

FLUVIAL VALLEYS AND SEDIMENTARY DEPOSITS IN : IMPLICATIONS FOR THE ANCIENT CLIMATE ON MARS. E. Hauber1, K. Gwinner1, M. Kleinhans2, D. Reiss3, G. Di Achille4,5, R. Jaumann1, 1Institute of Planetary Research, DLR, Rutherfordstr. 2, 12489 Berlin, Germany, 2Departement of Physi- cal Geography, University of Utrecht, PO-box 80115, 3508 TC Utrecht, The Netherlands, 3Institute of Planetology, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Wilhelm-Klemm-Str. 10, 48149 Münster, Germany, 4International Research School of Planetary Science, Università d`Annunzio, Viale Pindaro, 65127 Pescara, Italy, 5now at: Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309, USA.

Summary: A variety of sedimentary deposits is observed in Xanthe Terra, Mars, including - type deltas, fan deltas dominated by resedimentation processes, and alluvial fans. Sediments were provided through deeply incised valleys, which were probably incised by both runoff and groundwater sapping. Mass balances based on high-resolution HRSC digital terrain models show that up to ~30% of the material that was eroded in the valleys is present as deltas or alluvial fan deposits. Stratigraphic relationships and crater counts indicate an age of ~4.0 to ~3.8 Ga for the fluvial activ- ity. Hydrologic modeling indicates that the deposits were probably formed in geologically short time- scales. Our results indicate episodes of a warmer and wetter climate on early Mars, followed by a long pe- riod of significantly reduced erosion rates. Introduction: Two major questions in studies of Martian valley networks concern the nature of the flu- vial activity (surface runoff versus groundwater seep- age) and the depositional environment (subaerial allu- vial fans versus lacustrine deltas), a question that ad- dresses the ability of Mars and its climate to host large bodies of standing surface water [e.g., 1,2]. The inter- est in sedimentary deposits on Mars was recently in- creased by findings of the imaging spectrometers, OMEGA and CRISM, which identified the spectral signatures of phyllosilicates in association with sedi- mentary deposits in and craters [3]. Research activities currently focus on a spectacular Figure 1. Sketch map of the study area (the Subur Vallis delta deposit in the Crater, which is character- is located outside this base map at 11.72°N and 307.05°E). Black: ized by well-preserved layering and sinuous, meander- valleys; orange: sedimentary deposits; open circles: impact craters; ing channels [e.g., 4-6], and on deposits in Holden yellow: superposed craters and their ejecta, which formed after the Crater [e.g., 7,8], both of which are considered as po- valleys onto which they are superposed; blue: outflow channel; rows tential landing sites for the upcoming MSL mission. of red dots: ejecta and secondary crater chains radiating outward However, there are many other sedimentary deposits from large impact crater (C); boxes: locations of Fig. 2 and 3. which have not been examined in detail using the new high-resolution datasets from recent Mars missions. of valleys. Valleys of the first type are narrow (few Here we focus on sedimentary deposits in Xanthe km) and shallow (meters to tens of meters). They were Terra, between the to probably formed by fluvial processes that were not the west and to the east (Fig. 1). very intense and did not lead to the development of Geologic context: The study area is located in mature drainage patterns with high-order tributaries Xanthe Terra between Maja and Shalbatana Valles and high drainage densities. A second type of valleys (Fig. 1). It is characterized by a high density of craters is younger and and includes Nanedi, Hypanis, Sabrina, with >10 km diameter and resurfacing in the late Noa- Ochus, Drilon, and Subur Valles. Valleys of this type chian [9]. The study region is dissected by two types are deeply entrenched and show characteristics like SECOND WORKSHOP ON MARS VALLEY NETWORKS 28

amphitheater-shaped heads, few tributaries, low drain- and shallow upslope tributaries makes sapping as a sole cause for the age density, and almost constant widths (see [10] for creation of the theatre-headed valleys unlikely (compare to Figs. 2b terrestrial analogues on the Colorado Plateau). They and 2c of [17]). were interpreted to be indicative of an origin by groundwater sapping rather than by precipitation Observations of deposits: Two of the deposits [11,12], although other processes such as late-stage identified in Xanthe Terra are described in detail here, fluvial entrenchment, erosion through layered strati- the others are covered elsewhere [22] (Fig. 1). graphy, and incision into a duricrust might also pro- Nanedi delta. The smallest of the deposits is lo- duce these morphological properties ([13]; see also cated near 8.5°N, 312°E at the end of the Nanedi [14], who describe a terrestrial amphitheater-headed Valles (hereafter referred to as Nanedi Deposit). It is canyon that was not eroded by sapping). A contribu- located inside a degraded impact crater with 6.5 km tion from overland flow to sapping valley formation on diameter (Fig. 3) and covers almost the entire crater Earth seems to be likely from the analysis of terrestrial floor. The surface of the deposit covers an area of analogues in Utah and Arizona [15]. The few very ~23 km2 and is dissected by a pattern of radially dis- high-resolution images taken by HiRISE do not show tributing channels. Where the deposit does not onlap unambiguous evidence for many small or shallow the inner crater wall, its distal parts are marked by a tributary channels indicative of overland flow connect- steep front, along which fine layers are exposed. The ing with the large entrenched valleys. But at least one layers have thicknesses of only a few meters, and there of the images displays a faint pattern of very shallow are no boulders or blocks that could be identified at the and small valleys (Fig. 2), which might have hosted scale of the HiRISE image (25 cm/pixel). The layers fluvial channels. Erosion and blanketing of the surface can be traced for a few hundred meters and do not dis- with wide-spread eolian dunes may have obscured the play evidence for faulting or unconformal contacts. It traces of others. Small interior channels are incised must be noted, however, that the entire area is heavily into some valley floors [16] and suggest sustained flow covered with wind-blown dunes and ripples which of water [17]. Valley formation might have begun in obscure much of the underlying bedrock. The height of the and continued into the Early the distal margin is about 50 m, according to the [18; 9; 12]. Most deposits are situated where fluvial HRSC DEM (Fig. 4a). Assuming a constant thickness channels breach the rims of strongly degraded impact of 50 m over the entire area of the deposit, we obtain a craters and debouch onto the crater floors. The region volume of about 1.15 km3. Since the thickness is is moderately dust-covered [19], and consequently no probably larger at the crater center, we consider this spectral signatures of alteration minerals could be value to be a lower limit of the total volume. The sur- identified [20,21; Poulet, pers. comm]. face of the deposit has an average topographic gradient of ~0.014, as measured in the HRSC DEM. The crater has a small outlet channel at its eastern part. Outlet channels from craters are strong indicators for open- lake basins [23], and the morphology of the outlet channel, including a small streamlined island, is sug- gestive of liquid flow. This and the small slope would be in agreement with ponding of water in the crater, formation of the deposit in a lake, and drainage of lake water into the outlet channel. However, the available data do not permit a definitive interpretation, and a formation as alluvial fan, as suggested by [12] can not be ruled out. Subur delta: An interesting sedimentary deposit Figure 2. Morphologic evidence for surface runoff in Xanthe can be observed in an unnamed 41 km-diameter im- Terra. (a) Portion of the Nanedi Valles system (HiRISE pact crater centered at 11.97°N and 307.28°E (outside PSP_003341_1855; see Fig. 1 for location), white boxes mark loca- area shown in Fig. 1). Where Subur Vallis breaches tions of panels b and c (not shown). (b) Faintly visible shallow val- the southeastern crater wall, a deposit (hereafter Subur leys might have been fluvial channels localizing surficial runoff due Deposit) extends for several kilometers onto the crater to precipitation. Similarly, shallow contributing streams have been floor (Fig. 4). This deposit is the most complex exam- found on the Colorado plateau above theatre-headed valleys [15]. ple described in this paper because, even from the plan Inset shows details, contrast was enhanced for better visualization of view images, it shows two distinct depositional sub- valley topography. The co-existence of both deeply incised valleys systems. The upper part of the deposit consists of a flat SECOND WORKSHOP ON MARS VALLEY NETWORKS 29

mented [26]. In most cases, the proximal part of the delta complex is preserved and consists of a large Gil- bert-type fan delta with foresets reaching the basin floor and merging into a deep-sea resedimented system [e.g., 27]. For example, some fan deltas in the Gulf of Corinth (Greece) display a delta front-slope-fan apron architecture, which strongly resembles the morphology of the Subur Delta (compare Fig. 2a of [27] to Fig. 4). Therefore, our tentative interpretation is that the Subur Deposit might be composed of a proximal Gilbert- delta merging into deep-water resedimented facies.

Figure 3. Small delta in an unnamed 5 km-diameter impact cra- ter at the terminus of Nanedi Valles (see Fig. 1 for location). (a) The downstream part of Nanedi Valles cuts the southern crater wall, and a little outlet emanates from the eastern crater wall (white arrows). The small and relatively pristine appearing outlet curves into the course of an abandoned, old and degraded channel (OC), and a small streamlined island (SI) attests to the flow of a liquid medium (detail of CTX P06_003407_1872; crater center at 8.62°N, 48.0°E; North is up; white box shows location of panel b). (b) Distal portion of the deposit, showing the ubiquitous presence of eolian ripples and dunes (detail of HiRISE image PSP_006954_1885; white box shows loca- Figure 4. Gilbert-type delta in unnamed crater at the termina- tion of panel c). (c) Blow-up of topographic scarp marking the distal tion of Subur Vallis (at 11.72°N and 307.05°E). (a) High-resolution margin of the deposit. Layers with apparent thicknesses of a few view of the downstream part of Subur Vallis and the delta (mosaic of meters or less can be traced for hundreds of meters without evidence MOC images; white scale bar is 2 km, illumination from the left). (b) for unconformal contacts. morphological sketch map of the delta. Note the well expressed plain with a steep front, like it is observed in Gilbert- features that are typical for Gilbert-type deltas (flat topset and steep type deltas with flat topsets and steep foresets [24]. foresets) and the possibly resedimented distal layers (black scale bar The lack of significant fluvial dissection of the deposit is 2 km). (c) enlarged detail, marked by white box in panel a. Arrows suggests that fluvial activity sharply declined after point to possible depositional lobes, although it can not be excluded deposition, as already noted by [25]. According to that they represent an erosional signature. Indentations of the delta MOLA data, the proximal part slopes very gently with front might have been left by mass wasting processes. an angle of ~1.1°, while the steep front displays slopes of up to 10°. Since small-scale topography is smoothed Time scales of sedimentation: Flow discharge in MOLA data, this steep slope value is probably even and sediment transport computations (see [28,22] for an underestimation. At the distal part of this deposit details) indicate minimum time scales for fluvial activ- and in a topographically deeper position there are low, ity in the order of ~101 to ~104 years (Tab. 1). Such a concentric terraces. These could be erosional scarps formation time is consistent with the study of [29] and from wave action. On the other hand, they might con- [30], who both give very short time-scales for deposit stitute strata which are not directly linked to a delta formation. The lack of late-stage incision into sedi- front because they appear to be subhorizontal. On mentary deposits indicates a relatively abrupt termina- Earth, a number of fan deltas show large resedimenta- tion of the fluvial activity, in agreement with similar tion processes that form complex deep-sea deposits, observations by [25] and [30]. and in some cases almost all of the delta is resedi- SECOND WORKSHOP ON MARS VALLEY NETWORKS 30

Table 1. Morphometry of valleys and deltas, sediment transport 3. The relatively well preserved nature of some rates, and minimum time scales for delta formation (years are Earth- small deposits suggests that the fluvial activity ended years; see text for details). Note that the channel dimensions are abruptly and that erosion rates after thereafter were large when compared to most terrestrial rivers. generally very low. Nanedi Sa- Hypanis References: brina [1] Irwin, R.P. et al. (2002) Science, 296, 2209- Valley volume (km3) 3.74 29 ~850 2212. [2] Wood, L.J. (2006) Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 118, Delta volume (km3) 1.15 9.4 ~150 557-566. [3] Ehlmann, B.L. et al. (2008) Nature Geo- Channel width (m) 744 575 750 sci., 1, 355-358. [4] Malin, M.C., Edgett, K.S. (2003) Channel depth (m) 45 25 28 Science, 302, 1931-1934. [5] Moore, J.M. et al. (2003) Channel slope 0.0037 0.0082 0.0098 Geophys. Res. Lett., 30, 2292, Flow discharge 0.18 0.073 0.12 doi:10.1029/2003GL019002. [6] Pondrelli, M. et al. (106 m3/s) (2008) Icarus, in press (available online). Sediment transport 0.56 0.47 0.82 [7] Pondrelli, M. et al. (2005) J. Geophys. Res., 110, rate (km3/yr) CiteID E04016, doi:10.1029/2004JE002335. Minimum formation 2.1 20.2 183 [8] Grant, J.A. et al. (2008) Geology, 36, 195-198. time (yr) [9] Rotto, S., Tanaka, K.L. (1995) U.S. Geol. Surv. assuming bankfull Misc. Invest. Ser. Map I-2441. [10] Laity, J.E., Malin, depth† M.C. (1985) Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 96, 203-217. [11] Sharp, R.P., Malin, M.C. (1975) Geol. Soc. Amer. †See [22] for time scales assuming 50% and 10% of bankfull depth. Bull., 86, 593-609. [12] Harrison, K.P., Grimm, R.E. To correct for intermittency, divide by the assumed intermittency. (2005) J. Geophys. Res., 110, CiteID E12S16, Chronology: The valley systems of Nanedi, Hy- doi:10.1029/2005JE002455. [13] Howard, A.D. et al. panis, Sabrina, and Subur Valles, with which the de- (2005) J. Geophys. Res., 110, CiteID E12S14, doi: posits described here are associated, are all situated in 10.1029/2005JE002459. [14] Lamb, M.P. et al. (2008) Noachian and Early Hesperian terrain [9]. Crater Science, 320, 1067-1070. [15] Irwin, R.P. et al. (2006) counts on the floor of the Nanedi Valles yield a Late LPS XXXVII, abstract 1912. [16] Carr, M.H., Malin, Noachian age [31]. At several locations, the valleys are M.C. (2000) Icarus, 146, 366-386. [17] Irwin, R.P. et superposed by impact craters (Fig. 1) [12]. Crater al. (2005) Geology, 33, 489-492. [18] Masursky, H. et counts on the ejecta of some of the craters that super- al. (1980) NASA Tech. Mem. 82385, 184-187. pose the valleys provide absolute model ages of [19] Ruff, S.W., Christensen, P.R. (2002) J. Geophys. ~3.8 Ga (31), which would require that fluvial proc- Res., 107, 5127, doi: 10.1029/2001JE001580. esses operated in the valleys before that time. These [20] Poulet, F. et al. (2007) J. Geophys. Res., 112, Ci- absolute model ages [31] are based on crater diameters teID E08S02, doi: 10.1029/2006JE002840. [21] Gondet, B. et al. (2007) OMEGA/MEx Global between ~600 m and more than one kilometer. th Conclusions: Mineralogical Maps. 7 Int. Conference on Mars, LPI 1. Different types of sedimentary deposits in Contr. No. 1353, abstract 3185. [22] Hauber, E. et al. Xanthe Terra display morphologic similarities of some (2008) Planet. Space Sci., in press (available online). deposits to fan deltas (e.g., Nanedi and Subur), while [23] Fassett, C.I., Head, J.W. (2008) LPS XXXIX, others resemble alluvial fans (e.g., Hypanis [22]). They abstract 1139. [24] Gilbert, D.K. (1885) Ann. Rep. are associated with deeply entrenched valleys, which U.S. Geol. Surv., 5, 69-123. [25] Irwin, R.P. (2005) J. may have formed by a combination of runoff and sap- Geophys. Res., 110, CiteID E12S15, doi: ping. Chronologic and stratigraphic relationships indi- 10.1029/2005JE002460. [26] Postma, G. (1990) in: cate a formation of valleys and deposits in the Late Colella, A., Prior, D. B. (Eds.), Coarse-Grained Del- Noachian to Early Hesperian. tas, Int. Ass. Sedimentol., Spec. Publ. 10, Blackwell, 2. The formation of the sedimentary deposits Oxford, pp. 13-27. [27] Ferentinos, G. et al. (1988) occurred probably over relatively short time-scales of Marine Geol., 83, 43-61. [28] Kleinhans, M.G. (2005) several years to ~104 years, which is in agreement with J. Geophys. Res., 110, CiteID E12003, doi: previous studies [e.g., 29,30]. The general lack of inci- 10.1029/2005JE002521. [29] Jerolmack, D.J. et al. sion of the sedimentary bodies is indicative of an (2004) Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L21701, abrupt end of flow, and would be in agreement with an doi:10.1029/2004GL021326. [30] Kraal, E.R. et al. intense terminal period of fluvial activity that ended (2008) Nature, 451, 973-976. [31] Reiss, D. Et al. abruptly [13,25]. (2005) Meteor. Planet. Sci., 41, 1437-1452.