Busy awareness UAM tabs announces new weekend women’s basketball, softball coaches 1B 1C ADVANCE-MONTICELLONIAN 75¢ WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 2019 SERVING DREW COUNTY SINCE 1870 LOCAL GRADUATES SEE THE FIRST GLIMPSE INTO THEIR FUTURES Photos by Melissa Orrell/Advance-Monticellonian END OF THE BEGINNING 2019 graduates from Drew Central (left) and Monticello high schools donned their cap and gowns last week. Drew Cen- tral held its commencement ceremony last Friday at the Drew Central Gym- nasium, while Monticello handed out diplomas Tuesday at Dan Coston Field House. Top: Seventy-one students participated in the Drew Central gradua- tion while Monticello had 140. Bottom: Students at both schools enjoy the accomplishments. PRESERVING HISTORY City, county CASA volunteers holiday closings In observance of Memo- rial Day on Monday, the support children city of Monticello, Drew County and the state of Ar- kansas will all close their BY MELISSA ORRELL offi ces.
[email protected] Part four • In the city: The transfer station will be closed. Mon- For children who experience As part of bringing day’s trash route will run on the devastating trauma of being awareness to Foster Care Wednesday. separated from their families in Arkansas, the Ad- • In the county: The court- and find themselves in the unfa- vance-Monticellonian is house, road department miliar and often confusing legal highlighting the agencies and landfi ll will be closed. system, there is a team of volun- who support our children County trash will not be teers who dedicate their time to in Foster Care. Each week picked up on Monday.