Lincoln Memorial
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Lincoln Memorial WASHINGTON, D. C. Lincoln MEMORIAL In this temple as in the hearts of the people for whom he saved the Union, the memory of Abraham Lincoln is enshrined forever. This memorial honors the virtues of toler forts were made to secure a memorial, it was ance, honesty, and constancy in the human not until February 1911 that Congress passed spirit. The man whose likeness presides over the legislation that procured it. In that act, this marbled hall used these virtues in the Congress provided for a "Commission to se practice of statecraft. And from it flowed cure plans and designs for a Monument or everlasting benefit to his nation and an en Memorial to the memory of Abraham during inspiration to his countrymen. Lincoln." Had Lincoln been an ordinary president— The commission held its first meeting on even an ordinary hero—an ordinary monu March 4, 1911. Almost a year later, at its ment would have sufficed and no doubt would 10th meeting on February 3, 1912, it decided have been quickly built. More than half a to locate the memorial in Potomac Park on the century elapsed, however, before an appro axis of the Capitol and the Washington Mon priate memorial to the man arose in the Na ument, facing east toward them. This site tion's Capital. It seemed as if time stood had been recommended by the Commission aside until coming generations could fashion of Fine Arts. Upon invitation, Henry Bacon the perfect tribute to their benefactor. The and John Russell Pope, architects of New York memorial is neither temple, palace, nor tomb, City, prepared designs for a structure. The but partakes something of all. It seems to commission selected Henry Bacon to prepare gather within its marble walls the spirit of the a final design, and Congress approved this on man's character, his belief that all people January 29, 1913. should be free, free to think and express them Workmen broke ground at the site selected selves, and free to apply their natural talents for the memorial on February 12, 1914. The and ambitions in lawful enterprise. cornerstone was laid a year later. As work progressed on the structure, the commission Building the Memorial selected Daniel Chester French to sculpture the Lincoln statue and Jules Guerin to design The first organized effort to erect a monu and execute murals for the end walls and the ment to Lincoln in Washington occurred 2 ornamentation on the bronze ceiling beams. years after his death. An act of Congress ap After more than 6 years of work at the site, proved March 29, 1867, incorporated the Lin the completed memorial was dedicated in a coln Monument Association. The association ceremony on Memorial Day, May 30, 1922. appealed for subscriptions and prepared plans Chief Justice William Howard Taft, as chair for a monument. But there was no practical man of the commission, presented the memo accomplishment from this effort. The years rial to President Harding who accepted it for passed. Although numerous subsequent ef the United States. FELLOW COUNTRYMEN -' AT THIS SECOND AND THE OTHER WOULD ACCEPT WAR RATHER IF WE SHALL SUPPOSE THAT AMERICAN APPEARING TO TAKE THE OATH OF THE PRES- THAN LET IT PERISH • AND THE WAR CAME- SLAVERY IS ONE OF THOSE OFFENSES L OFFICE THERE IS LESS OCCASION ONE EIGHTH OF THE WHOLE POPULATION WERE WHICH IN THE PROVIDENCE OF GOD MUST FOR AN EXTENDED ADDRESS THAN THERE COLORED SLAVES NOT DISTRIBUTED GENERAL NEEDS COME BUT WHICH HAVING CON WAS AT THE FIRST - THEN A STATEMENT LY OVER THE UNION BUT LOCALIZED IN THE TINUED THROUGH HIS APPOINTED TIME HE SOMEWHAT IN DETAIL OF A COURSE TO BE SOUTHERN PART OF IT-THESE SLAVES CONSTI NOW WILLS TO REMOVE AND THAT HE PURSUED SEEMED FITTING AND PROPER- TUTED A PECULIAR AND POWERFUL INTEREST- GIVES TO BOTH NORTH AND SOUTH THIS NOW AT THE EXPIRATION OF FOUR YEARS ALL KNEW THAT THIS INTEREST WAS SOMEHOW TERRIBLE WAR AS THE WOE DUE TO THOSE BY DURING WHICH PUBLIC DECLARATIONS THE CAUSE OF THE WAR-TO STRENGTHEN PER WHOM THE OFFENSE CAME SHALL WE DIS HAVE BEEN CONSTANTLY CALLED FORTH PETUATE AND EXTEND THIS INTEREST WAS THE CERN THEREIN ANY DEPARTURE FROM ON EVERY POINT AND PHASE OF THE GREAT OBJECT FOR WHICH THE INSURGENTS WOULD THOSE DIVINE ATTRIBUTES WHICH THE CONTEST WHICH STILL ABSORBS THE AT REND THE UNION EVEN BY WAR WHILE THE GOV BELIEVERS IN A LIVING GOD ALWAYS ASCRIBE TENTION AND ENGROSSES THE ENERGIES ERNMENT CLAIMED NO RIGHT TO DO MORE TO HIM. FONDLY DO WE HOPE-FERVENTLY OF THE NATION LITTLE THAT IS NEW THAN TO RESTRICT THE TERRITORIAL ENLARGE DO WE PRAY-THAT THIS MIGHTY SCOURGE COULD BE PRESENTED • THE PROGRESS OF MENT OF IT-NEITHER PARTY EXPECTED FOR OF WAR MAY SPEEDILY PASS AWAY • YET IF OCR ARMS UPON WHICH ALL ELSE CHIEFLY THE WAR THE MAGNITUDE OR THE DURATION GOD WILLS THAT IT CONTINUE UNTIL ALL DEPENDS IS AS WELL KNOWN-TO THE PUBLIC WHICH IT HAS ALREADY ATTAINED -NEITHER THE WEALTH PILED BY THE BONDSMAN'S AS TO MYSELF AND IT IS I TRUST REASON- . ANTICIPATED THAT THE CAUSE OF THE CONFLICT TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS OF UN ABLY SATISFACTORY AND ENCOURAGING TO MIGHT CEASE WITH OR EVEN BEFORE THE CON REQUITED TOIL SHALL BE SUNK AND ALL-WITH HIGH HOPE FOR THE FUTURE NO FLICT ITSELF SHOULD CEASE • EACH LOOKED FOR UNTIL EVERY DROP OF BLOOD DRAWN WITH PREDICTION IN REGARD TO IT IS VENTURED- AN EASIER TRIUMPH AND A RESULT LESS FUN THE LASH SHALL BE PAID BY ANOTHER ON THE OCCASION CORRESPONDING TO DAMENTAL AND ASTOUNDING • BOTH READ THE DRAWN WITH THE SWORD AS WAS SAID THREE THIS FOUR YEARS.AGO ALL THOUGHTS WERE SAME BIBLE AND PRAY TO THE SAME GOD AND THOUSAND YEARS AGO SO STILL IT MUST ANXIOUSLY DIRECTED TO AN IMPENDING EACH INVOKES HIS AID AGAINST THE OTHER- BE SAID"THE JUDGMENTS OF THE LORD CIVIL WAR-ALL DREADED IT-ALL SOUGHT IT MAY SEEM STRANGE THAT ANY MEN SHOULD ARE TRUE AND RIGHTEOUS ALTOGETHER" TO AVERT IT - WHILE THE INAUGURAL AD DARE TO- ASK A JUST GOD'S ASSISTANCE IN WITH MALICE TOWARD NONE WITH CHARITY DRESS WAS BEING DELIVERED FROM THIS WRINGING THEIR BREAD FROM THE SWEAT OF FOR ALL WITH FIRMNESS IN THE RIGHT AS PLACE DEVOTED ALTOGETHER TO SAVING OTHER MEN'S FACES BUT LET US JUDGE NOT GOD GIVES US TO SEE THE RIGHT LET US THE UNION WITHOUT WAR INSURGENT THAT WE BE NOT JUDGED • THE PRAYERS OF BOTH STRIVE ON TO FINISH THE WORK WE ARE IN AGENTS WERE IN THE CITY SEEKING TO DE COULD NOT BE ANSWERED-THAT OF NEITHER TO BIND UP THE NATION'S WOUNDS TO CARE STROY IT WITHOUT WAR- SEEKING TO DIS- HAS BEEN ANSWERED FULLY • THE ALMIGHTY FOR HIM WHO SHALL HAVE BORNE THE BAT VE THE UNION AND DIVIDE EFFECTS BY HAS HIS OWN PURPOSES-'WOE UNTO THE WORLD TLE AND FOR HIS WIDOW AND HIS ORPHAN NEGOTIATION • BOTH PARTIES DEPRECATED BECAUSE OF OFFENSES FOR IT MUST NEEDS BE TO DO ALL WHICH MAY ACHIEVE AND CHE! fVAR BUT ONE OF THEM WOULD MAKE WAR THAT OFFENSES COME BUT WOE TO THAT MAN ISH A JUST AND LASTING PEACE AMON RATHER THAN LET THE NATION SURVIVE BY WHOM THE OFFENSE COMETH-" OURSELVES AND WITH ALL NATIONS- Architecture of the Memorial beauty and purity of design equal the best of time the memorial was built. Ernest C. Bair- central area from either end of the huge The memorial is of white Colorado-Yule the ancient world. stow of Washington carved the frieze and the chamber. On the north wall inscribed in marble. Its architectural lines are classical. Within the broad framework of classical decorations of the attic wall. stone is Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address; The plan is similar to that of the Parthenon, design, the structure has a motif that sym Within the memorial chamber are three on the south wall, similarly inscribed, is the the temple to the Goddess Athena on the bolizes the Union of the States. Thirty-six commemorative features, a colossal seated Gettysburg Address. Acropolis in Athens. The outer columns are columns, representing the 36 States in the statue of Lincoln and two huge inscribed The decorations of the Gettysburg and Sec Doric; the columns inside the great hall are Union at the time of Lincoln's death, surround stone tablets. The marble statue of Lincoln ond Inaugural Addresses were done under Ionic. Together they represent Greek art at the walls of the Memorial Building. A frieze occupies the place of honor. It is centrally the direction of Daniel Chester French by its perfection. The memorial building would above the colonnade names these States. On located near the back of the chamber and Miss Evelyn Beatrice Longman, his assistant. not be out of place if set down among the the attic walls above the frieze are the names faces the Washington Monument and the There are some structural features of the great antiquities of Greece and Rome. Its of the 48 States comprising the Union at the Capitol. A row of columns separates this memorial not common in modern buildings. The columns are not vertical but are tilted slightly inward. The four corner columns have the greatest incline. The outer facade of the building above the columns also is tilted inward, but less so than the columns. The walls of the building similarly incline inward, but less than either the colonnade and facade. This structural characteristic eliminates the optical illusion of a building bulging at the top.