World Health Organization International Migration, Health & Human Rights Health & Human Rights Publication Series Issue No.4, December 2003 Office of the United Nations High December 18 Office of Union Commissioner for Human Rights International Migration, Health and Human Rights Acknowledgements: International Migration, Health and Human Rights was made possible by support from the Government of Italy and was written by Helena Nygren-Krug, Health and Human Rights Adviser, WHO, through a process of wide-ranging consultations. In particular, the following are thanked for their input, guidance and support: Colin Bailey, Franz Bauer, Veronica Birga, Christoph Bierwirth, Alisha Bjerregaard, Rachel Brett, Dominique Bush, Alex Capron, Manuel Carballo, Andrew Cassels, Andrew Clapham, Jenny Cook, Atti-la Dahlgren, Ayesha Dawood, Julie De Riviero, Myriam De Feyter, Nick Drager, Sarah Galbraith, Anne Gallagher, Kieran Gostin, Mariette Grange, Oliver Laws, Fernando González-Martín, Danielle Grondin, Mary Haour-Knipe, Katie Heller, Beatrice Loff, Sylvie Da Lomba, Tanya Norton, Lisa Oldring, Annette Peters, Ryzard Piotrowicz, Priti Radhakrishan, Jillyanne Redpath, Nathalie Rossette-Cazel, Barbara Stilwel, Julia Stuckey, Patrick Taran and Gianni Tognoni. WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data International migration, health and human rights. (Health and human rights publication series) 1.Transients and migrants 2.Refugees 3.Emigration and immigration 4.Human rights 5.Health status 6.Public policy 6.International cooperation I.World Health Organization II.Series. ISBN 92 4 156253 6 (NLM classification: WA 300) © World Health Organization, 2003 All rights reserved. Publications of the World Health Organization can be obtained from Marketing and Dissemination, World Health Organization, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland (tel: +41 22 791 2476; fax: +41 22 791 4857; email:
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