Spring/Summer 2021
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North Carolina 2020 yielding farmer from above the lakes was Joel B. Rivers (5,333 lb/acre over 118 VOL. 69 No. 2 State Peanut Production acres). Below the lakes, Colt Farms, Inc./ Champions B.C. Farms of South Carolina, Inc. had Spring/Summer the highest farm yield (6,714 lb/acre over 736 acres). In addition to personalized 2021 award plaques, the two top yielding farm- ers were each gifted a pallet of peanut seed for use in the 2021 crop year in part- nership with Birdsong Peanuts in Fairfax, South Carolina and Rogers Brothers Pea- nuts in Hartsville, South Carolina. Virginia 2020 The 2020 North Carolina Peanut Yield State Peanut Production Winner is Earl White and Sons of Hert- ford County. Earl and his son Jr. pro- Champions duced 5,828 pounds per acre on 350 acres. Earl, a longtime resident of Hertford County has been farming since he was 13 years old. This year the Whites were the only farm in the state to accumulate yield and acreage points of 60 or more. Con- gratulations to Earl and Jr. White. South Carolina 2020 State Peanut Production Champions Greg and Seth Edwards, who farm in the Little Texas community of Southampton County, are the 2020 peanut yield cham- pions. They produced 5749 pounds per acre on 260.6 acres. This is the third time in the last four years that Greg and Seth have been the Virginia champions. The father and son operation raises most- ly peanuts and cotton along with some soybeans and corn. Greg, who began farming on his own in 1985, grew peanuts until 2002 but stopped when the peanut The South Carolina Peanut Yield Contest program changed. He resumed growing for 2020 is pleased to recognize five farm- them again along with Seth in 2016. facebook.com/VCPPromotions ers for total farm peanut production above Seth, a fire fighter, also farms some on his 5,000 lb/acre: James Hunt Bookhart, Colt own. The two represent the 4th and 5th Farms, Inc./B.C. Farms of South Carolina, generations of their family to farm. They twitter.com/VCPPromotions Inc., Delano Kneece & Son, Inc., Joel B. are active in community and agricultural Rivers, and Triple G Farms, LLC. The top organizations, including the Farm Bureau. instagram.com/powerofpeanuts/ 1 Virginia Carolinas Peanut Promotions s I mentioned in the last serves as the promotion/market A issue, I will be retiring development organization for North July 31 of this year. So this will Carolina be my last Sutter Sez column. At South Carolina the end of one’s career it seems and Virginia that looking back is a meaningful Peanut Grower Associations. activity. I went to the file of past Virginia Carolina Peanut News and pulled one from 1957, one from 1989 and one from 2002. In 1957 the Association had been SUTTER SAID in existence for four years and Robert R. Sutter For the Executive Director was Joe Chief Executive Officer subscriptions, Sugg. Joe’s column was titled North Carolina advertising information Joe Sez. In 1989 the Executive Peanut Growers Association and to submit articles Director was Fleet Sugg, whose contact: column was entitled Fleet Sez. same thing at every county pro- So when I was hired in 1993 I duction meeting over the past 27 Marianne Catalano chose an original title for my col- years. Executive Director umn, Sutter Sez. I realize there is Virginia Carolinas Peanut a tradition going here, so for my Joe also sez “There is one general Promotions last attempt at saying something rule, regardless of the outlook for relevant, I changed the title to the market, and that is it’s neces- phone: Sutter Said. sary to do a good job in stack- 252-459-9977 ing ...... of your peanuts.” Now By July there will be a new CEO that has changed. In the column email: of the Association. I don’t know adjacent to Joe’s, J.W. Dicken’s [email protected] if the “Sez” tradition will be con- column is titled Cure Peanuts Cor- tinued, but I’m very sure the in- rectly or Don’t Try It. We don’t stack peanuts anymore but we are Virginia Carolinas Peanut formative CEO column will be in still concerned with correctly dry- Promotions each issue. ing the peanuts. P.O. Box 8 So what was Joe saying back in Nashville, NC 27856 In this 1957 issue there is an ad for 1957. He calls attention to the Manager’s report for the Peanut the Goodrich two row Digger. Henry Goodrich, a direct descend- Growers Marketing Association and how important their services ant of the inventor, is still living Visit Us At and farming peanuts on the www.aboutpeanuts.com were. Over the past 8 decades Womack Lee, Harry Marks and Goodrich farm. There were also now Dell Cotton made sure that ads for Frick peanut picker, Co- VC peanut farmers marketed lumbian peanut Company, Ben- their peanuts for the highest thall peanut picker and bagger and price. peanut Combine and Lilliston Im- plement Company. Joe “urged all growers to be very careful about planning their dig- On the front page of the fall 1989 ging operations to allow the pea- issue of VC Peanut News, leaders nuts to stay in the ground until of the VC Peanut industry were they are fully matured.....I be- featured. Lennie Hinton, Jr. was lieve from my observation that NCPGA president, John Massy more peanuts are dug too early Brock, Jr. was Virginia Peanut than are dug too late.” Some Growers President and Wayne things never change. I know I Barnes was Chair of the Virginia have heard Dr. Jordan say the Peanut Board. 2 Fleet writes that “155,000 acres of replaced the peanut import re- en a leadership role in the associa- peanuts were planted in North Car- striction with a tariff rate quota, tion over the past 68 years. We are olina that year and producers with the tariff starting at 35 cents lucky to have one of the finest re- yielded 2,435 pounds per acre. He per pound and reducing to 0 after search institutions in the world, writes that Research and Extension 6 years. This put peanut quota on North Carolina State University, Committee Chair, Everett Byrd a collision course with market as a partner. Over the past 28 years and the Committee allocated forces. This battle would reach a North Carolina members of Con- $66,300 to research at NCSU. Ev- conclusion in the 2002 Farm Bill. gress from both parties have been erett’s son Wade and grandson responsive to the needs of Agricul- Robert are now active peanut In my column in the fall 2002 ture during the writing of Farm farmers in Bladen County. Another issue of VC Peanut News I write Bills and the years in between. topic covered is the 1990 Farm “The peanut program that has That has allowed success in pro- Bill and the General Agreement of been the backbone for the agri- tecting the interests of peanut Tariffs and Trade (GATT). As it cultural economy since 1938 was farmers. turns out, that was the beginning of replaced with a new program. the end of the Peanut Quota Pro- The phrase most often used for I know that NCPGA is well pre- gram. It was a little over a decade this new program is market ori- pared for a new CEO. The Board later when things change drastical- ented. What this really means is has ensured the association is ly and the quota is eliminated. producers will be at the mercy of sound financially. VCPP is well the market.” Quota owners were positioned to promote peanuts. The issue also included an article bought out of the quota system at The Peanut Team at NCSU is out- about $4,532,000 in USDA fund- the rate of 55 cents per pound of standing and will move profitable ing for Aflatoxin research. Thirty- quota owned in 2001. The new peanut production forward. two years later we have not solved peanut program looked like corn, the problem. which meant it was a covered So, I am sad to be leaving a won- commodity with a target price derful group of people, but I am Fleet also writes that “all peanut and a loan rate. very optimistic about the future of growers had been informed that the North Carolina Peanut Grow- VC shellers would not purchase Since NC Peanut farmers would ers Association. The Board is Kylar treated peanuts.” Producers be at the mercy of the market, working very hard to select the lost the use of this effective growth Virginia Carolina Peanut Promo- best candidate to be the new CEO. regulator because the growth regu- tions, under the leadership of It is hoped that that person will be lator Alar, which was used in Ap- Betsy Owens, doubled efforts to on board by June. ples was banned. Neither were promote peanuts. Some new shown to cause cancer, but lost the sponsorship included minor The future of the North Carolina public relations battle. league baseball in NC, Traffic Peanut Growers Association is reports in Raleigh and the Triad, brightened by its past. I know In November of 1993 I became spots on the John Boy and Billy more success is to come. Chief Executive Officer of the network, and March of Dimes. North Carolina Peanut Growers We also sponsored Wolfpack and Association. So I wrote my first TarHeel baseball. Sutter Sez for the winter 1994 is- sue of the VC Peanut News.