Strike to Keep Schools Closed in New York Ty YORK (AP) - the Missioner James E

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Strike to Keep Schools Closed in New York Ty YORK (AP) - the Missioner James E If Matawan Board to Hear Black Youths' Demands SEE STORY BELOW Sunny, Mild THEDAILY Sunny and mild today. Clear HOME and cool tonight. Mostly sunny Red Bank, Freehold again tomorrow. I Long Branch 7 FINAL Monmouth County** Home Newspaper tor 90 Years VOL. 91, NO. 56 RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1968 TEN CENTS Strike to Keep Schools Closed in New York ty YORK (AP) - The missioner James E. Allen Jr. "may be the longest teachers walked out in sympathy, an teachers union says it will ig- aimed at ending the strike. But strike in history." impartial arbitrator later ruled nore ,* back-to-class pleas by he added that the UFT was 'Longest in History' that the charges were unfound- state: and city officials in its considering the proposals, School Supt. Bernard E. Don- ed. strikig over job security and which included replacing the ovan said the school buildings The current stike started last leave) schools closed for most controversial governing board would be open, and it was up Monday, and the local board of th$ city's 1.1 million pupils. of the Ocean Hill-Brownsville to the district superintendents agreed Tuesday to take back Altert Shanker, president of eight-scool district in Brook- whether the children should be the teachers, the union's ba- the ISai.OOO-member United Fed- admitted. lyn. sic demand. When they ar- eration of Teachers, said re- The union's president pre- The school crisis stems from sumipition of classes today was last spring, when the local rived for classes the next day, impossible. dicted yesterday that the walk- Brooklyn board dismissed 10 militant parents and board Shanker termed "fuzzy" a out would run longer than last teachers for alleged insubordi- members told the educators plan !by State Education Com- fall's 14-day strike and that it nation, and 200 other teachers they were not wanted. LEARNING CITIZENSHIP — Mayor Gordon N. Litwin of Little Silver congratu- lates Boy Scouts upon completion of requirements for the "Citizenship in the Com- Confidence munity" merit badge in order to qualify as Eagle Scouts. Present in council cham- Demands by Black Youth bers with the mayorara, left to right, Gerritt Ewlng, 16, Mark Bogosian, 14, Fred Linden, 15, and Jeff Jacobi, 14. Also earning the merit badge were Stephen Kafa- Is Urged los and George and James Paschetto. (Register Staff Photo) Will Go to School Board On Czechs By NANCY J. KUBINSKI High School. of Black Youth in Action, the the Township Council that PRAGUE (AP) — Czechoslo- MATAWAlN TOWNSHIP - Although secrecy surrounds young people are members of trouble was brewing if more vakia's Communist leaders Nearly 1OO Hurt In their figjit to bring integra- their specific demands for to-the Black People in Action steps weren't taken to help give urged their people in weekend tion to the'teaching staff and night, and Negro adult leaders group from Cliffwood. But the the teens better recreational speeches not to lose hope de- the curriculoim, the black youth in the community say they adults of thp group have dis- facilities. spite tightening censorship and claimed any connection with The recreation aspect was other restrictions demanded by of the community will take haven't even been let in on it, the Soviet Union. their demands before the Mat-the youths will undoubtedly ask them. the prime concern of the teens Communist party chief Alex- In 2-Train Crash awan Regional Board of Edu- for swift compliance with inte- A few have, however, sup- Wednesday night as they called cation tonight. gration requests. ported their moves and have Mayor Hans Froehlich into a ander Dubcek and other top NEWARK (AP)—Wreck crews worked "When we get the results of the in- Iftheydonft get satisfaction, Want More Installed helped where possible. But meeting at the Cliffwood Ma- officials took to television to through the night and into the early morn- vestigations, we will determine if a hearing they still won't confide all, thesonic Hall to search for a solu- bolster public confidence in ing hours today to clear railroad tracks of should be held," Byrne said. a sit-in may be planned for They will ask that more Ne- their will to revive and con- the high fjehool later in thegro teachers be installed in the older people say. tion to the problem. the wreckage where a Penn Central passen- The railroad expected to have an expla- tinue the highly popular liber- ger train collided with a freight train yes- nation for the accident late today. week, informed sources said system. At present only four of One of the adults who will As a result of the meeting, alization program while still last night. \ the 287 teaching staff are black. be on hand tonight is Jonah at which the mayor told the terday, injuring nearly 100 persons. Six of 178 passengers on board required meeting Moscow's insistence A spokesman for the Penn Central said hospitalization. None of the injuries were The youjng people mostly The teens will also demand to C. Person, of Highfield Ave. youth "It's easier to catch on measures to secure and per- from ClLffwbod, made their de- know exactly what approach who has been a recent vocal flies with honey than with vine- two of three blocked tracks were operative serious. Minor injuries were reported by petuate communism in Czecho- for the morning rush hour, thus avoiding nearly 100 persons. mands evident Wednesday as the board has used to recruit critic of township policies at gar," the group has become slovakia. they marc!|#d from., the Lloyd and keep black teachers. council meetings. disillusioned with the leader- major commuter delays. The collision took place late yester- Boad Schcnl to the Regional .Going by the informal name Months ago, he predicted to ship of this community, said The speeches also made Oscar Laurel of the National Transpor- day afternoon in the Penn Central's Wa- Mr. Person. plain that there will be no tation Safety Board came to Newark today verly Yards near McClellan Street and Fre- "I'm damned sick of our more freedom for anti-Commu- to investigate the accident and its implica- linghuysen Avenue, Newark. council's inaction and so is the nist political activity. tions for high speed train transportation. GOING 80 MPH rest of the Negro community," The appeals for hope were di The Penn Central Railroad has been A railroad spokesman said the colli- Al|ies Hit Foe Heavily, he said, "especially the youth." rected partly at thousands of experimenting with high speed trains to sion took place as the passenger train, Czechs and Slovaks in Western use on their New York to Washington runs. headed from New York to Philadelphia at Mr. Person said the mayor Europe who are hesitating . An investigation of the crash also was approximately 80 miles per hour, hit de- was "patronizing" and the about coming home and at ordered by Brendan T. Byrne, president railed cars of a freight train which had Seize Munitions Piles "youths resented it." many who contemplate moving of the state Public Utilities Commission, just left the yard. "We asked the mayor to com- abroad if the borders aren't who dispatched PUC investigators to the Hundreds of spectators jammed the SAIGON -j(AP) — South Viet- last night. Most of the rounds dumped more than 250 tons of mit himself and the council to sealed. scene immediately. ( See CRASH, Pg. 3, Col. 5) namese and U.S. forces dealt fell near the headquarters of explosives on troop concentra- some stand on the demands of their enemies heavy casualties of the South Vietnamese tions four to six miles north- the group before the Board of in fierce figjhting yesterday and 1st Corps, and eight civilians west of the camp. Education and we're waiting to seized tons of stockpiled am- were reported wounded. An allied force sweeping the see what they do," he claimed. munition, i including a rocket Father south, South Viet- southern approaches to Saigon Mr. Person explained that he Nixon Seen Blocking Debates launcher find' a large cache of namese infantrymen guarding found a 107mm rocket launch- and the group hoped the coun- rockets arid mortars threat- invasion corridors into Ban Me er with up to a dozen tubes cil would pass some resolution By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS two vice presidential candi- Humphrey charges in a run-in the slum he could "lead a ening Saigpn. Thuot crashed into strong for simultaneous firing nine declaring their view on the sit- Hubert H. Humphrey has dates. ning argument. mighty good revolt." Communiques reported 184 North Vietnamese forces four miles south of the capital. A uation and present it to thestepped up his campaign to "Sen. (Edmund S.) Muskie "That's what you do when "Once you give a nervous, Viet Cong), and North Vietna- miles south of Due Lap along stockpile of more than 200 bigschool board. press Republican presidential and I are ready—anytime, you're behind in politics," Ells- hostile and ill-informed people mese killwl in two sav- the Cambodian border. The 122mm rockets, 82 mm mor- Before they approach the opponent Richard M. Nixon in- anyplace, anywhere,* Hum- worth said in Santa Barbara. a theoretic justification for age fights j south of Da Nang South Vietnamese said they tars," and smaller bazooka-type school board, the young adults to a face-to-face debate. Nix-phrey said in a statement. "We "You try to provoke a fight using violence in certain and along .the Cambodian bor- killed 70 of the enemy, while rockets was unearthed 10 miles on's people say, meanwhile, he are waiting to hear from our with the other fellow." cases," Agnew said in Chi- will meet to formulate strate- JJ r der near the Due Lap Special government casualties were northwest of the capital.
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