Iasi, – March 2018 On March 12-16, 2018, the first meeting with students from the KA2 project 'Tolerance - our common language' took place at the "" School in Iasi. Partners from 4 countries, Lithuania, Italy, Portugal, Turkey joined those in Romania. 18 students and 8 teachers were involved with students and teachers in school in various educational activities: making posters, 4 tolerance film episodes of a topic called Tolerance through my eyes , a traditional food fair, a of Tolerance in all 5 languages plus English, a trip focused on historical and geographical objectives in the area of , visits to the Star of Hope Foundation, Children's Palace, Botanical Garden, Al I Cuza University and the Library of the Gheorghe Asachi Technical University. Tolerance through your eyes Both students and teachers had the chance of being involved in making videos based on some student-written scripts that were adjusted in teams of more than one nationality to fit the topic of the project and their perspectives on it. The films were all collected under one title "Tolerance through my eyes" and seen after being edited by the host students In the Tolerance dictionary we worked on international teams that supplied and translated words related to the topic of the project. It is available in book format and online on this site and on the Facebook group and our Erasmus google drive. We offered our students the opportunity to mingle, socialize, exchange ideas and practices by giving them as much exposure time together as possible, especially during the Traditional Food Fair where they also listened to traditional music. At the Star of Hope foundation everybody had the chance to become acquainted and help some students in need and at the Children's Palace we witnessed how students from different areas of the county or of different social level gathered together to perform in groups or as individuals backed by a band or vocal group. At the end of the project we also selected a group of photos for each month and asked our students to choose the best ones as to become the page of one certain month for an Erasmus calendar for all our partners for the year 2020.