Plants of Vallecito Creek, E of Durango

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Plants of Vallecito Creek, E of Durango Plants of Vallecito Creek, E of Durango [La Plata Co(s), Colorado] Observed on CONPS fieldtrip, 7/15/1995 to 7/15/1995 Leader(s): Sandy Friedley; Recorder(s); Sandy Freidley, Leslie Stewart Scientific Name Synonym Common Name Aceraceae Maple 1. Acer glabrum Mt. maple Alsinaceae (formerly in Caryophyllaceae) Chickweed 2. Eremogone fendleri (Arenaria fendleri) Fendler sandwort Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Parsley 3. Heracleum sphondylium ssp. (H. lanatum) Cow parsnip montanum Apocynaceae Dogbane 4. Apocynum cannabinum Indian hemp, dogbane Aspidiaceae (formerly in Polypodiaceae) Shieldfern 5. Dryopteris filix-mas Male fern Aspleniaceae (formerly in Polypodiaceae) Spleenwort 6. Asplenium trichomanes Maidenhair spleenwort Asteraceae (Compositae) Sunflower 7. Achillea lanulosa (A. millefolium ssp. lanulosa) Yarrow 8. Ageratina herbacea (Eupatorium herbaceum) 9. Anaphalis margaritacea Pearly everlasting 10. Antennaria marginata pussytoes 11. Chlorocrepis albiflora (Hieracium albiflorum) White-flowered hieracium 12. Erigeron flagellaris Whiplash erigeron 13. Erigeron leiomerus Rock-slide daisy 14. Erigeron speciosus Aspen daisy 15. Herrickia horrida 16. Packera neomexicana (Senecio mutabilis, S. neomexicanus) 17. Taraxacum officinale Common dandelion 18. Tragopogon dubius ssp. major Salsify, Oysterplant Berberidaceae Barberry 19. Mahonia repens Oregon-grape, holly-grape Boraginaceae Borage 20. Lithospermum multiflorum Many-flowered Puccoon 21. Mertensia franciscana Chiming bells, bluebells Campanulaceae Bellflower 22. Campanula rotundifolia Common harebell Caprifoliaceae Honeysuckle 23. Distegia involucrata (Lonicera involucrata) Bush honeysuckle 24. Sambucus microbotrys (S. racemosa ssp. pubens) Red elderberry Convallariaceae (formerly in Liliaceae) Mayflower 25. Maianthemum amplexicaule (Smilicina racemosa var. amplexicaulis) False Solomon's seal Cornaceae Dogwood 26. Swida sericea (Cornus stolonifera) Red-osier Southwest Chapter trip to visit plant communities of Vallecito Creek. Vallecito Creek, E of Durango - Jul 15, 1995 to Jul 15, 1995 Scientific Name Synonym Common Name Crassulaceae Stonecrop 27. Amerosedum lanceolatum (Sedum lanceolatum) Stonecrop Cryptogrammaceae Rock Brake 28. Cryptogramma acrostichoides Rock Brake Dryopteridaceae (formerly in Polypodiaceae , Athyriaceae) Wood fern 29. Cystopteris fragilis Brittle-fern Ericaceae Heath 30. Vaccinium myrtillus ssp. Blueberry, Rocky Mt. whortleberry oreophilum Fagaceae Oak 31. Quercus gambellii Gambel oak Gentianaceae Gentian 32. Gentianella acuta (G. amarella var. acuta) Little gentian Geraniaceae Geranium 33. Erodium cicutarium Storksbill, cranebill 34. Geranium caespitosum (G. fremontii) James geranium 35. Geranium richardsonii White geranium Grossulariaceae Currant/Gooseberry 36. Ribes inerme Gooseberry Helleboraceae (formerly in Ranunculaceae) Hellebore 37. Actea rubra ssp. arguta (A. arguta) Baneberry 38. Aquilegia elegantula Red columbine 39. Aquilegia elegantula Red columbine Hypolepidaceae (Dennstaedtiaceae) Bracken 40. Pteridium aquilinum ssp. (P. aquilinum var. pubescens) Bracken lanuginosum Lamiaceae Mint 41. Agastache pallidiflora Giant hyssop Malvaceae Mallow 42. Malva neglecta Cheeseweed Monotropaceae (formerly in Ericaceae) Pinesap 43. Pterospora andromedia Pinedrops Onagraceae Evening-primrose 44. Epilobium hornemannii Hornemann's willowherb 45. Oenothera elata (O. hookeri) Hooker evening primrose Orchidaceae Orchid 46. Corallorhiza maculata Spotted coralroot 47. Corallorhiza striata Striped coralroot 48. Goodyera oblongifolia Rattlesnake plantain Oxalidaceae Woodsorrel 49. Oxalis violacea Woodsorrel Pinaceae Pine 50. Abies concolor White fir 51. Picea engelmannii Engelmann spruce 52. Picea pungens Colorado blue spruce 53. Pinus ponderosa ssp. Ponderosa pine scopulorum 54. Pinus strobiformis Mexican white pine -2- Vallecito Creek, E of Durango - Jul 15, 1995 to Jul 15, 1995 Scientific Name Synonym Common Name Poaceae (Gramineae) Grass 55. Agrostis scabra (A. hyemalis) Ticklegrass 56. Anisantha tectorum (Bromus tectorum) Cheatgrass 57. Bromopsis canadensis (Bromus ciliatus, B. richardsonis) Fringed brome 58. Bromopsis lanatipes (Bromus anomalous var. ) Nodding brome 59. Dactylis glomerata Orchardgrass 60. Dicanthelium oligosnathes var. (Panicum scribnerianum) scribnerianum 61. Elymus glaucus Blue wild rye 62. Elymus trachycaulus (Agropyron trachycaulon) Wild rye, slender wheatgrass 63. Melica porteri Oniongrass 64. Muhlenbergia montana Mountain muhly 65. Oryzopsis asperifolia Rough-leaved ricegrass 66. Poa fendleriana Muttongrass 67. Poa pratensis Kentucky bluegrass 68. Trisetum spicatum Spike trisetum Polygonaceae Buckwheat 69. Acetosella vulgaris (Rumex acetosella) Sheep sorrel Polypodiaceae Fern 70. Polypodium hesperium Polypody Primulaceae Primrose 71. Androsace septentrionalis Northern rock primrose Pteridaceae (formerly in Polypodiaceae) Maidenhair fern 72. Cheilanthes feei Slender lip fern Pyrolaceae (fomerly in Ericaceae) Wintergreen 73. Pyrola rotundifolia ssp. (P. asarifolia) Swamp wintergreen asarifolia Rhamnaceae Buckthorn 74. Ceanothus fendleri Buckbrush Rosaceae Rose 75. Amelanchier alnifolia (A. pumila) Serviceberry, common shadbush 76. Fragaria vesca ssp. bracteata (F. americana) Wild strawberry 77. Fragaria virginiana ssp. glauca (F. ovalis) Wild strawberry 78. Padus virginiana ssp. (Prunus virginiana var. melanocarpa) Chokecherry melanocarpa 79. Rubacer parviflorum (Rubus parviflorus) Thimbleberry Salicaceae Willow 80. Populus angustifolius Narrowleaf cottonwood 81. Populus tremuloides Aspen 82. Salix monticola Willow 83. Salix scouleriana Saxifragaceae Saxifrage 84. Ciliaria austromontana (Saxifraga bronchialis var. austromontana) Spotted saxifrage 85. Heuchera parvifolia Common alum-root Scrophulariaceae Figwort 86. Scrophularia lanceolata Figwort, bunny-in-the-grass Thalictraceae (formerly in Ranunculaceae) Meadowrue 87. Thalictrum fendleri Meadow-rue -3- Vallecito Creek, E of Durango - Jul 15, 1995 to Jul 15, 1995 Scientific Name Synonym Common Name Woodsiaceae (formerly in Polypodiaceae) Woodsia 88. Woodsia neomexicana -4-.
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