VOL. IV.—No. 7. FORDS AND RARITAN TOWNSHIP FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 14, 1939. PRICE THREE Democrats Meet REPUBLICANS ANNOUNCE STRAIGHT G. 0. P, In Session THIRD SPECIAL FIRE ELECTION TO Unreserved ^ ; FORDS.—The Fords Republican FORDS.—The Fords Democratic !Club met last night in the New club met Tuesday night at Thom- TICKET IN COMMISSION ELECTION: : Brunswick avenue headquarters BE HELD TOMORROW: LISTS WILL sen's community hall. President 1 Again Being Joseph Levandowski was in with Albert Larson presiding. Re- charge. Howard Fletcher was the freshments were served. Talked About... main speaker. DEMOCRATS LIST ONLY 3 CHOICES NOT INCLUDE PAID FIREMAN ITEM Every so often, certain closed groups of disgruntled Four Present Commissioners And Pardun to Form Repub- Hansen and Lybeck Give Approval After Public Meeting, ward-heelers launch weak agitation to change the form of BOOK 4 ARRESTS lican Slata; Democrats Nominate Dudics, For- RESIDENTS URGE Held Tuesday, Attended by 12 Voters government in Woodbridge township. They don't care tier and Nothnagel; Expect 15 In Race what new form is adopted as long as they can get in on theAFTER CHECK-UP FORDS. — Tomorrow afternoon, bolween Iho hours of kill. In all fairness to our present style of township gov- RARITAN TOWNSHIP.—Straight Republican andj ABOLISHMENT OF 3 and 7, the third special election on the 19;>9 lire budget ernment, we must report that it has served the municipal- Democratic tickets will grace the election ballots on May 9, will be held at the local lirehouse. The twice-defeated ity well and the time for a change to something else is ON RAZED HOUSE for the lirst time since the origin of the commission form of issue got its stamp of approval from Carl Hanson and Wal- not yet here. government in this township, 12 years ago. The entire Re- FIRE DISTRICTS ter Lybeck, two of the opposing faction's representatives Township government, one of the most numerous of CHARGES OF* CONSPIRACYpublican ticket was announced Wednesday night at a par-20 SIGN PETITION AND PRE-at the recent meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners the .nearly dozen forms of local rule in New Jersey, is AND ROBBERY MADE ty sponsored by the West Raritan Republican Club, but SENT IT TO COMMISSION ON FOUR PERSONS of District No. 7, Fords. likewise one of the oldest, which means it has met the test only three Democrats are entered in the race as yet. The budget received two serious of long trials and experience. It is flexible, responsive and The five Republicans slated for ——— - RARITAN TOWNSHIP.—Twen- RARITAN TOWNSHIP. — Two 1 setbacks on February 18 and conforms to the basic idea of government being an instru- election include the present fourj HOSPITAL ty local residents signed a petition March 11 when voters rejected the BOARD FAILS TO ment of the people. persons were arrested on charges commissioners and John E. Par- and submitted it to the Township appropriations, including the much of consiparacy and two others on Board of Commissioners Wednes- Under the township system, administration of muni- dun, township health inspector. discussed paid fireman item. charges of robbery and assault as James P. Fortier, Andrew Dudics, day* night, asking fr an investiga- Two weeks ago the board an- APPOINT TALBOT cipal affairs is centralized in a committee. Elections are the result of an investigation of a both of Clara Barton section, and tion of the now existing fire dis- nounced a hearing open to the held each year. The members are named for two-year fire on Vineyard road last October. August Nothnagel of Oak Tree sec- tricts. The pettioners requested public for the purpose of deter- terms, the expirations being staggered. Thus the commit- Local police, aided by-investigators tion are the Democratic choices. the absorbtion of the districts into mining just what items were most from the National Board of Fire The names of the remaining two the township government. undesirable. On the following AFTER 'SESSION' tee at all times has the services of two or more seasoned Underwriters, made the arrests. The petition was drawn up as a candidates will be announced by Tuesday night less than a dozen DAVIS AND LARSON CARRY members and the continuity of pending business is pre- Mrs. Mary Renner, 31, of Vine- Democratic headquarters within a result of the recent presentment citizens attended the meeting to served, offering decided advantages over the election of an yard road, owner of the house few days. Those mentioned for the against fire districts handed down voice their opinions. OUT DEBATE: ISSUE IS entire body every three years. which was destroyed by fire on theposts are Joseph Costa, of Stelton, by the December term Grand Jury The only objectors present were UNDECIDED Administration and regulative matters are determined morning of Octber 17, was held John Ellmyer, Jr., and Edward and it was presented to the com-Hansen and Lybeck and they mov- for the Grand Jury under $2,000 Harkins, of Piscata way town. missioners by William Boy Ian of ed for the budget's adoption upon RARITAN TOWNSHIP.—After for the most part by a majority vote. The law governing bail on a charge of conspiracy to Plainfield avenue, Stelton, who learning that the item for an- a lengthy and heated session of certain types of ordinances calls for more than a majority, Albert E. Davies, president of served on the Grand Jury. -*• defraud. the board of education, and Harry other paid fireman had been omit- the board of education behind but these instances are not many. Samuel Godino, 50, also of Vine- Latham, both of Piseatawaytown, Mayor Walter C. Christensen ted from the appropriations to be closed doors in School No. 3 Mon- Schools are operated by a board of education. The yard road, who was residing in theare candidates on the independent stated that (he township governing" presented the voters at the next day night, the board failed to committee is charged with raising the money for school house at the time it burned, was ticket. It is expected that at least body has been waiting for official election, tomorrow. agree on the re-nppointment ol maintenance through taxation, but has little voice in de- held under a bond of $1,000 on a fifteen candidates will be in the notice of the presentment from The itemized budget list is as Fred A. Talbol, supei intendent uf charge of attempting to defraud. race before the deadline for the the prosecutor's office before tak- follows: township schools. termining the amount, which gives rise to frequent com- According to Police Chief Char- filing of petitions. ing any action on it. Commission- Water, power, light, gas Since the entire session was de- plaint. It lis contended by township officials a preferable les Grandjean and Police Commis- er Victor C. Pedersen asked wheth and telephone $200.00 voted to matters pertaining; to the sioner Pedersen, who directed the The Republican slate was an- er or not it was the custom of the Miscellaneous 600.00 method would be joint action by the committee and school nounced Wednesday night by Per- superintendent's- job, no further board on expenditures for education. long investigation, Godino had proseculor'-s office to notify com- Paid Drivers 2,150.00 business was discussed, leaving submitted a statement of loss to cy Dixon, Sr., who served as chair- munities in matters of this kind Repairs to building 400.00 man of the nominating committee the renewal of contracts for town- As to other functions, there are agencies customary his insurance company asking for 'Ben" Jensen and Township Attorney Thomas Equipment 1,000.00 ship teachers and officinl-s until the in all government, such as a board of health, police and $1,400 to cover the loss of furni- at the party held at the Highland j Hansen indicated that this was the Fuel " 200.00 May meeting. fire departments and divisions of tax assessment and col-ture and personal property. The Grove, Route 25, near Plainfield FORDS. — Probation Officer usual procedure. Maintaining alarm 200.00 The dispute arose when School lection. Many townships cooperate in matters of health investigation was started, accord- avenue. Dr. E. K. Hanson, town-1 Benhardt Jensen, of this place, is The petition was submitted to Insurance 915.00 Commissioner Arthur W. Larson ing to police reports, when the in-ship Republican chairman, ad- said tobe in a "fair condition" at the commission as a whole for fur Commissioners' salary 410.00 moved to renew Talbot's contract protection and similar common problems. surance company found certain dressed the group of 200 and ex- the Perth Amboy General hospital ther consideration. It read: Truck _...' 500.00 for three years. (Ed. note: Since In addition to school monies, State and county taxes discrepancies in Godino's list. pressed the purpose in presenting • after an emergency appendectomy "We, the undersigned, free- 19;iG Talbot has worked under one- a solid ticket so that the Republi-! performed there Wednesday night Paid Firemen 625.00 and a mass of mandatory spending legislation are other Grandjean stated that Godiuo holders m Raritan Township, peti- Supplies 100.00 year contracts). President Albert requirements beyond the discretion of the committee. No made a statement to investigators can party may be re-established by Dr. Frank C. Henry, Jr. tion the commissioners of Raritan E. Davis, Secretary John J. AiDd- matter what percentage of taxes is collected, State and that Mrs. Renner aided in making here on a firm basis. Jensen, who has been complain- Township to investigate the now, $7,300.00 erson and G. Stanley Van Sickle out the falsely itemized list. Dixon stated that the present inug of ill health the past several existent fire districts in said town- Water hydrants and voted to oppose such a contract. A. county levies, together with school appropriations, must be commissioners were selected un- weeks, was stricken with an acute ship and to abolish and absorb said During the investigation, Mrs. 1 mains, etc $6,000.00 Leonard Murphy, who praised Tal- paid lin full, the township taking what remains. The slump Renner informed the police that animously for re-election and that1 attack of appendicitis Wednesday fire commission and districts. ' bot highly, voted affirmatively, in tax payments during depression years has presented two men, one of whom was known Pardun was chosen from a long night at his home and was rushed The action of the Grand Jury in making the count 3-2 against a grave questions of financing for some of the committees to her, had demanded $1,000 or list of. potential candidates. , to the hospital for an immediate returning the presentment approv- three-year contract. and emphasizes the need of a revised procedure for a threatened bodily harm. The two Township Tax Assessor Russell operation. ing the abolishment of all fire dis- Anderson then requested to men, according to the report, had Walker acted as master of cere- tricts jn the county resulted from LOCAL FIRE UNIT spread of revenue losses during lean years. ; convene in executive session, to taken $50 from her sometime dur- monies and introduced the f,. e o.n investigation made of condi- which Larson vigorously protested The flexibility of the township plan has been demon- ing last May. candidates, all of whom spoke tions in the Oak Tree fire district and refused to have "any part of strated repeatedly by a sudden growth of population re- As a result of this story, Rudolph briefly. James Dempsey, secretary here, following a series of nine in- PLANS PROGRAM it." Larson then turned to Davis sulting in the location in the area of a new industry or theToth, 37, of Barton street, was held of the county board of elections, DEMS TO HOLD dictments returned aganst William and said, "Last yoar you approach- construction of a super-highway. With the influx of resi- under $1,000 bail for the Grand was the guest speaker and he com- Reed, a former president of the vd me with a five-year contract Jury on charges of robbery and mended the party for presenting a Oak Tree fire board, charging him FOR BIG PARADE for Talbot; this year things sud- dents has come home building and demands for a variety John Sirako, 39, of f448 Ambov straight ticket. GET-TOGETHER with forgery and embezzlement. denly change." of modern facilities ordinarily found only in cities. avenue, Perth Amboy, was held The Democratic nominating com The presentment scored the lax- Davis simply replied that several CLARA BARTON. The last ity of the board members and DEPARTED MEMBERS TO New Jersey includes townships possessing virtually under $1,000 bond on charges of mittee which named three candi- BE HONORED AT matters have occurred which temd- all the advantages of city life, plus the charm of a sub-assault and robbery- dates includes Sheriff Julius C. in a series of Democratic get-to- pointed out that it was possible in ed to change his mind. Larson then Toth and Sirako both entered Engel, township Democratic lead- gether suppers will be sponsored all cases of fire commissions. SERVICES charged that "too much under- bui-b and the list is steadily increasing. Often the change pleas of not guilty when arraigned er, and Herbert Pfeiffer, Christian by the Sixth District Democratic No action will be taken until cover work is being done," and ffrom a rural community is so rapid, little time is allowed, before Recorder Alfred C. Urffer, Jorgenson, Oscar Pillar, John La- Club tomorrow evening at Our the commission is notified of the RARITAN TOWNSHIP — Plans exchanged verbal remarks with comparatively speaking-for the necessary expansion of ad-stating that they had taken the ko, Joseph Ambrose, Edward Har- Lady of Peace school.' Grand Jury action by the prose- for the annual Memorial Day par-Davis, challenging the president of mtinistrative mechanics along broad lines. It is a tribute to $50 from Mrs. Renner as payment kins, Edward Slads, Karl Kepper Sheriff Julius C. Engel, town- i cutor and an opinion is given on ade in the Piseatawaytown section, the board to bring to light publicly the system that it has succeeded so well in meeting the for a job they were to do for .her. and airs. Mildred Smith. ship Democratic chairman, will be i what might be the best cour.se to to be sponsored this year by Rar-any objections he held. Mrs. Renner, who was arraign- toaslmaster and speakers will in-'take, itan Engine Company No. 1 with To which Davis remarked: "I conditions presented by these circumstances. ed Wednesday, entered a plea of elude: James P. Fortier, Andrew Many comments, both for and the co-operation of Fugle-Hum- still have the right to vote and not guilty. All four have been re- Dudics, Joseph R. Costa, Edward against fire districts in every com- mer Po.^l No. 65, American Legion, think as I please." Larson then re- leased under the bonds set to J. Harkins and Attorney Christian imunity in the county which has are being arranged. minded Davis UiL't school matters await the action of the Grand Jury. ELECT VOORHEES J. Jorgenson. | this form of government, have Theodore Eggerlson, chairman should be made public. FORDS DELEGATION MAKES PLANS been heard, but the petition filed of the committee in charge of ar- Davis then insisted that the mat- County Committeeman George here last night was the first official rangements, is making an effort to Gulya Jr., is general chairman,. ,. . . , „ ter be held in abeyance until the get the police department, school board could convene privately to CLUB PRESIDENT assisted by Frank Baronovski, action arising from the Grand TO GREET DENMARK GROWN PRINCE DINNER DANCE TO John Lako, George Chilipka, Jack presentment. children and local fraternal and ascertain "certain matters," con- RARITAN TOWNSHIP. — Ed-Rnyon, Michael Toth, Wilbert civic organizations to participate in cerning the school .superintendent. FORDS.—Thousands of men, and Mrs. Wadsted and the Danish ward M. Voorhees was elected Elanchard, Andrew Kovach, Vic- the affair. Continued on page eight Consular General, George Bech president of the Raritan Township tor Kalentony, Frank Cacciola. The company is also sponsoring women and! children of Danish an- MARK 6TH YEAR an essay contest on the subject of cestry from throughout this sec- and Mrs. Bech, of New York. City. Special Officers' Pistol Club at the Albert Antonides, Stephen De- Upon their arrival here, the par- regular meeting of the unit Sun- FORDS LIONS TO "fire protection" for eighth grade tion, state and nation, are expected meter, George Elko, William Ne- students in the Piseatawaytown to be on hand in Perth Amboy on ty will be met by Governor and day evening. Others elected to of- meth, John Dudash, Mrs. Juli;: Mrs. A. Harry Moore and a recep- OF LOCALJROUP fice included: James Governale. school. Complete details on the HONOR DEMPSEY Friday, May 5, to greet Crown Harmon, Benjamin Wittnebert. contest will be announced after Prince Frederick and his wife, the tion committee comprising repre- secretary; Joseph Merker, treas- Grover Conover, Stephen Kubiak HOLD CLAMBAKE sentatives of the Danish and KNIGHTS AND SQUIRES AT urer; and Police Lieut. Harold Pet- the next meeting of the unit. A Princess Ingrild, of Denmark, BUSINESS SESSION; Lena iSchauffhauser. Joseph Vin- cash prize of $5 will be awarded when they visit here. Swedish-American population of erson, instructor. cent and John Hasinec. AT G.J). P. PARTY Perth Amboy and this section, as NAME BOARD A short talk on small arms was FOR XMASJUND the winner. The royal couple, heirs appar- well as by several state and city Departed members of the, com- RARITAN TOWNSHIP.—James ent to the Danish throne, will be given by Chief of Police Charles officials. A luncheon at Dana hall, RARITAN TOWNSHIP. — TheGrandjean, who in conclusion dis- TO ELECT OFFICERS ENDORSE LEGISLATION TC pany will be honored at the an- A. Dempsey, commissioner of reg- tendered pomp and ceremony, un- an inspection of Perth Amboy Knights and Squires Club of the nual Memorial Service of the or- istration of New Brunswick, was like any celebration ever held in tributed police identification cards AID BLIND: SHARP cultural, historical and industrial Raritan Bay district will observe to the special officers. Practice HENRY STREET.—The annual HEADS GROUP ganization, to be held on Sunday, the principal speaker Wednesday this section before. In their en- interest and a mass reception in its sixth anniversary at a dinner- election of the Henry Street Com- May 7, at the Stelton Baptist night, at the "grand old party" of tourage will be the Danish Minis- drills will be held weekly, it was the Perth Amboy High School dance to be held Saturday evening, announced. munity club will be held tonight. Church. The business session was the West Raritan Republican club, ter to Washington, Otto Wadsted make up the itinary of the royal June 3, at the Pines^ Route 27. FORDS.—At the regular dinner Members include: William Doll, All members throughout the Town meeting of. the Fords Lions Club, conducted by Paul Berrue, pres- in the superhighway Highland visit. William Balderston, of Fords, is William Oltman, Joseph Brox- ship are urged to attend. ident of the company. Grove. general chairman of arrangements heli Monday night in Thomsen's meyer, Stephen Dudash, Willis The club has a membership of community hall, final plans were Mayor Walter C. Christensen and will be assisted by Secretary Davis, Otto Rossmeyer, William 136 and is making a drive to en- VITAL STATISTICS and Commissioners Pedersen, Tro- 1939 OUTLOOK Clarence DiUworth, Ben Gardella, made for the semi-annual clam- WOODBRIDGE. — Twenty-one Rossmeyer, Edward Lucas, John roll another 150 new members. Apj oake to be sponsored by the organ- ger and Forgione were the guests Michael J. Germak, Stephen Tot- Colletti, Wilbur Nelson, Ezra Grant. plications arenow ready and can j tion. President Charles J. Alex- births, 12 death and 12 marriages of honor. C. Raymond Lyons, New COMMUNITY UNIT tin, William Hart and Recorder Al- za were reported during the past Brunswick attorney, also spoke Herbert Peterson, Waiter Gerluf-' be had by getting in touch withan(jer presided at the meeting. GOOD-A. OUADT fred C. Urffer. sen, Wendell Slavick and Thomas the secretary, Harry Earl, of Men- month in the Township, according briefly. At the last meeting of the group '. Tickets for the affair were dis- to a report made by B. J. Dunigan. Lento. lo Park. tributed to members at the meet- George Rush was general chair- FORDS.—Earnings, assets and SPONSORSDANCE Andrew Jacobs was added to the registrar of vital statistics, at a man of arrangements, assisted by surplus of the American Motorists membership committee and dele- ling. T. Wesley Liddle, Ben Jensen meeting of the Board of Health ! and Hans Jensen comprise the Russell Milleman, William Robert- Insurance Company, of Chicago, OAK TREE. — A streamer and gated to draw up an appropriate Monday night. son and Mrs. Catherine Wagner. reached the highest levels in the confetti dance, sponsored by the seal as the official stamp of the j committee in charge of arrange- company's history in 1938, Adolph Henry Street Community Club, club. One new member, William OUTSTANDING ACTS WILL FEATURE Iments. Reservations for the clam- Quadt & Son, local representatives I will take place tomorrow night at Mullen, of Philadelphia, Pa., was | bake can be made by contacting of the company, announced today, jthe H. K. fireball, in Charles admitted. • any member of the club. The pro- Earnings for the year amounted to jstreet. ceeds of the affair will be used to BOARD OF HEALTH 0, K'S An executive committee ap- ANNUAL SHOW OF SAFETY PATROL defray the expenses of the annual $1,295,064.12 of which $988,050.75 Fire-Commissioner Wilbur Har- pointed by President Stephen A. was returned to policy-holders in RARITAN TOWNSHIP. — Arrangements for the enter- Christmas party for needy chil- ned is general chairman on ar- Tankochik, comprising the follow- dren. dividends. Dividends to stockhold- rangements assisted by Mr. and ing: C. Dillworth, M. Germak and tainment program to be presented May 5 at the annual OF EIGHT TEMPORARY DOG WARDENS ers totaled $60,000.00 and $61,- W. Balderston, was drawn up at Howard W. Sharp, chairman of Mrs. Charles Smith, Jack Clancy, benefit show* of the township school safety patrol in the WOODBRIDGE.—In a concerted papers. I find- that most of the dog 627.50 was added to a special re- Joseph Batkin, J. Csincsak. Mr. the suggestion of Balderston. Clara Barton school auditorium, are now being completed. the blind committee, suggested that serve which with the reserve for and Mrs. Massenett, Mrs. Krom- Plans were discussed for the for- the organization endorse pending drive to rid the Township of dogs owners are on relief or on WPA so contingencies of $200,000 is suffi- mes, Mrs. Woods, Mrs. Paul, Har- mation of a softball tea"m to re- It was announced that several pupils in the various schools legislation in Trenton to aid this running at large, and to combat even if I have them ai rested they cient-to adjust all stocks to the ry Earl and J. Jaccond. Mrs. present the club in a nearby sum- will participate. ~~ group. The club responded unani- the menace of rabid dog bite cases,' cannot pay the fines. During the lowest level reached in the de-Thomas Short is in charge of tick- mer league. Jacobs was named Harry Swivel, the Great Swiv- school; Mary Flavock and Dorothy mously. A delegation of the local Health Officer Harold J. Bailey \ past month we had eight dog bite pression year of 1932. The balance, ets. chairman of the softball commit- el will be the featured entertain-1 Kovatch#of the Lady of Peace club went to Dunellen last night to was given permission by the Board cases and over the past week-end which was retained as undivided scho1 and Jean attend the advisory cabinet meet- of Health Monday night to hire, alone, six cases were reported to tee, assisted by Dr. Ralph Deutch er of the evening. The Great Swiv- Christensen and me at my home. If we do not get profits, increased the surplus to and Theodore Miller. ello, is well known for his extra- Lillian Kovach of the Sand Hills ing of the Lions clubs in the Neweight temporary dog warden, one- policyholders to $1,899,952.14. SCHAFFRICK COMMITTEE school. Brunswick area. of which will be placed in each; the situation under control im- Following the business session a ordinary feats of magic and his per : mediately, some rabid . dog will In commenting on general busi- IN SPECIAL MEETING short debate took place on the cur-formance is being widely antici- Commissioner Victor C. Peder- section of the Township. The ness conditions, Mr. Quadt said, wardens will be paid on the same bite another dog which will make rent horse race betting bill. The pated. Lilian Gecsey and Pauljsen, chairman of the department 1 it hard to trace and before we "We have every belief that 1939 FORDS.—The nominating com- affirmative side, which comprised Rossi, both of Woodbridge, will of public safety, will be the guest Must Pay Wife $7.00 basis as the compensation received by the regular dog catcher. know it, some child may die of will find better (business condi- mittee of the James Shaffrick As- William Balderston and President appear in a special dance routine. of honor. Arrangements for thej Weekly, Judge Orders .hydrophobia." tions prevailing. With increasing sociation convened Tuesday eve- Tankochik, won a decision on The duet is one of the best dan- show are under the direction ofi 1 In making his plea to the Board Bailey told the committee that employment, the volume of insur- ning in the Fords Casino at 8:30 grounds- that such a bill would cing combinations in the state, Patrolman Edwin C. Mneu, safety • of Health, Bailey said: ance should show substantial gains. o'clock. Members of the commit- 1 patrol director. WOODBRIDGE.—Anthony Kub- he counted 19 dogs running at add to the state treasury with its having appeared in many leading "The dog situation is getting be- large on King George's road and Our agency has made steady pro- tee are Frank Szaller, Ray Gro-large source of revenues. The ne-shows and benefits. All proceeds of the show will be ik. 29, of 281 Church street, this gress due primarily to the secur- gan, Joseph Taylor, Frank Kamin- place, was ordered to pay his wife yond control. With the Township six on Main street, Woodbridge, gative side, represented by Secre- Among the students who will placed in the fund ofr the annual that morning. ity, service and savings we have ski, Robert Kovacs and John Deak. tary Dillworth, argued that legal- seven dollars weekly, after he wasas large as it is, it is impossible to participate in the show are: Rob-summer outing of the 200 patrol clean up the situation with one dog On a motion made by Commit- been able to offer our policyhold- The next meeting of the club will ized betting would invite immor- erta Jennings and Roland Wuest, members. Tickets are now on sale given a suspended sentence in po- er and we expect tliis trend to con- be held Tuesday evening, April als and wees which should be dis- lice court by Judge Arthur Brown. warden. The people have entirely teeman Frederick Spencer, Bailey of Oak Tree school; Gloria Weid- and may be purchased from mem- ignored the quarantine of which was given permission to hire eight tinue through 1939." 18, in the Fords Casino. - couraged. mann of the Piseatawaytown bers of the seven township patrols. Kubik's wife, Anna, charged him with non-support. they had notice through the news- temporary dog wardens. PAGE TWO FRIDAY MORXIXG, APRIL 14, 1939. FORDS AND RARITAN TOWNSHIP BEACON CANTATA TO BE Menlo Park News COTTON PREVIEW rORDS PERSONALITIES BY MBS. C. ALBERT LARSON ^N HEARD APRIL 21 MR. AND MRS.EDWARD JOHN- Bound Brook, was the weekend i r 18 Summit Avena* TeL P, A. 4-4412-J son of Alfred street, entertained guest of Miss La Verne Ferguson, i CLARA BARTON.—"The Child- Axel Michaelson of New York of Lincoln highway. ! Mr. and Mrs. Steven Panek, of The Ladies' Missionary Society hood of Hiawatha," a cantata, will City, on Sunday. • • • • Emmet avenue, announce the en- of Grace Lutheran parish house be presented by the seventh and JACK HARTMANr OF LINCOLN: gagement of their daughter Rose, held its regular meeting in the par- eighth grade stu'dents of Oak Tree MR. AND MRS. D. LEON JEN- highway who has been very ill; to Anthony Nagy, of Greenfcrook ish house, King1 George road, last school, Friday evening, April 21, in nings of Lincoln highway and with influenza, is recovering at! avenue, Keasbey. Xo date has been evening. the Clara Barton school audito- his home here. daughter, Roberta, and Mr. and set for the wedding. rium. Mrs. John Nelson, of Highland • • • • • • • • More than sixty school children Park, motored to Asbury Park MR. AND MRS. GEORGE Straubi will appear in the performance, on Easter Sunday. and John Schultz, of Thomas; Mr. and Mrs. William Sally and L • son, William, Jr., formerly of this WOMEN TO HOLD with music to be furnished by the street, were the guests of Mr. 1 place, who recently returned from' school's Rhythm Bells band, com- MR. AND MRS. ARTHUR BAR- and Mrs. John D. Palazzo, of prised of thirty—six students. Ac- ber, of Hoboken, were the Sun- Hackensack, on Friday. ; , Palm Beach, Fla., spent Sunday as ] guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lutrias, of "PUBLIC PARTY" cording to Principal Howard Fur- dr-y guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jo- • *. * • beck, proceeds of the show will be seph Straka of Edison avenue. : • Voorhees street. Other guests were MR. AND MRS. PIERCE C. Akin, ! -Mrs. Steven Panek, Sr., Louis Pan- ; PISCATAWAYTOWN. — Plans used to buy musical instruments • • • • of Bound Brook and son Rob- for a public cafd party to be held for the school band. MRS. AUSTIN SNYDER OF Mich- ek. Steven Panek, Jr., Mr. and ert and Miss Ann Totten. of. ! Mrs. Peter Panek, and son Robert, by the Women's Democratic Club, The program is being directed by TO THE ael street, is entertaining her Rahway, were the Sunday guests. of Piscata way town, on April 21, inMrs. Oci Foster, assisted by Mrs. mother, Mrs. Ida Lohr, of Port Miss Eleanor Panek, Miss Rose Pan of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ritthaler! ek and Anthony Nagy. j the Player avenue headquarters Lillian Petersen and Miss Doris Jervis, N. Y., for several weeks. of Cedar street. i • • • • • were made at a recent meeting of Wildgoose, faculty members. Miss Ann Sereda student nurse the club. Mrs. Herbert Pfeiffer, MR. AND MRS.ALFRED J. • • * • president, was in charge of the S'jhnebbe, visited I at >St. Peter's hospital in New A daughter. Nancy Jane, was Sunday Mr. \ AT AN EASTER PARTY CELE- , meeting. born Saturday at the Perth Am- WORLD'S Schnebbe's mother, Mrs. Chris-! brated at their home on Lincoln; Brunswick, spent the holidays with tine Schnebbe of Iselin, who is a her mother, Mrs. Veronica Sereda', Mrs. Adolph Fox is .chairman in boy General hospital to Mr. and highway on Sunday, Mr. and( Mrs. David Hunt of Fifth street. patient at the Middlesex Gener- Mrs. Michael Jaros announced! of Ilornsby street. i charge of affairs and will be as- al hospital in New Brunswick. the engagement of their daugh- '• • * * • sisted by Mrs. Steven Clyde, Mrs. 1 ter, Elizabeth, to Michael Metro, j Miss Marie Kovalsky, in train- Helen Kovacs, Mrs. Emil Paul, The meeting of the Fords Wo- MISS VIOLA GROTJAN, OF of Jersey City. ling in the St. Peters hospital Mrs. William Hand, Mrs. Alexan- FAIR 1 man's Club took place Wednesday school of nursing, in New Bruns- der Pelley, Mrs. William J. Peters, night in Thomsen's hall with elec A trip to the New York ; wick, visited with her parents, Mr. Mrs. Franklin D. Josephs, Mrs. World Fair with all expenses 4 tion of officers as the principal fea | and Mrs. Joseph Hillbrycht, of Walters Dea-Kyne, Mrs. Herbert turo. A hat social followed. paid as the guest of the Dor- A Piscatawaytown Briefs ! William street. Pfeiffer and Mrs. John Tomasco. sey Used Car Mart is waiting * for some person who pur- Democratic MRS. RICHARD MUNCH AND ton visitors Sunday. The Fords Men's chases a used car from us \ Club met Tuesday in Thomsen's during the period starting A\ parents, Mr. and Mrs. William! " " " * REPUBLICAN CLUB TO Rolfe of the Meadow road, Miss j MRS. H. A. COREY, MR. AND community hall. April 15 and ending May 31. Mrs SPONSOR CARD PARTY Will you be the one to re- Betty Matthews of Woodbridge! - Thomas Boylan, -Sr.% of ceive this free trip to the avenue, Mr. and Mrs. Edward, New Brunswick and Miss Marie Van Pelt, of Newark spent Sun-' Smith of Long Island, were East- CLARA BARTON. — The Clara World of Tomorrow? No obli ISELIN FIRE CO, Barton Young Republican Club gations - No strings - Come in day at Breton Woods. er guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dan- will sponsor a card party Friday and let us explain our pro- iel Sharp of Elm street. evening. April 28, in the Clara Bar- position. We want you to see MR. AND MRS. EDWARD JEN- ton school. the World of Tomorrow. So scn of Perth Amboy, spent the ELWOOD WAIT OF SILVER TO BE HOSTS AT why not let us pay the bill? weekend with Mr, and Mrs.Lake avenue, spent the week- Mrs. Alfred J. Schnebbe. of Men- Buy Your Used Car Where August Borwegan of Crestwood end in Water Gap, Pa. lo Park, is general chairman, and' You Get The World's Fair-est 4 avenue. FETE JOJORROW is assisted by Mrs. John Yorkc, Prices! MISS EVELYN HANSEN OF Miss Eleanor Gillis, Mrs. G. M. MRS. PHYLLIS MARSH OF Plain j Crestwood avenue spent Easter ANNUAL SPRING DANCE TO Hawkins, Olga Lowitch and Adc-! field, Miss Clara Peterson of 1 ?in Asbury Park. BE HELD AT HARDING line Perry. ' NO MOVING PARTS HERE ARE A FEW Perth Amboy and William Van AVENUE F1REHOUSE Arsdalc of Milltown, were East- MR. AND MRS. EDWARD Tierce PLANS ANNOUNCED BY OF THE WORLD'S er guests of Mr. and Mrs. Char- and son Edward, Jr., of Plain- IN ITS FREEZING les Langan of Overbrook avenue. field, Mrs. Helen Pellick, of ISELIN. — Arrangements have PARENT-TEACHER UNIT Highland Park and Mrs. and been completed by the Iselin Chem SYSTEM TO WEAR Fair-est Prices: MR. AND MRS. FRED PORTER Mrs. James Elder and two c,hiI-[ teal Hook and Ladder Company, RARITAN TOWNSHIP. — A of Plainfield were guests of Mr. dren of Thompson place, spent of District No. 11 Volunteer fire- meeting off the Sand Hills Parent- OR MAKE A NOISE and Mrs. Clifford Giddes of Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mich- ENTIMENTAL, perhaps, but elegant is the word for this Balenciaga men, for its sixth annual spring Teacher Association, scheduled for 1938 Crestwood avenue Saturday. ael Obszarney and family of S white linen evening dress trimmed with English embroidery and dance to be held tomorrow night April 21, has been postponed to * • • • Bonnie Brook avenue. tied up with baby-pink ribbons, as shown in April's Harper's Bazaar. at the Harding avenue firehouse. April 28 in the school auditorium, OLDSM-OBILE 6 SEDAN The cutout work is better known as eyelet embroidery. Radio and Heater MR. AND MRS. ALBERT BISET- "Bob" Rudder and his Musical according to an announcement ta of spent East- MR. AND MRS. HAROLD Hans- Rascals will provide the music for made yesterday. *745.00 the occasion. All volunteer fire- er with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd mann, of Florence street, spent Mrs. Nathan Gross, program \ Clark of Elm street. Sunday in ew York City. men from the surrounding com- chairman, is planning activities for 1938 • ; - . . , LUTHERAN CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL munities have been invited to at-International Night and the com- HAROLD E. McCORVIN OF Lang tend. FORD 85 COUPE I MR. AND MRS. AXEL HANSEN munity festival, which will feature i anli son Kenneth were Prince- horn, Pa., spent the week-end this meeting. \ Full Price with his family on Elm street. HAS EASTER SERVICE FOR PARENTS • * * • $475 Blessed Virgin Sodality PLAN SUPPER FASHION NOTES MR. AND MRS. ALVIN BOSS OF FORDS.—The Sunday School of Our Redeemer Luth- To Celebrate Anniversary 1937 OLDSMOBILE Springfield and Mr. an!d Mrs. eran church presented its annual Easter service for parents WOODBRIDGE.—A corned beef Charles Wallace and daughters, supper, to be given under the au-1 and friends recently. ' • • - 6 CLUB COUPE- Double-decker sandwiches, double- Diane and Joan, of Highland FORDS. — The Blessed Virgin spices of the Parish House Repub- Rev. A. L. Kreyling, assisted by the teachers of theMary Sodality of Our Lady of $595.00 decker ice cream cones, and now Park, were Easter guests of Mr. lican club, will bo held tomorrow the double-decker hat. In burnt and Mrs. A. Leonard Murphy school, led the program of songs and recitations. Those Peace church will celebrate its night at 8:30 o'clock at the home straw, rough edged, the medium- and family of Meadow roa'd. who took part in the primary department program, were: tenth anniversary with a roast of Mrs. Rommer, of Bucknell ave- sized crown is topped by a dupli- • a • • beef dinner, followed by dancing 1937 George Silva, Christian iStockel, nue, this place. cate in a size smaller, each banded MR. AND MRS. RAYMOND John Sunld'ay evening in the church on FORD 85 SEDAN-CLEAN in black gi*osgrain. This latest cha- Byron Jensen, Burleigh Anderson, Trinity Vestry Plans I New Brunswick avenue. son of Berdine's Corner, Mr. Robert Dixon, Norman Wickberg, READ THE BEACON $385-00 peau was glimpsed on Rosalind Rus- and Mrs. William Harris and Miss Helen Patrick is general sell at Santa Anita's handicap day. Grace Mayland, Esther Mathiasen, Annual Dance April 22 son Edgar of Bonhamtown, Mr.' Josephine Boelhouer, Janet Walt- chairman; Miss Irene Bartok, tick- ILENCE and freedom from wear Worn by the M-G-M star with a and Mrs. Clarence Johnson of I 1937 FORD 60 SEDAN ers, Grace Kovacs, Claire Rata- WOODBRIDGE.—Plans are be- ets; Miss Lillian Lund, refresh- ;: i Isn't that what you want Jo severely-tailored black suit, its bur- Metuehen and Mr. and Mrs. Carl ments; Miss Agatha Ratajack, dec- S Very Nice Condition nished straw was matched by a jack, Catherine Brennen, Donald ing completed for the annual sub- TOUT aext automatic refrigerator? Johnson, of Woodbridge avenue, orations. •REX AUTO BODY] Serrel alone can offer these plui handbag fashioned from the iden- spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Doyle. Lafayette Livingston, Jack scription dance to be given by the $345-00 tical straw. Petruski, Russell Grascr, Grace vestry of Trinity Episcopal church Members of the sodality are re- BODIES AND FENDERS other exclusive advantages. See Anton Johnson of Wodland ave- quested to attend a special meet- youra today hero at our store. nue. Kudron. Doris Lar^en, Paula Duel. at the Colonia Country club on Sat STRAIGHTENED 1936 PLYMOUTH Eleanor Mayland, Anna Fedor, urday night, April 22. ing tonight at 8:30 o'clock to make Plum-colored wool accented by " • • • * ILois Ericksen, Belty Jensen, Sam- final ticket returns. COMPLETE REFINISHING DE LUXE R S COUPE chartreuse is worn by Claudette Col- Connie Atkinson's orchestra will bert. The suit of sheer wool is cut MR. AND MRS. GEORGE PALKOI uel Stratton, John Brcnnan, Nan- pkiy for the dancing. • No Moving P«rt* In Hi J.425.00 of Overbrook avenue, spent the cy Perry, Jane Silva, Phyllis Jor- George A. McLaughlin is general on semi-tailored lines with the MRS. ESSINK HOSTESS Estimates Cheerfully Given fretting tysttm blouse in the chartreuse and a straw weekend in Philadelphia. dan, I-fOis .Bailey, Patty Ratajack. chairman. Merrill Mosher and TO FORTNIGHTLY GUILD 1937 TERRAPLANE 6 tri-corn repeating the same color The Easter story was told by a Harry H. Ford are in charge of • PtmtMiit SlUnct DE LUXE SEDAN tone. Bag, shoes and gloves are in a [series of Bible passages by thesupper arrangements while Mark 27 0 MAPLE ST. • Contlnutd tow Opintlrif Colt I following pupils: Harold Petersen. D. McClain is music chairman. WOODBRIDGE. — The Fort- PERTH AMBOY, N. J. deep purple. nightly Guild of the M. E. church • Mora Yuri of Dependable Smict $425.00 Claire Drake, Dorothy Hansen, Nor Tel. P. A. 4—4298 SORORITY PLAN ma Peterson, Ira Jordan, Donald was entertained by Mrs. John Es- • Sivlngi That Pay For It 1936 FORD SEDAN An out-of-the-ordinary dinner Mundy, Erwin Peterson. Evelyn Jersey City, N. J. — The alert- sink, of Bergen street, Monday £own is featured by Myrna Loy. Bunyon, Eddie Jacobsen, George ness of Joseph Soldi, 7-year-old night. White, lightweight woolen makes A Real Bargain TO OFFER THREE Eriksen, William Rasmus?en, Gla- deaf-mute, was responsible for Plans were made for a cake "Look for the EBSO SIRI)" the dress and matching bolero with saving the lives of twenty-five I ?le to be held Saturday after- $345-00 simulated precious stones outlining; dys Eriksen, Ruth Jacobsen, Nan- s BETTER KEROSENE cy Eriksen, Robert Ratajack, Dor- persons. While playing in front of noon, April 22, at the home of sleeves, neckline, jacket edge and •his home, Joseph saw smoke com- and RANGE OIL hern of the slender, slit skirt. ACT PLAY SOON is Jordan, Henry Siephano, Walt- Miss Evelyn iSchoonover, on Rah- 1935 FORD SEDAN er Conover, Lois Welker, Carol ing from a nearby tenement build- way avenue with Miss Kathryn AT NO EXTRA COST A Steal At 'MERRY DEATH' TO BE PRE-Thompson, Janet Rennie, Helen ing and sounded the alarm in time Spencer as chairman. SENTED THURSDAY, Christensen, Thomas Conover, to save the occupants of the build- The next meeting will be held 7c per gal $195.00 ing and possibly those of four pur- April 24, at the home of Mrs. Nel- Delivered anywhere in Mlddiewx APRIL 20TH Doris Mundy, Thomas Bunyon, Co. in Quantities of 2.1 enl. or more ISEUNJJEWS Chester Petersen, Robert Wedell, rounding buildings. son Drost, on Sherry street. 1936 LINCOLN ZEPHYR JULIAN ANDER, OF THE UNI- Charles Jacobsen, Everett Eriksen, 4-D00R SEDAN WOODBRIDGE. — Final details Marie Flusz, Muriel Aldington. W, WESTLAKE versity of Pennsylvania, is in connection with the presentation PERTH AMBOY One owner, excellent condition spending his spring vacation at Edith Voight, Olive Graser, Gert- 147 FORD AVE., FORDS, N. J. of a play, "A Merry Death," a (^ANNOUNCING. .. FOR SALE TELEPHONES the home of his father, David comedy in three acts, on Thursday,' ludf Wallers. William Stephano, $545.00 Ander, of Oak Tree road. Earl Conover, Walter Peterson, THE OPENING OF PERTH AMBOY 4—3523 April 20, in the Sunday school 6 ROOM HOUSE NEW BRUNSWICK 715 GAS LIGHT CO, Claire Amos, Robert Drake, Rod- 222 SMITH STREET MISS FLORENCE BOEHME OF roms of the First Congregational IN WOODBRIDGE TOWNSHIP LINDEN 2—1000 1936 FORD COUPE church, were taken care of at a man Stratton an-d Raymon— d Jen--•- if AXEL'S PERTH AMBOY, N. J. Middlesex avenue, spent the sen. PLOT 30x75 $325-00 weekend with relatives in Newmeeting of the Sigma Alpha Phi^"" (L $2,000 York. Sorority, Phi Alumnae chapter' *~ • J QUICK RELIEF FROM 1936 FORD • • • • held Monday night at the home of MRS. CHARLOTTE C. CARLSON ff SUGAR BOWL CONVERTIBLE COUPE THE ISELIN PARENT-TEACH- Mrs. Grace V. Brown on Main • ,« 466 AMBOY AVE. EASY TERMS ers' Association will hold a pub-stree[' WOODBRIDGE.—Mrs. Chariot-1? WOODBRIDGE RAKIN AGENCY EFFICIENT New Top The cast includes: Real Estate & Insurance due to dust, sun, light-glare, lic card party at the Green te C. Carlson, widow of Frank (5 Use only one level t««- $395.00 street school auditorium Thurs- t , , „,. . , ., Carlson, an old resident of Wood-' " 19 E. Elizabeth Avenue driving, movies, reading, etc. r TT m PHONE 8-0748 LINDEN, N. J. ipoonful to a cup of sifted day evening, April 27. et Voorhees, "--Miss -Harrie t• mTuzik •• , brid died Monda at her home Do your eyes burn—feel 1934 DODGE DE LUXE Leonard, Mrs An- ^^ Tel. Linden 2-2636 flour for most recipei* • a w • Miss Marion 448 School strect> tWs plaM tirea, uncomfortable? Try R-S COUPE a Murine. It contains 7 help- MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM Krack- drew Menko..T Mrs,,. Fre,„.,,d . HubcrT,, long illness, j Mechanically perfect, Tires g"ood er and daughter, Rose, of Tren- Mrs. John Nemeth, William H. She is survived by a sister, Mrs.: ful ingredients which BAKING Voorhees, Jr., George Grenda _. cleanse and clear eyes red- ton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Sopnie Petersoni two borther> sig dened from fatigue—make $265-00 Mrs. Anthony Oliver, of Cor- John Elek, Thomas Humphrey and ard and John Ramberg, of Sweden Charles Thomas. your eyes feel clean, fresh, POWDER reja avenue. and ten nephews and nieces, Mrs., DINE AND DANCE fclivel Much more effective than boric acid. 1934 FORD SEDAN * • • * Church To Organize Team Anna Bock, Charles Hanisch and Send for trial bottle. Mail 10c (stamps Same price today _ $165-00 MRS. ROSE RETKWA AND SON, Gellis Carlson, of Broklyn; Leon at or coin) with your name and address to The as 48 years ago John, of Correja avenue, were , Ramberg, of Rahway; John and Murine Co., DepL HS, Chicago. 111. the holiday guests of Mr. and FORDS. The Young ll)?m Charles Ramberg and Mrs. Ed-; 1932 FORD COUPE Mre. Leo Dearin. Amboy: * * • • VARADY'S INN M«nuf«t(ur«J by biLinf powdtr iptcialiid who mtti nolhinf but $95-00 MISS VIOLA MATHES OF New FEATURING CleonMtt, bik!nf powdtr —undir lupirvition York, spent Sunday with her club. Those interested are Sooth**! ftf cipcrl (htmiill of and Robert Hanisch, of Wood- riputltion. 1932 CHEVROLET SEDAN brother and sister-in-law. Mr. to communicate with Bob Hander- bridge. and Mrs. Stanford Mathes, of han at their earliest convenience. AT ALL DRUG STORES MILLIONS OF POUNDS HAVE BEEN $145-00 THE HUNGARIAN GYPSY ORCHESTRA USED BY OUR GOVERNMENT Fiat avenue. Read the BEACON 1931 FORD COUPE ANNOUNCING . . . KONDOR MARISKA, Vocalist $65.00 SHOP AT THE REMOVAL OF CURLS AND STEPHEN TOTH, Comedian MORE CURLS DIRECT FROM BUDAPEST, HUNGARY A TREAT FORDS CASTELLO with the new upward trend j DORSEY USED PERMANENT WAV FOR MY FACE! HARDWARE PHOTO STUDIO Each Item. 35c EVERY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY CAR MART FOR YOUR from Oil Wave — $3.50 "The Saffc Place to Buy" School Girl Wave — $1.95( 403 STATE STREET \ Machineless SEEDS . . FERTILIZERS to rFredric's Try Our Chicken Paprikas and Other ELM TO OAK STS GARDEN TOOLS ' Machine Or 430 STATE STREET » NEW- | formerly $7J POULTRY WIRE Hungarian Dishes ON Cor. Washington St. ! RAY NOW $5.00 PERTH AMBOY NEW BRUNSWICK AVE 1 PERTH AMBOY, N. J. A Modern Studio that Specializes in P. A. 4—2703 FORDS HARDWARE GROUP PICTURES MARGIE'S VARADY'S INN Open Evenings to 10 P. M., 511 New Brunswick Ave. BEAUTY SHOPPE FORD AVENUE FORDS. N, J, Fords, N. J. AND WEDDINGS PHONE WOOD. 8-1213 FORDS AND RARITAN TOWNSHIP BEACON FRIDAY MORNINTG, APRIL 14, 1939. PAGE THREE Social Briefs of F ords, Keasbey, Hopelawn, RaritanTownship & Metuchen

Harry Hansen Post To WOMAN'S CLUB HAS MRS. PATRICK Hold Dance Tomorrow COTTON PREVIEW LADIES' AUXILIARY OF HANSEN POST FORDS.—A dance will be held HENRY ADAMS ASGUEST SPEAKER by the Harry Hansen Post No. 163 163, MET TUESDAY; JUNIOR LEGION of the American Legion in the Fords Casino tomorrow night. CLARA BARTON. — Mrs. Patrick Henry Adams, pres- Dancing will be held until 2 A. STAGES EASTER EGG HUNT MONDAY ident of the State Federation of Woman's Clubs, and Mrs. M., arid refreshments will be serv- John Sofiekl of Perth Amboy, third district vice president, ed by the Auxiliary of the Legion. FORDS.—The Ladies' Auxiliary of Harry Hansen were the guests of honor Tuesday evening at a meeting- of Post No. 163 met Tuesday night in the home of Mrs. Grace the Clara Barton Woman's Club in the Clara Barton school Misak, S8 Hornsby avenue. Tentative plans were made for auditorium. a bus trip to New York City on Juno S. A delegation will The program featured a fashion latter two members of the Junior SOCIAL PLANNED attend the inauguration of the newly formed Boy Scout show, musical selections and a cos-Woman's Club. troop which will take place in the No. 14 school tonight. metic demonstration by Miss Hostesses for the evening were: The troop will receive its charter at this time. Kathryn Beaton of Hahne's New- Mrs. Carl Reitenbach, Miss Elsie BY LOCAL GROUP ark department store. Wittnebert, Miss Mary Yager, Mrs. The club decided to contribute a, Mannequins for the fashion Neils Christensen, Mrs. James RARITAN TOWNSHIP. — The supply of jams and jellies to theRARITAN RIVER BOAT CLUB show were: Mrs. Raymond Wilck, Auburn, Mrs. John Jensen, Mrs. L.Twilight Hunting and Fishing club Kiddie Keep Well Camp. GIVES RECEPTION FOR CAST Mrs. James Auburn, Mrs. Einer Tyler, Mrs. John Shoe, Mrs. Vic-will sponsor a social and entertain- Eddie Chovan's Rhythm Kings Jensen, Mrs. F. Ellsworth, Mrs. tor Pedersen and Mrs. Einer Jen- ment tonight in the School No. 3 will furnish the music for dancing PISCATAWAYTOWN. — The Willard Andrews, Mrs. Stanley sen. auditorium. Joseph R. Costa is gen at the Legion dance to be held to- River Boat Club has com- Nogan, Mrs. Victor Pedersen. Lil- eral chairman on arrangements. morrow evening The Legion post !pIetc-d"plans" f or "a"reception" to" be lipn Sayres and Janet Larsen, the Announcement was made thatj will entertain the auxiliary, at a held tomorrow night for the cast the club will raise pheasants with: party on April 22 in the recreation of the show which was given last CARD PARTY TO which to restock nearby wooded room of the Sunshine residence in month. Final plans were made Fri- sections. Also, food boxes of reg- Maxwell avenue. day night at the club house with ulation size are being made byj The Junior Legions Easter egg Commodore William Johnson in BE HELD TONITE members of the club. hunt was held Monday afternoon disrgc of the meeting. and winner of first prize for find- The affair will be held in the | CLARA. BARTON. — Arrange- HOPELAWN j ing the most eggs was Audrey clubhouse at 8 o'clock. ' merits have been completed by the Gloff. Vivian Knudsen won the prize for finding the golden egg. John Gernet is chairman of the Clara Barton Women's club for aHOPELAWN ENGINE COMPANY committee in charge and is nsstst- card party to be held tonight in No. 1 will hold a benefit dance The prize for finding the least num her of eggs was won by Dorothy ted by Frederick Beldring, William the Clara Barton school audito- at the Hopelawn school auditori- Fiuhler, Benjamin Hartshorn, Ber- rium. um this evening. Jimmy Gay Knudsen. After the hunt, refresh- ments were served. nard Von Erden, Joseph Carey and j The committee includes: Mrs. and his orchestra will furnish, George Dawson. I^elanki Taylor, general chairman, the music. ; The next meeting of the juniors] will be held at 6:30 P. M., April! assisted by Mrs. William Bennett, - * - . [ 1 Mrs. Brace Eggert, Mrs. Louis MR. AND MRS. STEVE POROSKIj 24, at the home of Lillian Misak, BETROTHAL TOLD Nagy, Mrs. Sigurd Johnson, Mrs. of Crows Mill road witnessed a I 88 Hornsby avenue. The auxiliary KEASBEY. — Announcement is Anders Christensen, Mrs. John performance of the Ringling will meet at the home of Miss .made of the engagement of Elia- Jensen, Mrs. William Testa, Mrs. Brothers, Barnum and Bailey! Julia Dani 42 Maple avenue, on beth Egry, daughter of Mr. and George Moore, Mrs. Leavenv/orth circus in Madison Square Gar- April 25. Mrs. Louis Egry, of Peterson ave- Tyler, Mrs. Charles Calvin, Mrs. den N. Y., on Sunday. Winners of the stocking club nue, to Morris Wolf, son of Mr. Carl Reitenbach and Mrs. Einar • • • • were Mrs. Boland and Helen Slev- and Mrs. J. Wolf, of Newark. Ask ui how you can secure Jensen. STEVE HATOLA, JR., WAS AP-. eiisky. Hostesses at Tuesday's a cash reward for safe driving. pointed a delegate to the Ellen- meeting were Mrs. G. Misak, Mrs. May Knudsen, Mrs. Karen Ander- We protect you against damage FORDS SCOUT TROOP dale Camp No. 110 to the con- suits In one of the largest and vention of the Woodmen of the son and Mrs. Esther Anderson. strongest companies In the busi- IN EASTER EGG HUNT World to be held in Atlantic City ness; in a company with in May. FORDS. — Members of Troop CATHOLIC MEN'S GROUP nationwide service. • • • • • 52, Boy Scouts of America, held an PLANS MAY 13 DANCE interesting Easter Egg hunt in theMR. AND MRS. STEVEN Rinyak nearby woods Saturday afternoon. of Woodbriidge were Easter Sun- • — ADOLPH QUADT Members of the troop hunted day guests at the home of Mr. FORDS. — A special meeting of the Catholic Young Men's club was PENN PERSONAL LOAN CO through the woods for an hour be- and Mrs. John Durchak of Wil- 9 N. J. Sinking Dtpl. tie. 676 # < AND SON fore the trail was discovered and liam street. held Monday night following the Hoy and Maxwell Avea. the hunt got underway. There • * • • no vena services in the auditorium COR. SMITH & STATE STREETS Ford* N. J. were three trails with a slip of ALBERT HOFFMAN OF HOW- of Our Lady of Peace church. {Over SUN-RAY DRUG STORE) paper and an Easter egg at the end ard street and John Durchak of President Charles Greenfield pres- Phon* PERTH AMBOY 4-0087 of each. Wlliam street, spent the week- ided and plans were made for the Monlfily rw« l\i°l <"> mi/mid butum-el' club's dance to be held on May 13. end visiting friends at Fort OT Pygmalion and Galatea but Schiaparelli's bride and her maid of honor, out of a page in April*! USED OVER Wadsworth. Harper's Bazaar. The brde's dress is of white moire with a long train. The jacket has pleated DON'T FORGET • • • a NNsleeves ending in a tulle and ribbon ruffle. The same ruffle falls from the back of the waist down on the 80 YEARS MISS MARGIE HLADIK OF Clin- train. Lilac headress and tullt veil, The bridesmaid is in starched cotton lace, even to her hat and TO SEND THE ton spent the week-end at the her gloves. TO FIGHT home of her parents, Mr. and MIRACLE Mrs. John Hladik of Howard street. CARD PARTY COLDS ______F KEASBEY FORDS.—A card party, under LARGE ADVANCE SALE OF TICKETS the auspices of the Ford; Woman's THE BOARD OF FIRE COMMIS- Club, will be held Wednesday sioners of Keasbey met Tuesday evening, April 19, in Our Lady ->f REPORTED FOR PRESS CLUB DINNER night at the firehouse. Peace School. Refreshments wll be available. Mrs. G. Ebner heals WOODBRIDGE. — A large ad- to the toastmaster, Roy E. Ander- « * « • the committee on arrangements. MR. ANT> MRS. FRED EICHLER vance sale of tickets has been re- son, an honorary member of the and daughter Janet, of Stam- ported for the eighth annual din- club. Carlton Warren, WOR an- ford, Conn., were the weekend ner-dance of the Middlesex Coun- nouncer and well known here for B\)\U)S his broadcasts on Memorial Day guests of Mrs. Eichler's father, Blood Tested Chicks ty Press Club to be held Saturday- MEW Thomas Bernard, of Highland evening, May 6, at the Elks Club from the White Church cemetery, STREH6TH avenue. Chicks Hatched Daily in Perth Amboy. is expected to be one of the guest j A FLAVOR All Dinner will be served promptly speakers. At least two radio stars j AND • • • • OPEN are expected to be on the program, j ITS OWN THAT MR. AND MRS. JOSEPH ANGEL at eight o'clock after which a short VIGOR EVENINGS speaking program will be held. A novel souvenir program will MILLIONS PREFER and son Joseph, of New Bruns- Lawrence F. Campion, president be distributed during the evening. wick, were the holiday guests of AND In addition the committee in Mrs. Angel's parents, Mr. and of the club, will welcome the SUNDAYS guests and turn the festivities over charge has planneid several sur- Mrs. Andrew Angel, of High- prises. land avenue. Why look old when it's so easy to look young? Reliable Hatcheries, Inc Mrs. Emma Levi Marks TELEPHONE N. B. 581G Your'mirror will tell you: "My dear, you look 10 years 90th Birthday Mondaj Telephone 4-0075 younger. Your hair is no longer faded and mousy. COLONIA 227 French Street NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. Those ugly grey streaks are gone. Credit Clairol with EAGLE SCOUT JAMES HYNES WOODBRIDGE. — Mrs. Emma adding color and brilliance and subtracting 10 years of Berkley avenue and Nelson Levi quietly celebrated her 90th from your appearance!" Does your'mirror say the same Ayers of Avenel left Saturday birthday Monday at the home of to you? It will, if you use Clairol, the Modern* Method on a ten-day canoe trip. her daughter, Mrs. William C. Thos. F. Burke of Hair Coloring which shampoos, reconditions and • • • • Danner, of St. George's avenue, MR. AND MRS. C. WALKER OF with whom she resides. — Funeral Directors — There Will Be Plenty of tints—easily, quickly and without preliminary bleaching Mrs. Levi, who has lived here . . . giving your hair natural-looking color and lustre. North Hill road, and daughter Jean spent the weekend at At- since her marriage seventy-one See your hairdresser today or send this coupon NOW. lantic City. years ago, is in excellent health. Washing This Summer * • • • She received many gifts, including 366 STATE STREET MRS. JOSEPH PAUL, OF ST. flowers and cards and during the PERTH AMBOY, N. J. w/,ci4moi George avenue was hostess at a day a large number of friends and Face the fact. Fashion has gone feminine and spaghetti supper at her home Charm neighbors called to offer felicita- you are going to wear blouses again, frilled and Q\ B* tur* to look for this mark of GENUINE Clairol on Iht bottU. Friday night. Guests were tions. Members of her family pres- Joseph V. Costello, Mgr. from Perth Amboy, Woodbridge, ent included: Mr .and Mrs. Ross tucked and exquisitely line. The trim shirtwaist s$ —__ _ ———.._— Levi, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Levi, I JOAN CLAIt, CLAftOL, Int. Linden and town. Beauty Shoppe is once more a favorite. The petticoat liasreturaed • - • —..». -._•-• Mrs. George Levi, Walter Robert _,. ,. .. I 132 West 46th St., New York, N.Y. Let EMILIE Style Your Levi, Leon E. Tunison, Walter "There Is no substitute— with fine embroidered edges and wide flounces. • The perfect com bin »• ' _ , __ „ , . . ' To Hold Spaghetti Supper Send Levi and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Levi For Burke Service" lion of rich oil, fin. | FREE booklet, idvice and uulygia. RARITAN TOWNSHIP.—A spa- Next Hair-Do and children of this .place. • o.ptnd delicate j Name . ghetti supper, under the auspices BEAUTY ITEMS color >h»t can't ba j ' "' • ••""1U only Clairol contain*. of Pop Duffy's Association, will copied...* blind that J AIMI»M . . ,. take place Saturday evening, April 3FOR$1 t City - ft—1» _., 22, in the clubrooms. Stephen D. My BMotldaa Elko heads the committee in * * charge of arrangements. Permanent Waves $1.95 up * * Machineless Oil Wave $3.50 Special The Best Place in Town 75 MAIN ST. WOODBRIDGE, N. J. PHONE WDGE. 8-0250 THE AWFUL PRICE YOU TO BUY PAY FOR BEING BY COPPOLA, NERVOUS I B OF COURSE! The quality of our clean- ing: work is a byword in Woodbridge! . . . It's a. watchword here in our All this means laun- Used Cars plant! Every garment that dry work. You will goes out of here must not mind it if you use IS THE pass rigid examination for traces of dirt, soil, and electric equipment. odor. The slightest sign Washer prices be- of any of these, and back Quivering nerves can make you old and gin at S49.95, irbners hareard [ooking, cranky and hard to live the garment goes for fur- with—can keep you awake niphta snd ther expert attention! at $20 (ironer illus- rob you of good health, good times and Jefferson Motors, Inc. j jobs. trated is S69.95). What you may need is a particularly good woman's tonic—and could you aik Small carrying charge (of anything whose benefits are better Dealers in New Chevrolet Cars & Trucks < proved than famous Lydla E. Plnkham'a if vou buy on terms. Vegetable Compound? Let ita whole- some herbs and roots help Nature build COPPOLA CORNER AMBOY AVENUE AND GREEN STREET up more physical resistance and thus help calm your shrieking nerves, give more energy and make life worth living again. TAILORS — DRESSMAKERS — CLEANERS WOODBRIDGE, N. J. More than a million women have re- ported benefit—why not let Pinkham'a STATE THEATRE BLDG., WOODBRIDGE Compound help YOU, too, to go "aroil- PVBLICS SERVICE InE thru" trying times like it has other Telephone: Woodbridge 8—1735 TEL WOODBRIDGE 8-1740 OPDYKE'S SERVICE BUILDING grateful women for the past 3 genera- tion*?-IT MUST BE GOOD! AAAAAAAAAA PAGE FOUR FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 14, 1939. FORDS AND RARITAN TOWNSHIP BEACON JOURNALIST PREDICTS GET THOSE FEET OUT JF HIS FACE GOSSIP-GRAMS A SPIRITUAL REVIVAL News and Views on Air Personalities "p EORGE JE. SOKOLSKY, for Vj years, has probed the mass mind and studied public conscious- OR the first time in more than light Sooata," favorite of Walter ness and comes to the fairly un- PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY F 13 years of continuous broad- DamroscD. noted conductor, and usual conclusion that the next —by— casting Cities "Berceuse" selected by Dorothy Service is pre- Thompson, the program's news com- sweeping mass movement in che , HEY/ HOW "DO THE BEACON PUBLISHING CO. senting a drama mentator. Weekly cash prizes of United States will be a spiritual $100 and an I.E.S. lamp will be of- revival. He declares that on all sides With Offices at during its regu- YOO lar Friday eve- fered for the best 100-word-essays there are indications that men and 611 New Brunswick Avenue, Fords, N\ J. ning concert on the topic; "My Favorite Song women are awakening to the reali- to tour. and Why" . . . Entries should be zation that "men shall not live by TELEPHONE: PERTH AMBOY 4—2123 The new fea- addressed to the Hour of Charm, bread alone." CUM 13 . ture is called General Electric Bldg., New Tfork City. These conclusions are presented Subscription $1.50 per year "The Romance in the May issue of Cosmopolitan of Oil" and each magazine in an article entitled: chapter unfolds EBSTER, it seems, has a word "Faith Interests Me Most in This Elmer J. Vtcsey Publisher and Managing Editor an exciting story W for Frank Morgan. While work- Cosmopolitan World." The author based on the fas- ing on Morgan's poses a number of questions. "Is " cinating drama script for Good! not the world saying there is some- Entered at the Post Office, at Fords, N. J., as second class Lucille Manners behind the great News of 1939, thing wrong? We tried to settle mail matttr en ApjiJ 17, 1936. petroleum indus- the comedian's] everything by treaty, by law, by try. The tremendous growth of the writers. Phil, edict, by plan. But the world is more industry is skillfully portrayed, and Rapp and Sam unsettled than ever before. Whai the important part it plays In our Moore, discover-1 have our wisdom, our science, our Political Outlook j everyday life in providing modern ed the word "sci- statistics, our experience brought conveniences and daily essentials is olist", in the) us ? " colorfully presented. dictionary. Aj While it >!s much too early for any political p_rophet to sciolist is de-i Especially among young people risk his reputation by predicting the outcome of the presi- Lovely Lucille Manners, Ross does Sokol.-ky find a groping for Graham, baritone, a mixed chorus fined as "a man peace ol" the spirit and faith in some- dential election in 11)40, because almost anything can hap-' of 12 voices and a 36-piece orches- of superficial thing. Youth is demanding satisfac- pen in the year and a half that will elapse before the Am-! tra under tbe direction of. Dr. Frank knowledge; a tion for ile tierce craving for peace, Black are all regularly featured on pretender of U'ican people go to the polls, it is interesting to note that a knowledge." tomfon and hope. They have tried the program. Frank Morgan to sublimate this craving in other survey conducted by the American Institute of Public Opi-' Morgan con- thinjrs without success, and in spite nion, indicates that at the present time a bare majority of HEN "Criminal Case Histories," tinues, nevertheless, to amaze his oi the fact thai all they have been W a Friday night half-hour fea- colleagues on Good News of 1939 taught in school? of higher learning all voters with opinions say they woulrl like to see the Re- ture over NBC, Now he claims to belong to a yacht seems to indicate thai there is no publicans wi n the presidency. bows out for the club in which all ot the members Cod. rfcey continue to search £or summer this are officers, except one. Morgan, as some • outlet for their yearning month, it will judge advocate of the Emerald Bay aspirations. mark the end of Yacht Club, has such fellow mem- Noi only is this phenomenon tak- Un-American Americanism | seven years of bers as Warner Baxter, Gene Mar- ing form in Ai ie: ,ca but also in presentations by key, Preston Foster, John Wayne Chinn, Ri.s ia. M.-x.cu ami Germany The zeal of some defenders of Americanism, intent upon: Wardea Lewia and others. The lone member is and ytliei fou.,u\er- wlteii1 orthodox stamping out subversive elements, is so great that they E. Lawes of fac- Owen Churchill, well known racing religion has been under fire. ! tual cases from skipper. would strike down some of the liberties of the people in the flies of crim- a.n effort to eradicate what is, at worst, a minor affliction. inal records of Radio seems to be making Mr. Aver- and famil yspenl Saturday with Sing Sing. By age Man more punctual, experts say Mr. rnd Mrs. Milton Kershaw of The right of free speech, for example, one of the great series of drama- —what icith time signals and hour' Astoria, L. I., where their daugh liberties of the American people, becomes worthless if the tized stories, the Iy time announcements making the ter. Eelty, is spending a week. free speech is limiteil to subjects that are approved by of- Warden would public so time-conscious, it's easier explain the un- Warden Lawes for tJiem, to be "on time". ficials. Thc-r would be no freedom of speech in the United usual circumstances embodying the MISS MARY STEPHENS, daugh- States if the Government could decide the subjects that payment and eventual cancellation rpHERE'S already an epidemic of ter of Mr. and Mrs. William American citizens might debate. Likewise, there is no of particular debts of anti-social X spring fever among members of Stephens, of Woodbrook Farms, forces to society, aud the respon- the "Pretty Kitty Kelly" cast . . . celeb\ated her birthday recent- freedom of speech if those who advocate what we consi- sibilities of society toward those Arline Blackburn started it off with ly. der un-American principles are stifled in expression and same anti-social elements. a new hat . . . one of those small, « • • » black affairs anchored with a snood. prohibited from talking. Snoods look like fish-nets,* fishing LORRAINE CODY OF NEW York HELPFUL WOMAN ENDS LIFE HAT is your favorite song—the City, spent Easter Sunday, with The truth of the matter, as far as we see it, is that some song which has brought you the means spring, spring calls for pic- Cardiff, Wales.—When a nogh- w greatest happi- nics . . , and there yo.u are! Now her Runt, Mrs. John MacDonald bor in trouble needed money, Mrs. cf thesii agencies are so intent upon prov'ng their own ness through the every actor who misses a cue must ol" C-ik Tree avenue, who also Sarah Hcllkvist got it by pawning Americanism and their loyalty to the country that they years? In a na- pay a dime into a common fund . . . entertained Mr. and Mrs. Jerome her .husband's wnteh and chain. tion-wide search the money to be used as an expense Jordan of Metuchen. adopt un-American tactics to stamp out isms that are of- account for a Then, afraid to tell him, she com- fensive. The way to prove the virtue of free speech and for the favorite * * * • mitted suicide. songs 'of Amer- cast picnic when MRS. M. SHANKS HAS RETURN to establish its virtue is to practice free speech. There is ica, Phil Spital- warm weather ADVENTURERS' CLUB ny, conductor of comes. . . . Un-i cd to the home of her son-in- no other way. the Hour ot tier this new law r-nd daughter, Mi", and Mrs. LEGAL NOTICE Charm All • Girl system, Helen Edward Elliott after a short stay HEADLINES FROM THE LIVES Refer To: W-122; Unrk.'t ll!)-87 Singing Orches- C h o a t — who with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dan- Ri'corilfd : Book 1I2.">: 1'UKC 555. tra, will launch plays ihe role of; iels of Elmhurst. OF PEOPLE LIKE YOURSELF) •VOTK'K OF rimi.ic SM.K Work Rarely Kills VU WHOM IT MAY rONOlOHN • an eight week Bunny — has to £ _- At ii regular inni-Tlng "f til"' Town- contest series watch her step ship ('iniimlttei' uf Die Township ot Every once (w a while we hear somebody comment upon beginning April She's in deep FIRST PRESBYTERIAN VAMulbrulBi' Hi-Ul Motuluy. April 3ecl, disgrace at the "Buried Alive" ]'M'.i, 1 wns diri'clod lu iulvt'i'lise Ihe the fact that somebody "worked himself to death." „.., .... 3 and closing CHURCH ftn-l tliiil mi Muiuliiy <>%•<•» UiK. Api-11 moment , . 1 As a matter of fact, few, if any, individuals have ever Ph.l Sp.talny May 22. Mr. Spit- Minister—Earl Hamium Devaruiy ELLO EVERYBODY! 17 Ii. l!)3i). ilif Towns)]ip ComnilttPi alny conceived the idea of the Song Given to hoard- will mt-K at H:0l) P. M. in the worked themselves to death. People get physically tired, ing old radio Organist—Lillian P. Stephens H Adventure sure laid an icy hand on the shoulder cf n -.vii'fe ChuniljtTS. Memorial Mutii|i Search following requests for favor- Sunday School 9:45. Classes for Joseph Kuritz, who sent me one of the best written yarns p»l Building. Wiiudbridge, New Jcrst-y, not by the exercise or exertion involved, but rather through ite songs of famous people—which scripts. Helen and expose und sell wl pulillc S'IIH ami a lack of intrest in what they are doing. An example, go- have been featured as part of the found herself Arline Blackburn all ages. I've had to date. Joe's at Brooklyn now and at last writing to tln» highest hfildei iii'cui'diiit to terms right at- the mike with a copy of Morning woiship 11:00. Sermon or Hale on lll<' with 11n> Tmvnsliip dork ing back to childhood is t'he case of the Kttlc boy, too tired Monday night programs over NBC could have used a job. He gave up his youthful ambition to up'.'ii to inspection ami to b< publicly at 9 o'clock. E.S.T. Among the selec- last yi-ir's broadcast! Somebody topic, "Rest in a Restless World." ri-:nl prior lo wnle, Lois l!l nnd 20 in to hoe his mother's garden, but not too tired to play a tions have been Beethoven's "Moon- brc • her up to date in a hurry. Junior Christian Endeavor 2:30 be a mining engineer as a result of events related in today's Hlurk -103-K, Woodbridge Township A.sm^smeiit Mup. game of football. i P. M. story, and switched to mechanical engineering. But, if you Tiike further notice tlint tin; Town- CLARA BARTON OAK TREE ask me, the magazines are looking for people who can write ship Committee fins, by resolution nnd A boy, or a man, interested in what he is undertaking, Intermediate Christian Endeavor inir.siKL.nl to law, fixed n minimum forgets fatigue. Of course, the thing can be overdone, but *"~^ • ' 3:00 P. M. like Joe. Driee^nt which said lols in .said block THE JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB Senior Christian Endeavor 7:00 will 1)0 sold together with all other clc- it is rare. MR. AND MRS. EDWARD ELLI- Accordingly, I'm following his script pretty close. In UiilH nertinonl, siiid minimum price be- met Wednesday night in the ott of Oak Tree road, entertain- P. M. April, 1920, Joe was a surveyor with the Glen Aldcn Coal nif: $.ss IS pliw cosl.i of preparing home of Louise Nicholaison, on Wednesday—The monthly mis- deed ;md advertising tills HIIIO. Hnid ed over the week-end Herbert Co., Scranton, Pa. It was his first job, and he was assigned lol.-i in wiiil i]lock, if sold on terms, Washington street. Smith, of Jackson, Mich.; Mr. siomuy meeting of the Women's will require a down payment of &2L).OO Fighting Yellow Fever to investigating "pillar robbing" in the Cayuga mines. I'll the balance of purchase price to bo r-nd Mrs. Robert Daniel, of Elm- Auxiliary will be held at the p!\ltl tit cqutil iiumtlily U\slailments of The inijniaiiana] health division of the Rockefeller THE CLARA BARTON WOMAN'S hurst, L. I., Mr. and Mrs. Jo- ctmrrh Wednesday afternoon at explain. S1CMH) pin" interest nnd olhi:i- terms 2:30. The leader will be Mrs. Ed- provldud for In contract of aalo. Koundaticn has vaccinated 1,058,252 persons in Brazil Club wi]l sponsor a cr-rd party seph Perez and son, of Perth Miners must leave enough coal* to support the roof of the TaKe further notice that at saul tinle. with a now vaccine against yellow fever. this- evening at 8 o'clock in Cla- Amboy and Mrs. J. Blaie, - of ward H. Kinsey and the hostesses or any date to which it nmy be ucl- Iselin. are Mrs. E. Early, Mrs. L. Morris, mine, which consists of shale, a scaly rock, that caves in ^unied, the Township Comniltleo rn- This undertaking- is interesting because of the belief, a ra Barton school. Mrs. Leland easily. Pillar robbing means stealing coal from these remaining sup- aerves tlie rlg'it In its discretion to re- Taylor is genera! chairman on Mrs. G. Hoffman. Mrs. J. Camp, ject m\y one or till bids and to sell said l\-w yours ago, that the extermination of a niosquito-car- Mis H. Holland an* Mrs. S. Wyld. ports, and is illegal, since it may cause cave-ins in which workers luta in said block to such bidder na 11 arrr-ngements. MRS. M. RIDGEWAY OF TEA- •re killed, gas and water mains burst, even explode, and brick buildings may select, duo regard being given to rier would wipe out the scourge. neck is a house guest of Mr. and The topics for discussion are "The terms and manner of payment, In caae American Indian and "Chosen.*' itandlng on the land collapse. It's earthquake, fire and flood. one or more minimum bills ffhall bo However, about two years ago, the Rockefeller Founda Mrs. Jack Clancy of Oak Tree received. MARIE CHEVALIER OF W00D- roa, who entertained over the Mid-week Prayers 7:45. Old Timbers Prove Useless as Support. Upon acceptance "f the minimum bid, lion investigators .discovered, in the jungles of South Am- Friday — Charter night Boy The Cayuga had been deserted for 50 years. Inside Joe and three or bid above minimum, by the Town- bridgo avenue was a recent vis- week-end Mr. nnd Mrs. Gcoi ge ship Committee and Ihe payment there- erica, a mysterious and formerly unsuspected carrier of itor of Roselle. Klanhausher and daughters, S-out Troop No. 33. companions found pillars cracked and crumbled by the weight of millions of by Hie purchaser according to the the d'scase, whose method of transmission remains unde- • * * • Florence and Mae of Cranford. of tons ol rock they had held up for five decades. As supports they manner of purchase In accordani'e with were useless and might just as well liave been mined out. Old timber terms of sale on Hie, Ihe Towns'!!Ip will termined. Consequently, the vaccination of the Brazilians MR. AND .MRS. WENDELL DAF- » * •. • deliver a bargain and sale deed for PLASTIC GLASS erected by miners to protect themselves in those far, bygone years said premises. has been undertaken as a preventive measure while re- cik of New Market, Mr. and Mrs. MR. AND MRS. PAUL A. BRUG- were rotted, useless. A touch and they collapsed to fungi-infested, mil- B. J. DUNIGAN. search workers attempt to locate the new earner. Joseph Lisak of Carteret and man and family of Broad ave- dewed dust Not much between Joe and the millions of tons of roclf Township Clerk. Philadelphia. — A glass that IMTliD: April orJ:ul enough, but mixed-up parents At first, with thumps scarcely audible above the rolling rumble ol the as Lot 7-B in Block 59-If, and from said beginning point running (1) south- are worse. ] waves of name over his head, then, in a roaring crescendo, jagged rock erly along JI line parallel to and dis- raced, leaping and thundering downward past Joe, hurtling into the hell tant westerly 50 f'-'.'t measured at right * * • • angles from the westerly line of lands of darkness far below. nt said Lund 200 feet to a point; t'nence There'll be room for you at church Sunday! Joe's lamp had gone out with the explosion. But above him (2) westerly at right angles to the first course GO feet more or less to the cent- was blinding glare—a marching surf of blue-and-red-streaked fire, er line of Sling Tail Brook; thence (3) lighting up the chamber overhead. Blistering white beat above- northerly along the center line of Sling TKU Brook 70 I««t more or lean to u thundering flood of angry rock below! Joe clung to the pillar on potnl: thence Ii) northerly along a line his stomach, ducking hurtling rocks, shrinking from the blazing parallel to and distant 67 feet west- heat above. With clawing fingers and toes that vainly sought erly measured at right angles from the first course, 130 feet moie or less to The foothold in the hard floor, he lay there—it seemed ages—aching the southerly Unr of New Brunswick muscles a-tortore. The slide diminished. The "carbonic oxide" Avenue; thence (6) easterly along tfie southerly line of New Erunswlck Ave- Fashion Frock above burned fitfully, threatening any second to seek out with its nue, 67.01 feet to the point or place of rainbow Barnes another pocket, spreading in chain explosions Beginning. through tbe underground terrain, burying Joe and his companions. Conveyance will be made subject to Of The Week the, following condition: That the course of Sling Tail Brook as now exist- He Began to Figure His Chance for Escape. ent be not changed or diverted from i's course or that said stream and Joe thought of the others. Had they been crushed to a jelly smear flow of water therein he not blockaded, under those tons of rock—trapped in some doghole or cross-cut in a pillar? damned or otherwise restricted. A DISTINCTIVE STYLE The rolling names died, went out In the inky black Joe groped for Take further notice tTiai the Town- shin Committee. has, by resolution a match, lit his lamp. The floor was clear. He stepped out. Instantly end Dursuant to law, fixed a minimum selected by he tobogganed down on a slab of rock he had overlooked. Four hundred price at which said lot in said block will be sold together with all other ADR1ANNE AMES feet below he brought up short on the heap of loose rock. It had blocked details pertinent, said minimum price Popular Movie Star the entrance completely. being $1,500.00 plus costs of preparing deed and advertislnsr this fale. Said Joe was caught like a rat. He sat on a rock, wondered that lot in said block. If sold on tcrma. he was not frightened, began to figure his chances of seeing sun- will require a down payment of S150.00 If on« wants a distinctively new the balance of purchase price to be and different "dress, this Roman light again. It seemed suddenly very precious, sun and open air. Daid in equal monthly Installments of stripe creation is just what the style Air! The rock had sucked much out, tbe explosion had driven S25.00 plus interest and other terms doctor ordered. It looks best in provided for in contract of sale. deep blue with red, yellow, black more out and the fire had burned he didn't know how much of Take further notice that at said gale and white stripe trim. That's the the life-giving oxygen in that black pit. Would the rest last till or any date to which ft may be ad- way Miss Ames selected hers. It they got to him? journed, the Tow'nshtp Committee re- serves the right In its discretion to re- also looks good In ajrust shade with Then. Joe says, panic did grip him. He shouted himself hoarse. ject any one or (ill bids and to sell gTeen, rust, navy and white trim. said lot in said block to such bidder The frock flta snugly around the He smashed a rock repeatedly against a pillar, listened. Not a sound. as It may select, due regard being giv- walat, with a wide, girdle-like band Just silence. Terrible silence. Joe saw slow death ahead—suffocation, en to terms and manner of paymer.t of three rows of Roman stripes. A thirst, starvation. "Unwounded. he wished for death—swift death, rather In case one or more minimum bids narrow stripe runs across the shoul- phnll be received. ders and gives them a broad line. than this drawn-out agony. Now he could only wait helplessly. Upon acceptance of the minimum bid. A Roman stripe also runs down Joe says he prefers to forget the next nine hours. Imagination can or bid above minimum by the Township each side of the skirt and accentu- HE World of Yesterday came to the World of Tomorrow in a Pageant of Time staged at the dedication Committee and the cayment thereof by ates one's slimness. There is a full of the Elgin Observatory at the New York World's Fair. Above, Carol Murphy as Ceres, the Goddess of be the most horrible form of torture. But—-his companions had escaped. the purchaser according lo the manner bodice and sleeves which have soft T With all hope gone for Joe, they had notified Ihe surface. A relay of of purchase In accordance with terms shirring around the shoulder seam. Earth, welcomes her daughter, Persephone. Goddess of Spring, portrayed by Kathleen McLean, who came of sale on file, the Township will de- The skirt has wide pleats for plenty charging into the Fair grounds in a chariot drawn by a brace of black horses. Other members of the Alber- rescue crews, working as only mine rescue crews can, dug through the liver a bargain and sale deed for said of room' and swishing—an ideal tina Rasch ballet danced and sang in the background as the ancient legend of the reunion of Mother .Earth pillar from an adjoining chamber and pulled Joe out nine hours later. premises. sports frock. and her Daughter of the Spring was re-enacted outside the observatory which is dedicated to ;time. From that day on the only coal Joe can stand looking at is in a B. J. DUNIGAN. Township Clerk. Various time-keeping devices, astronomical clocks, old-time watches, and a telescope for determining time stove. He quit the mining engineer career cold. But I still say he can DATED: April 4fh, 1939. exact by the stars will be displayed in the Elgin Building. write like a professional? What do you think? To be advertised April 7th and April 14th, 1939, In the Fords Beacon FORDS AND RARITAN TOWNSHIP BEACON FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 14, 1939, PAGE FIVE Motion Pictures Are Your Best Entertainment!?

SYNOPSIS: Ctover City, deten town of the 'SO's, is victimized by Jim Knox, AT RAHWAY THEATRE Adapted from tht railroad tycoon. Steve Logan, secretly the champion of the townsfolk, teek* to outwit Knox by pretending to be his ally. This incurs the enmity of hit A LINE ON METRO-GOLDWYK-MAYER sweetheart Maggie Adams, and hia father. Steve Bteals the newapojjfr press and under the pseudonym of THE WASP, edits a paper exposing Knox and HOLLYWOOD Pf ctur* by hit henchman Mulligan. The presa is wrecked. Steve convince* Knox he GERTRUDE GELBIN should buy a press and set up hi* own newspaper. LET FREEDOM RING NOW READ CHAPTER FIVE—BELOW Florence Rice off for a three weeks' vacation in Honolulu . . . George Murphy staging- a tennis match to officially open Hollywood's tennis season .,. Alan Curtis spend- ing a Dude Ranch vacation in Vic- torville . . . William Powell writing friends from his hideout in the desert . . . Judy Garland waiting permission to be off on her vacation trip . . . Jeanette MacDonald post- carding her friends from the vari- ous stops on her concert tour. She is singing to sold-out houses . . . Billie Burke arriving- on the set of "Bridal Suite" in an ambulance. She is recovering from an ankle break . . . Mickey Rooney giving: up season sports temporarily to concen- trate on becoming a champion roller skate expert... Myrna Loy back at the studio following a brief vacation in Phoenix, Arizona...Jo Ann Sayers seriously studying the art of soap "Follow them! It*a The Wasp!" "Come on, Steve, sing 'em a song. "Who put this here? Where's ''/'// kill ye for this, Steve — twice. sculpture. She has completed several The Wasp?" interesting dancing figures ... Elea- nor Powell purchasing the Hula cos- The stagecoach carrying the printing The night before election, Mulligan (Vic- Steve, meanwhile, has gone to his father's Mulligan, however, sticks doggedly to his tume she wore in her latest film, press ordered by Knox drives back to Clover tor McLaglen) calls an election rally in home with the pre-election edition of the trail. He follows Steve and captures him. 'You Can't Cheat An Honest Man" featuring: Charlie McCarthy City through the early morning fog. As it honor of Judge Bronson (Guy Kibbee) newspaper. He reveals himself to his father. When he discovers that Steve, the man with "Honolulu" ... Hedy Lamarr spend- reaches a crossroad, Steve (Nelson Eddy) Knox's corrupt candidate who is running Old Logan is overjoyed to learn the truth whom he drank, at whoso singing he wept ing spare moments in furniture and The Mackerel (Charles Butterworth) for governor against Steve's father. Steve about his son. He begs Steve's forgiveness. and whose friendship he valued is THE AT THE RITZ THEATRE stores purchasing items for her masked as highwaymen, hold up the coach and The Mackerel manage to distribute As they celebrate their joyous reunion, WASP, he swears doubly to kill him. Steve home . . . Walter Pidgeon back from and make off with the press. THE WASP their newspapers right under Mulligan's Mulligan, the sheriff and a posse surround bargains with him. They'll fight it out with Palm Springs preparing to start publishes a new edition of his paper. Steve, nose. Mulligan swears anew to kill THE the house and wait in ambush. But Steve their fists. If Mulligan wins, he can hang work in his new film, "6,000 Ene- still incognito, arranges for its distribution WASP. Knox (Edward Arnold) receives manages his escape to the hills. They fol- Steve. But if Steve wins, Mulligan must through a committee friendly to his father a tip that THE WASP is expected at the low in pursuit. By a ruse he gives the join the tight against Knox. Bead the next mies" . . . Freddie Bartholomew de- (Lionel Barrymore). ciding on holding an exhibit of the Logan ranch at ten o'clock. He orders Mulli- posse the slip. and concluding chapter. * paintings in water color he has com- gan to go there. pleted during the past few months... Harpo Marx entertaining Alexander AT THE REGENT THEATRE Much of the picture was filmed moving background of fast-paced cock went to get his coat that he Woolcott as a house guest during his j on the Sacramento River, serving action, tense excitement and vivid had left hanging on a tree a day stay in Hollywood . . . Ann Ruther- I for the Mississippi, where the raft adventure. It presents Dix as aor two before, he found a wren sit- ford pulling on her eyelashes to trip of Huck and the runaway well-groomed but hard-hitting ting serenely on four tiny eggs prove they were genuine. Mickey slave, the invasion of the swin- newspaperman in love with a dan-which she laid in an inside packet. Rooney was the lad who demanded dlers "The King" and "The Duke,"' cing teacher, played by Lucille Adcock will let the coat remain proof ... James Stewart developing- and the race of a river steamer to Ball, in a featured role. until the wren can raise her fam- vocal aspirations, and practicing save the slave from a lynch mob, And on the same program, the ily. during hours when he knows the were staged. latest issue of "March of Time" neighbors are not at home . .. Wal- entitled "Young America." The lace Beery back from the recent fly- REGENT THEATRE, Elizabeth. film sets in sharp relie fthe differ- ing trip he made to New York, and ences in meaning, aim and teach- loud in'his praise of the de-icing A delirious romance that's as ings, between American youth and machine he installed on the wings gay as New Year's Eve and athse regimented, militarized youth before leaving Hollywood ... Frank modem as tomorrow was served groups of Dictatorships. Morgan demonstrating his skill at up at the Regent Theatre, starring executing the old-fashioned waltz. The latter half of the film deals : lovely Loretta Young and hand- with Mexico and the sad plight isome Warner Baxter as chief ro- 1 of the people since the boy-cott mantieists in 20th Century-Fox's from America and Great Britain of he started his triumphant march "Wil'e, Husband and Friend." the purchase of Mexican oil. OUNG to the capital of that elusive land With Loretta as the beautiful known as Fame. and gay wife, and Warner as the Roxboro, N. C—When C. B. Ad- The rise of Bergen and Mc- husband, debonair and ardent, BAXTERS Carthy has been swift and true. there's unrestrained fun in this ^lam-bang show, which Darryl F. Starts Sat. W.Tien they seemed to have reached Zanuck, 20th Century-Fox produc- the top, they have startled on- tion chief and his director, Greg- lookers by soaring still higher. ory Ratoff, have whipped1 up into This is especially true of their just about the liveliest hit of the film career in which they reach season. Mickey Rooney as "Huckleberry Finn" new heights with W. C. Fields in Universal's "You Can't Cheat An With its entire story crammed Honest Man," which opens at the into a twelve-hour period, Richard Rahway Theatre. WIFE, HUSBAND AND FRIEND Dix's newest vehicle "Twelve At the Movies McCarthy, as everyone knows, Crowded Hours" unfolds against a has been an important factor in The four girls in white, of thecoming to the Ritz Theatre in his FORUM THEATRE, Metuchen the show several times. An add-Bergen's success story. However, title, are played by Florence Rice, first solo starring vehicle, Mark K X T R A ! "Gunga Din," long awaited by ed feature will be talented Peter the story began while Charlie was Una Merkel, Ann Rutherford and Twain's "The Adventures of Charley CHawe Comedy film fans all over the country, will Lorre in his newest Moto a






By GEORGE ADE COMB B/KX Vvtr* FABLES IN SLANG Amerlmn %'»»•» FuMu you


REG'LAR FELLERS Speaking Of Miracles By Gene Byrnes



ANSWERS TO OUR PUZZLE CORNER graph—"Circus" misspell- ed, elephant on roller skates, mouse holding reina, tusks differ- ent, strap not long enough, tail on elephant, wings on elephant, has You needn't grin and bear a cough due to a on roller skates and ice skates, cold. Get Smith Bros. Cough Drops! Just 5

FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 14, 1939. BARRON NINE OPPOSES NEWARK PREP THIS AFTERNOON IN SEASON'S OPENER PKK1N6 OFFJk SMRES-^S1X1A TEAM MANAGERS WILL KEATING TO PITCH LEGION OPENER M MEETJTUESDAY NIGHT CHAPLAR TO PITCH OPENING GAME WOODBRIDGE. — ThereX\vill be a meeting of all team managers AGAINST DIXIE COLORED GIANTS IN and representatives Tuesday, April j AGAINST NEWARK PREP; JIM BEDI 18th, at the Parish House. W'ood- By George Molnar oriclge, at 7:30 p. m. Contracts NEW STADIUM SUNDAY AFTERNOON uill be accepted at that time. WINS OUT ATSECOND BASE POST King Baseball mounts his Deadline for all team entries is Tuesday, April 15 th. Positively WOODBRIDGE.—Forced into idleness when a cold FcUfp WOODBRIDGE.—Having swept the opposition of throne this afternoon in the 9 etwees In 10 FTWMK NO entries will be accepted after snap gripped this section last week, the Woodbridge Amen ! Municipal Stadium and an- my t2Q J ne TWGS that date. tour practice games in spring training, tho Woodbridge other interscholastic dia- can Legion will try again this Sunday afternoon to play its SiiiL-e there seems to be some high school Barrons now swing into real competition when mond season will be in full opening game of the season against the team scheduled for misunderstanding about the age they meet Newark Prep this afternoon in the Municipal limit in the Junior loops, we re-! Stadium in the season's opener. Frank Chaplar, who has swing for the W. II. S. Bar-the Easter Sunday opener, the N. Y. Dixie Colored Giants. Pei.t that the limit includes all had two .veal's of varsity experience, has been nominated rons. It will be worth your Bernie Keating, home from Dickinson College for the East- boys who have not attained their er holidays, will start for the- Legion on the mound. Itith birthday. to twirl this afternoon's game. Al Leffler will receive his time and sheckels just to wit- deliveries behind the plate. The game will start at 3:30 ness the impressive inaugur- Messick has .had time this past wepk to Put his boys through sev- o'clock sharp. ; - —— al services on tap. No, the llHIIklTO A gala inaugural ceremony isj^ie Simonsen, Prisco's No. 2 hurl- president won't be there, but being planned, with Mayor August' ei". u'il! start in left field, but Mayor Greiner's arm is in MUUNI dshowjn£ aSamst the powerful New tharting MAUcH if. STANKO CREATES F. Greiner throwing out the first)should he get tlie mound call, he Yoik /0000 PCXf' wil swell shape for that long- fl\ KIlllNII-mlnlN colored nine. Several of the ball. There will also be a march toi l alternate with Chaplar or Bill nO IIUUSIU I1UUI11 others have shown better-than-ev- the flag pole in center field where iGurney, both moundsmen. awa.ted first pitch. We hope e> batting strength and a few have NEW A. A. U. LIFT further ceremonies will be carried Prisco announced that the Bar- _ A ...... lip I nA^i ahead me it will be better than the ^ asured the distance to out. The new field' in the stadium rons will operate this season on a Till ID Mt V Kit ABx Lhe left kick-off he -demonstrated at fit>lci fence for home run is in perfect condition and seats co-captain basis, with Leffler and I UUFlliL I !"LHnOiclouts. the opening of the grid sea- RECORD IN MEET for 1,800 have been erected. Chaplar getting the call for the ' Tony Barcelona has shown good; Nick Frisco's second base prob- opener. The batting order for this son. HEfflfiif KEASBEY.—It's getting so that lem seems to be solved tor the mo- afternoon's tilt will rend as follows WOODBRIDBy WilliamG "JuicyW" iFaubl e form at shot and shuld be a per- MSS6AZP, Jr., whenever Steve Stanko bends to in WOODBRIDGEthe Round Robi. n— bowlin With ginteres tour-t manent fixture in the crack Legion! men. Jim Bedi, who lias shown Molnar, Wasilek, Simonsen, Kor- Nick Prisco surprise No. infield lift a heavily laden bar of iron, a fielding ability and batting prow- ezowski, Barcellona, Lcffler, Po- 2, Monday, by sending the ney rising to fever pitch, the| ' Swacky Dunliam, slow in, , CINCINNATI POST BEAUTY EXPERTS new record is chalked- up for oth- 18 leading keglers from three; coming around so early in the sea-1 fourna/ over ••VftWICAL TRAINERS ess, will start at the keystone sack. chek, Bedi and Chaplar. Barrotns through a twin- son RAP10 SWTi tint BOWUNO er heavyweight weightlifters to However, Prisco might lift him in In two practice games Tuesday, township leagues are going through, > will be in top shape for the EXEZCtSBS ener shoot at. But news this time has it the later innings to give Karnas the Barrons triumphed over Hill- bill practice session against routine drills nightly to be in Per-j°P - Mils Mitroka will cover the that Stanko, fullback on the 1935 and Semak a chance to perform Hillside and Plaunfield. _ j- t?t shape tor the roll-off which} keystone Kick and Skeets Mor- side by a close 8-7 count and then e "dream team" has added two more under fire. Jalimiy Korczowski, at .shut out Phiinficld 6-0. Chaplar Seems to me that Nick has will be held Monday night, May 1, Son, recruited from the South Am- certificates to his quickly mount- on the Peanut league alleys. The bov league, has shown promise of first; Tony Barcellona, at short, worked the morning game, while a lot of confidence in his ing collection on body culture. and Pochek, at third, completes Simonsen pitched the afternoon's tourney will last one week, ter- becoming a regular Legion starter iStanko was recently awarded a boys, especially in their at first base. the infield. shut-out. Simonsen was also the minating on Saturday night, at the certificate by Gardner's Reducing Wasilek and Simonsen are batting star in both frays, collect- condition. Even major Recreation alleys. The same trio that finished the Salon and Gymnasium of Schnec- league nines, with a long- CASEYS END SEASON BY DROPPING scheduled to operate in the out- ing five its in eight trips to the Mayor Grciner, who will donate season for the Legion in the out- tady, N. Y., for possessing one of field along with veteran Charley platter. In other practice tilts earl- er period of training un- the trophy to the winning team. field last year will start all over the finest and best developed a Molnar. Wasilek has shown p]e«-|ier in the training .season the Bar- der their belts and better has promised to be on .hand, to in-i £ain. Andy Barcellona will cover G.P.A, TITLE GAME TO RUNYONS BYphysiques in the eastern section of ty of speed in workouts and will'rons walloped Jamesburg 25-3, augurate the tourney by throwing left field, Hottay Delaney in center the United States, in Class C com- h * S A S playing conditions, wince and Billy Golden will patrol right roam the center fieldi sector. Bob- arK* S. A. St. Mary's 11-1. at the mention of a double- down the fiist ball. 'Donations petition. The other certificate was j have been coming in steadily and fieldi . Al three .have given good awarded by the A. A. U., for cre- header. Well, we hope it is believed extra prizes will be accounts in practice sessions and 54-36 MARGIN! LATE RALLY WINS ating a new American, heavyweight Nick did the right thing. awaiaed bowlers for various team are threatening to bowl over the record in weightlifting by clean- We'll see for ourselves and individual scores. left field fence with line drives and WOODBRIDGE—With Hank Lakomski coming through ing and jerking 347^ pounds. AROUND THE BASEBALL GAMPS homers. this afternoon. The interest in the tourney is with a brilliant performance to break the league scoring In June the former Woodbridge rather startling, and much more The Dixie Colored Giants have mark at 23 points, the Runyon Association five trounced high school athlete will be entered PORT READING. — Despite the and if they succeed, Keasbey will Memorandum to the Town- than was ever exepected. Mer- had a very busy week, meeting the local Caseys 54-36 Saturday night on the Fords School in the National Finest Physique fact that he has several important give a good account of itself in the ship Committee: Now that1 chants are donating freely and the leading semi-pro clubs in and No. 14 court to capture the Greater Perth Amboy basket- contest to be held in Schnectady. replacements to make in the line- league. i u J ... fi.. t- +«.,«v, t bowlers are trying harder than arounaiOL d the Metropolitan area. Sev- N. Y. Stanko is also planning on up, Coach James Keating was op- * * * • you've had your first touch)AWi.tft .iimn .^n ^ Riffiq.v fprtm:erai new players have been signed ball league championship. The score fails to show, how- entering competition at the New timistic today as he looked forward ever, the bitterness of the battle, since both teams played FORDS. — Coach George "Mc~ of spring fever and are ind advance notice has it that York World's Fair sometime in to the opening of the season for his Graw" Lattanzio answered "pret- the mood to help the taxpay-'retaries of the three loc.al leagues, they'll be out to give the Legion a neck and neck for three periods. A 23-point ]ast period August. At the present time Stan- Port Reading Grammar School ty good" when asked how the out- several new names will be found sound trouncing in their opening attack did the trick after the Runyons had taken a slim one- ko is drilling with the York, Pa., Baseball team, and the chances of look was for his Fords Grammar »•*% why not get busy and fray. bar bell team for future competi- / uild a swimming pool in ourin the line-up on the opening point lead going ™to the final stretch. • repeating last year's success in team during the coming campaign. night. The official entry lists will The colored nine is dotted with tion. winning the Township Grammar Eighteen candidates appeared for large and beautiful park? familiar names, players who have The Caseys, last year's cellar Sciiool title. be announced! next week, after a Runyon's Assn. (54) practice during the past week. Out- Woodbridge could really use careful check is made of records seen action with the best teams in occupants, staged a drive in the f 1,430,000 CHIMES Last year's graduations have standing candidates were "Booby" That would keep most I of all players. the nation. The line-up is as fol- early part of the season with five practically riddled the team's ros- Hunt at first base, Matthew Jago one. v lows: Duboise, center field; Hig- Jaglowski, f 3 3 Washington, D. C. — Attorney of us at home on sweltering! J} ±° officials from each league consecutive wins to take first General Murphy intimates that ter with holes. .Nick Sivak and Bill at shortstop and' John PaJko on the will be present each night to ar- gins, short-stop; Bowen, right Kelly, f 1 Kuhlic are looked upon to carry pitcher's mound. summer days, and not at field; Mooney, catcher; Robinson, place. Then followed a three- there were 1,430,000 serious of- bitrate and officiate the matches. Koslowski, f 1 the pitching burden. Daniel has • • i» » neighborhood pools. If you third base; Grace, left field; Col- game slump which put the locals Otlowski, c . fenses committed in the United Plans are being made at the pres- 0 States in 1938, or an average of the inside track on catching posi- AVENEL. — No less than twen- don't think the revenue will ent to make the tourney an an- man, second base and Stewart, in third place. With the return of Osiecki, c ... 0 tion, either Zuccaro or H. Vahaly, first base. Five pitchers will ac- 3,927 a day. Homicides numbered ty-six candidates appeared for jump skyward, ask the town nual event, with the Mayor's tro- Leffler and Elliot to the line-up, Heenan, g ... 1 at second; Simone at short and Kol practice sessions to try out for the phy going to the team winning the company the team and one of the McDermott, g 0 0 12,000. that owns and operates a the Caseys bounded back into a lar at third. In the outfield, be- Avenel School team during the tourney two years in succession. following will get the starting bid; Toth, g 1 1 sides J. Minucci in left field, will swimming pool. Better yet, Clinton, Bates, Williams, David- first place tie by annexing four TORNADOES past week. Coach Vincent Grogan Extra seats have been erected at Lakomski, g 7 be a pick of D'Apolito, Antonelli expressed pessimistically that the ask your own townsmen. . . son or Washington. straight wins. Saturday night's Washington, D. C. — The Wea- each of the three alleys to give the Niemiera, g 1 0 ther Bureau reports that tornadoes and S. Vahaly. outlook is no more than fair due They're for it 100%. fans a chance to see more real game drew a capacity crowd, since caused 181 deaths, 1,321 injuries Practice sessions are being held to graduation of three stars from high-class bowling. it was for the championship of the Totals 20 14 54 and property losses exceeding $8,- every day this week on the P- & last year's Group B Grammar PICK-UPS ... Joe Barcel- The schedule for the tourney is 000,000 in the United States" last R. diamond from one to three in School champions. Outstanding ona is the 79th ping pong as follows: Monday, Civic at Pea- league. Score by periods: Caseys 12 10 6—36 year. There were 200 tornadoes in the afternoon during the Easter candidates were: Charles Effing- champion at the Parish nut; Tuesday, Peanut at Recrea- SOFTBALL NINES Kelly's foul shot gave the Run- 1938. vacation. When school convenes ham, John Brady. Walter Jordan, yons the lead in the first quarter, Runyons 12 11 23—54 hou&e . . Which reminds tion; Wednesday, Recreation at practice sessions will be held after and John Balog. Civic; Thursday, Peanut at Civic; but Mayer countered with a foul school hours. * • « * us, Roscoe Mihalko didn't Friday, Recreation at Peanut; Sat- and Elliot chipped in a nice field leave town because Red urday, Civic at Recreation. ANNOUNCE PLAN goal to give tr- locals the lead. La- SEWAREN. — "Despite the fact WOODBRIDGE. — The Wood- that my boys are small" stated Finn trounced him for title komski and Jaglowski then added a pair of two-pointers, but Mayer RUMBLINGS bridge No. 11 boys apeared slow Coach Paul Rossi, of the Sewaren No. 64 . . He finally landed school team, "I'm sure we will AQUILA GIRLS ENTER FOR 19JEAS0N again broke the tie with a pair of and sluggish for their first prac- a job . . . Nice going . . . on the tice sessions on Tuesday and Wed- have a better than fair team and GOLD MEDAL TOURNEY WOODBRIDGE.—Tuesday night field goals. At the quarter both nesday. Infield prospects that will will let the heavy teams in the George Gerek signed up teams were tiedi at 12-all. WOODBRIDGE — The Anthony eleven softball representatives endeavor to win places on the loops know that they have been in with the Legion only a few from five Township Fire Compa-j The Runyons grabbed a one- ALLEYS First base, Bil- ball games before the season's days ago . . He might also Aquila All Star Girls Basketball Giants teams are. team will represent the township nies met at the Parish House. | point lead, 23-22 as the half ended. by William "Juicy" Fauble ly "Zeke" Distlecamp, Ray Leffler; over." A squad of 19 candidates try out for the Manhattan in the Gold Medal tournament due Rules and regulations were thor- i Heenan was the big gun for the Second base, "Burgess" Dunfee and appeared for practice sessions ev- College nine when he re- to start at the Y. M. C. A., Perth oughly discussed. Amboyans in this period. Elliot's Stanley Seglinskj; Short stop, ery afternoon during the past week. Amboy tonight. The Aquila stars Those who attended the meeting foul tied the count at the start of Charles Monek; Third base, An- Fundamentals in batting, base turns. were Chief William Hettinger and the second hall. Toth and Heenan gelo "Gus" Harris; Catcher, Harry running, fielding were stressed. will play Kanai Association of 1 I am pleased—mighty pleased Busy Bee Market 2.00 Bill Kunie reminds us Perth Amboy, at 7 p. m. tonight. Joseph Rader of Hopelawn, An- quickly added a foul and a brace with the way things are going for Raymond Jackson, Druggist.. 2.00|Hornsby and "Spurgeon" Luck; thony L. Balint, William Warren of double-deckers and the Run- more and more of that fam- The local team, under the man- the Round Robin Bowling tourna- E. R. Finn & Co 2.00! Pitcher, Frank "Cooney" Gyenes, WASP CAUSES WRECK and Dan Samdorf of Fords, Harold yons grabbed a five-point lead. ment to be held the week of May Woodbridge Auto. Sales 2.00 last year's holdover. Among the ous comic character, "Fat agement of Mrs. Samuel Gioe, is Federalsburg, Md. — When a made up of the Durisch sisters, Hansen and Edward Kennedy of Keating and Elliot reduced the 1. The businessmen in town have Puritan Dairy 2.00 outfielders that show sparkle are: Stuff" . . And they say John-' Avenel, Frank D'Apolito, T. Si- learii to two points. Gerity broke been more than co-operative and 1.00 Salisbury, Muchanic and Chestnut. wasp, with highly efficient sting- Sophie and Anne, the Vargo sis- Paramount Barber Shop ing equipment, got into the auto- ny Royle does not go in for ters, Olga and Betty, Helen Kane, mione and Patsy LaRusso of Port through to give his Caseys the lead. have all pitched in so that we have Bill Perna 1.00 The hold outs, that is, those who Reading. but then Lakomski and Heenan $64 to date to be used for prize Ben Coppola 1.00 failed to appear during the Easter mobile of William Carroll and necking . . Local college la

SPRING DANCE IS FAVORITE DISH TOWNSHIP GETS MAUREEN O'SULUVAN DEMONSTRATES HOW TO APPLY POWDER CORRECTLY ANNOUNCED HERE BIDS ON TRUCKS, CLARA BARTON. — A spring dance will be sponsoied by Rar- ROAD OIL, CRANE itan Engine Company No. 2 Satur- day evening, May 6, in the Clara CONTRACTS TO BE AWARD- Barton fire hall. Fire Foreman ED AT REGULAR MEET- Stephen Kurry is general chair- ING MONDAY man, ai'd£d by John Kalman, Michael Bandies, George Bandies and John Nagy. WOODBRIDGE-—Bids for three motor trucks, one combination A get-together supper, in hono:- crane ar.v shovel and a quantity of the "old timers" of the fire de- of road oil were received by the partment, will be held Saturday Township committee at a special evening, April 22, in the firehousc. meeting held Monday night. The The affair will be a token of ap- contracts will be awarded at the preciation in the department to regular meeting to be held Mon- charter and old members who day night, April 17, at the Mem- helped organize the company. orial Municipal building. I First, start at the base of the Do not flap the •powder puff, scour Maureen O'Sullivan now appear- TheMetro-Goldtryn-Maycr player The last step is to see that all powder is removed from the brow* The bids received for the trucks the face or concentrate on nose and ing opposite Johnny Weissmidler in after applying smooth coating of were as follows: ' and Qpply powder and lashes. Use a small eyebrow Board oi Education clean puff or cotton in a succession chin. With a powder brush, spread a new "Tarzan" film, uses a soft powder, with brusk, carefully re- brush for this purpose, being care~ Seaboard Sales, Fords, three In- (Continued from page one) of firm pressure movements with the powder evenly, removing all brush and is very careful to get all moves surplus powder /row nose ful not to powder the upper lid of ternational trucks, $3,915 less $75 the eye unless eyelid make-up is A. Leonard Murphy, a new mem for old Ford truck, net price S3,- upward motion. surplus. powder out of the hair edges. and mouth creases. ber to the board, remarked to Dav-' 840. is, "if I can rely on your good! judgement, this must be serious," i Ham and the white meat of chicken Morris Schwaitz, Red Bank, on white bread, plus EngllsJt. *IUB- three International trucks, $3,918, WIFE GETS SALARY; adding that it was a problem to be. tard and a slice o_f_di1i pickle, la the less $50 for old Ford truck, net FACULTY TO BEGIN REHEARSALS IN discussed privately so that the luncheo1 n menu of Freddie Bartholo- OFFICERS INSTALLED AT MEETING 25 CENTS DAILY TO mew, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer star. price, 33,868. matter could be aired before the The salad la grated cabbage, carrots BE GIVEN TO HUBBY entire board. and raisins; the beverage, tea. International Harvester Co., 3 Immediately, Larson insisted International trucks, $3,918 less $65 EARNEST FOR ANNUAL PRODUCTION for old Ford truck, net price, $3,- OF MARCONIER CONSISTORY BOARD WOODBRIDGE.—George Grega, that the board meet behind closed 49, of 115 Fairfield avenue. Fords, d*>ors. Davis urged that the meet- THREE BOYS ATTEMPT 858. WOODBRIDGE.—When school Principal Arthur C. Ferry who Bids received for the combina- OAK TREE. — At a recent meeting of the consistory- was placed on probation for a peri reopens Monday after the Easter will have the title role of Captain ing be deferred, adding that he was TO SNATCH HANDBAG od of two years by Judge Arthur not ready to vote on a matter of tion truck, crane and shovel were board of Marccnicr Reformed church, installation of new recess, rehearsals will begin in Applejack, a role he played when as follows: Brown in police court this week on earnest for the presentation of the the production was first shown 12 which, he "was not absolutely WOODBRIDGE.—While walking officers took place preceding the colorful Maundy services. charges of being dirunk and dis- right." Hubbard Floyd Co., New York, Woodbridge High School faculty yea is ago; William Benson, Miss along Barron avenue in front of $5,350; Smith Tractor Co., Irving- Bryant Randolph, Rasmus Krog orderly and. beating his wife. play, "Captain Applejack," on Elizabeth Kopper. Mr.-;. Thomas The closed meeting lasted one the high school around eight o'- and Orville Freeman became el-' Mrs. Grega and her daughter hour, but still no satisfactory deci- ton, $4,900. Thursday, Friday and Saturday Bivnnan, Miss Johanna Magyar, clck Monday night, Margaret Voor Bids received for the oil were as ders; Leonard Sanford and Benja- were the complainants in the case. nights, April 27, 28 and 29 in the Mis-; Martha Morrow, Howard sion had been reached". hees, of 585 Barroh avenue, Wood- FIRST AID SQUAD follows: min Wycoff were installed as dea- The former told the court that her Woodbridge high school auditori- Stein, William Bccklcy, Donald A. bridge, was suddenly confronted Middlesex Concrete Products cons. Mr. Wycoff not having serv- husband failed to provide for the READ THE BEACON um. Wescott and Hurry Sechrist are by three young boys who attempt- and Excavating Co., 75,000 gal- ed on any previous consistory, was family. As part of the punishment Miss Grace Huber is coaching'the suporting cast. ed to snatch her -handbag. lons oil furnished delivered and ordained prior to his installation. GETS S23 FROM meted out to him, Grega was ord- ered1 to turn his pay envelope over the play, while Miss Ruth Erb is in The student body, which di- LEGAL NOTICE In the struggle the strap o£ the applied, $6,525; 2,000 gallons RCO Services rendered by William E. charge of publicity and Stephen K. reotly benefits from the play as purse broke, but Miss Voorhees oil delivered and filled in tanks at Van Court, a member of the church to his wife, who in return was to give him twenty-five cents daily Werclok is business manager. proceeds are used to purchase ar- IN CHANCKRY OF NKW remained in possession 'of the bag. Township garage, $186; 28,000 gal- for forty-two years and for many Members of the cast include: ticles needed by them, is making 124-87 The boys then ran away in the di- lons RCO oil furnished, delivered RECEN1JENEFIT for spending money. TO •. Salvator': Talano and Mrs. Sal- years a member of the consistory,( every effort to help make the ev- vatore Talano, his wife, Catherine rection of the school. and applield on any street of the were commended in a resolution j TOTAL COLLECTED TO DATE When brought into headquarters ent finniicHl success. The staff of Orgo, (also known as Catherine Ar- Township, $2,604. by Officers Henry Dunham and go), and Mr. Orgo, (also known us* adopted by the board. Mr. Van' AMOUNS O $684.00 SEWAREN MAN GETS the All-Hi News, the student pub- Mr. Argo), her husband, Jennie Le- Shell Eastern Oil: 75,000 gallons Court was elevated to Elder Eme- Daniel Panconi, Grega had a gash li<; tion, is dedicating Us next mun vlne und Mr. Levin*;, hor tiusban.i. LEGAL NOTICE CA4 oil, furnished, delivered and on his head which was inflicted by 30-DAY SENTENCE Mr. Somma, husband of iVJaria Som- Refer To: W-131; Docket 119-217 ritus a life-term. He declined to WOODBRIDGE.—Twenty-nine ber, which will appear the week of ma. Mr. Cinque, husband of Terem lU-cwrucd: Hook 11T.S; rajje 91. applied, $6,900; 2,000 gallons RCO serve another term at a recent con- dollars were donated this week to his wife while defending herself. AS DRUNKEN DRIVER th" 24th, to the faculty. Cinque, Mr. Solenzlo, husband of Lu- NOTICK OF PUBI-IC SAI.E oil, delivered and filled in tanks at gregational meeting, which named the Woodbridge Emergency Squad crezla Solonzio, Die respective un- TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Township garage, $200; 28,000 gal- FINED FOR SPEEDING - . #~~" **~ known heirs, devisees and personal At a regular meeting of tfie Town- the consistory board. Inc., making the total collected to WOODBRIDGE.—Hans; Iverson, representatives of Salvaloro Talano, ship Committee of the Township of lons RCO oil, furnishedi, delivered! date, $684. The new donations WOODBRIDGE.—J. Pussillo, 29, Catherine Orgo. (also known ;is Woodbridge held Monday, April 3rd. and applied on any street of the! Anna Lou Toth, Anna Bruderer of 42 Larch street, Carteret, was 60, of 7 Oakland avenue, Scwar- Catherine Argo), Jennie Levine, Ma- 1939, I was directed to advertise the ! and Charles Alms were among were as follows: 'FATHER'S NIGHT' ria Somma, Teresa Cinque, Lucrezia Township, $2,716. given a suspended sentence and as- fact that on Monday evening. April those who met with the consistory, Receipts from benefit bas- en, was committed to the county Solenzlo, and their or any of thfir 17- h, 1939. the Township Committee Tar Asphalt Service, Inc., 75,000 sessed four dollars costs for speed- heirs, devisees, executors, administra- will meet at 8:00 P. M. (EST) In the seeking admission to the church. ketball game $23.25 workhouse this week for 30 days tors, grunteoa, usaigns or successors Committee Chambers, Memorial Munlcl gallons of OA4 Oil, furnished, de- Junior Woman's Club ing at the rate of 55 miles per hour In right, title or interest: pal Building, Woodbridge. New Jersey, livered and applied, $6,675; 2,000 During the services two infants in a 20 mile zone. Motorcycle Of- in default of payment of a $200 PROGRAM LISTED and expose and sell at public sale and were baptised—Sarah Elizabeth of Fords 5.00 By virtue of un Order of t*ie Court gallons RCO oil, delivered and ficer Rudolph Simonsen issued the fine on charges of drunken driving. to the highest bidder according to terms Needham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Allen 1.00 of Chancery of New Jersey, made on ot sale on file with the Township Clerk filled! in tanks at Township gar- summons. In aictdition Iverson's driver's li- PISCATAWAYTOWN. — Plans the day of ttie date hereof, in a cause open to Inspection and to be publicly Mrs. John Addison Needham and are under way for an interesting wherein the Township of Woodbridg*-, n.-ad prior to sale, Lots 17-20 incl. in age, $190; 28,000 gallons RCO oil, $29.25 Steve Gajtz, 19, of Metuchen was cense was revoked for a period of a municipal corporation of the State of Block 253-B. Woodbridge Township furnished, delivered and applied Janet Ann Freeman, daughter of given a suspended sentence and as- protfrnm in observance o£ the an- New Jersey, is complainant, and you Assessment Map. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Freeman. In Previously donated 654.75 two years. nual "Father's Nisht" by the Par- and others are the defendants, you are Take further notice that the Town- on any street in the Township, sessed two dollars court costs for required to appear and nnswer the bill conclusion Holy Communion was Iverson was arrested by Officer ent-Teacher Association, to toe ship Committee has, by resolution and $2,660. Total to date $684.00 passing a red light. Motorcycle Of- of said complainant on or before tfie pursuant to law, fixed a minimum [distributed. The liturgy was read ficer Carl iSundquist issued the W .Brow*: aftc-i a car he was driv- held Monday evening, April 17, in 29th day of May, next, or the said bill price at which said lots in said block Report for March will be taken as confessed against you. by the pastor, Rev. Forest L. ing on Fulton street, near Albert S^huvl No. 3. will ue sold together with all othei Forty-five calls were made by summons. The said bill is filed to absolutely details pertinent, said minimum price Decker, and the elements served street, collided with another car According to tentative plans, it debar and foreclose you from all right being §900.00 plus eonts of preparing LOCAL MAN HELD ON j by Rev. John Y. Broek, pastor of the ambulance during the past operated by Daniel Diiikins, color- was decided to hold a mock mar- and equity of redemption of, In and to deed and advertising this sale. Said lots month according to a report sub- PICKED UP HERE the premises described in certificates in said block, if solJ on terms, will re- DESERTION CHARGES |t"he Trinity Reformed church of WOODBRIDGE. — On a com- ed, of 100 Main street. Iceola Dink- vuitfe and beauty contest, with only of tax sales dated September 22nd. 1920, quire a down payment of $90.00 the bal- mitted yesterday. There were 35 ance of purchase price to be paid in plaint made by Steve Pernika, of ins, 16, colored, a passenger in her fathers tnking part. Final plans covering Lo's 228. 230. 231, 232. 233-A. Plainfield. transport calls, 4 accident calls and 1 237-B and 239 to 250 in Block 389-A, on equal rnon'hly installments of $10.00 WOODBRIDGE.—Victor Skom- The church Sunday school pres- 1020 Margaretta place, Perth Am- father's car, was injured anti will be discussed this week at a the Assessment Map of the Township plus interest and other terms provided 3 inhalator calls. The ambulance of Woodbridge. County of Middlesex. for in contract of sale. ba, 45, of 96 Schoder avenue, this ented its annual Easter program boy, Paul Yunek, 32, of 87 Juliette treated at police headquarters by conference of the executive board. travelled 461 miles during March Mrs. Leonard Murphy, president, And you, Salvatore Talano are made Take further notice l*mt at said sale, place, was held for the grand jury!and egg hunt on the church lawn, and used up 55 Va galons ot gaso- street, Hopelawn, was arrested Dr. Malcolm Dunham for contu- a>fundunt, because ymi are the owner or tiny date t.o which it may be. ad- nnd released in the custody of his;Early yesterday morning, the Tuesday by Sergeant George Ba- sions of the forehead, Dunham al- is in charge of arrrangements. of record of part of the premises here- journed, the Township Committee re- line. inabove described, and you may claim serves the right In its discretion to re- attorney, Peiry Quackenbush, this'Youth Fellowship attended the iint for grand larceny and robbery. so examined Iverson and pro- Refreshments will be served by an interest therein: ject any one or all bids ond to sell said lots in said blook to such biddei week on a charge of desertion Easter Sunrise service at Washing- Yunek was turned over to Detec- nounced him unfit to operate a Mrs. Joseph Stout, hospitality And you, Mrs. Salvatorr Talano are r as it may select. Uue regard being giv- ton Rock, held by the Young tive Tonghin, of Perth Amboy. motor vehicle. chairman and her committee. made defendant, because you are t :ie en to terms and manner of payment. 2 COLORED MEN SENT wife of the above named owner at rec- In case one or more minimum bids People's Federation of Plainfield. o-d of part of the pivmiscs herein- shall be received. LEGAL NOTICE TO WORKHOUSE FOR 30 above described, and you may have or UpL>n acceptance of the minimum claim to have an inchoate" right of bid, or bid above minimum, by the imade by his wife, Anna, of Ford dower In part of aaid premises: Township Committee and the payment Kefer To: W-SC>; Dorket 11S--46 DAYS AS TRESPASSERS Recorded: Book 1128; I'atte 296. ! avenue, Fords. And you. Catherine Orgo. (also known) 'hereof by t»ie Din-chaser, according to NOTICK OF PUBLIC SALE as Catlierlni' Argo). aro made defend- 'h'\ m.inneilti r of purchase in accordance [ Mrs. Skomba told Judge Arthur with \erms of s»le on file, the Town- TO WFlOBt IT MAY CONCERN: WOODBRIDGE.—For trespass- unt. because by virtu if a deed dat- At a regular meeting of the Tcwn- Brown that she and her husband ed May 23. lilKl. recorded in the Mid- ship will deliver, a bargain and sale ing on. Reading Railroad property, deed for sold premises. ship Committee of th. e_ Townshirp u.f hv-St signed a separation agreement dlesex Count)*' Clerk's Office in iook Woodbridge held Monday, April 3rd. Earl Ford, 27, colored of Albany, 524 of Deeds, page •151. you appear to B. J. DUNTGAN. in which Mr. Skomba promised to Township Clerk. 1933. I was directed to advertise the N. Y., and John Saunders, 30, col- have an Intovrst in pml of t*ie pre- fitct that on Monday evening. April mises hereinabve described; DATBD: April It'i. 1939. pay her six dollars a week for the ored, of Muskogee, Okla., were To be advertised April 7th and 17 h. 1939. the ToT™ahJ^Cominiuecj pp .t of their chili After mak- And you, Jennie Levine are made de- April 14th. 193<>, in the Fords Beacon. will meet at SUi OX each sentenced to the county work fendant. because by virtue of a deed Committee Chambers. Memorial Muni-; ing payments for three months, he house for 10 days, by Judge Arthur dated March 6. 1905. recorded In the fiip-il Building. Woodbridge. New Jer- j (.pnspH sending her monpv chp Middlesex County Clerk's Office In Bunk soy. and expose and sell at ptiljlk-1c™™ senamS nei money, sne Brown, in Police court. 367 of Deeds, ptifiv 581. you appear Iti LEGAL NOTICE sale and to the highest Didder accord- | testified. have an interest in part of Ihe prem- ttiK to terms of sale on Hie with the Paul Mosko, railroad police-man, ises herelnabmv described: Refer To: W-191; Oocket 121-335 TDwnship Clerk open to inspection ami was the complainant. Officer Thorn Kecmleil: Book 11X1; rage 'ZG. ir* bv- publicly read prior to sale. Lots IN CHANCERV OF NEW JERSEY as Bishop made the arrests. And you. Mr. Orgo. (also known :is NOTICE OF PUBLIC SAT,E 501 and 502 in Block 166. Woodbridge 123-S61 Mr- Argo), and Mr. Levim*. are made Township Assessment Map. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: To: MARY ZULLO defendants, because, j'ou are the hus- At a regular meeting of the Town- Take further notice that the Town- btinds of Catherine Orgo. (also known ship Committee of the Township of ship Committee has. by resolution and By virtue of an Order of the Court Pickpocket Gets Six a.s Catherine Argo), and Jennie Levin-'. Woodbridge held Monday. April 3rd. pursuant to law. fixed a minimum priw nr L'.ianctry of New Jersey, made on appear to Imvo an interest In pint }'Xi'j, I was directed to advertise the at which said lots in said block will be the day oL the date hereof, in a cause Uie i lwvi*ii\al»iwp Commit'te has. by resolution and serves t'le. right in its discretion to 4. 5. 6, 21, 22 and 23 in Block 1078, on helrx. devisees and personal represent- pursii'int ti> law, fixed a minimum price reject any one or all bids and to sell the Assessment Map of the Township geant Frank Miller after a com- atives of Salvature Talano, Catherine a' jvljich said lots in said block will be said lots in said block to such bidder of Woodbridge, County of Middlesex. Orgo. (also known ns Catherine Argi>». sold tose'her with all other details per- as it may select, due regard being giv- plaint was made by Carl Isaac, of Jennie Levine. Maria Siimina. Teresa ' inent. said minimum price beins en to terms and manner of payment, And you. Mary Zullo, are made de- King George's road, who claimed Cinque, Lucrezifi Solenzio. and their or "100.00 plus costs of preparing deed and in casa one or more minimum bids shall lendant because you are the wife vt any of their heirs, devisees, executors, advertising i his sale. Said lots in said be received. Eciwaid Zullo. who is one of the hr-irs that Nickles took five dollars out administrators, grantees, assigns or sue block, if sold on terms, will require a UDon accep'onee of the minimum bid. al law and next of kin of Aniello Zullo of his pocket and then punched cessors fn right, title or Interest, aie down payment of 550.00. t*ie balance or bid above minimum, by the Town- deceased, and Carmela Zullo, his wife, him so hard that his nose was made parties defendant, because you i'f purchase price to be paid in equal ship Committee and the payment deceased, who are the owners of rec- may have or claim to havhave an interesinte t monthly installments of $10.00 plus In- thereof by the purchaser according to ord of the premises mentioned herein- broken necessitating treatment by 'he manner of purchase in accordance above, and you have or may claim to in t'.ie premises described in said bill terest and other terms provided for in Dr. B. Wiesenfeld. of complaint. ontract of sale. wit^i terms of sale* on file, the Town- have an interest in said lands by reas- Take further notice ihat at said sale, ship will deli\-er a bargain and sale on of an inchoate right of dower. EUGENE BLANKEtfHORNKEtfHORN,, deed for said premises. SolicitoSliit r £o£ r and or CCounsel with or any date to which it may be ad- EUGENE BLANKENHORN. MR. AND MRS. J. C. JENSEN OF journed, the Township Commit'ee re- B. J. DUNIGAN. Solicitor for and of Counsel, Complainant. serves Kie right in Us discretion to Township Clerk. Overbrook avenue, attended the 24 Commerce Street, 1 with Complainant, reiec any one or all bids and to sell DATED: April 4ft. 1939. 24 Commerce Street. birthday party of Mr. Jensen's OlDS "60" 2 • DOOR SEDAN *f3f * Newark, New Jersey. said lots in said block to such bidder To be advertised Aoril 7th and Newark, New Jersey. Dated: March 27th, 1939. as it may select, due regard being giv- \DI]| l-ith, 1939. in the Fords Beacon. Dated: March 30tb. 1939. brother, Thomas, in Fords Fri- 3-31 ;4m-7,H.2I. en to terms and manner of payment, Im—7.14,21,28 day night. in case ofto or more minimum bids shall QUALITY FEATURES, QUALITY APPOINTMENTS, be received. LEGAL NOTICE Upon accep'ance of the.minimum bid. QUALITY DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION! or bid above minimum, by the Town- Refei T\TED: April 4t!i. 1939. '7-h. 1339. the Township Committee Directory To be advertised April 7th and wl'l meet at S P. M. (EST) fn tht- OPP. CITY SCALES PERTH AMBOY P. A. 4—0505 Four-Way Stabilization controls up-and-down motion, fore- Ar-rll Hilv 1933. In tht> Fords Beacon. Committee Chambers. Memorial Muni- and-aft and side-to-side movement and body-roll—result- cipal Buildine. Woodbridfie. Kcv Jer- NEW—USED—REBUILT TIRES AT CUT RATES FOR RENT sev. and expose and sell at public ing in a safe, steady, stabilized ride. sale and to the highest oirtder oceorfl- We Specialize in Black and White Side Wall LEGAL NOTICE injc to terms of sale on file with t^x* Knee-Action Front Wheels, acting independently of each FURNISHED APT.—3 Rooms and Townshio Clerk open to inspection and 16 and 17 inch Tires bath. All improvements on Am- to be publicly read prior to sale. Tjot other, step over bumps and holes in the road. NOTICE OF SPECIAL Kl.KCTION 71. in Blrck 31-A. Wondbridge Town- TIRES ON TIME Dual Center-Control Steering provides exceptional handling boy Ave. Inquire 80 Albeit St., WOODBRIDGE TOWNSHIP FIRE ship Assessment Map. Woodbridge. DISTRICT XO. 7 TP.k<* further notice that the Tovm- ease and accurate, positive car control. FORDS. NEW JERSEY !--bfp Commit'ee has. by resolution an-1 FIRESTONE SENTINEL DUNLOP NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN' to the Self-Energizing Hydraulic Brakes assurequick,, smooth, straight - FURNISHED ROOM—For Gentleman. mirsuint to law. fixed a minimum Drice or GOODRICH 1-YEAR GUARANTEE at which said lot in said block will h" line stops with minimum pedal pressure. 8-1276. °° " ge' sold together with PH other details 4.75x19 _ 5.25 4.75x19 _ §4.49 will be held at the Fire House at Forda. tvrtinent. said minimum p-ice beinf 5.25x18 ..._ 6.41 5.25x18 _ _... 5.49 90 H. P. Econo-Master Engine delivers brilliant, all-round in said District, said election is called '•""infl plus cos's of preparing deed FOR RENT—T.iree large sunny rooms for t"ie following purpose: 5.50x17 _ 6.94 performance — saves on gasoline and oil. and bath. NeM-ly decorated. Ho~am! and advertising this site Said lot in 5.50x17 „ 5.69 To votf an appropriation for general said blhck. If sold nn *erms will re- 6.00x16 7.82 cold water. Kitchen range provided lire purposes for the current fiscal year. 6.00x16 6.49 100% Full-Pressure Lubrication with Rifle-Drilled Connecting Inquire S. Beck. P. O. Box 57-.I. "uire a down payment of S-iO.00. the The polls will be opened at 3 P. M. of imrchase nriee to be paid i" Rods. All engine bearings and piston pins are pressure street and Inman Avenue, R:ih- and will be closed at 7 P. M. BRAND NEW GUARANTEED REBUILT TIRES 3-31:4-7.U monthlv installments of SI0.00 lubricated. N. J. Thr itemized budget list is as fol- nlus interes' and other terms provided TUBES 7Qr» 5.50x17 gO QQ lows: fo- in. contract of sale. Roomy, Wide-Vision Body by Fisher has extra-large Real Estate For Sale Water power, light gas and Take further notice 'hit at said sale, As low as „ ' vC 6.00x16 _ WU.iJiJ telephone S 300.00 nr anv date to which it may be ad- EXPERT windshield and windows for greater vision and safety. E. R. FINN A COMPANY Miscellaneous * 600.00 iourned. the TownshiD Cfmmit'ee re- USED TIRES Real Estate and Insurance Paid Drivers 2,150.00 server- l*ie right in its discrftion tn VULCANIZING Bonds - WorlgagGs Repairs to building 400 00 eiee* anv one or nil bids and tft s"U Equipment 1,000.00 -lid lot in said block to such bidder EACH » Mnln Street. Woodbridge. N r Fuel U00 00 ns it mav select, due regard being piv- men "YOU OUGHT TO OWN AN OLDS ^^ Tel. Wo. 8-1221 Maintaining alarm 200.00 to terms nnd manner of ^>1^•^lI'^f 2 GAL. SEALED ANY BRAND OF 25c Insurance . 915.00 in case one or more minimum bids shall THE THAr HAS THOMAS F. BURKE. INC. Commissioners' salary .... 410.00 be received. j CAN MOTOR OIL SEALED QT. CANS OF „ Real Estate & Insurance Truck 500.00 U*v>n nceep'ance of the minimum bid j REG. PRICE MOTOR OIL Mortgages Paid firemen 625.00 r.r bid nbrwe witoinrnm. hv the Trwn- Iflti State Street. Perth Amhoy. N. J Supplies 100.00 ihiD Committee ^nd the mvment $1.00 49c Qt Phone 4—042* th eof bv th? nuT-hnser according !o S7.300.00 jlh manne" of Dtirrhnsp in ^ccordancf STANDARD MAKE TRUCK TffiES Witer hydrants and terms of sale on file, the Tnwn- WOODBRIDGE AUTO SALES Trucking mains .etc $6,000.00 win floliver r> Mreain and sulf Board of Fire Commissioner* for said premises 32x6—8 Ply $18.17 32x6—10 Ply $22.00 TEL. WOOD. &—0100 ot "WtKXlhridee Township B. J DTJNIGAN. JOHNF. RYAN. JR. Fire District Xo. 7. 475 RAHWAY AVENUE WOODBRIDGE, NEW JERSEY Woodbridge. N. J. WII.I-IAM I.YBECK, . 93 We Also Stock Motorcycle and Bicycle Tires and Tubes TRUCION6 . EXCAVATING Secretary. Tn hfi advertised Arirtl 7th and TOP SOIL . . SAND . . FILL F. B.—4m-7.H. Phone, Woodbrldge'S-Wlfl April 14th. 1939. in the Fords Beacon.