Continued Fractions: Introduction and Applications
PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROMAN NUMBER THEORY ASSOCIATION Volume 2, Number 1, March 2017, pages 61-81 Michel Waldschmidt Continued Fractions: Introduction and Applications written by Carlo Sanna The continued fraction expansion of a real number x is a very efficient process for finding the best rational approximations of x. Moreover, continued fractions are a very versatile tool for solving problems related with movements involving two different periods. This situation occurs both in theoretical questions of number theory, complex analysis, dy- namical systems... as well as in more practical questions related with calendars, gears, music... We will see some of these applications. 1 The algorithm of continued fractions Given a real number x, there exist an unique integer bxc, called the integral part of x, and an unique real fxg 2 [0; 1[, called the fractional part of x, such that x = bxc + fxg: If x is not an integer, then fxg , 0 and setting x1 := 1=fxg we have 1 x = bxc + : x1 61 Again, if x1 is not an integer, then fx1g , 0 and setting x2 := 1=fx1g we get 1 x = bxc + : 1 bx1c + x2 This process stops if for some i it occurs fxi g = 0, otherwise it continues forever. Writing a0 := bxc and ai = bxic for i ≥ 1, we obtain the so- called continued fraction expansion of x: 1 x = a + ; 0 1 a + 1 1 a2 + : : a3 + : which from now on we will write with the more succinct notation x = [a0; a1; a2; a3;:::]: The integers a0; a1;::: are called partial quotients of the continued fraction of x, while the rational numbers pk := [a0; a1; a2;:::; ak] qk are called convergents.
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