Do Casinos Really Cause Crime? Douglas M
Econ Journal Watch Scholarly Comments on Academic Economics Volume 5, Issue 1, January 2008 Editor’s Notes 1-3 COMMENTS Do Casinos Really Cause Crime? Douglas M. Walker 4-20 Correctly Critiquing Casino-Crime Causality, Earl L. Grinols and David B. Mustard 21-31 Highway Penetration of Central Cities: Not a Major Cause of Suburbanization, Wendell Cox, Peter Gordon, and Christian L. Redfearn 32-45 Reply to Cox, Gordon, and Redfearn’s Comment on “Did Highways Cause Suburbanization?” Nathaniel Baum-Snow 46-50 Growth Accelerations and Regime Changes: A Correction, Richard Jong-A-Pin and Jakob de Haan 51-58 The EITC Disincentive: A Reply to Dr. Hilary Hoynes, Paul Trampe 59-65 Gulphs in Mankind’s Career of Prosperity: A Critique of Adam Smith on Interest Rate Restrictions, Jeremy Bentham 66-77 EC ONOMI C S IN PRA C TI C E The Market for Lemmas: Evidence that Complex Models Rarely Operate in Our World, Philip R.P. Coelho and James E. McClure 78-90 “Theory” and “Models”: Terminology through the Looking Glass, Robert S. Goldfarb and Jonathan Ratner 91-108 CHARA C TER ISSUES Left Out: A Critique of Paul Krugman Based on a Comprehensive Account of His New York Times Columns, 1997 through 2006, Daniel B. Klein with Harika Anna Barlett 109-133 Appendix: Taking Stock of Paul Krugman’s 654 New York Times Columns, 1997 through 2006, Harika Anna Barlett and Daniel B. Klein I-XLV THE SOUNDS OF SILEN C E 134 Entire January 2008 Issue (1.6MB) 1-134 EDITOR ’S NOT E Econ Journal Watch, Volume 5, Number 1, January 2008, pp 1-3.
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