Colonial Reconstruction

Above: A typical view along the Project Description. The views along the Colonial Period. The 23-mile Parkway Colonial Parkway. (NPS Photo) Colonial Parkway continue to inspire, but connects (the first the surface of the Parkway, built between English settlement in 1607), through Colonial 1931 and 1957, is rated “poor” for 87% of its Williamsburg, to the Yorktown Battlefields 23 miles. The 50-year design life expired a where Cornwallis surrendered to Washington generation ago for much of the Parkway. in 1781, effectively ending the Revolutionary War. Major rehabilitation and reconstruction are essential to preserve this scenic and historic Current Status. Built between 1931 and 1957, drive. The historic Parkway is an icon of the construction stopped and started due to National Park Service (NPS) road network problems with funding, land acquisition, routing and a primary visitor experience linking around (and under) Williamsburg, World War major historic sites of the Colonial National II, and the Korean War. Construction projects Historical Park. have continued to the present, with minor construction and repair projects documented in Project Background. Planned and each decade following the 1950s. designed during the 1930s, the Colonial Parkway embodies the characteristics Today, the exposed aggregate concrete surface Mega-Project* Profile: of the modern parkway. Its curving still reminds drivers of the dirt roads of a COLO Parkway alignments, limited access, pleasurable by-gone era. But the road, initially designed Reconstruction driving experience, and use of designed for leisure driving, is under constant assault. plantings and park-like features remain The Parkway has become an important local Estimated cost: $270M to intact today. Designations include “All- commuter route; the busiest sections carry 1.9 American Road” (FHWA National Scenic to 2.2 million vehicles per year. The Federal $300M (preliminary) Byway Program), a prestigious Centennial Highway Administration (FHWA) predicts a Medallion of the American Society of traffic increase of nearly 50% over the next 20 Percentage of Northeast Landscape Architects as “one of the finest years. Most significantly, tour buses pound the Region (NER) FLTP Annual parkway archetypes in the country,” and a concrete with a size, weight, and frequency that Allotment: 1370% to listing in the National Register of Historic no designer in the 1930s could have imagined. 1525% Places. The FHWA has rated 20 of the 23 miles as Percentage of NPS FLTP Designers and landscape architects “poor” and the remainder as “fair,” based on Annual Allotment: 135% to from the NPS and the Bureau of Public a sophisticated inspection and scoring system. 150% Roads linked three historically significant Settled and broken slabs, failed joints, severe sites (the ) of the early concrete spalling, and a checkerboard of asphalt patches adversely affect the structural approximately $2 million to reseal joints and * Mega Projects: The NPS integrity, the comfort of the ride, and the repair minor concrete cracks. The second transportation system is supported, in part, by historic aesthetics of the Parkway. priority is to upgrade drainage and correct funds from the Federal performance problems in areas where the Lands Transportation Rehabilitation and Reconstruction concrete slabs are still considered to be in Program (FLTP). Currently, Needs. The NPS and FHWA completed good condition. the NPS is authorized an annual budget of $268 mil- a study in 2014 that consolidated and lion from the FLTP. These reviewed previous studies, evaluated causes Major rehabilitation should start with funds are apportioned of pavement deterioration, and proposed Williamsburg Circle, where significant by formula among the a plan to save as much of the historic pavement damage and several critical seven NPS Regions. Most fabric as feasible. Major sections of the drainage problems exist. This, coupled with of these funds are used some of the highest traffic loads from tour for “transportation asset Parkway require complete reconstruction, management” – that is, to including the heavily damaged section at buses and commuters, could spread the pay for the work required Williamsburg Circle and the temporary pavement damage to surrounding areas, to keep existing assets in asphalt section at Jamestown. Reconstructed drastically increasing the cost over the next good condition. There are sections require an additional base five years. some projects, such as a major bridge repair or ship course and augmenting the subbase using replacement, that require geotechnical methods. Phasing was developed using the philosophy a much larger amount of of protecting pavement in good condition funding than is available Many of the sections in fair-to-good first and reconstructing the pavements in on an annual basis to a condition can be retained if drainage issues poor condition using a “worst-first” priority. Region. These we call Off-the-shelf designs already proven at “Mega Projects.” The NPS are quickly resolved and joints are sealed to is pursuing strategies to protect the pavement from future damage. fund these projects. Drainage improvements are an essential part of this mega-project. Over the past 80 years, commercial and residential development just outside the narrow Park buffer zones has adversely affected the Parkway. This growth has significantly increased not only traffic loads, but storm runoff as well. This has overloaded numerous existing drainage systems.

Surface drainage, drop inlets, and culverts Photos illustrate problems require repair, replacement, or enlargement along the length of the at many locations. Approximately 47% of parkway culverts have performance problems and/or Above: Asphalt patches are undersized for the current conditions. checkerboard the Parkway. Bridge abutments must be stabilized. Further, storm and tidal erosion threaten Middle bottom: Typical failed collapse of the Parkway in areas where it slab in high bus traffic area. skirts along the shoreline. Colonial NHP have been recently reviewed Joint failure and slab cracking and are ready for use. The nature of the lead to water infiltration, pumping, and ultimate failure. Projected Cost and Phasing. The first work and the detailed information already priority is to complete critical preservation available make the phasing adjustable Right middle: Edge failure, work in an effort to save as much of the to meet funds availability, unexpected patch failure, curb failure, joint historic fabric as practical. This requires changes in condition, and traffic control sealant failure, cracked slab, requirements. slab settlement. High bus traffic area. This mega-project will preserve a failing historic Parkway and significant commuter route for the use and enjoyment by local residents and visitors from around the world.

Last Updated 2016 May