MW ROMEO S. MOMO with Brother Senate President VICENTE C. SOTTO III VOL 95 - 2 CABLE TOW | 1 2 | CABLE TOW VOL 95 - 2 04 Brotherly Love 06 Grand Master Message 08 Brotherly Love 10 The Cable Tow 14 Lodge No. 57 History 19 Remembering Bro. Lope K. Santos The Father of Filipino Grammar 21 La Liga Filipino: A Masonic Endeavor CABLE TOW 28 Constitution of Blue Lodges 33 Pitak Pilipino: Hungkag Na Pangarap 34 SCWC Oath of Office VR SAMUEL P. FERNANDEZ 36 SCWC Tambalan Magkukuyang, Editor in Chief Usapang Kapatiran 38 Daet Lodge No. 247 Unique Genesis (0933-081-0816) 42 Tribute to MW Reynato S. Puno 46 More Light In Masonry, More Light From Masons VW VLADIMIR F. PELAEZ 49 Wake of MW Leon Angel P. Bañez Assistant Editor in Chief 52 Lintik Lang Walang Ganti (0936-9921511) 55 Grand Master Masonic Activities a. Rite of Constitution Pulo ng Iilan ML No. 439 b. Dedication and Blessing MW Joseph E. Schon ML No. 186 VW ROMEO S. MUSNGI c. Lodge Dedication San Mariano Lodge No. 307 Assistant Editor for Filipino d. Cornerstone Laying Ang Rehenerasyon Lodge No. 402 (0949-9988117) e. Cornerstone Laying Camiguin Lodge No. 296 f. Instituted Pangarap Masonic UD g. Instituted Primera Republica Masonic UD VW JOSE A. RONCESVALLES h. Instituted Deodoro C. Go Masonic UD Circulation Manager i. Instituted Moncada Masonic UD j. Instituted Bantayang Bato Masonic UD (0918-9916012) k. Instituted Calasiao Masonic UD l. Northern Mindanao Multi-District Convention, Cagayan De Oro City VW CHARLES G. AGAR m. Southern Mindanao Multi-District Convention, Cotabato City Grand Lodge Photographer n. Westhern Mindanao Multi-District (0910-3510394) Convention, Pagadian City o. Coastal Clean Up p. Flag Raising Ceremonies JESUSANA S. ESCOBIA q. Courtesy Calls r. Grand Master Cup & RSM 1st AFP (0923-6041022) Cosmos Golf s. 168 Birthday Marcelo H. Del Pilar Secretary t. Grand Master Birthday u. IMES Class


VR Samuel P. Fernandez

Mutual concern, care and charity characterize genuine Broth- erhood. The chief and cardinal virtue of loving a Brother is central in Freemasonry. Carefulness, caution and consideration is natural among Brethren especially in considering mutual allowances for fault and failing.

Brethren must habitually learn to think better of each other, to habitually see goodness and grace in each other, to habitually show concern for the misfortune, affliction and woe of a Brother. Those who are malicious in bragging over the failings of another, and those who think others to be naturally base, contemptible, low, ignoble or disgraceful, cannot even be friends much less Brethren. Brotherly love means loving a Brother as yourself.

The Volume of Sacred Law gives us this wisdom: “If you want people to like you, forgive them when they wrong you. Remem- bering wrongs can break up a friendship.” (Proverbs 17:9, Rainbow Good News Bible)

“Love is patient and kind; it is not jealous or conceited or proud; love is not ill-mannered or selfish or irritable; love does not keep a record of wrongs, love is not happy with evil, but is happy with the truth. Love never gives up; and its faith, hope, and patience never fail.

4 | CABLE TOW VOL 95 - 2 “Love is eternal. There are inspired messages, but they are temporary; there are gifts of speaking in strange tongues, but they will cease; there is knowledge, but it will pass; for our gifts of knowl- edge and of inspired messages are only partial; but when what is perfect comes, then what is partial will disappear.

“Meanwhile these three remain: faith, hope, and love; and the greatest of these is love.” (I Corinthians 13: 4-10, 13, RGNB)


MW ROMEO S. MOMO MessageGrand Master

Fraternal greetings! Half way thru our term, much has been done and much is left to do. In as much as I intend to actively serve you my breth- ren, may you, in return, never get weary to lend a helping happy hand in all our endeavours. I assure you that they are all for the betterment of the Craft and of the society in general. I am happy to report the following on-going projects being undertaken by our administration: The beautification of the Grand Lodge premises together with all the halls are still on-going, we hope to make them as pre- sentable and conducive to meetings as possible. On our Information and Communication Technology Pro- gram or the E-GLP System, our application can now be logged in using your cellphone. This is available for members who are in good standing only. In essence, the aim of the program is to have an efficient, paper less, and fast transactions between the

6 | CABLE TOW VOL 95 - 2 Blue Lodges and your Grand Lodge. This should be particularly true when it comes to submission of your monthly reports. Once logged in, you will get to see your Lodge’s members, monthly re- ports, verify if the person is a brother in good standing, and view the edicts, circulars, and other issuances. By now, I expect the IT Committee to complete the dissemination of manual on how to operate the system. We also have a Book Writing Project. The aim is to contin- ue the works of MW Fajardo, highlighting on the role of Masons in nation building. This will cover the period from 1946 to the present. We have contracted a Book Writing Team from the UP History Department to do research and write the book and also formed a GLP Book Project Committee to give guidance to the Book Writing Team. The members of the Committee and their tasks are provided in our GLP Circular No.8, hence I urge you my brethren to contribute in whatever way you can, in this worthwhile project. We are doing this so that aside from having a good reading Masonic material, the book will serve as our inspiration to aspire for greater good and to do our own humble share for our country. We hope to have the book-launching on December 19 as one of the highlights of the GLP Anniversary. On December 21 from 8 to 9 o’clock in the evening, I invite you to tune in to ABS-CBN News Channel (ANC). We have pre- pared a one-hour tv documentary entitled “Philippine Freema- sonry – A Continuing Legacy of Brotherhood and Service”. Like the book, this is to let the people know who we are and what are our contributions to the Philippine society. The RSM Team is also quite busy preparing for our week- long GLP Anniversary celebration come December. With your help and active participation, we hope to make this 106th GLP Anniversary Celebration fruitful and memorable one. Again my brethren, particularly the officers, let us make the most out of the 365 days given to us to serve the Craft. Onward to a more relevant and streamlined Grand Lodge of the Philip- pines! Maraming salamat at mabuhay!

VOL 95 - 2 CABLE TOW | 7 Brotherly Love

VW Jesse D. Alto

Freemasonry is found- to be perfect like his own Eter- ed upon the three Great princi- nal Spiritual perfect Father. The ples of brotherly love, relief, and Spiritual Spark has an immortal truth. These are eternal and so soul gathering experiences in formless principles unfolding the field of material manifesta- and developing to perfection in tion until he found himself im- every freemason. prisoned and attached to im- permanent matters because of Freemasons show tol- not following spiritual laws in the erance and respect for others’ field of the manifested worlds, opinion, behaving with kindness meaning eating foods fit for the and understanding, and pouring swine. He is attached to imper- their fellows with brotherly love. manent material wealth, power, They help relieve the suffering and fame. of others. They are taught to practice charity and to care not Our material and imper- only for their own, but also for manent physical body that was the community as a whole- both provided to us by our biological through charitable giving as well parents are just instruments to as voluntary efforts and works as work for the acquisition of eter- individuals. This brotherly love is nal spiritual principles through based on the spiritual principle the proper use of the masonic that beings are spiritual working tools and rituals and brothers, under the omnipotent learned from the important es- and omniscient Fatherhood of sences within the teachings of God. Human being is a spark of religions. We acquired the im- the Divine Flame, the prodigal permanent bodies at birth and son travelling from west to east dispose them at physical birth,

8 | CABLE TOW VOL 95 - 2 storing in the immortal soul the plications of the working tools life experiences and eternal prin- and the masonic moral princi- ciples learned. Man has body, ples. Greed, anger and delusion soul, and spirit. of power are just few examples that man suffers because of at- The term brotherhood tachment living in this material is no idle phrase. Humanity in worlds. He must learn and un- the mass has a paramount claim derstand the external and inter- upon us. It is the only secure nal lessons and symbols to guide foundation for universal morali- his daily living toward the narrow ty. If it be a dream, it is at least a spiritual eastern path. noble one for mankind: and it is the aspiration of a true freema- Along the way of his trav- son. el, he must at all times be guided by truth. The truth of the eternal As freemasons, we must presence of the Great Grand Ar- consider the whole mankind as chitect of the universe, the unity one brotherhood for the whole of his creation, and the evolution creation has emanated from that manifesting within his divine will eternally Divine Principle which and compass, and the light of un- is everywhere, is in everything derstanding learned in the pro- and in which is everything and cess of time. Everything evolves is therefore the source of all. We from simplicity to complexity should therefore do all we can toward perfection flowing under to do good to humanity. One the guidance of the divine spiri- of the various things we must tual thoughts, laws, the harmony do in order to accomplish this is prevailing within, and the un- to leave off as much of worldly folding of consciousness of each consideration as possible. Our being. The brethren must learn only desire should be to do ev- the principles, experience them erything for humanity and for as applied in infinite variations the craft and not for ourselves. guided by the law that what he The examples of selfless love sow, he reaps until he reached were shown to us by the pillars the ultimate goal of his travel of the masonic fraternity, broth- in the manifested worlds, to sit erly love, relief, and truth. at the right hand of the Father. Freemasonry is the most ancient The brethren must alle- teachings given to humanity to viate the suffering of others be- travel from west to east in search cause of their failures to follow for the lost word, the ultimate the eternal spiritual laws, so goal of mankind. must guide him in the right ap-


for its use. The cable consists of individual fibers, worked together to form strands. These strands are laid together to make up ropes and the ropes to form a cable. As sep- arate entities, the fibers have little strength. However, when organized into a cable, as we have shown, their strength is immense. So it is with Freemasonry. A Masonic Ca- ble is made from individuals who form a Lodge. Lodges organize into Regions. Regions unite in a Grand Lodge. And as three ropes entwined produce the strong cable, so too does Virtue, Morality and Brotherly Love give strength to Masonry. Fur- ther, a cable gains its strength from The cabletow, is purely Ma- three equal ropes, laid together. sonic in its meaning and use. As far back as we can go in the history Each rope is as important to of initiation in several parts of the the whole as the other. So it is with world, we find the cabletow, or the three degrees of Freemasonry. something like it, used very much as As a strong cable is made of three it is used in a Masonic Lodge today. ropes entwined, the strength of a No matter what the origin and form Lodge comes from the Three Great of the word may be, - whether from Lights, the Three Lesser Lights, the the Hebrew “Khabel,” or the Dutch three principal officers and the “cable,” both meaning a rope - the three pillars denoting Wisdom, fact is the same. If we were to take Strength and Beauty. a good look at the Cabletow used in our Lodge we will notice that it We are first introduced to is a three stranded rope (made of the cabletow as a restraint and soft material, so as not to injure,) control applied to the candidate the three strands make it stronger prior to an obligation, however, that would only have been so in 10 | CABLE TOW VOL 95 - 2 the 1°. Control, obedience, direc- lated, so, positively, he pledges his tion or guidance - these are the life to the service of the Craft. He three meanings of the cabletow, agrees to go to the aid of a Brother, as it is interpreted by the best in- using all his power on his behalf, “if sight of the Craft. It controls us, within the length of his cabletow,” shapes us through its human touch which means, if within the reach and its moral . By the same of his power. How strange that any method, by the same power it wins one should fail to see symbolical obedience and gives guidance and meaning in the cabletow. direction to our lives. At the Altar we take vows to follow and obey The old writers define the its high principles and ideals; and length of a cabletow, which they Masonic vows are not empty obli- sometimes call a “cables length,” gations - they are vows in which a variously. For each Mason the ca- man pledges his life and his sacred bletow reaches as far as his moral honor. In speculative Masonry it principles go and his material con- is symbolic of our obligations and ditions will allow. Of that distance teaches restraint, self discipline, each must be his own judge, and prudence, temperance, etc. indeed each does pass judgment upon himself accordingly, by his If a lodge is a symbol of the own acts in aid of others. world, and initiation is our birth into the world of Masonry, the ca- The cabletow is part of the bletow is not unlike the cord which preparation of every Freemason in unites a child to its mother at birth; the world and in every ritual it car- and so it is usually interpreted. Just ries a connotation of submission, of as the physical cord, when cut, is humility, of servitude. The length of replaced by a tie of love and obliga- my cabletow can be regarded as a tion between mother and child, so, symbol of the binding covenant I in one of the most impressive mo- have made. And part of this cove- ments of initiation, the cabletow is nant is a pledge to assist others and removed, because the brother, by in this respect, the length of my ca- his oath at the Altar of Obligation, bletow depends on my ability and is bound by a tie stronger than any willingness to fulfill my obligations physical cable. and I must decide that length for myself. Measurement of service The cabletow is the sign of can never be subject to any exter- the pledge of the life of a man. As nally imposed limitation for who in his oath he agrees symbolically else can decide the length of my to forfeit his life if his vow is vio- spiritual ties? How long is my Ca-

VOL 95 - 2 CABLE TOW | 11 bletow? It’s as long as I want it to the satisfying reward of love, peace be! and harmony in fraternal nearness and fellowship. According to ancient laws of Freemasonry every brother must First, let’s examine the phys- attend if he be within the length ical cabletow. When we speak of of his cabletow. Old writers define the cabletow in terms of physical the length of a cable as three miles, distance many of us make the error others five to fifty miles. Three of assuming a reasonable distance miles was generally recognized as and tend to judge others based a reasonable walking distance. The upon our perception. As an exam- Master Mason promises to obey all ple, let us assume that a Brother signs and summons sent to him if who lives less than a block from with in the length of ‘my cabletow’. Lodge but does not attend and as a result some Brethren criticize him When we take the full sen- for not honoring his obligation as tence the word ‘My’ in this phrase Lodge is obviously within the length is very important. It is personal, it of his cable-tow. More over, before represents the individual. So the criticizing a Brother for not crossing length of each of our cable-tows the street to attend Lodge, we must can vary according to each of our recognize that our cabletow must own personal commitments - sick- be even shorter than his since we ness of self or family, work obli- have not crossed the street to as- gations, transport problems. The certain his condition. compilers of our ritual were men who saw that it was only by atten- Now, let us examine an even dance of our Lodge that we as Mas- less understood area -- our mental ter Masons can be instructed in the cabletow. By mental cabletow, it spiritual and symbolical teaching of is referring to the distance we will our Craft, a fuller realization of the travel intellectually or philosoph- Fatherhood of God and the univer- ically to meet and accommodate sal Brotherhood of man, a greater another Brother. It is this measure understanding of the principles of that will ultimately define our suc- Brotherly love, relief and truth. By cess in both Masonry and life as it is emulating the virtues displayed in only by stretching our thinking be- the Five Points of Fellowship we yond its normal limits that we learn, will find that although our duties grow, and evolve. Like our physical and obligations have increased, cabletow, our mental cabletow is that which was once a tie has now greatly foreshortened by prejudice no longer length or distance lost in (pre-judgment), judgment, ego-

12 | CABLE TOW VOL 95 - 2 tism, and other common traits that and passing under the right arm, require the constant and consistent constantly reminds a man that he application of the working tools. is a bonded for an indefinite period and that he can free himself of this The Cable Tow as a symbol bondage made up of three gunas by is very old, and its symbolism can discharging his duties to his ances- be found in many initiations and tors, to the Gurus, and ultimately in many religions throughout the to the Gods. The yajnopavita con- world. The Parsee wears a three- sists of three cords and each cord fold cord wrapped and tied three is formed by twisting three threads times about his body, but not pass- into one. “A three times three sym- ing over the shoulder as the Twice bolizing trinity(Brahma, Vishnu and Born (Hindus) wears it. There are Shiva) in unity in spiritual things: two theories about the meaning The three strands represent three (symbolism) of the Parsee’s three- conquests over speech, mind, and fold three times and tied about the the senses respectively: The threads body: One is the first circle express- in the strands represent respective- es a belief in one God, the second ly three qualities; darkness(tamas), a belief in one Prophet (Zoroaster) passion(), goodness(sattva); and the third is that the world is three attributes: Perception, anal- round. Another explanation of the ogy, inference; and three objects: three fold cord is Good Thought, The knower, the known, and knowl- Good Speech, and Good Work, in edge.”In another form this thread that order. In the Hindu Samskaras when tied by a female to her broth- the Upanayana was the most im- er or even sent to an unknown male portant Samskara of great signifi- binds that male to come to her help cance since only after undergoing in time of her dire need. the Upanayana, the initiation -cer emony, a boy is admitted into the The above article is derived from the contributions of Douglas Messimer; Aryan society. Initiation is mainly Grand Lodge of British Columbia Bulletin - meant to enable a person, to ac- December 1976; Worshipful Brother W.A. quire the means by which he can Rattray, The Ashlars. The United Grand Lodge develop his inner personality to the of Queensland; Right Worshipful Lonnie Lee Godfrey; Abridged item by Brother David full extent and to the right direc- Thomas Lang in The Virginia Masonic Herald, tion. The Upanayana is the first step Summer 2007; PM, LEO Tuckahoe Lodge 347 on this long journey towards the 4-08; Marry Mcgee, and many other sites. goal of self-realization. This sacred Special Thanks to RWBro Dr. S. P. ceremony included the Yajnopavita Sharma PM Lodge Kohinoor #139 - the Sacred Thread. The Yajnopavi- ta hanging from the left shoulder

VOL 95 - 2 CABLE TOW | 13 Luzon Lodge No. 57 F&AM

Under the Jurisdiction of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Philippines HISTORY By Bro. Je’an–Marie Baptiste S. Bertillo under the Grand Lodge of the Phil- Around the same time the ippines. Shortly thereafter, and capping a series of animated meet- ings held alternately in the home representatives of the fifty-eight of the late esteemed Bro. Gonzalo (58) member-powers of the League B. Libunao in 1048 Calle Arlegui of Nations were pouring in the City and in his dental clinic located at of Lights (La Ville-Lumiere) for to3F formKneedler ISLA Building DE LUZON in Calle LODGE Car- what was to be the league’s first ex- riedo, a petition for dispensation Worshipful Master ecutive council meeting that finally signaled its coming into existence was signed and submitted on Jan- Senior Warden Franciso C. Gumila following the effectivity of the Trea- uary 19, 1920;twenty-seven initially having (27) the of ty of Versailles, several masons with following thirty-one (31) Charter Junior Warden Gonzalo B. Libunao minds eagerly collected and set to Membersone – (1) high purpose, also gathered albeit in andwhom three came (3) others from Biak Na Bato Treasurer Luis L. Bilian a nondescript house along No. 115 Lodge, from Araw Lodge Secretary Calle Villalobos, Quiapo, , for whose lodges Francisco Velasco from whence they came were not the sublime prospect of laying the Chaplain Dalmacio V. Monroy foundation of a new masonic lodge recorded. They were: Master of Ceremonies Vicente Doronilia Arellano, Simplicio C.S. Espinosa, Jose P. Monroy, Dalmacio V. Senior Deacon Andres Filoteo Bantigui, Andres M. Estanislao, Jose M. Moreno, Florencio Bernal Leon, Julian Fernandez, Apolonio B. Ortiz, Carlos Junior Deacon Apolonio B. Fernandez Bilian, Luis Lim Filoteo, Andres Paterno, Jose P. Senior Steward Jose M.E. Leon Buenaventura, Ponciano Gumila, Franciso Carag Ramos, Marcos Chua Heng, Faustio Soto Gutierrez, Lino Velasco, Francisco Junior Steward Emetrio C. Yalong De Vega, Jose A.S. Ladislao, Jose Velasco, Juan Chua Organist Paulino Duque Doronilia, Vicente Leon, Jose M.E. Walezykowki, John

Duque, Paulino Libunao, Gonzalo B. Yalong, Emetrio C. Tyler Carlos Ortiz Enriquez, Eugenio Medina, Wenceslao Zapata, Caciano G. Marcos Ramos Melo, Eusebio A.

14 | CABLE TOW VOL 95 - 2 Awaiting the Grand Lodge’s January 25, 1921, and on the basis decision on the application for dis- of the much anticipated fiat of the pensation, the charter members toGrand ISLA Lodge’s DE LUZON Committee LODGE on NO. Char 57- held Sunday meetings (8:00 AM- ters, a charter was finally granted 12:00 NN) at the Blue Hall (facing Pasig River) of the Masonic Temple and it was signed by MW Edwin E. in Escolta. On February 13, 1920 at Elser & Grand Secretary Newton C. around 12:40 PM, acting on the ea- Comfort. And on February 10, 1921 ger recommendations of various (8:00 PM), MW Edwin E. Elser to- lodges operating in Manila, MW Ra- gether with the grand line officers appointedfael Palma Bro.granted Francisco the Lodge C. Gumila its dis- convened at the Scottish Ritest Hall, pensation and right then and there Masonic Temple in Escolta to consti- tute the Lodge and hold it 1 Public as its Worshipful Master. Installation of Officers on which oc- casion, the following brethren com- Nearly a year later, during posing the lodge’s first set of officers the Annual Communication held on were elected; namely: Worshipful Master

Senior Warden Franciso C. Gumila

Junior Warden Gonzalo B. Libunao

Treasurer Luis L. Bilian

Secretary Francisco Velasco

Chaplain Dalmacio V. Monroy

Master of Ceremonies Vicente Doronilia

Senior Deacon Andres Filoteo

Junior Deacon Apolonio B. Fernandez

Senior Steward Jose M.E. Leon

Junior Steward Emetrio C. Yalong

Organist Paulino Duque

Tyler Carlos Ortiz

Marcos Ramos

VOL 95 - 2 CABLE TOW | 15 ISLA DE LU- ZON LODGE Widely NO.57 known as a lodge of ed during the Commonwealth era. noteworthy musicians, theMeanwhile, ban imposed with on the the entire operation country of counted among falling into enemy hands and, with its earlyCol. members Antonino the Buenaventu renowned- ramusicians like the National Artist for Masonic organizations by the Japa- Music, nese military administration wary , conductor of the Philippines Con- of the Brotherhood as a potential stabulary Band which after having source of opposition, no lodge op- played during the Panama Canal Ex- eration was noted from 1941 until position in the USA in 1915 was cited 1944. by no less than the king of marches Six (6) months after the total – John Philip Suosa- as one of finestNi- devastation of Manila where an esti- canormilitary Abelardo bands in the world, the em- inent kundiman songs composer mated 100,000 to 240,000 Filipino also known for hav- civilians lost their lives both deliber- ing written the memorable melody ately in the hands of the Japanese in of the University of the Philippines’ the so-called Manila massacre and, from the artillery and aerial bom- anthem, “U.P. Naming Mahal” asISLA well bardment by both the U.S. and Japa- DEas theLUZON highly-acclaimed “Marcha Tri- unfal” which he dedicated to nese forces, and three (3) days prior Other prominentin 1930 membersalong with of the to ’s formal surrenderBro. Jose aboard M. the American Battleship Missou- equally-prized “HimnoPaquito Masonico”.Villa E. Leon ri in Tokyo Bay, Japan, lodge included , the , an active member of Nilad manager of Francisco “Pancho Vil- Lodge No. 12 at the time, summoned la” Guilledo, a native of Ilog, Negros all surviving brethren of Common- Occidental, Philippines and the first wealth Lodge at the office of MW M. Goldenberg on August 30, 1945 to Asian ever Antonio to win theGonzalez World Fly- weight Championship in the U.S. in reorganize the Lodge. And, during 1923, and , who namethe course from of ISLA that DEeventful LUZON gathering, LODGE occupied the Grand Oriental Chair in NO.a resolution 57 to LUZON to changeLODGE theNO. 57 lodge’s 1932 and the first Grand High Priest passed. of the Most Excellent Grand Chap- was ter of the Royal Arch Masons of the Immediately thereafter, the Philippines; who at the age of 37, be- Lodge resumed its operation holding came the youngest Grand Master in regular meetings at 138 Calle Gunao, the country – an achievement as yet Quiapo, Manila while awaiting com- unsurpassed to this very date. pletion of the reconstruction of the ISLA DE LUZON LODGE NO. 57 war-damaged Plaridel Masonic Tem- The lodge carried the COMname- ple. MONWEALTH LODGE LUZON only until 1935 as the name LODGE No. Steered 57 rose by beneficent from the ashesprov- idence in proper direction, 16 | CABLE TOW VOL 95 - 2 was adopt- to carry the torch for those brethren ******* who have died and to forge its own renaissance with the strongest re- Sources solve. As the years went by, while Book of Philippine Lodges some of the brethren stayed, many in the expediency of occupation and - History of Luzon Lodge No. 57 family moved elsewhere and for a F&AM (1953) Book of VW Robert - time membership in the Lodge dwin- C. Ocampo, PDGL PAGS Ha dled and its operations appeared to Luzon Lodge No. 57 History by have likewise diminished. And yet, VW Roberto A. Palmero, PDDGM brushed in a radiant shimmer by the - PGMar Ha edifying character and lofty achieve- Profile of MW Antonio Gonzalez ments of its members, the Lodge (www.grandlodge.ph) never failed to attract new worthy - aspirants; thus, episodic changing The Cable Tow (March 1931 Is- of the guards became a staple that sue) featuring Lodge History by rather than weaken, worked to guar- - VW Ramon Mendoza, PAGS antee its own posterity. Subsequent- Various world & national history ly, from a Lodge of notable musicians, books it became a Lodge of highly respect- - ed uniformed men, and henceforth ******* a Lodge of noteworthy men of dif- Attachments ferent callingLUZON thereby LODGE solidifying NO. 57 in it into one complete catalytic synergy Photo of the 21 July 1958 certi- which the fied copy of the Luzon’s charter many quarters is renowned today. - lost during World War II sponsorship Finally,LUZON with CHAPTER the lodge’s – Roll of Past Masters , and the subsequent ORDER OF DEMOLAY on November - institution of,

19, 2011, the Brethren have taken a great leap forward by extending “Knowledge is the their views beyond themselves; em- bracing the cause of helping shape heritage of mankind, the younger versions of themselves but only the courageous into the leaders of tomorrow; and sharing bonds of friendship and the inherit it.” valuable lessons of FREEMASONRY leadership that -Jose Rizal will impact the future not only of the Lodge itself, but of on the whole. VOL 95 - 2 CABLE TOW | 17 ROLL OF PAST MASTERS Luzon Lodge No. 57 F. & A. M.

Installation NAME YEAR th Cesar Ruelos / Nth WM 3435th Cesar Ruelos 1957 Francisco C. Gumila th Enrique Lim 1958 UDst Francisco C. Gumila 1920 36th Enrique Lim 1959 1nd Jose M. Estanislao 1921 3738th Enrique Lim 1960 23rd Gonzalo B. Libunao 1922 th Kong Siu Wah 1961 th Emetrio C. Yalong 1923 39th Kong Siu Wah 1962 45th Jose P. Paterno 1924 40st Henry K. Siu 1963 th Urbano Silos 1925 41nd Francisco Mandanas 1964 6th Lian Ching Dy 1926 42rd Jose M.A. Cortes 1965 78th Jose P. Paterno 1927 43th Bernardo Cabading 1966 th Jose P. Paterno 1928 44th Constantino L. Calica 1967 9 th Ramon Mendoza 1929 45th Eliseo S. Arandia 1968 10th Vicente Badillo 1930 46th Constantino L. Calica 1969 11th Jose P. Paterno 1931 47th Felix R. Santos 1970 12th Hilario M. Soriano 1932 48th Rodolfo R. Gonzales 1971 13th Jose M.E. Leon 1933 49th Jimmy K. Tamano 1972 14th Antonio G. Perez 1934 50st Ernesto L. Calica 1973 15th Antonio G. Perez 1935 51nd Elison T. Silao 1974 16th Antonio G. Perez 1936 5253rd Teodoro T. Calica 1975 17th Antonio G. Perez 1937 th Felix Wong Tay 1976 18th Juan G. Cortez 1938 5455th Benito T. Lim 1977 19th Juan G. Cortez 1939 th Benito K. Sy 1978 20st Juan G. Cortez 1940 56th Vicente R. Hao Chin Jr. 1979 N/A21 1941 5758th Chin T.O. Sintuego 1980 N/A No labor due to WW II 1942 th Dominador Labasan 1981 N/A No labor due to WW II 1943 59th Dominador Labasan 1982 nd NoJose labor M.E. due Leon to WW II 1944 60st Vicente R. Hao Chin Jr. 1983 22rd Pacifico A. Ruiz 1945 61nd Vicente A. Cu 1984 23th Sebastian M. Galang 1946 62rd Vicente A. Cu 1985 24th Apolinario M. Roldan 1947 63th Charlie U. Tang 1986 25th Roman M. Alvia 1948 64th Deogracias C. Caballero 1987 26th Vicente P. Flechero 1949 65th Roberto A. Palmero 1988 27th Benito T. Lim 1950 66th Jesse D. Alto 1989 28th Premitivo O. Dalman 1951 67th Francisco V. Gudani 1990 29th Vicente L. Co Choen 1952 68th Perdro M. Curva 1991 30st Vicente L. Co Choen 1953 69th Renato J. Crisologo 1992 31nd Vicente L. Co Choen 1954 70st Cesar C. Ancheta 1993 3233rd Benito T. Lim 1955 71 1994 1956

18 | CABLE TOW VOL 95 - 2 nd Julian D. Teodoro II th Michael P. Almeda

72rd Robert C. Ocampo 1995 8485th Danilo N. Cablao 2007

73th Eric P. Belen 1996 th Alexander C. Domingo 2008

74th Hernani T. Barrios 1997 86th Glenn G. Manuel 2009

75th Jude O. Villanea 1998 8788th J. Ermin Ernest Louie R. Miguel 2010

76th George G. Inigo 1999 th Alfred D. Mercado 2011

77th Dino R. Valdez 2000 89th Levi Hope B. Basilio 2012

78th Jonathan De Belen 2001 90st Marcus Antonius T. Andaya 2013

79th Frederick De Belen 2002 91nd Antonio O. Hing 2014

80st Ericson M. Aniban 2003 92rd Virgilio Murillo 2015

81nd Edgardo Zafra 2004 93th Roderick M. Isip 2016

8283rd Idelbin Fabian 2005 94th Glenn G. Lemoncito 2017

2006 95 2018


VR Samuel P. Fernandez

“Kung maaari sana, lagyan Santos and Victoria Canseco. mo ng ilaw sa loob upang makapag- Mang Openg taught the na- basa at makapagsulat ako.” Thus did tional language at the University of Lope K. Santos instruct his wife, Sime- the Philippines from 1937 to 1954. ona (Mona) Salazar, after they visited His philological masterpiece was the the tomb that Lope K. Santos ordered Balarila ng Wikang Pambansa, which made for himself. What a man! Even became the official textbook of Taga- in death he thought of reading and log grammar. Mang Openg’s love for writing! Reading and writing in our Tagalog began when he won the puplu- generation? han, the poetical joust at the time. He A public servant, labor leader, was crowned Paham ng Wika in recog- scholar, essayist, novelist, poet, ed- nition of his literary status and repute. itor, and a Mason, Lope K. Santos is Mang Openg had a distin- remembered as the Father of Filipino guished political stint. He served as a Grammar. Mang Openg to his friends governor of Rizal province from 1910 and admirers, he was born on Sept. to 1913; governor of Nueva Vizcaya 25, 1879 in Pasig, Rizal, to Ladislao

VOL 95 - 2 CABLE TOW | 19 from 1918 to 1920; and senator rep- resenting the 12 districts of Mindanao, Mountain Province and Nueva Vizcaya from 1921-1922. Who says you can- not mix writing and politics?

Man Openg’s first love for the printed word had its genesis when he worked as a newspaperman in his youth. A prolific writer in both prose and poetry, Mang Openg’s style was LOPE K. SANTOS smooth as silk and full of substance and meaning. He became editor of bansa. (I feel my end approaching. Ang Kaliwanagan, Ang Kapatid ng I am sad that I am leaving without Bayan, Ang Mithi, Watawat, Mabuhay knowing what will be the fate of Ta- and other weekly magazines. Mang galog - whether it will be the national Openg started Taliba ng Inang Bayan, language)” an association of researchers in- Ta Mang Openg did not have galog. President Manuel L. Quezon nine lives but our wikang pambansa named Mang Openg director of the has made the alive. Surian ng Wikang Pambansa. A Past Master of Magat Lodge, Mang Openg authored the first Tagalog socialist novel, Banaag at Sikat (Rays and Sun- rise). “Success, wealth and On May 1, 1963, at 2:55 a.m. happiness, each of (Labor Day), Mang Openg crossed the these is the fruit of Great Divide. One of his last words were: “Nararamdaman kong malapit toil and sacrifice.” na … ang huling oras ko … at ang aking ikinalulungkot ay papanaw ako nang -Jose Rizal hindi alam kung ano ang magiging wakas ng Wikang Tagalog … kung ito ang talagang magiging wikang pam-

20 | CABLE TOW VOL 95 - 2 La Liga Filipin : A MASONIC ENDEAVOR a VR Samuel P. Fernandez

Knight Grand Officer of Rizal (KGOR) Guest of Honor & Speaker Lodge Perla Del Oriente No. 1034 Rizal Day Celebration, June 18, 2016

Isagani soliloquizes: “Ah, I saster, doom and demise. should like to die, be reduced to noth- After writing the Noli Me Tan- ingness, leave to my native land a gere and El Filibusterismo, the auto- glorious name, perish in its cause, de- cratic government and incensed Friars fending it from foreign invasion, and were just waiting for an opportune then let the sun afterwards illumine time to silence Rizal. my corpse, like a motionless sentinel on the rocks of the sea!” Rizal had his own reasons for returning to the Philippines. To him, In Noli Me Tangere, the the fight for freedom and liberty was wounded Ibarra told Basilio: in the land of his birth. He wrote: “I die without seeing the dawn “The battlefield is in the Philippines, brighten over my native land! You, not in Spain. There is where we should who have it to see, welcome it – forget meet … there we will help one anoth- not those who have fallen during the er, there together we will suffer or tri- night!” umph perhaps.”

Rizal’s prophetic lines seem to Rizal wrote his friend, Blumen- prophesy the events that were about tritt: “I believe that La Solidaridad is to happen in his daring second coming no longer our battlefield; now it is a to his “Pearl of the Orient Seas.” new struggle … the fight is no longer in Madrid.” Establishing in a hostile environment is like inviting di- Rizal was fully aware of what

VOL 95 - 2 CABLE TOW | 21 will happen to him if ever he returns fering on my account. What am I? to the Philippines. He wrote two let- A bachelor, practically without a ters which embody his political sen- family and sufficiently undeceived timents: 1) To My Parents, Brethren as to life. I have had many disap- (Masons) and Friends; and 2) To The pointments and the future before Filipino People. me is gloomy, and will be gloomy if light does not illumine it with the 1) To My Parents, Brethren, and dawn of a better day for my native Friends: land. On the other hand, there The affection that I have ever pro- are many persons, filled with hope fessed for you suggests this step, and ambition, who perhaps might and time alone can tell whether be happier if I were dead, and then or not it is sensible. The outcome I hope my enemies would be satis- judges things according to the fied and stop persecuting so many consequences; but whether the entirely innocent people. To a cer- result be favorable or unfavorable, tain extent their hatred is justifi- it may always be said that duty able as to myself, and my parents urged me, so if I die in doing it, it and relatives. will not matter. Should fate go against me, you will A man ought to die for duty and all understand that I shall die hap- his principles. I hold fast to every py in the thought that my death idea which I have advanced as to will end all your troubles. Return the condition and future of our to our country and may you be country, and shall willingly die for happy in it. it, and even more willingly sacri- Till the last moment of my life I fice all to secure justice and peace shall be thinking of you and wish- for you. ing you all good fortune and hap- With pleasure, then, I risk life to piness. save so many innocent persons 2) From Hongkong, June 20, 1892, To – so many nieces and nephews, the so many children of friends, and children too of others who are The step which I am taking, or not even friends – who are suf- rather am about to take, is un-

22 | CABLE TOW VOL 95 - 2 doubtedly risky, needless to say, I Besides I wish to show those who have considered it for some time. deny us the boon of patriotism I understand that almost everyone that we know how to die for duty is opposed to it; but I know, too, and principles. What matters that hardly anybody else under- death, if one dies for what one stands what is in my heart. I can- loves, for native land and beings not live on, knowing that so many held dear? suffer unjust persecutions on my If I thought that I were the only account; I cannot bear to see my resource of the consummation of sisters and their numerous fami- a policy of progress in the Philip- lies treated like criminals. I would pines, and were I convinced that prefer death – cheerfully shall I my countrymen were going to relinquish life – to free so many in- make use of my services, perhaps nocent persons from such unjust I should hesitate about taking this persecution. step; but there are others who I appreciate the fact that at pres- can take my place, who can do my ent the future of our country grav- work to advantage. Furthermore, itates in some degree around me, there are perchance those who that at my death many will feel tri- hold me as an unnecessary being umphant, and thus, many are now and so my services are not utilized, wishing for my fall. But what of it: and I am reduced to inactivity. I hold duties of conscience above Always have I loved our unhappy all else, I have obligations to the land, and I am sure that I shall con- families who suffer, to my aged tinue loving it till my last moment, parents, whose sight strikes me to in case men prove unjust to me. the heart; I know that I alone, only My career, my life, my happiness with my death, can make them – I have sacrificed all for love of happy, returning them to their na- country. Whatever my fate, I shall tive land and to a peaceful life at die blessing it and longing for the home. I am all my parents have, dawn of its redemption. but our country has many, many more sons who can take my place Publish these letters after my and even do my work better. death.

VOL 95 - 2 CABLE TOW | 23 Rizal, together with sister Venerable Master of Lodge Walana. Lucia, left Hongkong to rendezvous Rizal (Dimasalang) in an “ordi- with destiny. On June 21, 1892, the nary session” was elected Venerable Spanish Consul-General in Hongkong Master by members of Nilad Lodge No. issued a government guarantee for 144 on January 31, 1892. Nilad Lodge their safe-conduct. The same day, was conferred the title of “Mother the Consul-General sent a cablegram Lodge” and was empowered to exer- to Despujol that the victim “is in the cise the authority of the Grand Oriente trap.” Espaňol itself. Nilad Lodge was award- ROYAL BANQUETS ed the title Benemerita de la Orden in 1910 by the Gran Oriente Espaňol and Masons in the Philippines Dos Veces in 1914 for its accomplish- were prepared and ready to receive ments. Rizal. Several banquets were orga- nized in his honor. Unknown to the Another sumptuous banquet Mason organizers, swarms of Spanish was tendered in the afternoon of the spies monitored their activities. same day at the house of Ambrosio Flores in by members of Bath- The first banquet was - ten ala Lodge No. 152. Mason dignitaries dered by the members of Balagtas Moises Salvador, Doroteo Ongjungco Lodge No. 49 (formerly Triangulo and Timoteo Paez escorted Rizal and Balagtas). Prominent Mason mem- rode in an elegant burnished carriage bers were: Moises Salvador, Nume- fit for a royalty. riano Adriano and Domingo Fran- co. Aside from Timoteo Paez (Rajah PROVINCIAL TRIP Matanda) and Pedro Serano y Laktaw On June 27, 1892, Paez and (Panday Pira), the gathering were com- Serrano went to Hotel de Oriente in posed of Venerable Masters, namely: the morning to see Rizal, but was in- Ambrocio Flores, Venerable Master of formed that Rizal left for Malolos, Bu- Lodge Bathala; Paulino Zamora, Vener- lacan. The duo were able to catch up able Master of Lodge Luzong; Jose Di- with Rizal in Malolos. zon, Venerable Master of Lodge Taliba; Sixto Celis, Venerable Master of Lodge Rizal knew his way around and Dalisay; Agustin de la Rosa, Venerable the Masons he intended to meet. One Master of Lodge Luz; and (illegible), thing is clear: Rizal knew the local in- 24 | CABLE TOW VOL 95 - 2 telligencia who were Masons long Nilad Lodge; Numeriano Adriano (Ypil), before his second coming to Manila. Master of Balagtas Lodge; Arcadio del In San Fernando, , he met Rosario (Job), also a member of Balag- Tiburcio Hilario of Majestad Lodge No. tas Lodge; Luis Villareal (Balisa) of Tri- 155, and his brother Cecilio Hilario, angulo Taliba; Faustino Villaruel (Ilaw), founder of Lodge Masala No. 154. In founder of Walana Lodge; Estanislao Tarlac, the trio met Masons Puno and Legaspi (Azul) of Luzong Lodge; Deo- Villafuertes. Rizal and escorts slept in dato Arellano (Buan) of Luzong Lodge; the house of Luis Navarro, founder of Ambrocio Flores (Musa), founder of Triangulo Aguso. In the morning they Bathala Lodge; Bonifacio Arevalo (Ha- stopped in Bacolor and fellowshipped rem) of Balagtas Lodge; Juan Zulue- with Francisco, founder of Majes- ta (Tenluz or Juan Totoo) of Luzong tad No. 155, and Balbino Ventura, a Lodge; Teodoro Plata of Triangulo Tal- Mason. Procopio Hilario, founder of iba; Andres Bonifacio (Sinukuan) of Tri- Lodge Villaruel, was the last person angulo Taliba; Moises Salvador (Araw), they met on their way back to Manila. founder of Balagtas Lodge; Timoteo Lanuza (Adan) of Nilad Lodge; Eus- FOUNDING OF THE LA LIGA taquio Javier (Tagalog) of Triangulo Tal- On July 3, 1892, Rizal told iba; Marcelino de Santos, a solicitor of Paez and Serrano “to gather all trust- Law, proprietor, very popular; Mariano ed worthy men and Mason Brethren.” Alejandrino of a Lodge in Pampanga; The assembly was set in the house of Marcus Ventus of Nueva Ecija, found- a wealthy Mason, Doroteo Ongjunco, er of a masonic triangle; Isias Toribio a Chinese-Filipino Mason, of Luzong (Salakot) of Nilad Lodge; Ladislaw Diwa Lodge, in Ylaya, Tondo, Manila. (Baguio) of Cavite; Mamerto Nativi- dad, founder of Masonic triangle; Jose The listing of those who signi- Dizon (Montgomery), Master of Trian- fied to be in the organization of La Liga gulo Taliga; Pablo Rianzares (Lakang was the who’s who in Manila, prom- Dula I) of Solidaridad Lodge No. 53 in inent and distinguished intelligencia, Madrid; Frnancisco Nakpil of Triangulo among them: Jose A. Ramos (Socor- Taliba and Paulino Zamora (Terror) of ro), Master of Nilad Lodge; Domingo Luzong Lodge. Franco (Felipe Leal) of Balagtas Lodge; Agustin de la Rosa (Marte), Master of Elected to the Board of Direc- Triangulo Luz; Ambrocio Salvador of tors were: Ambrosio Salvador, Presi-

VOL 95 - 2 CABLE TOW | 25 dent; Agustin de la Rosa, Fiscal; Boni- in ; and Antonio Consunji facio Arevalo, Treasurer, and Deodato and Ruperto Laksamana as gov- Arellano, Secretary. ernadorcillo of San Fernando and teniente primero of Mexico, re- After the organization, anoth- spectively, both in Pampanga. A er banquet was tendered by Estanislao further effect was the closure of Legaspi (Azul) at his residence on En- some lodges, particularly Masala carnacion St. in Tondo. Lodge in San Fernando and Majes- The following day, Rizal at- tad Lodge in Bacolor.” tended the last dinner in his honor be- On July 5, 1892, the houses fore he was arrested and deported to of Ambrocio Salvador, Pedro Serrano, Dapitan. Doroteo Cortez, Jose Anacleto Ramos, CRACKDOWN ON MASONRY Pascual Poblete and Tomas G. del Ro- sario were raided. The brethren in Unknown to Masons, all their the provinces whom Rizal visited were activities and meetings were moni- likewise arrested. tored. According to MW Reynold Fa- jardo, Grand Lodge historian: On July 6, 1892, Gov. Gen. Despujol confronted Rizal with an in- “The crackdown on masons telligence report that anti-friar hand- resulted in the deportation of the bills were found in the luggage he brothers Tiburcio and Cecilio Hilar- brought from Hongkong. Rizal’s vehe- io, Mamerto Laksamana, Doroteo ment denial fell on deaf ears. Despujol Cortes, Ambrocio Salvador, An- then ordered Rizal’s arrest and deport- tonio Roxas, Leon Apacible, Jose ed him in an isolated sitio in Dapitan, Basa Enriquez, Mariano Alejan- Mindanao. drino and Vicente Reyes to Davao, Balabac Island, La Union and oth- Rizal’s vision for La Liga of: 1) er places, and removal from the uniting the whole archipelago into one Offices they held in the -govern compact and homogenous body; 2) ment of the following: Manuel mutual protection in every want and Arguelles from his position as as- necessity; 3) defense against all vio- sistant in development (foment) in lence and injustice; 4) encouragement Batangas; Pedro Serrano Laktaw, of education, agriculture and com- as a teacher in a primary school merce; and 5) study and application 26 | CABLE TOW VOL 95 - 2 of reforms, became a nightmare to the de la Serna, a Spanish writer aptly ob- civil authorities and friars. served: “There are two Spains: one great, generous, with all those legend- La Liga’s motto, Unus Instar ary qualities extolled throughout the Omnjum (One Like All) was a bad globe, with her knightly legions, he- dream. Despujol had to cut short the roes at home and in the world, serene- Indio’s “hallucination.” So La Liga had ly giving their lives for love, for an idea, to die. in military discipline or in scientific The death of La Liga Filipino dedication; the Spain that Rizal loved resulted in the birth of two Mason to the day he died …. and another groups: 1) Cuerpo de Compromisarios, ‘black’ Spain that seized him in a glori- and 2) the , all led by- Ma ous hour of his life, a Spain that grows sons. ever smaller, composed of the evil and the clumsy, the cruel and the fanatical, Dr. Jose Rizal, a brother and heads without honor and honors with- Mason, wrote: “Love of country can out brains, with whom one must not never be erased once it has entered share even the complicity of silence.” the heart, because it carries with it a divine stamp which makes it eternal After La Liga Filipina, the In- and imperishable.” dios, were awakened from three cen- turies of lackadaisical slumber. They La Liga Filipina was an endeav- walked their talk, fearing no one. or of Masons in answer to the trou- Some died without seeing the dawn blesome situation where the Indios of freedom. But, the Indios Bravos’ suffered indignities under the hands patriotic endeavor survived the test of of Spanish patriotic authorities and time. Religious Missionaries. Javier Gomez

“When a Filipino wants anything, the first requirement he makes is that thing be strong; the Filipino style should therefore be ‘Matibay’ above anything else.” -Jose Rizal

VOL 95 - 2 CABLE TOW | 27 BLUEConstitution LODGES Of

AUGUST 1, 1927 - W.B. Joseph H. Schmidt, constituted Bud Daho Lodge No. 102 in public ceremonies held in Jolo.

AUGUST 1, 1992 - Sta. Rosa Lodge No. 297 was consti- tuted in Sta. Rosa, .

AUGUST 4, 1962 - Tagaytay Lodge No. 165 was consti- tuted at Tagaytay City by Grand Master William Quasha.

AUGUST 4, 1988 - Mampiya-an Lodge No. 284 was constituted at Bulanao, Tabok, Kalinga Apayao by Grand Master Raymundo N. Beltran.

AUGUST 11, 1958 - King Solomon Lodge No. 150 was constituted by Grand Master Howard Hick at the Plaridel Masonic Temple.

AUGUST 13, 1980 - Punta Sulawan Lodge No. 242 was constituted at Alubijid, Misamis Orein- tal.

AUGUST 15, 1981 - Tupas Lodge No. 252 was constitut- ed at City by Grand Master Sim- eon Rene Lacson.

AUGUST 16, 1914 - Balintawak Lodge No. 354 in Gu- maca, Tayabas got its charter from the Gran Oriente Español. The following day it was constituted.

AUGUST 16, 1980 - Magdiwang Lodge No. 238 was constituted at Noveleta, Cavite.


AUGUST 17, 1979 - Ormoc Lodge No. 234 was constitut- ed in Ormoc, Leyte. AUGUST 18, 1914 - Grand Master Newton C. Comfort is- sued a dispensation for the establish- ment of Bagumbayan Lodge under the Grand Lodge of the Philippine Is- lands. The Lodge was granted a char- ter as Lodge No. 4 on February 1, 1915 was duly constituted by MW George Harvey at the Masonic Temple on San Luis St., Ermita, Manila.

AUGUST 18, 1958 - Davao Lodge No. 149 was consti- tuted by Grand Master Howard Hick in Davao City.

AUGUST 18, 1979 - Kapatiran Lodge No. 228 was con- stituted in Cabanatuan City.

AUGUST 18, 1989 - Unity Lodge No. 285 was constitut- ed at Olongapo City by Grand Master Juan Nabong, Jr.

SEPTEMBER 2, 1961 - Agusan Valley Lodge No. 160, was constituted at City by RW Pedro Jimenez.

SEPTEMBER 6, 1979 - Lake Pinamaloy Lodge No. 230, was constituted in Don Carlos, Bukid- non. SEPTEMBER 8, 1969 - M.W. Manuel M. Crudo, constituted Rio Grande Lodge No. 192 in Kaba- can, Cotabato.

SEPTEMBER 9, 1969 - Mati-Aurora Lodge No. 190 was constituted in Mati, Oriental Davao by M.W. Manuel M. Crudo with the assis-


tance of other Grand Lodge Officers.

SEPTEMBER 11, 1976 - Zosimo Montemayor Lodge No. 212 was constituted at Musuan, Bukid- non by Grand Master Jose L. Araneta.

SEPTEMBER 13, 1892 - Dalisay Lodge No. 177, under the Gran Oriente Español, was constituted at Malabon, Rizal.

SEPTEMBER 13, 1980 - Manticao Lodge No. 243 was con- stituted at Manticao, Misamis Oriental.

SEPTEMBER 15, 1913 - Minerva Lodge No. 380, under the Gran Oriente Lusitano, was officially constituted in Tanduay St., Manila.

SEPTEMBER 15, 1984 - Don Lorenzo Tan Memorial Lodge No. 265, was constituted at Tangub City.

SEPTEMBER 20, 1975 - Aklan Lodge No. 205 was constitut- ed at Kalibo, Aklan by RW Jose L. Ara- neta, acting as Grand Master.

SEPTEMBER 21, 1989 - Tangkulan Lodge No. 287 was con- stituted at Bukidnon by Grand Master Juan Nabong, Jr. SEPTEMBER 22, 1921 - Grand Master Edwin E. Elser issued a dispensation for the organization of Kasilawan Lodge U.D. On January 25, 1922 it was chartered as Lodge No. 77 and on February 2, 1922, was duly con- stituted as a regular lodge.

SEPTEMBER 22, 1979 - East Gate Lodge No. 232, was con- stituted by RW Simeon Rene Lacson, acting as Grand Master. The ceremo- nies were held at the Council 30 | CABLE TOW VOL 95 - 2 CONSTITUTION OF BLUE LODGES

hall in Borongan, Eastern Samar, in the presence of dignitaries of the province, among whom were Governor Justo Rea- go, Mayor Luis Capite, Assemblyman Victor Amasa, Prov. Commander Sabas Imbang and Bishop Sincero Lucero.

SEPTEMBER 24, 1960 - Mt. Musuan Lodge No. 155, was constituted by R.W. Juan Alano at Mu- suan, Bukidnon.

SEPTEMBER 24, 1981 - Carmen Valley Lodge No. 250, was constituted at Cagayan de Oro City by Grand Master Simeon Rene Lacson.

SEPTEMBER 26, 1964 - Capitol City Lodge No. 174 was constituted at Quezon City by Grand Master Charles Mosebrook.

SEPTEMBER 26, 1981 - Halcon Lodge No. 249 was consti- tuted at Calapan, Oriental by Grand Master Simeon Rene Lacson.

SEPTEMBER 28, 1963 - Juan Sumulong Memorial Lodge No. 169, was constituted at Taytay, Rizal by Grand Master Pedro Jimenez.

SEPTEMBER 28, 1985 - Lodge No. 99, was re- constituted at Palawan, 44 years after it was forced into darkness by the Second World War.

SEPTEMBER 29, 1984 - Mt. Amurong Lodge No. 264 was constituted at Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija. OCTOBER 2, 1929 - Logia Jose Rizal under the Gran Logia de la Isla de Cuba was constituted in Sta. Maria del Rosario, Habana, Cuba. In a letter to the Grand Lodge of the Phil-


ippine Islands, dated October 22, 1922, the Master of the Lodge explained that they chose Jose Rizal as the name of their lodge to perpetuate the memory of this great mason in their country.

OCTOBER 2, 1971 - Graciano Lopez Jaena Lodge No. 194, was constituted by MW Damaso C. Tria in Sara, .

OCTOBER 4, 1980 - Palilan Lodge No. 239, was constitut- ed at Jimenez, Misamis Occidental. OCTOBER 9, 1920 - Grand Master Rafael Palma constitut- ed Cabanatuan Lodge No. 53 at the High School Building in Cabanatuan. Hundreds of Masons from Manila and the provinces attended. Free rides on the cars of the railroad company was furnished by MW Manuel L. Quezon.

OCTOBER 13, 1979 - Panabo Dalisay Lodge No. 237 was constituted at Panabo, Davao del Norte.

OCTOBER 15, 1960 - Oroquieta Lodge No. 154 was con- stituted by RW Juan S. Alano at Oro- quiela, Misamis Occidental.

OCTOBER 17, 1960 - Mt. Matutum Lodge No. 156 was constituted by RW Juan S. Alano at Co- tabato City.

OCTOBER 17, 1980 - Sindangan Lodge No. 240 was con- stituted at Sinadangan, Zamboanga del Norte.

OCTOBER 27, 1979 - Apolinario Mabini Lodge No. 235 was constituted at Cuyapo, Nueva Eci- ja by RW Rudyardo Bunda, acting as Grand Master.


Minsan akong nagngarap Makalipad na mataas Gamut na bawal ang kasabwat Sa pagkampay paitaas Droga ang aking mga pakpak Upang abutin ang pangarap VW ROMEO S. MUSÑGI, PDDGM Makulay na mundo aking hangad Grand Chaplain Kasalo ang mga tamad. Heto ako Ngayon heto ako! Sinira ko yaring buhay ang mga pakpak Pangarap ng magulang Malakas ang halakhak Ay hindi ko pinagbigyan Sa tagumpay na huwad Baliw akong nagtampisaw

Sawi akong napasadlak Sa pusali ng kadiliman Sa turo ng mga kumag Kabataan, Droga ay iwasan Mga kaibingan duwag Huwag mo akong pamarisan. Ang bituka ay hungkag. Heto ako Heto ako gutay-gutay Lasing sa kasiyahang hiram Walang pupuntahan Lugmok ang isipan Walang patutunguhan Bulok ang katawang kalansay Litong-lito ang isipan Gutay-gutay Tumatawa, ngumingiti, umiiyak Hindi alam ang kinabukasan Sumasayaw sa kawalan Sira-sira ang pamumuhay Pangarap ay lumilipad Kabataan, gusto mo pa ba akong Mga paa, walang sayad. Pamarisan, Sa aking kabaliwan?


The current set of officers of the Square and Compass We Connect (SCWC) led by President Feliciano “Jojo” Narciso Jr., of Unang Sigaw Masonic Lodge No. 430 taking their Oath of Office be- fore MW Romeo S. Momo, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines.

34 | CABLE TOW VOL 95 - 2 The Square and Compass We Connect held their biennial election of Officers last May 20, 2018. Elected were:

Feliciano “Jojo” Narciso, Jr. – President

Cary Duval Uy – Vice President

Virgilio “Ver” Del Rosario – Secretary

Raymond Wong – Treasurer

Arnulfo “Pong” Macatangay – Auditor They will all serve a two year term of office. On June 4, 2018 during their customary courtesy call to the newly installed Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines, Broth- er Jojo Narciso took the same occasion to take their oath of office before MW Romeo S. Momo who cordially acceded to the request. President elect Jojo Narciso also heads the Dugong Mason program of the SCWC. Dugong Mason, already in its six years of existence is a Masonic Relief initiative, nationwide in scope through blood dona- tion. This endeavor is the brainchild of brother Jojo who has devoted his energy and singular passion to make the program a reality and success. Dugong Mason coordinates, facilitates bloodletting and blood banking activities which have save thousands of lives to date, FREE and at no cost to all medically distressed Freemasons and their immediate relatives. The SCWC has a Core of Officers who set policy and direction for the group and a set of moderators who broadcast SMS across its many members through the three Telcos, Sun, Globe and Smart. SMS are in the form of call for help or assistance (SOS), queries, information and many others. Some of the Core members double as Moderators too. The SCWC build bridges of communication with brethren across the world where it has chapters in Europe, the Middle East and the United States. Indeed. With the current state of technology, the cable tow has far exceed- ed its monitorial length. Together Brethren!

VOL 95 - 2 CABLE TOW | 35 Radio PROGRAM

The 10th episode of the SCWC Radio/Online Talk entitled UG- NAYAN: “TAMBALANG MAGKUKUYANG, USAPAN KAPATIRAN” broadcasted last September 4 was graced by MW Romeo S. Momo, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines.

36 | CABLE TOW VOL 95 - 2 “WHEN YOU BUILD IT, THEY WILL COME” Having extended their unending cable tows to the Freema- sons far and wide and continuously building bridges of communica- tion and rapport among the brethren, another door of opportunity opened to the SCWC to fulfill its avowed mission and undertaking. At DZME, an AM radio station in Manila, hosted no less than the inimitable Brother Aldrine Fermin invited and allotted in his show, the Core Group of SCWC and launch the weekly program: SCWC UGNAYAN - TAMBALANG MAGKUKUYANG, USAPANG KAPATIRAN, an hour long live radio/online talk show Its maiden episode aired last July 3 from 10:00 to 11:00 in the morning on DZME, 1530 kHz was about the history and early beginnings of the SCWC. UGNAYAN airs every Tuesday morning on the said radio station and has covered a wide range of topics, from business to current trends and technologies. It features knowledgeable guest speakers, professionals and other resource persons of varied interests and expertise. In its 10th episode, no less than the current Grand Master, MW Romeo S. Momo of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines was the guest speaker who spoke of his forthcoming plans and programs for the Craft in the ensuing year. He covered a wide range of masonic subject and shared with the radio listeners, words of wisdom which hopefully, profited the Freemasons in particular and the general public as well.

VOL 95 - 2 CABLE TOW | 37 DAET LODGE NO. 247

Unique Genesis

VW Tomas L. Ong, PDDGM the 2nd generation in Masonic Family was installed as Charter Master of Daet Lodge No. 247, F & AM on May 21, 1981 by RW Reynato S. Puno, JGW, Installing Officer with MW Simeon Rene Lacson, Grand Master as Guest of Honor and Speaker accompanied by MW Manuel M. Crudo, PGM, Grand Sec- retary with the support of VW Santiago M. Ferrer, Sr., PDDGM, (UD WM) VW Santiago P. Ferrer, Jr., PDDGM, (SW), VW Santiago M. Tur- ingan, PDDGM, (JW), VW Jose T. Seeping, Jr., PDGL (Secretary) and VW Ong Peng Lee, PDDGM (Treasurer). VW Tomas L. Ong, PDDGM also donated a lot for the construction of foundation building for Daet Lodge No. 247 and Bicol Bodies A. & ASR with the assistance and participation of VW Tito C. Collada, PDDGM, VW Leo L. Intia, PDDGM, VW Tomas Alvin S. De Las Alas, PDGL, VW Ritchie L. Ong, DGL, (3rd Generation of Ong’s Masonic Family), VW Armin Jesus R. Nagera, PDGL, Bro. Joseph L. Ong, WB Rolando S. Rafer, VW Ben- jamin L. Ong, PDGL and other brethren.. His Father, WB Manuel K. 38 | CABLE TOW VOL 95 - 2 Ong was installed as Worshipful Master of Camarines Norte Lodge No. 107, F & AM for 3 consecutive years (1954 to 1956) and on January 29, 1955, the Laying of Cornerstone of the Masonic Temple of the Camarines Norte Lodge No. 107, F & AM was conducted by MW Werner Schetelig VB, Grand Master 1954-1955. WB Man- uel K. Ong was instrumental in the construction of the temple of Camarines Norte Lodge No. 107, F & AM with the support of the brethren. He was considered by the brethren as the Lodge Temple Builder.

Installation of Daet Masonic Lodge No. 247, F & AM last Feb- ruary 21, 2018 was successfully conducted thru the effort of VW To- mas L. Ong, PDDGM who invited the then RW Romeo S. Momo, Deputy Grand Master as Guest of Honor and Speaker for the Instal- lation of WB Rolando S. Rafer. The success of the installation was done thru the effort of WB Rafer and the brethren.

“In order to read the destiny of a people, it is necessary to open the book of its past.” - Jose Rizal

VOL 95 - 2 CABLE TOW | 39

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Manila Hotel, Sept. 22, 2018

By: MW Rudyardo V. Bunda, PGM, GMH

MW Grandmaster Romeo S. Justice Art Brion also said, “I found the Momo, we thank you for being with us Puno court to be an ideal tribunal for today. We know that you are in Paga- the collegial search for justice”. dian for the Multi District Convention but managed to join us in this Testi- It is recognized that many im- monial Celebration. Thank you again, portant and landmark decisions of the Most Worshipful Sir, Most Worshipful Supreme Court written by him were el- Sirs, Very Worshipful Sirs, our beloved oquent expressing profound thoughts ladies, brethren, sisters and friends of entrenched on firm legally unassailable masons. grounds and reflected a progressive mindset totally committed to moral I am indeed immensely privi- and democratic principles. leged to honor a person of esteem and a highly, highly regarded Chief Justice, He launched the Extrajudicial a Most Worshipful brother and a good Killings’ Summit in 2007 that recom- and trusted friend. mended solutions to solve the extraju- dicial problems for appropriate actions. The world portrays MW Rey He also introduced the Case Manage- Puno as an intellectual giant. He was ment Information System to reduce the described by former Chief Justice -Ar judiciary’s case backlog. In 2008, he temio Panganiban “as a trained sur- also launched the Small Claims Court geon who uses his pen with razor like Pilot Project which provides for an “in- precision to separate the fabrication expensive and expeditious means to from truth and pretention from reality. settle legal actions”. Again, in 2008, he In the process, he gives life to popu- relaunched the Justice on Wheels Proj- list causes and libertarian ideals.” Ac- ect to improve access to justice to the cording to UP President, Danilo Con- poor. Today, the Philippine Star report- ception, “He is best remembered as ed 80 prisoners freed by speedy justice having steered the Judiciary toward inside two buses converted into mobile becoming an active guardian of consti- courts under Chief Justice Puno’s En- tutional rights”. A popular magazine, hanced Justice on Wheels Project. in its editorial wrote “Chief Justice Reynato S. Puno exemplifies the mod- Under his watch, the Supreme ern Filipino intellectual who has com- Court promulgated the Writ of Ampa- mitted himself to the cause of justice ro, Writ of Habeas Data, and Writ of and the promotion of human rights”. Kalikasan to safeguard life, liberty, se- 42 | CABLE TOW VOL 95 - 2 curity, and environment.

Chief Justice Puno declared “I have no ideology except constitution- alism; I have no theology except the rule of law; and I only have one con- stituency, a constituency of a blind lady with an unsheathed sword, which symbolizes justice, justice that is fair to all and unfair to no one. I intend to de- liver that kind of ideal justice”. He re- tired from the government service on May 17, 2010 yet the effectivity of his retirement seemed to have waited for a little while when he again accepted a spirational leader. He is not only our very sensitive position as Chairman of pride but an eloquent symbol of ma- the Consultative Committee that draft- sonic relevance and leadership. He is ed and proposed a new federal consti- familiar with the intricacies of the craft tution. It was a gargantuan task but thus, continually instituting constitu- he believes that there is really a need tional reforms and masonic discipline. to change our constitution. Being an He guided the craft clearly defining the intellectual agile, he led the ConCom real essence of our values and princi- to finish their work in due time and ples. submitted the comprehensive consti- tutional draft to the President, which I wish to touch on his unflinch- draft is now the subject of national -re ing principle of keeping the bridge of view. understanding between and among brethren. In an instance, he said that He still has a lot on his table. he believes that the widening fissures But despite his busy schedule, he is and fractures between peoples in the able to balance his time with his fami- world is rooted on religious misunder- ly, his church, Freemasonry and other standing thus, threatening the brittle civic and business connections. peace of mankind. He therefore, took every opportunity to challenge every On this occasion, we are hap- one of us masons to continue building py to acknowledge the presence of his the bridge of understanding between family. We welcome VW Ringo, Bro. Christians and Muslims. He stressed Emmanuel and Rachel with Issa, Tisha, that the strength of our cabletow binds and Elijah, Bro. Marc and Ruth with the majority of our Christians brothers Julia, Jacob. We hope that your stay and the minority of our Muslim broth- here is pleasant. Let us give them a big ers alike. hand. During the term of ILL. Puno as In masonry, MW Rey is our in- Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Com- VOL 95 - 2 CABLE TOW | 43 mander of the Supreme Council of the our higher selves rule over our lower Scottish Rite, there was a move in Eu- selves or in masonic language, lifting rope to recognize Scottish Rite Bodies the compass of life above the square that restrict membership to Christians of life. only. Ill. Puno rejected the idea for it would mean according to him, turning MW Puno is a man of faith our back to our Muslim brothers. He whose trust is in God. He devotes said “I stood pat on the policy that I much of his time as a Lay Preacher of would sooner lose the hand of recog- the United Methodist Church, Chair- nition of those foreign Scottish Rite man of the Administrative Council of masons but I will never forfeit the faith Puno Memorial Methodist Church, he of our Muslim brothers”. used to be Chairman of the Adminis- trative Board of Knox United Method- Most Worshipful Sirs, our be- ist Church. loved ladies, we did not lose recogni- tion of the foreign Scottish Rite bodies. The life of MW Rey is truly a Instead, we were admitted as regular life of faith. He is Constans who always member of the Conference of Euro- seeks God’s guidance when making pean Sovereign Grand Commanders decisions. He eliminates choices that which truly extended our Supreme violate the Word of God and always lis- Council to its highest recognition tens for the Fathers’ specific direction throughout the masonic world in gen- for any particular situation or circum- eral and the Scottish Rite world, in par- stance. His obedience to God is the re- ticular. sult of faith. By faith, he lives in Christ.

I also subscribe to his policy of ILL. Rey has a very comprehen- change. Again, MW Rey said “mankind sive academic credentials. He earned has long recognized the truism that his Master’s Degree in Comparative the only constant in life is change”. Laws in Southern Methodist Univer- sity (SMU) in Dallas, Texas with high His advocacy on change in the distinction and as valedictorian of his way of life of individual man if attained, class. He is the first Filipino recipient according to him mankind would be of the Distinguish Global Alumnus able to escape from its primary moti- Award given by Dedman School of vation to satisfy personal desires, so Law Southern Methodist University. there will be peace, freedom, stability, He also has his Master of Laws in Uni- progress. versity of California and his Doctorate Degree in Juridical Science from Uni- In many occasions, he reminds versity of Illinois, USA. He has about the masons to change their attitude twelve Honorary Doctorate Degrees towards ignorance, doubt in spiritu- (Honoris Causa) given by many univer- al truth and the change that should sities here and abroad. He was also matter most, he said is that change granted several full scholarships from in our hearts. In other words, making many universities and many Ameri-

44 | CABLE TOW VOL 95 - 2 can Jurisprudence Prize for excellence widows and orphans. He chaired our in Comparative Private International successful Centennial celebration in Law, US Constitutional Structures, In- 2012. Our Most Worshipful Grand ternational Organizations, Problems of Lodge recognizing his many valuable Doing Business Abroad, and American contributions, conferred upon him Jurisprudence prize for Commercial the Medal of Honor, the highest Law. An Outstanding Alumnus of UP award that the Grand Lodge can con- College of Law, he was unanimously fer to any one of us. In Scottish Rite chosen for UP’s first Eminent Resident Freemasonry where he served as Most Scholar Award. Puissant Sovereign Grand Command- er, he was also given the Grand Cross His professional record is simi- Award, the highest award that the Su- larly exciting. Aside from being a prac- preme Council can give for his valuable ticing lawyer, he is also a Professor of services and other achievements. The Law, special lecturer on Constitutional Knights of Rizal also awarded him with Law, and a Bar Examiner in Criminal their highest award, the Grand Cross nd Law. He was appointed 22 Chief Jus- of Rizal. He is also the Centennial tice of our Supreme Court after occupy- Awardee given by the United Method- ing several important positions in the ist Church on the occasion of its 100th government. He was also a member of anniversary. UP’s Board of Regents for two terms, a member of the Board of Directors of There are many more awards some private entities. He has been cit- given to MW Rey. The list is long and ed for more outstanding achievements indeed impressive. The restraint of for which he received more prestigious time however, does not permit me to awards. In 1960, 1961, and 1962, he enumerate them all. was the recipient of the Outstanding Award for Excellence and Leadership The faith, policies and philoso- by UP’s Alpha Phi Beta , one of the Ten phies of MW Rey are so profound and Outstanding Young Men of the Philip- expressive of the excellent qualities pines. Also, he is an Araw ng Maynila and desirable virtues that earned him awardee as Outstanding Jurist. In ma- encomiums of praises from the differ- sonry, he was our MW Grandmaster ent sectors of our society. in 1984. His term had been marked MW Rey, mabuhay ka. May by many accomplishments particu- your tribe increase and prosper. larly in matters of electoral reforms, assistance to our past masters, their

“A man keeps his independence while he holds to his own way of thinking.” - Jose Rizal

VOL 95 - 2 CABLE TOW | 45 More Light in Masonry, More Light from Masons

MW Reynato S. Puno, PGM I have been in masonry sonry outside the lodge, to the open since 1964. In fact, last 2014, I re- society, to the unbounded world at ceived the golden apron from my large. The logic is simple: masons lodge, Hiram Lodge No. 88, sig- must first study and know mason- nifying 50 years of good standing ry with all their heart and soul and membership. A few years from now, then disperse its light to mankind. God willing, I will be given the blue Then and now, I cling to the belief cap in Scottish Rite masonry, sym- that the biggest enemy of masonry, bolic of my 50 year membership in here and elsewhere is ignorance: ig- that appendant body. Truth to tell, I norance by masons of masonry of it never thought I would be a member teachings, both esoteric and exoter- of any organization for such a great ic and ignorance by non-masons of length of time. And little did I think the eternal truths of masonry. I would, for sometime, be one of its leaders. Today, I still cleave to the view that ignorance of masonry In gatherings of seniors, by masons and non-masons is our time is always spent on memories. number one enemy. I call your at- With your kind dispensation, I like tention to the two most immediate to take you back to year 1984 when problems that confront our mason- the brethren gave me the privilege ry today. The first problem is that to sit in the Grand East. If there was posed by the law signed by Presi- one idea that preoccupied me be- dent Rodrigo R. Duterte which ab- fore I wore the purple of the frater- solutely prohibited hazing by any nity, it was the choice of the theme organization. If you will recall, the that would define my incumbency. hazing conducted by a law fraternity I chose the theme, “More Light in in UST resulted in the brutal death Masonry, More Light from Masons,” of its neophyte. The death provoked for I wanted to project the need for a spiral of rage which compelled more knowledge, more wisdom, Congress to investigate. The result and more enlightenment in ma- was the enactment of that law with sonry on the part of masons. And its overarching definition of haz- after this enlightenment, I wanted ing. Unfortunately, the overarch- to project the need for masons to ing definition of hazing will cover scatter the virtues and values of ma- our rites and rituals, especially our

46 | CABLE TOW VOL 95 - 2 raising ceremonial. And the law re- ers, policy makers and academics. quires, among others, that before What happens to all those people we can conduct our ceremonials, who drive for a living when the cars we should get a permission from start driving themselves? Als are fly- the barangay captain who will des- ing planes, advising doctors on the ignate barangay tanods to witness best treatments, writing sports and our rites and rituals. Doubtless, that financial news, xxx telling human will spell the end of masonry in the workers when to show up and when Philippines for the values of mason- to go home xxx Computers used to ry which we communicate in secret work for ; increasingly its will now be revealed to every Tom, now humans working for comput- Dick and Harry, and the mysticism ers of masonry will be no more. It is my xxx submission that it is the dense igno- He continued asking: What rance of non-masons of the histo- is the future of business when tech- ry and philosophy of masonry that nology-enabled workers and market wrongly caused our inclusion in the places, let people choose when and prohibited parameters of the said how much they want to work? What law. Anyway, MW Romeo Momo is is the future of education when on moving heaven and earth to exclude demand learning outperforms tra- us from the overstretched embrace ditional universities in keeping of this prohibitory law. skills up to date? What is the future of media and public discourse when My second short point is that algorithms decide what we will more than ignorance of non-ma- watch and read making their choice sons, it is the ignorance of masons based on what will make the most about masonry that will be fatal to profit for their owners? the survival of masonry in this cen- tury. No ifs and buts about it, we live What is the future of the at a time when everything is chang- economy when more and more ing as a consequence of technologi- work can be done by intelligent cal revolution. Author Tiun O’Reilly machines instead of people or only pointed out the mind boggling con- done by the people in partnership sequences of this revolution: with those machines?

xxx Concluding, futurologist Al and robotics are at the O’Reilly asked and I ask you to pon- heart of a set of wicked problems der these questions: Where is tech- that are setting off alarm bells nology taking us? Is it going to fill among our business and labor lead- us with astonishment or dismay? VOL 95 - 2 CABLE TOW | 47 And most important, what is our at this time, when we see technolog- role in deciding that future? How ical disruptions everywhere, it is the do we make choices today that will duty of masonry, thru its timely and result in a world we want to live in?” timeless teachings, to preserve the (What is the Future and Why It’s Up moral clarity of our people between to Us, p. 4) truth and the so called alternative truth. But we can discharge this all It is my submission, then important and sacred task only and and now, that masonry has an im- only if we continue immersing our- portant role in deciding man’s fu- selves, especially the young masons, ture. This is not the first time, ma- on our teachings that have survived sonry has played this critical role. If the test of time and the challenge of we jog our memory, we will remem- false philosophies. Let us not fear ber that the industrial revolution the technological revolution that likewise caused so much disruption will bring forth Artificial Intelli- in the lives of people and nations. gence, machines with intelligence. The cause of disruption were the Al can never produce machines new machines that threatened to with high morals or machines with displace human labor even while souls. It is masonry with the grace of they promised prosperity to the the Grand Architect of the Universe people. The fear then was that the that can produce men with morals machines and their promised pros- for masonry is a system of morality perity would turn people to materi- woven from the unchanging truths alism and corrupt their spiritual and of antiquity. moral values. History tells us that the machines in the industrial rev- In fine, masons who are ig- olution did not cause the collapse of norant of masonry cannot lead the the spirituality of man for man nev- fight of masonry against any disrup- er substituted the machines as their tion that may weaken the moral val- gods. At the forefront of this struggle ues and spiritual foundation of peo- against materialism brought about ple. In 1984, when I became Grand by machines was masonry, then an Master, I chose the theme, “More ultra-strong moral force in Europe. Light in Masonry, More Light from With its compendium of moral Masons.” I like to think that it is still truths and spiritual teachings, ma- a valid theme considering the dis- sonry guided mankind in the prop- ruptions, beneficial and otherwise, er use of machines to bring progress coming from technology and the to the people, especially man’s fight internet of things. for equality between the have nots A pleasant evening to all! and the have it all. Needless to state, 48 | CABLE TOW VOL 95 - 2 MW LEON ANGEL P. BAŇEZ, PGM Eulogy by: MW Romeo S. Momo Grand Master

The demise of MW Angel of the Philippines as the Grand Leon Banez is a great loss not only Master of Masons. to his family, relatives and friends, It is noteworthy that one of but to Philippine Freemasonry. His the Edicts, specifically Edict No. commitments include his active 131-A, that he issued in relation to membership in appendant bodies the proper handling of the candi- of the Grand Lodge of the Philip- date is very relevant to the present pines such as the Supreme Council time in light of the promulgation of the Ancient and Accepted Scot- of Republic Act no. 11053, oth- tish Rite, Order of the Eastern Star, erwise known as the Anti-Hazing The Royal Order of Scotland, the Law of 2018. His concern for the Order of the Amaranth, and the Or- good of the community is manifest- der of DeMolay. There is no doubt ed when he issued Circular No. 16 that his deep involvement to Free- regarding campaign against illegal masonry and its appendant bodies drugs, which the Philippine Gov- can be attributed to his being born ernment is now focusing in. This into a Masonic family. Circular urged all Master Masons to MW Banez’ great contribu- help and protect innocent children tion and dedication to Philippine and fellowmen from the effects of Freemasonry cannot be over-em- illegal drugs. In this respect, MW phasized. He became the Wor- Banez is a man with generous heart shipful Master of his mother lodge which can be attested by those twice, in 1963 and 1973; and ap- who knew him. pointed for many times as District In behalf of the Grand Deputy Grand Master in his dis- Lodge of the Philippines, we would trict. Notwithstanding his age, he like to extend our deepest sym- still accepted the position of Junior pathy to the family of our beloved Grand Warden in 1994, and at the Grand Master, MW Leon Angel age of 74, he accepted the chal- Banez. lenge of leading the Grand Lodge

VOL 95 - 2 CABLE TOW | 49 Response by: Honeybee Baňez

Good evening, family, relatives, ladies and gentlemen.

I am Honeybee. I’m the youngest daughter of Dr. Leon Angel P. Banez, Past Grand Master (1997).

I grew up in a family of masons that includes all my brothers, a brother-in-law, nephews, relatives, and myself, an Eastern Star.

When I was a little girl, I attended almost all masonic activities with my Papa and Mama, and Manong Leny, a mason from Cavite.

My Mama Babes and the whole family supported our Papa without hesitation.

I always accompanied Papa Lening in all his masonic activities (with my 2 kids playing around the Grand Master’s office). I was then designat- ed as the DDGM (his Daughter, Driver of GM!). With this, I was able to establish friendship with Dads, Kuyangs, Moms, Atengs of the fraternity.

He was a dedicated mason all his life, being the oldest elected Grand Master. He was influenced into masonry by his grand uncle, PGM Sen. Quintin Paredes (1922), and his father, the late Dr. Leon Crisologo

50 | CABLE TOW VOL 95 - 2 Banez, Sr., who was also a mason and a military doctor from Abra.

Papa Lening, as we fondly call him, was able to bring 4 sons, a son- in-law, nephews and grandsons into the Fraternity. Other family members wanted to follow his footsteps in Masonry.

He was a pioneer doctor in pulmonary medicine who established the anti-TB program in the province of Cagayan.

He organized charitable medical and surgical activities doing his stint as doctor. Sometimes his professional fees are pro-bono/free espe- cially for his poor patients.

Everyone in the family will remember him as a very generous and lovable father, the best grandfather to his 31 grandchildren, and 18 great grandchildren.

He was God fearing, God loving, a statesman, a generous doctor, a perfect family man!

We will miss you!

We salute and love you!

Thank you for your selfless gift, Papa Lening!

Job well done.

The greatest GM of all!

Thank you, too, to his brethren masons for giving him very memo- rable years of his life.

“Without education and liberty, that soil and that sun of mankind, no reform is possible.” - Jose Rizal

VOL 95 - 2 CABLE TOW | 51 LINTIK LANG captain then and I was a newly WALANG GANTI promoted major. Tiano was as si- lent as the grave and I never saw Bro. Ignacio V. Illenberger him lose his temper. I asked him A reprint from the 2009 original text about this seeming aberration and posted in ‘Pinoy Masons’, a Yahoo he said his branch of the surname group of Masons withersoever dis- came from Baco, Mindoro Orien- persed. Bro Lorenzo Ilao, an active tal, the homeland of the Mang- contributor of humor stories to Pinoy yans. The Ilaos there absorbed Masons, belongs to a lodge in Toronto, the stoic demeanor of the native Canada. Bro. Asiong Illenberger was Mangyans but also acquired their YMCA Iloilo OIC/General Secretary vengeful attitude towards injustice. 2008-2011 when he wrote the letter) We had this bully of a Kuyang Lorenz: neighbor, a colonel. His wife was also a bully and his tomboyish Hahaha, that was a cool daughter was also a bully. Worse, story. Well, some twenty years they had this pet boxer. Man, that ago, while still in the active military boxer was a bully and a mean one. service with our Marine Corps, I Neighborhood dogs and cats kept had a similar experience with dog out of the boxer’s way. The boxer poo, bully neighbors and getting dog bully needed to unload ev- even. It seems that these are al- ery three hours during the day (I ways pitfalls in neighbor relations don’t know what the owners fed be they in Canada or Manila. it). The bully family (and pet) lived

across the street. They would shoo Those days, we lived inside their dog away from their own camp with manicured lawns and all. lawn into Tiano’s or mine. Need- But the downside was that we had less to say, we were scared stiff of several lousy neighbors who stayed this bully family. Tiano and I were consistent with the Pinoy culture’s also sure that in a confrontation, lack of pet responsibility that you the powers that be would side so vividly described but in Canada. with the colonel rather than us.

In the Pinoy Marine Corps Well, I am Ilonggo and my there were about five grunts -sur promdi upbringing taught me that named Ilao. I once had the im- getting mad is stupid, getting even pression that they were all from is smarter. So I kept things to my- Batangas and that all Ilaos had self and bought the most powerful that typical explosive Batanguenio paint gun in the market. I then con- temper. Well, my next door neigh- cocted a potent brew of ground sil- bor Salustiano, a fellow Marine, ing labuyo (native pepper) mixed was an exception. He was a senior with castor oil and injected the stuff

52 | CABLE TOW VOL 95 - 2 into a neutral color paint ball. Well, a bag of berries. Having grown in I got lucky the first opportunity. I the province, I instantly recognized hit the mutt on the asshole before the variety. Nipay is a wild fruit with it could unload. Moments later, I seeds covered by a thick coat of heard a great commotion inside itchy pollen. As kids our summer the bullys’ house. The mutt froze vacation thrills were the regularly upon being hit and wasn’t able to occurring sumpak (bamboo airgun) unload but ran back to their house gang fights and duels along the while furiously licking its burning ass- dried river beds. We used to coat hole, lost control and scattered poo all our paper mache ammo with Nipay over their carpet. I had a smile that big. pollen. Whoever gets hit with Nipay would need to go to a dermatolo- When Tiano got home, he gist to get rid of the terrible itching. also had a smile that big and he brought along a case of beer. I Some days later, the bully guess I wasn’t as secretive as I daughter was pulling their boxer thought I was. After about six pet towards Tiano’s yard to unload. San Migs, Tiano eyed me with a She was wearing short shorts that squint and said the incident could exposed ample portions of her – only involve me in some way. As duh - posterior. First the mutt gets he was my drinking buddy, he it on the nose and it makes a sud- smoothly reminded me of a mor- den burst towards home. Then al duty to share the secret with as the bully was struggling to pull him. (Whew! Masons also talk that it back, she gets it high on her way!) So I told him. Heck, to this exposed leg proximate to – duh day I knew it was a wrong thing to – nether regions. Both ran back brag, but dang these San Migs, inside the house. Let us draw the they have a way of breaking down curtain of charity over the language even the best trained resolve! Too blurted during all the commotion. late. My telling Tiano the details of my caper awakened in him the The whole neighborhood worst in his Mangyan upbringing became aware of the events but (you should have seen the wicked kept silent. Peace and harmony glint in his eyes - scary). The bully reigned in our neighborhood there- daughter was frequently harass- after. But alas, as Josef Broz Tito is ing Tiano’s youngest daughter, it known to have said, “martyrdom is was about time the bully paid. the hallmark of partisanship”. The cause of justice and peace demands Tiano borrowed my paint that a price be paid. In the case gun, another of my mistakes in of Tiano’s and mine, the price paid that sordid affair. A few days lat- was levied under the table and be- er, Tiano had a visitor, an authen- low the belt. Tiano was posted for tic Mangyan, who brought along 14 months in the Pinoy Navy’s Sibe-

VOL 95 - 2 CABLE TOW | 53 An old Marine teaches YMCA Iloilo young H-Y campers how to build a fuel efficient and all night bonfire that doubles up as a barbecue pit ria, the Spratlys. I was groomed to I now work with YMCA Iloilo and be promoted ahead of my contem- just finished constructing our- Ec poraries that year but I got promot- umenism Hall for eight different ed with my juniors two years later. prayer groups. I have also found serenity after organizing a choral Tiano has since retired and group from among the street chil- has migrated to Australia. Tiano dren and we sing during services wrote that he got a job as dog of the disparate prayer groups catcher but has also been injected that meet in our Ecumenism Hall. with all kinds of vaccines after he I have also avoided having dogs as suffered several attacks by dogs pets. At home I have six pet cats. during his rounds. To this day, after several letters, he keeps saying he The life of a Mason can turn out in is still mystified that only the boxer mysterious ways, no? breeds have attacked him. He has also been trying to knock on the In mutual awe of the mysteries in doors of the Craft but he has tak- the travels of a Freemason, I remain en the pain to approach only those Fraternally yours, that did not have boxers as pets. ASIONG ILLENBERGER I became a Mason and retired also.

54 | CABLE TOW VOL 95 - 2 GM’s Masonic Activities Rite of Constitution Pulo ng Iilan Masonic Lodge No. 439, June 7, 2018

Waterwood Park Subd., Daang , Brgy. Pagala, Baliuag,

VOL 95 - 2 CABLE TOW | 55 GM’s Masonic Activities Dedication and Blessing MW Joseph E. Schon Masonic Lodge No. 186, August 14, 2018 Eco - Trans Link Highway, San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

56 | CABLE TOW VOL 95 - 2 GM’s Masonic Activities Lodge Dedication San Mariano Lodge No. 307, September 29, 2018

VOL 95 - 2 CABLE TOW | 57 GM’s Masonic Activities Cornerstone Laying Ang Rehenerasyon Lodge No. 402, September 6, 2018

San Francisco, Conception, Tarlac

58 | CABLE TOW VOL 95 - 2 GM’s Masonic Activities Cornerstone Laying Camiguin Lodge No. 296, September 18, 2018

MD R10-Mambajao, Camiguin

VOL 95 - 2 CABLE TOW | 59 GM’s Masonic Activities Instituted Pangarap Masonic UD, September 5, 2018

60 | CABLE TOW VOL 95 - 2 GM’s Masonic Activities Instituted Primera Republica Masonic UD, September 5, 2018

VOL 95 - 2 CABLE TOW | 61 GM’s Masonic Activities Instituted Deodoro C. Go Masonic UD, September 29, 2018

62 | CABLE TOW VOL 95 - 2 GM’s Masonic Activities Instituted Moncada Masonic UD, October 8, 2018

VOL 95 - 2 CABLE TOW | 63 GM’s Masonic Activities Instituted Bantayang Bato Masonic UD, October 10, 2018

64 | CABLE TOW VOL 95 - 2 GM’s Masonic Activities Instituted Calasio Masonic UD, October 10, 2018

VOL 95 - 2 CABLE TOW | 65 GM’s Masonic Activities Northern Mindanao Multi-District Convention, Cagayan De Oro City, August 4, 2018

66 | CABLE TOW VOL 95 - 2 GM’s Masonic Activities

Southern Mindanao Multi-District Convention, Cotabato City, September 8, 2018

VOL 95 - 2 CABLE TOW | 67 GM’s Masonic Activities

Western Mindanao Multi-District Convention, Pagadian City, September 21, 2018

68 | CABLE TOW VOL 95 - 2 GM’s Masonic Activities Coastal Clean Up

Coastal Clean Up in in coodination with the Luzon and NCR Districts of The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Philippines, October 6, 2018 at near U.S. Em- bassy, Roxas Blvd., Ermita, Manila.

VOL 95 - 2 CABLE TOW | 69 Flag Raising Ceremonies




VOL 95 - 2 CABLE TOW | 71 Courtesy Calls

Courtesy Call on Bro. Vicente Sotto at the Senate, Aug. 2, 2018

72 | CABLE TOW VOL 95 - 2 GM’s Masonic Activities

R1 VW Jimenez and Victory Lodge, August 29, 2018

Courtesy Call of Bantayan Bato Lodge UD, September 19, 2018

VOL 95 - 2 CABLE TOW | 73 GM’s Masonic Activities



74 | CABLE TOW VOL 95 - 2 TH Birthday of Marcelo H. Del Pilar 168 Ika-168 Guning Taong Pagsilang ni Gat Marcelo H. Del Pilar Araw ng Huwebes Ika 30 ng Agosto taong 2018 sa Dambanang Marcelo H. Del Pilar, San Nicolas, Bulakan, Bulacan.

VOL 95 - 2 CABLE TOW | 75 The Grand Master visits his Mother Lodge, Red Mountain Lodge No. 241, August 06, 2018

76 | CABLE TOW VOL 95 - 2 Grand Master’s Birthday

TANDAG, SURIGAO August 6, 2018

VOL 95 - 2 CABLE TOW | 77 IMES

IMES 2018-09-121 Royal Class Officers: Severino D. Cruz, Presi- dent, Cupang Masonic Lodge No. 295; Rolando M. Geronimo, Vice Pres- ident, Kakarong Masonic Lodge No. 327; Pastor G. Garcia, Treasurer, Ma- lolos Lodge No. 46; Edjieth S. Cajucom, Secretary, Malolos Lodge No. 46; Alexander P. Meneses, Historian, Cupang Masonic Lodge No. 295.

IMES 2018-14-126 Durian Class Officers: Carlos L. Espero II, Pres- ident, Tagum Lodge No. 204; Noel P. Gloria, Vice President, Digos Masonic Lodge No. 198; Jose Rafael D. Narajos IV, Treasurer, Beacon Masonic Lodge No. 213; Virgilio G. Dela Rosa, Secretary, Sarangani Masonic Lodge No. 50; Franslome John S. Gabin, Historian, Sarangani Masonic Lodge No. 50. 78 | CABLE TOW VOL 95 - 2 VOL 95 - 2 CABLE TOW | 79

Construction & Construction Management

2nd Floor Garnet Place, M.L. Quezon St., Cabancalan, Mandaue City 6014 Office Hours: Mon to Fri 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM

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