A afi-

Avimge DaJIr N«t Pnas Ron *W -Ike Week 'SMe^. Oetoker 4. IM i The Weather Windy end colder end tomorrow. Tontgfht’a k w kt the 15,790 low Me. TainoRow’e hSsh In the Mmmhmausr— 4 C ity o f V illoae Chmrm low Me. I ■II ,■ VOL. LXXXEK, NO. 23 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY. OCTOBER 27, 1969 (C W fW AdeeHkta, tm Fece N) PRICE TEN CENTh

Pope Tells Bishops School Series Debut-^~ TIm Hercdd pUbUdM to­ day the first in a series of articles on how to dx>ose a He’ll Share Power college. GE Workers Picket Plants ’Hie 12 article series will VATICAN c m - (AP) — Pope the Roman Curia, or central ad­ Paul VI closed the second world deal with such important ministrative body. consideratSotis as financial «ynod of Roman CatboUc bUh- —^That local bishops be heard today by adopting fcwo of its aid, urban and women’s ool^ before the Vatican makes any leges. Black colleges, and recommendations tor more decision affecting their ■haring of bishops in papal au­ church-related schocls, all dioceses. written by experts in the Across U.S., Arrests F ollow thority, and by promising If put into effect, these meas­ “maximum consideration” tor ures would strongly modify the field. the others. Pope’s power by shifting much Today’s story, “What Col­ At the same time he strongly Influence from the Roman Cu­ leges Lo(A FV>r — Besides NEW YORK (AP) — reafOrmed his primacy over the Grades,” may be found on Mass picketing, with a few (O) ria, now his chief advisory Church. body, to bishops in the field. page 17. FPfl scuffles and arrets, mark­ £> "Pluralism might undermine But the Pope alone will decide ed the start teday of a 10) faith, moral law or the funda­ If they are pik into effect. strike by unions represent­ (C> mentals of the sacraments, lit­ ing 147,000 workers against urgy and canon law—all pillars Asked whether the Pope was of unity in the Church, he said. aatlsfied with the synod’s work, Arab Qiief s the (SeneraJ Electric Co., The Pope told the bishops in a one synod official said, “Oh, the nation's fourth largest very much so.” the pontiff at­ industrial corporation. closing speech that he would tended 11 of the 13 sessions In­ call synods regularly, every two Press Efforts Paul Jennings, preaidant of years, and give greater efficien­ cluding the final one today. the AFL-CIO International Un­ cy to a permanent synod secre­ No one voted against the doc­ ion of Electrical Workons ,caUed 181 tariat set up in Rome. ument on ways tor bishops to To End Grisis the strika wMch began at mid­ The were two points in a 18- share in papal decision-making, night "nearly too per cent effec- a synod official said. Nor was five." He said the pickating was point document the synod had there any negative vote on a BEIRUT (AP) — Most of Le­ approved virtually unanimously banon’s main cities relaxed to­ "routine and orderly” except second document on how bish­ tor a few Incidenta ”pnm>twd minutes before. The document ops can cooperate more closely day as Arab leaders pressed ef­ amounted to an iminrecedented with each other. forts to ease the crisis between by management or outstdsra.” plea to the Pope to give bishops The workera art demanding After the vote, the synod prel­ the Lebanese army and the Pal­ a greater voice in his decision­ estinian guerrillas. higher wagen and cost of Uvtng ;o) making. ates filed Into S t Peter’s Basili­ protection. ca for a short closing ceremony, Only the northern trouble spot Tlie 146-member synod ap­ which included singing of the Te of Tripoli remained under 24- The company was tryli^ to proved a document reaffirming keep Often Hs 280 ptanto In 188 0) Deum together with the Pope. hour curfew. Early reports to­ the Pope’s primacy and “uni­ dues and U states. A tow of the versal authority” over the haltf- In his weekly address Sunday day indicated there were no new noon, the 72-year-old pontiff in­ incidents there, although the planto are nonunion. bllUon member church, but rec­ FlRaan pteketo and cna com­ 0) ommended, in part; dicated satisfaction with the guerrillas tind Ipoal leftists still synod’s work, and several liber­ hold a quarter known as the Old pany man were arrested in —^That bishops advise and col­ al bishops have predicted he City. 1 Schenectady, N.Y.. where 8,000 laborate with the Pope on major plokete appeared. A few man decisions affecting the entire will ultimately implenient the IMrut was imder partial cur­ bishops’ recommendations. few but many people ignored it. dreased in suMs on the si%a of church. the crowd wwrt pelted with —That a synod be held here at After twice stating' earlier Tyre. Baalbek and Nabatiyeh least every two years to advise that he did not want to "inter­ were free of curfew tor the first •nr* the pontiff. fere” with synod discussions by time in five days, and life was PoHcs wars reported to have dosed arte plant In Lym, Mass., —^That a permanent secretari­ giving his views, the Pope said returning to normal. Sunday he saw in the meeting where three paraoiw were ar­ at in Rome -represent the Inter­ Egypt, Syria and Ubya rested. Union aources said one ests of bishops to the Pope and ^(See Page Pour) threatened action against the Beirut government unless it Police carry away one of two men taken into cus­ entrance and men were seised after car had win­ of 3,000 pickets was Injursd supports the guerrillas and their tody today outside the strike-bound General Electric dows broken by stone-throwing. (AP Photofax). ■lightly by a oar entering e raids on Israel, but Cairo said a in Lynn, Mass. About 200 pickets milled around plant. Plarard-carrying pickets cease-fire and negotiations may climbed aboard timlm which the be in the offing. company used to get eraptoyes Therein Be a Name Missing through picket Hnse. The official EgypOan Middle UE empicya 810,000 workeni East News Agency reported in the United BUtes and 90,000 Come Nov» 4 in New Haven that Lebanon has agreed to send uveraeaa. A majority of thws a delegation to Cairo for a meet­ are In nonunion, white-collar By PRANK WHAUCN ing with leaders of the Palestini­ Bigger GIPullout Forecast jotaa. But 90 par cent of the pm- been a member of the Board of an guerrillas, Arabs who claim ducUon force — all hut about Staff Writer Aldermen for 22 years, and its they are refugees from Pales­ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS "At the moment, there is a Now Haven Register president for about a year. He namlsaUon” of the war should sider to be the easontially dls- 16,000 workars — have jotnsd tine and are demanding an end chance, it seems to me ,to try a precede an American pullout. NEW HAVBN, Conn. (AP)— operates his own real estate to Lebanese restrictions on their Senate Republican Leader rredlted Johnson strategy, the walkout. agency. Hugh Scott has predicted U.S. gradual progressive dlaarma- Scott put htmaeU at odrssentlng 88,000 GE worksm, party by suprise — that he would The paper indicated it based Mrongthen his poettion If he not seek a ninth consecutive comb on "strong too late,” be­ its prediction of negotiations on Scott’s predletions oama while ”I would favor also, I would Soott said the United Statos and Ills Indspsndent Unltsd gan |last week criticizing Guide’s Nixon Istriated himself at Chmp think, what the PnssMsnt seems oould carry to the paopls the KIsctiicai Worksm, reprsssnt-' term. He ran and lost twice be- the outcome of a mission by Dr. cannot leave the South VM- conviction that he Is trying to do record as an alderman, particu­ Hkssan Sabrl El Kholl, the per­ David, reportedly to work on his to be headed for,” he added, Ing 11,000 man. tor beginning his winning namsse "unprepared to carry what everybody wants to do streak in 1868. larly in instances where a neg­ sonal envoy of President Gamal promised Nov. 8 pubUc review ”.. . to bring back about 800,000 on their part of the war.” Some units of Ihs Unltsd Auto ative vote was cast by Guide on Abdel Nasser. El Kholi went to of the Vietnam situation. of our troops over a period. The which la to reduce this thing In Worfcsrs and lbs tnism ational At first, the potentlai candi­ Jatrits said Nixon’s war policy a sensible and wtse way.” dates flocked to the tore, but such matters as a commission Jordan Sunday to see King Hus­ The Prealdent returned to sooner we can remove all com­ ao far has boon "unprofitable. BroUlsrtuxMi of 'Tsamstsm, Ihs voluntary withdrawals and a on equal opportunities, open sein, then met in Damascus Washington Sunday from the bat troops from Vietnam. Uie Achaoon was Intervtswed on nsUon's largsst Imtopsndsnt hoiislnt' and other rights re­ bettor.” "Everything he’s been saying Democratic primary dwind'ed with Syrian President Noured- presidential retreat in the Oa- up te now would Indicate that he ABCTs radio and tslevialan pro- unlonn, am involved In ths lated legislation. strihs. the number. The tour are Demo­ din Atassi, guerrilla clilef Yas­ toctin Ifnwtfalne U M aryland. M on whet dsgroo of ”Vlst- ^ wants to pursuo what I con­ crat Bartholomew P. Guida; Re- The otuer candidates, par­ ser Arafat and Libyan Interior (Soe Pago Nias) The fins pickst lines wsnt up pubUcan Paul Capra; Indepen­ ticularly Guida, have attached Minister Moussa Ahmed. S t 9:80 p.m. Sunday in Hudson dent John Moffit (a former Re­ Capra's age. He is 30, and has Prospects for El KhoU to Falls, N Y. publican), and Liberty and Am­ been labled “to young," some­ mediate appeared doubtful after Tils tergest GE plants with erican party nominee John Di- thing his staff used in one of his the meeting in Damsiscus pro­ union worksm am In Lynn and Blenzo, a city alderman and own advertisements, but indicat­ duced a statement that Bgypk state senator for the Demo- ing youth was esSfential to the Syria and Libya "would not (I Page Flftoss) cralts. post of mayor. tolerate antiguerrilla sustion by , Guida is 66 years'old and con­ Capra is an assistant in the any Arab country.” sidered a traditional, if not con­ office of admissions at Yale, but Damascus Radio said the servative, politician. He has (See Page Eight) (See Page Fifteen) Strikes Hit Britain l/>NDON (AP) -Thouaanda Gloves Are Off: Nixon of cool miners relum ed to the pits today after a two-wseb work •toppage but Britoln's terike-plagu^ automobile la- du*lry waa hit by two new wild- Displays Bare Knuckles cal walkouU that could matte 80.000 more men Idle. WASHINGTON (AP) — Rich­ low Republican wished Nixon Of course, Nixon is well The National Coal Board said ard Nixon is demonst-ratlng he would not only apeak softly but. hasn’t forgotten the arts that aware of the criticism he's been 51.000 men went back to 74 In the tradition of Theodore getting. One aide' said of the mine* in Yorfcahlre, the eentar once made him a bare-knuckle Roosevelt, carry a big stick. President; of the unofficial strike that at its champion among American po­ The stick surfaced last week. liticians. "He expeota criticism. He un­ peak Involved 12S.0S6 men and Only time will tell whether the derstands criticism. But he 110 mines In a dispute over poy The President took off the week marked a turning point in doesn't permit it to throw him and hour* TWo thousand men gloves last week and indicaUons Nixon’s fortunes, which have off balance. ” rvnialned on strike In York­ are he may keep swinging—at been at their lowest ebb since Others in the White House, shire Work roeumed at 88 piu least through next Monday January. Of Itaelf, the surprise and Nixon shares their view to In South Waiea but abeenteelam when he delivers his promised counterattack againati critics of some extent, react to criticism waa heavy Vietnam war message. Ha)msworth did not appear to by reacting against the news famny of Pfc. Coy R. Tinsley poMt with a Seofgiaa, aiator; Mr, and Mm. Roacoe° nhsley, his Th* men won a pay Increaae Nixon, taking the offensive be a decisive event in history. media. photo of Tinsley In their Tennessee home, after and agreed last Friday to an nine months to the day after But it came In a week that saw pamaU; Mrs. Sue Dickaon, sister and Donnie Signs of public disaffection learning: he is one of three soldiers the Viet Cong Scoffia, nephew. A II. 8. spokesman said it is not Impartial study of Iheir demand taking office, called in newsmen Nixon gain unexpected latitude with the new administration be- has promised to release. From left are: Mrs. Don for a *hort*r work wsek Ths one week ago to defend his for maneuver on a far more im­ ca^ne measurable by autumn's known whan Tinaley will be freed. (AP Photofaa). ■trike tost the Cool Board 16 choice of Clement F. Hayn- portant issue, the Vietnam war. first chill and marked, in part, a million ton* of cool productioo - sworth Jr., hia nominee to the Senate Democratic Leader reaction to summer's pleasant valued ml 117 3 million. Supreme Ctourt. Haynsworth. Mike Mansfield of Montana, a lull. No major cities burned. In (he car indiutry, 800 super- the President said, was a vicUm persistent critic of Vietnam poli­ After four years of steady esca­ viaora and foremen at nine Bir­ of "vicious character assassina­ cy, told newsmen Nixon had sig­ lation, the flow of troops mingham-area plants of the Mg tion.” nificantly altered past policy through the Vietnam pipeline Cong To Free Three GIs i-ucai CUctricsl Equipment Ctt. Although he spoke softly and and. in effect, had ordered a was reversed. Save for natural walked out tn support of de­ smiled ofen, Nixon's words had standstill cease-fire. disasters along th - Gulf coast 8AKX>N (AP( - Th» U.S forces. He mand* for raises of up to 116.80 a sharper edge than any he had three other cUaed comment on the Viet Chairman J. W. Fulbright. D- and in Virginia. August was Command today awaited fur­ March 9 during i a w*ek Foreman say that as s used in public since becoming Conge statement that during Ark.. of the Senate Foreign Re­ particularly restful. Congress ther word from the Viet Cong on (fiiang Ngal City, reauli of rscenl wags agree President. lations Committee announced OJL says the thoir dotenUsp WatlUna. Slrtck look a long vacation, and so did Ita plans tor the release of three em part of tlH M menu with production worbsrs This came at a time when that "as a matter of courtesy" -Nixon. fes Nsrtb Vtat- •aikl sod TInato'y "proved they are earning rrlatlvoly little many RepubUcana as well as American soldiers Watkins a he was postponing public hear­ But September brought re­ In a broadcast by Its Libera­ iBsva tasad a total of PMgresslv*, were aware that morr than lha men they super­ Democrats had concluded Nixon ings on the war until after a reportsd missing to so J P - M Mm t panonoal vise newed awareness not s single tion Radio Sunday night, the S and Jsn t. ItM. hi the UJ. importaliste' war of otould remain a rather placid Nov. 3 Nixon address to the na­ national problem had vanished m t . Tha ane- aggreaelon In South Vietnam Hoots* Motors, the Chrysisr and passive chief execuUve. tion on the subject. Viet Cong said It would free the Son vallsy. Ths Vtot during the pleasant summer. three GIs ss a <(emoni>tration of I two Amartean would certainly fall, and showed 1,'orp subaidlary that te B rit­ Just a week earlier the muted After weeks of cumulative re­ broodcaal G erm an nurae. ain'* fourth-largest automaker, Students relumedi to campuses Its "lenient and humane" poli­ their repentance, of the crimes Nixon approach of the first nine verses, the Nixon White House wart memfestv of A her Anrartcana lost produc-lkm of 600 cars at a as rebellious u ever, enmes of cies. y 8td Battsltoni, t t m U [ ^ thoy had committed against the months wsis Wident in s special could only toel grateful for'such violence did not) abate, living Mm the Viet Vtetnaiheos poopls '■ Coventry plant today after a message he sent Congress. courtesies and hope they pres­ On the basis of Army aerial try BrIgaBs. th s walkout of too angina testers cosu rose ever higher, aj^ m months laU Such Matemants are usually Wrote Nixon; "Neither the aged brighter days to come.. Paris peace talks remained m a numbers given In the hrnsrti MS. oat weakly caaualty forced the layoff of 1.000 man. Democratic Congres* nor the the U.S. oommaiid identUtod the fuasd an ordsF to made by the Communlau about Since Labor Day. the march ic.aicmate. kMt ‘nwraday. the every prisoner they release Ths testers struck Friday whan Republican administration is of events has not been especial­ men aa Spec 4 WtlUc A. Wat- fiva days at M ng f t men from snoUiar dspartmoal Attempting to operate as a O A O— sna aald IJIS Amer- The beaodeaat also aaid the without fault for the delay of vi­ ly kind to the President. More­ low-key. low-proflie chief execu- klne. of Sumter. i.C .; Pfc. The Viet chmrs tana nMMtary paraennil were were brought In to Ubo apart tal legislaMon.” James H. Strickland Jr., of U.S. (kwnmaiid mute "create over. Indian summer saw its tive, Nixon abruptly discovered or reje< tod onguiea Somo 16.000 On Inauguration Day. Nixon Dunn. N.C-. and Pfc. Coy R ftSad aa mtoWag captured. condUions tor Ibaoe three POWe share of fumbling on the part of his mini-silhoueUe still offered a Urnea today M dM Of thaaa, 418 are known to be men remainod Idle at Clleamoro had urged that mil citizens tower the admtnistratloci- It became target Tlnstey. » . of Cteveland. Thim whart ar wtmm iha Oima nwa to return soon to (heir tamlUee Port pU nts of VauxhaU, Iho their voices and discuss national prlaani rs In North Vietnam, and country ” Thte autemeat fashionable (o observe that Ntx- Qvil rights fore.-s were All were members of ths Amerl- would be ralssa to Tbas* mlaatng in South Uoneral Motors aubeldlary, as a issoea’^in a quiet, rational man­ esJ DIvialai). sbaut 289 are lielghtened spoculailon that ths on was in deep trouble. among the first to be heard apecttlaUen M nriglai Involva «s> Vtstnam. and the t’ S liefenae result of confusion ovar aceopt- ner. For nine months, the low­ This week, however, s top Tinsley la one of 14 cMidrcn of ■Viet Cong might seek a me«tii« frxmi. The Civil RlghU Commis­ other haltlcfioid meetb« be­ Department believe* many of ance of a now pay and produc- ered voice was a haUmark of presidential sasistank insisted. sion accused the admlnistratioa Mr. and Mrs. R G TImley of tween Amarican and Viet Chng with American officers h> "na- UvUy agroomoat.^ Tho moath- the Nixon presidency—U> the too rest are prisoner* in the gotUle" the release, but a U.S, “Tlisre's no autumn of discon­ Cleveland. TStin.. and 18* sev- officers hbe the msetli^ Iggi North. kmg atrike has hattsd ths com­ point where more than one fol­ tent around here.” (Bee Page C Irta i) enlh son to serve la the armad New Tsar's Day n w ths Ch«- pany’s cor sad eommsrcal vahi- UJI. mlBtary offictala de- (baa Page Fa ■) clo productioo la Brilalii. \ PAGE TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN,, MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1969

many in the audience who were M ANCH EST^EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, i969 \A diseatlefled. THEATER TIME Nobel Prize ai^'vie'a Odience' S h e in w n id oti B r i d g e Y et the star, for all her age, SCHEDULE ,*44****GUIDE******* still sang well, and had a rav­ A SERVICE OF FNJN-MAKERS - - AND THEATERS. LEARN TO CODDLE Gas Shortages M ay Block Knowles Sees ishing pianissimo. (’This of S h a r e d B y no th “T H E W AY Burnside — Alice's Restau­ Th«s« rat'ngs apply to Mma SHORT TRUMP SUIT A course is something lost on A K I 6 4 Health Service Baby Food' Chefs rant, 7:80, 9:30. ftlo — 5 aftOf Nuv 1. 1906 Efforts To End A ir Pollution much of an opera audience. By ALFRED SHEDiWOJU) (? A I 4 They go to hear things ’’belted.) Cinema I — Putney Swope, E c o n o m is t s BY USA CBOIflN I HEARD rr* 7:16, B:0e. THIS SEAL The lucky bridge player Is O 53 not affect e^qionalon* in deveK Crisis in U.S. Moreover, the star was an ex­ AP Bn*hie** Writer bl ads Indleatss Ih* fllm was bom With an extra trump in his A QJ64 \ opment for montlis. cellent actress; this seldom Bast Hartford Driv8-In — STOCKHOLM (AP) — The BOSTON (AP) —“We’re at a Vixen, 7:80; Good Morning and submittsd and approved under mouth. Throughout his life he WEST EAST n e w YORK fAP) _ imhu. utlllUe* jtreaeed John Gruber happens. Still further, she knew First, Nobel Prize In economic point of criaU to the deUvery of To Cut Out MSG can draw trump* and go about Good Bye, 8:60. the Motion Picluro Codo ♦ 53 # Q1098 trie. B ^ U B g to wUnd^hS? what the music and plot were science was awarded jointly to­ health services to this country,” WAflHINOTON (AP) — Three Bast Windsor Drive-In — of SoH-Rogutedon. his other plans with an un­ (? 85 (7 7632 mlasloner Herbert L. Ley Jr., about, which is not always the la * oonrtimpUon or convert to'^ ,! * *®d a national medical policy companies say they will discon­ Alice's Restaurant, 7:80; Where day to Prof. Ragnar Frisch of troubled mind. The rest of us, 0 KQJ 1084 9 cited the research of Dr. John case. , [U Suggoetod for GENERAL O nbtural gas to reduce air poUu- ^ u ld be developed to counter tinue use o f monosodium gluta­ I t ’s At, 9:80. Norway and Prof. Jan Tinber­ miserable creatures that we 4 9832 Uon are being turned dowTta ® J*'»»*^'^‘^turkey In It.” Olney, of Wadilngton Universi­ Budioneoe. 4 A I 0 5 **• Br. John H. Knowles says. mate—MSG—in toelr baby I grant you, nobody has to State Theatre — Good Guys gen of the Netheriands. are, must learn how to handle SOUTH ty, ait. Lout*, suggesting MSG E very so often, that Is to say cused of panning something that S Suggested for MATURE Knowles, direotor of Maasa- foods although they believe the know much to know what the and Bad Guys, 6:30, 9:26; The The Academy of Sciences said short trump suits without run­ could cause brain damage to about every 2 to 4 years, I get was good.) a A 7 2 the cleaner faunUng f u e L ^ ^ °®' ftouseUa General Hospital, at­ current public concern over music and the plot is about for Green Berets, 7:00. 'they were awarded the $72,800 eudlonees (perontel discro- ning Into disaster. very young anlmals.’nier* waa The fact Is that before the (? K Q 10 9 UUMHe* can’t guar- tributed the crisis In part to the whether it poses a threat to the a letter that asks In effect, this opera, biit there Is at least prize for “ having developed and Uon edvissd). South dealer. no proof it could harm bumans. opera was produced I devoted Cinema I — Alice’s Restau­ O A 7 6 2 •ateo gaa MqqiUe* for huge con- * ^ - * “ ‘* ' self-interest of such groups as health of infants la unwarrant­ “ Why is a critic?” Usually It one highly-touted soprano who North-South vulnerable. Just one week ago the govsm- a whole column to It, giving rant, 2, 4:30, 7:00, 9:30. applied dynamic models for the ® r e s t r ic t e d — Pereone 4 K 7 venkma to some area*, ^ W a ’ “ *** **'*” > or health Insurance companies, ed. goes considerably further, cast­ sings the role who doens't know, Cinema — Funny Girl, analysis of economic process­ Opening l e ^ — K ing of Dia­ M«»ton Jacob* nrerident nr Hi. ^ ‘*®*P*'«*4 8ha ahortage, but ment announced it would ban the plot (which was exceeding­ n undor 16 not edmlttod, un- Sooih West North East drug makers and the American Gerber Products Co., Beech and moreover doesn’t care. 8 :00. es.” monds. \ American Oaa’ AeeociatiiHi The f * “ **°"®** ***** *tep* are needed the artiflclsl sweetener eyols- ing aspersions on m y abilities ly sketchy) and remarking that lote sceompsniod by parent 1 N T 2 O 3 0 Past Medical AssoclaUon’s board of Nut Inc. and H. J. Heins Co. all She’s convinced the public Meanwhile, the winner of the South got w his best game Bureau of mata because It had been found In general, and customarily It the music was no great shakes. or adult guardian. 3 (? Paw 4 Cy AUPass directors. announced they will stop using comes to hear her, and maybe 1989 prize for literature, Irish- contract by delicate bidding on toot la ig * doaea of to* oub- If my correspondent had bother­ Knowles was the focal point MSG at least temporarily. Is for one review In particular she’s right. (SO . Pereone under 16 not ad­ the part of his partner. North’s ■tence caused cancer to rate. AT THE PARXADB ed to read this, he might not French playwright Samuel ha* torecaat " ” ^«****»®<* *“ U«n3*- earlier this year of a widely that-' the writer feels is par­ mitted. This age rsctrictlon bid of three diamonds, a cue- 1974 nnoy y area*—you’ve got thl* to any Dan Gerber, chief executive Setentista said to*r* waa no IGGETT DRUG 484 MIDDUETPKl have spent his money for some­ Then the “ donna seconda” O p e n F o r u m Beckett, sent a telegram accept­ of club* and four diamonds; and publicised controversy dealing bid in the enemy’s bid suit,^ of toe nation's largest maker ot proof, bowevar, that tt had ticularly wlerd. thing for which he does not feel was truly excellent. She too ing the prize, his publisher an­ may be higher In certain they may even get a spade trick OoMildlated Natural Oa* to Induetry.’ ’ he with his proposed nomination as asked S q ^ to show a major baby food. Insisted Friday that caused any such damage to hu­ I get accused of In­ knew what It was all about; Answers Diana nounce In Paris. But the pub­ areas. Check thsaler or If South tries a finesse In that N**r York aaid tt “ wlH hnnnr aii Educator Speaks he got value received. suit of four or more cards if awlstant secretary of Health, MSG “ Is a safe and wholesome mans. To the Bdltor, lisher, Jerome Lindon, said the suit. exibttog contract* to Industry k oommtarion chalrm n , competence, lack of objectivity I even mentioned that the star she too could act; she too had advartitbig. he could. I Norman FendeU, supervisor Education and Welfare for ingredient to baby food" but his I read with great interest and shy, retiring w riter would not go customer* but at the moment **®'f*'^**‘’ P°*®*eeclal education for lyfan- health and sclenUflc affairs. firm was stopping use of the ad­ amusement Mr. Diana's super­ to 'StocMiolm for the presenta­ sense Instead of an extra trump, we will not take on any large to^ attention on more than 880 cused of cretinism. Well, at fore and that she was no young­ ried the show, and I said so. by Ihio iapWapapor lighted to raise spades, but he cheater public •choote, will ad- Knowles, known for liberal ditive “because a tremendous (Next to King's) latives (ludicrous, misinformed, tion of the award. dustriaa cuatomer*.’’ ^ production ha* de- everyday food addlUvos which least these letters prove that ster. so that her performance The conductor did well, too. was equally willing to raise he does not draw trumps. After views In such areas as the gov­ CARD GALLERY Manch. Park. etc.) attacking my statement Rochester Gas ft Electric a the Natloned ------Oonference------amount ot unwarranted publici­ are sold without any required someIxKly reads my stuff, and might be open to question. In 'This work can be played with Tinbergen, 88, has been chair­ hearts If it turned out that South winning the first trick with the ernment’s role to health, later objecting strongly to the pro­ which get* It* gas from ConaoU- l*»ued on RetonhdUtation next week at ty has served to confuse toe tests for safety. MBG Is one of that’s encouraging. ’The com­ short, while I recommended It, sickly sentimentality but It man of the Committee for De­ in 1931 and also served as the didn’t have a biddable spade ace of diamonds. South should blamed his failure to win the consumer.” HERSHEYS, NESTLES posed Republican “million dol­ dated, said It recenOy turned °®*- * ‘***®*°"®<* **>« P«wed na- the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel to these. monest complaints come from as I ’ll recommend any curtural wasn’t. The orchestra didn’t velopment Planning of the Unit­ chief editor of the journal suit. Three notrump would have lead the king o f clubs. nomination partly on segments lar” highly centralized recrea­ of the AMA. A spokesman tor Beech Nut Attention waa called to MSG reviews of MHS events, but event. I had reservations about always play well, but that’s not ed Nations since 1986. ’’Econometrics” 1933-1956. been hopeless, but four hearts West can take the ace of clubs PETER PAUL. PLANTERS tion facility at the former Nike Kodak Co. for A tnA-inA ______from their current level of 14.8 The conterence, vriiich »rt 1.227 trillton cubic feet dependently as poerible os a mothers and middle-aged men ★ ^ ----- tally, the settings should always are higher In the United States MSG. Don’t delay! Your old ceilings can be made new again the town, of which he boasted. He live* with his wife, Astrid, diamond before giving up the opening bid of two diamonds. T>b>AiiA TVanscontoental Gas _the actual number of gas m«nt>er of the community. you r than In some other countries Sen. Georg* 8 . McGovern, D- by the experts in celling reflnlshlng. be reviewed, since they are a I see broken basketball back- and a married son In a two-sto- lead. As soon as the defenders Copyright 1989 completed has d r t w «d to ThU 1* the fifth year of the and an estimated 30 million S.D., said Out until questions toimphone part of the whole production boards, Inadequately grassed ry wooden house aurroimded by N e w B a l l e t get In they can take the ace General Feature* Corp. serves ututtles on the East 429 to 1968 from 881 to I960. Manchestor Shritered Work- . . PARTY SHOP FOR HAUOWREN For a free estimate, call Coast from Alahsuna to New Americana have never seen a about toe additive are resolved and add or detract from th* fields, few all-weather surface gardens In an Oslo suburb. He Natural gas prices have been shop, -with 28 enitriled. Staff per- a — for* York City. It “ should he removed from PLATES, NAPKINS, TABLECX>VERfi mood of the production. ’The areas, out-dated playground retired from the University of regulated since 1964 by the Fed- *oimel are Hns. Clifford SuUl- FR E t By 1970, he said, “ we could Knowles said emptiasls should baby food or toe amounts In same Is true of lighting, but, equipment, few tennis courts, Oslo in 1966. ^ H o w lin g ’ ral Power Commission, and van, supervisor; Ray Thomp- BERNARD A . LOZIER, Inc. Hebron sell twice as much gas it we be ipade on prevention of dis­ baby food drastically reduced.” Our Oonaoltonta Osn Help Make Your Party A Saeoww they have so little time for broken swings. Inadequate sand producers argue the govern- son, shop manager and Mrs. TcL 649-4464 “But I have been working were able to bring It to mar­ ease. extending hospital serv­ Sen. Robert C. Byrd, D-W. DELI VERY stage rehearsals on these pro­ areas for small children and men* has put prices too low to Michael Bersdn, teacher, very Intensely slnoe then on new S u c c e s s ket.’ ’ ices Into suburban communities Va., said toe FDA should ban ductions I usually (Ipn’t mention above all a very marked lack of induce businessmen to search the teacher'* salary 1* fund- mathematical methods for so­ Fellowship To Trick or Treat Several big companies to con­ and wider use of pre-pald group use of MSG to baby foods be­ It If It Is acceptable. creative play equlpmet. I tor and exploit the energy «d by the town, and the *hop cial economic planning,” Frisch By JOHN GRUBER centrated Industrial areas have practice by doctor*. cause experiments Indicate toe I ’ve never seen any lighting proposed that these be remedied said. BO^ce. . , . program by the Office o t and nesmsWes win b* token “ Divertissement,” a new bal­ switched to gas, which now sup- additive “ may pose a threat to yet at these productions that for each neighborhood area Typical of Frisch’s mathemat­ For UNICEF on Thursday onre *f Immedtotoly. flfst. pUea a thlrd'of the couirtoy’s'm - e r ^ t e J l ^ toe" to d !lito “ h ^ Retardation of the State toe health of milUons of In­ was phenomenal, and on the oc­ ical methods and models are the let choreographed by Joseph Al- fants.” . ’ He Ignored the Importance The Young People’s Fellow­ "snipe hunt" was won by the ^ .E , r the past several years be having get acquainted cof­ CompItfgHum* two members of the cast fine schools. masoo from coal to gas for ped- Conservation Commission The academy said Frisch ed a Paris street was most have taken on the census. fee houi^ between 2 and 5 p.m. lutlon reasons. The ^ n U t r a U o n and teach- lB60-’60. Aaaoc. Academic reviews and they deserved It. Finally In my strong belief In ’’lias for a long tim e been the Furnishings Sineit impressive as were the cos­ Any families who are not con­ every Saturday until election. in IndlanapoUs, Cltlsens Coke K v i t h ' s Officer for Board of Trus­ Their praises came in the first neighborhood recreation and the leading pioneer in the realm of t899l tumes. Both had been designed tacted by Nov. 1 and have chil­ Tax payers are invited to stop shouldn't tees for Conn. R ^ o n a l paragraphs, and I suspect that development of community ft Gas said a big shift to gas Is .?Sl„tA^®*’ **T**J‘“ .w ®' theory and method develop­ by Frank J, Boros, with James dren under 21 years of age are at her home on Niles Rd.. have taking place among local todus- students, so that they OPEN • DATS UVERT WEEK—TOTJM. NIGHTS TILL I Community Colleges 1988- this particular reader read no schools there was no mention, ment." - ■ * ~ ...... can become famiUar with toelr ’89. Hodson executing the scenery requested to contact the chair­ a coffee and meet her and her tries, (fompaniea switching to you consider further. In the newspaper busi­ by me. of moving mountains nor “ Since the beginning of the child's dally scholastic ac- ^ Ksith’s Offsr Anothsr Quality Sarvieal and Qlnl Kletnhen doing the man, Mrs. Eric Emt, Burnt family. chide Ford's local truck plant, a ness we know that many read­ ski slopes to any neighborhood. 18308 he has. In a series of pap­ tlvlUes. T costdmes. Headpieces were by Hill Rd., so the enumeration can Jones ft Laugfalin steel ware­ Toyota Corona ers go no further than the My friend, where did you get ers, developed mathematically For The ACTION Team Russel Matheny. The head­ be accurate. 5Ianchesler Evening Herald house and a Chrysler Corp. Parents should report to toelr "lead,” which. Incidentally Is that Idea? specified dynamic models for child’s homeroom at 7:80. dress of the Queen of the Scout Camp-out Hebron (.'orrespondent, Anni* plant. A shut also is taking R(^/(/i' Inr Ml iiplwlsh ry^ ? spelled ’’lede" In the trade. Mr. Diana before you com­ the analysis of economic Parents will be Invited to Join Swans, as the company burles­ Hebron’s Boy Scout Troop 28 Emt, tel. 228-3971. place at Ft. Benjamin ItorrisMi, . *11? *®^J®*" No critic actually wonts to ment on my nalvlty and Ig­ courses of events," the acade- II S 'A'h.’.r '■,!! : ' .ff IHil VAKfS CUSIOw' VOTE DEMOCRATIC qued “ Swan Lake,” was really is planning another active camp- an Arm y base, and about a doz- ® ^**?."* ' ‘ roast a production. If he drives norance of recreation I would iviy continued, “ He has among something. If you didn't see It, out tor this coming weekend at en big schools are changing to 0 * T ^ l»atlon on this This ad sponsored by the the producers out of business he suggest that you take some of .ither things shown how a com­ REUPHOISIEr'Y I-O M us so SUPfPIO? Manchester Democratic ’Town Committee you missed a great deal. the Salmon River State Park. g jj, night. Bennet’s P T 8 0 U respon- won’t have anything to review your own advice and Investigate bination of equations, giving hy­ Sleepy Driver Waked Boger Negro, ’Treas. Moshe Paranov conducted the Already this month the boys There has been no strain on slble for financing such things 80 he’ll be out of a Job. Conse­ before you talk. I am not a neo­ pothetic connections to the accu­ CHICAGO — A new device as Bennet Guide for Students pit orchestra, doing a fine job hiwe camped out at Nlpmuck supply to Indianapolis^ecause If.in.l:'• •I'l.l: . pprt ppfj rlr 3 ■•piCif: -'pjcw; L L ^ ^ d F quently, If he can any something phyte In the area of recreation. mulation of capital, consump­ and a Bennet Speakers’ F^md. of the music as music, and a State Forest In Stafford. wakes a drowsy driver with a the shift was anUci^ed, a L A - J - good about It, he’ll usually start I am an Bagle Scout, have been tion and supply of money, tends ip'Ip' ngs 'ftipd 'ftifd iMl.jnliji.jn Ta*n< i f / ' ★★★★★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★ good job of the music as accom­ This camp-out consisted of horn blast If he doesn't move his story off with the good active as an adult In Scouting, to lead to cyclic oscillations the steering wheel within a pre­ paniment. The music Is funny in setting up of camp, advance­ OnjinjI shjpf ’vim’ajt mlptt:! S j /• points luid bring In the bod stuff a camp counselor, director of which can be' maintained by determined time. A model for later. itself, but it took the choreogra­ ment in rank game and a troop outdoor recreation for a Boston randomly occurring disturb­ phy to make it Intelligible and trailer-trucks equipped with air >11 plJtloim conipl»t(l|r fe6ui(t Sometimes of course he has to ances." campfire. suburb, past member of the Mr. Albano didn’t miss a trick. brakes goes even further; If the review a real ’’turkey" and In B<^3 receiving their qualifi­ American Camping and Rec­ The academy said Tlnber- Two other offerings In more driver does not respond to the Nf» liikio nj!e • t’ltuBi 11 r«a that case he starts roasting cations In Knife and Axe, Care reation Association and was ren’s fundamental works serious vein completed the eve­ warning signal, the brakes ore from the outset. A turkey needs and Use. and Trailing were employed as a conservationist ''above all have been concerned ning’s presentation. "The Mys­ long cookltVg, This particular Kevin Unsworth, Broidley Mar­ automatically applied. by the American Humane So­ with giving the theory of eco­ tery" which treated of mother­ *il l00« lO'OtS 'P£l3.‘0 productloM was not In that class, tin, Tom Colro, Billy Aldrich, ciety. nomic evolution such a form hood from conception to birth, and certainly If It had been, Victor Bellone, Joseph Larrabee, free knn Co»fr^ ^ My opponent, I have propos­ that an empirical quantification with music by Carlisle Floyd the two ladles who did so well Toddnie Cherry, Jason Osborn, GTS ed courses of action! Do you has become possible and there­ and poems translated from the . HELD OVER trd WEEK! All sfjfTi jfd wp'tiog a-e I Considar (he no-coit axtras. Lika deserved praise. Jimmy Lunt and Kevin Mess. tlLP-flirVICI DIPT STORM have anything to propose, or do by also a statistical test of hy- Spanish of Gabrllla Mistral, ‘fnie Beet of the Nme Sex- PltMise remember I review the ' Two o t the older boys, Thom­ pjttfrri bici m (J fionl raclining buckal laati, ny!on cor- you merely want to divert atten- ixitheses.’’ wae very effective. In the mod­ gioUhafinJPygu’’—CTayboy wliole show, luid us long as ’The as Kearns and Billy Allen, pass- tion from real Issues to “His pioneering work In eco­ em manner. lurritu'e p'ckpd up jnd dflrirfifd ne filrj paling, vinyl upholtlary, bock-up BROAD STREET. MANCHESTER Herald gives me spare In which ed their qualifications in First a Mi personality attacks? nomics concerns the analysts of I felt at times that Mr. A l­ lighti, alactric windshiald wipari. to do so. I ’ll continue to do so. Class Cooking. And a troop Dr. Richard E. Wylie the development In the United bano was a little overly con­ Too mimy In the audience make Considar tha parformonca. O-to-60 States 1919-1932." cerned In trying to give ap­ WE DON’T JUST COVER YOUR up their minds on the basis of The academy said that Frisch propriate movement to every in 16 lacondt. Quiat occalarotion. those parts In which Uiey have FURNITURE. WE REBUILD IT! Face* CJharge* and Tinbergen have succeeded word. The result, to me at least, f4si wmw/t A lop ipaad of 90 mph. Conjidar particular interest. In giving a new and more exact ■VERY PIBCB n PROTECTED BY BOOTCSIOABOa NEW HAVEN (AP) — Arthur was to Interrupt the long line content to the goal-and-means AT NO EXTRA CXMTT TO YOU— ’ tha quality control. Ovar 700 tattt Breen, a 27-year-old escapee of the phrase tn both music and problems In economic policy. and intpactiont. from the State Prison In Som­ dance, with preoccupation In Frisch has done thl* for Nor­ Includtd FREE! Extra Arm Covars ers, Is facing a charge of rob­ mime. Than considar tha prica. $ 1 9 5 0 * way while Tinbergen has con­ to Match Your Upho!ttary ... iHuurlH'«U'r bery with violence In cormectlon The ^ r k featured Judith y i l O E N . structed an econometric model Gosnell. Denise Warner, Julia with a liquor store holdup In SUPER for the Netherlands which has Frederick. Merle Holloman and 2 Ciu'uimj Wallingford. been applied both to short-range Kristine Miller, each of whom tASTHARJfORO . SOFA or 2 CHAIRS IM iiy Excepi ttundaya Breen was arrested at the UMl lioUdR/a At 13 BtMRii 8 tr«H prognoses and to the analysis Interpreted a different section New Haven YMCA Saturday and ★ Add yean of beauty and can- CORONA 4-DOOR SEDAN Mftnchvatrr. Conn, anil planning of economic-politi­ In solo performance. tort to your p rein t uphol­ accused of taking part tn the D 1 Telephimr cal measures. « Opening the program was R a­ stered FXimtture by avaElag £H^'unO Clttj»N PikaiAirr J*aui •• $8(X) holdup Friday at Glen’s youraelf of ttUa great offer Anionuitic tnuismiaaion, whitawafl*, dahixa MAncirrstrr. Conn Frisch and Tinbergen have vel’s “ Introduction and Al­ Package Store In Wallingford. also been very active tn the legro.” another premiere per­ from our Cuotom Reuphsl- wheel cover*, cftrpeting, tinted gUaa and FAC­ 8UB8CKIIT10N RATE5 stertog Department. Choom pRyablr tn Advance Breen was serving a four-to- field of long-range economic formance. Virtually a concerto “A Remarkable FUm” '.STATE TORY INSTALLED AIR CONDITIONING I Year; 33^ m eight-year term for robbery 1 fron t a Special Group of th* > “ P growth and planning problems. for harp with chamber orches­ —Judith Christ ititifirifif'kitifirififif 'kkifit if'k'kit lU m ant Pattern* in Tradl- 7 Moothi ...... 15.10 VALUE when he escaped fron> the State Frisch was one of the Initia­ “ The Best Plrture about m r 1 tianal. Modern. fvan.»i.i and Phr^r Uonth* 7 tra accompaniment, It was ‘Good Guys * Bad Onys’’ Oloff. «.>na Month imi Prison. tors of the Econometric Society Young People I have seen” Provincial Fabrics In Dooor- highly effective. Julia Fred­ 5:88 * 9:88 Mon, and Tues. Only! erick represented the harp. —John ’Aioker, ABC-T$' •ter CeianL aito AXT.—. u u m Laali— DaRvarad Merle HoUoman and Paul Rus­ PhD. from ^ CUSTOM MADE hi Mm k heater sell the woodwinds, while four “UST SUMMER” Polyteehalc FABRICS and CLEAR VINYL 8UPOOVERS' coryphees represented the four Mon.-Fri. Eves at 7:8*-9:M Institute. Senior R —»*rch part strings. Ftogineer at United Air­ Phono 643-4159 for KaHh’i 2589 Sat.-Sun. MANCHESTER'S I personally would have treat­ craft Raoearoh Lab*.,Pro- FREE HOME SERVICE! ed the very end In different 2:8*-3:48-5:2*-7:15-9:15 *------at R.P.L Graduate •'Whara A LitUa Goaa A Let Fttrlhir” CANNON MONTlOBUiO fashion, but on the whole I t Center. Fonnar monber ” ^e eyPy*- " • * • r-»*lU . N>r1n c. v . rotled. Only Fuel Oil Dealer thought Mr. Altmno's choreo­ ChSLfter Revtolaa Oommls- new wa>btog usat loon jotoU are reghwd. ip rttig ^ ^ FABRIC graphy captured the essence of aloa; Bd. of D Iraoton and Ion* are replwwd. Mom* end w e lU w arm PILLOW CASES M O U M I\ENNEDTJ frsma* are oonplMsiy polto— * Ravel’s *1icore and gave mean­ osrlgtaal OommiBilty Ost- lege Oomnil|togB. DEPARTMENT Save sic I Open 24 Hours A Day ! ingful movement to the music. MORIARTY BROTHERS T B BUD s o n with arlfe ■»* *ad- two Hare T «a T i M KM V ■------' ■ children at lot Kenned^ \\ . STORES • W e« Coaw T* Tore • AE ; iONG’S Rond. \ (btA LYNCH MOTORS) ^ uomouBiin B mos T* Advto* T«a! 434 S t. LOW Motori$t$ Buy Extras • Do* Ore N*w I for MORIARTY BROTHERS IlCMNiCOlOe* PRICE -- r.a,.w*«N(i i*os stviN Ansi OndK F ire ! R». 03. Opoa Ewohigs. •icopt Tkon. ood Sot. Wham CustooMTS CHICAGO—American molor- EESTAU- m For Ovor I Ists continue .to seek greater For Hio ACTION Tocrni Hava CooM Co-Hit "The Green Beret*’’ NO W O ffN 301-315 Cmrtor St. Sold In padcageu of two. 42x88, 100% cotton Vs off A comfort In their vehicles. In the EAMT” at carefully woven. Over 130 threachi per square Inch o Contwy! IMS-modal year more than 86 VOTE DEMOCRATIC SATURDAYS A FH O N I 443-S13S A average. Size la before hemmmg. per cent of new cars w«r* ttnr'^N _ DAVID equipped srtth V-g engtnea. auto­ Wa y n e lU N SSEii # n i'n itu r0» H i9 :3 0 p j4 matic transmlssloas and radio*; Shoplrmy Day CALL more than 77 per cent with pow­ / .301 C6HTER STREET 643-S13S tlOlYlOlTia M AH CH ESiai er eteerlng, and U p*r c*ot srtth _ H lB J, t ffrom 10 AJR. 9a air condlttnnlng—aU tu rn Mgh*. Gr e e n b e h k i& k i t i r k 9:30 PJR. *^O0 pfHm we$8e gs«Dreaii hraa. f*a*4hi m4 (OEOa •»**# V


Papal Power Coventry C o v en try turned from an exhaustii^ 10- saying it was based on press ac­ Romeos Roofless’ Israeli Race day visit to qie United States, Lawyers Ask counts rather than a study of To Be Shared and aides say her health la ex­ the record. Candidates Fiscal Solutions Stressed FLETCHER a U S S CO, OF] cellent. Wolfstone accused MoUenhoff T U I o ed «6s o f l e b u io n Seems T o Be Haynsworth of "irresponsibility in his re­ (Oonttnoed tram Pace One) 54 McKEE STREET Moved to Militancy marks,” asserting that in fact, T o Debate By Democratic Candidates . / ______r e n u m "a t the meeting of the executive ^ ^ “direction, dealcn, aenae, Provi­ B r DAVHk HAZZABBUA loined flat^and said: “I f they Cut and D ried W ithdraw al dence.” I Now ie the time to bring in yotir ecwxi ^ te fen npniMA. committee of this bar asiiocia- Expanding further on their quate financing for our currentr Storm window ginee repfeieeg, Aaneeiatod Prene Writer come to kick us out, we’U Just Uon there were tat hand, used He also called It "a algn of the Tom orrow platform and unveiling their ROME (AP) — Vittorio de take tbe Uda and go to the roof, JERUSALEM (AP) —In the Scholarship CAMBRIDGE. Maas. (AP) — ly existlhg town services and midst of one of the Middle and referred to, a great many philosoi^y of government, the Sica made movtea about them. never get us down." Offlclala of the American Trial times,” a phrase used frequent­ facilities. AUTO CU SS INSTALLED East's worst crises since the copies of the transcript of the Democratic and Republican Democratic candidates for elec­ Bomn-minded InduatrlaUata On a recent weekend the A w ard ed B y BINGO ly at the Vatican to Indicate at "Through our senators and 1967 six-day war, Israel elecU a Lawyers Association sjiy a ma­ hearings before the Senate Judi­ candidates will meet tomorrow tion to the Town pouncil said used them as cheap labor. Vir­ squatters burned their bridges least partial approval for an ac­ night at 7:30 in the high school congressmen in Washington, we GLASS FURNITURE TOPS new government Tuesday. Polish Club jority o f Its members believe ciary Committee on the nomina­ over the weekend tlmt as mem­ will ask for the restructuring of tually everybody else ignored behind them. TTiey marched tion.” ORANQE HALL EVERY TUESIAV tion or movement. auditorium for a debate prior that Judge Clement Hayns- bers of the council they “will national priorities to make ad­ MIRRORS (FireplaM ami Dotr) them. back to the “Latino'' shanty­ The ship of state is not likely Jo sei^ GUI, president ol the •to next week's town election. Now the "roafleBs” axe mak­ to get a new helmsman, howev­ worth’s nomination to the U.S. The synod, said the Pope,' had aggressively seek the solution to ditional federal funds available town and destroyed their cln- Polish American Club, has an­ Supreme C o u rt should be with­ an historical aspect and a All Interested townspeople are our fiscal problems on a broad ing themaelveB heard with im-' derblock, wood and tile shacks er. Prime Minister Golda Meir’s Plunges to Death urged to attmd the debate, to local communities to assist PICTURE FRAMING (all types) nounced that Irene Kolanko of drawn. thought “that Is above us and front. We will make every ef­ them In the solution of their patience and militancy never with picks and battering rams. Labor party coalition govern­ Rockville has been awarded the BOSTON (AP)—The body of that orients events In our prov­ which is being sponsored by the fort to increase our tax base before witnessed In the ahanty- Their theory: The city can ment Is expected to win a plur­ “Public uncertainity over the held Its Investiture service for social and economic problems.” WINDOW and P U T E GLASS $100 scholarship given annually ethical conduct of any nominee Robert J- Pachovsky, 17, of ince toward goals not yet clear by encouraging desirable com­ The statement concluded, towns which form, in the words hardly kick them out of the oc­ ality easUy, If not a majority. In South Norwalk, Conn., was of the mock election program by the club and its auxiliary. to the U.S. Supreme Court seri­ but, up to now, high and mai^ mercial and industrial develop­ “Fiscal prudence and responsi­ Tob Enclosor t from >30 to $45 plug one newapaper, an “otaeoene cupied buildings If they have no the 120-seat Knesset, or parlia­ found early Sunday lying on a being run for the entire school. The grant Is awarded on the ously affects public confidence velous.” ment. bility wUl be our guide in con­ wreath” around the City of shaidfes to go back to. ment. It now controls about 75 basts of scholastic achievement concrete courtyard at the rear 'Hhe mock election is set tor Rome. NeUo Ceochinl, a S2-year-old seats. In the integrity of our Judicial Vatican observers believe Boberi B . SoiHb this Thursday, and high school "Particular emphasis will be ducting the affairs of the town. and leadership to coUege stu­ system,” Leon L. Wolfstone, of 'ae Commonwealth Ave. these words show considerably Dr. Clarence CaMer 1 .An estimated 70,000 penons In carpenter's assistant, took de­ The balloting comes at a time students will pick their choices placed on making the town Wo will balai)ce the need for dents who are sons or daughters president of the 34,(XIO-member Police said the youth had been more willingness to share hla a p<9uIation of 2.6 million Uve liberate swlnr^a at the (mly wall when two of Israel’s most of PAC members. for the first "Town Council and more attractive to small busi­ necessary pn^ects and pro­ Free Pre-Winfer organization eald Sunday. visiting his cousin. Miss Karen authority than the Pope's ad­ In'subatandard quarters. TTielr left standing of his two-room .moderate neighbors Jordan and To Address Teachers other offices at that time. ness enterprises which require, grams with the reasonable abil­ Miss Kolanko Is presently Officials said results of a na­ Patch, 22, of Stamford, Conn., dress opening the synod Oct. 11. clamor dramatiaea a peculiar shack. Lebano.t, are under strong pres­ Townspeople will have their minimum additional public ser­ ity of Coventry taxpayers to foot 'working as a graduate assistant tionwide poll of 1,304 of the or­ at the Boston address during He said then that the Catholic Two speakers will appear a't ticles on ways to Improve self- vices. We wUl also Investigate tlw bill. Wo will keep the pub­ Safety Inspection fact In Italy's postwar economic “I paid $660 tor this house,” sure both within and without the weekend. They added that chance at the polls next Tues­ miracle: After two decades of from Arab commandos. Both and studying for a Master's ganization's members showed Church could not be ruled by de­ morning and afternoon sessions directed reading and on tech­ and take advantage of all state lic fully informed about their he said, “But it’s worthwhile the victim was standing (hi a day. have met guerrilla organiza­ degree In operations research at 78.29 per cem opposed to Hayns- mocracy, like a nation, and that of a Teachers’ Convention Day niques and activities to stim­ and federal programs and funds tax dollars.We will establish an prosperity, the country's hous­ tearing 18 down. We’U stay th'rd-floor rear porch when he Teacher Convention ing crisis sometimes looks near­ tions within their borders heed Case Western Reserve Universi­ worth's nomination. any expansion In the role of the program being held Friday at ulate learning beyond the print­ that are available to us.” open-door policy for council W« W ill ExomiM: downtown until they kick us out. ty in Cleveland, Ohio. This field apparently fell 40 feet to his NOTICE Project ASK is sponsoring a ly as serious as it was In the oin in effort reassert their inter­ The association's national bishops in setting universal Buckley School. The sponsor Is ed word. Albert Bradley, Harold meetings and will seek guidance “I’ve lived here fm* four years of study attacks problems by death. Teachers' Convention Day Pro­ • niAKE LININGS day when the squakur of the and that’s enough. I have four nal authority board of governors and execu­ church policy depended on the the Professiofwl Educators' As­ At the afternoon session, the Crane, Charles Nyack and and advice of all our people in formulating mathematical mod­ sociation of Manchester. gram on Friday at the Qllead ahantytowna was trumpeted tive committee sem a resolution development of "brotherly con­ topic of Robert E. Smith, WTIC Michael Peace noted that “Cov­ all matters pertaining to their • SHOCK ABSORBERS children, and I've got to take At the same time, Israel’s els to simulate given situations. cord” between him and them. radio personality, will be "Two Hill School in Hebron. The pro­ around the world by neoreaJiatlc care of them with a salary of Sunday to President Nixon and The morning portion will start entry’s tax rati and percentage government.” • BALL JOINTS confrontation with Egypt along A Rockville High School grad­ Centuries of Music.” He will gram Is open to all school per- film makers. $160 a month. each U.S. senator urging that He also called for the dele­ at 10. and the afternoon one snnel in the state. of assessment are as high or The Democratic campaign re­ • STEERING AIECHANISM the Suez Canal appears to be uate, she received her AB de­ the nomination be withdrawn. The office of Croekelt Agency, Inc., describe outstanding music and The Italian urban situation “They can’t continue living warming rather than cooling. gates to the synod to cultivate will conclude at 2. Reservations Presenting the program will higher than In many urban ceived a healthy financial boost • TIRES gree In mathematics and eco­ TDe resolution said the board Illustrate his points with rec­ has much In common with the here, with the dampness and the And the sabotage bombing of a 2 “unity and charity," and presid­ for the noon roast beef luncheon over the weekend with the an­ ords. be Warren H. Pressley, super­ areas of the state. Local, state • WHEEL ALIGNMENT United States and other parts of cesspools. We have no running nomics from Connecticut Col­ was “persuaded upon receipt of ing officers at the synod ses­ may be made by calling Buck- and federal taxes take an ever- nouncement by Democratic Wo­ I.umber of apartment buildings lege In New London this past For many years. Smith has intendent of schools In Colches­ • WHEEL BALANCE the world, as rural pecqtle with water, no gas. the record of the hearings be­ will be closed Tuesday morning due sions remarked last week that ley. increasing share of oUr income; men’s Club President Mrs. John In Haifa, Israel’s third largest presented a morning show, ter. Pressley was a member of little or no technical aUUs flock “We don’t ask something for June. She was the recli^ent of fore Senate Judiciary Commit­ this had indeed been done. Dr. Clarence Colder, asso­ the Educational Field Mission In the inevitable result of which Plaster of a $180 donation by city and Ita major seaport, last a four-year United Aircraft tee that Judge Haynsworth has Many bishops praised the warm "Theater of Melody,” which fea­ to the cities vainly seeking nothing. I ’m willing to pay rent, week stirred widespread indig­ ciate professor at the Univer­ Germany, and while there he will be lowering of our standard the dub to the Democratic FRONT END D Y N A M ICS. Inc. work. Scholarship when she graduated failed to demonstrate the sensi­ spirit that has prevailed despite tures music of stage and but I can’t afford more than $24 nation and alarm among Israe­ to the death of the mother of T. J, sity of Connecticut, will talk studied kindergarten programs of living and the creation of Town Committee. 844 BBOAD 8T. (Behind Dairy Queen) MANCHESTER TTtey often end up no better from high school and has been tivity to the high standards of some sharp ideological debate. on "Beyond the Printed Pages.” screen. His Sunday night pro­ a month. The cheapest apart­ lis. gram U on music of the opera. In depth. further hardships for our tax­ The contribution was made 'I SWAMS — Foreign and DomeoUc off, living in flimsy shacks Just ments are about $48 a martments of New York and Rome, Milan, Naples, Turin and - That bishops offer advice ing models of historical settings, lime to time on a deficit basis. venson presented the 8180 check of the dullest and least contro­ the association’s poll Invalid, and collaborate with the Pope to encourage professional five new girls and rededication , other feorthem U.S. cities where other large cities with the great homes around the world, and for other girl scouts. Those In­ Local governments, with their to Town Committee Chairman versial In the state’s 21-year his­ on major decisions affecting the growth. During Its almost 20 an abovO-average welfare check migration from the countryside tory. techniques that can be used to vested were Dafa Ellsworth, limited resources, cannot do so Raymond Bradley and Cam­ Five Day ForecaeA entire Church. year existence. It has nwde do­ , is paid. to the urban centers. construct models for simplify­ Debbie Haddad, Cindy Lewis, without tragic and disastrous paign Chairman Arthur Forst Indeed, on the subject of secu­ ing difficult concepts. Accom­ nations to the Luts Junior Mu­ De Sica, In a movie called “II Every day about 200 persons, rity both Labor and Its right- WINDSOR LOCKS, Conn. (AjP) —That local bishops be heard Susan Pelletier and Ellen Too- consequences.” Jr. Bradley expressed his thanks I0I»TISM W « .Tetto”—^TTie Roof—showed how before the Vatican makes any panying his talk will be a pre- seum, purchased outstanding COMPUTE on an average, arrive In Rome wing opposition agree: Israel —Temperatures In CcxmeoUcut mey. A program was provided The Democrats continued,” for the donation, adding his < ramshackle homes were fever­ sen ^km of slides and a dem­ children's books for each ele­ INIURAHSI«7H» from the Impoverished south In will not budge from Arab land from Tuesday through Saturday decision affecting their by the ^ rls and refreshments "Our problems are legion. "congratulations on the huge ishly slapped together between dioceses. onstration of articles children mentary school^ and recently HMCt 1914 search of work. By 19B0, 40 per captured In the 1967 Middle are expected to average below were served. Their solutions require money, success.” He said he realized midnight and dawn, 'vriien the cent of the Italian population la -That communication and can make. donated a portfolio of famous INSURANCE East war without a. peace agree­ normal, with dally highs In the Leaders of the troop are Mrs. not small sums, but huge the amount of work and effort police were not around. expected to reside on 4 percent collaboration be increased be­ Dr. Calder has published ar­ Negroes to every school. ment with the Arabe. low 60s and lows In the low 80s. Richard Ingraham and Mrs. amounts. Transcending all of that went Into the event. Mrs. Now the "sMiza tetto”—roerf- of the nation’s territory. tween the national bishops' The weather wUl be cool for Bernard Conroy. The group them la the problem, where Is Michael Peace was in charge of lees—as the shantytown dwell­ The country has had Its con­ The lack of real Issues also conferences and the Roman Cu­ nc the first half of the period and meets every Thursday after the money coming from and arrangements. SERVICE -MB ers are called, have found an­ struction booms, yet many new has taken the steam out of the ria. the Church's central admin­ milder during the aecemd half, school at the North Coventry how can we as members of the other nighttime activity. Led by apartment houses In Rome are campaign. About a third of the istrative body. , B o lto n the U.S. Weather Bureau re­ Community House. town council meet our obliga­ agitation committees and empty. The rents asked In some Israelis polled recently said they were In favor of calling off ports. No synod member voted Dairy Parley tions to the public within the Supports Peace March spurred by Communist party of them start at $80 a month. Precipltati(xi riiould total against the dcKument. Forty Councils from Nine Schools Coventry had three represen­ reasonable limits of our finan­ NEW HAVEN (AP) — The militants, they form caravans Says Rome Building Commis­ the elections altogether. About about Inch In showers near voted “yes” and 100 voted tatives at a recent Agway Con­ cial resources. Caucus of Connecticut Dem­ REAL Into town and move Into empty sioner Paolo Cabraa: “Homes 1.78 million Israelis are eligible 'HME IS RUNNING OUT TO the end of the five-day pericxl. "yes” with accompanying vention in Syracuse, N.Y. Dairy "In any Intelligent and re­ ocrats, a group of liberals, has buildings. are built tor the middle and up­ to vote. suggestions and explanations. Gather Here for Conference farmers attending were Mi­ sponsible discussion of the so­ voted Ite support of the Novem­ ESTATE Three large, long-vacant per classes, in Other words for Mrs. Melr is not expected to It was announced at the last chael Lepter, Bread and Milk lution to our problems, it is 3 * 3 buildings In a well-to-do area of those people who don’t need make any major changes in her ber moratorium peace march on = 1 0 ENTER THE BIG MOVERS minute that the synod would The Charter Oak Conference Soouts Awards St.; Antonio Peracchio, Rt. 31, most important that the ability Washington, D.C. Rome—all owned by real estate one.” Cabinet but to retain Deputy meet once more on Tuesday for student councils met In the Boy Scout Troop 78 will hold and George Kingsbury, Bread of the taxpayer to foot the bill The CCD gave overwhelming firms—were occupied by more In the public sector, construc­ Prime Minister Ylgal Allon, De­ a reading of the latter voles. multi-purpose room of the new an awards night tonight at 7: IS and Milk St. must be assigned top impor- support to the march Saturday, than 1,(X)0 persons one night in tion has lagged. Public Invest­ fense Minister Moshe Dayan The Pope said he would give elementary school last week. at the Community Hall. Parents Connecticut and Rhode Island taneq and given the utmost con­ emphasizing the “legal, digni­ early October. ment housing has been running and Foreign Minister Abba g l o b e ! "utmoet consideration” to a re­ Student council members, ad­ are welcome to attend with the farmers attending the conven­ sideration. The Republican plat­ fied and peaceful” aspects of the So far no one has kicked them at about 7 per cent of the total, Ebeui. CONTEST! quest that bishops be allowed to visors and principals from the boys. Refreshments will be tion chartered a jet for the trip form and their news releases demonstration, said a spokes­ out. one of the lowest ratios In Ehi- Dayan's position In connection Travel Sanriee COME IN TO present their own topics for fu­ nine schools In the conference served. to Syracuse, where about 7,000 to date, are strangely silent on man for the group. A similar forced occiqiation i t ^ . with his own ambitions for the ture synods. attended. Tigers Lose from all over the country at­ this matter.” The New Mobilization Commit­ had been tried recently at the The state has allocated $1.38 prime ministry are not clear. 905 MAIN STREET For the moment, at least, he He said thia indicated his con­ The schools represented tue The East Hartford Elks defeat­ tended. The candidates also cited oth­ tee to End the War In Vietnam edge of Harlem, where a New billion In low-rent housing pro­ 643.2165 has dropped plcms to strike out fidence In the principle of colle- those against whom the Bolton ed the Bolton Tigers in the next- er possible solutions to the fis­ Is planning the march for Nov. ROBERT J. SMITH, r York State office building was jects for the period 1968-1971. going up and a number of black on his own. His only chance In giallty the concept of sharing teams compete In sports. The to-the-last game of the season cal problems. "Through our 13-18. But much of the money Is Plyw ood Planta at 3 4 families moved In. the next four years would de­ in papal decision-making. student councils begun meeting yesterday afternoon In East state Ilgflslature, we will insist Mocked by a maze o f bureauc­ ATLANTA — Since the first WSURANSMnNS SMCE 1914 TTie unrest among Rome’s pend on Mrs Melr—11 ttie were last year to work out mutual Hartford 20-2. The 'B' team upon massive increase to state racy. But he cautioned that synods commercial pl^rwood plant tis- Ruins Not Mexican roofless makes Itself felt In to resign because of health rea­ problems, such os vandalism, scored • the two points on a aid to education and will call The public agencies handling INC. were intended "not to produce Ing Southern pine was opened many ways. sons or be ousted. and to plan social events, such safely luvd coaches report that for a thorough overhaul of the AZTEC, N. M.—Astec Ruins 649-5241 the projects number about 100. power rivalry or difficulties for In 1904, the number of these archaic local and state tax A young priest, Don Robert! But Mrs. Melr, 71. has Just re­ as dances, to which other con­ the ‘B ’ team played a very good National Monument here, de­ 96S MAIN STRUT, MANCHISTIR The lack of a comprehensive ur­ SATURDAY till 6 ordered and effective govem- plants has grown to 84, and structure. This would make SardeUl, has set up a school ta t ban renewal plan, partly attrib­ 445 HARIKNtD RD. • OPEN DAILY till 9 ference schools are Invited. game. (The A’ team plays half spite the name, contains ruins (GreaaM Fleer Next te Heate A Hele) mejit within the Church, but three more are due to open this more of our local tax revenues shantytown chlldrra where they utable to repeated government the game; the 'B', the other of a Pueblo Indian village, not rather as a mutual inclination of Bolton High School Principal year. Such plants are In opera­ available to finance long-term learn the words of a fighting crises, has led to land specula­ half.) Coaches also cRo Roger Mexican Aztec. The big pueblo Pope and cp.scopate (blsliops) Norman Shaw addressed the tion in states all the way from capital Improvements programs song used by Colombian guerril­ tion. Sultatde territory for pub­ C for greater communion and or­ Barrett for an "outstanding de­ was built about 1110 and inex­ group - which met Wednesday Delaware to Texas. and would provide more ade­ plicably deserted by 1800. las. He has written an open let­ lic projects is hard to find. BEAUTY ganic collaboration.” afternoon. Conference Student fensive game.” ter to the mayor of Rome com­ In Rome, dubbed by Major He clearly indicated he would Council president Michael Sharp The last game of the season plaining of the “disgraceful” Clelio Darida eui “this ungovern­ Jm a , C h ic , SALONS not allow any threat to hla pri­ of East Hampton presided. A will be on the Bolton field next conditions In the area. able city,” the politicians are in macy, which was reaffirmed by buffet supper was served by the Sunday afternoon against the A middle-aged woman stood a quandary over housing. 303 Bast Center St., Manchester—Phone 643-2483 the synod document, also. feminine members of the Bolton Windsor Colts. In the doorway of her shanty off Communists are demanding While backing the principle of student council. Lorry Peace Is Bulletin Board the Appian Way, looked over a that the city requisition 3,000 On -, of R t 6 and Stoney Rd., Bolton—Phone 647-0989 designating authority to various president of the local council, The Public Building Commis­ brand-new apaitment building private cqicurtments immediate­ levels in the Church, the Pope and 21 members attended. At sion will meet tonight at 7:80 and gave vent to the mood. ly for the ’’roofless.’’ said he had thi- obligation, rath­ ''They mock us with pcdaces The Christian Democrat-So­ T least seven members from each In the Community fireplace er than the right, to exercise his school are required to attend the room. like that,” she said. "Some day cialist City Council coalition la primacy "falUifully.” meetings, which take place ev­ we'U bust In there and take M In danger of collapsing. "The Pope must bo the heart The Board of Finance will over. Or better yet blow It up ery month in a different school. With a debt of $2.0 blUlcn, the of the tTiurch,” he declared. hold its regular monthly meet­ with dynamite.” In addition to Bolton and Ektst city cannot use Its own funds The pontiff said lie would call ing tomorrow at 7:80 In the The shantytown people have while waiting for government Hampton, the participating the synods every two years, Community Hall fireplace room. not turned to sabotzQ^e yet. But money to be freed from red "unless clrcunistancoB recom­ schools are Bacon Academy In The Class of 1970 will hold a they have demonstrated In the tape. paper drive Sunday. mend otherwise.” Colchester, Coventry, Cromwell, squares, and tried to break Into , “I haven’t been to see the Rham, Portland, Vinyl Tech in If the synod's other major re­ a meettog of the Rome City shantytown people yet,” Darida Middletown and Rocky Hill. Itlanrhester Evening Herald quests are pul Into effect by the Council. says. “What do I have to tell Pope, the measures would __ Michael Londolphl Is Bolton Bolton correspondent, Clemewell Maria Orasla Qeraci, mother them?” student council advisor. strongly modify the uses of the Young, tel. M8-8M1. of nine, demonstrated tbe mood two months ago when police Pope's [xiwer by shifting much Architect Oiogen • Tata*rw(zfi((ulM:toyiii m • lair puitibutlan Mtoction ot • Piovidti iitra couDttr top ipaco Influence from the Roman Cu­ tried to eject her and a score of ttxM Cfctri kiodi polt whan usod a i a portablo. but other squatter families from an HWOtfl'"rMlttritdiifwr ria. now his chief advisory NEW HAVEN (AP) — Yale IM6dU • fiHiti hoi(h up to 18b lbs and md poni or ctunj crystal can bo built in m your now hamo body, to the bishops in the field uncomideted public bousing pro­ University has picked Louis I. tu i • let fteort ict comportmeni • Manucydt Sflaction ol cydos • KMp«9ta&U to aytm • Built w soft tood disposor 1 New Way Found ject. She burst through the door Kahn as the architect to design normal wash, ib a rfiy n h or There was one show of protest felflttlpt w ypriiM Itorift ttuninatrs ttw ntod to Kiipo and in the session. with a kitchen knife, and aent a the $6 mllHon Paul MeUon Cen­ • four cabind ih t im twin iinu aid dry Community News? State policeman to the hospital for bmi two door shotvti hand rmsa hist l>p oti lai|t A synod briefing officer, the ter for British Art and British • Tin mM M m prondt MS or hati] uign • Bw lt m m H food bipolar tndi three days. Studies oh (Jhapel Street. cartict for qweto. non buttff compoitmont ond | natd of scrapmi md hand rmsuif. Rev. Roberto Tucel, said loud To Stop Hair Loss, xetnovobtf (U hn I rumblings spread through the and World News? Politics, In one of the buildinga occu­ The building wUl be construct­ wriomfroomi • lilt lop rack tor tasy loadiRi hist lip o6 la ria or hard K t m s assembly when the acting presi­ pied recently, a huge yellow ed across from the Yale Art dent. Carlo Cardinal Confolonle- Crow More Hair atone edifice facing the Basilica Gallery, which Kahn also de­ 100 100 ri. apparently mistook random Food, Complete Sports? of St. Mary Major, 8-year-old signed. Kahn teaches at the Uni­ iOO applause for approval of two Eroole Moraggi stood In his pur­ versity of Pennsylvania. *199'* HOUSTON, Texas — If But, If you are not already declanitions prepared for the you don’t suffer from male slick bald, how can you be sure .synod -one on priests and the pattern baldness, you can what Is actuaUy causing your other on Justice. now stop your hair loss . . . hair loss? Even if baldnaas may Father Tuccl said the cardinal You Get Everything and srrow more hair. seem to "run In your family," WE MMNTMN OUR LOWEST PRIDES RCROSS THE BOARD ON THESE SPECIAL, announced later that the synod For years "they said It could­ this Is certainly no proof of the secretariat would accept written n't be done." But now a firm of cause of YOUR hair loan. observations on the text of the laboratory consultants has de­ Many condlUons can cause two declarations "for possible veloped a treatment for both Plus] Day In...Day Out... I e vision" men and women, that Is not hair loos. No matter which one Informants said the protest only stopping hair loss . . . but la causing your hair loss, U you lame from liberal bishops ap­ Is really growing hair! wait until you ore allck. bald They don’t even ask you to Closing Stocks, Racing Results, 2 parently dlssallsfled with the and your hair roots are dead, on PRESCRIPTIONS take their word tor it. If they you are beyond help. 8o, If you declaration about priests, a sub­ believe that the treatment will ject which has been controver­ still have any weak hair on top . . resulting in meaningful help you, they Invite vou to try of your hesul, and would like to Late Sports in sial in the Church because of It for 82 days, at their risk, tile Pope's continued support for slop your hiur loss and grow savings to you every day! and see for yourself! more hair . . . now la the time the rule of priestly celibacy. Naturally, they would not of­ to do something about U before No ivs Md dewas to your Prescription The texts of Uie two declara­ fer this no-risk trial unless the It's too late. THE HARTFORO COURANT tions were not released. treatment worked. However. It ooota—BO “dlsooimto’’ today, “Begntor -'I Loesch Laboratory Consult­ prleeo” tomorrow! V-- 7 Is Impossible to help everyone. MODERN WAVE LENGTHS ants, Inc., will supply you with An amazing new ingredient The great ma jorit v of j treatment for S3 days, at their F*r hgffli Aclivtry, phoni 249-6411 No *Y«diioed sprrtoto"—mo “tomporary l>egal Betting Campaign cases of excess hair fall and risk, If they believe the treat­ redactloaa" on Preocrlptloas to tare that tune in e u tf* baldness are the bearinninjr I ment will help you. Just send now comes in this familiar package. •r yviir nianst CoNrant afflM. cootomm ! n M HARTFORD I API Another and more fully developed them the tntomaUon listed b«- A t tfee oame time, tfeere lo aever ai ampalgn for legalisation of pari­ confidentisdly, by mall and with- oompromlae to oervlee or qaaSty! mutuel betting in Connecticut is stages of male pattern Md- low. AU Inquiries are answered " " " “ ■•“ “ "■ • O f Clip and Mail C O L O R with off and running. ness and cannot be helped, i out obligation. Adv. It's called a longer-lasting engine, The new engine will still give you a longer lasting than what? good 26 miles to a gallon of gos. T«V OBT OUR LOWEST A group called "Connecticut *No Obligation Coupon- To: Circulation Dept. PRICES EVERT DAT OF THE longer lasting than our old engine, It still takes pints of oil instead of We DeUver Racing Association, Inc.” and Do: Loesch Laboratory Consultants. Inc. T E ^ . . . AND TOU SAVE including former State Rep. Box 86001, 8811 West Main St. which in case you didn't know, wos quorts. Tbe Hartford Courant MIOiUB THROUGHOUT THE Everywhere St|Sien B. Lenil of North Bran­ ' Houston, Texas TT008 one of the toughest engines oround. It still abstains from antifreeze. Hartford. Conn. 06101 TEAR . . . ON AlJ. TOUR F u t • (itiw vn M n Basaat n lor • 'ha rm ja that claans its own ford, his brother Arthur and his I am submitting the tollowlng information wHh the undsri The new version is more powerful. Your up-lo-lhe-minute i r u e loadi - la w s you tarn (Because it's still air-cooled.) • Lactronx Manor loan a h ilo n a t x lawar sals i>>t an wan anctrioaily son Joseph, has filed Incorpora­ standing that It will be kept strictly confidential and that I FRRSCIRIPTION NEEDS. Si ______A m d w ita r ITop speed; 81 mph vs. 78 mph.) And it's still conveniently located coif; smooth, sleek, wide- ctoltol lor parloct aryme atarm starts m d tm a s your tion papers with the state. am under no obligation whatsoever. I now have or have »»«a \ TINTING « * • Two waih ipaads two ip r . spitads maats • autoniatic wan tiniar and two the tollowlng conditions: It has (better acceleration. in the rear for better traction in mud I waved And lopped with your Ckowapfhoaay normal a rpplianca outtats om timad. The purpose of the organisa­ Yes, I'd like The Courant delivered to me datKada w ftM gi la maicii • I lOar (ld]l systam iwds tut; • fVih button controls command Do you have dandruff?...... Is It dry?...... or oily?...... And most importont, it weighs the ond snow. T tY US AND SEE tion Is: "To httempt to gain per­ own cuslofnized hair color* U n lo a d • Paraamwl hass cycla wth bra axact anasurad Nrats • Oa'our head?...... But the generation gap ends there: Including our old package. the some Is legalized, either How long Is It? ...... Is It dry?...... Is K oily?...... color and repieat that same precise $22goo through legislation or Judicial 319 Attach any other Information you feel may be helpful. shade, lime after lime FarKi-tone ‘ 178“ n 95'“ ‘ “ Interpretation, to operat legally covers gray completely, doesn't shampoo under the same In everyway, NAME .. TED TRUDON, bic. Town manner and form within and ADDRESS out Iri colors from the lightest pastel J under the purviews of the TOLLAND TPKE. — TALCOTTVILLE MfTtoOUklta tones lo the deepest, richest natural shades same." CITY ...... STATE P h o n e AT THE PAIKAOE ^ WEST MDDU TPKE. — and exclusive high-fashion ' Color Originals" too NORMAN’S BIG MOVERS SALE DAYS J.:...


. >•% MIm RtJiaela. PappalanJo of Miss Lynda Victoria Tost and Tjny Treasures | For Kin Of t, St. Francis o f Aasisal Ctaureh Hartford becamo the bride of Oeocge Aitfanr White, both of in South Windsor was the scene Paul Richard Vegiard of Kaa- Boekvine, were tmitod In m ar­ l^ir;iiatures Shop ■ Freed Saturday morning of the mzu'^ chester Saturday morning at the riage Saturday momliig in t t oum CLEVELAND, Tenn. (A P ) __ riage of Miss EUalne Susan Val­ "Don H Mhifcihiros" I ‘ Church of 8C Lawrence OToote, Benmrd’s Cliurcb. Rodcvilla. Hartford. 06y R. Tinsley’s wUe says ahe ade o f South Windsor to Fred 192 Hentford Rd. Monchoslor ■ Tbs bride is a daigihter of Gill CopeUmd of Manchester. didn’t know odiether he was (Acreas from Fabric Copboord) * The bride ia a daughter of Mrs. Catherine Tost of m O g b The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mn. Dominick Pap- alive or dead until Informed by Houra: Monday thni Saturday ■ ■L, Rockville, and Francis K. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D. Val­ palardo of Hartford. The bride­ the Army the Viet Cfong had an­ ade of 831 Ellington Rd. The I t AM. to 4 PAI. ■ Tost o f RockvBle. 'Rie bride­ groom ia the aon of Mr. and nounced plana to release him. bridegroom is the son of Mr...... roimPhone e 648-SaM ..... Mrs. Lucien Vegiard of 12 Alice groom is tbs SOB at Edward BL “I’ve dreaded It every day,” and Mrs. James L. Copeland of Dr. White Of 806 South 8L, Rock­ Mrs. Dorothy Tinsley said of the Deming St. The Rev. John J. Killeen of ville, and the late Mrs. White. Army caU which ftnally came The Rev. Lawrence Bock of St. Lawrence O’Toole Church Tte Rev. VmUam F. Schnei­ Sunday, explaining that ahe did St. Frzuicis of Assissl Churdi performed the double-ring cere­ der of St. Bernard’s Church per­ not know adiat word to expect of performed the double-ring cere­ ATTENTION 1 mony. formed the double-ring cere­ his fate. “ I tried not to think of mony and was celebrant at the 'The bride waa given in m ar­ mony and celebrated the high him being Injured. nuptial Mass. Mrs. Beatrice READIN8 mPROYEMENT CUSSES riage by her father. She wore mqitlal Maas. Bouquets of gladi­ " I ’d been thinking he had Thrall of South Windsor was or­ BBQINNINO NOV. 16, 1666 a full-length empire gown of oli and pink camadons were been captured,” she said, "be­ ganist and soloist. Bouquets of AFTERNOON and BVEOTNO OLASSM satin faille accented with Alen- on the altar. cause a good friend of his who mums and shasta pompons Cteaoea for BU O M EN TABY and HIGH aOHOOt. otijdanta con lace re-embroidered with The bride was given in mar­ had been with him in Vietnam were on the edtzir. In Remedial Reading (Pbonlca, Underatondlng, eto.), Stttly seed pearls, designed with high riage by her brother, Francis said it was almost certain he The bride was given In mar­ SklUs, Oomprebettolon. Vorabidary, Speed, College fleatd collar, long tapered sleeves, X . Tost of EUlngton. She arore had.” riage by her father. She wore Teet Preparation and General ReouUng Effldeaey. and A-line skirt. Her elbow- a full-length empire gown, de­ Mrs. Tinsley, 22. married her a full-length gown of silk wool Small Ctoseee * Pre-Teettng Program a Dwrtiflad Taai Ipaa length bouffant veil of silk il­ signed arltb a high neckline and husband Just after he joined the accented with Venise lace, de- Academic Redding Improvement Center, b e. lusion was arranged from a trimmed with beads and lace. A rm y In April, 1968. She now signed with stzmd-up collar, 68 E. Center St. CoH Next to Oevey”e matching lace headpiece. H er full-length mantilla was ap- works In a textile plant. Waiting sleeves and detachable Mnneheoter, Conn. lOl. KAPROVE TsL 6684617 Mrs. John Janowskl of WilU- pUqued with lace, and ahe car­ for him to come hone now “ Is- chapel-length train. Her shoul­ mantlc waa matron of honor. ried rosea and miniature canu^ golng to be awful,” ahe said. der-length veil o f silk Illusion Bridesmaids were Mias rjnds tions. At the nnsley farm home was arranged from a matching lace-trimmed pillbox hat, and Vegiard and Miss Nancy Vegi­ Mrs. Ernest Heydenreich of near here, most of the fam ily In­ slie carried a cascade bouquet ard, both of Manchester and Orchard St, Rockville, sister of cluding his seven brothers and aisters -of the bridegroom; Mias six sisters gathered Sunday of mums, pompons and carna­ the bride, was matron of honor. tions. Angela Pappalardo of Haitford, Her full-length empire gown night as the good news went out to them. Mrs. Richard Dupree of Avon, slater of the bride: Miss Car- was designed with an ivory lace ” I hope It’s over soon and matron mela Mlgliore of East Hartford, bodice, long sleeves, and »«»ii« RUMMAGE SALE they turn the others loose,” the honor. Her full-length gold cousin of the bride; and Miae pink velvet skirt which matched soldier’s mother, Mrs R B Tin- empire gown of silk wool Joann Slngarella and Mias Stel­ her headpiece. She carried a la KorsenlewsU, both o f HarL ■ley said. " I feel real sensitive accented with Venise lace given by bouquet of pink and white pom­ about the mothers who have fashioned with trumpet Bna«l MemtMiea photo ford. pons with pink rlbbcms. The attendants were dressed bo)rs killed or captured. We had s'eev®* back panel and MRS. FRED GILL COPELAND SISTERHOOD OF Bridesmaids were Mrs. Mer­ Just prayed and hoped and done S*>® carried a cascade bou- alike in full-length empire ton Wilkins of Tolland, sister about everything we could. quet of mums, pompons and silk jacket dress with deeper A.I. Prince Tectolcal School, TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM gowns, fashioned with high neck­ of die bride; Mrs. Francis Yost "W ar U something everyone camaUons. aqua accessories. The bride- Hartford. A Vietnam veteran, 7 lines and long bishope sleeves n onyi fiMrto of Ellington, sister-in-law of the hates and my eight boys, except Bridesmaids were Miss Ann groom’s mother wore a nlle edged with Venise lace. MRS. WILLIAM STANLEY POLINSKY he served with the U.S Army bride; Mrs. Honsard Pitkin of one, have been In the service, so Valade of South Windsor, sister green brocade dresa and coat Lawrence Jackson of Hart­ as a member of the military Thursday, Oci SO, 2-8 pjn. Manchester and Miss Linda Ro- I guess I have the right to hate ^ bride; Miss Carlene Thl- with avocado green accessories. ford served as best man. Ush­ IKillce. He Is employed as a Miss Barbara Joan Smith and was the flower girl. She wore galus of Vernon. Their blue vel­ It If anyone does.” bodeau of Hartford and Miss A recepUon for 100 was held ers were John Muller of East McAfliater pboto licensed electrician at the Rob­ William Stanley Polinsky, both a full-length gown of avocado vet and lace gowns and head- Tinsley joined the Army after Frances Opalach of East Hart- at Willie’s Steak House. For a Friday, Oct 31, Oajn. -12 uooa Hartford and Edward Messen­ ert’s Electric (3o., Wapplng. green with gold color ribbons pieces were styled Uke the MRS. GEORGE ARTHUR WHITE Nosein pboto working as a truck driver for a Their tangerine color plane trip to Bermuda. Mrs, ger of Hazardville, cousins of of Manchester, exchanged vows In her hair. She carried a bas­ htxjor attendent’s, and they car­ MRS. JOSEPH PATRICK HOY JR. furniture company, and waa *®*’* styled to match the Copeland wore an ensemble of the bridegroom; Stewart White Saturday morning at the Church ket filled with gold color pom­ ried bouquets o f white and blue and coat with matching ac­ eran of the Air Force, grad­ sent to Vietnam In December attem|anfs, and they car- forest green silk wool. After JHamM phMo and Henry Stephenson, both of of the Assumption. pompons. New Bridge for Danube pons. cessories and a corsage of rust uated from East Hartford High The marriage of Mias Karen ed as his brother’s beat man. 1968. A few weeks after he ar- similar bouqueU. Nov. 2, the couple will live at MRS. PAUL RICHARD VEGIARD Manchester; and Philip Works Frederick DiScipo of Hebron MASONIC TEMPLE The bride is a daughter of Mr. Thomas Ford of Manchester and gold pompons. School and attended Syracuse Ann Bajoris of Boston, Mass., Ushers were Albert Rivera, rived there he suffered a shrap- William Middlebrook Jr. of 839 Woodbrtdge St. SCHAUJINO, Germany, — of Windsor. served as best man. Ushers and Mrs. Allan W. Smith of 18S served as best man. Ushers A reception for 160 was held (N .Y .) University and the Uni­ formerly of Manchester, to Jos­ Fred Harvey and Francis Sou- hel wound In the face. He re- Vernon served as best man. Mrs. Copeland Is a graduate Work lias begim on the longest Mrs. Pappalardo wore a were Gene White of Coventry, East CMitar Sf., ManehMtvr Main St. The bridegroom Is the were Michael A. Smith of Man­ at the Elks Carriage House. For versity of Hartford. He now at­ eph Patrick Hoy Jr. of Wor­ sa, all of Worcester. The ring turned to his unit and was de Ushers were Malcolm Robert- of Mt. St. Joseph Academy and bridge over the Danube River, green jau;ket dress with match­ R.I., brother of the bridegro^; son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W. chester, brother of the bride; a motor trip to Canada, Mrs. tends the University of <3on- cester, Mass., was solemnized bearer was Paul LeGeyt of Glared______mitsing______In______actionManchester, March brother-in- St. Joseph College, both In West along the Regensburg-Passau ing accessories. The bride­ James Aiello of Syracuse, N .T.; Friloux-Giacomini Polinsky of 80 Jarvis Rd. and Ronald Tedford of Coven­ White wore a navy blue dress nectlcut. Saturday noon, at St. Christo­ Manchester. 9 after a battle In which two *^® '•'■•‘IsSrilom; Ray- Hartford. She Is employed as a autobahn. Named after this vil­ BEAUTIFUL FAIRICS, NEW AND USED groom's mother was dressed In Donald Cuitis o f East Hartford', The Rev. Ernest Coppa of the try, cousin of the bridegroom. Sind coat with matching acces­ Mrs. White, a Rockville High pher’s CJhurch, East Hartford. Mrs. Bajoris wore a pink men of his squad were killed Valade Jr. of South Wind- teacher at the Metacomet lage, the bridge will be 8,880 hot pl-!k. Both wore corsages of and Joseph Cornelia of James­ CLOTHING FOR EVERYONE Church of the Assumption per­ The ring bearer was Jeffrey sories. The couple will live in School graduate, is employed The bride is the daughter of crepe dress with a cranberry ®ud seven wounded. Bor, brother of the bride; and School, Bloomfield. feet long, 100 feet wide and re- white cymbldlum orchids. formed the double-ring cere­ town, N.Y. Rockville after Nov. 1. Robert DuBaldo of Manchester Haynes of East Hartford, cousin by Prudential Insurance Co. Mr. and Mrs. Karl B. Bajoris of red velvet coat and a corsage of ------r— Mr. (Jopeland U a graduate of quire 10,800 tons of steel. Com- A reception for about 180 was mony and was celebrant at the Mrs. Yost wore a grtd dress Mr. White, a four-year vet­ Mrs. Valade wore an aqua Manchester High School and the pletlon la scheduled for 1978. of the bride. in Manchester. East Hartford, formerly of pink rose? and pompons. d o • w held at the KofC Home In Man­ nuptial Mass. Mrs. Smith wore a time green Manchester. The bridegroom is A reception for about was chester. For a wedding trip to The bride waa given In mar­ 100 Service Research dress and coat with matching a son of Joseph P. Hoy Sr. of Bermuda, Mrs. Vegiard wore a riage by her father. She wore held at Schaub’s Resteurant, BOSTON (AP) — Ultrahlgh- accessories and a corsage of Worcester. jacket dress with matching ac­ a full-length empire gown of Warehouse Point. For a motor speed rail service between Bos- cymbldlum orchids. The bride­ The Rev. Henry Murphy of cessories. satin, designed with long lace Talaga-Cornish trlp to Florida. Mrs. Hoy wore ton and New York could cut the groom's mother wore a beige St. Christopher's Church per­ Another innportant reason why people Mrs. Vegiard, a gradua/te of sleeves and cathedral-length a purple wool dress with black travel time between the two jacket dress with brown acces­ formed the double-ring cere­ Bulkeley High School, Hartford, train. Her veil of silk Illusion The marriage of Mias Cynthia accessories and a corsage of cities to 2*4 hours, according to sories and a corsage of yellow is attending the evening divi­ waa attached to a cap of seed mony and was celebrant at the yellow roses, ^ t e r Nov. 10, the a study by two research cor­ who live by a gas line are calledluckies tearoses. cnalre Oomiah and Walter sion of the University of Hart­ pearls, and she carried a bou­ nuptial Mass. Bouquets of pom­ couple will live in Worcester, porations for the New England A reception for 126 was held Nicholas Talaga, both of Man­ ford, She Is employed os a sec­ quet of mums and stock. pons were on the altar. Mass. Regional Commission. retary at Aetna U fe and Cas­ Miss Rose Fontaine of Mans­ at the Britlsh-American Club. chester, took place Saturday The bride was given in mar- Mrs. Hoy Is a 1963 graduate The commission is a federal- % ualty Co., Hartford. field was maid of honor. Brides­ For a motor trip to the Pocoix) morning at St. James' Church. riage by her father. She wore of Manchester High School and state agency, comprised of the Mts., Pa., Mrs. Polinsky wore Mr, Vegiard, a graduate of maids were Miss Debora E. The bride is the daughter of a full-length gown of ivory satin, 1966 graduate of the governors of the six New Eng­ Manchester High School, Is also a navy blue wool suit . with designed with lace bodice, and Smith of Manchester, sister of Mr. and Mrs. Chester A. Corn­ a 1966 graduate of the Cheun- land states and a chalrmzin ap- attending the evening division the bride; and Miss Llsbeth matching accessories. After long pouffed sleeves. Her ivory berlain School of Retailing in pointed by the President. The ish of 63 Goodwin St. The of the University of Hartford. Angel of Manchester. Nov, 1, the couple will live at lace mantilla was attached to a Boston. She Is employed as an study was made by Systems He Is employed as estimator for The attendants were dressed 277 Highland St. bridegroom Is a son of Mr. and high crown, and she carried a assistant buyer end a Junior Analysis and Research (Jorp. the Baldwin - Stewart Electric alike In full-length empire Mrs. Polinsky, a 1868 gradu­ Mrs. John Talaga of 28 Pine mother-of-pearl missal with Achievement advisor at the and Thomas K. Dyer Inc. ate of Manchester High School, Co., Hartford. gowns of gold crepe, fashioned Hill St. roses end carnations. Gilchrist Co., Boston. It said rail service could be with ruffles edging the scooped Is employed as a clerk-typist at Mrs. Robert Carr of Manches- Mr. Hoy served for four established either by using an The Rev. Thomas Barry of St. The acoustics of the Mormon necklines. They wore green rib­ the Connecticut Bank and Trust ter was matron of honor. She years with the U.S. Marine Improved shore-line route or by James' Church performed the C Tabernacle, In Salt Lake City, bons In their hair, and they car­ Co., Hartford. Mr. Polinsky, a wore a full-length gown, lash- Cforpa. He Is self-employed at using "an alternative and su- double-ring cerememy and waa With gas heat Utah, are so good that a whis­ ried bouquets of burnt orange 1967 graduate of Manchester loned with green chiffon bod- the H.R. A H. Trucking Co., perior route between Providence celebrant at the nuptial Mass. per can be heard the length of and gold color pompons. High School, Is employed at Ice, a satin cummerbund, and a Worcester. R.I, and New Haven, Cfonn.’” Mrs. Ralph Maccarone was or­ the hall—200 feet. Felicia Farr of Manchester Multi-Circuits, Manchester. dark green velvet skirt. She ganist. The soloist was Misa wore e matching velvet head- Bonnie Star. Bouquets of pom­ piece,and she carried a bouquet pons and mums were on the al- tzu’. of autumn flowers. Dean-Bantly The bride was given in mar­ Bridesmaids were Mrs. Rich­ riage by her father. She wore ard Neville and Mrs. James McGann, both of Manchester; T Miss Gloria Jean Bantly of a full-lmigth crepe gown, design­ and Miss Patricia Emerson of Manchester and Arthur Alfred ed with bateau neckline, long your satisfaction ^ston. Their gowns of beige Dean of Portland were wed Sat­ sleeves, empire waistline ac­ chiffon and green velvet were urday morning at St. James' cented with Venise lace and styled to match the honor's at­ back panels appUqued with OF MANCHESTER Church. tendant’s. They also wore matching lace. Her cathedral- The bride is the daughter of matching velvet headpieces, length veU of sUk illusion was Mr. and Mrs. Walter John Bant­ and carried similar bouquets. edged with Venise lace. She car­ ly of 99 Walnut St. The bride­ Denise Clifford of Worcester, groom is a son of Mrs. Alice ried a casczule bouquet of minia­ Mass., was flower girl Her ture carnationa and stephanotls Dean of Portland and the late full-length gown was fashioned centered with a white orchid. MRS. NASH JOSEPH FRILOUX Alfred Dean. with beige lace bodice and gold The Rev. Joseph Vujs of St. Mias Sophie Talaga of Man­ velvet skirt. She wore match­ m. M Miss Paula Jeim Gtiu omlnl of brother-in-law of the bride, was James' Church performed the chester, sister of the bride­ ing velvet ribbon in her hair, Muni-hester bccoinie the brUlu usher. double-ring ceremony luid was groom, waa maid of honor. and she carried a basket filled of Lt. Nash Joseph Frlloux of Mrs. Uiacomlnl wore a blue celebrant at the nuptial Mims. Bridesmaids were Mias Eve with autumn flowers. Norco, I.SI., Saturday, Oot. 4, at silk worstem‘s mother wore lu, emer­ ist and soloist. Biuiquets of H ie attendants were dreesed Mr. and Mrs, A. V. GUicomlnl ald green silk dress with match­ gladioli and chrysanthemums alike In full-length empire Wedding of 88 McKinley 8t, The hride- ing lu'cessorles Both mothers were on the altar. gowns of emerald green velvet groom Is the son of Mr. and wore white cymbldlum orchids. The bride was given In mar­ and crepe, fashioned with hlgb Mrs. H J. Frlloux Sr. of Nor­ A reception was held In the riage by her father. She wore necklines, and long sleeves. Simes-Crawford Holman Baker Bedding, Miss Gall Crawford and Rob­ co. Plaza R(x>m of Hotel America - .1 full-length gown of silk orgiui- They wore matching velvet uncorditionally! ert Slmes, both of Manchester, The R»w. Ernest J. Copim of In Hartford. The couple live In za trimmed with Alemon lace headbows. and carried colonial Spring Lake, N,C. and sequins, deslgneed lace neckline, long sleeves gold pompons. Lutheran Church. mony. Bouquets of gladioli and coming to points at the wrists, Michael Talaga of Manches­ man. Ushers were Roger Rich­ The bride la a daughter of it's a steal! pompons were on the altar. A-Ilne skirt, lUid chapel-length ter served as his brother’s beet at the Iiish-American Home, train appllqued with matching ard of East Hartford and Alan Glastonbury. For a motor trip Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oawford Paul Chetelat of Manchester Mathlason of Manchester. of 191 Henry St. The bride­ Hotanan Baker^s Musco Conforminflr Firm was organist. lace. Her bouffiuit veil of silk to Niagara Falla. Canada. Mrs. and Verto Ultra Firm Bedding are as the llliulon was arranged from a Mrs. Cornish wore a beige Talaga wore a beige Jack­ groom Is a son of Mr. and The bride wiui given In mar­ lace headpiece trimmed with brocade dress and coat with et dress with brown accessories Mrs. Anthony Merola of 87 name suggrats . . . firm! Available in riage by. her father. She wore betids and pearls, and she car­ matching accessories and a and a corsage of yqllow sweet­ , Spruce St. either the Inherepring or Focun Units, Hol­ a full-length empire gown of ried a cascade bouquet of sweet­ corsage of orange colored sweet­ heart roses. After Oct. 20. the Pastor C. Henry Anderson man Baker Bedding was originally design­ Ivory satin faille, designed with heart rosea, pompons, mtnla- heart roses.. The bridegroom's couple wUI live at ,161 Oak St. performed the double-ring cere­ ed from recommendaticHis by orthoptic fitted sleeves, a jewel neckline mother wore a mint green jack- mony. 2 ture carnation, and stephanotts Mr. Talaga ia a graduate of surgeons for those with back disoi^rs. trimmed with pearls and lace, centered with a Rosary of M dress with matching accesso­ Howell Cheney Regional Tech­ Miss Linda Crawford of 191 CONNECTICUT NATURAL GAS CORPORATION and a^ lace ftill chapel-length But now, many with normal, healthy backs pe/trls. ries and a corsage of bronze nical School, and Is employed Henry St., sister of the bride, train attached' at the waist. Her color cymbldlum orchitVi. are also enjoying super firmness and ex­ Miss Joan Bantly of Man­ as a carpenter at Latvls Con­ was maid o f honor. Robert Scott three-tleren with gas hasting ried a colonial bouquet of step- long sleeves and A-llne skirt. Steak House, the couple left for hanolts, pompons and sweet­ a trip to Vermont. Mr. Slmes, tor th« proparty to wMch this guarsntoa spplios. during tha first Iwslvs rrtonths She wore a matching velvet Open 9 A.M. to 5:30 PM . Cloeed Mon.— heart roses. headbow with veil, and ahe car­ a student at Hartford Instltue 7 Mrs. Terry Jeske of Wil­ ried a bouquet of yellow ^ m - of Accounting, is employed os Open Thttra. it Fri. until 9 P.M. II. St Ih# of>d of tha tirst yaar. tha purchssor is not fully conymcod lhai gas hasting m cioan. quiot. tala mette, III,, sister of the bride, pons. an auditor at Hartford Hilton ortd oconomical. Connacticul Natural Gas Corporation wiH at tha wnltan roquast of tha purchosar. sr- was matron of honor. The Bridesmaids were Mloa Pa­ lORMAL Hotel. ronga lor tha romovsl of. and raimbursamam lor. momos paid on tha mslallad purchssa prica of tha NtHiraoo pitoto bridesmaid was Mrs. William tricia Schaller The engagement of Miss of the bridegroom: and Miss . . . W1 RINT IT . . . through his molar lollars. long full sleeves, and lieborah Kaye Colhver of l.ans- Marls Pope of Manchester NmasIfT pttMo THIS (WARASTKK IS SOS-THASShKHAHI.K matching pillbox hats, and ixir dale, Ha., to Edward Swain III Their gold velvet gowns and Engaged The Truth About School Maintenauco MRS. ARTIHTR ALFRED DEAN rled colonial bouquets of bronze, of Manchester has been an­ headpieces were styled to match ALL FORMAL WEAR IN yellow and gold pompons and nounced by her father, Gerald the honor attendant's, and they Lorlna photo bittersweet. O. Colllver of loinsdale. '' i-arried bouquets of bronze col­ the bride. The ring bearer was white orchid. After Now l. the The engagement of Mias STOCK AT ALL TIMES! \ Henry J. Frlloux Jr. of Dewtre- Her fiance Is'the son of Mr or |x>mpons. Alk*n Anderson of Manchester. couple will live on Rt. 6, And­ Jacqueline Valorie Leister to '' \ \. han. La., brother of the bride­ and Mrs. Edward Swain Jf. of Mary Ellen p'Meara of Weth­ Mrs. Bantly wore a gold color over. Robert L. Genovese, both of FACT— \ ■ S' Manchester, has been announc­ \ \ groom. served as best man. 39 Candlewood Dr ' ' ersfield was flower girl. Her dres.s_ with matching accessor­ Mrs. Dean, a 1961 graduate of V\ For as little at S2 95 6 month reriui. W6II intUII a con- lically no lima at alt wh«o«ver d a convaniant lo you Terry L. Jeske of Wilmette. 111., Miss Colllver, a 1968 graduate royal blue gown was similar to ies and a corsage of red sweet­ .Manchester High School. Is ed by her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Repaired lixteen leaking roofs inherited from the four years vorsion 066 unit in your prooeni heating tyatam .. with Convert to gat heat now and save money this winter of Christopher Dor-k High School th> honor attendant's. She wore heart rosea. The bridegroom's employed in the data process­ William Leister of 61 Mil) St. In Lonsdale, Is employed by a wreath of yellow pompons In mother wore a pink and white ing department of the Fuller Her fiance is the son of Mr. of Democratic Administration. This takes care of all roofs excapt no inatellation charga at oil not even if ore hava to Call your pas heaiirtg contractor or CN(3 m Hartford American Glean Tile Co., also her hair, and carrlt*d a basket brocade dress with brown ac­ Brush Co.. Bast Hartford. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Genovese of IT bring tha lina in from the atraei And we ll do it m prac- (5?5-Ol 11) Of in New Britain (223-2774) Deming St. lODfii saop TIm World's Bost In Lansdale. filled with similar flowers. cessories ,ind a corsage of pink Dean Is a I960 graduate of tha High School which is undar study by an Architact. jPorfuimt Colognos Mr. Swain, a 1968 graduate of Richard Dean of Portland sweetheart roses. ■ Vlnal Regional Technical School, Mias Leister, a senior at Man­ ■“thm atorva) of Mata Itieet'' Manchester .High School, Is em­ “Wee Gift Wimpping" sers'ed as his brother's best A reception was held at Gar­ .Middletown. He has served for chester High School, ts employ­ M l - mn Mata Itieat ployed by /Pratt and Whitney man. Ushers were Onv-ge Dean den Grove, For a plane trip to two .vears with the U S. Army. ed at Youth Centre.- r, O n w iU liu l Division United Aircraft (ft of Portland, brother of the brid*- the Virgin Islands and Puerto He Is employed at the machine Mr. Genovese Is serving In - I ARTHUR DRUB Corp. In .East lliirtfonl. VOTE REPUBLICAN groom and Augustine Sihaller Rico, Mrs. Dean wore a leopiird shop of Pratt and Whitney DI-, the U S. Navy In Illinois. "aPBctALora m f o r m a l w e a r R E w rA L a - T he‘ wedding is planned tor of Simsbury and Michael M ar­ trimmed camel color ensemble vision of United Aircraft Corp., No date for the wedding has Tfeto m t paU ter by II April 11, 1970. quis of Manchester, cousin of with leopard acceasdries and a East Hartford been announced. I OCMNECnCUT NATURALGAS CORPORARON

/ /

I' PAGE EIGHT Vr MANCHESTER EVE?>nNG HERALD. MANCIHSSTER,. CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1969 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1969 PACX NINE a Mass of requiem/it St. T olla n d Bartholomew’s Church at 10:80. V ern on Combined Price $556,657 draft calls cynically syaoliro- Obituary BuVial will bS l^/St. James’ ntsed to college reopenings.” Latin American Editors: Cemetery. Howard Hickey Look, A m y , Seabed Disarmament Thalidomide Friends m6y call at the fu­ Addressing a meeting of Re­ M n. Hattie E. Stewart GOP^s ^TerriUe^ Record Delta^ Roncari Bids Lowest form synagogues in lUaml neral hoptfe tonight from 7 to 9 T o D irect C B T Child Finds •v ryHiim for il Mra. Hattie Emma Porter and tolfiorrow from 2 to 4 and I ’ve N o H a l! Beach, Rlsendrath called for McDonald Stewart, 79, of Blast Attacked as a Ploy “ an Immediate standstill cease­ Press Freedom Gone "tridi or troot** 7 tq.-^p.n^. • , y Job Training Undefended;^ Flaherty Says By SO LE . eXMHEN Hartford, / mother oi Raymond For Town Sanitary Sewers TWhMbV n WV wnnw — / 9r fire In Vietnam” and said Nixon My wife looked up from read­ By DORIAN FALK B. Stewart of Manchester, died, ctmference,'^and have said they Life Bnghter should “ make d ea r to General mioiatoro bon ...... oa. 2c Mrs. E. Ruth Britton AUen Howard J. Hickey Jr. of 20 Leo B. Blaherty Jr., Demo­ which was blocked by the Dem­ ing the Sunday per and Associated PreoB Writer Saturday at St. BVancls H< H ie Delta Oonatruetion Oo. of The town already has a |27B,- would m a )» their pooltioa more Thleu and Us band of unhiq>py Mrs. E. Ruth Britton Allen, Meadowood Rd. has been ap­ ocratic party and the lack ot etartled me with, "A m y Van­ AURORA, Ocrio. (AP) — Tbe In Eight Countries eld-fedrioeod tal, Hartford. cratic town chairman, today Enfield and Roncari Industries 000 federal grant tar tbs relief OB&fEVA (AP) — A silent re- fiiUy known in New Yorit. The warriors that we have not deliv­ formerly of Manchester, died pointed director of training and plaiuilng which produced day by derbilt says that a man needn’t c o w ...... ofco. 3fc Survivors also include an­ charged thait the Republican of East Granby are the appctf- trunk, at 60 per cent of esti­ talks there promise to be lively, band from Park Lone Elemen­ ered our sovereignty as a nation By CLAUDE E. ERB8EN ot their newspapers had been last n i^ t at 21 Victoria Rd., development at rthe Coimecticut day crisis government.” remove his hat In an elevator rtdt againzt the dominance of other son, a daug^iter, six ent low bidders tar construct­ mates. The $61667 extra obst, and countries not represented in tary Sriwol struck iq> “ Happy to them, that he has no veto Associated Press Writer seized and edltortalz deleted. Hartford. Bank and Trust Co. education party hsus ’’defaulted oompiete- (Commenting that Seymour anymore!” tiM United States and the Soviet grandchildren, nl^e great­ ing the Center ReUef Sanitary for the three added instaUa- Geneva are expected to join the Dajm Are Here Again.” And to power over U.8. policy, and that Harris said press condHIons Mrs. Allen had lived in Man­ center. ’The facility opened eariy ly in Ma resqixiariblUty to run a Lavitt, Democrratic candidate Well! I couldn’t care leas. I Union over the rest of the world WASHINOTON (AP) — More grandchildren alia several Sewer Trunk — Delta for the tions, will be part of the town’s opposition In numbers. Bsirbie Hanavan, smiling and ste do not have an endless 8iq>- are "bleak” In Panama where a chester for several yeans before for mayor, and his slate have haven’t worn a hat since Just than half the people of Latin nieces and iraj^ews. pubUc campedgn to defend the aoctlon from Hilliard and cost ehare. has been brewing in the Genera Ihe main points of objection squinting In a blight fall sun. It ply of blood and treasure to lav­ new preas law Is being drafted go'ng to Hartford. presented a positive program before the Junior Prom, when are that the treaty permits the America are denied the right to Funeral sei^cea will be held terrible Republican record dur­ Adams 8ts. to the high school, Others who submltttd Udi.|o- dtsarmament talks recently and permlta the was beautiful. ish upon the maintenance of an by the military regime. Survivors include two sons, pointing out the failures o f the I used my hat to stem the steam read news and comments about Wednesday at 11 a.m. at the ing the peust two-and-one-hedf Roncari for the section from the day are: Frank Oommlisa of eertetn « d American Barbie, 7, the adopted daugh­ unjust regime.” ^H6-,iU8o cited press curbs in James N. Britton and Robert years.” , Republican adminlstratkm and emitting from my father’s car. seems certain to 'erupt In the nuclear submarines to continue, their own governments, editors Benjapim J. Callahan Funeral high school to Riveralde Dr. Brookfield, $819,804 for ibe ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ha­ “nm e Magazine, meanwhile, Peru, Argentina, Paraguay and have responded to any'proposal It was the week before the U.N. General Aaseihbly in New permits so-called peaceful nu­ and iMbltshers of Western Hem­ h, 1602 Main St, East C. Britton, both of Manchester CSiarglng that Republican and Welcome PI. westerly section and $488,876 'York next montii. navan of Aurora, caiiu home released a report by pollster Uruguay. or question presented by the op­ Junior Prom and I had borrow­ clear explosions on the ocean isphere newspapers were told iord, with the burial in a daughter. Miss Geraldine J. Mayor John Grant was ’’denied Saturday after spending months Louis Harris that more than Harris also mentioned a brief 4 position, the press or the pub­ ed hU car. The radiator froie Delta’s price for the westerly for the easterly; Daddario Bros, Tlie <9 poaitlon against the two floor, provides no clearly de­ today. \he tnVwxcte of RvaVh iJVtgl side Cemetery, East Hart­ Britton of Hartford; and three nomination not only as mayor one-tUrd of some 2,800 pereons interlude of censorship In Chile lic, Flaherty said, '‘The Repub­ and, of course, cracked. section of $348,818, and Roo- of Btoomfield, no bid for the sigienxiwera includes some of in a California hospital where In a speech prepared'for the down'lown TMvwtkKHf. ford. granddaughters. but for the board because of fined procedures for control, re­ interviewed favor an immediate last week during a ahort-llving lican campaign has consisted of So, naturally, I didn’t get the oarl’s price for the easterly sec­ weaterly section and $487,775 for the United States’ alUes, the tains a Soviet and American her spine was straightened after opening of the annual meeting ------T fc| .J Friends may call at the fu­ Private funeral services will the poor Republican record,” U.B. srithdrawal from Vietnam, Army mutiny but said the situa­ a series of announcements ot car the night o f the Junior tion If $206,889. the easterly Ouerrera end Son nonaUgned countries represent­ veto on possible future treaty seven operations. ot the Inter American Press As­ neral home tonight from 7 to be held ‘ tomorrow afternort groups, petition fire. through Friday when President \ signing groups, school groups I think I was the only one In Griswtrid Engineering, which easterly; and Mardc and Son Oommunlit countries. tions would be permitted some­ the spine and stunted vital or­ Juan, Puerto Rico, said press Ralph D. Ross of Asylum Ave. The magasine said the Inter­ Nixon will announce his new tration responaible for this poor ^ e history of my high school to drew the plans and specifica­ of Southington, no bid on the Outwardly the dispute con­ gans, Barbie was a “ thalido­ freedom has disappeared In Baptist Church, Hartford, will and such.” what undefined. view sample was made up of Latin American policy at the ' Mrs. Arthur J. Feltault record was nominated for take his date to the Junior westerly and $834,800 for the cerns the projected Sovlet- mide baby” whose natural eight nations ot Latin America. Read Herald Advertisementa Flaherty further commented tion, esUmated the coat at $667,- Opponents also claim it Is in two groiqia—one of 1,660 “ mem­ closing session. Mra. Elaine V. Feltault, 71, of officiate. Burial will be In East Mayor. Prom on a bus, without a hat Amerioan treaty to ban nuclear mother took the drug befora “There Is less free press In that all Democratic candidates 720. the figure includes a $660,- easterly. conflict with intematitmal sea bers of a cross-section of the en­ 11 Anderson St., wife of Arthur Cemetery. ’ ’Grant, who was constantly in Ever since then, except for Barbie was bora. the Americas today than at any for the Board of Represent- 000 eriimale for the relief Delta did not bid on the east­ weapons from the floor of the law and prejudices existing tire population’’ and 1,118 “na­ J. Feltault, died early this There will be no calling the press for two-ai)d-one-half my Ume In the Army, I haven’t Barbie’s been in a ejMd- and time since the lAPA was reoi^ tives have continued to speak tnmk, plus $7,720 for three ex­ erly section. Roncari’s Ud for world’s oceans. It has come un­ rights and claims of coastal tional and oommunity leaders.’’ morning at Manchester Memo­ hours. years, has been mysteriously si­ worn a hat. der concerted attack since the had braces on her legs most of ganlsed In i960," Harris report­ rial Hospital. out on the issues but nothing tra instaUatiens. the westeriy section is $889,817. states over the waters above lenced and the mayor pro-tem has been heard from the Re­ And here’s Am y Vanderbilt conference cochairmen, James their continental shelves. her life,” said Wayne Hana'van. ed. Mrs. Feltault was bom July * hiuB said nothing beyond his publican candidates for the telUng* me I don't have to re* F. Leonard o f the United States "She had a body cast when she Fim enl Rites Set Harris, who is executive edi­ ^ Board of "Education 9, 1896 in Niagara Falls, N.Y., Mancheater Area plans for recreation and a few move my hat in an elevator came to us at six mOTtha.” tor of “ El Mundo,” Is chairman board. In Australia and Alexei Roshchin of the So­ NEW HAVEN (AP) — J^in- daughter of Edward and Abi­ platitudes,” Flaherty said. anymore. viet Union, presented It Oct. 7. Barbie has spent moot of her of lAPA’s Freedom ot the Press gail Pierce Very, and had lived Charging that the ’’voters are Ex-Ck>v. B row n eral services will be held Wed­ Rockville Youth ’Ihe town chairmen question­ being underestimated by a Re­ She says that tt’s passe be­ HEALTH CAPSULES® But there is a deeper resent­ life In hoqiitals and for the p»a4 Committee. in West Hartford before coming by Miehael A. PetU, M.D. nesday for Mrs. Elisabeth Barg- Robert E. SpiUone Howard J. Hickey Jr. ed, ’’Where Is the defense for publican campaign that has cause the hat held In a man’s ment underneath. eight mOTths has been under "Bight nations and more than to Manchester 17 years ago. hand takes up too much room Governm ent Recalls Recpiest hoom, whose Yale professor son 2 the wholesale resignation from ducked the hard and Important The draft treaty has been crit­ treatment at Uie Rancho Los half the population of Latin She was a member of St. Meiry’s A rrested After this year in downtown Hartford If itu nt AU APKLT, #H«ULP YOU was freed from a Russian prison Bob is a Senior Project Engineer, Pratt A Whit­ practically every major cffice In Issues,” Flaherty said, ” Sey- In the elevator. K IMMUMiZfP A6AIM4T icized In no uncertain terms by Amigos Hospital In Downey, America are now under some Episcopal Church and Orford to centralize all bank education­ From Voloshen at the personal request of the government?” Of course, there aren’t too (LOCtCJAIfl) 8 a majority of the 26 nations par­ Calif., a nationally known or- form of military government ney Aircraft. BS. Degree Mechanical Engrineerinff, Parish Chapter, DAR. A House Break al and training efforts, and to motir Lavitt is not running for Party Seen late President John F. Kennedy. He asked where the Republi­ recreation director. He is run­ many elevators In Manchester ticipating in the (Jene'va ses- th<^>odlc center. There, helped and press freedom has dlsapr Survivors, besides her hus­ coordinate job training pro­ L08 ANGELES (AP) — For­ Mrs. Barghoorn died Friday Tufts Univenity. Residea at 288 Timrod Road Arnold Bevins, 19, of 6 Ward can defense was for: '"The anyway. Soon, Amy Vanderbilt Btons. It has been called a slop­ by $18,000 raised by Colorado peared in each In varying de­ band, include a slater, Mrs. grams for the disadvantaged. ning for mayor and therefore mer Gov. Eldmund O. Brown at the age of 86. with his wife Beverly luid three .Hona. Cub Scout St., Rockville, was charged by breakdown o< morale in the gov­ may tell me that I don’t have Victorious py piece of work, hastily put to­ residents and from nationwide grees from a total blackout to Walter E.. Dennis of Tenafly, Hickey Joined CBT In January he has discussed all aspects of Her son, Frederick C. Barg­ I Vernon police with breaking and ernment; the loss of public con­ government and all issuec) of im­ to remove the hat 1 don’t own gether------... in vague and amconfusing using “ lobbyist friend of House donations. Barbie underwent the spasmodic censorsUp,’’ he said. Pack Chairman, Richard Martin School. N.J.; and several nieces and entering with criminal Intent Sa­ of this year as assistant to Marc when I meet a lady on the SYDNEY, Australia (AP) — hoorn. an expert on Russia, was Harris said there is a "com ­ nephews. fidence; the attempt to overtax portance.” terms* unacceptable---- - in virtually VaaWUCUlJf Speaker^------John------W. ••• McCormack seven operations which straight­ turday. The arrest was the re­ J. Patterson, training and devel­ street. Australia’s Liberal-County par­ mil ______^ Z .... ened her iq>ine. accused of spying and held In the plete blackout’’ of the free press Funeral services will be held opment director. He was pre­ all its significant aspects, and, asked him to parole a California Soviet Union tor six weeks In sult of an investigation into a About the’elevators, I can see ty coalition government, in pow­ Without the surgery, her curv­ In Cuba and Haiti. He described Wednesday at 1:80 p.m. at viously employed as a personnel moreover, a document dealing convict In 1968 after a meeting the fall of 1968. J VOTE REPUBLICAN house break on Quarry Rd. July Amy VanderbUt’s point. C!bn er for the last 20 years, ‘today with a subject that is neither ur­ ing spine eventually would have condiUona In Brasil as "a trage­ 7 Holmes Funeral Home, 400 adviser at United Aircraft Corp. In addition to Frederick, Mrs. 27. Cosmonuats About Town you Imagine the confusion when claimed a narrow vicUxry in Ssd- gent nor really within the de- arranged by a caller who said cruriied her lungs. dy.” Main St. TTve Rev. Timothy Car- and was associated' with Hess Barghoorn is survived by anoth­ ’This' U the second arrest VFW Auxiliary will meet to­ a lady bemks into a man’s hat !1urday’B general ^elections de­ clau-ed mandate of the Geneva he was from McCormack’s of­ Doctors at first thought It He said newsmen and edtiors berry, curate of St. Mary’s on. er son. Harvard paleontotoglst ^ 4 r made In connection with the morrow at 7:80 p.m. at the and accusMS him of gettlna spite sweeping gains by the La­ conference. fice. would take up to 18 months for there had been ’’hoirassed, ar­ Episcopal Church, will officiate. break and a warrant has been A native of Holyoke, Mass., 'Sample U.S. fresh? bor party. Else BargtMX>rn. rested and jailed” while editions Biuial will be In East Ceme­ Poet Home. Refreshments will There are no mass-destruction The Los Angeles Times, which Barbie’s treatment but a major obtained for a third, police said. he Is a 1964 graduate of Monson According to Amy, it’s much But absentee ballots delayed tery. be served. weapons currently on the disclosed the incident In a story portion of (he therapy Is now Bevins was released on a 8600 (Mass.) Academy. He received better to bcMsk Into the man, AtioliiXtli. -rgftflU^ 14 m«4T determining the winners of five Friends may call at the fu­ W a y o f L ife CeMMOM M PEOPLE OVER seabed cuiyrwhere, the opponents in its Sunday edition, said over. She will probably have to non-surety bond for appearance an AB In 1961 from Fairfield without the benefit of a soft-hat Parliament seats that could neral home tomorrow from 7 to SEEAu^e rney fail To 6tx them- say, nor is there any known Brown Identified McCormack’s undergo another operation at In Rockville Circuit Court 12 University and holds a Master’s A military whist card party bumper. swing the election either way. 9 p.m. only. iSAN DIEGO, Calif. (AP) — A 4ELVE4 IMMUHiZeP. plan for setting any up. Thus, friend as Nathan P. Voloshen Fltslmons Army Hospital In Au­ Nov. 18. In Industrial psychology from wlU be held tonight in NelU Holt Election officials said final re­ Soviet cosmonaut’s Impression WKh apologlM to Danbury, Hm Mi Csptuitt kUtmadimu they atld, the treaty deals with a and declared that the parole rora but a neck-to-waist cast is Michael Q. Sams, 17, of Kan- Springfield College. of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church. Mrs, Fanny McKenney men aren’t wearing hats as It ii net intended fe be el •■ Ia§nesH< nefurih sults might not be known for form of armament that lies far was not granted. scheduled to come off (n Jsnu- ter Dr., Vernon, was arrested Hickey serves on the faculties ot ? "All fall The event Is open to the public. sever^ dajrs. Mrs. Fanny McKenney, 92, Prizes will be awarded, and re­ they did yeans ago. Only In the In the future and is hardly more Voloshen, 71, has been ac­ ary. Sunday morning after a one-car of the^ University of Hartford down, all get up, all fall down." Lattat returns Indicated that formerly of Mt. Nebo PI., died freshments served. coldsst weather, and when It than a hypothesis• today. -----e ’ VUOW6cused byWjf AAlACLife lllOKCMUIAS magazine Wl of iUfUqiusing ’ ’Barbie progreesed so fast, accident on Bolton Rd. He was and Manchester Community So said Gen. Georgy Berego­ the go^rnm ent co«dltlon won 62 last night a/t a Manchester con­ College. He Is a member of rthe snows, do they seem to dig out inference majority feels the speaker’s friendship to seek the doctors couldn’t believe charged with failure to drive In voy after viewing a game be­ the old beanie. seats and the Laborite opposi­ that If the two st^erpowers favors for clients, valescent home. She was the American Society of Training Manchester orthodontist Dr. their own reports,” Hanavan right hand lane. Maybe It’s because we ride New H aven tion 68, a gain of 16, with five widow of Lewis McKetmey. Directors and Is on the train­ tween the Oakland Raiders and Winfield S. Danielson, of 320 agreed OT suc^ a hypothetical When the caU came. Brown said. Police said, Sams, in making In coTB so much—bothered by seats still undecided. Issue, thU would be not so much said, his secretary told him Mrs. MhKenney was bom Oct. a right hand turn into Valley ing committee of the Human the San Diego Chargers Sunday. Main St., has just returned When she came down from hats that are always being Labor party leader Gough M act of foresight as an ac- “John McCormack on the 8, 1877 in Hodgeon, Maine, and Falls Rd., lost control of the Resources Center of Connecti­ His 19-year-old son, Viktor, from a 6-day conference at the Nov. 4 Tirst’ the airplane Saturday, BarMe knocked off our heads. Whltlam refused to admit de­ knowledgement of the feict that phone.” took a few hesitant steps with had lived in Manchester for 28 car, went across the roadway cut. seemed more Interested in the Lancaster (Pa.) Cleft Palate (Continued from Page One) feat. years. He la married to the former Whatever the reason, Amy they simply cannot agree on "But when I took Uie phone, it the aid of a metal orthopedic and hit a fence. His court date game—and In his pretty blonde Clinic. The purpose of the con­ The massive swing to Labor Survivors include a son, Wes­ Miss Rosalie M. Dizek of Holy­ Vanderbilt needn't worry. Very has gone after the university to anything more significant In wasn’t the speaker,” Brown walker. Her doctors say she will la Nov. 18. instructor. Kathy Blrk, 20, a ference was to study techniques was attributed by some observ­ terma read airms limitation or ton McKenney of Maine; a oke, and they have three chU- few hats eue being worn by men pay its ’’fair share” in lieu of tax said. “ He didn’t represent him­ be able to walk unaided after Michael D. Quinn, 18, of Wap- hostess who met Viktor on a of treatment and research in ers to the party’s pledge to end disarmament. daughter-in-law, Mrs. Susan dren. in elevators. exemptions. He has also made self to be the speaker after he her cast comes off. plng Wood Rd., Vernon, was ar­ tour and became his date for oral, facial and conamunicatlve the draft and bring home the Diplomats point to the last 8o- McKenney o4 Manchester; 7 disorders. Several persons, dis­ I’d like to hear her comments education one of his strong is­ started talking. He gave me his Ahead for the pretty, dotk- rested Sunday afternoon and the weekend, explained the 7,600 Australian troops In Viet­ vlet-Amerlcan agreement, the grandchildren, and 24 great- on a young man who takes his sues and became involved In a name and I can’t even remem­ halred girl are long months ot charged with making unneces­ game in Russian. Viktor tinguished for their achieve­ 1968 nonproliferation treaty, in date on a bus to the Junior slight controversy with some of nam. But the Sydney Morning ber Ills name, but he he tutoring, both physical and men­ grrandchlldren. sary noise with a motor vehicle. cheered the Chargers. ments In the medical, dental, which nonnuclear powers Nine Arrests Prom, and without a hat. the older members of the GOP Herald said It was due to Prime was in the speaker’s office.” tal. She will keep up with her Funerql services will be held Edward J. Omalley, III, 21, "He Is a very Intelligent per speech, hearing, sociological pledged not to make or obtain They just don’t make them who labeled him as a “John Minister John G. Gorton’s When Voloshen, an attorney, tomorrow art, 10 a.m. at Holmes of West Hartford and Mlchale son,” said Kathy, "and he’s and psychological fields, spoke nucleeu* weapons while the Bo- eecond-grade classes at Park that way anymore! Lindsay type” candidate. ’’slightly arrogant, impulsive arrived several weeks later to Lane Elementary at home and Funeral Home, 400 Main St. The 8. Levy, 19, also of West Hart­ In Kenya Riot willing to try anything.” Kathy, at the conference. viet Union and the United fitates DlRlenzo, 44, Is a self-em­ one-man-band style of leader- ask for the parole of a state Rev. Dr. J. Metnley Shaw, pastor ford were arrested yesterday In bom to Russian parents In Paris ahlp.” promised not to give any away. study math, reading, spelling ployed investigator, and a dis­ prison Inmate serving a sen­ of South United Methodist Vernon and charged with hunt­ NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — but raised in Anaheim, was also Lutz Junior Museum Volun­ Thus, while retaining their nu- and penmanship. Supreme Court sident Democrat who will serve, tence for robbery. Brown said Church, will officiate. Burial ing on Sunday. OgliKla Odtnga, the opposition Viktor’s date lor a party at the teer League will meet Thurs­ cleau* weapons monopoly, the su­ About 60 friends, neighbors until Dec. 31, as a city alder­ he called McCormack. will be In East Cemetery, The pair was arrested after leader whose dispute with Presl- home ot actor Kirk Douglas. day from 9:30 to 11 a.m. at the perpowers retained the freedom and classmates greeted Barbie To Review Law man and state senator. He bolted Police Use TV ”l ’m quite sure he didn’t ’There will be no calling hours. allegedly shooting three ducks dient Jomo Kenyatta set oft Beregovoy and fellow cosmo­ museum. Miss Hazel Lutz will to continue producing aitomlc when she came home. the party during the summer know until I called him that this at Middle Bolton Lake. Each naut Konstantin Feoklstov sam­ present a program on "India." arms without restriction. Aa a cloelng number, the Park weekend rioting at a hospital On Obscene Ads when he leanred he would not T o Interpret man had called and asked me to Mrs. Frank Pratt posted a $200 non-surety bond pled American hot dogs, pea­ Members needing transporta­ Their simultaneous promise to I-ane band played "Every- opening, was placed under ar­ WASHINGTON (AP) The be favored to CE^iture the Dem­ Intervene In this robber’s case,” SOUTH WINDSOR — Mrs. for appearance In Rockville nuts, pizza. Ice cream and beer tion may contact Mrs. Donald start tadks on limiting defensive thing’s Coming Up rtnsrs." rest today along with all eight Supreme Court agreed today to ocratic nomination. He had an­ Court Rulings Brown said. McCormack said he Olive H. Pratt, 58, of Hartford, court Nov. 18. dur.ng the game, but their Intro­ Conrad, 14 Harvard Rd. missile systems still stands, members of Parliament from review a federal law Uie,. le- nounced he would oppose Lee ’ ’didn’t want me to do anything wife of Frank Pratt and mother Other area police activity: duction to football did not comd SACRAMENTO, CalU. (AP) awaiting fulfillment. his Kenya People's Union. qulres mailers to stop sending —before Lee announced he that wasn’t completely right.” of Mrs. Jacqueline Garafolo of COVENTRY through too well In interpreta­ The Marine (Jorps Auxiliary — Some California police de­ Thus the Geneva disarma­ C Eleven persona were killed "obscene” advertisements to would not run. Brown said MoCormack told South Windsor, died Saturday Almon T. Gagnon, 26, of tion. will sponsor a card party partments are using television ment talks have slowly turned Scott Sees and 73 were wounded by gunfire people who don’t want to re­ He was running on his own him Voloshen was a friend of In Hartford Hospital. Lake St. , Coventry, was Their Instructor was Leo Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at the to teach their officers how to Into a conference for ’’nonarma­ from security forces in Kisumu ceive them. Liberty Party line and subse­ his. McCormack "didn’t pres­ Survivors also Include anoth­ charged Saturday with delivery Crampsey, a former San Fran­ Marine Home, Parker St. The live within the Supreme Court ment” of the smaller nations, on Saturday. Kenyatta had gone The law, which took effect in quently picked up the support of sure me or ask me to do any­ Big Pullout er daughter and a brother. of liquor to minora. He Is sched­ cisco 49er now employed by the event la open to the public. rulings on arrests. wfai(di are getting increasingly there to open a new Soviet-built April 1068, was attacked by a the American Party” headed by thing,” the former 'governor Funeral services will be held uled to appear In Manchester State Department. Prizes will be awarded, and "The smart ones realize that annoyed and unwilling to rubber hospital. But People’s Union group of mailers who claimed It supporters of Gov. George Wal­ added. Continued from Page One) Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the Mil­ Curcult Court 12 Nov. 10. ” I was trying to explain refreshments served. complaining about Supreme stamp Soriet-America ar­ supporters began heckling the abriilges the constitutional lace In the 1968 presidential cam' Brown said he took no action ler and Ketcham Funeral Home through on official American In­ (3ourt decisions doesn’t put fel­ rangements that essentially al­ gram "loMea and Anowers.” Other weekend arrests by president and the latter put the palgn. When he accepted the on the parole after the Depart­ In Brandon, Vt. Burial will bo terpreter who didn’t understand The Manchester Emblem rights of free speech and free- ons behind bars,” said Dial. low the two big powers to con­ Coventry police, with all sched­ com of the press. support of the American Party, ment of Corrections convinced A keas charitable view of Nlx- In Pine Hill Cemetery, Brandon. blame on Odlnga, who also was football,” said Crampsey. "8o, Club has been Invited to attend Atty. Bvelle J. Younger of Loa tinue their race for military uled for Manchester court Nov. DlRlenzo lost his campaign man­ him "that I should not Intervene otVa Vietnam poltey worn ex- Friends may call at the fu­ present. forget It. We just didn’t get a District Deputy Night pro­ The court granted the mail- Angeles County. “ We’ve got to power balance. T 10 were: In any way at all.” preraed by Rabbi Maurioe N The arrests followed a Cabi­ gram by the Wallingford Em­ ■ era’ plea for a hearing and, lat­ ager who said the "ideals of neral home tomorrow from to Louis J. Kelly, 44, Wllllman- through." learn to live with the new . Facing such concerted opposi­ Brown, who did not identify Bteendrath o f New York, leader 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. net meeting at the Gatundu blem Club on Tuesday, Nov. 3, er thla term, will review an that party are not In line with tlc, breach of the peace and In­ ground rules." tion to the seabed project, the the convict, said he did not of AmiMlcan Reform Judotem. country home of Kenyatta, 26 at 8 p.m. at the Wallingford Aiprll 30 ^ decision by a three- my thinking.” F.W. Carmon Funeral Home, Younger’s office has produced United States and the Soviet Un­ think Voloshen’s request for pa­ He accused the rroeldud of toxication; George J. White- miles north of here. Elks Home. Reservations close judge panel in California that DlRelenzo has hit "machine” 6 Poquonock Ave., Windsor, Is house, 26, Trotter St., Manches­ a series of shows Illustrating the ion promised to offer an amend­ role was Improper. Brown, de­ practicing verbal ” slelght-of- The statement said that the Householders Friday and may be made by the law 18. constitutional. politics and the city administra­ handling local arrangements. high court rules that guarantee ed version. But both sides made feated by Re{^lican Ronald hand” aimed at defiztif^ cam­ ter, operating under the Influ­ trouble which erupted In Kisu­ contacting Mrs. Alfred Ritter, The government had argued tion. He has come out for the ence; John Hovey, 18, Jarvis counsel to those arrested and It clear that the new version Reagan In a re-election bM In pus proteri wHh "off agaln-on Joneifi F. PIsch mu Saturday had been organ­ Burning Leaves 40 Chester Dr. or Mrs. Alfred In support of the law that free working man, parks abd Tecra St., Manchester, violation of a restrict poUce In obtaining would not take all of the main 1966, now ptracUoes law in Los 'again bombing halts, token Joseph F. PIsch, 56, of 74 Ho- ized "beyond a shadow of Ponticelll, 30 McKee St. speech rights may be required tlon, youth and industry for New state traffic control sign, and confessions and gathering evi­ points of criticism into account. Angeles. wMhdrawala and laino Rd., husband of Mrs. Elea­ doubt” by the opposition leaders Despite Law to yield to a citizen’s right to Haven. He says he wants to re­ dence. And as the end of October dead­ Rlch'>rd E. Caouette, 37, Olcott turn "government to the people nor Spodding PIsch, died sud­ imd their youth wingers. Manchester Rotary Club will privacy In his own home. If officers know the rules. line for the (3eneva talks ap­ St., Manchester, operating un- Eighth District fire fighters and take It out of the hands of denly Saturday night at Man­ According to the statement, meet tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. at Under the law any person who Younger said, they wUl moke proaches, the promised treaty re'-lstereil motor vehicle and reported investigating several the power mad and greedy pol­ chester Memorial Hospital. Odlnga and his deputy, J. M. the Manchester Country Club. receives an advertisement he arrests that wlU stand up In revlslOTs have not appeared. improper passing. Illegal burning complaints over iticians.” Mr. PIsch was born March 16. Nthula, ore being held under finds “ erotically arousing” or court. Several opponents have an­ the weekend. Under the state Moffitt Is a former Republi­ 1913 In Manchester, son of house arrest. Women's Home League of the "sexually provocative” may ask nounced already that they feel "no-burning" laws, which went can. He is 40 and is employed Whenever a new decision af­ Frank and Theresa Qrossebic The other members of Parlia­ Salvation Army will meet to his local postmaster to direct fecting criminal law comes out time has run out for meaningful Into effect last year, the out­ as a claims manager for the PIsch, and lived In Hartford for Piildic Records ment arrested and detained In tomorrow at 1 p.m. at the Cita­ the advertiser to stop sending In Washington—or from the negotiation at the Geneva door burning of trash, leaves, del. Hostesses will be Mrs. Maj­ mail to him. Connecticut Medical Service. He a short time before returning to Qiilti-liilni Dreils prison ore Wasonga Sljeyo. Oko- state Supreme Court—Young­ and otlier tnaterlals Is prohlblt- or Kenneth Lance and Mrs. Eliz­ If the advertiser refuses to has been classed as a "law and Manchester many years ago. l.tic'lle I’ t'Hce to John J. lo Odongo, Luke Obok, Okuto er' s film unit goes to work. c(i In Manchester. Virtually any abeth Wilson. strike the name from the mail­ order” candidate, although he He was employed as an engi­ Bala, Odero Sar and Ondlek Combining narration with the tviiUll, pronortv on Diane Dr., and all outside burning Is pro­ ing list, the local U.S. attorney has not harped on this point In neer at International Business •■o i-mveyanct' (ax. Chllo. hibited. The law states that dramatization, the producers Machine Corp., Hartford, and Men who enjoy singing barber Is authorized to move for an In­ his statements. Larry J. Hatlnen to Regina Also arrested was the party where an alternate method of are able to put out a television shop harmony may join the junction. If the advertiser diso­ He has been critical of fiscal RENT was a member of Its Quarter M. llntliioii, pax>|>erty at 21 tape in two weeks. publicity officer, Acheng Oneko. ditposiU Is available, burning beys the injunction he may be management In the city, especi­ Century Club. He was also a Canterbury St., no eonveynnee SPEBSQSA Monday nights art 8 The tapes are made available Tile government appealed to will not be allowed. held In contempt of court. ally the work In the controller’s member of the Manchester tax. for four-part singing at the to jiollce departments and sher­ Lodge of Elks. all Kenyans to remain calm fol­ They were pul forth by state Army-Navy Club. office. He has also touched on Atbiehiiient. iffs and are shown to officers at A C A R ? Survivors, besides his wife., lowing Saturday's riots In Kisu­ ntr pollution authorities and are redevelopment, taxes and Yale Stanley Blah of Middletown designed to reduce air polllutlon. the beginning of their shifts. include two daughters. Miss mu. Kiwanls Club of Manchester Spanish Shell paying a share toward city tax ngiilnal Starlette Slore.t Ine. of Firemen say that although This week, Younger was In Janet PIsch and Mtss Juditii Odingn, who played a lending will meet Tuesday at noon at es. New York, doing btialneaa aa they ciui supply police with the Sacramento, completing nego­ PIsch, both at home; a brother, part In Kenya's fight for Inde­ the Manchester (Country Club. Nearly H its Gulda is pegged as a slight The Kin-lory Outlet, 210 Pine tiations for several Northern Frank S. PIsch of Manches­ pendence, Is being detained at names of the offenders, making William Diana, Republican can­ favorite but the Republicans see not only alOTOVolvo. fit.. *5000. > them subject to arrest and a California counties to take the ter, a sergeant wltli the Con­ his home on the shore of Lake didate for Manchester Board of British Liner their best chance to win the Trade Niune tine, they seldom take thla ac­ service. necticut State Police at the Victoria. The house Is ringed by Dlrectora, will be the guest FALMOUTH. England (AP) mayor’s soat in the past several Eileen Richmond doing binl- guards with automatic weapons. tion unleM the offender has re- years. Along the way, the GOP In Sacramento Ctounty. the lt^n1974triplo Europe Hartford Barracks; and a sis­ re.-t.-t aa The Childrens' School, speaker. —Practice shells from a Span­ lieatcdly Ignored their wam- is expected also to win four or programs will be broadcast by. ter, Mrs. Raymond J. Dumas of 47 Earl St__ The others arrested were ish shore battery near Cape flown to Nairobi and detained In .ngs. five aldermanic spots. The pres­ the local educational television Why Not! Manchester. Miirrliige IJeensea Ben Ezra Chapter, B'nal Trafalgar splashed Into the sea 2 station. The transmission will 'The funeral will be he'd Komltt prison, 12 miles from the "When we get a fire which la Brith, will sponsor a program clcae to the British liner Uganda ent board makeup is 30-0 in and o1978swimming pool William John Avery, 100 Ly- an obvious case of Illegal burn­ be received only by specially Wednesday at 9:46 a.m. from city center. tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. at Tem­ with 900 children on board, the favor of the Democrats. W e have fully equipped dall St,, and Patricia Ann ing. we first extinguish the fire tuned sets (n the sheriff's de­ Buy a Volvo from us sad the John F. Tierney Funeral ple Beth Sholom on the drug ship’s captain said Sunday new ears for rent by the A year later, in 1974, Croi-a, Bo'ton, Nov. 8, St. and then we Inform the person partment and police headquar­ Home, 219 W. Center St., with problem In Manchester schixils nlg^t. day, wedc or month, at it could cause a dramatic you'll have saved 12mOTtUy Bartholomew's Church. of the law. We seldom refer the ters. however. The average and In the town. very reasonable rates! rite in your standard of Anthony Frank Miszuk. West Deaths in mutter to the police, but I guess The Uganda was forced to al­ Jaycee To Hear viewer would see a scrambled car payments. At about Lving. Hartfortl, and Pauline Edith If he were a repeater, we'd ter course away from the shore, picture on his home set. Whra your car is tied up S90 each, that's tlOeO. Or Connecticut College Club will Roth, 42 Fulton Rd. Capt. Eric Plowman said, when Four Candidates Larry Waldlngton, who pro­ tar service or repairs, o r That’s because the 1970 enough for you and your Personiil Notices have no choice." one eighth dis­ sponsor a tour to seven art stu­ Theodope I-awreiu-e SehtiUz. The W orld trict spokesman said. the 17,000-ton educational cruise duces the tapes for Younger, when you need an addi­ Volvo is built tbe same way dios tomorrow from 10 a.m. to wife to vacation in Europe. 83 Eldrldge St. and Ruth KU'hsrd Arens Town (Ire officials have taken liner docked at Falmouth after Manchester Jaycees, meeting said he envisions a television tional ear . . . In Memoriam 4 p.m. For more Information, at all previous \%>lvos: By 1978, you could save Ixtulse Shiiughnea.sy, Eaat Hart­ WASHINGTON (AP) — Rlch- a similar approach, favoring a 14-day Mediterranean cruise. In the American Legion Hopie network for law enforcement. In 7 III lovLnf menuiry of our hualHiikil ford. Oirt. 28. coll Mra. Rigby H. Gradiam of at 8:30 tonight, will be address­ lo last (We can't say how (ukI father Robert J. IsVoiyi. wliom Hid Arens. 66, staff director of public education to the new Plowman said the Uganda addition to training films, he another $4320. Enough for God cabled home Oct. zl. liR'6 Bolton. ed by four candidates for mu­ long, but 9 out o f every Htilldliig Permits the House Cummlttee on antl-buming laws rather than soiled out of Gibraltar Bay said, photographs of vranted CAU a swimming pool. fHve ua a v^-ny of life, love tuul Th>ma.s Reid, tcxil shed at Unumerlcan Activities during ,s;rlct police enforcement. Tuesday bound for England. nicipal office, two from each criminals could be sent around 10 Velvet registered here in For further mformstion integrity. 060 Lydall St., $560. Memorial Temple, Pythian party. Marked wmI the upwuid pulh he the lute 1950s, died Saturday in Town firefighters answered a "It was Trafalgar Day. which the state. tbe last eleven years are Kenyon Oil Co for John Slaters, will observe Neighbors on Europe and swimming took to lleeven'H etornUy. Belhosdn. Md . after a heart at­ false alarm from Box 192 (Ver- commemorates Lord Nelson's Appearing wUl be Republi­ Lineups of suspects could also 6 4 3 -5 1 3 S We would iitH mourn without the Howatti, .sign at i;i4 Oakland Night at Us meeting tomorrow still on tbe road.) pools, consult your Yellow hope tack. Hr was a commissioner on planck school) Saturday at 11:67 famotu sea battle off CSipe Tra- cans David Odegard and Robert be shown on the network, ha St.. $300. at 8 p.m. at Odd Fellows Hall. So three years from now, Psges- Tlml In our home aUive, the tl.S. t.''ouri Claims at the a.m. fa l^ r, and for the benefit of the Spillane, and Democrats Wil­ said. Our Heavenly rather will unite un John B. Harkins, alterations After the meeting, there will be With the one Wi> iuvo time of his death Two calls for burning leaves children I decided to take the liam FitzGerald and Olof An­ you should find yourself For further information to dwelling at 93 Ferguson Rd » entertainment. and refresh­ J. Frank WIIUs derson. keeping tbe mooey you'd nor- Mra. JeaMe H l^ytoui and $500. were answered Simday. The first ments will be served. ship close to the cape." he re­ Dowen Great R u i i u on (he car that makes them fkmUy. TORONTO (A D — J. Frank ported. Odegard and FlUGerald are S. M. Gibriano for Theodore at 9:26 p.m. at 1065 E. Middle SANTA FE, N.M. —In Chooo mslly spend fora new car. possible, consult us. Willis. 60. one of the most famll- running for re-election to the Pastva. atMKlon.s to dwelling at Tpke.; the second at 9:31 p.m. "We were about 3.2 miles off Canyon, In aa orsa about two In Memoriam 1 ir voices In Canadian radio and Board of^DIrectorz. Spillane and la loving meiiiury of .....I 65 Lenox St., $4,000. at 53 Lake St. the Sponjsh shore when a shell m^ijea long and eight mlloa televis'on died of an apparent GQP To Assess Anderson are new candidate, wiio pssird sway OcIoImt 36. iMT ^N-swton H. Smith & Son for Eighth V District Volunteer landed Ih the water, half a mile wide, ore a doaen great ruins ii'-art attack Sunday. In Toromto. for the Board of Education. Not juit today, but vvciyduv. George Lutzen.l udditlon.s to Flrefighten extinguished a to a mile ahead of my ship. and more than 800 am oiler ar­ WHIis joined the original radio Campaign State Tonight's meeting is for Jay- Our thiHishta turn back in you dwelling at 108 Harlan SI., $l . brush fire on Irving St. In the "I immediately altered couroe cheological siteo ot an Indian Borni- llttlo thins. In a apidaJ wav organisation of the Canadian eee members and prospective l.lko you uac-i] to aay aiul do 200. King's Pond area yesterday at away from land and steered civilization that began aboot Broadcasting Corp., In 1933. The Republican Town Com­ members only. MMMin Hart^lViiiiii 1 p.m. It aaya llmo In-ala all M.rinw mittee has scheduled a meet­ through a fishing fleM ." , A.D. 600. And helpA UH to foriret Edward H. Rees Also yesterday, they put out VOLVO \ y CORR ing for Thursday night, to dis­ And so far time has only luovi-d Falcon in Danner E.MPORIA. Kan. (A D - E d ­ a grass fire on N. Main St. at Plowman said he Intended to How much wr miss y.m y.'i cuss final campaign plans for 35,900 Supermarkets WASHINGTON — The pere­ ward H. Rees, who served 24 2:17 p.m. make a full report of the Inci­ BROTHERS Do you realize you can have a Tnmhne* only an extra dollar * a month'’ - the Nov. 4 municipal election. dent to the liner's owners, the Many Goana Catholic Savr us stronicth lo fiiftit grine falcon - also known as the years as a Republican congresa- Finally, Eighth District men N E W YORK — Supermar­ And ewraso lo b«-ar thr blow ' duck hawk," has been added nuin from the 4th District of It will be at 8 :30 p.m., in Re­ British India Steam Navlgatlan PANQDlI. India — Of Ooa*a 168 BURNSIDE RVENUE wall phone in your kitchen for a one-time These are a couple j&f the thmgs/you learn But what It m<

.. \ 'N PAG E TEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1909 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN- MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1969 PAGE ELEVEN iSlm irbpBipi super-righteous among us, who have no Kid Gloves ^Are Off: Nixon remedy for anything except severe lEvpntnB i|pral^ punishment for every sin except their Displays Bare Knuckles ______• own. Dr. Egeberg went on to say that. Try to match PUBUSHED BY THE In hds view, the wide use of^ marijuana (Continued Iran Page One) — HERAI.n PRINTINa CO.. INC time since 1968, the President 18 Blucll Street ' In thb face of heavy peiuAues suggests of making a major retreat on .'J / Mancheeter, Conn. , I ' go campaigning—on brtnlf this $295 THOMAS F. FEROUSO]^' ' that "society Is falling many of our school desegregation In the WALTER R. FERGUSON South. A group of Justice De­ of RepubUoan candidates tor Publlahera young people." governor In Virginia and New Founded October 1, IW partment staff attorneys re­ Round TC "And If that is true," the Assistant belled publicly against the civil Jensiy. Halloween will produce Publlehed Every Evening Except Qundaya Nixon’s first poUcy stalnment and Holiday. Entered at Uie Poet Office at righto poUdbs. Then Mrs. Mar­ Secretary added, "then marijuana Is a on Latin America. *Our awfi Trestur* Mancheeter. Conn., ae Second Claaa ttm.n tin Luther King Jr. predicted Ch«6t tfist Matter. symptom of something very»much more But the big test—and be th« diamond wHfiln m trouble if the administration did of oieoptlonol qualify. SUBSCRIPTION RATES serious than drug abuse." not alter Its approach to Negro knows it—will exune next Mon­ Only MkhMte Rm Ii. Payable In Advance problems. day with fate Vietnam addreai. One Year ...... $30.00 Utat, it seems to us, may come to . Six Month! ...... 15.60 In September, too ,tbe Hayns- What he says then will have ^ Three Montba ...... 7.80 One Month ...... 3.M) stand as one of the sanest sentences yet worth nominatton Uew sky muclh to do with determining wheUier the Nbcon presidency MEMBER OF contributed to this country's endless high. Having sought a nominee THE ASSOCIATED PRESS who would not arouse controver­ gains upward momentum after ITm Aseoclated Preee la excluelvely entitled cusslon of the marijuana problem. sy, Nixon came up with one who Its Indian summer slump. to the lue of repubticatlon of all n«we dla- patchee credited to It or not otherwiee credit­ It Is Indeed possible that marijuana found hlmaeU wrestling with ed In this paper and also the local news pub­ lished here. Is more the symptom of a danger In conflict of interest charges be­ All rIMts of republlcatlon of special dM- fore t^e Senate Judiciary Com­ Downtown Manchester at 946 Main, t o u t our midst than a danger In and of It­ Manchester patches herein are also reserved. mittee. Several Senate RepubU- We give credit to young adults The Herald Printing Company Inc., as­ self. caas urged Nixra to withdraw Hospita] Notes sumes no tlnanclsj responsibility for typo- the nomination. The President gn^lcal errors appearing In advertisements We concentrate on the symptom, and other reading matter In The Manchester gave his answer last Monday: Evening Herald. rather than upon the danger, because "If he now asks that his name Vm nN O BOCB8 Intenuedlate Cate Send- Subscriber to Los Angeles Tlmes-Washlng-^ the symptom Is something that Is be withdrawn I would not do so ton Post News Service. . . . I have examined the private, noon-2 p.m., and 4 p.m. Full service client of N. E. A. Service, Inc tangible, that can be packaged, and S p-m.; private rooms, 16 aun.- Publishers Representatives — The Julitu charges. I find that Judge Mathews Special Agency — New York Chi­ captured and burned and destroyed, and Haynswortii is on honest man." 2 p.m., and 4 p.m .4 p jn . cago. Detroit and Boston PedUtrIcs: Parents allowed PLAZA DEPT. STORE because we can find out where It grows, The Haynsworth nomination Monday, Ootolmr 27 was not Nixon’s only source of any time except noon-2 p.m.; (We Have A Notion To PleMe) and where It comes from, and where it difficulty with the Democratlc- otters, 2 p.m.-S p.m. is being moved and consumed. Sdf Servloe: M a.m.-2 p.m., B. MlDDLiB TPKBi (Next to Popular Mki.) controlled Congress. The legis­ 4 p.m.-8 p jn . lators outpaced the administra­ OPKN WED., THUR8., FBI. tlO • 2 On Being Glad They’re Dead But the trouble — if It Is a trouble tion repeatedly, on repeal of the Intensive Cnre and Coronary The concentration on the “ body count" which lies behind the resort to mari­ 7 per cent Investment credit and Care: Immediate family only, anytime, limited to five mln- Tolland Democrats Open Headquarters haa, almost from the start, been one of juana — has no tangible shape or form. tax reform, on spending authori­ zations that Nixon did not want, S k u n ^ a u g . The coffee hour ,uid Mrs. Jean Auperin. chektna, Uclpatc In the ^ e m ^ s 12 in other areas, no limit In sonable coat to ourselves, we studied the American life means to both Its genera­ can senator, Charles E. Goodell “ >"«l®nttor nwchlne tenders; Mrs. HTrbert P-crade In RockvlUe oT nov 9 7 ■elf-servtoe. ctuldren and candidates. Also of the polls on Election Dav .a as ..aa_ 1 ' weekly casualty figures tor an appraisal tions. Somehow, It doesn't seem to mean of New York introduced legisla­ Ha$M akd FniH of tho Loom tion putting a Ume Mmlt on in- enough, to either generation, to enable The administration reminds of the ratio of killed as between our­ volvement of U.S. troops in I selves and the enemy. If we lost 200 them to share any common positive, Vietnam. visitors that witti constraction SHIRTS, SHORTS, HOSIERY wsy, parking spnoe Is lives In a week, but could count 2,000 healing vision such as might absorb and Along Country Rooidz With Bylvlon Oflara Nixon responded: ". . . if the registered voters In the ,oa-n residents to deelar.- their ‘hcyele was .track by a car enemy dead, the war was going well. dedicate them both, beyond the occa­ PATTERNS administration were to impose HANDKERCHIEFS, PAJAMAS, an arbitrary cutoff time, say the ^ ^ attended a “ >6 revised property at the Toa-n Hall. y wiin taken to Rockville Oen* Look Your Bost some mulberry plantations in order to 2,000 in last two years. are not forthcoming. Nbcon at this point continued phrey's Oct. 10 visit to Presl- viser, exhibiting ingrained I feel that the people of Man­ Stafford Sprinirs* Krtsfcin Crock* u ^ vlatorB b ef^ e leaving an Bertha Zanghi and Mrs. Doreen now, luul nuLst be filled out and orul Hoapltnl where he wsm The shift In the nature of the war has find room to grow vegetables. That is More than 300 persons Democratic suapicion of Rich­ chester are very fortunate In­ It was somewhat gratified In to enjoy the general approval of er 38 Autumn i f • T/Jin TTiAaiv later for the door-to-door Diana, machine tenders;' Mrs. returned not liUer thiui Nov. 29. treated for a head cut and re- been toward seeing that It Mils as few deht Nixon, which proved so respond to plea to donate blood Come In and See one key to the tact that Japan has now ard Nixon, felt the President deed. Not only Is Manchester a remembering that In Manches­ meet Americans, according to ent 54 Dixllev St • Mrs Fannv Kuth Lojzlm, registrar, and Trophj Winners ICHHcd. poUUoaUy seU-diestnicitive, esn during Bloodmobile visit. ter there is the Drug Advlsoiy the polloters, but he had a nega­ as possible. In our effort to keep the begun, after many years of being the would turn Humphrey's gesture beautiful town, but tor the past Johnson Mvstlc- ' Mrs Mnrv jo Coffee Hour Mrs. Marlon Tlnkham, absentee Revolving lro|)hy winner.^ for be fully explained only by a to his own ends. But others three years it has had excellent Council with Its efforts to tive popularity rating an Viet­ « 9 n X ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ Wednesday from 7 ballot counter. the Board of Reerx«iUon.H,x>n. Manchraler Evening Herald casualty figures down, we ane motivated world's chief suppUer, to Import silk for 10 Years Ago U$ Af private meeting between Hum­ agreed that Humphrey might leadership which has been re­ awaken an awareness in con­ nam. Charles J Kellv Suffield- » P.m. at the home of Mr. Democratic election workers ""red claemes huk week are Ce- correepondent Bette tjuatrale, primarily by a desire to save American cerned citizens and its efforts to its own manufactures. Another key Is phrey and Borne of the Demo­ help relieve what one adviser Nerw Salvation Army Youth sponsive to the needs of all peo­ Having withdrawn 2^000 S^SrkhS^'^’H*^G^; McNany,. J ^ ts- ^ Kenneson -H a Dumonl, Cindy Howard. tel. 876-tlU5. program practical endeavors to lives. It develops that one way to save the fact that other areas of the world, called an American tragedy Center Is dedicated with Hugh ple. Three years ago, when the troops from the war zone during cratic party'a wiae mnn two educate the public concerning Hebron: Mrs. Theresa Libby, „ American lives seems to be to have our never seen before by this coun­ James, radio and TV announc­ Republicans were voted into of­ the summer, Nbcon had «oc- SPELL OF BEAUTY with cheaper labor oosts, can apparent­ weeka earUer. drug misuse and to rehabilitate Box 303, Coventry; Mrs. Violet FHlIPJlHrkn Ronvzl 0 try. er, as speaker. fice, Manchester had one of the Preoaed hope ot pulling out South Vietnamese allies lose more of Lindsay,i» sifl319 E.IT Center piMitIter St.; Ji* • *®*''*’ ford, Jidf* sTulia M. HC. Ramos, RAmos, Hait- Hai^- UOc*WC3M1 DC fcH*Cl ly produce silk which can underrat Ja­ Humphrey's trip to the White In the cold light of Monday hlgheirt tax rates in the area. those caught in the net of drug 100,000 or more by the end of . Beatrice Wilson, 460 r p v j- CREATIVE HAIR DESIGNING theirs. dependence. Jamea J. Ltttlo Sr., Stafford pan's own domestic producers. House, tax from being either an morning and removed from Today, Manchester hsis one of the year. But bi Stptember he a., wapping; Leaite l o B e a r C h a n g e However, there is still much Springs: Mrs. Annie I. Loomis, „ _ ------W'' So now when the weekly casualty Impulsive gesture by Humphrey Humphrey's persuasive exuber­ the lowe.st tax rates In the area announced a secrad-stage with­ o CIA — — - — TV m ^ A _ _ Manefetter's Oldest EXPERT COLORIN G This Is the kind of thing which, al­ Today in History to be done . . . much, much WUUmairtlc; Mrs. Yvette R. ^ Cen^*’ at- ««>■ |ti Pintlll-zv orf^ ploy englrteered by the ance, however. enthusiasm and yet a high "level of service” drawal of 36,000 men, well shy Plhl, 40 B^ent Rd.; R o l ^ J R. Blair. 718 N. Main I'lCtUFC PO llCy figures come out. wo read wrlth pleasure though It still makes the headlines, no President, had Ita "genesla at has been maintained. more to be done. And to do it waned. Two advisers who had By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS of earUer expectations. The Olden. ThompaonvlUe' Mrs Cortnne O. Eckhaidt, 19 Winter A clarified change of policy PERMANENT WAVING AND CUTTING the fact that American casualties con­ Programs have been Initiated there is needed money. The wit4i Finest longer makes quite as sharp a news that meeting. Whot'a more, applauded Humphrey's idea Today Is Mon. Oct 27th, the President aimed his next move MUdred E St Louis' 18 Old Gottochalk, 1068 Blue- conceinlng the taking of ImHvld- Humphrey spelled out his pur- and expanded for both our youth Brotherhood-ln-Actlon Project tinue low, os at 78 In this week's report. Sunday night decided over the 300th day of 1969. There are 65 directly at dknfllected youth: Town Rd., Rockville- Robert F. ®' "tudent pictures will be pre- impact as It used to. A few years ago poee with vastly more pieclalon and oin- senior citizens. Take a '69 is going to pontflbute its We also read with a sort of grim saUs- telephone to each other the days left In the year. November and December draft Salisbury 430 W Middle Tpke • Lockwood St.; William B. sented to the Board of Educa- Facilities the shipment of coal to Newcastle be­ there than he did with the press look at our Senior Citizens Cen­ proceeds frortQ^jelr third an­ next day that this would be an calls were conceled. And a few Mrs. Vloia C. Souder, W e ^ d ‘ onlght’s meeting at 8 In SPELL OF BEAUTY fnctlon the subsidiary part of the casual­ after seeing Mr. Nbton: To pass Today’s Highlight In History ter and the many aiid varied nual bail on N ^ . 8 to the pro­ C came a reality Instead of merely a exceedingly tricky operation Rd Tolland ^ Cleon DeWolfe, Blast Hartford; the Bennet Junior High School programs it offers our cherish­ jected efforts of the Chamber’s weeks later. Just ahead of the ty report, which tells us that "the total on to the President his own which might well backfire On this date In 1806, Napoleon ADMITTFO siiv n A V - James I. Larsen, 80 Lewis L>r., Main Building. figure of speech. FVw decades the rest ed people. Examine closely Drug Advisory Council. Hils Oct. 16 Vietnam Moratorium, he Next to Caldor — Exit 93 - l-M dread concern with the conse­ against Humphrey. That proved Eonaparte’s , army occupied of South Vietnamese reported killed In what has been done for this social event will mean social disclosed he would relieve Gen. Elvelyn Anderson 106 Kennedv Windsor; Debra Clapper, The submission carries with It of the world has been selling wooden quences of Vietnam €ind to urge a prophetic Judgment. Berlin. youth of our town by getting ^'vedue if all persons give It th^r Lewis B. Hershey as director of Rd • PhlllD L Andrulot 93 ® ^ * ’**' Michael Landry, 62 a recommendation for adoption, combat. 301, exoeeded the American to­ nutmegs to Connecticut. Japan itself Is him to quickly liquidate the On This Date V)\r 649-2806 Humphrey had no such mis­ them Involved in town manage­ complete supiport. SelecUve Service. Lenlzc St T r a . T h e l l l T b s ^ ' r o w tal for the 28rd straight week." war. givings. Without further con­ In 1868, the 26th U.S. Presi­ The Oct. 16 demonstraitlonB any 7 Burke Rd RockvU'e- - Mrs. Anita R. by the Administrative Council selling automobiles, of all things. In De­ ment. The education of our chil­ Contaot Charles G. Plrie at ,oc» What makes the South Vietnamese There Is, then. Irony in Hum­ sultation, he secretly visited the dent Theodore Roosevelt, waa reflected autumn’s frustrations G^oraXa^"6 ^ (building principal.) following a troit. born In New York. dren, the educational and rec­ 104 Weaver Road for further phrey's first visit since the 1968 White House to see foreign reational facilities which have information concerning the BIA and owed at least some of its ,noB casualty figures cheerful news, in this There Is no longer quMe the geographi­ In 1912, the siege of the Turk­ r election to see the man who de­ policy aide Henry Kissinger and been provided tor our most val­ charity ball. It needs your back­ steam to hapless administration Berwick East Hartford- Mrs A policy change was defeated war which keeps doing so much to dis­ ish city of Adrianpole began cal certainty there used to be about feated him. An effort to speed made the Oct. 10 appointment uable assets take second place ing. handling of Vietnam policy In T during the Balkan war. credit all war. Is not the fact that they Vletnaonese peace has unwit­ with the President. to none. Cordially, the wake of Ho Chi Minh’s \A1 wines, cheeses, tobacco, cotton, poultry, In 1920, the League of Nations tingly further deteriorated I am proud that my brother, J. Grant Swank Jr. death. are low, or dwindling, but that they are meat and shoes. Almost anything may On Oct. 10, Humphrey pushed transferred its headquarters Humphrey's relationships with William J. Diana, Is a Republi­ Executive Vice President Ho’s passing In early Septem­ ^ ^ «® »*® " l 4 h o l e ? t e the w o ^ , " ' " ' ^ higher than our own casualty figures. Mr. Nixon strongly though un­ from London to Geneva. 42 Eva d r cte ’ RockvlUe, Mrs. jj. WrobUnskI, 308 Lake Rd., Allan Cone Bennet Come from almost any place, and chang­ the Democratic left wing and can candidate for the Manches­ Manchester Chamber of successfully for a ceasefire and In 1942, during World War II. ber had Inspired new outcriee Foote, Hebron; Donald E. Andover; Mrs. Dentee V. Nar- will p r e ^ t a pem 'L, We not only rejoice In a higher death ter Board of Directors. 1 have Commerce ing conditions and markets alter what with many partisan Democrats recommended that he speak the U.S. Office of Economic Sta­ from home front dlasldento that Gowdy Woodland Rd., Coven- t v i„ or.. Coventry: mg W d ^ Excerpt from letter on file. who felt Humphrey had ratified seen dedicated men give of their toll for our enemy, but we take a satis­ once seemed guaranteed permanencies over television to the nation bilization set a celling on sala­ now was the Ume for peace. But Marcia Greenwood, Staf- Duncan T. Smith, 61 msle Dr.; Manchester School AdmlntsirK Mr. Nixon's war policy. time and energies for the better­ faction In a higher death toll for our own In our geography and history books. about the war. To the Presd- ries of $25,000, after taxes. Washington and Saigon had dif­ fordvUle; Sandra L. Greemvood, Mrs. Mary C. ^Itoley. A ^ c L ^ ^ ^ You helped U8 a irreat deal to get Uent, Humphrey said: you may ment of Manchster. My brother ficulty mealing signals on a ally. It's getting close to the Ume when some­ Humphrey's meeting with his In 1962, Soviet Premier Nikita has this same dedication. I look A Thought for Today StaffordvlUe; Keith S. Jamlnet, HartfordrBonnte BeLm. 27 w Jrrap In aU think you know how this war Communist-promoted tem po- advisers took place at his south­ Khruschev offered to withdraw forward to .seeing my brother Sponsored by the Manchester 4 Valerie Dr., Rockville; George Bates Rd.; Mrs. Umberto Oartl- v X t o g admlnlstratora' through a Bad time. Tlicre's a blunt assumption, or In­ body should strike oil In New England. Is tearing up the country. I rary truoe to mark the death. GOOD west Washington apartment on offensive weapons from Cuba If working for and serving the Council o< Churches Johnson, 129 McKee St.; Paul u and son, Etert. Hartford; Mra. and other condition, ot i though I knew. But now I ference, In that, too. It Is not only that Sumktiy evening. Sept. 28, as a the United States removed simi­ people of Manchester. Will you And the axfanlnlstration subse­ M. KrisUiff, 232 Spring St.; Tim- Julius Ursln and daughter, Etest ment Cone is cinirm th' planning session tor the new realize It Is much worse than lar weapons from Turkey. quently bungled so badly In ex­ othy Martin, 116 Benedict Dr.. Hartford. Ts . of the this Is more their war than ours, but please help and vote for Bill St. Paul has told us In Ms SAFE PARKING O N PREMISES The Diin^ferH Of Guilt Democratic Policy Council I thought. Ten Years Ago plaining a 36-hour pause In B52 Wapping; Linda A. Maasaro 60 Administrative Council person- lliat the lives of their young men are Diana? Better still, help us do letters that we must "put on It has been the fashion In recent years which Is headed by Humphrey. The meeting went smoothly The United States demanded bombing missions over South E r i f ^ : Keith Matte, 111 E^ "®' P°“ ®'®- co-nmltlee. more and vote Republican on the Lord Jesus Christ." Does Middle Tpke - Mra F^nth D Hospital. William H, Five professional reslgna- • ESTABLISHED ,1874 • not quite worth as much as those of our for politicians and others of reknown to enough. What went wrong came that other nations take steps to Nov. 4. Vietnam that the intended diplo­ Those present Included party this have any meaning for us in Myera ^ "Hartfoid- Lawi 312 Ferguson Rd ; tlohs. and one clerical and two exhort the nation to mass breast-beaUng. later when, to the 'surprise of end trade barriers and said the matic signal to Hanoi became a young men. officials and former Johnson ad- Leo F. Diana this modern world? I think it myera, cost naruoixi. Mitchell J, Tupek. 19 Concord professional apponltmenU are If this theme of collective guilt were Nixon aides and to the dismay U.S. deficit In balance of trade minus instead of a plus. rence Oates, 326 Center St.; To whom? To us? To their families? mlnlMratlon offldals working does. It means that we must be - Rd.; Bernard Morin, GUiston- on the agenda for board action. simply tiresome, no harm would be done. of Democrats, Humphrey made was approaching $4 billion. Moratorium planners also got Savage. 7 Sen- GRIEF! with the Policy Council: Paul Christ for all those who come To whatever Order there may be In In fact, a moderate doec of guilt now statements to the press that Five Years Ago ".Much Mure To Be Done” a signifioent lift from a Nixon Wamke, former Assistant in contact with us. It means J - 29 eca Dr , Vernon; Leo E. Pas- and again oan be good tor a country. seemed to give Mr. Nixon's war Communist China's Premier statement at his September S HawttKMTO a . , Harvey A. Elmwtxxl; Margaret M..' DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICAN this imiverse of ours? SecreUuy of Defense; Joseph To the Editor, that we must imitate our EMvlne TOWN As Diin'el P. Moynihan, a top Preel- policy a blank check from the Chou en Lai said the recent news canference that seemed to i Circle, RockvlUe; smith. 76 Ridge St.; Mrs Nancy How insidiously this war Invites us to Callfano and Horry McPherson, Last week I had the oppor­ Master in His love tor the dentlal assistant, said In a speech the Democratic partye' titular lead­ ouster of Soviet Premier Nikita raflebt Intrasigence: "Under WUfr^ RouJ^,4S2 Adams St.; l . Amonn. Storm; Ronald Kurtz, Mott fool ofl uton who tovo ttampt don't ovor got throo boofct o# former White House aides; Mor­ tunity to attend a Drug Con­ erring; In His patience with the CLERK twist our own humanity, our own values, other day: "America has become a self- er. Hubert Humphrey, who In Khrushchev was "a good no droumstances will I be af­ Mra. Jesse Chinn and Infant son. 3g Erie St.: Mrs. Ruth P. Con- ris Abram, president of Brem- ference In New Haven. At this shortcomings of others; In His accusatory, oven a self-flagellatlng, so­ his apartment two weeks thing." fected whatever by It." Trying 40 Olcott St. v,„r8e. RFD 2; Ix>rl Ann Vlveros, «t«npt por yooK, or $9.00 in stomp voluo . . . toward the obscene and the unspeak­ dels University; Sen. Fred Har­ time I heard various speakers concern for the poor and the ciety. There Is nothing the matter with earlier had decided upon the One Year Ago BIRTHS SATURDAY: A son Crystal Lake; Patricia Ann able ! ris of Oklahoma, Democratic lament the lack of adequate sick. In other words, we must later to raUonolize Ids position this. Wo have enough and more to apolo­ White House visit out of mo­ Czechoslovakia observed the In a letter to a Georgetown Uni­ (r. and Mrs. Joseph Croos, Carey. 234 South St . RockvUIe; National Chairman; and sever­ service In communities make Christ as much a part 1 9 6 0 CANDIDATE \ Must we not be ashamed If we find gize fori . . .The danger wo face has noth­ tives of purest altruism, had 50lh anniversary of the repub­ versity sophomore. Nixon suf Etest Hartford; a son to Mr. Mrs. Diane Tomm, Cy atom isei m^OMlbte lor on ordnance depot at Ft. CompbeU, K]r. drugs. Such erroneous views about mari­ how well that alternative would work Is suggested a visit bj- him to the StaM eomtog to Manehortar BUl has tolwn eoUega teval ciouraaa to tecal hardiv certain: But Mr. Black's point President to Impress on him the yOTE REPUBLICAN 815 BROAD OT., MANCHEOTER— 643^1553 I m arnm ant and te promiUy a juana, he said, have led to "ill-conceived rnglniw iu PhiWA. and Mr Moynihan's -la that self-flagel­ necessity for getting out of the ' X IM* l>Ei)y N«w« federal and state law." SAy£ lation may cause the nation to shun war and to promise that Demo- "T 24410UR BURNER SERVICE! Then, In the kind of blame on society any promising alternatives to present crate will not attack him for J" Far Town Ctorh < ttself statement which so enrages the bad policy, foreign or domestic.— THE the consequences of that with­ NATIONAL OBSERVER drawal. t . i m rm iC'Lo^ * TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, OCTOBER 2^. 1969 Eveiiiiig School Section Two MONDAY, OCTOBER 27,1969 , jHanTt^rfitTr lEttmittg llrraiii MONDAY. OCTOBER 27. 1969 Pages 13 to 24 Offers Retailing

l%e UancdMater Adult Eve­ ning '*6clio Peny MiUon , —Sports ud Featare FVm come to It (C) be held from 6:80 to 0:80 p.m. gm leettnn Ihe., ia aow open and Kent Kleinschmldt, M. o( (M) Mnoler* (8-48) M u le Sesne (C> IfOBgay through Wadnaa^ Bolton. \ m GUU|nm*a ItU n d ) (88-8848) B o w u and Martln*s in Room 118 of Manchester 5:S5 m > We*Sar L a f h4 n (O) High School. eveitfage. 840 to 10. la the 6:M (8> SMunp the Stars (C) 1 The New People (C) bottom floor of the wniiams An unidentified car which (1$) > (8) l u r b e m B I D (8-48) Love A m ericu Btrie behind i t Kenneth Oourley, 48, (18) Mjr Favorite Martian (18) Ten O*01ock B e u rt (C) The course is deeigned to ac­ drug uaar, and a professional (M ) Bat Masterson^ I (18) Alfred Hitchcock quaint individuals with basic re­ oounaelor are on band to talk o f SU Summit S t, was the driv­ m< » ) -HlcUlchta...... ) (8-»4848) News — Weather er of Che of thioae c a n and ened about lO'JO a.m. (8) News with Frank Bey> (848) Joer Bishop Show (C) a sales slip, and fui overview acids Trath or Conseqaences (C) I (8) News u d Weather —Mo- director at 648-4171, Monday (U ) Movie ARRESTS vlcUm’s home Saturday nlghk <88 8848) News — Weather through Thursday, after 6:80 The maroon car bean Connec­ p.m. Richard O. Adame, 27, of ticut registration 1S8-S00. SEE SATUBDAT-B t v WEEK FOB OOMPUnr; U8T1M09 East Hartford, charged with operating a motor vehicle while Charlea SawlcU's car was Liability Denial his license was under suspen­ HARTFORD (AP) — “We’ve found with its ignition rip­ sion, operating an unregistered ped out. SawlcU is from Radio adopted a policy of complete motor vehicle and misuse of Worcester, Maas, and his car denial of liability,” eaya Hart­ registration plates. Court date (This listing Includes only those news broadcasts of 10 or 15 was rejiorted stolen. It was ford Corporation Counsel John Mov. 10. found on Olcott St. Saturday minute length. Some stations carry other short newscasts.) M. BTtzgerald about the 170 dam­ night. WBCH--918 > Lowell TTiomas age suita filed against the city Anthony McAllister, 81, no 6:00 Hartford Highlights > Speak Up Harvord in connection with the Labor Sigii Off certain address, charged with Mbs. Sophie Dunphy of 887 2 7:00 News Day week diaturbancee. 8:00 aasllghl W ir e —1888 intoxication. Court date today. N. Main St. w m also the victim 14:00 Quiet Hours 6:00 Afternoon Sdltlon "W e haven’t paid a nickel yet, WPOP—1418 6:16 of a oar theft this weekend. Her It Looked Like a Parking Space Market Report and won’t,” Fitzgerald said when 6:00 Danny Clayton 6:20 W eather Irving Qadway, S8. of 49 Wells 1987 blue Chevroiet was taken 6:00 Dick Heatnerton 6:86 Strictly Sports aaked about the snita, charging It looks like a place for head-in parking but judging by the ticket on the 6:86 St., charged with breach of from her driveway. The car 9:00 BUI Love Afternoon Bklltlon that the city was negligent in windshield of this car it is probably a crosswalk. ’The car wan parked on Main 1:00 Q « ^ Qlrard 7:00 Accent 69 peace and being intoxicated. bears Connecticut registration W INF—U8# 7:20 David Brinkley allowing property to he dam­ Court date Nov. 17. St., near I^ u s t , where the thick white lines demarcating a crosswalk are only 6:00 News 7:80 News Kd the World malic FH-8176. 6:10 Uncle Jay 7:60 Joe Qaraglola aged. partially visible leading the reasonable eye to believe it has found a legal 6:00 News 8:00 News, Emphasis ’’They’ll have to show we Robert Corcoran, 17, of 78 parking spot. (Herald photo by Ofiara). 6:10 Walter Cronklte 8:10 Pop (Concert Tht home of Abe Numdcsl, were negligent,” he said. ” We Bryan Dr., charged with failure 6:86 Harry Reasoner 9:06 at B87 N. Main St., was ran­ 6:80 S p o rty News 9:30 N.V. Giants vs. Dallas Cow­ had all our enforcement people to obey a stop sign. Court date 7:00 The world Tonight boys sacked rsoenUy whHe the vic­ Mias Andrea Hansen, Mlm 7 7:16 Buslneu News out. What should we have done? Nov. 10. Nine from MHS News, Weather tim was on vacation. There Is Karen Ware, Kenneth Bern­ Officers ElectfNl 7:80 Frank Olffoixl Sports Final Shopld we have called out the 7:80 News Other Bide of the Day no report o f anything missing, stein, Joseph Cohen, and David National Ouard?” Kerry Pells of Lebanon, To Participate In Sravey. For Guard Oub charged with failure to obey a yet, penhng the return of Nuss- dorf. 1710 chorua will be directed stats traffic oontrol signal Music Festival Mrs. Nancy Rowe of 11 Strant by John Poallein, UConn pro- Court date Nov. 10. Bt. Biiday night was elacted fraaor. Mlacellaneaus Items, totaling Nine students have been preaidant of ths Cuard Club of 813 in value, wore taken from 'Miaa SIrkka Johnson and Mias Daniel Aheam, 88, of Bristol, chosen from the Manchester MysUc Raview, North American the apartment of Gary Elkh Abby HorowlU will be members charged with failure to obey a High School mualo department Benefit AaeooiaUcn, af Its an­ worth after a break there this of the 136-plece symphony or- nua] banquat at Wlllta’s Steak slate traffic oontrol signal. to take part In the 24th annual Court date Nov. 10. waekand. Tha vlothn Uvaa at cheMm. R wlU be ooiMluoted by House. She aucoeeda Miaa An­ 888 Main St. All • Oonnecticut High School (Thinese-bom Helen Quach, who na Wolfram. was aaalatant director of the Philip Peteroski, 19, of Wind­ Music Festival to be held F ri­ Other, offleera elecSsd are sor, c h a rg ^ with making on A Hartford ’Timca' paper hold­ day at the University of Con­ New York Philharmonic under Mrs. Vara Boukus, vice preai­ er was vandalised this weekend. t-eonard Bematein last season. unnecessary noise with a necticut. The performance by dant; Mra. Haael Fhbay, aacond motor vehicle. Court date Nov. The holder, located In front of band, orchestra, and chorus will A 160-member band will be tarm aa aecretary; Mrs. Irrne sfarfs today af all D&L stores! 10. Popidar Market, was ripped be given In Jorgensen Auditor- under the baton qf Bertram W. VIncefc, second term as treas­ open and newspapers were lum at 8:16 p.m. BYancIa, director of bands at urer; and Mrs. John Vinca, proas oorrej pood ant. Raymond Etienne, 19, of Bast thrown about. The money was Approximately 676 students Mansfield (Pa.) Bute Coltege. Hartford, charged with making not touched. are expected to compose the A new oomposUlon for high an unnecessary noise with a three groups. The feaUval la school muotclans will tas motor vehicle and failure to Someone exploded a fire sponsored jointly by the Connec­ premiered during the concert. ULTIMA II grant the right of way. Court cracker at the State Theatre on ticut Music Bklucators Associa­ "CorreUtlvea for Orchestra,” date Nov. 10. Main St. Saturday nfght. A rug tion and UConn departmsnt of created by CTtarles Wittenberg, COSMETICS in the theater wee staged. music. associate professor of music at Robert Moriarty, 19, of 700 MHS members of the 300- UtXmn, was commlsslone<1 by Main St., charged with reckless voioe chorus are Mias Karen the ConnecUout Commission on WELDON DRUG CO driving. Court date Nov. 10. About Town Vater, Miaa Busan Ctiarlamb, the ArU. ACCIDENTS Preceptor Qamma Chapter, Visiting Students Welcomed Donald Hartaog, 38. of 188 Beta Sigma Phi sorority, will ^mcet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Mrs. Donald Smith, Coventry area hostess for the “Welcome to Connecticut’’ Mountain Rd., charged with failure to grant right of way, home of Mrs. Franklin Bevins, weekend, chats with Mr. and Mrs. Sunil Mukherjee and their son, Bapi, from after his car collided with a car IJynwood Dr., Bolton. Calcutta. They were guests at Emanuel Lutheran Church Saturday for a lunch­ driven by William Schoene- Moriarty Brothers Is Down To The Lxist O t The eon spcMisored by the Church Wf the One look tells you their pruud kinship with the Continental Mark III, the Stack up lision on Tolland Tpke. near ex­ most dussic of motorcars. A reinarkahle level of luxury is apparent every­ it 94. Saturday at 2:30 p.m. The Miinche/’ter Newcomers d u b of the YWCA will moke Chiistmas where, for the men who make the Marquis ako build the Continental— and other driver was William Bar- trees of pasta at Ms meeting to­ sie, 18, of OCt Tolland Tpke. n o l^ y knows more alxiut luxury. 429 cubic inch V-8 engine; finished in night at 7 :10 at the Community white enamel, red all vinyl interior, black vinyl roof, automatic, whitewalls, and go! Y Edward Dumas, 78, of Blast {Miwer front disc brakes, |x>wer steering, A-M ladio, rear speakers, remote Hartford, was warned about control mirror, deluxe wheel covers, plus many other standard luxury fea­ failure to grant the right of way The Rev. Joissph Duffiey of tures. Federal Label List $4462. after his car struck a car driven Hartford will be guest by William Pearson, 61, of 117 at a mseUng of the Northern ' SAl-E PRICE h o r ie s .. Hemlock Bt., Saturday on Broad Oonneettout Dtstilct Lutheran •3549 regularly $14 Buy The Dream Machine from Singer now* St., near Oreen Manor Blvd., at (hurchmen tomorroar at 7:30 p.m. at Emsuiuel Luthsran 2 p.m. HERE ARE JUST TWO 'TYPICAL SAVINGS 9 Church. Ths event Is open to get a portable TV for just more! ON THE TERRIFIC BUYS YOU CAN MAKE NOW ON 69a! Ttiere was a two-csir rear-end all arss church men. When you’ve got a busy schedule ahead, you need a shoe that Herels a great idea for Christmas giving and getting. The TV set normally sells can keep the pace . . . comfortable! Here’s fashion, comfort for $68. You save over $48. And this portable black-and-white TV by Singer Brand Naw 1969 and a super price all rolled into three smart styles; is lightweight, has a 9" diagonal screen, clear"lnstant On” picture. MERCURY MARAUDER A. Hardware kiltie in black or brown. B. Buckle pump in The Dream Machine is the newest Golden Touch & Sew* VISIT OUR NEW CUSTOM MADE 2-DOOR HARDTOP black, brown, gitiy. C. Stitched T-strap in black or brown. sewing machine by Singer...the zig-zag with all the dream features. Like the exclusive Push-Button Bobbin, DRAPERY DEPARTMENT Built-In Buttonholer, Speed Basting. Over 3M Samplts To dMoto F r i« O ffers th is good 2 Chukka Boot Sale! don't come oftent eUARANTEED 2 WEEK DEUYERY tar men, women and children Sew up your TV- ^ for-$ 19.95 deal at a Singer Center now!

reg. $12 7

Save 4.10 on these great Marauder . . . makes a sporting thing of luxury! Here’s the prowling Chukkas! Ideal for city or instincts of Cougar, the elegance of CkmUnentai. Unique from elegant country . . . and comfor­ grille to distinctive tunnel faatback. Sporty In iU k>w-profUe, long-hood, table I Great for people on ■hort-deck design nestled in a snug 121’’ wheelbase. And Marauder is the go. Sand color suede. suthenticaJly luxurious; from deep-loop carpeting to warm simulated Fleece-lined for women, burled-wainut inserts on doors and instrument pand. Finished in dark 4-10; unlined for children, ivy green metallic, with matching all vinyl inteiW , black vinyl roof. Op­ 10-3; boys’ 8V^-6 and men 6-18. tional equipment includes: Automatic, whitewall tires, power front diK brakes, power steering, radio, remote control mirror and deluxe wheel. tThis offer it good through Nov 15.19G9 at all Singer Cerrtert in U S A (except in Witcontin). Federal Label List $4169. _ _ ' ONer applies only to Model 640 tewing machine at a portable with cate or in cabinet of your choloa SALE PRICE # 3 3 2 8

(DAL, Shoe# - all atoraa) Wt HAVf MANY MORI SIMILAR »OO0 tUYS—I And Singer has a credit Plan to fit VDurbtid^ § . NIXT TO « CALO O t W Mala M.. ManrMwtee Tel. M7-1418 ^ EVERY i L U im iL Anderson-Little 874 Wladaer Aw., Wladew» TeL aaisTe •Khurnrnmmimtmtmeamm NITE ix n 93. MORIARTY BROTHERS IN MANCHESTER UNTIL W NJUt “UneolB-Meretiry-WlBye Jeep-Toyeta” (Mancheetw Parkade) Waet Ifiddle Tonipike-Bnwd Straat MILLS CROSS 301-315 Center Street MANCHESTER •43-6135 nm m t 647-977S Read Herald Adveitisenienis I PARKWAY Open Evenings Except Unundsy *T>n Uw Level At Gnler « mI PAGE FOttBTEEN ------MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1969 V ■■■

Viet Cong MANCHF.STEK EVENING\ HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONNl. MONDAY, OCTTOBER 27, 1969, PAGE FIFTEEN To Free Trio from our maxUmen to you...you’ll save at Stop & Shop In Portugal: ConUnoed tFom Page One) CommaiMl q;x>keeinan aaid tbe Our own Sun Glory Our best Stop & Shop Opposition Parties Make S.-=- . •tatement “might limply be mh other Communlit complaint we interrogate freed priMmen Small Showing in Election HRBA nw ___ .... r GOOD MONDAY 8 TUiSDAY ONLY! ^ and delay their return to their By PIEBO DK flARgAW/wj.i tton in 1928 resulted in the Sala­ from a population of 9.4 milUao ■ OCTOtER 27 msd 28. m ? | fa m iliei.” PorkABeans Cream Com Aaaoolated Prbaa Writer zar dlctatondiip—tiMLt oppoaMlan in Portug^ WB8 registered to In New York, an attorney for or Whole Kernel Com LJBBON (AP) — Opponente of oarididatoB remained In the con­ vote, but only 800,000 voten POPULAt two American pacifliti who In Tomato Sauce the FUrlugueae govemniieait test. previously they contendsd went to the polls. The National have had dealing! with the Mini-priced to U.S. Grade A fancy quality — you tellfld to win any of the 180 that tbe Meettons were rigged, Union ran unopposed in Portu­ North Vietnameae concerning save you money. can’t buy better quality! l*» the Nafioaal Aaaeinhly in but moderate reforms intro­ gal’s overseas totritorlea wheie popular POW releaies lald Ua cUenta electiona Sunday, but leeci el- I^emocratio T\>wn Chairman were not even able to give our what the Republicans want, tor baUots to tbe electors." linger will decide "how and Ted Cummings today called on that means a light-vote election when" to release particulars. the RepubliJeans to exeredae A surprise voter in the capital , ,>TOP VALUE which favors them. We Demo­ was Antonio de Oliveira Saloi- "It is my guess that It will be telr play when listing thedr ac- crats ask that you all get out within the next 10 dairs," he oompUdunenta over the past to vote and make the election zar, the 80-year-old former dic­ said. 'three years. truly representative of the tator who gave up the premker- Ihe U.S. Command also an- sblp 13 months ago after a 'f^ S T A M P S "In all faimoos,’’ he says in a Town’s wishes. We offer you a nounoed that American troop Matement issued today, "the choice of action, not Just words. stroke pazalyzed him. A car strength in Vieibiam fell below Republicans should reveal. In We don't say the results will be brought him to the periling At 97 ytors Slfl^und Gallert (center) still makee his specialty—Vien- the 000,000 mark last week tor place, an attendant brought the 7 *oct should emphasiaeb theit easy, but we will tackle the SAVE ON THOUSANDS OF ^ pastry—at Schilleifs Bakery. On or off the job, he is neverfar from S i the first time since February many of their accomplishments problems. We offer no slogans ballot box to the ceir and Sala­ H mealtime choree at the home of his son, Rudolph 1967. were initiated by the Demo- or gimmicks. Just lots of hard zar cast Ms vote through the ITEMS THROUGHOUT Gallert (right) of Hamden, who stopped by to sample his father’s work At It said that as of Oct. 28 there craits,'’ work.” window. left IS nephew Frederick &hiller who runs the bakery. (AP Photofax). were 407,800 U.S. military per­ He IMs several of the accom­ CaistaaD fahnself was not a sonnel In the country, a reduc­ plishments which he states were candidate In the election be­ THE STOREI tion of 4,600 from the previous taWatod by the Democrats, and cause tba Portuguese premier la Reform Jews Now 97^ He Quit Smoking: week. This does not Include charges that the Republicans GE Workers not a member of the assembly. 20,000 Navy men and 600 Coast ore ooiiducttog a campaign of But he was the Natlexial Union Score Welfare, Guardsmen aboard ships oper­ "sloganlsm,’’ as opposed to Is­ Movement’s eriilef campaigner. It^s Bad for Your Health ating off the coast of Vietnam. sues. Picket Plants The last anoambly was flUed War Policies U.8. spokesmen said the re- with men faithful to Balasar, but By EUOENE SEDER ter-ln-law, and cleans up around duction reflects the continuing Cummings’ statement fol­ (Continued from Page One) Staff Reporter lows: Gaetano, a tB-year-old oonstltu- JUICY FLAVORFUL By BENNET BOLTON the house until It’s time to go withdrawal of American troops Pittsfield, Mass.; Schenedtady, tloaal lawyer, replaced more ' AP Religion Writer "I understand the reason why New Haven Register under President Nixon's plan to some say this la a no issue cam­ Elmira and Syracuse, N.Y.; than 70 per cent of them in Sun­ MIAMI RITA<-H iri HAMDEN, Conn. (AP) -F ive “ v, “ “‘'•®®-*’our aUnt pull out a total of 60,000 by Dec paign. It fits easily the Repub­ Bridgeport, (Jonn.; Philadel­ day’s election with younger MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) - years ago, when Sigmund Gal- a ' J phia, Erie and Allentown, Pa.; men. Sharp crltlclems of President lert was 92, he read that smok- home, cooks The U.S. and South Vlet- lican plan _ of politics by slo- MINUTE A A ganism. It matches pay as you Louisville, Ky.; Cleveland, Since replacing ScUaaar, Oae­ Nlxon’s Vietnam and welfare '"S l» bad for your health. So i j namese commands reported 77 go, which has actually made the Ohio and Fort Wayne, Ind. tano has Introduced sevoral re- policies have been voiced at a read^ i^tn be“ lme 1 ^ 3 0 town go backwards as far as Near Ctodimati, Ohk>, the torma os pert of a policy of ervo- luUon toward democracy. One natl^wlde meeting of Reform Rudo?ph"Tk him to the"docto? *“h f ® ? ^ r S ^ p s “' C r t ^ ‘1S X g “i roads and other public works United Auto Workers struck two lb. are concerned; planned main­ suburban plants in Evendale reform was revkslan of the vot­ STIAK S w w Jewish congregations. tor his annual checkup, Rudolph eommv"i ^ h e « S n ^ tenance tor our school buildings, and Blue Ash, where Jet engines ing laws. Rabbi Maurice N. Elsendrr.th, suggested to the doctor that Slg- Ita tfs h« , the United more than a ton of w eapom T^ Stop&ShopBeefSale! The main issue in the month- Try Th«m Tonighfl leader of the Union of American mund should be allowed the ® ammunition 32 miles wljlch was never accomplished, are built for the Department of It s the greatest! Come get the ’’meatiest” savings on tender, flavorful, U.S.D.A no matter how much they wish Defense. Iqng osjnpaign was whether Hebrew CongregaUons (UAHC) P’eosure of smoking again. The ^ Saigon. PoitugBl should cling to its ter- urged 3,000 delegaus Sunday to ““^hir agreed. ' ta ^ h t Wm One American was reported choice beef during our carload of beef sale! It’s fresh cut, carefully wrapped, con- it; and most recently first come Ttiirty per cent of GE’s sales rtantly refrigerated. Every cut is either U.S.D.A. Choice or Swift’s Premium Quality first served, as a method of are industrial components, 28 rttories of Angola, Moaaam- ^ prompt cease-fire to "That doctor Is trying to kill Af the bakery "Onana’^ r ii wounded Uj the Beef. Every cut gets our Just-Rite Trim (g. You never pay for excess fat! We leave selecting occupancy for elderly per cent in heavy equipment Uque and Guinea in Africa and end theMIC obscenity orof Vietnam.” vieinam.” "*”*me," oiRrminaSigmund told Rudloph as the dough for aoDle turn “ ground flghUng.ngtiUng. to insure full, rich flavor in cooking. WE NEVER ADD FAT OR LARD­ Timor end Macao in Asia. Na­ ...... they left tlu. office Ann he e..„ .®PP'* tumoyers. Enemy guimers shot down ING TO ANY CUT. housing. and 26 per cent in consumer Opening the flye-day UAHC °tt*ce. And he still pours batter Into molds”' " ^ Enemy gunners shot down a "Republican leadership Is so goods, with defense and aero­ tional Union Movement officials POPULAR SKINLESS eneral assembly, the New ^ to cigarettes, stuffs tumoyers and buns with American obeeryatlon absorbed in this game of catch space accounting tor the rest. said die election results were a Yorker accuseil Nixon of trying „irt y®®™ filling. He Is adept at his work *’®“®°Pt®'‘ 81 miles north of Sal­ words that they claim a myriad Negotiations bogged down vote of confidence tor Gaetano’s to sooth antiwar dissent with Gallert works three although he learned It late lii wounding three men of ills were inherited from the policy of retaining the overaeas pleceAieal troop withdrawals, nephew, Ufe. aboard. It was the 1,884th heU- when the unions rejected QE’s or Bottom Democrats. Furthermore, they first and o(dy offer, tor a 20- territories. reduced draft calls and sporadic Rakerv nn u/hi.**^' Schiller's He gaye up smoking, he does ®°P^®'' roported lost to enemy Roind claim that their campaign esnt-an-hour pay increean the FRANKFURTS bombing halts. ’’o Z o r - ^ ^ ^ h ^ h ® “om not t^ e ' ‘'•® *" Vietnam. Top Round sticks to the issues and operates first year, with wage reopeners Harsh words about domesUc Mm „„ the pills the doctor prescribes ^ Army lieutenant was killed Roasts on the basis of fairness. Now in the two subsequent years of a policy were heard as well. a m o ^ n \ r “">• ®^®*' 0“ ®®™ were what’s fair for their side should wounded, two of them seriously, Cut the way meat should three-year pact. GE also offered Arab Chiefs Mrs. Johnnie Tlllmon of Los quiet streets of H a m ^ co^s life “ h^ sMd • also be fair tor ours. If we are Up to 26 cents hourly tor special ld#al To koop on i when a grenade was thrown Into to be blamed lor their troubles c Angeles.^.presldent of the Na- breakfast for his son L d S ’Vork be cut by men who really skillB. tional Welfare Rights Organiza­ their quarterij and exploded. then In fairness, the Repub­ Press Efforts hand for family tnocktl lb. pfcf. The Incident happened at the know how to cut it. Priced The current average wage tor tion who was scheduled to speak licans should reveal, in fact GE employes is $8.26 an hour . 49 base camp of the 1st Brigade, later, told a newsman she be­ to save you money at Stop should emphasize, that many of "The General Electric Oo., To End Crisis lieves that Health, Education 28th Infantry Division, located their accomplishments were Tunney’s Daughter Founds In Tay NInh 88 miles northwest & Shop. It's guaranteed! convinced of Its divine wisdom and Welfare Secretary Robert initiated by the Democrats. has refused to change one pen­ (Continued from Page One) Finch "Is Juat not doing his of Saigon. "1. The Martin School site job.” Army Investigators said the ny, one period or one comma of conference agreed on the need Apparent Amnesia Victim was selected, estimates made, the offer It delivered on Oct. 7,” She said there are unjust reason for the attack was not and the question placed on the to "guarantee complete free­ MARSEIIA,E, France (AP) — Mrs Ruth u/in-i known, but military sources at machines when the Democrats Albert J. Fitzgerald, president dom for Palestinian guerrilla T procedures In state and city of the United Btoctrlcal Work­ action against Israel from all welfare programs dependent on Joan Tunney Wilkinson, daugh- Mrs ^m n^had^ o d T “ ""“y ‘'“'’® were in control. federal funds. Back Rump Roast ’ I.IO ib Top Sirloin Roast ' 1 . 1 8 , ”2. The contract tor the North ers, said in a letter to 28 union Arab countries without excep­ ter of former heavyweight box- teleph^e Lnver^Uon "toa^ T "^"1 *^"’®®" °*' locals. tion. Mrs. nilman's organization Ing champion Gene Tunney, Is Joan was verv i . i “ ®" “i® brigade. End elderly^ouBlng community In a Marseille hospital after sick wheji she^ i '' spokesman said that as yet was slgnedltest Spring, after The unions had demanded a El Kholl was scheduled to go claims to represent 78,000 wel­ 30-month contract with raises of to Beirut to meet Lebanese of­ fare.ic lecipienifl.recipients. being ” missing » for two iiiuiiwiB.months. matthat she evidently hadhsH™ suffe it **'®*’® were no Indications of ra- Steak Roast 'I.IOib Swiss Steak Roast (Bottom )'1.08l years of planiilng w«h Dem­ ocrats In the majority on the 88 oents an hour the first year, ficials Including Gen. Emil Mrs. Tlllmon was Invited to brought MrL'** WUki 'i complete loss of memory." the Incident. 30 cents the second and 28 the fi­ Bountany, commander of the the tusembly assembly by the National “’® The minting Housing Authority. Lebanese army. Federation of Temple Slster- American (VvMulate Friday tuul "'•‘K'nH'y The sources at Tay Nlnh said “3. The hospital access road nal six months, with a cost-of- hud been scheduled to meet her two men were SMn running was the cotiduston of studies living escalator clause. While Arab leaders tried to hoo‘''‘“ln Village St. and he hlt^ the hy- ' prices. broke out but still heads a care­ He praised Jews for deep In­ cans say there are no Issues; was already in progress In taker government, said negotia­ volvement ns volunteers In the fieii trr"VZ’’rrru;h: rjrri"; ^ * they have spent three years Coshocton, Ohio, where 800 tions were under way to restore I^.j)ueaad0. • covered CASSEROLE South during civil rights activi­ ter Joan has been found alive where he stniek ^-'’‘*■‘“"1 was sheared Boneless Slriobi (Rum p) '1.38»> Porteriwuse Steak '1.28 Implementing programs Initiat­ members of the United Steel­ peace, but he did not tay wheth­ ties of the early 1960s. after being missing for two slw ^inv i f mi , ^ ® J®‘ '^t®r ed by the Democrats. workers of America walked out er guerrilla leaders were nego­ rnontha in Europe.rope. “i®" ron>- ‘"lo the air. "The Republican attitude to­ ^pvcsLGoldS The UAHC la the central txxly med two parked cars. over an unresolved grievance tiating directly with the Beirut of 700 Rsh//v*.r»^ ...... *’Hcr condition la reported se- t’l. v«i». AiierAfter mttlnffhitting the hvdra#Lhydralft, t>w»the ward fairness has many faces. the company had refused to sub­ government. one million Although 1^ ^towney Dr., car kept going and hit the’two We Democrats often disagree, mit to arbitration. Despite these efforts toward form______n ov em er . . .** ,a The. re- we have no other InformsiinnInformation mat T police ® about 9:30 Satur- parkedP'“''‘®‘‘ cam®«ro AMon (V theia other side but nevertheless, we live under AFL-CIO President George settlement, there were reports oral of the th h roost lib- (hi* time, we nre Juat thankful report that hla.cnr. of the street, one roof and campaign for the Meany has pledged organized of fresh clashes Sunday between ”W « rMATVA daiam ranches of Ju- that ahe haa N»en found alive.'* Chevrolet, wan mUsing. The driver then fled from thi team of candidates. We have labor's full support for the the Lebanese army and guerril­ Hio right to 2 The report came by telephone ^ P*«roImun. who wna on hie car. ignoring a wnming shot Top Round Steaks never shut the door on a can­ las In Tripoli and oeveral vll- strike. The AFL-CIO Executive fromrom Hen..... »Shore in Lx)a migt-irs.Angelea. - . - ^«>nie to~ uive»-tnvea- police aaia.aold. HeMe outran th the e do no- didate once he was on the bal­ Council will meet in Washington lages. Limit OwontitiM*' Het4* saiduitirl hAhe wnuwas anfsn employe of«./ tigUte" ^ “ ® the‘b® COmnlilint®oniplalnt sqwan«ir the lice, climbed over_ -V«)in elght-f^ lot. As we all know, this is not Monagan Files Protest Wednesday to rally support. The death toll after five days Rep. John V. Tunney, D-Calif., ‘-«r ^ ® d by him headed east chain link fence at the National Top Siriobi Steak ^1.18ib T-Bone's!^ n*28i the case with the Republicans rUE president Paul Jennings of battle Is at least 47 dead and WATERBURY (AP) - A pri> ■son of the former champion. " Middle Tpke. Guard Armory and headed In this election. said. J scores wounded. Seventeen per­ ■test of the JuHtlce Department's Additional Informallon on The patrolman chased the car north on Main St ooliee aiild "If the Republicans have The lUE has a total memlter- sona died In clashes Sunday. athool integruttoh suit against .Mrs, Wllkinton s condition came up W. Middle Tpke. and right The man was dewribed as What*$ more tempting than lusciou$, juicy native Macs * squarely faced a major Issue shlp of 380,000. The UE ftias The guerrillas occupy a major Walerbury has been filed by from her mother In-law, Mrs onto Main St where It then looking about 20 years o ^ m ^ and have come up with a de­ 167.000 members. sector of Tripoli: L«baiM>n's sec­ Congressman John S. Monagan. Ruth Wilkinson of Vnuieflsti made a second right onto Armo- dlum height and h[illd vrito long finite solution. I have yet to In Bridgeport. Conn., about ond largest city, and several vil­ D-Conn., a former mayor of the “ • 'y ®*' dark hair and a goatee. see It. Uncetn School, the moat 200 pickeu had gathered lages In southern Lebanon they 7 city. MeINTOSH APPLES short-changed district In town. at the six gates of Genera] Elec­ want to uae m bases for auseks Is an example. No move has tric's plant here by daybreak. on„Iarael. ■Monagan noted In a weekend With Halk»ve«n coming take some apples home for the kids been made in the year since Palestinian sources said all letter to U.S, Atty. Gen, John U-S. *), TA- itUn. Policemen were on hand, but Its replacement was narrowly obser\'ers said there was no the Lebanese have to do Is grant N. Mitchell that the city has voted down. Middle Turnpike! them the right to use these Instituted a busing program to trouble as about half of the Cortland Apples'^3 i 29' Board of Diroefors Ttint paving Job Is like the pickets massed at a main gate. areas, then declare them off- deal with racial Imbalance In frosting on a cake — It won’t ’imlts. the schools. First-shift workers were sched­ "This is exactly how we work l.isl, and is an expensive short uled to begin work at 6 a.m. "Not withstanding this very Daisy—Ptoin or Sugarod um i solution that will oome but only a few entered the plant in Jordan,” said one top Pales- l o s e — lA ITL ITT INDIAN KIVU— SaDLESS considerable and controversial Donald Kuehl Lorg* Sin FrasMy Ro«Nd back to haunt ua all. Unlsn leader. “We want the complex. same kind of working srrange- action,” he said, "the Justice ■ A 'no issue’ campaign is Juat A company 'report said the Department, which has been ne­ Received BS. MIT, MA. Trinity, MS. UConn. Chief Ice Cream Cups Doiishnuts ment with Lebanon Most Pales­ PEARS lb. 19c GRAPEFRUIT 6 for 59c of Process Engineering. Hamilton Standard. Jack-O-Laateras Peanuts picketing Just after mlitoight tinians realise that we can nev­ gotiating and deling with city Rich, creamy and delicious. Bakery fresh, everyone en­ lasted only 10 minutes. I oitoot Make yo«r child a Jack-O- Perfect for adding to trick er beat Israel on our oam. We officials on details .of operation, F president of Manchester Green PTA. L t What a treat. ^ joys fresh doughnuts. Lantem, make him smile, or treat bags. The kids Local 20t represents 2A0O have to have the Arab countries • UnUN UT U.S. No. 1 has suddenly Jumped Into court Col. Retired USAR, Town Building Committee frown or make him scary. srorfcers employed In the pro­ with formal proceedings.” from 1961 to present. Resides at 74 Mountain Rd. will love ’em! united behind us. While Lebanon duction and maintenance depart­ sits on the fences that unity doca SQUASH lb. 8e NEW ONIONS 3 lbs. 39e Monagan noted that the Con­ with wife Carol and three chUdren. Member of ments. Some 40 employes In tbe not exist.” necticut council of the NaUonal S t Mary’s Church. compajiy power house on Boston Tbe Soviet Union aaid Sunday -Association for the Advancement Avenue, rejiresented by the in­ that North Atlantic Treaty Or­ so EXTRA TOP-VALUE STAMPS of Ctolored People has also been dependent United Electrical Ra­ ganisation maneuver! In the critical of the Justice Depart­ VOTE REPUBLICAN dio and Machine Workers. Joined Mediteranran were part of a w m T«B PUBOULU: o r a ment, on the grounds that a law- IMs ad sposssrsd kg the 8 o* $ | the walkout. / , U.S. plot to heighten tension 1^ *ult might halt the present ef­ Charles F.^Kcsmy of the OB Stop t Shop Potato Chfps 3 Pkgs i Lebanon. 3 LB. BAG O F DEUCKHIS APPLES forts at integraUon until the Real Popping Pop Corn communicatlona section in a co- Communist China also ac­ court action is completed. pany statement said; /'Our gates cused the United Statea of ”dia- will be open VtoaSM^, and we patching men $nd .troopa for a 2&3 MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST, urge our emptoyeai'to come to naked' i«gr LMWB »aa*wa l y *«a< Is even more Important than and literature and science. (3) Democrat John O, Pastore of Subcommittee members wel­ mere units of high school bu) h Rhode’ Island, is studying a bill A specialised curiosity is an CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER comed the move, but some said Jects. This is the beat baaU for that would require broadcasters urge to encompass the full MONDAY thru WEDNESDAY ONLY privately it raised new prob­ determining readiness to do WAYOUT to offer discounts up to 80 per sweep of some field of know- BY KEN MUSE lems. satisfactory work in college. In /»»T cent to candidates for the U.S. 7 "The question now is, 'Will high school a candidate has four WHAT House and Senate in the five BLrTTH AT this require legislation to make years to show a ooUege what TV riga weeks before an elecUim. the rates unUorm?’’’ said one HOWDV H A S N 'T tSBCUltABt ocm be acoompUahed academi­ SHOW DOOD/V JBNVWMAIM. Of all the testimony, Vanlk’B source. lilBaElt ORVt SMOKED BEEN ON Bt M 0* « THE VOICE OF EXPERIENCE cally. TV ARE PARKAM TV TV IN A person with a poor record SURVEYS you SURVEYS should not expect a ooUege to VIDVINS? SURVEYS YEARS/ T o l l a n d OPIN SHORT RIBS offer admission on promises. BY FRANK OT^EAL However, some coUagea wUl TM A.M. lo 10 P.M. SHOULDERS accept candidates who show dis­ tinct Improvement in the senior WHAT about?' 10 Warrantee Deeds Filed j 'm WORB/ED.' year even though the first three years were mediocre. With Clerk in Past Week Then, too, ooUeges want to be Nine warrantee deede slgnlfy- the location of a gasoline station aware of all factors Influencing WANTED LEAN the sale of property were on the southerly side of Hart- a record, and go into depth in CltfiB, Late Model ford Tpke. (Rt. 80) at lU inter- understanding reasons behind recorded with the town ©erk 5 to 7 lbs section with the easterly side on mere grades. Death of a parent, USED CARS BUZZ SAWYER during the past week. Six were Kingsbury Ave. Ext. The ap- or severe UlneM in the family, BY ROY CRANE for newly constructed homes. plication was submitted by or numerous school changes be- Top Prices Paid SUPTOsms VYORKINC... Purchases of new bouses con­ Walter Beaton of Garnet Ridge cause of famUy moves, or a For All Makofil I DO TURM THIS COOKING, YESt WAITING FOR YOU TO structed recently were: Mionroe Rd. multitude of other events may FISHING CAMP WASHING DISHES, GET SOME SENSE INTO 'OUR Moses, Inc. to Robert G. and The VFW Poet and AuxlUaiy cast a shadow over a record. ^ARIIR CHEVROLET INTO A BUSINESS-. MAKING BEPii. HEAD. '(OU HAVE A WONDERFUL Dorothy R. Luckey of New Jer­ wUl hold a Joint meeting tonight Admission officers should have C O .. INC. IMPORTED HOW COULD WILLA WIFE, MIKE. SHE'S WILLING sey, property on Robin Cir.; at 7:30 at the Post Home. all the fScU. 1289 Main S t h e l p ; TO MAKE ANY SACRIFICE V ^ T ^ E WE 6 0 INS TO ~ HELP THE MAN SHE LOVES. Monroe Moses, Ihc. to James A meeting of RepubUcan CSiaraoter end personal qual- we've PINISHED Phone •49-8IM MB LAMB CHOPS s e l l r e a l e s t a t e / A. and Teresa B. Yoreo of workers wiU be held tonight at tflcs/frins are InvertlgBtied^by PRIVING 4 *E WWANSAWAyi Rockville, property on Robin 8 at Republican headquarters, colleges through reports from’ CIr., and John E. Luetjen, fric. The Board of ReUglous Edu- Ite candidates’ schools, from LEAR TASTY v > to Courtney E. and Patricia. T. cation of the United Oongrega- people who know the candl- Doucette of Manchester, proper- uonal Church wUi meet tonight dates, and bjr means of lafer- m d o N D ty on Torry Rd. at 8 at the church. ’views with offloera of admla- ma c Also, Henry and George yjjg meeting of the pres- Mon and alunuil. The collages Krenchko to David L. and Ruth ent Board of Selectmen YvUl be vrauit to know what kind of per- 1 A. Reutter of Vernon, property I UFl . . e tw >> M U u. m !.» g j . f « . OM. held tomorrow ndgilt at 7 :S0 at applying, how )Von he or on Grahaber Rd.; Bldredge G. O' ^9 the Town Hall. None of the pres- o| ,e 'works wiUi others, how be GASOl INI ••Suspicion Of book-making. Sarge. He had two Yost to Rene C. and Annette ent selectmen is seeking re- ^ ooU^ com- 4H. TX W UA F« OH MICKEY FINN telepnonos and no t66n-agers!" F 'Wagner, property on Old election this year. misdty. (Or if he is a brilliant BY LANK LEONARD Kent Rd., and Monroe Moses, The annual Hicks Memorial „,heie they can nmke a Inc. to Richard W. and Jeame B AN T LY OIL T School open house will be held f ~ w m ) COFFEE NOW, TELL ME, 1 I'll' \ N Y IS. KLEENEX OH m a n ! y o u MERE I AM W ITH A N ^WHAT W. Winfield of WUllmantic, COACH— WHAT'S WOULDN'T J tom orrow night from 8 until 9:80 '■IN ■ 1 l.’l I ■ / CALLED YOUMSTCADOA I'LL UNBEATEN SFASON— WITH'S IS 'lf? property on Robin CUT. (Dtvantty of batdfirrtwid Is be­ FINAST - REG. or DRIP THE TROUBLE? B t U K V S ^ MY TEAM IN THE TOP n M j DCW'f at the school. Teachers have FACIAL TISSUES BEEFrS FATHER BECAUSE I 60 WHAT A COACH STEVE CANTON Sales of existing homes ing sought. Mlultiformity hi a I (P h il h as RNOtV^miAT HAPPENED LAST ALONG BY MILTON CANIFF planned a special program to word that can be used to RESPONDED aOES THROUGH' H A P P EN / ------^ IN SUSPENSE recorded last week were: classroom work of their chll- TIME! M». Mm SH SCREAMED i WITH describe the maloeup of a firedi- TO THE AT THE KID— AND HE GOT , THAT.' 4 ANYIONGER! 66 E ,^ 1'^RSLAX,0L6V.'MI$S August Loehr Jr. to Donald J. acquaint parents with the EAAER6ENCY OUAINT, '^QUAINT.YDU DIPNY ^oLEY.'rnwiTVi n k d ■*>a e f' msn class on many oampuses. ABSOLUTEL Y NOtVHEREl f QUAINT F6ELS MUCH C0V6R YWRSSLF WITH and Joan R Baron, property on dren. $ CALL FROM C0L0N6L 66TrE* NOW THAT ^S0/IA6 M0N6V.^ SO HIM I CAN Grant Hill; Leonard W. and COACH CANYOM 6U3KY.'t H6 PLVBOY W«6ET THAT RepubUoans will hold a work- SHE HAS TRANSFEKUD SOCKSD you WITH Ce©le G. Kennett to George C. meeting at their headquart- RANTANRAVE- IS.. H6K HOSTIUTY./ and MArJorie O. Rowe of Glas- ^ tomonwr night at 8. tonbury, property on Virginia ___ La., and Cleaver Jr. and Manchester Evening H eraU Geraldine Kennedy to Frank ^g^and oovrespondent Bette and Donna P. Logan, property QmOnde, lei. 875-8845. copSt on Anthony Rd. ______library Aaaociatlon Meeta The 'Tolland Ubrary Aaaocia- tion trill meet Nov. 8 at :80 R o c k v ille MR. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY p.m. in the Tolland Public li­ Hospital Notes brary. Patricia Graves of the 24 YtXJR SHOT, h e a l w a y s 010 HAVE A Manchester Police Depart­ (( VUItlag hoars are U:8S to 8 JONATHAN. FLAIR FDR THE DRAMATIC ment will speak of her ex­ IVORY bil J tl/. periences in police work, p.m. in bU areas except ma­ ] listed hi Who’s Who ternity where they are Z to 4 WINTHROP and S:8S to 8 p-m. LIQUID DETERGENT CBISCO OIL / Ml— Arlyne Garrity, daugh­ BY DICK CAVALU ter of Atty. and Mrs. Harold Garrity of Tolland Green, has Admitted Thursday: Dorothy cjicl: Daigle, Lynn Dr., Vemon; Deb­ 20c DEAL CAiAU-/ I UKEBALPHIE... been listed In the 1970-71 edlUon FKKSH FRUITS A .M ) VEGKTAIILFS FROM TIIF FUSSY lU Nrii: C A N T A K E of “Who’s Who © Americsn orah LaBelle, Hartford; Jacque­ 32 ozbtl line Maynard, Stafford Springs; n n A < J O K B . Women.” .PACK e Heidi Baker, River St. Rock­ 68^ Wen known throughout the 10X7 ville; Barbara Fahey, Astra St., area for her one-person plat­ JONES 4- Enfield: Helen Norton, Moun­ form art recitals, Miss Garrity WMOAV 0 tain Spring Rd., Rockville; El­ gave a presentatkm ot "T h e AJAX CORTL APPLES sie Neff, Mountain 8t„ Ro©i- King and I” last week at the ville; Doris Kloter, Sand Hill DJ Wadsworth Atheneum in Hart­ LAUNDRY DETERGENT Rd., Ellington; Laura Thrall, PRISCILLA'S POP ford, and is scheduled to per­ BY AL VERMEER Granby, and Nancy Farrar, ALL PURPOSE 2 form before the Cosmopolitan asc OIAI. VACS M u f l f * 1 . 1 4 ot Eiast Main St., R ockville. U.S. Nt. I c Club Manchester on Nov. T. Births Thursday: Daughter to ’ToBsBd Jimlors’ NoSea 2'/4" Mhi The Ways and Means Com­ Mr. and Mrs. Christopher SPINACH t 5 ' m ittee ot the Tolland Junior Thrall. Granby. Women's Club wtU m eet tom or­ Discharged Thursday: Mi­ ------MRS. FILBERTS£SiS!iSi%^ 45< chelle Pellerin, Hurt hurt Rd., CAPTAIN EASY row night at 8 p.m. © the Home BY LESLIE TURNER ot Mrs. Louis Cady. Grahaber Rockville; Cheryl Todd, ‘ Rd. Somere; Lewis King, High St., 29 CARBOTS • 2 ? * '' DISTURB YDUi BR'. AS Wg \ WB aavn I The committee srlll be settling Rockville; Louise Wincbell. NESCAFEx i t a i i t com W .i.*1.33| 7 W?aI25? * RBPORT.jcHSe BUT SAW SOMONB 5HEAX OFF YOUR_/ LOST H l«! last minute details for its Dutch Park West Dr., Rockville; 8u- l*OOP. II < ARB Awy AuoMpn which w ill be held © lanne McMannus, Dally Ctr., VALUABIBS — '^'SkhuS?! Hiissmat the Hganisatlon'B November RockviUe; Antonia Sklodskl, W O t t T f meeting. West Main St., RockviUe; Join CONTADINA 2»<~33 n Women’s Clubs will be held Spring St., Rockville; Ann Ma­ ROBIN MALONE Wednesday © 8 © the Ellington rie Mahleu and daughter. Or­ DMCM HIMS IAYB. CANS •6«© s 3 9 c BY BOB LUBBEI High 8©iooL chard St., RockviUe; Bdwina Cyr and son. Highland Ave., *« n c | FREE THIS WEEK gN ROUTE-TP fjgw YORK. RoeiN IS AT nf/IQ?VV|TH THE WORLD... 4-H Nescift IrsM Coffte 92 WHILE CaN\HOtH,BLAisnT! Teen-agers interested in RockviUe; RiU LaOaase and 'AM'YeaorsoiNs form ing a 4-H eleotronlcs dub daughter. Spring St., RockviUe, 4>--.1.00 P«rdteM E\«MI5 NeR/BrsENOINOA MI m Plwippl« CAST are invited to attend an In- and, iJiHan RuaaeU and daugh- KID U K V M 6 UP •. formatkx) meeting on electro­ M w M 39c S 1'4 niEK WACRATW.' ter, Moniaa. 2arex Syrup n s © the TAC Building 4-H ot- SHAtDW "^UKIS t h is / 14'MASTERPRINT OVERA (Ice toBlghl © 7. Oif Bty-Ar-DM U--33C 60H- LITTLE SPORTS Ideas for fwmlng a locaL re­ Antopfijr Ordered BAXeP BY ROUSON gional or county 4-H electronics 7 siuaioN HARTTORD (A P)—An autop­ Shitrfi N—-Saiff Hof Wax >— 79c AKtZCNA r n “ w club or a ssriee ot instructtons RfMOOUQlONS DC6EKT. / wUl be dlacuaeeil. Geoege sy has been ordered to deter­ Hm 4s OrMft Jrict 4“- 4 I c Ljunpron © Willie Cir. has ©- mine the e s f r © death © a tanad Ida servloes to p^bj- man wbooe body was found In Rmmr Pizza Xtmpo 1.09| e© . Kecoey Pork Baturday. 1 '^ ______The body was trtentifled Bun- Tkraa Dlwed 6Y.— 59c The Board © Appoals day aa th© © 3B-yaar-o)d Bd- CAT A DOB 9000 ' V-'* Wtd hold a pufrUc bearing to- win Donald Moroden © N orw ldx S t r M fh M r t 2 Met— 23c night © 8 in the Town HoU to PoUce said there were I Tie I IT.IMK Bln. Blmln e nm I consider graattog approval tor p a rm f algns © tool plagr. V

PAGE EIGHTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HEEALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1969 :\ MAN<3HESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1969 PAGE NINETEEN Yale’s Defense Scintillates, PUdn Robbery O ./s Running Less^ Indians Capitalize CAMBMDOE. Maao. (AP) Fast Start Helps Eagles — "We won robbed," DoK- moDib trottaB eoaeb Bab Blackmon sold Saterday a^ Unbeaten Dartmouth Next ter Me Iitdlans defeated Can the Yale defense nattenln* Cornell 17-0 in the port (6-1) edced nonconference r- w ^ Professional Foelhall Enjoying It Mdre In Routing Maloney Harvard 94-19 for their Bftb NFL possibly be that good? Yale BowI last Saturday, Con- rival H ofrt^ 2 1 -l# as Darrick TOnIwt C^Ii^ G^rd ’ straight victory. To Defeat Penney^ 21-12 Eastern Conference "Net by the eOlelala." We’ll all nnd out on Saturday, necticut (3-2) was being knocked Warner rCuhed for 188 yanls. The Yale defense that will be ____ NEW YORK (AP)—OJ. Oakland down San Diego. It was By DEAN YOST time halfback and quarterback when the stout Ell defenders, out of contcnUon for the Yankee ConnecUcut’s other two EEC tested by D a n m ^ ^ v T m t^ Century Divlaion tossed the-, boll nine times for Blackman ezplaliied to sor- w. L. T. pts. OP. SimpsOTi is numinsr less . . . the Raiders’ 16th regular smson Forcinfir M aloney - Hifirh brought the ball into for a TD. the uprighta. Two Sullivan to who held Cornell and Ed Mar- Massachu- teams. Central (2-4) and South- ground attack was highly orals 22 yards and the Spartans prised w riten in toe poet Bjr TOM BARRETT Uiar wide-open defense. These play from ecrimmage for the Clvland triumph without a loss over two (3-2) Meriden into many Dave HaaseU’s extra point at­ Fran Tural passes for 21 yards Inaro to an Infinitesimal 60 yards Redmen ern (0-S), went down to defeat, praised by Cornell C ^ h Jack 4 1 1 .800 166 140 enjoyingr it more. hurled the pigskin 40 ytuxls in game Interview. The fast-4startinff Ehist plans were dealt a shattering touchdown^ and then Clccalona NewYork seasons, tying an AFL record tempt was blocked by Barry in ground gained, encounter th 28-7 at Storrs. 3 2 0 .600 70 96 Buffi^’s foot-loose yearling mistakes Saturday after­ 16 tosses. " I meen my kids were rob (Catholic Eagles soared to began the drive and then Perry Mow minutes after the opening came on to complete hU per­ Gtassboro State moved Into a Mustek. St. Louis set by San Diego in 186d-ei. Miller and the Indians led with Dartmouth dreadnaught. The Huskies gave up five 2 3 1 .400 98 136 “ y* prefers the.role of pass noon M anchester . Hisrh "Joe Swensson played a tsr- bed twice In two days,” he their fifth straight victory and John Whoiley took over to whistle, however, as chl^ pass fect 3-3 conversion kicking re­ scoring a "They were aggressive," said 0:28 left to play, 20-7. carry the remainder at ground Yale (3-1), the defending co- ’em. five — intercepUons, one-point victory over Central, Muslck who said the Bulldoir Pittsbrgh 1 3 0 .167 102 147 catcher to runner because “it Lamonlca, completing 19 of 26 (8-2) capitalized e a chance to operate." league leading touchdown pass in the fourth period to take the tackling hard and putting the Academy, where we prac- Running barks Whoiley and with his squad’s performance, Washing 4 1 1 .800 133 102 Simpson saw enot^ daylight total to 20. Grayson’s three in­ fourth down stituaUon only to rush on their quarterback. Chir not without some late-game 14-yard dash Into paydirt. Clc- Perry were now left with the saying that the offense moived (X3L contest 26-7 before 1,000 tloed Friday, and again to­ threats posed by the 2-4 East ^ ^ Philadel...... 2 4 0 .333 115 175 Sunday to grab four priTtrs for terceptions gave the Oakland have fleet-footed, sure-handed defensive line improved greatly catone’s extra point boot was on task of moving the squad and the baU easily while the defense apectotors cut Memorial Field. day at Horvaid. We leat Hartford crew. 0 6 0 .000 91 153 SO Yards, but the Bills ditqiped a safety six for the season and 46 Ken Tedford pick It off and he from last week’s contest as they target. they handled It admirably, each was able to contain the KnIghU. Minutes Into the fourth quar­ 'money, lings and other per­ Oose to 1,500 spectators Western Conference 24-6 in his nine-year career, tying faced 36 yards for the final held Lopos, who carries the ball Penney received the kick but accounting (or over 100 yards. The mentor had praise (or the will be the scene of what should undefeated, untied record by ing Worcester Tech 30-22 while ^ h * 1 " ter Manchester forced Maloney sonal belongings." watched In the oMd. grey weath­ be one Of the best scraps Of the «tunnlng Amherst with fou^ ’S n lt y "“ ( 5 t V Central Division game to Miami anyway. yards rushing in 82 attempts— the AFL record for lifetime Manchester taUy with only 0:06 at least 30 Gmes a game to was quickly forced to punt af­ "They did one heck of a Job," defensive secondary but IK- into a fumble by a hard tackle Defensive book Buss er as vtatUng Bast stalked to season. touchdowns in the first half Mi.-^n 5 1 0 .833 176 66 "We get behind so fast and o(- ^ credentials o< a mere mor- thetU. left. The extra point attempt only 30 yards rushing." He had ter being immobUlsed by Blast’s commented Blast Coach Cliff preased disappointment in the PMC 37-14. ,, ■ by Greg Vincek that was recov­ Adams, who Intercepted two the goal line twice in the open­ Uncanny balance, was well as Green Bay 4 2 0 .667 118 87 ten that we have to throw and ***• • • » by Hassett failed ^ the In­ a carry of 17 yards for his unyielding defense. The visitors Demere. unit's tackling. Princeton, the only other un- while Amherst quarterback Jack ered by J e tt Russell on Man- peesee, returning ene for a ing minutes and gave the im­ In addition to the Dartmouth- speed and maneuverability, are Detroit 3 3 0 dians had a 26-7 CX3IL victoty. longest and was dumped for an took over and seemed once EtaM’s first drive of the third "We don’t have an abundance beaten team In the Ancient Kehoe was sidelined with an in- .500 105 96 never get to estabUMi a ground KOt a long-term contract CHIEFS- BBNOAU — chesters IJ^yard line. Sopho­ touchdown, wasn’t too cxw- pression that Penney was In Yale game, next Saturday’s what Gallagher has going for Chicago 0 6 0 .000 It wasn’t all bleak for Ma­ 11 yard loss. again desUned for a touchdown period ended In an unsuccess. of talent, but the boys use Eight, will be playing Brown and Jury. The final score In the Lit­ 56 118 attack," said Simpson, who col- • • • and maybe that’s a good Kansas aty halted Cinclr. more quarterback John Wiggin cemed wtto toe break at store for a trouncing. The hosts games are; Connecticut at Bos- him, said Yale Coach <3arm Coastal Division loney on the cloudy and cold af­ “ U was good to see the play­ before Penney’s Roy Cambria (ul field goal attempt which is not likely to let the Bruins tie Three contest was 28-13. in six plays covered the 17 Harvard. had Just begun to fight, how­ every ounce of It they have,” ton University, Ithaca at Bridge- Cozta. "He’s one of the hardest Ang 6 0 o ' ? ^ iM 03 !“**^ “ comebwk bid imd^^ ternoon. Spartan quarterback ers came right back after two Intervened by pouncing on a Peimey downed on H’s own sjwll its 1969 league record. In other acUon, Eastern Foot- Balt 3 3 r S o m ^ tries Sunday. "You’ve got a W . ” he says, tongue hi ^ pair of late llghtalng yards to put the Indians ahead " I didn’t have anything ever, as they held Etaat score­ he commented. "To win five In Jeff Durgan d l i a o t ^ ^ ^ b penalties coating them TD’s and fumble within 20 yards of the two-yard line and then march­ a row we've got to have some­ While-tar^ld^-re balV B ^ Atlanta 2 4 0 333 93 109 ® Y‘" “ ’ timing. . cheek. scores to bounce the Bengals. to stay 14-7 with 6:04 remain­ more to loae," Adnms anid. less untU the flnal stanza while ^ o enemy paydirt early In the move the ball effectively,” com­ final stripe. ed 96 yards to put the game thing.” SanFran l 4 i 200 88 124 ^ «haky in hit- But the herald^ runner has Warren MeVea romped 80 yartM ing in the period. Jim Balesano “Someone stole 8156 from coming beck to nearly tie the first quarter with the aid of an mented Wlggln. The Knights were not about well within their reach. John Kaai i<|) Sunday’s llem^ ting the holes." atao gained 197 yank, on 16 to a touchdown wlthl:46 highlighted the drive plunging me while we were practic­ ooniteet Intercepted Wiggin pass tor Manchester plays away Sat­ to call It a day, however, as Lamaroux and BUI McOmn Ends: Crlsplno. Kemps, Tural. Steve Spi ;^pray Green Bay 28, Atlanta 10 Elsewhere in the AFL Sun- catches. and Goldie Sellers picked up in from one yard out to score urday In a non-oonference battle ing at Andover." The Etagles took the opening Berzin Durgan on the 48 and he ram-- kickoff on their own 29-yard they squelched three Elogie carried most of the long. 15- Tackles: CtccatoiM, Osnily. Word. Minnesota 24, Detroit 10 drx^iped San Die- Bob Orlese’s quarterbacking » fumble and rambled for an- his second touchdown of the af­ bled down to the seven-yard with Northweat Catholic In West Ixishy line and surprised everyone on drives and put themselves on piay drive on the ground while Guards: Benerth, KiastMMd. An- Loe Angeles 9. Chicago 7 **** ***** finaUy got Miami's stuttering ether score eight seconds later. ternoon. stripe. Four plays later on a Hartford. the first play from scrimmage the scoreboard late in the sec­ the Eagles defeated their own dreo j Gains FiFirst Washington 14,’ Pittsburgh 7 Division scramble; offense on the track in the last • • • Ed Pagan! kicked off to the keeper. Durgan plunged Into the MaaeJiestcr (M> Rallies To Win Cenlera Rlocio Ends: Long. Ruasetl. CoucMln when ()B Brian SuUlvan lofted ond quarter. Not once attempt­ cause by contributing S3 yards Becks; Sulllrsn. Perry. WboUey. Phlla’phla 13, New Orleans 10 *^*Y cloae behind half. He unleashed touchdown *BTSi PATS — Spantans following the TD and end 2X)ne. The extra point at­ Tackles: Vtneek. Swensson CORPUS CHRIST!, Tex. (AP- a 51-yartl bomb to end Mike ing to work on the ground In penalities. Lamaroux clim­ Gsudreau, Murphy, Hsppeny, Psiot. 2 St. Louis 21. aeveland 21, tie bombing Cincinnati, passes of 41 yards to Lorry Sel- E m erson Boozer knifed the fired up Red and White held tempt by Mike Sternberg was Oueirds: Lopes, Bray, Werklioven nilnrsmo Golfing Win Centen: Duffy Crlaptno. The Knights managed against the I'lslting defense, sig­ axed the Journey with a one- Peasy lUfk (U)__ Maloney to only four downs be­ good and Maloney led, 7-0. —Tall Carol Mann, the LPGA's San Fran. 24, Baltimore 21 fr *“'■*' **■ *“ pie and 68 to Jim KUck to nail through Boston for a touchdown Bocks; Balesano, Wlggtn, Hsssett. to stall Etast for one play be­ nal-caller Frank Clpolla took to yard run over the goal line, but Ends KIrrnsn. nUovs. VIbberU. Monday’s Game Division, whipping down the Dolphins’ first victory and Jim Turner kicked a field fore they took over on the Man­ Not taking a back seat to Chambertaln. Passnl, WlrtsUs richest member, rallied with a Ss\-a SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — ----Isaeir (7) ... fore BIU Perry scrambled to the air going three for eight In the Knights’ bid for the oll-lm- ’lacktes. rennetly. Bheridsn. New York at Dallas Boston, 23-18, and chester 20 after Mike Lopes Carol Spray’s eyes were misty ■ Houston of ^the ^season after five losses goal to cap fourth-period drives anyone. Manchester tackled Ends: Ksferle, Cooiwr. Btemburs birdie 3 on the final hole and the end sane for the TD with the drive, completing posses portant two extra points failed. Kelley. Lane Sunday’s Games tripped Denver, 24-31. and a tie. boomed, a 68-yard punt Into the hard all afternoon, recovered a Tackles: Janlu J. Cashmon Gusfoe: Furnll. Lsllberty. Judd. and there was a quiver in her that gave New York its victory Guards: Collms, Cenitl then beat Kathy Whitworth In hardly a minute having elapsed to Tom Lawler, Joe Gomeau Penney fans hardly hud a FVnn, O'Brien voice momenta after her hus­ Chicago at Minnesota over the fired-up Patriots. end zone. fumble on Maloney’s 18 yard Centers: Miller and finally Gary Sava (or the chance to stop cheering before CVniera: GsMo Backs: Tburstoo. Aldrich. Bscote. a sudden death play-off Sunday since the opening whisUe. A con­ Backs: Lsmsnxix, McOsnn. Cl- band, Steve, had dropped in a Dallas at Cleveland RAIDERS- OHAkoleBS — With only l : i i left, and both line after Vincek crashed into. Carlton, Lopos, Csrdlni, Durssn TD. A rush (or the two extra Elast had another alx-polnter to Jack CJardlnl. to win the thltd annual $15,000 version kick by ateve Clrca- i^ls. Gornesu. McOutre. Sadosky. birdie putt on the 72nd hole Detroit at San Francisco DOLPHINS - B1U8 — Daryle Lamonlca, having his OBLEBS- BH0N008 — teams unable to move the ball Manchester 0 7 0 19 as lone gave East the extra point. polnta was halted ahort of the Its credit. Perry look the kick­ Zurs. Lsaiier Green Bay at Pittsburgh With the aid on a pass to Rus­ Usloitey 7 0 0 0 7 Civltan Open at the Pharaohs Hast CsUlollr 14 0 0 7 Zl that brought him his first tour “**'*****• fln e* aeason, threw three touch- Houston scored 10 points in successfully on the ground, Bill TD: Ba less no (3). Tedford. Dur- The Btagiea gained possession goal. Etast’a pre-game strategy off, and In a spectacular 51- Penney Hlfh 0 4 0 • 18 7 sell and the running of Balesano victory in the San Francisco Los Angeles at Atlanta pectatlons after a gaudy coUege down passes and Dave Grayson Uie flnal U minutes to come Lopes broke up a fourth down Country Club. ot the baU on downs on their called (or passing dominated yard run, returned It to the TD Perry (IPyU. run); Perry New Orleans at St. loiila the Indiana, knotted the score PAT; Hsssett. Steralxirg (le-id. run): (14-yd. CteoUa pose): Open Golf Tournament. career, now ha, picked up 292 picked off three aerials to h ^ from behh^ a T y p ^ ver pass play by Maloney on their own 23-yard line and were off play Instead of going on the loners’ 37. Whoiley broke loose Lamaroux (1-yd. run) WhoUsy (M- "I Just couldn’t watch the Philadelphia at New York own 83-yard line, putting Man­ with 6 :33 left In the second •nd running In the direction of )rd run) quarter, 7-7. ground against Penny’s imfam- down the aldeUnee on the drat PAT. Ctooslooe (I kicks) putt,” said the pretty blonde Washington at BaHlmore chester In exceUent field posi­ who was carrying their daugh­ ‘/ra Pro Ball, the Only Thirty Pve Doree’ tion. The locals, In command ter, Stephanie. AFL Slgnalcaller Wlggln, directing throughout, had two touch- Eastern Divtsloo downs called back by major "It’s been a long, hard time. the club successfully on the W. L. X. Pct.Pls.OP. penalties but it didn’t bother the ' Sometimes we got very dis­ ground, brought the team to New York Indians as they grounded out couraged. Sometimes we won­ .714 172 129 paydirt on four plays covering Houston Spurrier Engineers Upset 164 yards to 101 and led In the dered if we were doing the .571 125 U9 84 3rards. Once again Balesano Buffalo first downs department, 14-10. right thing In gambling the best .286 127 196 brought the ball over the line Miami PenalUes hurt Manchester as years of our lives. .167 lie 188 on a nine-yard end sweep. It Boston .000 87 186 they collected 110 yards to only "But now, at last, Steve has As 49ers Stun Baltimore was the third time the part- 45 for Maloney. Manchester made it. It took him longer Western Divisioa 1 1 non 107 134 YORK (AP) — la’s Metropolitan Staditun. . than most, mhybe, but now he’s Oakland Kan City 0 !s67 186 78 Spurrier cradled the • • • made it and that’s what DELICATE TOUCH— It pays to have a sense of balance as ViUanova’s Hickey counts,” SanDlego 0 .571 130 160 after the San PACKERS . FALCONS — OUR Kerins proved in scoring against Xavier. Kerins took a pass on the five- Denver 0 .429 162 164 Fraiwisco 49ers upset the It was nearly all Donny An­ Spray, 28 and a five-year vet­ j^ard Ime and at the goal line flipped over defender Buddy Jackson Clncln 0 .429 161 174 Baltim ore Ckdts in th e Nar derson for the Packers. The Critical eran on the tour, rolled in a Sunday’s Results tional Football League Sun- 8600,000 running back made his pressure packed five-footer on first start of the season and the final hole Sunday, his only Miami 24, Buffalo 6 day. Someone asked him if Major College Foothall Roundup Kansas City 42. cinciniati 22 quarterbacking the Fame rushed for 114 yards, his beat Acclaim birdie of the day, to beat color­ Houston 24, Denver 21 ever as a Papker, and cdso ran ful Puerto Rican veteran Chi the way he did wae the big­ LOWEST New York 28, Boston 17 16 yards for Green Bay’s first Chi Rodriguez by a single gest thing he had ever done touchdown. Anderson lost his stroke. Oaklemd 24, San Diego 12 For Lew Sunday’s Games in football. starting Job during the exhibi­ Spray, who had a final round Defensive Performance Standout Houston at Boston “ In pro ball. It’s the only tion season and until Sunday's In only six National Baaket- 70, one under par on the 6,- Kansas City at Buffalo I’ve done," Spurrier said, delphla, 2-4, edged New Or- game, had carried the ball only CountiT Oub ball Association games super 677-yard Harding Park Golf Miami at New York I i»ayed some better games In leans, 0-6, 18-10. The New York twice—for two yards BEST 15 rookie Lew Alcindor has had Course, finished with a 269 and cidlegennllAOFA ** A1-. ____«_____ 4^ . ' * In Preserving Tie and Victory Oakland at Cincinnati Giants play the unbeaten Oow- A—Stan McFarland 59-9—50, nothing but critical acclaim. 0 a 120,000 check. Rodriguez, who Spurrier won the ____ PRICED San Diego at Denver Heisman boys in Dallas tonight. CARDS . BROWNS — Erwin Kennedy 57-3—54, Harold Another talented NBA-new- was tied for the No. 1 spot NEW YORK (AP)— ^The state, lowa. Northwestern and mlng past San Jose State 16-8; • • • Pro Basketball ’Trophy in 1968 for his heroics at Jarvta 82-8—64. B -John Dy- comer, Coimie Hawkins of Phoe­ until Spray ran in the winner, offensive players do most I’urdue. Houston downed 17th-ranked ’The Cardinals stayed In con­ NBA Florida and then sat around a r a m s - BEARS — ment 62-12—60, Sam Watson 64- nix, has had: had a 68 for 270. of the blocking in football, Southwest Conference Mississippi 28-11 as Jim Strong tention In the Century Division Eastern Division oonplo of years as No. 8 quar- 13—61, Tony Stanford 65-14—51; A surgery-tender knee. Big Bob I.unn finished with but USLA and Louisiana ‘t°'vnto the Dec. 6 clash ran for 212 yards; and Gary The Los Angelee-Chlcago by tying the game in the last W. L. Pet. G.B. YTanclsoo. He game was enough to make the e*Sbt seconds. John GUllam C—Charlie Ferguson 70-20—60, a 69 for 71 and was followed State were well satisfied ,1**^^**". Texas, a Baxter’s three scoring strikes An impacted wisdom tooth. were well satisfied New York Tony Paglulg^ 71-21—50, George by Now Zealand lefty Bo)t with 31-0 winner over Rice, and passed the Air Force, ranked Rams’ weekly post-game prayer grabbed a 16-yard scoring pass TonsiUtls. Mira *” >•” O ^ l e y Johnson and Putz 65-15—60; Low Gross—Eh’- As a result Milwaukee is off to WINTER Charles and Dave Hill, each at S a tu i’daj^ bv"^a ^^d^m sive Arkansas, which 20th, over Colorado State U. 26- Mira was traded to Philadel­ the Bears very nearly won. The caught two other touchdown win Kennedy 73; Blind bogey— 272. Charles had a final 68 and c obberod non-league Wichita 7. Milwaukee phia. a 4-2 season start and Phoenix Hill eo. ® '~ ® linebacker. state 62-14. I„ oUier conference races, Baltimore Rams won It on three field golds passes earlier. ’The Browns, who Stan McFariand 75. is wallowing at 2-6, including a UP, UP AND AWAY— It's a flrnsp^ moment but Detroit He got the proverbial big by Bruce Goosett and the Bears lead the division, took a 21-14 PRO SWEEPS 119-99 defeat to Milwaukee In Billy Casper, who won this The former was Vince Blsch- Kansas State’s blasting of Wyoming leads the Western break In Baltimore because of the ball gets away from Jack Marin of Baltimore event a year ago when It was blocked a lost-second 12th-ranked Oklahoma gained Athletic with 4-0 to 8-0 for Utah; CinclnnaU lost it on an on the with 2:11 left to play. Gross—Erwin Kennedy 73; Phoenix Sunday night. and Dave DeBusschere of New York as they battled. c Brodie’s lore arm, and complet Boston Rams’ 34 when they were trying REDSKINS - STEELER8 — net—John Peragallo 70-1—69, Al* In the only other NBA gcune called Uie Lucky International, ^^^Y'^rd field goal attempt to the Wildcats some measure of ’The Citadel hold off previously ed 18 of 30 posses for 206 yards Western Division to set up a field goal In the last e s s Harrison 84-14—70, Joe Wall 79- Sunday, the Los Angeles Lakers was one of four at 273. Arnold Preserve sixth-ranked UCLA’s revenge for 86 years of frustra- unbeaten Davidson 84-28 to and one touchdown in the 49ers' TIRE San Fran. hi quarter. Vince Lombardi’s Redskins 7—72; Harold Jorvls 80-8—72, withstood a 46-polnt fourth quar­ Palmer was wellback In the 20-20 tie with lOth-rated Stan- tion at the hands of the Sooners leave the two In a Southern 24-21 victory, their first this sea Red Raiders Get Scare Los Ang’es • • * Inched closer to Dallas In the Stan Watson 85-13—72. ter by Chicago and beat the pack at 277. *°rd. ’The latter was George Be- since an 8-7 triumph In 1984. Conference tie at 8-1 - unbeaten eon. This coupled with Los An Atlanta VIKINGS - LIONS — Capltot Division with two thlrd- BEST 12 Bulls 129-126 for their fifth ------van who blocked a conversion Lynn Dickey, a Junior quarter- Toledo battered Kent State 48-17 geles’ 9-7 decision over Chicago, kick In the final period and back, gunned the Sooners down and clinched at least a tie for Minnesota remained a game period touchdowns which wiped A—John Krtstof 43-3—40, straight victory. Wilt Chamber- But. Turn Back Cromwell Phoenix all but wrote off the Colts as In front to the Central Division out Pittsburgh’s 7-0 lead. Quar- Sked Homans 45-5—40; B—Char­ Basketball Tourney "'ived ninth-ranked LUS’s 21-20 with three touchdown passes Mid-American honors contenders for anything Impor­ lain scored 37 points and Receiving a scare from the put Cromwell ahead and had the San Diego on the passing of Joe Kapp, a terback Sonny Jurgensen ac- lie Whelan 48-7—41, Mort Ro­ grabbed 19 rebounds and Jerry T CHARl/yrrF n c iap» - i t “ ver Uth-rated Auburn, and Big Eight records of 28 South Carolina’s 17-0 win over Seattle tant In the NFL thU year. defence which held the Lions to counted for both. He scored one senthal 46-5—41; C—Mike Sl- Cromwell Ponies Saturday eve­ locals a little worried. will be Davidson vs Holy Cross weekend’s key tompletl

\ PAGE TWENTY-TWO \ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1969 CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1969 PAGE TWENTY-THREE H o i m . For Stay 72 Hooso. For Solo 72 Ho u sm For Ront 65 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW Oot of TipWB O at of Town BY SHORTEN dud WHIPPLE Houses For Sede 72 Houses For Sole 72 OTVO-FAMILT, 4-4, excellent VERNON — New executive 6- condition throughout. One-car CO^fRAL-I'i-en rooms. First For Solo 75 For Solo 75 . floor consists of large living T A R , Rev. Gothherg Ledving P room Raised Ranch, 3 bed­ garage, plus carport. Large CLASSIFIED lUNE N OJ CARPLEV AKJV DAV ANP '(bu’RE W eu -BOSSO LEFT TDWH AHP PUTCARDLEV MANChlESTER—Custom 8-room FOUR-FAMILY — consistillg of worn with fireplace, dining SOUTH WINDSOR —Main St., rooms, cathedral celling living lot. Beauty in beautiful condi­ ASin -By C LA Y IL PO LLA N - SURE TO CATCH HIS COHSTAMT COMMERCIAL- ItJ CHARGE -'LOOR \HHO MADE SiMOH LEGREE tri-IeW bn Wooded acre lot, 2 6-8^ and rooms. City utlU- room, modern kitchen with CXJVENTRY $12,900 —4-room Six-room Ranch, with IH baths, UiRA room, 2 baths, 2-car garage, baths, first-floor family room, tion. . $28,900. ; <3aU Ellsworth Ranch, garage. WUl consider MAS. K JK Voar ^DoHy Attnit/...... (Mfts JK s m . 12 r f Takes Gales Ferry Pastorate large tlnished rec room, 2 fire­ LOOK, lire a cub s c o u t — tles, handy location at the low, bunt-ins, den, large family breeseway, garage. $28,900. 'Y Actording to th. Stun. IE g ASUWE-PRF/W! 2-car garage, privacy, top lo­ Mitten Agency, Realtors, 649 rental with option. Pasek Real­ »AF«. IF 22 low price of $28,900. Philbrlck room, plus finished rec room $7,000 down, assuihes 6 per To develop message for Tuesday, ocf. ^ 'n>s Rev. Eric J. Oothbsrg, ADVERTISING places, 1400. per month, lease cation. High 30’s. Hayes' Agen­ 6930. ( tors, 2897476, 7^-8343. rNl7-23-394S| AH ANIMAL Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. |' in basement. Second'floor has cent VA mortgage. T. J. R/S9AS<990 reod words corresponding to numbers 4-19! associate pastw of Emanuel required. U ft R Realty Co., HO OOMSIPERATIOU OH THE 8ALL,VbU cy, 646-0181. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS CRUMBS!LESS SHIRK, 4 bedrooms. On one acre Crockett, Realtor, 6491677. „^TAUaOI of your Zodioc birth sign. Lutheran Church, announced Ms Inc., 643-2692. R.D. Mtirdock, FOR HUMAH PlGHlTV- ANDOVER — 9room Cape, SCORFtO GARRISON Colonial — 6 wo(xled lot with 9 ca r attached 1 Suditan 31 Monoy 61 Rough rsrignation yesterday morning 8 A.M. to 4:30 PJM. 643-6472. J MORCWORICMCHE MANCHESTER — Green'wood Mancheater big kitchen, waU to waU ocr. 220 rooms, 3 bedrooms, living garage. Adjoining land may be (30VENTRT — Lovely, Immac­ I MAT K 2 Hold 33 To 63 Thing durkig the Sunday Ouirch Serv­ CRACRlHC^ Rd. Ranch, three bedrooms, cartetlng. good sized Uving ulate 9room Cape, wooded lot, 3 A ip o ctt 33 Flittm a 63 To ttor. 2IT FOUR-BEDROOM Cape, 1228 a room with fireplace and built- ^ 1- 5-l(k31 4 Sornofhmg 34 A ices. I K R A ki^T -----77— kitchen, large living room with acquired. $88,900. PhUbrick 64 Dotirod COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT, month, Manchetter, Wolverton ins, dining room, beautiful room, 2 acres of land, shed fireplace, fuU cellar, 18 min­ ■5/4W 73 5 Nowi 35 ThoM 65 May 3M7-51-S7ft Ha has accepted a call to fireplace, garage. Nicely treed VACANT VALUE Agency, Realtors, 646-4300. Agency, Realtors, 649-2818. eat-in kitchen with disposal, tor horse or pony, $17,900. Paul utes to Manchester, $18,800. 61MINI 6 T>w«*'ll 36 In 66 Dri olopnwntjM SlTi. serve as pastor ot St Luke’s 4:80 P.M. DAY BEFORE PUBUOAHON lot. St. Bartholomew. Only $25,- W. Dougan, Realtor, 6494636. Meyer Agency, Realtors, 649 7 Fovorabl* 37 It 67 And U O IT T A ttU t dishwasher, 1 ^ baths, land­ *^^NCH — Five rooms. Three I Good 38 Attond 66 Now Lutheran Church in Galea Fer­ MANCHESTER — Now five- 900. H. M. Frechette, Realtors, $22,900 0609. J ® *' NOT. 2 2 ^ Deadline tor Saturday and Monday la 4:M p.m. Friday scaped, patio, fencing, unus­ bedrooms, garage, large lot. 9 Motwv 39 Thingt 69 Koop ry. He, his wife, Simone, and room Ranch, three bedrooms, 647-6693. ual loca'tlon, extras. Assum­ $18,900. PhUbrick Agency. COVENTRY — Seven acres 10 About 40 OpportuniliotTO Sot OK. 2f Ggfl HEBRON — 6H-room Ranch 5^7-12-2046 n Staody 41 71 their two sons, Todd and Erik, with fireplace, disposal unit, able 6*4% mortgage. Should Ashwrorth St. move rigiit in! Realtors, 6494200. plus five-room , older home. |S>to-7080<6 13 Sto n ^6-192440(0 YOUR COOPERATION W nx on heavily wooded iot, fuU 43 Cloudod 72 Good will leave Manchester Dec. T BE APPRECIATED dishwasher. Available im­ MANCHESTER be seen. 6493010. 9room Gape, full-shed dor­ Bam and outbuildings, ideal CANCIR 13 Don't 43 From 73 You DIAL 643-2711 Lots For Solo 73 basement, rear porch, many 14 Indkoto 44 To 74 Otiootitt CAFRKORN when he will assume his duties ■v mediately. 1280. monthly. Call tor horses. $15,500. Meyer JUNt 21 mer, garage, basement rec extras included in the sale 15 Nowt 45 Arourtd 75 Todoy MC. 22 - in Gales Ferry. Paul W. Dougan, Realtor, 649- PARK-LIKE GROUNDS MANCCHESTER — A charming (XILUMBIA, Afine St., two- Agency, Realtors, 643-0609. 14 You 46 You 76 AnoHwr •Tt I*JULY 12 „ 468a. spacious 4-bedroom Colonial. room, belths plus pan­ price. Fine residential area. 17 You 47 To 77 Amrud* JAH. n VI A native at Mancheater, ha la C o ntinued From Procoding Poqo acres. Treed with stone fence. 54.62 16 tn d t 48 Hoppy 78 lUcord Large custom 3-bedroom Formal dining room, large eled porch. (Jell now. T. J. Oockett, Realtor, 649 the son of Mr. and Mrs. OHvsr Asking 3,800. H. M. Frechette, '6976-79.89 19 Bo 49 Moy 79 CoutM 395566 y Gothherg of 90 Broad St. Ranch, fireplaced living front to back living room, ga­ Andover 1677. 30 Indkoto 50 Hormoniout 80 N«w Bealtors, 647-9993. LIO AQUARIUS Aportmonts— Fiotv- Aperfmwnts— Flafft— Out of Town room, dinette, finished rec rage, porch, prime location. 31 Tbo 51 Crodit 81 Your He is e 1969 graduate of Man­ room with fireplace, large WARREN E. HOWLAND VERNON — Big five-room JULY 22 33 And 52 A 82 Morwy JA M . to chester High School and receiv­ Tonomonts 63 Tm u i m b H 63 For Ront Philbrlck Agency, Realtors, CENTjiiR of Town. . .approxi­ 33 Nood 53 Moy 83 F«ot 66 eat-in kitchen, knotty pine HORSE LOVERS Ranch. High treed lot. Huge ^Alte. 22 m . I* 6494200. 643-1108 mately 2H acres, all in "B ” 34 Attroctivo 54 On* 84 To ed hie BA degree In psychology 8% ROOM apartment for rent. FIVE-ROOM Apartment on HEBRON — Four roofn apart­ breezeway and garage, cut- kitchen three bedrooms, 211-25-39 35 II 55 Unti$p*ct«d 85 H*olrh 3-14-16-a^ In 196$ from the University ot zone. All utilities on the site. 1-75 36 Ckjtlook Available November 1st. Apply Main St., second floor over a ment for rent. Heat Included. stone patio. Mid 30’s. THREE family —Kitchen and Don’t miss this atone, full- finished walkout basement. 56 For 86 Undtnlor^ $241-Bl-I (fonnecticut. He Is also a grad­ Ideal for multiple dwellings. VIRGO 37 &VO 57 Obl»Qot>ont 87 Gofn Manchester Garden Apart­ business office, no children, no Strout Reality, RFD No. 1, Heb­ bathrooms recently modern­ d orm ered C a p e . Family size $23,600. Wolverton Agency, 38 Comot 58 (Sdt 88 Rtcords risen uate of the Lutheran Theologt- ICANCHESTER —Forest Hills T. J. Crockett, Realtor, 649 HI. IF ments IB Forest St. pets due to the location. Avail­ ron, Conn. 228-9116. JACQUELINE- ized. Central location. Deep 1877. kitchen, formal dining room, Realtors, 6493813. 39 On 59 You 89 AoQrovotior> cal Seminary, Philadelphia, Pa. area. Ranch, three-bedroom, 30 Through 60 Difturb 90 able Nov. 1st. $128 monthly. ROBERTS AGENCY lot. ,Exe^lent income property. 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths on WAS. Ha was ordained In May IMS EDQERTON Gardens — Near two full baths, buUt-ins, fire­ BOLTON LAKE — Californian, ^1-26-37-42 Call 643-7166. SUBLEASE—4% room apart­ $8^,900. PhUbrick Agency, APPROXIMATELY Tour acres 714 p rivate a cres. N ow $31.- (S)Good Advene Neutral 13-27-3646^ and ahortly afterwards returned Bov. Brie ft. fMfetesf hospital. Deluxe one-bedroom place, wall to wall, recreation Three bedrooms, spacious V-71-84-86 52-74-77 ment, Vernon Gardens. Call 646-3339 Realtors, 646-4200. prime land. Near community 900. to Manchester to serve as as- apartments. Wall to wall car­ AVAILABLE November 1st, room. Excellent condition. H. kitchen with bullt-liu, fire- 872-4693. college site and new Route 6. aistant pastor at Bmanual muntty affaire during the peak peting, appliances and utilities 3H-room apartment, third M. Frechette, Realtors, 647- placed living room, oil heat, MANCHESTER — Just listed. GARRISON Colonall — All’ uie $21,500. PhUbrick Agency, three jreers. He has served on etc. $185-8160. J. D. Real Es­ floor, stove, refrigerator, hot 3t4 ROOM apartment, heat in­ HASTINGS REAL m baths. Tastefully decorat­ Church where he had been bap­ Large 6-room Colonial, 1*4 rooms are exceptionally large. Realtors, 646-4200. a number of oommittesa ot the water. Adults only. Parking. cluded. Cellar storage, park­ ed. $31,900. Immediate Oc­ tised and confirmed. Ha was In­ tate Associates. 643-B129. Houses For Sole 72 Houses For Sole 72 Houses For Sole 72 baths, kitchen with built-ins, 24’ living room, 24’ bedroom, Study Sees Fringe Benefits Mancheeter Council of aiurobss 643-8680. ing. Grove St., Rockville. $116 BUILDING LOT, 250 X 160’, ESTATE cupancy. Warren E. Howland, stalled as eaalatant pastor of the wall to wall carpeting, fire­ etc. Formal dining room, fire­ end la a member of the Man­ FOUR-ROOM apartment in monthly. Call 646-2871. MANCHESTER —6-room Cape cleared, dry, located North Realtors, 643-1106. church in June 19M. place, beautifully, landscaped place, porch, garage. Beautiful- Lngcrt Noriens chester Clergy Aasoclatlon. Ha tour-family house. Appliances, on the west side. Built by An- MANCHESTER — Six-room SEVEN-ROOM Colonial, 2% til­ Coventry. Call 742-9504. 742-7141 W ill Increase in Next Decade Pastor Oothberg has been re- VERNON — NOW RenUng. lot, excellent condition. Im­ by landscaped yard. Custom VERNON —Six-room Ranch aponatbla for the total educa­ has also participated In several parking and storage. $12S. Nov. Fumidiod saldl, 1 % baths, full shed Colonial, garage, wooded lot, ed baths, large family room, LIMITATION ORDER NEW YORK (AP) — One of Pension income la expected to "You owe it to yourself to see mediate occupancy. H. M Fre­ built for present owner. $29,900. AT A (XJUOT OF PKOBATE. just beyond the circle. Carpet­ tional program and youth min­ ecumenical services In Man­ 1st. occupancy. Call J.D. Real Aportmonts 63-A dormer, rear porch, and nice 57x160’, bus line. Earle Everett 2 fireplaces, plastered walls, held at Manchester, within and for rise and also to be adjusted for one of these lovely apartments chette, Realtors, 647-9993. Philbrlck Agency, Realtors, ed living room with fireplace, the steadiest trends In the U.8. istry at Emanuel (3iurch end chester and has jfte*** active in Estate Associates, 643-0129. lot with trees. Sensibly priced Real Estate, 643-1634. full Insulation, porch, city util­ the District of Mancheeter, on ih'^ TOLLAND — $21,200, 8H-room Increases in the coat of living. GIRL TO Share apartment, fi­ situated in a small apartment 046-4200. 30th day of October, 1969. Resort Property three generous bedrooms, employment picture, as steady has worked with the junior end the Depot Coffee House minis­ at $24,600 with a $13,000 as- ities, bullt-lns, extra large 2- MANCHESTER Present, Hon. John J. Wallett. •Ranch on large lot. Ideal for And pension plans are expected ONE-BEDROOM newer apart­ nancially rewarding for re­ complex located in an attrac­ JudBe. kitchen with built-in oven and os the upward trend of wages, ta senior high groups as wall as try to youth, end has served as sumSble FHA mortgage. Im­ SIX-ROOM (Jolonial, 1% baths, car garage, near school, treed FOUR-ROOM home, oil heat, For Sale 74 young family. lo per cent to be rewritten ao (hat they can ment, good condition, small tive residential area.” Brand UNUSUAL 2 FAMILY Eetate of Dorothy Wright Bartley range, attached garage. $28,- with older youth. e member of e CTIergy-Phy- sponsible person. Call Sail, 647- mediate occupancy. T. J. large lot, garage., plenty of lot, excellent location. (Jharles large treed lot. Owner must ^ Dorothy M. Bartley, late it the growth of "fringe” benefits. be carried from one job to an­ building, $140. per month in­ 1340. new 3% room apartment (one BOLTON LAKE—Year ’round down to qualified buyer. T.J. 900. Wolverton Agency, Real­ He has been active In com- ■Iclen Seminar In Manchester. Crockett Realtor, 643-1677. cabinets. Reasonably priced at Lesperance, 649-7620. Just listed! Built like a Gar­ sell. Only $12,600. Keith Agen­ Manchetter In said District, de­ other. cluding heat and appliances. bedroom) featuring heat, hot ceased. 414 room home. Oil hot wnte*- Crockett, Realtor, Tolland of­ tors, 649-2813. Someday, if the trend continues, $23,900. Keith Agency, 646- rison Colonial, looks like a cy, 6494126, 6491922. On moUoa of James H. Wright, heat, 160’ of lake frontage with fice, 875-6279. the term "fringe” wiU be an an­ Although many of the changes Paul W. Dougan, Realtor, 649- TWO-ROOM furnished apart­ water, refrigerator, range, $26,500 — ATTRACTIVE 6-rooin MANCHESTER — 8-room Rais­ M North Elm 8t, Manchester 4126, 649-1622. Garrison Colonial. Here is Wn j jTMANTIC — Apartment achronism. may be perfected to result from 4636. ment. Heat, hot water, stove, hood, garbage disposal, mas­ Colonial, raised hearth fire­ ed Ranch, four to five bed­ OXFORD Street — Seven-room Oonn., administrator. trees and privacy. Enclosed an 8-room, 2 family only ORDERED: That three mcsiths porch. Immaculate condition. CX)VENTRY — Seven - room house for sale, five units. Live labor's prodding and legtstatlon Vernon refrigerator. Apply Marlow’s, ter TV antenna, telephone out­ place, bullt-lns, attached ga­ MANCHESTER — Your chil­ rooms, bullt-lns dishwasher, Colonial in choice area. Older from toe 30th day of October, 1969, In the period from 1929 to MANCHESTER Highland Oak six and a half years old on Hurry! Hayes Agency, 646-0131. Cape, 1 % bathe, built-in oven by government, the IFF study 867 Main St. Manchester. lets, curtain rods, window rage, shade trees, assumable carpeting, rec room, wooded home completely rebuilt. be and the same are limited and free and save for later years. 1967, the Increase In payments Village, quiet one and 2-bed- dren will love this older home a lovely lot in a choice area. allowed for toe creditors within and range. Only $14,900. Bill found, management probably shades and full bath with VA mortgage. Hutchins Agen­ lot. High 20’s. Hayes Agency, Three rooms down, three up which to bring In their claims Excellent opportunity for for benefits averaged 9.6 per room apartments, heat, park­ 3 blocks from grade school and $31,900 is the price. Please Wolcott, 668-1663, Pasek Real will take the lead in increasing for Free Sidewalks vanity. Washers and dryers In cy, Realtors, 649-5324. 646-0131. plus finished attic.. Two full sgainM ^ d estate, and said $3,500 down, $26,500. Bargain (»m a year. Wages and sala­ Plan ing, carpeting and appliances Rutinoss Locations junior high, 3 big bedrooms, call Mr. Douton, 649-5306. administrator Is directed to give tors, 289-7475, 742-8243. personal services for employes. basement (coin-operated) apd formal dining room, big kitch­ baths, modem kitchen. Only public notice to toe creditors to Legal Notk* Harts mailed, free catalog. ries, however, Increased at a Included. Starting $160. Im­ 122,500 — NEW Raised Ranch, JENSON St., Cape, 4 rooms, bring in their claims within eald rate of 3.9 per cent. Included In this category are For Ront 64 storage area. Plenty .of en. Only $20,900. Paul W. Dou­ $27,600. T. J. Oockett, Real­ time a llo c ^ by pubUehing a copy (COVENTRY — Bolton, line. Strout Realty. 228-9116. Again Proposed by McCoy mediate occupancy. Call 647- 3 bedrooms, garage, 160x200’ finished on first floor, second B & W OBDBB OF NOTICE Amerlciui companies now counseling on personal Inveat- parking. For an appointment gan, Realtor, 649-4636. tor, 643-1677. of ulU oraor in some newspaper AT A COURT OF PROBATE, Four-room Ranch, fireplace, 1198. SMALL STORE near 100 per treed lot. Hutchins Agency floor expandable, porch off a clra ^ tlo n In said probate BOLTON Lake — Waterfront 8i>end more than $100 billion a ments, loans, taxes and family to see this new lovely apart­ BARROWS and WALLACE Co. dlririct ^toln ten days from the held at Manchester, within and for treed, private yard, near shop­ Republican candidate tor Praperty Tasea cent Main Street location. Ap­ Realtors, 649-5324. kitchen, wooded lot, $21,900. SAULTERS RD. — Immaculate the iDlatrict of Manchester, on the Califcmia style home, 8 bed­ year on pensions, sick leave, va­ problems: sponsorship of schol­ PLEASANT 4 room apartment ment building please call 872- Manchester Parkade ^ e of tots order and return make 16th* day of October, 1969. ping. Only $15,900. Hayes mayor Frank MoCkiy today re­ Benedict A. Joy, asseseor, re­ ply Marlow's. 887 Main Street. 0629 weekdays tor an appoint­ Philbrlck Agency Realtors, Manchester 646-5306 six-room Cape. Rec room, two ***‘*TrS?a^ T ° 'J b e notice riven. Present. Hon. John J. Wallett. rooms, large enclosed porch cations and ao on. an amount arships; leisure-time services; in congenial 4 family dwelling, CALL on this one to see if it JOHN J. WALLETT, Judge, Agency, 646-0131. affirmed his position on amend­ minds all peraons having tax­ ment. Rental $188 downstairs, 646-4200. tile baths, bullt-ina, paneled Judge. with sundeck overlooking lake. equal to about 12.6 per cent of packaged vacations; sabbatical priced for economy living. MAIN 8T„ comer offlcs, 8 Is your dream home. Not MANCHESTER Estate of Harold R. Germaine lale ing the town’s eidewelk ordi­ able peiwonal property thaf the $146 upstairs (including car­ Ff^IVACY — $25,900. Immacu­ fireplace, carpeting, garage. O B M B OF NOTICE of Manchester. In said District de­ BOLTON—Custom, center hall, Philbrlck Agency, Realtors, the gross national product - the leaves. deadline tor deriartng K Is Nov. Available November . Adults rooms and lavatory. House ft enough space to describe it’s COBURN Road, we have listed AT A CJOURT OF PROBATE, ceased. nance end propoeed e more 1 peting.) November 1st. occu­ late Raised Ranch, Country New furnace. Awnings for h^d ad Btonchester, within and for 3-bedroom L-Ranch, large 646-4200. total of all goods and servicee In other words, the corpora­ I Hale Bldg. Call 643-2667. many features. (Tip) 7-room 2 colonials on this fine resi­ The administratrix having exhibit* equitable method of charging preferred Call 646-6897 after 6 pancy. Adults. No pets. RAMBLING CAPE kitchen, two fireplaces, recre­ complete house and patio. toe District of Manchester, on toe ed her administration account with wooded lot, 2 fireplaces, bullt- produced. tion also Is expected to change Cape. Peterman Real Estate 17th day of October, 1969. said estate to this Court for allow­ eewer uaers. Personal property tncludee p.m. weekdays. MAIN ST. — New one story dential street, both have 3 bed­ ation room, garage, patio, ^ Present, Hon. John J. Wallett. BOLTON — CTustom built nine- Yet, according to a ctudy by greatly, to expand beyond Ita Agency, 646-2223 or 649-9404. Beautiful lot, 70x200’. Mid ance, it is lns, natural trim, $24,600. Mey­ machinery. Inventory end equip­ air-conditioned office building. In executive neighborhood, rooms, garages, and are in huge treed lot. Hutchins Agen­ Judge. ORDERED: That the 6th day of room Raised Ranch. Three or the nonprofit Institute for the role, narrowly defined, as a pro­ McCoy said the fact that he DELUXE 2-bedroom apart­ 20’s. Phone owner, evenings Eetote of Jean A. Hackett of Pasa­ er Agency, Realtor, 643-0609. ment In e business, farm ani­ Prestige location. Walking Resort Property spacious 8 room custom excellent condition. T. J. cy, Realtors, 6496324. November. 1969. at ten o'clock fore­ four bedrooms, large living Future, the United States never vider of goods and services and failed to mention Me propoeel ment, carpets, heat and ap­ and weekends, 6496373. dena. CSallfomia, an incapable per­ noon at the Probme Office in the mals and farm machinery, rid­ distance to banka. Town Hall built for original owner, 4 Crockett, Realtor, 648-1677. son owning property In the Town Munclpal Building in said Manchea* NORTH Coventry — New Six- room with cathedral ceiling has been lender In Implement­ an earner of profits. for emending the Bdswelk ordi­ pliances Included, $186 per For Rent 67 im m e d i a t e OCCUPANCY— of Manchester in said District. ing horeea, ponies, contractor’s and downtown Main St. Abun­ SOUTH MANCHESTER large bedrooms, 3 garages, CAPE—Six room, three or four ter, be and the same is assigned for room Raised Ranch, IH baths, with full-wall fireplace, family ing social benefit jirograms. Its new role, seemingly, will nance In a recant debate waa In- month. Paul W. Dougan, Real­ NEW RAISED Ranch, 6 rooms, New 7-room Raised Ranch, 2li , IJavld Keith, Conservator hav­ a healing on the allowance of said equipment, pick-up campers, dance of free parking. Will be NEW HAMPSHIRE, Gunstock paneled den, recreation bedrooms, built-in bookshelves ing exhibited bis account with said administration account with said built-ins, dishwasher, fire­ style kitchen, with built-ins and In fact. In all cases studied by involve It not only In contmunKy correcUy interpreted by a few tor, 640-4636. plus garage and large lot. $28,- baths, 2 fireplaces, laundry u ia te to this Court for allowance, estate, ascertainment of heirs and snowmobiles, mobile homes and Mountain, Lake Wlnnlpesaukee 4.66 cleared and treed acres room, formal dining room, and drawers. Wooded lot. Han­ it 1s place. Acre treed lot. Only glass sliding door, large fin­ activities but in the personal aa Indicating that it eras no completed December 1st. Va­ 000. For full details call the room, built-ins, plastered order of distribution, and this Court IFF, the United States never boalts. area. Swiss chalet, sleeps 80 or with 641’ frontag'e on Fem enclosed patio. Many oth­ dy location. $21,000. A better ORDERED that toe 6to day of directs that notice o( the time and $26,900. Hayes Agency, 646- ished rec room with huge stone lives of Its workers. Some sug­ longer a pert of hie program. ONE-BEDROOM Ranch type riety of office slites from BOO Mitten Agency, Realtors, 643- walls, 2-car garage, city utili­ November, 1969, at three o'clock hn.s been among the first eight "Over 66" applications for (he more, carpeting, electric heat, and Gardner Sts. Half-mile er refinements. Situated on buy by Philbrlck Agency, Real­ place aMigned for said heamg be 0131. fireplace, three full baths, gest that such benefits smack of The proposal M oC ^ has apartment, $146. per month in­ square feet to 8,000 square 6930. ties, near schpol, 39day occu­ adtemoon at toe Probate Office hi given to all persons known to be countries lo adopt any such re­ $1,000 e x e m p t^ and tax freese huge private lot. Call tors, 646-4200. toe Municipal Building in said Man­ interested therein to appear and be separate ’.lied laundry room, "big brother." Others might de­ made ooncemlng the atdswelks feet. Call Warren E. Howland, 2 baths, club house facilities. to new Martin school, 8- chester, be and toe same is assign­ form. It was, for example, the will be taken in the assesaor’s cluding appliances and heat. pancy. Built 1^ Ansaldl. heard thereon by publishing a copy SOUTH WINDSOR-Btoiih Hill". two-car garage. Many extra celts for free etdewelke lo be Paul W. Itougan, Realtor, 649- Realtor, 648-1108. Earle Everett Real Estate, 643- buildlng lot potential. Ex­ CENTRAL location, 8 - room ed for a hearing on the allowance of this order in some newspaper last of 24 countries studied to lect the growth of a new pater­ office during (his month and No­ Charles Lesperance, 6497620. $19,900 RANCH. Five rooms, of w d ■ulmlnlstraUon account with having a circulation in said District, Raised Ranch, modem kitch­ features. $42,500. U ft R Realty built In areas whare they are 4686. 1684. pandable older home. A home with five rooms down, that notice of toe time and p l^ e provide Ihsurance for sickness nalism. vember. Under (he new law, FIVE—room suite of front Mair, three bedrooms, new kitchen at least seven days before the day en with built-ins formal din­ Co., Inc., 643-2692. R. D. Mur­ required tor the safety ot chil­ good investmenlt. Plan now WARREN E. HOWLAND three up, IH baths. Excellent TWO-FAMILY, 5-6, 2 seperote assigned for said hearing be rivisi of said hearing, and by mailing on and maternity. Whatever It's called, you can (hose having mobile home# may St. offices, 100 percent loca­ cabinets. Beautifully landscap­ to all persona known to be Interested or before Octo^r 21. 1969. by cortl- ing room, cathedral ceiling dock. Realtor. dren walking to school. MANCHESTER Park Chestnut or later. Owner will fi­ condition throughout. Many heating systems, handy to bus therein to a p p ^ and be heard there­ The IFF study concluded that bet that mlllfons of workers look apply. tion near banks, air-condition ed lot. A better buy by Phil- fied mail, a copy ot this order to and fireplaces in living room Garden Apartments. Decem­ nance. REALTOR features such as an oversized and schools. $24,900. Philbrlck on by publishing a copy of this order Constance M. O brien, 99 KnoUwood a mass of new benefits should forward to the new relationship. McCoy explalnsd that school Social SecurUy no longer has ed, automatic fire sprinkler Wonted To Rent 68 brick Agency, Realtors, 649 in some newspaper having a circula- Road. E ^ t Hartftcml. Conn.; Doit>- and family room, two full VERNON — Prestige area. Im­ ber 1, 3Vi rooms at $160, 4H at lot, aluminum siding, two-car Agency Realtors, 646-4200. ucsi In said District, at least seven get at least a tryout In the 1970s buses are provided where re­ (o be dei-lared as Income, only apply Marlow's. 867 Main St 643-1108 . 4200. thy M. Tedford, 26 Putnam St.. Man­ baths, two-car garage, three- maculate four-bedroom Coloni­ $176. Heat, hot water, oven — ELDERLY man wishes room M. H. PALMER, garage, new gas beating unit, days before toe day of said hearing, chester. Conn., and return inake to In many of the world's indus­ quired at the general expenoe of Intereet In the hank, dividends, EIGHT-ROOM Colonial, 4 bed- and n^llng on or before October this Court zone heat, wooded lot. Phil- al, on wooded V4 acre. Two- range, refrigerator, parking with kitchen privileges and big roomy basement, etc. On­ M. 1969. by certified mall, a copy of trialized nations, and that some NAACP Rejoins the town and the seme should rents and wages It an Inmnw ROCKVILLE — Modem brick rooms, family room first floor, WESTSIDE — 9room home, 8 JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge, brick Agency, Realtors, 646- car garage, two fireplaces, two and storage. No pets. Tel­ parking from an elderly REALTOR, MLS ly $26,900. Move in tomorrow. ^ order to Mary F. Earl, 1236 cc: Walter H. Mayo. Atty. may become the rule rather be true of sidewalks where re­ Ux report was filed In 1968. (he building, 3,000 square feet, suit­ 2% baths, sundeck, double gar­ down, 2 up, one bath, garage. RUUlde Road, Pasadena, Caliiomla. 1200. *4 baths, one full bath. Low ephone 627-0288 between 9 - 6 widow. After 4 p.m. 647-1870. ADAMS St., six-room older T. J. Crockett, Realtor, 643- W106. guardian of ^ d Jean A. than the exception within 10 Suit to Block quired for safety. figure on Una nine ot Form 1040, able for light industry, offices 643-6321. age, 160x290, trees, $39,900. Lot 80x180’, $19,900. Philbrlck 30's, for quick sale. Hayes p.m. After 6 p.m. 647-1871. home in exceptional condition. 1677. Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. H a^ett, in California, and return SOUTH WINDSOR 6V4 r o ^ years of their introduction. Suggesting Uiet the town al- has to be used for total ajustsd and other related business, WANTED — Garage or other Hutchins Agency 6496324. make to tola Court. Agency, 646-0181. School Aid Bill centrally located. More than Huge family room down. New _JO H N J. WALLETT, Judge, Head Herald Ads. Ranch, one-third down as­ Among those benefits likely to locala funde for the sidewalka income. Any veteran dlaabillty parking accomodations on Wal­ heat, new wiring. Sensibly MANCHESTER — Two-story GEORGIAN Colonial, 7 rooms, cc: W. David Kelto. Atty. sumes 8% per cent mortgage. COLUMBIA — $17,900 — Six- make on appearance In the GREENWICH, Conn. (AP) — from money the town will re­ rating forms, received by serv­ OCCUPANCY NOV. 1ST. ample parking. Available No­ SMALL 4-room Ranch with rec MANCHESTER, In a central nut St. or vicinity. Call 649- priced at $21,600. Immediate home, two baths, 4-6 bedrooms, 1% baths, fireplace, 2-car ga­ Immediate occupancy, rec room two story bungelow. 1970s: ceive from the state under s icemen. must be (urned over (o vember 1. Cantor ft Goldfarb, 1161. room, treed lot, 6% per cent area with bus practically at TTie lew suit aeeking to block the Four-room duplex in 2-famlly occupancy. T J. Crockett, central location. Newer fur­ rage, central location, many TOWN OF MANCHESTER room, double garage, $23,900. Across the street from Lake. Minimum annual Income apeolal eel. "An Act Concemlng (he asaeaaor in order (o assure 648-8442. 876-6244. assumable $11,000 mortgage, the door. Neat four room house new state program of eld to ad- house, appliances, parking, stor­ Realtor, 648-1677. nace. Lot of house for $20,600. completely renovated. New extras, city utlllUes. Morrison Hayes Agency 646-0131. Immediate occupancy. Only guaranteed by government, Urenta to MunlrJpailtlae Re­ the exemptkMi. $110 a month. Asking price, Hayes Agency, 646-0131. ucetlon In parochial achoole will age. 268 MAIN 8T.~3^«i^e space heating system, tiled batn, Agency, Realtor, 6491016. NOTICE and WARNING OF $2,000 down to qualified buyer. guaranteed employment, mater­ garding Educational end Other Business Property $17,600. Bralthwaite Agency FIVE ROOM house, excellent SOUTH WINDSOR — Nine - available immediately. Rea­ modern kitchen (stove and re­ Pasek Realtors, 289-7475. 742- nity iK-nefils for unwed mothers, continue to have the support of Municipal Purpoaes” McCoy Realtor, 640-4693. condition. Within walking dis­ SEVENTY-Mile view, 9-room room colonial In Birch Hill. 649-2179 sonable. Rent one room or For Sole 70 frigerator stay), basement. TOWN ELECTION 8243. pension plan extensions lo pro­ the Connecticut branch of Ihs explained the town will be re­ Auto Hitfl Pole, tance to Rockville center. Its Contemporary, four bedrooms, Four bedrooms, 2V4 baths, two vide (or recreational, educaUon- three rooms. H. M. Frechette. MANCHESTER - Three - bed (Combination windows. Selling Nations! Association of Colored ceiving paymenta under this aot MANCHESTER — 20,000 a steal at $18,900. Call Ells­ two Ireplaces, two garages. fireplaces, oustandlng family BOLTON — School Rd. Three a). medical, residential and le­ DELIGHTFUL one - bedroom Realtors, 647-9998. robm Colonial. Large kitchen, tor $18,900. T.J. Crockett, Real­ TUESGAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1969 People. for the next two years to toiel Driver Injured square foot masonary Indus­ worth Mitten Agency, Real­ Two acres, superb landscaping Z10 kitchen — GE bullt-lns. Large bedroom (Jhateau. Garage, alu­ gal costs. apartment In small new apart­ formal dining room, fireplaced tor, 643-1677. Although Wlllleni Jones, tx- about $89,000. $$0,000 of which WAREHOUSE with small office trial building, m acres, cen­ tors, 648-6930. Hutchins Agency, Realtors, TIm EleotoTB of the Town of Manchester are hereby wooded lot with beautiful view. minum siding, 1*4 baths, flrv- Also: cost of living adjust­ ment complex. Available De­ living room ,m baths, 2-car 6496824. ecutlve director of the stale will be paid during the current A Hertford man was admitted in center of town. Can also be tral location, all utilities. MANCCHESTER — 3-famlly, ex­ APARTMENTS warned to meet at thedr respective polling districts in said Approximately 2,900 square plaeed bookcase wall. Situated ments for dlsublllty Insurance, to Manchsstar Memorial Hos­ cember 1. Centrally located on garage, $28,900. Wolverton MANCHESTER— 6-6 duplex, NAACP, had said the organlie- fiscal year. used for workshop. Available ' Many possibilities. Including HIGHWOOD Drive, better than cellent income, good location, Manchester, on Tuesday, November 4, 1969, for the following feet. Mid 40's. Principles only. on rustic acre. Asking $25,900. subsidized housing for em­ pital Saturday folkmrtng a one- Center St. Ample off-street Agency. Realtors 649-2813. good lot, excellent Income, Located A t tlon was considering pulling out Mo(k>y further elated he voted November 1st. Call 648-6678. commercial use. Hayes Agen­ new, 7-room Colonial with ev­ good Investment. Earle purposes: Owner, 644-2748. Goodchild-Bartlett Realtors. ployes. "ln-)iouse" advance de­ car accident on Canter St. parking. Completely equipped good condition. Earle Everett of the lawsuit, the directors ogainet an ordinance laet Spring cy, 646-0181. FIVE - ROOM Ranch, three erything, over 2600 sq. ft. of Everett Real Estate, 648-1634. 210 MAIN STREET I 289-0939. 528-3498. gree programs, widely available Dante Maiwll’s condUlan was kitchen. Rental, $158. with one- Real Estate, 643-1634. ' To elect nine members of the Board of Directors, a Town HEBRON — Ikjndon Park. Move voted Saturday lo stay In. setting up sewer user charges month security required. Call bedrooms, large kitchen with graceful living area. Prime lo­ MANCHESTER (Jlerk, a Treasurer, three Selectmen, seven (fonstables, three educational leave with pay, sev­ He sold he did ao beceuM he deecrtbed as "not crtticel’’ by H o u m i For Rant 65 MANCHESTER —Center—Pos­ RANCH — 6 rooms, prime loca­ in today. Owner anxious. A BOL'TON Spectacular 9-acre 77)« action waa taken after an Jarvis ReaUy Co., 643-1121. dining area, two-car garage, MANCHESTER ~ Sbe - room cation, top quality and unique 3-Room Apartments Members o f the Board of Eklucation two year term begins eral shorter weeks during the was con vine ed that the chargsa hospital epokssmen tMs mom- sible office and residence com­ tion, garage, immaculate con­ Mister Clean home with an as­ hilltop setting. Six-room stone official of the Roman Catholic SINGLE home at Bolton Lake 100x200’ treed lot. Vacant. Cape. Fireplaced and carpeted floor plan makes this an out­ 5-Room Townbouses November 1969, three Members of the Board of Education year. were not fair to the single fam­ Ing. bination. Six-room Colonial, 2- dition, city utilities. Built in sumable mortgage, 5*/4-room Ranch features "sweeping” Archdiocese of Hartford said It FOUR ROOMS, first floor, all until June 1st. Two bedrooms, $20,900. Wolverton Agency, living room, three bedrooms, standing offering.. Hayes Agen­ from 8176 monthly three year te rm begins November 1969. and three Members The IFF found that innovative ily dwatler and wens even more Police say that Mecall suffer­ oar garage. Bus line. $24,900. 1964, $26,900. Philbrlck Agency, Ranch plus recreation room, views from 24x24’ living room, could not guarantee that the dio- utilities, stove and refrigera­ stove, refrigerator, heat, $160 Realtors, 646-2818. spacious kitchen, minutes from cy 646-0131, evenings Mr. featuring o t the Board of Education three year term begins November trends are at work, mainly unfair to the owners of two- ed a broken arrist end Ida car Hayes Agency, 846-0181. Realtors, 6494200. wall to wall carpeting through­ jalousled patio, dining room, Civil Llbertlea Union's suit tor. Security deposit r quired. monthly. CaU 648-2827 after bus line. Immaculate. Low 20's. Handler, 649-7613. 1970. through pressure or stimulus fomlly houeee. was badly damaged after he fl60 per month. 286-4680. MANCHESTER — Three-bed­ out. Mini-estate lot. Only $23.- efficiency kitchen, breakfast agatiut the $6 million program 6:30 p.m. 191 CENTER Street, an eight Wolverton Agency, Realtors, from labor, and that one of the Slating that he would like to struck a uUIUy pole on Center room Ranch on treed 80x125’ RANCH — 6(4 rooms, first Voting machines will be used. 900. H. M. Frechette, Realtors, room, 2 twin-sized bedrooms, of state aid to education In paro­ room home W,th 2-car garage 6492813. strongest Is the growing belief see the charge abolished, Mc­ St., near Victoria Rd., about lot. Fireplaced living room, floor, plus finished rec room L e ^ Notice The hours of voting at said Town Election will be from 847-9993. den, 1*4 batiu, laundry, 2-car chial schools. located In business n tone among workers that benefits Coy said, "If It must tw re­ 9:80 p.m. Saturday. garage. Central location. Im­ in basement, simken formal 6:00 AM . to 8:00 P.M. and the location of the polls will be garage, greenhouse, separate Her Suit Dwelling could be easily con­ MANCHESTER — Tender lov­ U4IIIOB n o u n ^ s O-E AppUanens COVENTRY. 2-famlly house 4- are rights rather than gifts or The NAACP is one of several tained under our prsaent char Macall’e car was lowed from mediate occupancy. Bel Air dining room with beamed cell- as follows: office ■ storage building. Must Wrap It verted for professional or com­ ing care has been given this NOTICE OF APPUCA’nON a Luxurious CarpeUng 4, A-1 condition, 2 car garage, rewanls organisations Including tha rr, then let ue make a more the scene end he wee Issued a Beal Estate, Vincent A. Bog- DISTTUCT 1 - Waddell School. 163 Broad Street be seen. Far below replace­ mercial occupancy. Robert J. comfortable «Split Level homo • l y j Baths artesian and town water, oil A great expansion Is expec ted Connecticut Council of Churches equitable dMrtbuUon of the wrtllan wandng for driving glnl. Realtors, 643-8332. 2 full baths, one off master Oreen^ ^Hood, Hanchester, Oonn., DISTRICT 2 - Y.M.C.A. Building. 79 North Main Street ment in Uie 50’s. Call Suzanne in dental coverage, in the ellml- Smith. Inc., 963 Main Street in desirable WoodhIII Heights s Private Patio heat, lot n o X 275, walking which joined In the American expense by placing more of Uw after drinking. M9-6241 near the Parkade, 3 bedrooms, bedroom, screened porch, $26.' 'have filed an applloatlon...... dated Oct. • Central Air Oondltlonlng| DISTRICT 3 - Buckley School. 250 Vernon Street Shorts, 646-3239, J. Watson niillon of employe expense for Civil Liberties Unlon’e suit egel 56 PHELPS RD. Six-room Co­ 17. 1969. with the Liquor Control distanced to village center and burden on the multiple unit 2 baths, garage, nicely land­ 900. Philbrlck Agency Real Commlaaion for a Beer Permit for AppUcatlons NOW DISTRICT 4 - Highland Park School. 397 Porter Street Beach ft Co., Realtors, 278-5960. major medical benefits, and In St the $6 million program of lonial with three bedrooms, lake beach. Priced for sale. user, the apartment house own­ BUSINESS zone —Stone build­ scaped lot, close to schools, tors.. 646-4200. the lale of alcoholic liquor on the being taken DISTRICT 6 • Nathan Hale School. 160 Spruce Street the avallabisity of annual phys- state aid to education In paro­ country sized kitchen with tremises 306 Green Road, llanches- Call 742-8178 or your agent. VERNON Assumable mort­ er " Prison Profit Lotoor ing consisting of four unit er. DISTRICT 6 • West Side Recreation Building. 110 Cedar Street cals and other health benefits. chial schools. dining area, formal dining shopping and highway. A real MANCHESTER — 6-room Cape { gage. Immediate occupancy. Heepital AuilHary WASHINGTON -The Iteilaral apartments. Three house trail­ bargain and should be seen to­ The business will be owned by DISnuCTr 7 - Verplanck School. 126 Olcott Street BOLTON— 14-room Rambling lyonger vscstlons also arc on TTie ACLU argues that th* pro­ room, IH baths, garage. Mid plus jalousled porch, fireplaced RODERICK A. WRIGHT, of KB WARREN E. Clean 7-ns>m split, 1*4 baths, The annual fail meeting of Ihr itteon Induetrtes, tno., which er parking lots. Excellent in­ Colonial. Owner sacrificing one the list of benefits expected to gram. s<'heduled to iMs-otn* *f 20’s. Wolverton Agency, Real­ day. Call the Jarvis Realty Co. living room, garage, lovely Green Road. Manchester, and will Dated at Manchester, Connecticut, this 27Ui day of October, dining rtx)m, rec r<»m, gar­ lUx-kvIlle General lloepMal Aux­ •wnducts mduetrlal opaeaUegia come. Philbrlck Agency, Real­ Realtors, MLS, 643-1121. be conducted In' R O D E R I^ A of the finest large homes In the expand greatly, and workers fecUve next fsH. would coneU- tors, 649-2813. treed lot, convenient central lo­ WRIGHT, of IM Green Road. Man­ HOWLAND 1069. age. swimming pool, over an iliary will be held today at S In faderej penal tiwtSutlofMi, tors, 646-4200. Manchester area. Custom built are exi»ected to win Increased cation. Bel Air Real Estate, chester. as permittee. RENTAL AGENT EDWARD TOMKIEL acre. Mid 20's. H M. Frech­ Uile a breoi'h to the constuutlon p in In th* lloepHal rofrlerU had B $9.8 mtlllan profit tel fte- RODERICK A. .WRIGHT in 1968 with finest materials SEVEN-ROOM custom built 6491198 Town Clerk ette, Realtors, 647-9993. riexlblllty In SI iKslulIng time al wail fX MpaniUan beaween with WlnltTMl Hayes, dlreiAor of CBl I9M, lower than Um $11.6 Vincent A. Bogglnl, Realtor, Dated Oct. 17. 1969 and design. Seven bedrooms, 3- Houses For Sole 72 home, double garage, in- Manchester 643-9333. off church and stats. nurses, as gueel spesker mUUon a t 1967. ground pool, 8 beautiful acres, tlle baths, family room, sunken SOUTH WINDSOR Woodland living room, den (all with blue- MANCHESTER — New on barn, 6-room rental. Hutchins VACANT CAPE COD Park, three-bedroom Ranch. market. Immaculate modern Agency, Realtors, 649-6834, stone fireplaces), forms! din­ Attached garage on lovely \ Colonial. Central location, IH QUALITY FOR SALE by BEL AIR ing room, (patio adjacent), ul­ wcKKled lot. Kitchen with bullt- baths, 2-car garage, recrea­ TWO-FAMILY flats — Masonry ^ Handy location, beautiful tra modern kitchen and recrea­ lns. separate dining room, tion room, screened rear construction. East Center St. yard, handsome house, ga­ tion room. Parklike acre In ex­ heated rec room In basement. porch. Front-to-back living location. $26,600. Philbrlck rage, breezeway, large cellent neighborhood. Ideal for Owner. 644-1014 room with fireplace. Bel Air Agency. Realtors. 6494300. kitchen, 3 bedrooms, large d io i^ ciL C bim A , O jftaJdm surdLbu active family. In-laws, oi office In home. Call Suzanne Shorts. Real Estate, Vincent A. Bog- MANC^HES’fE R living room with-stone fire­ glnl. Realtor, 648-9333. place and wall to waH^ww- 648-3233. J. Watson Beach ft Wanted— Real Estate 77 7 ROOM CAPE COD petlng. Exceptlonallj/ nice. 125 MAIN STREET Co.. Realtors, 278-5960. MANCHESTER — Excellent 9 Move In tomorrow. 91 J- CASH (or voiir propeny room Cape, one unfinished, Just listed! Value packed (ACROSS FROM THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMRUS) CXJVENTRY w-uhin 24 hours Avoid red tape shed dormer, fireplace entry, wUh alumlnimi siding and a JUST LISTED! Instant servise Hayst Agency porch, city utilities, plastered 2-car garage on a deep WARREN E. HOWLAND Just like your own private home 646-0131 walls, hot water oil heat, com­ treed lot. Special clrcum- X lovely S-bedroom Ranch binations. Quick occupancy. Mances make this property 643-1108 situated on a Texas-ilze lot. I^ND-SITES-FARMS — Acre­ Low 30’s. Charles Lesperance, available for immediate oc­ Free Heat— Free Hot Water— Free Das For Gookhig features a floor to celling age. Large, unioned parcels, 6497630. cupancy at 422,900. Please flreplare. carpeted kllclien all areas Ijouis DImock Real­ call Mr. Gordon, 6496306. MANCHESTER — Pour bed­ floor and an eye level stove ty . R ealtors. 649-9823. CROCHET MANCHESTER — SU - room room tri-level home with three Pnvafe Laundry Area Call Dave Douton at 649- Colonial overlooking Center full baths, living room with 5306 for more facts. Only SEIJ21NG your house'’ Ask Slict 4-14 B & W about our $300 advertising Park. 114 bathe. two-oar cathedral celling and car­ $21,900. Featuring for your enjoym ent: guarantee. Office 649-OOW. Res­ garage, large rooms. Immsdl- BARROWS and WALLACE Co. peting. grade level family idence. 649-9188. Llnssy Realty. ate occupancy. Hayes Agen- Manchester Parkade room, sunny kitchen with din­ Manchester 6495306 R ^ e with self-clea^ oven, refrigerator, disposal, dishwasher, stem B (Sl W cy. 646-0131. ing area. Mid 30’s. Wolverton MANCHESTER SELLING’ Do business with dtoore 1^ windows, shades, wall to waU carpeting, one and one hilf ceramic CAROL DRIVE BARROWS and WA1J.ACE Co Agency, Realtors, 6493813. one of the oldest sgencles in $23,900 — 9ROOM Split, ga­ MANCHESTER — Glastonbury Manchester Parkade tile b^h^ picnic areas with pknk table and gas barbecues tor you and Conveniently located just steps from school, bus town. For prompt, courteous c c / 2 2 rage. bullt-lns, Immaculate line —Tallwood —New Ranch 6*4 ROOM Ranch, brick front, 3 Manchester 649-5906 j w family. SU di^ glass doors o ff the dining area openfatg onto a red- and shopping. This house offers an unusu^ value. service call the Mitten Agen­ 8 2 6 5 condition, acre treed lot. As­ homes, (only 5 leftl. 6-7 rooms, bedrooms, fireplace, garage, 23-.3I" fully equipped. Two baths, W4^ porciv full private cellar with washer and dryer hook u ^ master TV Featured are six finished rooms plus a jakKWied VERNON — Four-bedroom Col­ cy. Resltors. member Multiple Simple cro ch e t stitches sume VA mortgage. Hutchins park-Ilke yard. Immediate oc­ antonj^ Excellent kantion on bus route, walk to schoola, SiiJhra mrf make this soft suit for Agency. Realtors, 6496334. walkout basements. 3 - car cupancy. Only $24,900. Hayes porch, fireplaced living room, (and an outdoor fire­ onial. two baths, kitchen with Usting. 648-6930 the young lady. The An extra skirt is always garages. Wooded acre plots, Agency. 646-0131. place for your barbecuing pleasure), garage with “tor- buiU-lns, 2-car garage Aasum- perky beret matches the a welcome addition to the DUPLEX 98, separate fur­ beautifully situated between age space and a beautiful lot full of sturdy shade abie mortgage' Asking $11,900 striped ja c k e t fo r the wardrobe . . especially naces. tile baths, newly paint­ two golf courses. C^ty water, MANCHESTER —Green Manor H M. Firechetu, Realtors 647- F'unrral Srrvirre NEW YORK (API - Funeral finishing touch to the when it's a handsom e ed. purclies, one block from gas, tidewftiks. Best Financing Rd.. 5*s-iwm Ranch, Enclosed trees. I wrai)-around. No. 8285 services will be Wednesday for outfit. N6. C C 122 has \Main St. Owner 643-8946. in Hartford County. 7 per cent porch, large tile bath. 3 large IMMEDIATE OCCUFANCY ' crochet directions for \ w ith I'llOTo-oiiiDE is in ^ Wail to wall carpeting, range, refrigerator, washer v Interest. 26 per cent down. 36 bedrooms, hoi water oil heat, VERNON — Immaculate six- Mr* Jeremiah' MUbsnk Jr , sizes 4, 6, 8 and 10 inclu­ Waist Sizes 23, 24, 25*z, MANCHESTER — Spilt Level, Ex4diuive Rentel Agent: and dryer are included. J^st move in and start liv­ room Garrison ('olonul. .New York philanthropist, who sive. 27, 29 and 31 inches. Size years. Priced in SO’s. Call 8u- fireplace. attached garage, seven rooms, modern kitchen tanne Shorts. 646-3333, J. Wat­ i-ombtnatlons. city utlllUes. well ing. Don’t lose out on this one. Formal dining room. l*s baths, had s heart sttack while stlend- tfNO SH is selsi Isr tscS ul- 24 inches . . . 2H yards of Irg a luncheon as the guest of **~ •* *71 rlr- --■■I— 45-in<’h. with bullt-lns, IH baths, dining son Beach ft Co., Realtors. 278- landscaped, very nice condl- ment only. garage, walk-out basemem AH _AsBe Csboi, Maachetler tlNt IM 1s estai tar steS stb room, thrae bedrooms, family 6960. Uon. $U,800. Charles Lesper- newly painted. Large at­ the Rev Billy Graham at s New HersM. IIM AVB. tsrs ta Iscisde Ont-slm U lli^ York htXel. OP aB cbicab, new TOBE. room, garage, large lot. Phil- ancc. 6497630. J. D . R eal E state tractive lot Excellent location, IT.T. IMM. Bm Bamett. Msaehestar brick Agency, Rsallora, 646- MANCHES'^UR II VACANT clooe to school. Owner leaving The 71-yesr-old woman died M S ksSM, ASSrsM Witt ZIS Bveaiu Herald, IIM AvB. 4900. Value! Four-bedroom brick state. $26.900.. 872-9902 Friday evening m Docton Hoe- cool SOS tnrle NssWsr. 0»!^A«MCA8. NBW YOBH, MANCHESTCR — Two-family BEL AIR REAL EST ATE CO. Split Level. Double garage. flat, 6 down 4 up. downstairs pttsl Send 604 today for the fiisl Nasta, SMrtii atta 119 MANCHESTER 9bedroom Three-full baths, fireplaced liv­ y A s s e c . l n a VERNON Manchester LJne. Among her survlVors U her new '69 Fall and Winter coil, ttyta Itantir sol ttn. has been completely remodel­ 643-9332 Oolonlal, convenient location, ing room. Loads of e.xtras. Out 7S-room Spilt I.«vel Out of husta^. who bves to Gr^wich, ALBUM! It’s here . . . the ’69 Fail ed, fine residential area, Both completely air - conditioned. of state owner wants Immedi­ api/rtments vacant upon sale. Fown owner wants fast m Jc . Omn . snd^is chairman of the eOVUIt WUOH . . . TMNt ft Winter Basic f a s h io n I Priced to sell, low 30’e. Paul 543^129 543.1729 Vincent A. Boggini Reftitor Bullt-tne. only $21M)0 Hayes kss«MM ietim ef nsMer Only.50# a copy. ate sale. Warren E. Howland. T.J. Crockett. Realtor. 643- nsUonal finance (ommlttee of tm l Pstlsni ilesesi BrstKeas. W. Dougan. Realtor, 6494638. Realtors, 643-1106. Agency. 666-

PAGE TWENTY-FOUR \- ilaturl;pBtrr MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1969 Meet Town Director Candidates Tonight at 8 O’Clock at Nathan Hale School financial aspects of attending The music cohfimltteeoinr of Manchester Assembly, Order will be held tomorrow from 2 :15 college or school;' sources of Center Congregational Church was formeriy at 86 E, .Center About Town Trinity Covenant Church will of Rainbow for Girls, will con­ to 4 p.m. at Wesley Hall of the aid, both scholarships and meet tomorrow at.8 p.m. at the will meet tomorrow at 6:48 p.m. 8L Avwage Daily Net Press Run duct an initiation after a busi­ church. in Memorial Hall o f the The last of four seminars loEms; procedures for applying home of Mrs. Ronald Gocht, 486 ness meeting tonight at 7:30 at PiR6 Phamaoy chimch. The Junior Rhythm Choir of Ike WMk ir.iW beiiqr coilducted by the Man­ for aid; and the parent’s confi­ Gardner St. » the Masonic Temide Refresh­ The Weather ^ dential statement. Charlotte G Craig, social work­ North United Methodist Church •64 C E N TE R STBEK T October 4. isss chester High School giddance ments will be served. er in a Children’s Village pro­ Manchester Adult Evening will rehearse tomorrow at. 3:80 department for parents of stu­ Senior High Tfouth Forum of gram, will discuss "Group MANCBE8TEB—M»-W14 Clearing and ccdd tonight with ' dents planning post-high school School will hold classM on ’Tues­ p.m. at the chuy-ch. V ' r ! Iowa In JO*. Tomorrow sunny Mary CSieney Library has pre­ North United Methodist Church Manchester/Auxiliary of Child Homes for Teenagers.’’ ' . ] 'i i I I education will be held tomorrow day, Nov. 4. Coupleto ; ' 15,790 . 1 " and cool. High about 80. Tliura- pared an updated Ust of books will meet tomorrow at 7 p.m. and Family Services of Con­ night from 7 to 9 In Room A7 and other materials on 'Viet­ A Christian Educatkm Work­ Preacripttoa Set’vle* day’s ouUook tatr, mUdw. at the church. The grade 9 necticut will meet tomorrow at The after-school program of o f the high school. L. Donald nam. Copies may be obtained The Manchester Public Health er's Conference will be held ' ' ! H«meheMter-^4 City o f VilUue Chmrm ^ "Conceptore” will also meet at 10 a.m at the agency-sponsored South United Methodist Church rithiK DEUVEBT Brooks, coimselor, will discuss at the circulation desk. Nurses Association is now locat­ tomorrow at 7:30 pm. at Com­ 7 p.m. at the church. group house, 31 Summit St. Mrs. The confirmation class of VOL. LXXXK, NO. 24 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) ed at 71 E. Center St. Its office munity Baptist Church. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1969 (Chiaotfled Adverttalag oa Page SO) PRICE TEN CBNTb D&L's biggest sole of fhe year starts tedoy Wini Sot. at all S sterM ... shop every dept., many unodvertlsed specials! Dr. Mead Backs Pot WASHINGTON (AP) — FAMOUS MAKE Strike Effect SAVE ON COLORFUL HRST TIME EVER IN OUR ANNIVERSARY SALE! Dr. Margaret Mead, sprtgtd- 10 & 16 RIB NYLON TRICOT ly 67-yearefore a Sen­ more than 90 per cent of Gener­ firm in their rejection of GB’s ate committee that the weed Biggest Pullout Since Korea Just when you want them most, a delightful collection of long and short reg. to $6 al Blectric’s union workers are Choose handsome jewelry at It’s the season of the scarf! offer of a 20 cents per hour is less haraiftfl than alcobol a great saving! Rope pearl, All famous makes you know out in the nationwide strike wage boost GB has declined to and shouM be legally avail­ Choose frt»n assorted prints robes at these important savings. Choose from Estrons, nylon tricots, fleece “Zolnat the country’s No. 4 in­ stone set metal jewelry, crys­ and colorings in these 27” I Save on fashion umbrellas in on sale for this once-a-year submit the dispute to binding able to persons 16 or older. SAN DIEGO, Calif. (AP) and velours , . . pastels and bright shades! Sizes 8 to 18 or Petite, Small, dustrial giant. The company arbitration. tals, rhinestones, many acetate squares that can be I solids or prints . . . nylons or event. Sizes 32 to 44 for the aaya its plants wOI be open for "B doesn’t lead to the ex­ —More than 8,000 U. S. matching sets. The company said Monday cesses dt behavior that al­ r " Marines have sailed home worn in so many ways. Medium, Large. 1 acetates. All are great values! slips; petite, small, medium, those who want to work. that more than half of its cohol does," she said, "and from Vietnam in twro large for the petticoats. The full effect of the day-old domestic work force of 310,000 it does not have the teodc strike was only beginning to persons was white collar and 1 crowded ships, the l a r ^ t effects of cigarettes.’’ ffoup-ito return at one time emerge today. Neither the com­ working despite picket lines. A student of prtmiUve cul­ pany, the unions representing It also said that "a few more tures, Dr. Mead demonstrat­ since the Korean War. "Thanks, Dick. It's gtxxl to be 147,000 GB workers nor the Pen­ thousand union-represented em­ ed a hip underatandhig of boek"—a aahitie to Prsoklant tagon which is a major OB cus­ ployes continued to work" at generation gap problems tomer had precise figures on sites including Utica, N.Y., arising from parental preoc­ Nixon—read a algn painted on a cril D&L ftorts opM how badly producUon was crip­ where the employes voted to re­ cupations with marijuana. ••a bog hanging from the am- pled. ject the contract offer but not to “You have the adult phlbtous oaaauit ohlp Jwp,Jima walk out. GB has a total of 280 plants in standing wtOi a cocMaU when it moored Monday at the •v«ry night until 9 p.m. » states. Of 117 plants checked Other locals were bound to saying: *I don’t want my naval stotton pier. in a survey, 28 were operating continue work at plants wtaet« dilid to smoke pot.’ ’’ Another group of Marines normally vriiUe 92 showed ef­ there were locally negotiated hung a peace symbol pointed on Monday thru FiMoy. contracts not yet expired and at a sheet over the aide of the aa- WPST HARTFORD > MANCHESTER FARKADE . fects ranging from production aUghtly curtailed to completely which no grievance impasses sault ehip Bexar end gmvm the existed. Saturday unfR 6 baited. Sources were not avsil- peace sign os it docked. able at other plants. For example, 8,000 workers U.S. Dried Up Many of the 1,1S4 Morlnaa (xmtinued on the job at five ma­ aboard the Iteo Jlma and the BaiSdMaaBa The walkout by a 13-union co- IWw Dfircnn opM jor GB sites in Florida, includ­ Bexar were coming home as a alitlon was seen as a threat to M a u ■'1 ing two Apollo systems plants, result of Um President’s onlera PreaUsot Nixon’s anti-inflation- in Daytona Beach and Cape 50 Years Ago aiy blueprint. But Labor Secre­ to reduce the number of troopo Thufs. night only K^medy. in Vietnam. . 0 ® tary George P. ffiuiKs said in NEW YORK (AP)—The Vol­ At the heart of the walkout stead Act became the law of the WaaUngton that the White which began Monday is the Most belai«ed to the Srd Ma­ House would keep hands off the land 80 years ago today. Offi­ rina Regiment and the rest were wage issue. The company ot­ cially the country went dry. Ac­ wage deadlock unless defense tered the 20-cents-an-hour in­ returning from 11-month tours work was imperiled. tually, national prohibition ush­ of duty with other unHa. crease for the first year of a ered in the wettest era In the Shultz suggested in a radio in­ three-year contract, with provl- The 7,000.mlle, 16-day voyage terview that GB was resisting nation’s history, the Roaring Involved a scramble for living sioti for wage reopeners in the 20s. union wage demands because subsequent years. spooe, said Oapt. Martin M. the administration’s anti-infla­ GB also offered up to 28 cents "A great soda] and economic OOaey of Cktroeiado. Oallf., skip­ tion paUdes were squeezing an hour for hlg^y skilled work­ experiment, noble in nature and per ot the Iwo Jlma. profits. ers. The average wage for the far reaching in purpose,” Her­ Vietnamese woman cares for her wounded daugh­ Marine Lt. James Geisainger gaaes fondly at his "Mfhen you crowd thot many His comment brought a quick strikers had been g3.26 an hour. bert Hoover called the National young, ocUve American malea Prohlbllion Act in 1928, the year ter in overcrowded South Vietnam hospital w<^. w|fe and 14-month-old son after ship landed at San demand from Paul Jennings, The unions asked for a 90 Heavy fighting has overcrowded many of the hos­ into a Meel cliateau like thio, president of the International he was elected president. Diego, bringing him and other Marines home from you worry that the crush adll cents an hour boost In a 30- pital wards. (AP Photofax). Vietnam. (AP Pohtofax). Union of Blectiical Workers, month pact — 38 cents the first But by then prohibition was a create problema," said CBoey. that Shultz resign. year, 80, cents the second and 28 colossal flop, noble or otherwise. “ Rapeclally since vre had chUly famous V Jennings accused Shultz of cents in the final six months, The speakeasy was the social weather, end the men had to "intervention on the side of a with 60 cents an hour additional center of the nation—^where stay below decks e good deal of ooiporation in a labor dispute" for :q>ecial skills and a cost-of- there had been 18,000 preprohi­ the time. end termed the action “ unprec­ i i u maker Uvlng esoalator clause. They bition saloons In New York, ' "ITiere was no need to worry, edented in American labor his­ also asked for protection there were 32,000 speakeasies. POW. Release Awes Moms though. U m men were vsell-be- tory.” our famous against what they termed arbi­ Home brew and bathtub gin By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS homes Sunday night to Inform la a city of about SO.CKX) in east­ declared Monday the North havsd, well-diectpUned." 4\ warm Seventy-seven lUB locals and trary dismissals and pay cuts. were symbols of a nation’s defi­ Two prisoners of war from the them about the release an­ ern South Oarollna. Vietnamese woutd ralaosa the Oondllloni were even worae 28 locals of the Union of Blectri- GB said in a message to its ance of the law. The hip flask CaroUnas are among three nouncement. The third soldier the Viet names of their prlsonera, al­ on the Beiou. said Ha skipper, obJ Workers a re the principal unionized employes that its of­ was as common on a man'^ per­ American soldiers the Viet Oong "We were Uckled to death," Oong said would be released Is though not necessartly right Capt. James H. Barry of La Jol­ Country Miss and uni(His involved in the strike — fer was "right up to the Umit of son as his billfold. says It will release, but the soi- Mrs. Strickland said. Pfc. Ooy R. TTnaley of Cleve­ away. i la, Oalif. sleepwear the first nationwide walkout what industry can do without The national crime syndicate, dters’ mottwra find It hard to "They com e over . . . and told land, Tann. He was reported He said the U .l. peoM move­ ’ ”nM Mortnee pracUcolly had against GB in 23 years. They setting off another round of su- me they were letUng my son mtoBlng in ocUon March 9. (See Page Tweaty-11u«e) believe they soon wlH be seeing ment was the only channel Ha­ to fight for a spot to ell down," are supported by 11 jmaller ttielr sons again. go," Mrs. Watkins recalled noi tvould use In providing such .G Country Jr. dresses (See Page Two) His w ife Dorothy, 22, said Barry said. "I hope it’s true, and I hope Monday. "Well, I just sot then Sunday shs had not known a Ust. "t heard cite Marine oay that everybody else’s son will be re­ and stared,” . ,. whsther ha was dead or alive In Ooronado, Oallf., a spohae- a friend of his had offered to 3 9 9 4.99 leased,’’ osld Mrs. John Henry Mre. Watklna, who has three until she received word of his man for the prlaanen’ famlllea rtay another six monlha in Veit- Strickland of Rt. 4, Dimn, N.C. <»J other sons luid a daughteiv said Impending release. said that forcing the famlllea to am if he dhtn’t have to fo reg. $6 to $8 9.90 u. 15.90 "Notxxty knows what we’ve her son wo# listed os mising His mother, Mrs. R. B. Tin­ apply to a polltlcaJ organisation home by rtilp." been through." for nine months before she re­ sley, commented: "I hope It’s for Information would be "an Moot Me rinse return by air­ is over soon and they turn the oth- reg. to $30 M . Inez Watkins of Sumter, ceived word he was a prisoner. unneoessary sxploltatton of plane, Including the nucleus of 8.C., declared, "It was just too "I hod but one prayer in my era loose." their helpiaasnaas." the Ird Reglmont which aoriter wonderful to believe." heart . . . I prayed and I trust­ In C:hl(-ago, David T. Delling­ Mrs. James B. Btockdals, no- returned Its cotors to Camp Their sons are Pfc, James H. ed That I’d live to see the day er says Hanot plans to open Uonol coordinator for the Na- Pendiaton. Strickland Jr., reported miaabig that my son came home." Just in time for the Save now on these great casuals up a regular exchange of Uonal League of Amerteon Pris­ The Morinae, efisr a wslooma cold weather ahead in action on Jan. 8, 1968. cuid Mrs. Strickland’s famUy In­ mall between American prknn- oners of Southeast Asia, mode of signs end band mualo, tvers that you love so well. A superb . . . a delightful col- Spec. 4 Willie Watkins, report­ cludes her husband, a dauiditer ers of WOT and their famiUes. the statement In a telegram to bused to Camp llendtetan foi ed captured Jan. 9, 196is. and another son: » lection of famous group from which to choose in­ Dellinger, head of the Notion­ Xuan Oahn of the North VIst- discharge or reassignment. cluding acrylics, wools, cottons, MUitary authorities went to Duiai Is a smsll town in east­ al Mobilization OommUtee to An additional 460 Marines re­ "D 0 ^ \ maker sleepwear, all the Strickland and Watkins ern North Oarollna and Sumter End the War in Vietnam, also (Hee Page Eleven) turn from Vietnam Erlday on with their labels double wool knits and novelty three dock landing aMpe—the , and original price fabrics. Sizes for misses, juniors sportsw ear Whetatansi Colonial and Oam- W \ tags! Choose from and petites! etook. '4 sleep shirts, long or Meanwhile, in Asia, alUed forc­ short gowns and fliat soys es killed nearly 100 Viet fon g ^ long pajamas. Cot- and North Vietnamese In fight­ c v , ^ ton flannels, soft (D * L , aU storea) Industry^ Unions Divided ing acroos South Vietnam late ' brushed fabrics. 32 it a ll... Monday and early today, and to 40. P, S, M, L. m UM, RUs pounded enemy boee □amps along the COmbodlau SWEATERS. border north of Saigon, the U.l. (DJfcL, Llnxerte, all ntorcMi) On Nixon Train Sa fetyBill Command reported. Oezuolty reporte Meted two mum:, AnMrioene wounded. Although SK IR T S and WASHINGrrON (AP) — Rail­ menta If It offered financial oa- Impose among other things, mure iralna are Jumping tracks no American deed aisre an- road labor unions opposed today eistanoe to railroads required to suffer penaillea and enforce­ with potentially diaaaterous nouncad a U.S. epokesman aaki most key provMons of the Nix­ make them. ment tools. I'unsequencrs. there probably arera acme klUed SLACKS on sutanlnistratlon’s train safety The industry’s endoreement Federal regulatory authority Part of the blame must be In small actions not bieluded In (urrently extenda only to loco­ bin as vague, inadequate and marks on abrupt turnabout luld to decadee-uld rolling stock the commtinlquas. unneedsd. from last spring arhen rail motives. power brakes, signals, arxl ralli forged at the turn of But the Industry reversed Its spokesmen insisted the Industry iwurs of service of employes the century. In addition, labor (■be Paga Tweety-Hwee) from Thousands o f pickets inarch outside the main gate They’ll Picket previous sUnd and endoraed the should continue, aa It has for the and some safety appliances unions charge the nillroada wHh to General Electric’s plant in Schenectady, N. Y. measure in testtmony before the loot century, to police Its own such as ladders and handrails |sior maintenance aisi failure to famous Across street, in background, several hundred Until Christniag Senate surface transportation last century, to police Its oam on boxcars. heed even existing safty laws. white-coflar workers watch. (AP Photofax). subcommittee ss "a workable safety. While the federal government Albrwlng the Industry to poilce Itself unlike such comparabis By THE ASSOflATED PRESS solutlan to the safety problem." However, some Industiy crit­ con prescribe how a dangcroue U.S. May Quit exciting values in Subcommittee Chairm an ics see the move as an attsmpt commodity shall be packaged liuiuetriee se airlines and Inter­ state truck lines - has produ<;ed makers "It's going to take a long Vance Hartbe, D-Ind., who said to lialt momentum behind two for rail shipment. It cannot in­ lim e." one picket said. "lH qurationabie rssuUa. Administration To Sit Out today's sCsston would conclude other bills, which take a tougher spect the wheels or undercar­ wear out three pairs of shoes Train accidents. 1 wo-thirds of As Watchdog the series of bearings begun last approach than the administra­ riage of the I sr In adilch )t Is to wooi car coats before I leave this picket line." which are derailments caused tion measure. be moved, or the rails and track STEVENS POINT, Wie. lAPi “» "We had our plant Christmas spring, did not predict when a by (potors not covered by exlet- All three measures arould re­ over which K Is to paas SeersUry of Oefenea Melvin ii ]\ation~Wide GE Strike party last Friday." said anoth­ bill might finally be ready for ing safety laws, are up from each quire the secretary of trknspor- And while greater amounts of R. Laird says ihr fhxon admin­ er. "Most of us think we'll still Senate action. 4.14* In IMI to x.cas In iM 6 -"a 8 . 9 0 1 WASHINGTON (AP) — The Ihat means that their profits lation to establlah minimum dangenius (ommodllles Includ istration le reviewing foreign be on the street Dec. 28." iBut be said the matter is ur­ significant increase ' by any adll be squeezed by a large safety standards for aii phases Ing Vletnam-bouftd ammunition, Nixon adminietration, viewing gent because “ railroad acci­ yardrtick," according to the commllmente with an eye to f i I « $ ; wage Increase.” The mood was resigned, often iit railroad operatksu. volatllr Industrial i Iwmlcale cutting back America's role aa reg. to $20 the naUonwide General Electric dents claim more lives every task force strike as a teat of its antl-lnfla- "There's nothing as likely to bitter as 40,000 employes In five But the other bills. Introduced ami, until recenlty. surplue "arortd policeman." year than all aircraft accldenU Army war gas move over the n»e National Transportation tion policies, says It will let the put backbone into company ne­ of the six New England states by Bens Vance Haitke, D-Ind.. Addrseelng a youth leadenhlp circled endlessly on picket lines combined." natbm'a ratiroods. more and Safety Board-NTBB provtdee reg. $50 compcmy and unions fight it out gotiators than a squeeze on and Abraham Rlblcoff, D-Oonn., conference he belpad ocgenlae as a nationwide strike against At H. Chesser, speaking for other examplea. without federal Interference. their profits. That's what's real­ -The cause of a derajlmenl oe a Wlocanetn roagreaaman, General Eleclrlr Co. moved into the Railway Labor Executives Secretary of Labor George P. ly going on here." said Shultz. lost Jan 29 at Laurel. Mue , of Laird said Motiday the execu­ Its second day. Association, said the un.ons pre­ Shultz said the government vrill Shultz' remark Infuriated a Southern Railroad freight tive branch alone la not reapon- Now when you want them most, su­ The first naUonwide strike fer a bill Introduced by Harlkc Stale Sayn Traek Safe keep out of the GE strike except leaders of a 13-union AFL-CIO train carrying liquified petrole­ elble for the web of altlancee In Exciting values in a great and varied group of up-to- against GE in 23 years, the which would provide higher perb values in wool car coats . . . for the volimtary efforts of the combine represenUng some NEW YORK ew oarhershlp of Shultz said the Nixon adminis­ sents 14 major rail unknn which Halted by the a AR grmm end ash It to revlaw Ito pleated or sheath styles, even some pant skirts. countered Shultz's claim that work when are can get a eon- New Haven's sendee was car­ the Penn Central, turned up vio­ or red plaid with attached hood. tration had already warned both in turn' represent more than The derailment of a Penn upproval ut Ibeae varioue vaal profit squeeze led to GE's stiff tract we can Uve with." ried out after 770 commuters' lations on SM cars, he said, in I W I \ labor and bustneas not to base aOd-OAo railroad employea. sylvanla Railroad freight train coinmltmenls." V Slacks (reg. to $16) in wide or straighit leg styles, resistance to wage demands,’ Thus the scene appeared eet complaints arere filed adth the eluding broken or missing s^ats. reg. $2 Hurry ibl Sizes 8 to 16. ' ' arage and price decisions on the Thomas M. Goodfeliow. presi­ Jan 1. 1968. at tiunrcitb. Ind., 1-alrd'a sudWnce at Wlaconsta citing Standard and Poor fig­ for a long deadlock between a New York Slate Public Service toilet equipment and ventllatton 1 . 5 9 assumptian of conUnued infla­ dent of the Association of Amer­ caused evacuation of the loam Slate Unlverolly, one of several wools and wool/nylon blmds . . . stripes plaids and ures that the firm's profits coalition of 13 unions and the Commlaston during the first nlite apparatus; inoperative or mlaa tion. ican Railroads, said the admln- when several volatite cergoes etopa during e quick-paced, climbed II per cent the third nation's fourth largest industrial months of IM*. George E. Mc­ Ing brake equipment, and mal- An Anniversary special . . . our own Merry solids. Sizes 34 to 40 in the sweaters, 8 to 20 in th e' iotratlon bill was a good one and careened off the tracks, letUng two-day visit to his home etele, (D ats Oaata, all atoraa) '“ Why is the company putting quarter of this year over the corporation. Hugh. chief of the commlaston. tunrUonlng or mUslng rte< (rt> up so mucb'rcslstanceT" Shulti off a tire which raged for to included 40 antiwar deraonetra- Lto sheer panty hose in pin point mesh nylon same period of 1M6. For the White House, the would "d o the )ob It la suppooed said Monday. rail devices. skirts, 8 to 18 in the slacks. asked. "It seems to me the rea­ hours and deetroysd a cannery tors demanding swifter UR. with run stop at bottom and toe. Choose "Even'CE didn't claim u prof­ iinke U the biggest stnea Presi­ to do." "I must dlaagree arhoishaart- Daily ahortagea averaged the town'! principle budneas withdrawal from Vietnam. Mast from the most wanted shades of the season son must be. and I believe it is it squeeze in cxSlective bargain­ dent Nixon took office last Janu- But Goodfeliow urged graater rdiy with commuters who bay seven cars during the 21 working true in the case of General Elec­ and seven homee. Cyanide of the 3S0 high school atudeala . . , short, medium or tall lengths. ing and can hardly make that ary. efforts in the areas of tranapor- the track Is unsafe," he said. dsys In June. (OaL, Sportewmr, .n rtarc) tric. they are feeling the effects tatlng hazardous materials and "There are unolgtitly con- "This tended to confirm cum- from a burst tank car seeped at the conference amre friendly, claim ." be said of the figures In New England, the aralboot into a nearby creek. kllUng Uve- of the ami-Inflation policy in grade eroMlng signals. He said dltlona and Investigations ws plalnls' by soma customers that however. (D*L, Hoalery, all atorea) shoaring after-tax profits of $t0.2 affected GE faculties In svaty stock and requlnng health pro- their product market, they can't the government would speed im- made Indicated thers were equip­ they were forced to sla
