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Kenyon Collegian College Archives Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange The Kenyon Collegian College Archives 1-25-1996 Kenyon Collegian - January 25, 1996 Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation "Kenyon Collegian - January 25, 1996" (1996). The Kenyon Collegian. 492. This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the College Archives at Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Kenyon Collegian by an authorized administrator of Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange. For more information, please contact [email protected]. -'\""'f" :iihl' t~l'mll1ttQtllllrnll1ll (,:e) ) , . - ~~~~ Volume cxxm, Number 11 Established 1856 Thursday, Jan. 25, 1996 ARA closes The Shoppes Red Door Cafe opening approaches By Steve Lannen UWedidacost·analysisoITbe have been subsidized with money News Editor Sboppes in general. We did some frOm. the board plan that each stu- break-even percenlages. and we dent is required lo purchase, but Aftet _g The Shoppes found Ibat we would almost have lbat was DOt coosidered a viable become a detivtty-ooly opetatioo to triple sales to break even." says option. Says Bradley, "The evi- early last semeslet in an ec:ooomic ARAMARKFoodSeMcesDire<- dence presented to us iDdicated struggle to survive, studenrs were 1m J. Ross Garrism. Conservative that there are not many people de- informed of tbe nighttime pizza estimate, pit The Shoppes 1..... manding Ibe product." Bradley operaIioo's dealb 00 the fusI day for the first semester al Ova' $1000 indicated Iba1 be would be williog of classes afterreturning fnm win· a week. to review the decision if eoougb ""break. Garrison. woo is respoosible ,lUdenlS made k known that !bey AlWeticeveotcoocessioos.tbe to ARAMARK. Inc... well as to still wanted The Sboppes service, catering servtce and The Sboppes Kenyon for balancing abudget and underlItandinglhal_andmooey nighttime service are managed by making aprofit took IbJs informa- wouldhave to bediverted from the ARAMARK, Inc., whichalsoruos tion 10 Dean 01 SlUdeulS Craig For more information the Peirce and GunddiDing 0pera- Bradley and Associate Dean of tions. Of lbe tbree ventures. The SlUdenlS Chetyl Stoele lOasI; their on IIu closing of Tlu Sboppeswas considered the weak- pe:nnissioD to disc<lJtinue the fail- Shopp,s, see page six. est of the group. iDg business. The Sboppes could At a special preview on Wednesday night. seniors Makiedab Messam and Courtney Car_ practice preparing colIeedrinks aI Provost and dean searches commence the RedDoor Cafe. The ootTeeboose will opeo 10the public al7:3O a.m. on Monday. For more iofonnalioo. see the article on page 4. By MaUbew Brenner College or Arts and Sciences althe out by Professor of Religion 'News .Aislstant"\i .. University of Oregoo. woo win DonaldRogan,beadoftbeDeaoof speak Feb 26. and 27. Students search committee, Ihe Princeton Review selected Searcbes for a new Provost The previous IXOvost, James deaD of studen15 coordinaIes: "stu· and new dean of studeols are un- Guntoo. left after less lbao a year. dent programs and activities, derway. wilb nrminalioos foc the "The cbaIlenges be _ academic bousing and supplXt ser- .to give prep exam courses positioosexpectedsomelimeiDtbe bere were DOt wbal be experienced vices. student housing services, By Gianna Maio eral factors, DalDely cost and spring. at LelUgb," LenIZ explained. "At a disciptinary peocedares career ManagIng Edilor MCAT availability:' The provost search will be university,aprovas'bastheability de>elnpnent.mullicul__ -- Kevin Aepli '96. student bigbligbled by _ and pre- 10build progtlllllS Ill<lR: and build student bealihandCOUDSdinli: SCI'- Student COUDcil voted 00 counciJ __ t waspn:pared1O sentations given by the candidaIes more activilies. At asmall college. vices and thealbleticdepartmenL" '",bich company will provide prep make. decision with me adviceof in tile coming weeks. tbere is a more inleDSe focus." 1be dean of students reports to tbe : exam courses this coming semes- Student Cooncil members. Aep1I ."Eacb candi_ will otTer a Professor of HIsIOry Reed president. tel' at lbeir Jao. 21 meeting. The bad beeoCOO'municaliDgwitb both public lecblre or presentation in Browning, a former provost of The position of dean of stu- votewas 12-1 iDfavorofPriDceloo PrIncelotlRevlewandKaplan ..... his or her academic field." ex- Keayon College, explaioed bis dents officially opeo' July I, and Review nver Kaplan. resentatives for quite some time plained Mcllvaine Professor of feelings about tile job of provost Ibedead1ineforapplicalionsisFeb. I StudeDtCouocilwasgiveutbe and asked boIb companies 10sub- Englisb Perry Lena, bead nf !be aDdtllesearcbforanewprovost .... 26. responsibility of making the deci- mi. written proposal dnriDg the search coounittee. found being provost a challenging, The members of the search siooafterPresidentRobertA.Oden winter break. Robert Marks. a pofessor of iDleresting,lime-consumingjob .• coounitteefortbedeanofstudents approved Campus Senate's ~ The choice of Princeton Re- history atWhiltierCollege and one am cooftdent that tile person woo are: Student Council President posal beflX'e tbe wiDter break. view was based on factors of four candidales for the positioo, is chosen will be very talented and Kevin Aepli, '96, Head Football Odeo said be appoved Or lbe iDcluding Ibose recoounended by spoke yesterday and today. tbereforeausefulassistanttoPresi· Coach and Physical Education In- request from Seoale "because of Senateandadditional_. The The other candidates are: Jen- dent Oden as Kenyoo moves into structor Vince Arduini, Amy tbe care and iDle1ligence and Ih<x'- prices fc;wpreparatory courses for nifer Warlick. the Associale Dean tbe 21st century," be said Fostel, '96; Director of Intema- oughness with wbicb they theGraduateManagementAdmis- of the College of Arts and Letters Tbe provost, according to tiooal Education Barbara Hamlet, discussed Ibis lssue and tben made sionTest,LawScboolAdmiHions at NOIre Dame University, woo Lentz, is tbe "chief academic of· Dean of Academic Affairs Liz , a recommeodatioo characterized Test and Graduate Record Exam wiD speak Feb. 7 and eitber Feb: 6 rICa'. He is tbepersoo in chargeof Keeney, Assistant Professor of by the same care. intelligence and were equal for both canpanies. or 8: Katherine Will, Associate the process of faculty evalnation, Chemistry Rosemary Marusal:, Ib<Jmngbness." The issue of pro. However, Princeton review AcademicDean at Augustana Col- tenore and promoIion, and perfor- Kale Masiey '98; Professor of fessionaleuminatioopreparatory charges $945 forthe Medical CoI- . lege, wbo will speak Feb. 20 and mance reviews. He must be an Spanisb Linda Metzler, Matt courses is ". vexing iss..:: and one lege Admissioos Test (MCAl) 21; and Paul Armstrong, Associ- exemplary facully member." Mulloy '96, and Associate Prafes- i V«Y typically s1K1'OUDdedby boIb ",bile Kap1an <barges ooIy $825. , ate Dean of the Humanities for the According to an e-mail sent SO< nfEnglish Timolby SbutL passion and by directly opposing However, Princeton Review bas positioos." be added. guaranteedtoofffl'anMCATJWe- Campu, Senate decided aI paraIDry' course Ibis semester for their first meeting of the snnestt"Z !be MCAT 00 April 20, wbich wc'UreallybeoncampusfuUblast. to put the issue in dJe baDds of Kaplan was unable to g_ I loot as it oot exclusively as an I StudeoI.Couocil.Acca'diD81OSeo- Willi • class of four to seven UJlPllIlU!Dty for US, but also for "'" 0J.Cbalr Brian M..... '9g, -.s, Princeton ReYiew wiD Kenyon's annual ~wcek oIbersinlbatlbesetwogroupscao "SeDate advised tbe dec:ision discounl $50 per student _ rush period began Monday, as aU belpnthetKenyonslUdeulSlO1earn _lateinlo_oo ...- ~eCOURSES ptJIf ICWII eigbt fralemities aDd bolb sorori- about ourcu1lw"e. I loot forward 10 lies commenced tile scbedule of an eventful year." activities inteDded to entice fllSt- This year's rusb will be over- "'cather this Weekt'nd year and other ,1uden1S 10join the seen by !be Greek Cooncil, IbJs «ganizaIioos. FnIlowing the weeks year beaded by president Man ~:OccasiODaI,_orfreezingrain.dumglng1tlmlDiD!be Mulloy '96, a uf the Delta of rush, inteJested students will be mem\>e< afternooo. IIigb 35 - 40. allOWed 10 pledge 10 a maximum Tau Delta _ty. The COlIIICil orIbree IiaIemities wilb wbicb they is respoosible for reguIatiDg rusb. SaDu:llal: Chance of snow; low in teens, bigbs 25 - :lO "'DIIId like 10be<ome alIdialed. activides to eDSUI'e tbal all provi- Thijyear>.rushis bigbligb1l:d sions 01 the rush weeIt rules, as SJmdaI: Putlr cloudy. Low 10 - IS, biBb 20·25. by the addition of two new Drgam. ondined in the studeIlI ~ zations - NIA and Brothers ~e RUSH page leW" 2 lJIlt Jl.tnpon (:ont!lian OPINION ThursJiiY. Jan. 25, 1996 Letter to the editors --- Dear Editon: enough relevant detail in the fonn ofaoocdotes, examples, tesIimooy, NOMINATIONS SOUGHTRlR and/or daIa to allow tbe sele<:tioD TIlE lRUSlEE AWARDS RlR committee to make a judgment DISTINGUISHED lEACHING about, the qualifications and Each year two members of the strengths of the candidate. The ------- Kenyon faculty are chosen as re- selection committee looks f(X evi- CipieDts aCtbe Trustee Awards for dence of, the capacity of a Distinguished Teaching, one as a nominee's reaching to make a dif- juniotfacultymember(tenocfewer ference or an impact. Letters may years on the faculty) and one as a be submitted by students, by senior faculty
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