German Cookbook
German Cookbook BY JAN MITCHELL The Story and the Favorite Dishes of America's Most Famous German Restaurant WITH AN INTRODUCTION AND ILLUSTRATIONS BY LUDWIG BEMELMANS Doubleday & Company, Inc., Garden City, New York To the Most Wonderful People in the World My Patrons Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 52-5764 Down Where the Wurzburger Flows, copyright, 1902, by Harry Von Tilier Music Pub. Co. Copyright renewed, 1929, and assigned to Harry Von Tilzer Music Pub. Co. Used by permission of copyright proprietor. Copyright, 1952, by Leonard Jan Mitchell AH rights reserved including the right to reproduce this book or portions therefrom in any form. Printed in the United States of America Designed by Alrna Reese Cardi CONTENTS INTRODUCTION BY LUDWIG BEMELMANS, 11 THE STORY OF LUCHOW'S, 17 HOW WE COOK AT LUCHOW'S, 37 1. Appetizers, 38 2 . Soupst 48 3. Fish and Shellfish, 59 4. Poultry and Game Birds, 73 5. Meats and Game, 92 6. Cheese and Eggs, 140 7. Dumplings and Noodles, 144 8. Salads and Salad Dressings, 150 9. Vegetables, 157 10. Sauces, 171 11, Desserts, 182 THE WINES, BEER, AND FESTIVALS AT LUCHOW'S OR Down Where the Wurzburger Flows, 207 INDEX, 215 INTRODUCTION BY LUDWIG BEMELMANS *The German dictionary defines the word "gemutlick" as good- natured, jolly, agreeable, cheerful, hearty, simple and affection- ate, full of feeling, comfortable, cozy, snug; and "Gemutlichkeit" as a state of mind, an easygoing disposition, good nature, genial- ity, pleasantness, a freedom from pecuniary or political cares, comfortableness. Of the remaining few New York places that can call them- selves restaurants, Liichow's triumphs in Gemutlichkeit.
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