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[email protected] White Space Hegemonic Representations of American Indians By J N Rutherford Canterbury Christ Church University Thesis Submitted for the Degree of Masters by Research 2017 Contents (page) 1 Abstract 2 Introduction 4-14 Chronicling the Space: Hegemonic Narrative, Frontier Mythology and the ‘Noble Savage’ in American History Chapter One 16-38 ‘Going Native’: Performance and Ritual of the American Hero in The Revenant (2015) Chapter Two 40-59 Mediating the ‘White Man’s Indian’: American Designs of Masculinity and the Washington R*dskins Mascot Chapter Three 61-77 Fashioning an American Fantasy: Femininity, the ‘Hipster’ Headdress and ‘Playing Indian’ Conclusion 79-84 Outer Space: The Final Frontier and Indian-ness in Avatar (2009) Bibliography, Filmography, Internet & Other Media 86-103 1 Abstract: This thesis argues that American Indian stereotypes within American social and cultural space serve to maintain hegemony over America’s Indigenous populace.