Of Rockefeller Meyner, Whose Eight-Year Term of Office Expires Jan
Weather Distribution ' Rita t«d«y,i powlWy Today 4Mti|fcb Hltfi today, in ML LOW WDBANK taiUht, IS. Partly cloudy to- 18,475 morrow. High, «». See Wetth- / Independent Daily f «r, page 2. Dial SH I-0010 I»ued 1tl;y, Mauds; thrown Frldty. ttcmt CUn n VOL. 84, NO. 103 Fill it Rtd Buk isl Hi Adllttowl M«IUni QtEcei. RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1961 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Legislature Continue Hunt Meets Today To Consider Meyner Appeal For Young Son On Series of Measures TRENTON (AP) — The New Jersey Legislature meets today to consider an eleventh-hour appeal from Gov. Robert B. Meyner for passage of what he calls top priority bills. Of Rockefeller Meyner, whose eight-year term of office expires Jan. 16, plans to press for passage of a series of im- portant bills left over from Arrive in Florida a special August session His Dutch UN Sets and will try to win Senate confirmation for 12 judicial Trujillo Power Friend appointments. Session Meyner will push bills provid ing increased powers for the bi Rescued state waterfront commission tc Seen at an End keep ex-convicts from the docks THE HAGUE (AP)—The On Congofinancial help to the needy agec CIUDAD TRUJILLO, Domini week when they came back and for medical care, a program ol can Republic (AP) — Bowing to sailed away in his yacht. Dutch companion of the two-year community colleges, a U. S. show of force and oppo missing Michael Rockefel- UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) Balagucr, himself a former and amendments to the new com- sition from young Dominican air front man for the old dictator er was rescued this morn- The United States, fearful that muter Income tax.
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