Sally Roscetti, Improvements always count on everyone to help us with packing it all back up, and that goes quickly with so many people, but set up

We meet the third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. We don’t care if you’ve read the book. You don’t need to RSVP (although sometimes we switch houses last minute - not a bad idea to call to be safe). Just show up and enjoy good company and good discussion.

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19TH / Midnight in Siberia by David Green STRESS FREE at the home of Carol Holzman, 6348 Graham Road

BOOK CLUB WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17TH / The Dry by Jane Harper at the home of Doria Lynch, 6408 Bramshaw Road

NO BOOK CLUB IN DECEMBER WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14TH, 2018 (please note early date due to the holiday) City of Thorns: Nine Lives in the World’s Largest Refugee Camp, by Ben Rawlence at the home of Dori Davis, 6262 Brixton Lane

9 CRIME DORIA LYNCH Devonshire III & VI, Crime Watch WATCH [email protected]

Greetings Neighbors,

There were no reported crimes in Devonshire III/VI between August 1 and August 25. However, there have been other incidents nearby, including multiple vehicle break-ins in the Lake Plaza parking lot, which serves George’s Restaurant and the other numerous strip mall tenants. Remember to remove all valuables from your vehicles, whether in a parking lot or your own driveway. Vehicle theft is often a crime of opportunity and thieves only spend a few moments glancing in each vehicle before deciding if it is worth targeting. If there is no spare change, backpack, or electronic device in sight, they are more likely to move to the next car.

A robbery and assault also occurred nearby on August 17, on Landborough North Drive in Avalon Hills. The victim was approached by three suspects in his own driveway after arriving home at 9:30 in the evening. The victim was struck with a gun and also suffered a graze gunshot wound to the leg. The suspects escaped in a subcompact car with a noisy muffler. At this point, as far as I can determine no arrests have been made in the case. This incident is a good reminder to be aware of your surroundings, even when approaching your own home. Be on the lookout for cars parked near your home that are unfamiliar, and before exiting your vehicle, take a few moments to look around and ensure no one is waiting to approach. Even if you park in your garage, take a look around before you pull up; it only takes a moment for someone on foot to slip into the garage behind you.

I’d also like to remind you of the upcoming workshop SAFETY BY DESIGN BURGLARY PREVENTION This hour-long program will be held on Tuesday, September 18 at 7:00 pm at the Church of the Saviour, 6205 Rucker Road. Erin Elam, Marion County Deputy Prosecutor, will discuss a number of ways to make your home a less attractive target for burglars, including adequate exterior lighting, reinforcement of windows and doors, and keeping trees and bushes trimmed back. The program is free and open to everyone in the area, including folks beyond Devonshire III/VI, so please share this invitation with friends and loved ones who live in Indy. Pre-registration is not required.

Until then, have a safe and enjoyable September!

10 GREAT IDEAS for your HOME


When you look around the neighborhood, it’s pretty easy to spot the homes with kids. Backyards provide the evidence of youthful exploits at a home. Playsets, trampolines, and tree swings provide evidence that there is a lot of family activity occurring at a house. My family spends a lot of time outdoors in the summer. We spend countless hours landscaping, gardening, and maintaining our outdoor environment turning our backyard into a place we enjoy spending time. When our daughter came along, we got the required playset and trampoline, but we also liked the idea of inserting whimsy, surprise, and other unique elements into our backyard. It’s pretty simple to create unique experiences that stoke a child’s imagination and provides for some fun educational discoveries for your kids.


Create a Weather Station. Creating a weather station at your house is a great way for kids to learn about science and weather and how it impacts us. In our garden, we have an outdoor thermometer and rain guage and we regularly check them and talk about them when we are gardening. It’s a great way to help kids learn more about the weather, its impacts on our garden, and the results of different seasonal weather conditions.

Wind Chimes. We love wind chimes. Sometimes they provide our third weather tool as they warn of pending storms. Other times, they simply create a magical noise that becomes the soundtrack to so many of our outdoor activities. Wind chimes are an easy way to add sound to the whole outdoor experience.

Fairy Gardens. Want an easy project for young kids? Create a fairy garden — a place where kids can create a small, magical garden for fairies. This usually involves creating a large container garden with various small plants and creating a unique world for imaginary fairies. Kids create a world within the container that includes small special places and feature for fairies, and then nurture the plants for the entire growing season. It’s a great way to get kids involved in your outdoor gardening and landscape projects and can be as simple or elaborate as one chooses.

Little Friends. One of our favorite things to do is to scatter special friends throughout the yard to create surprise elements that kids can discover. Whether it be small frog figurines cleverly hidden amongst potted plants, decorative butterfly plant stakes for containers, or other jolly creates spread throughout, kids love discovering these new friends and they all add a personal touch to your outdoor areas.

These are just a few simple and inexpensive ways to help enrich your kids backyard experience. What do you do? Share your ideas with us and we will share them with the neighborhood.


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THE DEVONSHIRE CIVIC ASSOCIATION! Please contact Ron at [email protected] for details. Get involved and help improve your community!




For those who like to walk or take a nature hike, our neighbor- lots of things to do while in the park. The State Park’s trails can hood offers numerous opportunities for all ages, abilities, and be accessed from the Greenway on the east. Park- interests within a short walking or driving distance! Whether ing areas must be accessed through the main park drive off of you are looking for a long hike or simply looking for a place to 56th Street. visit, these local hiking areas can be reached with a short walk or a short drive from the neighborhood. SKILES TEST NATURE PARK. Skiles Test Nature Park, located along the Fall Creek Greenway at Fall Creek Road and I-465, FALL CREEK GREENWAY. Fall Creek Greenway, one of India- provides both paved and natural trails. The park is the site of napolis’ longest and oldest greenways, is just south of Dev- the former Skiles Test estate that rested on top of the bluffs onshire. The 11-mile trail is a 12 foot wide paved shared-use overlooking Fall Creek. At the Fall Creek Road entrance, a path that follows Fall Creek. To the northeast, it connects to paved asphalt path climbs the nearly ¾ mile climb up the hill. Skiles Test Nature Park, Fort Benjamin Harrison State Park and Interpretive rest stations along the climb provide information Geist Reservoir. To the southwest, it connects to Millersville, about the local wildlife and plant species in the park. Once the State Fairgrounds, the and eventually to the on top of the bluff, there are a series of natural hiking trails just north of downtown. The greenway provides a that traverse the deep ravines in the park or weave through comfortable, accessible pathway in a serene, peaceful environ- the elevated grasslands and tree stands in the park. The park ment. Its natural setting provides for abundant bird and wild- provides some unique hiking experiences and is worth a visit. life species and flora and fauna. But along its route you will Parking is located along Fall Creek Road on the south end of also find commercial centers, historic homes, contemporary the park. A pedestrian entrance is located on the north end. art, and other significant local features. Several parking areas and access points exist along Fall Creek Parkway. SKILES TEST ELEMENTARY SCHOOL NATURE PRESERVE. One of the great unknown assets near the neighborhood is the 71ST STREET TRAIL (Northtown Greenway). One of Indy’s Nature Preserve located on the Skiles Test Elementary School newer trails, the 71st Street Trail runs along 71st Street from property. The school is surrounded by a forest and the school Binford Blvd to Hague Road. The 10 foot wide paved multi- has developed a series of nature trails that wind through the use path provides connections to Skiles Test and Crestview forest area and along some small creeks on the property. Elementary Schools. The two-mile trail provides an accessible There are several learning stations and viewing platforms on walking surface and can be accessed through the Devonshire the property where users can learn more about natural areas V neighborhood. There are no designated parking areas for and ecosystems within the park. The dirt paths are easy to walk the trail. and provide for a great natural escape. Parking is located on the school grounds and the nature preserve trails can be ac- FORT BENJAMIN HARRISON STATE PARK. Fort Ben is one cessed on the north and east sides of the school building. of the State’s newest state parks and provides a variety of dif- ferent trail types from wide, paved multi-use paths to natural Whether you are looking for a quick hike or a longer surface nature trails. The trail system provides a variety of dif- nature experience, check out one of these local trail ficulties from easy to rugged depending on the trail. There are systems…and take a hike! many significant points of interest along the park’s trails and 13 ESTABLISHED 1959 NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES

The next neighborhood meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 12th at 7pm at Ron Taylor’s home at 6432 Brokenhurst. All board members and ALL neighbors are invited AND ENCOURAGED to attend. CIVIC ASSOCIATION MAYOR’S ACTION CENTER Mayor’s Action Hotline 327-4622 BOARD OF DIRECTORS IMPD TRAFFIC COMPLAINTS: Call 317-327-6525 / IMPD non-emergency number: 317-327-3811 ) Online at EMERGENCY: Nine-one-one is only to be used ONLY in emergency situations. An emergency is any PRESIDENT situation that requires immediate assistance from the police/sheriff, the fire department or an ambulance. Ron Taylor If you are ever in doubt of whether a situation is an emergency you should call 9-1-1. It’s better to be safe 317.690.6867 and let the 9-1-1 call taker determine if you need emergency assistance. [email protected] Examples of When to Call 9-1-1: suspicious activities, heart attack or stroke, house fire, domestic violence, burglary or theft in progress, car accident with life threatening injuries, anything else that seems like VICE PRESIDENT an emergency! Fred Shirley RECYCLING Republic Services, Inc. 800.234.6881 317.695.3648 POT HOLE HOTLINE 327-HOLE (327-4653) or instead of calling the Mayor’s Action Center, iPhone and [email protected] Droid users can download the RequestIndy app to their smartphones, select the type of problem, type out the location and send it in. You can even send a photo. SECRETARY STREET LIGHTS OUTAGE Sheryl Holko 317.445.7174 Are you planning an addition to your home or a garage on your property? As part of the Devonshire III & VI [email protected] Covenants and Restrictions, owners must submit their building plans and specifications to the Devonshire Architectural Committee prior to construction. Please contact one of the Committee members to present TREASURER your plans: Rick Thedwall (254-1504); Richard Wheeler (254-8736); or Dan Ladendorf (257-4957) Nicole Todd 317.966.7887 NEWS FOR THE CRIER can be emailed to Jane Roberson, [email protected] [email protected] FOR SALE and WANTED notices are free to DCA members.

IMPROVEMENTS PAID ADVERTISING RATES: Sally Roscetti Business card size $130.00/yr. or $15.00/month (three month minimum) 317.475.9227 1/4 Page $200.00/yr. or $25.00/month (three month minimum) [email protected] 1/2 Page $250.00/yr. or $30.00/month (no monthly minimum) Full Page $425.00/yr. or $60.00/month (no monthly minimum) BLOCK CAPTAIN COORDINATOR Kate Thedwall THE DEVONSHIRE CRIER REACHES 425 FAMILIES/MONTH. 317.254.1504 $10 discount if you are a member of the Association (available only for yearly ads). [email protected] All copy must be supplied in a Word document. All ads must be supplied as high quality PDFs or JPEGs. SOCIAL (INTERIM) Tara Rager MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Devonshire III and VI Civic Association. 317.964.9145 Send payment to NICOLE TODD, 6350 BROKENHURST ROAD, INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46220 [email protected]

CRIME WATCH Doria Lynch 317.709.5467 [email protected]

MEMBERSHIP Peter and Barbara Mohr Peter 317.828.5176 Barbara 317.253.9320 [email protected]

NEWSLETTER DESIGNER Jane Roberson 317.440.3956 [email protected]

14 15