Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation BMTC Central Office : : Public Relations Office : : Bengaluru – 560 027 Website: E-mail:
[email protected] Helpline.080-22483777 No. BMTC/CO/PRO/ 519 /20 20-21 Date: 24/02/2021 “PRESS RELEASE” Sub: Issuance of Monthly passes -reg. ***** BMTC is issuing monthly passes at a discount rate aaccordingccording to calendar months for the benefit of public passengers, in which passengers are allowed for unlunlimitedimited travel. Steps have been taken to issue the March -2021 monthly passes from 25.02.2021. Further, for quick and easy availability of monthly passespasses the following measures are been initiated. At presen t BMTC is issuing monthly passes at 65 places incluincludingding TTMCsTTMCs and bus stand, all 200 Bengaluru One Centers, 17 privateprivate agencies, BMTC is opening 48 new pass counters For the benefit of passengers passes will be issued throughthrough Sarathy vehicles in 12 bus stands on Feb-27th , 28th & March 1st ,2nd. The list of places where monthly passes issued is appendeappendedd herewith the letter. Sd/- Public Relations Officer To The Editors, Electronic & Print Media/FM Radio Channels , with a request to Telecast/Publish/ Broadcast the above Press release in your esteemed mediamedia for the information of the travelling public . BMTC Central Office, PRO Department, 2 nd Floor, Shanthinagar TTMC, B ’l uru -27 Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation BMTC Central Office : : Public Relations Office : : Bengaluru – 560 027 Website: E-mail: