The Energy Island: Israel Deals with Its Natural Gas Discoveries
POLICY PAPER Number 35 February 2015 The Energy Island: Israel Deals with its Natural Gas Discoveries NATAN SACHS TIM BOERSMA Acknowledgements This report, and the larger project of which it is a We are also very grateful to Ibraheem Egbaria, part, benefited greatly from the insight and assis- Ilan Suliman and Firash Qawasmi, who helped tance of a large number of people. facilitate our visit to the (East) Jerusalem District Electricity Company; to Ohad Reifen who helped For generosity with their time and insights we are facilitate interviews in Israel; and to Allison Good grateful to: Yossi Abu, CEO Delek Drilling; Con- for her helpful feedback on a draft of this paper. stantine Blyuz, Deputy Director for Economic & Strategic Issues, Israeli Ministry of National Infra- We would also like to thank our Brookings col- structures, Energy and Water Resources; Yael Co- leagues: Martin Indyk and Ted Piccone for support- hen Paran, CEO, Israel Energy Forum; Ariel Ezrahi, ing our work through the Foreign Policy Program’s Infrastructure (Energy) Adviser, Office of the Quar- Director’s Strategic Initiative Fund; Charles Ebin- tet Representative, Mr. Tony Blair; Michalis Firillas, ger, for his sage feedback on drafts and, along with Deputy Head of Mission, Consul, Embassy of the Tamara Wittes, for guiding us and providing won- Republic of Cyprus in Israel; Nurit Gal, Director, derful places within Brookings in which to work; Regulation and Electricity Division, Public Utilities Kemal Kirisci and Dan Arbell for their assistance, Authority of Israel; Dr. Gabi Golan, Deputy Gov- collaboration and multiple discussions throughout ernment Secretary, Office of the Prime Minister of the duration of this project; to Khaled Elgindy for the State of Israel; Mr.
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