FRIDAY 22 MARCH 2019 AT 6.30pm

President's Opening Remarks:

Mrs Valma Grady welcomed everyone to the Annual General Meeting:

'Good evening ladies and gentleman thank you for coming this evening. Almost exactly a year ago I took over from the very long serving David Reynolds. But apart from being 80 years old I am still passionate about the Conservative Party. I would like to thank all the Councillors and our MP Philip Hollobone who does absolutely stirling work for this constituency.' Mrs Grady gave tremendous praise to Philip and also said that there was no better M.P.


Mrs F Aldridge Mr G Aggett Mrs H Ayres Mrs D Bayman Mrs D Bindley Mrs D Blumire Cllr J Burton Cllr R Carter Cllr Mrs C Carter Mrs M Cerrone Mr E Childs Mrs D Clarke Mr P Clarke Mrs A Cobley Mr J Cobley Mr B Creasey Cllr J Currall Cllr A Davies Cllr M Dearing Mrs E Edwards Cllr S Edwards Mrs P Evans Mrs P Goodman Mrs V Grady Mr D Half-Hide Mr P Hollobone MP Cllr D Howes Mrs S Howes Cllr I Jelley Mrs S Jelley Mrs J Kirton Mr P Lord Mrs M Lord Cllr A Matthews Cllr P Marks Cllr Mrs D Miles-Zanger Mrs J Mitford-Barbiton Mrs S Osborne Mrs J Pearce Mr J Perry Cllr Mrs V Perry Mr J Putt Mr R Quincey Mrs L Roberts Cllr R Roberts Mr G Smart Cllr Mrs J Smith Cllr Mrs S Stanton Mr R Stanyon Cllr M Tebbutt Mr K Thurland Cllr Mrs L Thurland Mr K Underwood Mr G Warman Mr T Webster Mr K White Mr O Wyeth


Cllr L Bunday Mrs B Everard Lord R Freeman Mr J French Mr F Hart Mr R Jackson Mrs S Jacobi Mr A Jacobi Mrs B Loasby Mr A Lodge Mrs B Lodge Cllr T Morrissey Mrs J Peck Mr J Peck Mr I Ramsey Mrs V Ramsey Cllr M Rowley Mrs J Rowley Mr M Sandell Mrs H Sandell Cllr Mrs M Talbot Mr D Talbot Cllr G Titcombe Mrs J Welch Mr S Welch Mrs B West

In Remembrance of Members & Donors:

Mrs Pamela Mackay O.B.E. – St Michael’s & Wicksteed

Mrs Stella Jackson – Ise

Mr Dennis Lane –

Mrs ‘Fred’ Moulson – Rothwell

Mrs Marion Lamont – St Peter’s / Slade

Miss Jean Holt – Harrington, Loddington, Orton & Thorpe Malsor

Mrs Mary Malin – Desborough

Mr Alan Baillie – Barton Seagrave

Mr Gordon Diaper – Kettering

Mr Michael Ward – Desborough

Mrs Hilda Armstrong – Barton Seagrave

Mrs Mary Maxwell – St Michael’s & Wicksteed / Corby

Approval of Previous Year's Minutes:

The Minutes from 2018 were approved. Proposer: Mrs Dawn Bayman Seconder: Cllr Ian Jelley

Address by Leader of KBC (Cllr Russell Roberts):

Cllr Roberts said:

I just want to take this moment to reflect on the past year and think of the future. We want to give our people a better future, we have achieved this by freezing the council tax for 10 years. If we had not been asked to help the Council financially, in other areas, we may even have been able to bring council tax down.

The tide of history is now going with us and I am very proud to be on the team that is helping the County Council out. I would like to thank you all, as without your support we would not be able to do this. We had a top team of Councillors, Leaders and MP's in London determined to do the best for .

Treasurers Report – Receive and Adopt Accounts for Year ending December 2018:

Cllr Mrs Dianne Miles-Zanger gave her report:

I hope that you all have a copy of the account for 2018, and I will take you through some of the figures as seen.

Most of our income is derived from membership fees. Then there are various events held by different branches – good social occasions and we are extremely grateful for these events. We also have the “200” Club. There were 4 lucky winners in 2018 and I have to admit I was one of them. The number of Association members at the end of the year was 369, including 68 Patrons.

Expenditure – Great effort goes into keeping the costs down. We did incur some costs for repair work as a one -off invoice on this building for electrical work. The cost of secretarial help was also reduced in 2018. I have tidied up the accounts combining the two deposit accounts into one and closing the Market Harborough Building Society account. That money was transferred to our NatWest current account. We have not transferred any monies from the deposit account into the current account during 2018. There is an amount of £12,585.00, this is ring-fenced purely as “fighting fund” for the Association and is included in the deposit account. There is always a need to attract more members and also encourage branches who do not, as yet, put any money into the kitty. However, during 2018 there were NO elections and come next year 2020 we will have the costs of Parish, Town and the new Unitary elections and perhaps even a General Election so we need to build up the current account in readiness for these costs.

I have spent many hours getting to grips with the figures and now have a clearer understanding of the Association accounts. We are still waiting for the go ahead with on-line banking. All the necessary forms have been completed and returned to Nat West, and I have written to the bank asking when this facility will be up and running. Hopefully we shall not have to wait much longer. On a personal note I would like to thank Pamela for all her help and guidance given to me over the past twelve months. Finally, I would like to thank Smith, Hodge and Baxter for their help and assistance in interpreting and auditing these accounts. Thank you.

Dianne was then thanked and was commended on her commitment and work. The Treasurers report was approved. Proposer: Mr Paul Clarke & Seconder: Cllr Paul Marks

Deputy Chairman Political and Campaigning Report:

The main aim is to get more Conservatives elected. Our big focus is the Saturday morning campaigning. It is just 2 hours of your life. The following four people were awarded their star award for doing 10 sessions. Philip asked that they stand up for recognition.

Cllr Paul Marks Cllr Mark Rowley Cllr Shirley Stanton Cllr Mike Tebbutt

They are outstanding individuals who are leading by example (everyone gave a round of applause). We hope to follow up with a postal vote and a survey of voters we know nothing about. This is to focus our time on people who we know will vote for us.

Deputy Chairman Fundraising & Membership Report:

Mrs Victoria Perry said:

'I would like to give a big thank you to Pamela Goodman as, unfortunately shortly after being elected I was appointed to Children Services which was an all consuming position at the Council and also my father was very ill and subsequently died. Pamela very kindly stood in and supported me. Going forward I am no longer on the Cabinet and will be able to spend more time on the position.

CWO Chairman's Report

Report from Mrs Merle Lord:

Good evening, it is my privilege to give you the work done by the women's organisation of the Kettering group

28 April 2018 £500 to KCCA handed over at Suffragette coffee morning 18 July 2018 £500 to KCCA handed over at the tea at Geddington 22nd January 2019 £500 to KCCA handed over at the savoury coffee morning 22nd February 2019 £500 to KCCA handed over at the coffee morning 3rd March 2019 £500 to KCCA handed over at the Pancake and coffee morning and then it was decided to hand over another £500, here at the AGM 22nd March 2019.

Since the 2018 AGM £2500 has been handed over to KCCA.

Fundraising for 2019 is well in hand and will be in the Diary Dates. We thank you for your generosity and making each event so enjoyable, thank you all.

Chairman's Report

Good evening, first I would also like to welcome you and thank you all for taking the time to attend this, your AGM. This will be my final report of a three year term of office.

Those of you who know me well, are aware that I am hot on the three year rule. There can be exceptions where a fourth year may be agreed. For this to happen I needed to apply to the Area Management Executive – which I did, to then apply to my own Executive Council, to ask them to allow me to put forward my name. That I did and followed the example of the

previous Chairman, by writing to the Executive members to ask their consent. However, as Philip reminded me, para 5.5 of Schedule 7 of the Constitution states – there must be a meeting of the Executive, therefore my nomination became ineligible. I had fallen foul of that word ASSUMED. Therefore my name will not be on a ballot paper. I do want to say, in all honesty, that the letters I received in reply were humbling in their content and to those people I say a heartfelt ‘thank you’. To the people who did not reply I also say 'thank you'. It was enlightening. However, if truth be told I did rather take exception to being called a backstop, particularly in these Brexit times!

Moving on - As we have heard from the Treasurer, our financial state has improved considerably this year – with a great deal of help from all of you, sitting in this room. I am sure you now expect me to say “there is more to be done” and I am not going to disappoint! There are branches of the Association who are really pulling out the stops, the Conservative Women’s Organisation and Broughton, & Mawsley, Burton Latimer, Desborough, Geddington, the Patron’s Club, All Saints, Brambleside & Avondale Grange and Rothwell – all of these brought money into the KCCA coffers last year and I applaud them. However, those branches which did nothing need to pull their weight.

I am sure that many of you know how things work but for those who do not please be patient while I explain. When there are elections there are expenses. KBC and NCC Councillors all repay their expenses – IF THEY WIN THEIR SEAT. We, the Association pay the expenses of Town Councillors and any County / Borough Councillors who do not win their seat. When I say to you that in the last Borough Council elections there were 36 candidates for the Borough, 12 candidates for Rothwell Town, 11 Desborough Town and 2 for Burton Latimer Town we can see how the expense grows.

However, before the elections themselves there are other expenses: those of canvassing every weekend and during the week – leaflets, canvass cards, In Touch papers, telephoning and so on. So, although the Councillors repay their direct election expenses, it is in fact an ongoing battle to keep money flowing into the account. Mind you, for those branches that do bring in funds, I think that I can say that there is friendly rivalry when they see the results up on the board! And there are some wonderful events – mostly with food and ALWAYS with a raffle!

I would also like to touch on the subject of new members. There is no doubt that people are less inclined to ‘join’ clubs and associations these days. That is a shame, because the information that flows to members can be excellent. However, whether someone is a member or not please DO try and encourage them to attend some of our social events. They are excellent value and entertainment. Besides, without the people who attend we would disappoint the people who organise!

Thank you again to all those who have supported my efforts over the last three years. I hugely appreciate the effort and the comments that have been made. I shall look forward to seeing many of you around the Constituency at events over the ensuing year.

After Mrs Goodman's speech there were a lot of raised hands and questions.

Mr Paul Clarke said he knows of no one else who would have spent as much time, effort and commitment as Pamela at the office and does not understand why this rule has been adopted and as we have another Executive Council Meeting after this AGM could the role of Chairman be deferred until after it enabling the role to be discussed further.

Mrs Judy Mitford-Barbiton agreed and pointed out that as there is a major time ahead of us, who else is capable and dedicated enough to organise everything apart from Pamela?

Mr Tony Webster (Rothwell) stood and stated that when they have been in this position in his Parish there had been ways around it.

Pamela was asked why there had been a discussion of who is to be nominated without her being at the meeting? Pamela said there will be a 5 year instead of 3 year in future and it was put to the Executive Council Committee in Northampton regarding the end of her 3 year term and they all felt she could carry on. Pamela said she had not realised that she would have to call a meeting of the Executive Council Committee stating this and that she would like to carry on.

A number of other people suggested that the rule should be changed and that Pamela should be able to carry on. It was even suggested that the nominated Chairman rejected the position, giving time for the situation to be discussed.

Philip Hollobone then suggested we carried on with the elections.

Election of Officers for 2019

Mrs Grady suggested that as none of the positions were being contested we could vote on block. There was considerable disagreement to that suggestion. Mrs Pamela Goodman took over the nomination for the President, Mrs Valma Grady. a President – Mrs Valma Grady Proposer: Mr Paul Clarke Seconder: Mrs Janet Peck

Mrs Valma Grady continued with the nominations as follows: b Chairman – Cllr Paul Marks Proposer Cllr Mark Rowley Seconder: Cllr Ian Jelley c Deputy Chairman Political & Campaigning – (Acting) Mr Philip Hollobone MP Proposer: Cllr Mrs Shirley Stanton Seconder: Cllr Michael Tebbutt d Deputy Chairman Fundraising & Membership – Mrs Pamela Goodman Proposer: Mr Paul Clarke Seconder Cllr Mrs Dianne Miles-Zanger e Honorary Treasurer – Cllr Mrs Dianne Miles-Zanger Proposer: Mr Dave Half-Hide Seconder: Mr Paul Clarke f Deputy Treasurer – Mr Richard Jackson Proposer: Cllr Mrs Dianne Miles-Zanger Seconder: Mrs Pamela Goodman g Confirmation of Vice Presidents – Mr Paul Clarke, Mrs Judy Mitford-Barberton, Mrs Janet Peck, Cllr David Soans. Proposer: Paul Marks Seconder: Pamela Goodman h Confirmation of Trustees: Mr Paul Clarke and Mr Tony Robbs. Mr Richard Jackson Proposer Dawn Bayman, Seconder: Cllr Paul Marks i Appointment of Independent Examiners (within the guidelines set out by the Conservative Party) – Cllr Mrs Dianne Miles-Zanger

No votes or abstentions were asked for for these elections, the nomination ballot papers were used.

A number of people called out regarding the lack of voting, stating that members should be allowed to vote as in previous years, on all nominations.

Vote of thanks to retiring Officers

Mrs Valma Grady called upon Mrs Judy Mitford-Barberton to thank all the retiring officers. Judy thanked everyone, saying that everything they have done and will continue to do is very much appreciated.

Address by Mr Philip Hollobone MP

Mr Mayor, Madam President, ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for all your hard work and thank you to Pamela for all her work over the past 3 years and Dianne for all her hard work. Thank you went to Merle for the terrific work of the CWO and all the money that has been raised. Thanks to Cllr Paul Marks for the work in the CPF forum. Thanks to Mr Robert Quincey for his fantastic work with the Patrons events and thank you to everyone for all their work.

As we live in an era of Facebook, news on TV and other media I would like to mention just one example in particular; the culprit is the BBC news item from last week about teachers moaning on not having enough money in their schools even though schools have had more money than they ever had. There is one story where the BBC stated that a headteacher had to clean the toilets in her school and as it was on BBC people believed it! But when the story was checked it came out that the cleaning budget at that school had gone up and the school had a healthy, large budget and the headteacher had also had a pay rise and the story had been completely fabricated.

There is also a lot of fake news regarding Brexit which I will come to but first I would like to thank Cllr Russell Roberts because as he said between April 2010 and April 2020 the Council tax has been frozen and has not gone up one penny. We may be the only place in the country to have achieved this. Also, despite its problems this year the County Council will balance its books. (Philip then made all the County Councillors stand up for applause).

Bad news is Brexit; as we are here this evening we should be leaving EU a week tonight, which is what we have promised our voters. We have said a no deal is better than a bad deal but as we sit here tonight I cannot say hand on heart that we will leave next week. We had a massive 78% turnout of our constituency to vote for Brexit. In truth MP's cannot say what we have agreed on and to be fair to the Prime Minister she has had a lot to take on and when you have cabinet members ignoring rules on how to vote it makes the situation worse. Now what do local people want? I have had no one saying that if there was another referendum they would change their vote to stay. People want us to respect the result and just get on with it. The most effective, cleaner way is to just leave and I will vote next week for as long as I can to bring that about and think there is enough of us to achieve that. Mrs May is right, it is the Parliament against the People. Most of the members of the Government are remainers. If the worst comes to the worst, they would split the UK and I'm afraid this would be an humiliation and for this humiliation we are being asked to pay billions!

Thank you for your support.

Any questions:

Regarding Brexit a question was asked by Tony Webster regarding us leaving next week. Philip said it is law that we finish next Friday and to change that date we have to extend Article 50. There was a report on Article 50 last week, under pressure from non Brexiteers, interestingly 188 voted against and 14 abstained and 112 voted for. The Chief Whip abstained. This is where a lot of the pressure came from.

A question was then asked regarding voters, it has been heard that people are stating they will not vote Conservative next time due to the mess of Brexit.

Philip agreed saying that the Constituency members are fed up of seeing our Prime Minister having to go to Brussels to beg for agreements. Thank goodness we do not have local elections this year.

James said he believes Coral betting agency are saying that Jeremy Corbyn will be the next PM.

Philip said that's what we really don't want but there are large splits in the Labour party and they don't want it either. We are ahead in the Polls as people do not want Jeremy Corbyn, what is keeping our support up is the fear of Jeremy Corbyn being our next leader.

Doreen Bindley asked Philip who he would vote for if Mrs May doesn't make it. Philip said as it is, the MPs no longer decide who the PM would be and his list of who would be PM is getting shorter. One of the strengths of the Party is that the vote is put to all the members.

Close of meeting: 7.50 followed by the Raffle.