Bail Reform Revisited The Impact of New York’s Amended Bail Law on Pretrial Detention By Michael Rempel and Krystal Rodriguez Bail Reform Revisited: The Impact of New York’s Amended Bail Law on Pretrial Detention By Michael Rempel and Krystal Rodriguez © May 2020 Center for Court Innovation 520 Eighth Avenue, 18th Floor New York, New York 10018 646.386.3100 fax 212.397.0985 For correspondence, please contact Michael Rempel (
[email protected]) or Krystal Rodriguez (
[email protected]) at the Center for Court Innovation. Acknowledgements We would like to express our profound gratitude to a range of partners across New York who came together to forge an understanding of how New York’s bail statute has been amended and its significance for the future use of money bail and pretrial detention statewide. We are especially indebted to Alex Rhodd and Vincent Ciaccio at the Legal Aid Society who read and coded more than 600 case files of people charged with burglary in the second degree to help us estimate the significant, yet elusive, changes in the handling of this common charge. We thank Scott Levy at The Bronx Defenders who conducted a similar analysis in the Bronx. Also at the Legal Aid Society, we thank Marie Ndiaye for her valuable comments on an earlier draft. At the New York City Council, we benefited from the timely leadership of Brian Crow and Maxwell Kampfner-Williams, who organized an early multi-agency working session on April 3 and continued to offer suggestions and guidance in the days and weeks that followed.