Open Fire at School Saw Us and Tlwn Lw Startpd Shoot­ Tragedy at Ing at Us

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Open Fire at School Saw Us and Tlwn Lw Startpd Shoot­ Tragedy at Ing at Us L isteh l.J\p ... The Debate Continues Wednesday • Check out music reviews of current • The Yale Daily News and a letter to the editor albums by TLC. Nas, Curtis Mayfield and evaluate the refugee position in Kosovo and its world­ more. wide implications. APRIL 21, Scene ·1 0-11 Viewpoint • 8-9 1999 THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOLXXXII N0.127 WWW. ND.EDU/-OBSERVER 'Trench coat mafia' open fire at school saw us and tlwn lw startPd shoot­ Tragedy at ing at us. Then a guy in a whitl\ T­ LITTLETON. Colo. shirt thrnw two hand grPnadPs on Columbine High School Two young men in fatigues and the roof. We hit tht\ ground and black trench coats attacknd stu­ then we started running." In the nation's latest deadly school dents with guns and nxplosivns in a Many studonts divnd to tlw floors shoottng, three young men opened suicidn mission at a suburban and sprintml for tlw 1\Xits. Downs ltre at a suburban Denver high Donvm· high school Tuesday, and school Tuesday, and police say 25 Gym of students hid in classrooms people may have been killed. A look tho sheri!l' said 25 poop In may have bnfore escaping with llw lu~lp of at the shooting scene based on bnon killml. poliee in an arnHlrPd l'ar. Otlwrs eyewttness reports: The gunmen were found dead in Main were trapped for hours while UPPER Office the library. SWAT tt~ams searclwd for llw gun­ LEVEL Snveral studonts said thn killers men. LOWER -bnlinvnd to be former students at At one point. a bloodied young LEVEL Columbine High School -were man dangled from a SPcond-lloor gunning for minoritins and alh­ window, his right arm limp, and lntns. was !wiped down by two SWAT Auditorium The gunmnn wern found dead team members. llis condition was with dnvices on them that authori­ not imnwdiately known. tins said could be bombs. The sherifT said 25 JWople may "It appears to be a suidde mis­ havn !wen killed. studPnts and sion," Sheriff John Stone said. teachers alikn. But by early At lnast 20 people were wound­ evnning, oflkers had yet to remove eel at the 11::~0 a.m. attack. Shots any bodies beeausn of tlw danger Student I entrance rieodwted off lockers as the gun­ of oxplosives and llw neml to pn~­ men opened f'iro with what stu­ SI~t'VI~ Pvidence. FBI agPnts and [] Gunfire errupts in E] Two gunmen fJ Gunmen rJ Both shooters· IJ Police find the two dents said w1~re automatic: polien SWAT teams slowly madn parking lot as enter the cafeteria proceed fire at suspects dead in wnapons. One girl was shot nine thnir way through thn building. gunmen and begin firing at upstairs to students. the library timns in the chest. A third young man was lnd away approach students. library. wearing devices "At lirst we thought it was lire­ from tlw school in handcuffs morn building. that could be works, then wo saw tlwm shoot­ bombs. Assoctated ing," said Jake Aponara. 1 (J. "lie see SHOOTING I page 4 Praise dominates at Holtz shares steps to success By ANNE MARIE MATTINGLY community 1~xhibit this dnsirP 'roast' for Hesburgh Associate News Editor to win, h(~ said. "That's what NotrP Damn's By DEREK BETCIIER pnopln havn b1~nn a littln too There are seven primary all about ... I've twvnr seen a ~<'tllor Sr •.tl'WI'iter nasy on mn," llesburgh qualitins that 1:omprise a happy school with a passion to nxcPI rmnarkml at tlw ev1ming's 1~nd. and sueenssful pnrson, said Lou in t)verything tlwy do," said 1\ slar-l'iliPd stage of digni­ "Tiwn~·s IHwn a littln gilding lloltz. f'ormor Notre Dame foot­ lloltz. "EVI\rything that Notre taries camP to llw Joyce CPntm· going on tonight. It may not be ball eoach, in a lecture Tuesday. llarnn dons is a total commit­ TuPsday night to toast Notn~ trun. but it surn sounds good." "My philosophy is very, very ment to excPlloncn, acadnrn­ Ilanu• 's prl's id I' nt e nw r i tus. With a :·W-ynar carnor in tho simple, and basically covers ieally. athlt~til'.ally, 1Wstlwtical­ I· a I h P r nntnrtainmont. industry that fol­ seven simple points," he said in ly." T It I' o d o r e lowod his Notre Damn gradua­ front of' a packml crowd, com­ But tlw path to stu:eess is II Pshurgh. tion, talk show host Philbin was prism! mostly of students. "The full of obstarlns, and to whiiP rais­ wnll suitnd to partieipato in the first otw is the most important bncomo sucePssful a pPrson i n g 111 o rw y nvnnt. choice you make overy day. It's must overeonw thnst~. said for South "I wantt~d to stand horn and the attitude you have." lloltz. I!Prul's l.if'P say that Father Ted gnts up lloltz said that whother or not "If you show mn sonwbody TrPalmPnl nvnry morning and watches a person is content with his or who's ever achi1wnd anything, Cnnters. a llngis and Cathy Lne, but he her lif'n is determined by atti­ I'll show you somnbody who's Joe a I sub- Hesburgh donsn't own a TV. In fact, he tude. had to overconw adversity." s I. a n I' P · donsn't know who I am," Philbin "You can be happy or sad. he said. "Nothing in this world abusP tn•atnwnt agPIII'V that said. "It's probably just as well. That's a choice," he said. "You is going to be 1~asy ... You'rn sPrws tlw indigm11.. · bm~<~usn my l?,artner would get can succeed or fail. You can going to gt~t knorknd down." l.ou lloltz. Con~tta Scott King on h ts twrvns. believe or· doubt, pray or curso A sense of purposn and and Bngis Philbin wet·n among Likn all of tho evnning's partic­ ... Life is a mattnr of choices." direction is also vital if an indi­ tlw many dignilarins and ipants. Philbin's limn at thn mk lloltz explainnd that peopl1~ vidual is to achiew his or hnr t'Piebril.ies who saluliHI proved short on roasting and aro ultimately rnsponsible for The Observer/Michelle Keele goals, said lloltz. lleshurgh's 35-yPar car<H'r as long on praisn. their happiness through the Lou Holtz presented his philosophy "I think Notre llanw's SJl!H~ial pn~sidenl of NotrP llanH' from "Fathnr Tnd is Notrn Dame to decisions they make. for success, which rests upon hav­ because they understand why 11152 to IIJS7. all of us .... lin has nwt evnry "Whallwnr situation you lind ing a positive attitude and outlook on we have a university," he said. "Tonight is for tlw still-sufl'nr­ important pnrson in the last yoursdl' in, either good or bad, life, in a lecture Tuesday afternoon. "We have a university to edu­ ing addict and all'oholic. not just half-r1mtury. but he still knows it's because of tlw choices you cate studonts. and every dm~i- for )."atlwr Ted," said Fatlwr 1wnrything about Notrn Dame," made," he said. "Attitude is a achieve is also a fundamental sion made laddresst~s the qtws­ StPvn Nnwton, nxeeutivn dirm:tor Philbin said. "Thorn's only one choiee." part of becoming successful, tion I 'I low can we mlueale them of the Lifn Tn~atnwnl Cnntors Jo'<ttlwr llesburgh and the rnst of lloltz said that taking pride in said Holtz. bettor'!' Too many univ1wsities and Sorin llall rnctor. us am lucky just to be passing making saerilices is the second "You have to havn a passion make decisions on what's tho llnshurgh 's acromplishmonts through here." means to a successful life. to win. a passion to succm~d." he easiest,'' he said. as a prinst and public snrvant lloltz emceed the affair. lie "You cannot be anything with­ said. "I never asked our athletes lie notod that many businoss­ wnn~ l'ormnost in thn minds and enternd to strong applause, out making sacrilices. That's the how many of thnm wanted to es losn their status as major on thn Longuns of most of thn huggt~d llnsburgh and launchnd thing about Notre Dame," he win. I asked them, 'Can you live corporations bHcausH they los1~ evtming's roasters. hownver. In into the evnning's main event. said. "You come here to get an with losing? Can you live with sight of their purpose. !'act, most participants wern so Thn 11-year Irish football hnad education on how to make a liv­ failure? Can you live with medi­ "Take Ia list of! the top respndl'ul of' llesburgh 's carenr coach paid compliments to his ing, but also an education on ocrity?' ... Because if you can't, Fortune 500 companies 50 that thny coneentratnd largely time at Notre Damn and remi­ how to live. The second one you'll do whatever you have to years ago and compare it with on toasting the retired loador, nisced about his nervous inter­ might be more important than do in order to succeed." the top Fortune 500 today. Not leaving humor aside. view with llesburgh when he the first ... If people think you do Notre Dame places a strong many appear on the samn list. "I think you have to admit, anything easy, they're wrong." emphasis on excellence and the see ROAST I page 4 A deep-rooted desire to members of the Notre Dame see HOLTZ I page 6 ---·---- ~--··-- -----------------.
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