THE AUDIO ENGINEERING SOCIETY wAww.torEo ntoaeSs. org B U L L E T I N M A Y 2 0 0 5 2004-2005 Tour AES TORONTO SECTION EXECUTIVE FFoouurr SSeeaassoonnss CCeennttrree ffoorr Chairman & Earl McCluskie Bulletin Editor Chestnut Hall Music (519) 894-5308 tthhee PPeerrffoorrmmiinngg AArrttss Vice Chairman Garrick Filewod Gary McCluskie, Diamond and Schmitt Architects School of Image Arts Ryerson University John O’Keefe, Aercoustics (416) 979-5000 x 6872 Date: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 Recording Robert Breen Secretary OIART Time: 6:00 pm (519) 686-5010 Where: Corner of University Ave and Queen Street, Toronto, Ontario (access off York Street entrance) Treasurer Paul Reibling TGI North America Details: BRING YOUR OWN HARD HAT AND SAFETY SHOES. (519) 745-1158 Access to the site will not be allowed without. Registration: Please email
[email protected] to let us know if Membership Mike Borlace Kinescope Productions you are coming. Maximum number of attendees: 40. Pre- (905) 891-0402 registered members will be given priority. Committee Keith Gordon POST-Meeting "Dutch Treat" dinner and meet the presenters: 7:30 pm at the Members Gennum Corp (905) 632-2996 Elephant and Castle at 212 King St. W. Jeff Bamford Engineering Roman Klun Harmonics Innsbruck Records urrently under construction, at the corner of University Avenue and C (416) 465-3378 (905) 662-9304 Queen Street in Toronto, Ontario, the Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts will open in 2006 and be the new home of the Peter Cook Dan Mombourquette CBC Records DM Services Canadian Opera Company and the new performance venue for The (416) 205-2317 (519) 696-8950 National Ballet of Canada.