VOICETHE MAGAZINE OF CHARLOTTE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL - 2010-11 n ISSUE 2 WIZARD OFOZ , MIDDLE SCHOOLMUSICAL 60 CHAR LOT TE C E C L H E B R 1950-2010 R I A S T T I I N A G N 6 0 S Y C E A H R O S O O F L EX CEL LENCE SENIOR STAFF Head of School Barry Giller Chief Financial Officer Terry Efird Lower School Principal Thomas Tuttle Middle School Principal Amanda Poole Upper School Principal Allen Nielsen Director of Admissions Cathie Broocks Director of Athletics Tom Jamerson Director of Communications Laura Goodyear Director of Development George Courtney Director of Fine Arts Michelle Long Director of Human Resources Shannon Edwards Send story ideas to
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[email protected] THE MAGAZINE OF CHARLOTTE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL 2010-11 n ISSUE 2 CONTENTS FEATURES 2 LEAVING A LEGACY Twenty-four students of alumni and eight alumni employees make up the Charlotte Christian community. 6 AN AFRICAN adveNTURE Second grade teacher Jerri Lotze was blessed with a unique teaching trip to the International School of Nairobi. 8 growing tHe wReStLing progRAM New varsity wrestling coach provides opportunities for younger students to experience the sport. 10 JUniOR PeRFORMS At CARnegie HALL Bass clarinet student honored with performance at prestigious venue. 13 nAtiOnAL teacheRSCOUnt campaign Upper school teacher Chad Fair joins Stephen Curry (‘06) in national campaign to promote the teaching prefession. 5 ACADEMICS 7 ATHLETICS 9 FiNE ARTS 11 SPiRitual LiFe & SeRviCe 13 COMMUNITY 15 CAMPUS nOtAbLeS 19 development PHOtO CReDitS Accolade Staff Communications Staff Keith Barraclough Stan Craddock LAMB LOONIES The Voice is printed in color this year thanks to Jeff buseick and United Printing.