It makes your head spin: Elections called & cancelled

Just as the was about to vote to dissolve itself for national elections, Sept. 4, this happened (summaries courtesy of J Street’s daily “News Roundup”):

Early Tuesday morning, Prime Minister Netanyahu and opposition leader MK () reached an agreement to cancel early elections and instead form a national unity government that will fold Kadima into Netanyahu’s coalition, giving the combined parties a significant legislative majority, as well as making Mofaz deputy prime minister and Labor Chairwoman Shelly Yachimovich the new opposition leader: national/in-surprise-move-netanyahu-mofaz-agree-to-form-unity- government-cancel-early-elections-1.428843

A spokesman for Mofaz said that the peace process figures in the unity agreement, and that “part of the deal” Mofaz and Netanyahu have struck is “to turn on the process”: 05/08/world/middleeast/leader-of--centrist-party-kadima- agrees-to-join-netanyahus-coalition.html

Netanyahu and Mofaz formally announced the agreement on Tuesday, outlining four priorities for the unity government, the fourth of which is to “move forward responsibly in the peace process”: aspx?ID=269127&R=R1

As for an early analysis, one can check out J.J. Goldberg at the online Daily Jewish Forward, who opines that the “Bibi-Kadima Unity Deal Saves the Peace Camp.” Stay tuned to the news to see if he’s correct, but don’t hold your breadth.