Youngcare Annual Review 2015-2016 Our Supporters Foundation Partner

Adria Downs Station

Birdsville Fuel Service Albany Creek

DA Hall & Co

Dominique Wiseman Event Management

Perpetual Foundation - Hardcastle Family Endowment

1 Jacques

keystone PRIVATE

RJ Loveday


The Marian The CM & JA Whitehouse The Pratten The Samuel Nissen The & Maureen & E.H. Flack Trust Foundation Foundation Charitable Foundation Duke Foundation

2 The Issue Each young d ay , 7,000 Australians wake up in aged care and 700,000 more are being cared for at home by loved ones often with very limited support.

The typical age of a person living in aged care is 84, with an average life expectancy of just three years1. The needs and aspirations of a young person with high care needs typically differ greatly to those of older residents, meaning specific care needs are often not being met. Regardless of their care needs, young people should be living their young lives with choice, independence and dignity. Youngcare works to champion the voices of young Australians with high care needs, raising awareness and funds to resolve this critical national issue.

1Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2011. Who We Are

Our Mission Our Vision Our Inspiration To help young people avoid or exit Our vision is for a future Shevaune Conry and all young people with aged care right now. We also aim to develop high care needs. viable and replicable models to solve the where all young people In 2005, four mates vowed to change the problem once and for all, giving young with high care needs live the considerable gap in care provision for young people with high care needs the choice in Aussies with high care needs when at the care and accommodation they deserve. young lives they deserve. age of just 33 Shevaune Conry, who had multiple sclerosis, ended up living in aged Our Purpose care. It was the only place that could provide To improve the lives of young people with for her 24/7 care needs. With the purpose to high care needs by providing them with a create brighter futures for young people with choice of age-appropriate care, underpinned high care needs, Youngcare was born. by research-led, innovative solutions.

4 Chairman’s Report

What a year it has been; championing the MS , this innovative new development Thank you for your loyalty, passion and Youngcare cause, celebrating our 10th anniversary will be home to eight young people with high care commitment to making a real difference in in 2015 and now looking to the next decade and needs, featuring a new two-bedroom apartment the lives of others. beyond as we continue to make a real difference in model where residents will live independently with the lives of young Aussies with high care needs. age-appropriate, dignified care. Other planned I would like to extend a special thank you to developments in 2016/17 include Wooloowin II, Samantha Kennerley, who resigned as Chief At Youngcare we work to find and implement ; Auburn, Sydney and Tweed Heads in Executive Officer of Youngcare in August 2016. solutions for what continues to be a broad and Northern . Since early 2014, Sam was instrumental in guiding complex issue. As 7,000 young Australians wake the organisation towards its mission of helping In the coming financial year we will bring up in aged care each morning, and 700,000 more young people with high care needs to live the young considerable focus to our ongoing work with our live at home with limited support, we at Youngcare lives they deserve. Our vision of a future where continue working toward our mission to help young research partners to provide evidence-based no young person has to call aged care “home” people with high care needs to exit and avoid design and care models with real lived experience. remains, as newly appointed Chief Executive admission into aged care. Youngcare is also working to continue to strengthen Officer, Anthony Ryan joins the Youngcare team In 2015/16 we’ve been busy working collaboratively our rigor in the advocacy arena to ensure young in November 2016. Anthony is passionate and with the community, corporate supporters and people with high care needs are represented in the committed to the Youngcare cause and brings a government to build a solid foundation for the future community at a government and policy level. In focus on strong strategic growth that is essential as of Youngcare, as well as ensuring we are effective 2015/16, Youngcare was proud to put forward a we move through this next important stage. right now in supporting as many young Aussies record 10 policy submissions to state and federal with high care needs as possible. government, and in 2016/17 we will continue to A final thank you to Chief Operating Officer, share our knowledge to help young people with Melissa Morrison for stewarding the organisation Thanks to our incredible supporters, this year we high care needs navigate the roll-out of the National as interim CEO throughout the transition period. provided grant funding to 122 deserving young Disability Insurance Scheme. people with high care needs. In total we distributed We hope you enjoy reading this year’s Annual $944,735 in At Home Care Grants and Home Soon We leave 2015/16 as a stronger and more Review: a snapshot of Youngcare’s great progress Grants; this is the equivalent of one person exiting sustainable organisation and with a clear view on over the past year and our journey towards a or avoiding aged care every three days. how to bring about the change required to meet future where no young person has to wake up the future aspirations of young people with high in aged care. In June 2016, we were thrilled to break ground care needs. This is a position we would not be in at Albany Creek, Brisbane, to bring our latest without our amazing supporters, dedicated Board Nic De Luca apartments to life. Working in partnership with of Directors and the tireless Youngcare team. Chairman

5 Case Study

Justin is a 53-year-old man home and government refused to fund the money required to cover the costs of care. This left Justin living with facioscapulohumeral in a position where he was effectively being forced muscular dystrophy. Diagnosed at to exit hospital into aged care, something he was approximately age 14, the disease desperate to avoid. has slowly progressed. Via the Youngcare Home Soon Grants, proudly supported by Foundation Partner Suncorp Insurance, Around 15 years ago, Justin required a wheelchair for Justin was provided with a grant to supplement his his mobility which he controls via limited movement government funding for in-home care services, to in one of his hands. He lived in his own apartment in help him achieve his goal of successfully moving Bondi Junction, Sydney as independently as possible home after many months in hospital, and avoid life with delivered services around his needs including in aged care well before his time. hoisting, showering and toileting.

In late 2015, Justin was struck by severe aspiration pneumonia and was advised by doctors that he was unlikely to survive. Against all odds, Justin pulled through, but his condition resulted in him needing Justin is extremely excited about this to be PEG fed; sleep with the support of a BIPAP machine; and use a cough assist machine twice daily outcome and finally moving home! to stimulate and suction his lungs. Many thanks to Youngcare – without your help, Justin would have been Justin’s higher needs also presented a major placed in aged care. “systemic” problem. Specifically, the hospital required – Justin’s carer that Justin have overnight care in order to ensure the BIPAP/oxygen was properly monitored. However, his existing government funding would not cover the care required to enable Justin to remain safely at

6 Youngcare is driven by the belief that all young Australians, What We Do regardless of their care needs, should live a young life. With no recurrent government funding, we work to achieve our mission though five key programs:

Support Programs Housing Making it Creating change, Campaigning Youngcare’s two grants Solutions all happen together for change programs have delivered To address the critical A supportive and highly With no recurrent government Youngcare takes every more than $3.3 million to fund shortage of specialist disability engaged community is critical funding, Youngcare opportunity to keep the issues essential equipment, home accommodation in , to Youngcare’s success. relies almost entirely on the faced by young people with modifications and respite Youngcare is driving change Our events help raise generosity of our corporate high care needs firmly on the services to enable young and developing replicable awareness across the and community supporters to national agenda, and works people to remain living at and practical age-appropriate community as well as vital achieve our mission to help with all levels of government home with their families, or alternatives to aged care. funds to support Youngcare’s young people with high care to identify solutions and push make the transition out of aged work improving the lives of needs exit or avoid aged care. for policy reform. Youngcare’s housing solutions care to more age-appropriate young people with high From events; to individual currently provide a home Youngcare also works in accommodation. care needs. donations; to hundreds of for 28 residents (39 in total partnership with universities volunteer hours and workplace Youngcare Connect provides since 2007). and sector organisations to giving; to pro bono legal, information to young people undertake extensive research accounting, marketing and with high care needs, their which helps us to better event support – together, we families and carers. This free understand the aspirations are making real change in the national support phone line and needs of young people lives of young Australians with helps make sense of the with high care needs and high care needs. complex disability, housing their carers. and health care systems.

7 When Michael first moved into the nursing home, he was in a tiny little corner near the dementia ward. I needed to find somewhere better for him. Before all this Michael and happened I had no idea this was even an issue. Lauren’s Story – Lauren, Michael’s Wife

Michael grew up in Frankston, Victoria. Early in life Without access to suitable accommodation, he developed a love of two things: street art and Michael had no choice but to move into aged his wife, Lauren. care, which was a far stretch from their warm family home, where the walls were filled with “Michael’s a complicated character. He loves street art and photos of his family. graffiti art, hip hop and body boarding. We met when we were 17, we fell in love instantly and we A Youngcare Home Soon Grant helped Michael were together a long time before he proposed.” move into supported accommodation. He is now – Lauren, Michael’s wife surrounded by the artwork he loves and is able to see his young family every day. Michael and Lauren were together for over 10 years before a brain aneurysm left Michael “It’s been three years and Michael continues to in need of constant care. Michael’s aneurism make great progress; the girls are a fantastic would present a challenge to any young family, motivation for him. I try to as much as I can to but it came just months after Lauren, who was get him to do the things he used to be able to pregnant with twin girls, had been diagnosed with do and keep him involved in everything the girls Parkinson’s disease. and I do too.”

“When Michael had his aneurysm, I was three Youngcare’s Home Soon Grants program is months’ pregnant. It took quite a while for proudly supported by Youngcare’s Foundation me to be confident that he knew I was there. Partner, Suncorp Insurance. Unfortunately the hospital system can only keep him for so long. Until you’re in this world, you don’t have any idea of what the world of Thank you to the incredible individuals disability is like.” who have supported Youngcare – without you, my husband Michael would still be living in aged care. – Lauren 8 Support Programs

Youngcare Connect

Helping young people and their families navigate the disability, housing and healthcare systems

Youngcare Connect is a free nation-wide support line. Whether it be accommodation, respite, funding or general support, the dedicated Youngcare Connect team helps find the most appropriate solutions for families, carers and young people with high care needs.

The Youngcare Connect team handled 2015 over 1,900 calls, to supporting young people and their families 9 2016 to find the best solutions. Home Soon $291,912 of funding has been approved since Grants the program launched in 2014 Supporting young people to exit aged care

Home Soon Grants are proudly supported by Youngcare’s Foundation Partner, Suncorp Insurance. Grants range from $5,000 to $20,000 10 young people (up to $50,000 in exceptional circumstances) and help fund equipment, home modifications, respite or attendant carer services.

Home Soon Grants are available for individuals aged 18 to 65 years who are currently living in residential aged care, with high care needs made the transition hospital or a rehabilitation centre and wish to return home or to supported accommodation. The grants supplement existing out of aged care and back into their plans for young people leaving aged care, to aid a smooth community in 2015/16 and successful transition home.

10 Support Programs

Karina’s Story

My move out of aged care Now, thanks to a Youngcare Home Soon Grant, I’m in my own home. Carers come three times My mum was my primary carer and best friend. a day to assist me with personal care, chores We lived together for 45 years until she fell and and cooking. Most importantly they help me broke her wrist and could no longer care for me. to be independent, which I love. Now that I We’d been trying to prepare for her increasing have left aged care there is so much I need to frailty, but I ended up moving into aged care in learn, and I am only just getting the hang of May of 2014. There was no other option. it. I even enjoy vacuuming! My place is great and it has been renovated to suit me and my wheelchair. Amazing! Living in a nursing home meant having breakfast and dinner at Thanks to Youngcare I have a new home and set times and the lack of stimulation I’ve become a new person. I’m grateful to all the was a big problem. Many of the people who’ve had so much faith in me. I won’t let you down. older folks had lost the ability to Karina enjoying spending some time communicate and I felt isolated Karina, Home Soon Grant recipient and very lonely. I lost the sense in her kitchen of myself as an individual. At times I felt that my life had ended.

11 Lawrence’s Story

Lawrence is a family man. One of five children and As well as providing carers with a much needed an uncle to 13 nieces and nephews, living at home break to recharge, respite offers opportunities is an important part of his identity and wellbeing. for the recipient. Lawrence was able to enjoy six weekends away throughout the year where Lawrence was born with cerebral palsy 45 years he could participate in new activities and meet ago. He has been cared for by his parents, new friends. Lorraine and Larry, his entire life. Last year he was the recipient of a Youngcare At Home Care For Lawrence, weekends away mean a greater Grant, funding essential respite services for sense of choice, independence and being able to Lawrence and his family. more fully live the life of a young person.

Lawrence’s mum, Lorraine explains the value of “I’m lucky to be able to live at home with my respite for primary carers, especially as they age family, but I also enjoy spending weekends away and face their own health issues. where I can challenge myself to do the things I wouldn’t normally do. Being a full-time carer can be “On my first weekend away I met new people, Lawrence and his parents, exhausting, particularly now we played mini golf, visited the markets and even are in our 70s. You are constantly went out for dinner. I really enjoyed making new Lorraine and Larry aware of what’s happening as friends and being independent from Mum and there’s always a fear Lawrence Dad in a place where I knew I was safe. may fall or become anxious. It was “Now that I know it’s possible for me to be more important for us to receive a grant independent, I’ve started to think about all the for respite last year as my husband, opportunities available to me and I’m looking Larry, was facing poor health. forward to new adventures in the future.”

12 Support Programs

Our Impact At Home Care Youngcare’s At Home Care Grants program has continued to expand throughout Australia in 2015/16, delivering on Youngcare’s mission Grants to help young people with high care needs avoid admission into aged care. Keeping young Aussies at home with their families, and preventing new admissions NT 4 Grants to aged care $21k distributed 1st Round 2016 Introduced in Queensland in 2009, Youngcare’s At Home Care QLD Grants provide one-off funding from $2,000 to $10,000 for 216 Grants equipment, home modifications and emergency respite care. $1.27m distributed 9 rounds 2009-15 In 2015/16 Youngcare received 192 grant applications from across Australia.

With the generous support of community and corporate donors, Youngcare was able to NSW/ACT fund 58% of all applications. As a result Since 2009: 175 Grants 112 young people could remain at home $1.06m distributed $3.09 million 6 rounds 2011-16 with their loved ones and avoid going has been awarded to into aged care. SA 528 families Commencing In April 2016 Youngcare offered 2 Nov-14Dec At Home Care Grants in the Foundation Partner for the In 2015/16: $759,051 TAS first time. 11 Grants was awarded to keep 112 young people $16,125 distributed at home with their loved ones 2 rounds 2015-16

58% 13 of all At Home Care Grant applications were funded 14 Youngcare officially opened the Youngcare Wooloowin Share House in September 2015, providing a state-of-the-art home for four young Aussies with high care needs.

The Youngcare Wooloowin Share House 15 Words can’t say how grateful our family are for the hard work all the staff at Youngcare have done to provide Brian with this fantastic home and care to share with his fabulous new flatmates. The house is always full of fun, parties and laughter. – Housemate Brian’s family

I don’t think I have seen Nick this happy in a long time. Whenever I pop round, Nick is in the beautiful, light and spacious living area, interacting and having fun with the carers and other housemates. In fact, he is so happy he no longer wants to come to our house to visit us! – Gill Bickerstaff, housemate Nick’s mum 16 Housing Solutions Building and developing practical and replicable alternatives to aged care.

Youngcare Wesley Mission Youngcare Wesley Mission Youngcare Share House at Queensland Apartments at Queensland Apartments at Wooloowin, Brisbane – 2015 Sinnamon Park, Brisbane – 2007 Coomera, Gold Coast – 2012 Home to four young Aussies with Home to 17 young Aussies with Home to seven young Aussies with high care needs high care needs high care needs Share house with 4 bedrooms, each with 12 x 1-bed apartments, 2 x 2-bed 7 x 1-bed apartments en-suite and kitchenette apartments, 2 x respite apartments

17 Expert care is delivered by Wesley Mission Queensland Youngcare’s housing program designs and develops age-appropriate homes where young people can live with choice, independence and dignity. Youngcare is developing a comprehensive housing design and specifications manual with each new home evolving from earlier projects as Youngcare continues to seek feedback from architects, developers and residents as well as their families and carers.


+RP 12.30 +RP 13.25 +RP 13.25

+RP 12.76 +RP 12.54

2BR UNIT 2BR UNIT 2BR UNIT 84 sqm 84 sqm 84 sqm +RP 12.76 +RP 12.89 +RP 12.89



GUEST PWD GUEST PWD 12.6 sqm 12.6 sqm


STUDY FOR YOUNGCARE THORROLD STREET - STAGE 2 0 2 4 6 WOOLOOWIN | MARCH 2016 North 1:200@A3 Youngcare Apartments at Auburn, Youngcare Apartments at Tweed Wooloowin II Sydney Heads, New South Wales Family home and villas 8 x 1-bed apartments A planned joint venture with commencing 2017 Building due to commence in 2017, Horizon Housing 1 x 4-bed family home operated in partnership with St Vincent’s 14 x 1-bed mixed tenure apartments 3 x 2-bed villas Health Australia 4 x 1-bed Youngcare apartments

Youngcare and MS Queensland This project would not be possible Apartments at Albany Creek, Brisbane without a land grant from the – construction commenced June 2015 Queensland Government, which is also providing a $1 million grant via 8 x 2-bed apartments for young people the Elderly Parent Carer Innovation with mid to high care needs Initiative (EPCII). 3 x 2-bed affordable apartments to help offset maintenance costs 18 Housing solutions

Building More Than A Home

On 23 September 2015, Youngcare welcomed Queensland Premier Anastasia Palaszczuk MP to officially open the Youngcare Wooloowin Share House. Located on a stunning tree-lined street, the house features light and bright living areas and fully en-suited bedrooms. Over the past 10 months, the Share House has grown to become a home to the four housemates, their families and the local community.

Generous donors brought the Youngcare Share House to life, making an invaluable contribution to the lives of young people and their families.

Some of the home’s unique and innovative design elements include: • Homelike internal finishes and natural colour palette • Wooden floor finishes with flat door thresholds • Ceiling-mounted track hoists for a more dignified and • Social inclusion and activity zones including the living room, safe means of housemates transferral from bed to kitchen, garden and deck/BBQ area overlooking the tree- chair to bathroom lined street We sought to deliver the best of both worlds • En-suites, kitchenette and private decks to all • Lots of glass: a light and bright environment where each resident has a bedrooms • A fully accessible laundry with washers self-contained room as well as • Doors with automatic openers to maximise and dryers access to a common living space. independence • Architecturally-designed kitchen to On an architectural level we wanted • Home automation – wireless voice control and incorporate under-bench wheelchair access to build a home that delivered essential iPad to operate TVs, blinds, lights, ceiling fan, air and tailored appliances. conditioning and bed controls access and equipment, while appearing as a detached single residence on an established residential street. – Richard Coulson, Cox Architecture 19 “

Nick is a very social person, so it is great for him to Our pre/post research of Wooloowin showed us that real and have the company of young people his own age meaningful lives can be recovered and developed after many who he can have fun with. The feeling of relief, years living in inappropriate accommodation. This outcome knowing he is living somewhere he is happy is largely the result of a commitment to the concept and well cared for, is indescribable. I feel of home, the fostering of community networks like I have got my life back too and can and natural supports and regular access to live without the constant worry of maintenance therapy and rehabilitation. Nick being somewhere he isn’t – Professor Heidi Zeeman, safe and happy.” – Gill Bickerstaff, housemate Nick’s mum.

Young people I’ve noticed in the short time deserve to be I’ve been here how much of a around other young difference it has made. It’s been people. I congratulate a breath of fresh air to come to a Youngcare and care partner place where I’m encouraged to be Wesley Mission Queensland on independent. developing this share house, which gives four deserving young Queenslanders choice, – Dr Trina Stewart, Youngcare Wooloowin housemate independence and dignity. – The Hon. Anastasia Palaszczuk MP, Premier of Queensland 20 advocacy and research

Campaigning For Change

In 2015/16, Youngcare’s policy team put forward a record 10 submissions to government, continuing our focus on influencing housing, health and disability policy throughout the country.

This year our policy submission work has been particularly focused on the roll out of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) where we have advocated for the development and delivery of new models of care and accommodation that are scalable, viable and replicable. In October 2015 Youngcare was invited by the Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS to participate in a roundtable on housing which looked at the issues surrounding options for young people with high care needs, and how access to these types of accommodation can be improved.

The senate round table led to the Youngcare Think Tank, held in December 2015, including delegates from the disability, property and housing sectors, Federal Government, NDIA, policy makers, industry, and – most importantly – young people living with disabilities. The session identified the gaps that exist with current housing options and factors that need to be addressed to give choice and control to young Aussies with high care needs.

Following the Think Tank, a working group responsible for drafting submissions back to the Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS and the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Disability Care and Support Committee was created. 21 Research And Development

Sharing and working Spark NeuroCare Network Adapted Physical Activity Griffith University’s Australian Program Research Council Linkage Youngcare is proud to be a with knowledge grant project founding member of the This year housemates at the Youngcare works with universities and sector Spark NeuroCare Network, Youngcare Wooloowin Share Youngcare is supporting Griffith organisations to undertake research which helps us to further understand the needs and a Queensland-based group House commenced the Adapted University’s Australian Research aspirations of young Aussies with high care of seven sector organisations Physical Activity Program via Council Linkage grant project, needs. The findings and knowledge learned committed to igniting the power The School of Human Movement developing and testing a decision can be applied across all of our programs of coordinated care for people and Nutrition Sciences at support system for identifying and projects. living with progressive neurological The University of Queensland. housing options, mapping Youngcare’s Design Philosophy Summary is disease. Through specialised The aim of the program is to preferences and evaluating informed by ongoing research, the ideas and care coordination services, provide people with disabilities priorities in the disability market. opinions of young people and our decade- Spark NeuroCare works to the skills and knowledge they Participation in the project long building experience. The summary is achieve better service delivery require to be physically active in publicly available via the Youngcare website. supports Youngcare’s capacity for customers and clients, their home or community, through to respond to the disability and In 2015 Youngcare worked with consultants as well as efficiencies for partner face-to-face, individually tailored housing sectors, alongside other Social Outcomes to undertake an analysis organisations. sessions. The program is proudly projects working with the of our social return on investment. This supported by Suncorp Insurance. work has helped to identify the social and Motor Accident Insurance economic impact of Youngcare’s work as Commission, Synapse Australia, well as future opportunities for growth. Curtin University and This research project was proudly made The University of Queensland. possible by foundation partner, Suncorp Insurance. Foundation Partner 22 creating change together

Youngcare Foundation Corporate Partner, Suncorp Insurance From grants programs, to events, to social impact research, our Foundation Partner, Suncorp Insurance, provides outstanding Support ongoing support for our work. In 2015-16 Suncorp Insurance has again helped us to deliver As Youngcare receives no recurrent choice, independence and dignity to young government funding, we rely almost Aussies with high care needs.

entirely on corporate and community Getting involved! Two senior Suncorp executives participated in the 2016 support to achieve our mission. Herbert Smith Freehills rolled up their Youngcare Simpson Desert Challenge, together raising more sleeves to help pack the rations they so than $125,000 through a range of fundraising events including In 2015-16, our generous corporate partners helped generously sponsored for the 2016 Simpson a golf day, trivia nights and raffles. to drive change and provided funding for numerous Desert Trekkers. The At Home Care Grants program in New South Wales and young Aussies with high care needs. In February the Wooloowin Share House shared a Capital Territory was generously supported by delicious KFC dinner with the team from Collins Foods From financial contributions; to hundreds GIO, with Suncorp again partnering with Youngcare to deliver Limited (CFL) who have been supporting Youngcare since of volunteer hours; to workplace giving; the second round of the Home Soon Grants program. 2008 through their Workplace Giving program. to pro bono legal, accounting, A number of Youngcare’s other milestone events for the marketing and event support; A big thank you to the 24 Flight Centre volunteers, who wrapped year, including the 2015 Youngcare Benefit Concert and the our extraordinary corporate Youngcakes, made thank you calls, took part in Workplace Giving and Change Course New York Marathon, were proudly backed supporters are with us Special Project Forums and even baked their very own Youngcake in by Suncorp and reflect the passion and commitment which every step of the way. December 2015. underpins this unique partnership.

In typical “roll up the sleeves” style, Suncorp employees gave up countless hours of their time to support Youngcare events throughout the year.

CFL visits the Wooloowin Herbert Smith Freehills 23 Share House Volunteers Flight Centre Volunteers Foundation Partner Marking our 10th anniversary, Youngcare residents were guests of Corporate honour at an afternoon tea hosted by the Governor of Queensland, His Excellency the Honourable Paul de Jersey AC, and Mrs Kaye Events de Jersey, at Government House on 20 August, 2015. Celebrating 10 years of Youngcare

Some of Sydney’s best thinkers Youngcare resident, Julia Agostinelli and decision makers from across and Nine’s were business, government and the guest speakers at the Y Women community came together for networking lunch in April 2016 involving Youngcare’s Conversations on the more than 50 of Brisbane’s leading Lawn event to stimulate discussion businesswomen. The lunch raised almost about how we can all create real $14,000 towards Youngcare’s upcoming change for young Aussies with high development at Albany Creek. care needs. Y Women Conversations on the Lawn

One of the most popular events on the Ribs & Red Committee Brisbane corporate calendar, Ribs & Red is a - David Conry magnificent meaty lunch held annually - Robert White Changemakers saw 17 in Brisbane and Sydney. Guests - Tony Williams business leaders donating enjoyed an action-packed afternoon - Tim Russell their time in thought-provoking raising an amazing total of $419,000 - Joe Gallagher workshops and events to to help transform the lives of young - Luke Mountford support Youngcare’s strategic people with high care needs. goals. The program is proudly Ribs & Red Committee Sydney sponsored by University of Thanks to the hard work of the - Taine Moufarrige Queensland Business School. Ribs & Red Committees, these relaxed - Justin Greiner Changemakers Ribs & Red and very entertaining lunches were - Matthew Blades once again a great success in 2015/16. - John McAvoy 24 creating change together I knew this was going to be tough, but I had no idea how difficult it would be to feel so isolated. We were only in the desert for eight days, but these young people find themselves in aged care for a much longer time. Overall this has been the most incredible journey. Katie Mattin, NOVA 106.9 presenter – 2016 Simpson Desert Challenge trekker

25 Adventure Challenges

Black Tie Bingo Simpson Desert Youngcare Simpson Desert Challenge trekkers, Channel Nine’s Challenge 2016 Melissa Downes and NOVA’s Katie Mattin, hosted a Black Tie Bingo event to raise funds On the morning of 28 April 2016, 150km journey for Youngcare. The glamorous evening featured 16 trekkers rose at the crack of some fantastic entertainment and prizes as participants set about raising both funds and dawn to begin a 250km walk awareness for young people with high care needs. to the geographic centre of the on foot Simpson Desert. more sand 8 Days in the Desert Now in its fourth year, the Youngcare Simpson Desert The Youngcare Simpson Desert Challenge 2016 Challenge is not for the faint-hearted. Over seven days than 1,000 dunes trekkers battled extreme heat, torrential rain, endless featured in the Channel Nine documentary, sand dunes and very sore feet. 8 Days in the Desert, proudly presented by Carrying a 10kg backpack Youngcare Foundation Partner, Suncorp Of course these challenges pale in comparison to Insurance. The documentary followed the those of young people with high care needs. Together the stories of the trekkers leading up to and during The risk of torrential rain and flooding brought this trekkers raised the challenge, alongside the stories of two of year’s trek to an abrupt end, 100 kilometres from the 160 Youngcare’s residents, Hazel Morel and Julia finish line. The lack of choice and control faced by the litres Agostinelli. Guests were invited to a special trekkers was a startling and poignant reminder of the of water per day $652,743 premiere in Brisbane, prior to the documentary challenges young people with high care needs face for young Aussies airing across the on 28 May, 2016 on a daily basis. in Queensland and 29 May, 2016 across the rest The 2016 trekkers raised an incredible $652,743 of Australia. towards Youngcare and MS Queensland apartments at Albany Creek, Brisbane, due to be completed in early 2017. 26 creating change together

Cradle Mountain Trekkers battled heavy rain, freezing Adventure Challenge 2015 temperatures, sleet and even snow TO RAISE OVER A COMBINED In November 2015, six proud Youngcare supporters, together with two guides, set off on one of Australia’s $ most beautiful, and dangerous mountain walks, the 32,000 Cradle Mountain Overland Track. for young Aussies “The five days on the track were a mixture of laughs, gasping with high care needs for breath, struggling to get my little legs up the steep steps and getting to know my team members. Mother Nature sure knew how to test and amaze us; we had wind that was so strong it could blow us over the boardwalk and snow that made you want to throw snowballs! The experience was challenging physically, but I enjoyed so many aspects of the journey. When I began to struggle, I kept saying to myself, ‘Imagine how hard it would be if you were learning to walk again – as so many Youngcare residents have had to do.’” – Jane Pires, Suncorp – Cradle Mountain Challenge trekker

27 New York Marathon In an incredible feat, six exhausted but elated Aussies crossed the finish line at the world’s most iconic marathon in New York City on 1 November, 2015.

NOVA breakfast announcers Ash, Kip and Luttsy, Channel Nine’s and trainer Ricky Dumigan, together with Youngcare resident Tim Martin, completed the gruelling 42 kilometres side-by-side, all in the name of raising awareness for the 7,000 young people with high care needs currently living in aged care across Australia.

In the lead up to the marathon, even those not heading to the Big Apple were encouraged to get involved with weekly running clubs as part of the six-week Change Course challenge.

For resident Tim, the overseas adventure was a true young person’s rite of passage, a trip previously considered impossible following his brain injury sustained at age 23. However, thanks to the support of Suncorp Insurance, NOVA, Channel Nine and Youngcare, Tim was able to fulfil his dream of visiting New York. Tim completed the marathon in a specially designed race wheelchair generously funded by Suncorp Insurance.

The excitement of this whirlwind week was captured in the ‘Live Young, Run Hard: 10 Years of Youngcare’ documentary which premiered on Channel Nine in November.

A special screening in Sydney, coincided with the International Day of People with Disability on 3 December, 2015.

28 Fundraising & Events

Making It

Youngcare & Young The team from Staples Queensland All Happen The young men at Moreton Bay Boys’ Professionals volunteers tin-rattled at participated in the College raised a magnificent $5,250 at the Brisbane train stations to raise $3,917! 2015 Carnival Day. City2South 2016, raising $3,172!

Community Events A supportive and highly engaged community is crucial as Youngcare works to achieve our mission to ensure no young person has to wake up in aged care. As we receive no recurrent government funding, beneficiary events play an essential role raising both awareness of the issue and vital funding to support Youngcare’s housing solutions and Youngcare was dancing when we received grants programs. An amazing $9,400 was raised at the Auctioning off “Frangipanis”, by John The boys from St Joseph’s Nudgee College’s Bankstown Golf Club Ladies Day on $8,223 from the Sayers Dance Centre & McKenna House put their BBQ and trivia Premier Dance Academy Charity Show. Honeywill at the Somerville House P&F Mad Small actions can make a huge difference in 26 May 2016. Hatter’s Ball raised a magnificent $6,300. skills to work to raise an awesome $5,000. the lives of young people with high care needs. A single event raising funds and awareness, whether it be big or small or held by the young or young at heart, can mean the difference between a young person staying at home with their loved ones or entering aged care. In 2015/16 over 120 community groups raised funds for Youngcare.

An incredible $1,436 was raised from the Greenbank RSL ‘chipped in’ to raise Youngcare was excited to be a beneficiary The ladies at Cromer Golf Club raised funds sale of event wristbands at Brookside Family $5,000 for Youngcare at their Annual at the 46th Hot Rod Show in May 2016 for NSW At Home Care Grants at their 29 Fun Day on 12 August, 2015. Charity Golf Day. where over $4,000 was raised! charity day on 8 September, 2015. 29 Individual Fundraisers Youngcare never ceases to be amazed by the individuals who take it upon themselves to make a real difference in their community. From selling tea and coffee for a gold coin donation, to climbing Mt Everest and even sky diving, 2015/16 saw amazing, passionate people achieve incredible personal feats all in the name of creating real change in the lives of young Aussies with high care needs.

Inspired by her sister’s 24/7 care needs, Youngcare Board Member Peter Hudson and Stephanie Caldow raised an incredible $11,284 his mate Allan Ford conquered the 2015 New climbing to Mt Everest Base Camp. York City Marathon for Youngcare.

Jessica Englart fundraised for Youngcare and The very generous Molanello family raised Queensland Cancer Council, cutting almost Joy has raised more than $1,600 for Youngcare more than $2,000 for Youngcare instead of half a metre off her hair to raise $1,800. selling tea and raffling handmade items during buying Christmas presents in 2015. Queensland Youth Orchestra sessions. 30 Fundraising & Events

Beneficiary events help Youngcare to raise vital awareness and funds across the Beneficiary Events community – here’s a snapshot of just some of the awesome events in 2015/16.

It’s fantastic to have the support of Women Youngcare was thrilled to be the beneficiary of Youngcare was privileged to be the beneficiary in Finance, during the Inspirational Women The Bruce Lynton Charity Ball raised Oktoberfest Brisbane in 2015. Since 2008, the of the Tattersall’s Club Cup Series in 2015 and 2016. fantastic funds for local charities including event has raised more than $186,922 – PROST! Luncheon, where $7,000 was raised. Youngcare.

Youngcare had a fantastic weekend at the Each year around Australia Day, 22 mates come The 5th Youngcare Long Lunch, hosted by Abby Youngcare loved joining the fun at Brothers together to honour close friend Tony O’Brien and Gympie Music Muster, raising almost $7,000 Mackay and Mary McLean raised over $25,500 & even scoring a shout-out on Sunrise. Rugby Club Ladies’ Day in 2016, which saw raise incredible funds for Youngcare. and great awareness for Youngcare. $2,000 raised.

It was awesome to partner with the The Story Bridge Hotel raised $15,000 for Players got in the swing of things at the Chip in Across the Channel Seven Brisbane Racing Corporate Rugby Tens to raise over $17,800 Youngcare as charity of choice at the 35th for Youngcare Suncorp Golf Day, fundraising Carnival, Youngcare sold 3,500 race day 3131 for Youngcare. annual Australia Day Cockroach Races! for the 2016 Youngcare Simpson Desert Challenge. pins – raising over $31,400. Sustainable Fundraising Youngcakes Workplace Giving Regular Giving Workplace Giving enables employees to easily In 2015/16, Youngcare supported 122 young November saw the launch of an innovative support and engage with Youngcare, receiving people to exit or avoid aged care and four new initiative for Youngcare, “Bronwyn’s Dad’s immediate tax deductions and reducing fundraising deserving young Aussies moved into their new Youngcake”. With beautiful packaging designed costs for Youngcare; perhaps the greatest benefit home at the Youngcare Share House at Wooloowin. by Archibald Prize finalist Michael Zavros, the is creating a giving culture and enabling people to cakes were lovingly baked by the amazing team None of this would have been possible without make a real difference in their daily work. at Vanilla Pod and endorsed by celebrity chef, Ben Youngcare’s amazing monthly regular givers. O’Donoghue. Individual Giving With the support of these loyal regular donors, Youngcare is able to ensure a sustainable source The delicious cake was made to a family recipe Youngcare’s generous and passionate supporters of income, allowing the organisation to implement that Youngcare resident, Bronwyn used to bake dug deep to contribute towards creating real strategies to maximise social impact and plan for with her father until a diagnosis forced her into a change in 2015/16. Throughout the year, the future. facility where she was unable to do the everyday Youngcare worked to engage and encourage things she loved. After moving into specially donors to make a gift through the 2015/16 Tax designed Youngcare housing, she now has Appeal and 2015 Christmas Appeal, both of the opportunity and choice to do the which were a great success. things she enjoys, such as baking, writing and gardening. 1,726 donors gave a regular gift in 2014/15

32 Volunteer Snapshots Youngcare volunteers are amazing people. Each of our vollies has incredible talent, a unique personality and their own special motivation for what they do – and another thing is for sure, they are all worth their weight in gold! Youngcare’s work helping all young Aussies live their young lives with choice, independence and dignity would not be possible without our fantastic volunteers.

Liane Shannon Mark Lily, Olivia and Jack Lyn and Ian

Volunteering for Learning that so many The experience I’ve It was lovely to meet We enjoy volunteering Youngcare has been young people wake up had volunteering for the housemates and for Youngcare as it’s even more rewarding in aged care every day Youngcare has been share some time a cause very close to than I thought it would was shocking. I feel very positive – both together baking, playing our hearts. We don’t be. It is such a huge passionately about events I’ve been music and battling on have to make a regular buzz to know that you trying to make this world to were very fun Wii Tennis. The whole commitment, which are helping to make a better place. I truly and lively. aim of our visit was to suits us well as we also a difference in believe in Youngcare and provide a little respite love to travel. people’s lives. look forward to future for the housemates, volunteering opportunities. as well as to ensure our children can know what it is to demonstrate In 2015-16, 876 volunteers compassion. completed 3,621 hours equating to a – Karen Camilleri saving of $81,442.50 in staff hours* 3333 * calculated at $22.50 per hour (Valuing Volunteers for In-Kind, Strategic Grants, 2015) Youngcare 10th Anniversary Benefit Concert

Music has been a massive part of Youngcare’s DNA since the beginning. In October 2015 Australian music legend was joined by Melbourne’s #1 Dads, Mosman Alder and special guest The Go Betweens’ Robert Forster, for a live concert at Brisbane’s City Hall, to celebrate Youngcare’s 10th anniversary.

Hosted by The Chaser’s Julian Morrow, the Youngcare Benefit Concert 2015 was featured on TV, radio, print and social media, and raised vital funds for young Aussies with high care needs.

To date, Youngcare Benefit Concerts have raised over $800,000 for young Aussies with high care needs The 2015 Youngcare Benefit Concert was a sell-out event with over 1,200 tickets sold

34 Meet The Board

Nic De Luca Mark Foley Kylie Blucher Taine Moufarrige Board Chairman Board Director Board Director Board Director March 2012 – Present March 2012 – Present June 2013 – Present November 2013 – Present

De Luca Corporation, FKG Group, Nine Network Australia, Light Energy Australia, Managing Director Chief Operations Officer Managing Director QTQ-9 Chief Executive Officer

The founder and director of Mark has over 20 years’ experience Kylie is one of Queensland’s most A lawyer by trade, Taine is CEO of Light De Luca Corporation, Nic has in the electrical contracting field and respected media executives and has Energy Australia, facilitating the change for 20 years’ experience in all aspects of has established numerous successful worked in the industry for more than large commercial, industrial, and residential the construction and property industry. businesses in the satellite, electrical, 25 years. She has held various senior properties to LED lighting technology. Nic holds a degree in Construction property development and managed positions with the Austereo Radio Network Taine works as a strategic business Management, is a Division Council services sectors. and the Nine Network. Kylie is also a development partner for Cutting Edge, acts member of the Property Council of member of the Queensland Performing as a non-executive Director for Servcorp Australia and is a member of Arts Complex Board. and the European Australian Business Master Builders and the Institute Council, is Chairman of the Youngcare of Company Directors. Sydney Leadership Group and sits on the Investment and Export Advisory Panel for the NSW Government.

Pictured opposite: (Back) Nic De Luca, Mark Foley, Taine Moufarrige, Peter Hudson. (Front) Kylie Blucher, Samantha Kennerley, Tina Davey. Absent: Paul McLean, 35 Nicholas Bonifant. I most enjoy driving change at a government level and I joined the Board of Youngcare rallying the support because I couldn’t believe that of the community there wasn’t a better financial to shed light on this funding model to support the issue that so many accommodation needs for young are unaware of. people with high care needs. – Mark Foley – Peter Hudson

Through Channel Nine’s coverage of Shevaune and David Conry’s story I have built a personal and professional connection with Youngcare and remain committed to doing what I can to help the organisation ensure young Aussies with high care needs live life with choice, independence and dignity. – Kylie Blucher

36 Meet The Board...

Paul McLean Peter Hudson Tina Davey Nicholas Bonifant Board Director Board Director Board Director Board Director February 2012 – Present March 2012 – Present March 2015 – Present April 2005 – November 2015

Savills Australia, Stradbroke Capital, KPMG Australia, Eighth Gate Capital Management Queensland Managing Director Director Director Co-Founder and Director

Paul brings to Youngcare a wealth of For the past 24 years Peter has worked With more than 20 years’ experience, With specialist skills in asset acquisition and experience and knowledge in both the at KPMG, a global professional services Tina is a Director in KPMG’s Health, over 20 years’ experience in the Australian corporate and community sectors. firm. He has advised clients across a Ageing and Human Services practice property market, Nick has held senior roles Previously, Paul has been Chief Executive wide range of industries when they have and the sector lead for human services in and directorships with numerous Australian Officer of Savills Australia, President of the undertaken complex business acquisitions, Queensland. Tina specialises in strategy private and public property companies Australian Rugby Union from 2005 to 2009, disposals and capital raising. As a partner development, program design and reform, including Mirvac and AV Jennings. Nick and the Australian representative on the at KPMG for 11 years, Peter assisted service improvement and integration currently runs his own property investment International Rugby Board from 2007 to Government across Australia to undertake across a diverse range of services including firm, Eighth Gate Capital Management. 2009. Paul is also a member of the Savills various asset transactions. Peter left KPMG disability, housing and homelessness, As co-founder of Youngcare and the Asia-Pacific Board. in July 2016 to start Stradbroke Capital, mental health and child protection services. legendary Budgie Bolt, Nick’s work has a boutique investment firm focussed on been integral to building and establishing helping Australian small businesses raise Youngcare’s DNA. capital to achieve growth aspirations.

37 Samantha Evans Samantha Kennerley Company Secretary Chief Executive Officer February 2016 – Present April 2014 – August 2016

Horizon Housing, Youngcare Chief Operations Officer As CEO, Sam brought her expertise as a As Chief Operations Officer for high level marketing and communications Horizon Housing, Sam is responsible for professional to lead Youngcare and all aspects of tenancy management, implement the strategic coordination of asset management, compliance and the organisation’s programs and services. investor relations for the Horizon Group. Sam has more than 25 years’ experience Prior to joining Horizon Housing, Sam in the commercial sector, including senior worked for Brisbane Housing Company, management roles and directorships both and as the Head of Research and Innovation in the UK and in Australia in the FMCG and for the Housing Corporation in the United professional services sectors. She also Kingdom. Sam has extensive experience founded the award-winning, UK-based as a Company Secretary and Director Dabbs PR & Marketing Consultancy. for not-for-profit organisations including BHC and its subsidiaries, PowerHousing Australia, and NRAS Providers Ltd (NPL).

38 Financials


2016 2015 $ $

Revenue from Continuing Operations 5,012,038 4,614,570

Net Income/(Loss) from Housing Solutions Accommodation 202,241 -

Other Income 358,339 439,831

Less Operating Expenses 4,703,331 4,433,469

Net Surplus/(Loss) after Income Tax Expense 869,287 620,932

Other Comprehensive Income 40,443 (32,881) A big thank you to EY who have provided Total Comprehensive Income Including Net Surplus/(Loss) pro bono audit support After Income Tax Expense 909,730 588,051 since 2006


2016 2015 2016 2015 $ $ $ $ CURRENT ASSETS CURRENT LIABILITIES

Cash 8,128,338 7,542,371 Payables 645,467 467,558 Receivables 538,006 297,703 Deferred Income 2,343,810 2,442,586 Prepayments and other assets 43,032 84,775 Provision for Employee Entitlements 64,610 45,703

TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 8,709,376 7,924,849 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 3,053,887 2,955,847


Investments 1,512,336 1,396,036 Interest Bearing Liabilities and Loans 373 434 Intangible Assets 16,454 22,062 Fixed Assets 3,248,805 3,136,325 TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES 373 434

TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 4,777,595 4,554,423 TOTAL LIABILITIES 3,054,260 2,956,281

TOTAL ASSETS 13,486,971 12,479,272 NET ASSETS 10,432,711 9,522,991

MEMBERS’ FUNDS Members’ Contribution 10 20 Fair Value Reserve 53,159 12,716 Retained Surplus 10,379,542 9,510,255

TOTAL MEMBERS’ FUNDS 10,432,711 9,522,991


2016 2015 2015 2014 $ $ $ $

CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Receipts from donations & fundraising events 5,014,796 4,462,709 Repayment of Borrowings (61) (48) Payments to suppliers and employees (4,506,897) (4,376,591) NET CASH FLOWS USED IN FINANCING ACTIVITIES (61) (48) Sundry income received 52,800 48,350

Interest Received 159,171 294,637 NET INCREASE/ (DECREASE) IN CASH HELD 585,967 (1,074,641) Interest Paid (403) (974) NET CASH FLOWS FROM /(USED IN) 719,467 428,131 Add opening cash brought forward 7,542,371 8,617,012 OPERATING ACTIVITIES

CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES CLOSING CASH CARRIED FORWARD 8,128,338 7,542,371 Payments for Intangibles - - Payments for Investments - - Proceeds from Investments 154,368 - Payments for Property, Plant and Equipment (287,807) (1,502,724) NET CASH FLOWS USED IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES (133,439) (1,502,724)

41 A HUGE thank you to our passionate and generous supporters, partners, volunteers, residents and housemates for joining us on the journey towards a future where no young Aussie has to call aged care “home”.

Thank You 42 Thanks to our incredible supporters in 2015/16 Youngcare was able to help ONE person every TWO days exit or avoid admission into aged care.

PO Box 725, 75 St Pauls Terrace Spring Hill, Qld 4000 P: 07 3041 3400 | 43 ABN 17 113 923 032